Commuter Chronical Final

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ommuterr Ramen
Reinventing the

college classic with

four easy recipes
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Vol. 7, Issue 2 Hamline University Winter 2007

Parking at Hamline: bumper to bumper

By Jennifer Fairbanks
The only benefit to having Talking Back:
an 8 a.m. class is beating out
the larger Hamline commu-
Snow plow policies
nity to a highly coveted park- ineffective
ing spot. Anyone who arrives By Jennifer Fairbanks
to the campus for classes To me, there’s nothing
after 10 a.m. better either live that can add to the parking
near campus or be skilled in problems at Hamline Uni-
parallel parking because op- versity quite like snow. Not
tions for parking are limited only does snow make eve-
and scarce. rything in the parking lots
In contrast, Hamline's slippery and slushy, but
neighboring University, St. when it doesn’t get plowed
Thomas, has plans to start very well the number of
building a parking ramp in Photo by Jennifer Fairbanks accessible parking lots can
the spring of 2009 to create a The Drew parking lot filled to capacity on a typical weekday. be cut down.
significant increase in parking Hoffman. "It is too early in ing weekends, and the week- When a parking lot is
spaces for their students. the process to tell you how days before 8 a.m. and after plowed, the areas around
Although a parking ramp we will be addressing the 4 p.m. That is also when most the light posts and the
could help students find a issue." students don't have classes. dividers commonly get
parking space, avoid tickets While Hamline offers These are all factors that stu- snow packed around them.
for illegal parking, and maybe parking permits from a lot- dents find problematic. The parking spots around
even help some commuter tery based system, the stu- "We pay $130 for parking these problem areas then
students make it to class on dents who win the permits fees and therefore we should get either narrowed or
time, whether or not Hamline must still pay the $130 fee. be guaranteed a parking spot completely eliminated.
plans to invest in one is still Even if the student wins a on campus, not three blocks Unless of course you like
unclear. permit and pays the fee, away on a city street," said, parking in a spot that has
"We are always looking at there is still no guarantee Hamline residential Senior, three feet of packed up
improving the parking situa- that they'll get a parking Koome Kirimi. snow on one side.
tion," said, the Director of spot. The good news is that
Safety and Security, Shirleen permits are not required dur-
PARK: continued on page 4 TALK: continued on page 4

A day in the life New location The commuting Looking to get

of a commuter breathes life into vs. on-campus more involved at
student commuter lounge life school?
Page 2 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6

Vol. 7, Issue 2 Commuter Chronicle: Hamline University Winter 2007

A Day in the Life:

Hamline commuter student Caroline Joseph
opens up her dairy and recounts a memorable
experience riding public transportation.
I was once diagnosed with ticket and took the empty seat me, motionless for most of our body. I wondered how we will
hyper germaphobia- next to the window (an oppor- ride, briefly broke her gaze ever manage global warming,
claustrophobia-strangerisis. tunity to grovel at the mocking away from the adjacent win- the sky-rocketing gas prices
This complicated medical con- cars humming nearby). dow, turned to me and said, and weaning America off its
dition, in layman’s terms, is an Fate was left up to God and “See all those cars, there’s only
dependence on foreign oil if
acute fear of riding the public we’re still practicing the every
bus. You see, school was finally (wo)man for his/her self doc-
wrapping up for the semester trine?
and I anxiously awaited the If ignorance is bliss than
days until I sashayed my way knowledge must surely be guilt
off campus to embark on my because in that moment I
much anticipated (and highly sulked over embarrassed at my
earned) leisurely winter break. own negligent behavior. And I
Only weeks before my campus no doubt was the worst kind of
exit grandeur, I received the offender… the kind that drove
crushing news that I would no twenty yards to the mailbox
longer be clawing my way just to fetch the mail. Return-
through rush-hour traffic while ing back home that day I
reclined in a temperature con- missed my connecting bus
trolled car like the rest of you which coincidentally was the
good people. Instead, I would last one on route for the next
be joining the congested popu- two hours. My sidewalk super-
lation of thousands who dar- model strut quickly collapsed
ingly opt to ride Minnesota’s into a painful trudge as I was
Metro Transit system. forced to walk the fifteen
WARNING: side effects to blocks to my house in last
this kind of news may be, but week’s treacherous evening
are not limited to, shortness of snowstorm no less. God surely
breath from the millions of collected his retribution from
polluted and infectious air par- me that day.
ticles swirling around the bus , Against the Arctic wind,
severe twitching of the arm beating sleet, snow, and cold I
while reluctantly inserting a managed to arrive home just in
life’s savings of $2.75 into the time to nurse my frost bite and
bottomless belly of the steel ward off the imposing symp-
beast, and tightening of the toms of hypothermia. Regard-
muscles while bracing to be less of my thawing exterior, I
thrown about like Raggedy sure felt all warm and toasty
Ann after each Grand Canyon- inside because I had made a
Tired of dealing with this traffic everyday? There’s a solution.
esque pothole and sharp right contribution to the “green
turn. the bus driver who started eas- one person riding in all of movement” and erased some
On that fateful Monday ing off the brakes: cue to reach them.” In a swift gesture to not of my own carbon imprint. I
morning I felt like I had gradu- for my brown paper breathing offend the woman, I followed had beat the system. Con-
ated to the first grade all over bag. “It’ll be fine” I chanted to her gaze back to the window quered “The Man.” Discovered
again— totting a lunch box and myself between inhales, “I’ll be and mimicked her interest. I the eighth wonder. I had rid-
backpack while propped up on there in no time.” began to count the cars we den the public bus!
the latest bejeweled shoe at …About an hour and a half passed on the highway. The The world seemed bound-
the bus stop. Holding back later I made a transformation, woman was right. The hun- less. Where couldn’t I go?!
tears this time, I swapped my a metamorphosis of sorts. A dreds of stalled vehicles were
pocket change for a transfer woman scrunched up next to all occupied by one single TRAFFIC: continued on page 5

Vol. 7, Issue 2 Commuter Chronicle: Hamline University Winter 2007

Is there such a st Lunch
a thing as too B r e ak

much ramen? Dinne e s sert

No—not when you’re a broke college student r D
who needs to stretch every dollar to the limit.
Check out these non-traditional ramen
recipes to spice up your life on a budget!

Breakfast Lunch
Saskatoon Ramen Easy Peanut Sauce Ramen
Ingredients: Ingredients:
• 1 package of chicken ramen (do not crush) • 1 package ramen noodles (throw away flavor packet)
• 2 small eggs, beaten • 1/3 cup natural peanut butter
• cheddar cheese, cut into small cubes • 1 Tsp. garlic powder
• bacon • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
• tomato • 2 tbsp. soy sauce
• green onion • 1 tsp. sugar
Boil ramen noodles via normal methods. Cook bacon to your • 1/3 cup water
desired crispness. Drain all water from the noodles. Chop • Sprinkle of cayenne to taste
bacon, cheese, tomato, and onions and place in skillet on (Sauce) Place the ingredients (except ramen) in a bowl. Stir
medium heat—stirring mixture well. Add eggs, and cook for well and microwave for 30 seconds.
a few minutes until eggs are done. Alternatively, cook the (Ramen) Cook the noodles like you normally do. When they
onions with the bacon to soften them up. are finished, strain the noodles until fairly dry. Pour in the
peanut sauce to taste.

Crunchy Ramen Salad Dessert
Ingredients: Simple Caramel Ramen
• 2 packages chicken ramen noodles Ingredients:
• cooked, cubed chicken breast • 1 package of ramen (flavor packet removed)
• 5-6 sliced green onions (or more to taste) • 1/2 cup butter
• chopped cilantro, to taste • 1/2 cup brown sugar
• slivered almonds • 1 tablespoon corn syrup
• sesame seeds Preheat the over to 300 degrees. Mix the butter, brown
• head of cabbage (Napa or Savoy) sugar and corn syrup in a pot, and heat on medium until it
• 1 stick butter starts to bubble and thicken, stirring often. When it gets to
• 1 bottle Asian-style salad dressing this point, remove from heat. Break up a pack of ramen and
Melt butter in large saucepan. Add crushed ramen noodles, add into the mixture until it is entirely coated. Pour the mix-
sesame seeds, slivered almonds. Toss with melted butter, ture onto a baking sheet and put it into the oven for 4 min-
sprinkle in soup seasoning packets. Cook in butter until nuts utes. Remove from the oven and let cool in the fridge or
and noodles get toasty. Toss cabbage, chicken, onions, and freezer.
cilantro with dressing. Add toasty mixture and toss again.
Reserve a little in the pan for sprinkling on top.
Compiled by Serri Graslie
Recipes courtesy of
Vol. 7, Issue 2 Commuter Chronicle: Hamline University Winter 2007

Commuter lounge settles into new home

By Serri Graslie "Others liked it before be-
Like the students it caters cause they had their own space
to, the commuter lounge has a without other (non-commuter)
history of being relatively tran- students using it," Hruza said.
sient on Hamline's campus. For the most part, how-
Earlier this year in Septem- ever, the move is considered
ber, the commuter lounge an upgrade by Hruza partly
moved from its old location on because the TV and furniture
the main floor of Drew Science are nicer and there are more
to a corner of the basement of computers available for com-
Bush Library. Though there muter students exclusively.
were many reasons for the But is anyone utilizing the
move, a primary one was so new space?
the Center for Career Develop- Maybe, maybe not. It's
ment (CDC) next door could hard to judge how many stu-
expand into the lounge's space dents use the lounge because
during their remodel. there is no one posted in the Photo by Jennifer Fairbanks
Another factor that center all the time. Popularity of the new commuter lounge remains to be seen.
prompted the lounge's move "There is a group of 15 that their way to class. The lounge campus […] (and) they aren't
was the relative inaccessibility use it for lunch and between also offers chances to win free really involved on campus,"
of the space because of its classes everyday," Hruza said. gas cards. she said.
rather odd location in the mid- "They know each other from But the center is just the Despite improvements, the
dle of a low-profile building doing the same thing in the old first planned step in a larger lounge's location is not set in
that has little student traffic lounge last year." movement to better incorpo- stone. As the campus expands
outside of class. Hruza guesses that num- rate commuter students in to and new plans for a student
Melissa Hruza, a junior who bers may increase in the eve- the Hamline campus. center are discussed, it is likely
works in the new commuter ning during night classes. Hruza is personally working that the center will move once
lounge, said although some To increase usage, Wendy on finding events to put on the again.
students were upset about the Burns of Student Activities has calendar in the lounge meant "Wendy Burns and Student
move, the space is now in a created events specifically for to inform students about ac- Activities are committed to
more central location that bet- commuter students that in- tivities on and around campus. doing all that they can to make
ter serves the majority of com- clude morning coffee and "Commuter students don't campus a better place for com-
muter students. breakfast as students make know what's going on around muter students," Hruza said.

PARK: continued from cover

TALK: continued from cover Kirimi says that if Hamline wants to increase
I very seldom see those plows was still there, but by then it had be- the University's Undergraduate population,
working in the parking lots though. come packed down into a slippery then they need to also increase the parking
The lanes in most of Hamline’s park- coating. spaces.
ing lots are pretty narrow as it is, and I understand that it may be hard to "Hamline needs a parking ramp badly, espe-
when your car is starting to fish-tail in plow the parking lots during the cially with the new strategic planning in place
the snow or spin-out, hitting another hours when most people have classes whereby they play to increase the number of
car becomes a scary and very possible (8am-4pm), but I still feel like the student up to 2,500 undergrads in the next two
situation. Turning out of or into the parking lots should be a major con- years." Kirimi said the students who take night
parking lots can also get tricky, since cern during winter. Those plows cer- classes are also in need of more parking lots
the plows never seem to take the tainly don’t have a problem plowing a because residential students take up most of
time to go around corners. walkway with people constantly the parking spots during the evenings.
This year, on the second day we crossing their path. So why don’t they Any plans for a parking ramp at Hamline are
had snow, there was a thick layer of it try to plow the parking lots more of- still vague and even if there were any plans set
in Parking Lot B at 8:30am when I ten? in stone, they most likely wouldn't be put into
arrived. When I left at 3pm, that layer motion until 2010.

Vol. 7, Issue 2 Commuter Chronicle: Hamline University Winter 2007

A Tale of Two Hamlines

“It was the best of times... it was the worst of times.”
Filling up the gas tank on a bi-weekly basis Close proximity to school facilities ($0)
($2.80/gallon) Close proximity to school events and club
Enduring rush hour traffic ($0) meetings ($0)
Circling the block repeatedly when looking Frequent dinning at Sorin, Klas and other
for a parking space ($0) nearby eateries ($1,500/semester)
Frequent tardiness ($0) Visitation rules ($0)
Watching I Love New York marathons in Community restrooms ($0)
the commuter lounge ($0) Waking up ten minutes before class
Independence… PRICELESS starts…PRICELESS

We weigh the pros and cons of commuting versus living on campus for you.

TRAFFIC: continued from page 2

With a pocket-size map and a two- bus has been a sobering and rewarding
hour limit on my transfer ticket I could experience for a few good reasons. I’ve
discover a whole new world (cue theme become more cost-efficient, more time
song from Aladdin). The Christian in me conscious, and more street savvy. I know
wanted to shout the gospel of public my city and how to get around in it. The
transportation from the roof tops. The bus lane is quite convenient; it’s the loop-
broke student in me hole for budging.
wanted to recycle used
‘Americans spend an There’s
no better seat in
transfer tickets for the world for people
$0.50 on Facebook. average of 50 watching. The pleasant
Either way I decided to minutes a day in and helpful bus drivers
do a little research on traffic and average with all their abundant
behalf of my target 900 hours total over knowledge are at your
audience. service. And for you
Americans spend
the span of a lifetime.’ students: the bus has
an average of 50 min- two stops on Hamline’s
utes a day in traffic and average of 900 campus. Here’s the kicker: ahh the luxury
hours total over the span of a lifetime ac- of spare time and hassle free mornings in
cording to Metro Transit. Likely 900 hours lieu of road rage, metered parking, speed-
alone and bored. Well, not really alone ing tickets, fender benders, etc, etc. Metro Transit operates all over the Cities.
considering the faux relationships we’ve A few extra coins buys a round trip
built with our AM/FM radio deejays in lieu fare to Anywhere, Minnesota and relieves For bus schedules and
of any real social interactions. And who some of the pressure off of your wallet
could be bored fiddling with the car gadg- and the ozone. In the meantime finish up more information about
ets, gizmos and hands off wireless what’s- the semester with a bang, and I’ll see you using public transport
its while inching through traffic. on the bus this spring. visit
Honestly the past few weeks riding the
Vol. 7, Issue 2 Commuter Chronicle: Hamline University Winter 2007

Hamline Orgs: At a Glance

FUSION Students Together Organizing Volunteer
Support network for multi-ethnic and multiracial Events (STOVE)
students; educates the community on political, cul- Coordinates student volunteer activities in the local
tural, and racial issues. community.
(612) 229-2892 (507) 459-0115

Hamline Outdoor Recreation Club Theta Chi

Plans activities such as rock climbing, winter camp- Founded on the ideals of academics, community ser-
ing, cross-country and downhill skiing, hiking and vice, and the principle of the “helping hand,” Theta
roller blading. Chi fraternity sponsors physical, social, and formal
activities for the Hamline community.
HU Entertainment/Activities Team (612) 730-0660
HEAT plans monthly all-campus events such as
Homecoming, dances, February Formal, and the End Where’s the Fun?! (WTF!?)
of the Year Party. With the Office of Student Activities, WTF?! pro-
(651) 788-2791 vides a variety of weekend activities.
(651) 523-2420
Students for Peace
Interfaith organization committed to active nonvio- What’s On The Weekend?! (WOW?!)
lence as a transforming way of life and as a means of A weekly email from the office of Student Activities
radical change. and Leadership Development that highlights a vari-
ety of upcoming weekend events.

Getting involved is easier than you think

By Jennifer Fairbanks Hamline community!" Col- website page, the University fice would still like to see
Commuter students are leges usually try to offer or- also seems to lack the under- more commuter students
visibly absent at Hamline. ganizations and programs standing that some com- putting their office's re-
Often they fall into a routine that fit the interests of a wide muter students, who want to sources to use. She said, "We
of coming to classes, then variety of students. The page get involved, don't have time would like to see students
abandon campus all together also lets students know ways or lack the motive. using the MISA house as a
then minute they are done for they can get involved and lists At the Multicultural and lounge space between
the day. Universities seem to many organizations and clubs International Student Affairs classes, and to have students
frequently look for ways to at Hamline. There is even a Office (MISA), Vanessa hold meetings there."
get commuter students more page that lists current events Ramos, Coordinator of Inter-
involved with the campus life, and things for students to do national Student Programs, Contact the MISA or
but sometimes participating while on campus, which is thinks that their office sees a Student Activities
in activities on campus can be directed at students who may good amount of participation
impractical or hard for com- feel like college life for them from commuter students de- office for more
muter students to do-- a long is getting boring. spite the obstacles they face. information on how
commute home, a job, and Yet, the University's web- "Although most of our to get involved.
other outside issues all factor site for commuter student students commute or work or
into simply not having services is bland and hard to have other obligations, there MISA:
enough time. find. The page lists basically is a significant population
On Hamline's website
(651) 523-2423
the same things as the activi- that participates in student
there is an activity page that ties page does, with nothing orgs and programs," said Student Affairs:
encourages students to "jump exclusively for commuter Ramos. (651) 523-2088
in and get connected to the students. Judging by the Ramos says the MISA Of-

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