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2009 – 10 SAC Assembly – Meeting 7 * Date Change -

I. Call to Order
• President Raphael Elkabas-Besnard called the SAC Assembly meeting
to order on Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 @ 9:05am.

II. Roll call

• Please see attendance sheet.

III. Approval of Minutes – January 19th, 2010

• The Minutes were approved.

IV. Opening Issues

1. Semi Formal (ESD Sally Rylett)
• The Semi will be on Friday, April 9th, 2010.
• Pick up permission forms in the front hall. Forms must be handed in
before you can buy a ticket.
• Permission forms will be handed out for the two weeks before March
break and starting right after March break.
• Tickets will be sold after March break.
• There are only 350 tickets so get them as quick as possible.
• Tickets are $25 each.
• Statement – This is the same day as the rugby tournament and France
exchange.  There is nothing the SAC can do about this. This was the only
day that the administration allowed us to hold the Semi Formal.

1. Cue the Elephant (President Raphael Elkabas-Besnard)

• This will be taking place on Wednesday, March 03, 2010 at lunch.
• Everyone should come! Encourage your friends to come as well

V. Statements by the Executive

1. President Raphael Elkabas-Besnard
• We all like elephants and some of us like the letter Q. Come to
Cue the Elephant (a comedy group).
• After the Youtube videos are shown, there will be a Q&A with the
cast hosted by Eli Fox.
• Admission will be free but donations will be accepted for Haiti.

2. Vice-President Oren Lefkowitz

• This Friday is the 1st Freestyle Friday in the auditorium! Spread
the word!
• Admission will be free.

3. Treasurer Casey Li
• The 2nd Budget meeting will be on March 8th afterschool.

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

2009 – 10 SAC Assembly – Meeting 7 * Date Change -

• Funding request forms are available online (

• The forms were due on Monday, March 1st, 2010, but if you
haven’t handed them in yet then hand them in asap.

4. ESD Sally Rylett

• There were no statements from ESD Sally Rylett.

5. ISD Shannon Hill

• There were no statements from ISD Shannon Hill.

6. Secretary Sarah Feeney

• There were no statements from Sarah Feeney.

VI. Grade Discussion

VII. Statements by Senators

Grade 9
• Is the Semi Formal mandatory?  No, but it is highly
encouraged. All students should want to come.
• Is Cue the Elephant free?  Yes, but donations will be collected
at the door for Haiti.

Grade 10
• Suggestion – There should be a picnic table outside for students
to eat lunch in the Spring.
• There should be an Olympic themed SAC Day.
• Can we change the Semi theme to a Michael Jackson theme? 
The Semi formal idea is already cemented (Masquerade).
• There should be a SAC sign like the Batman sign.

Grade 11
• Can we bring other people to Semi?  No.
• Why is there a 350 people limit? This is the limit of the venue
• Where is the Semi?  The Field House (on Queen Street E.)
[Check Facebook group for a map and image.]
• Can we change the Semi Formal theme to Jersey Shore?  The
Semi formal idea is already cemented (Masquerade).

Grade 12
• There should be robots. We should have a robot President.

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

2009 – 10 SAC Assembly – Meeting 7 * Date Change -

VIII. New Business

Stakeholders Meeting
• Update – 299 Roehampton is trying to build a new development
(supposed to donate $500,000 for field).
• Last spring a recession hit and therefore it was difficult to
develop, therefore they weren’t able to donate.
• The TTC wants to build a subway line, therefore they are doing
research before development, therefore they are waiting before
donating to our field.
• There will be a meeting on April 8th (at 4pm in room 114).
Student reps should come.
• K & G (architect) will be presenting at this meeting.
• Hopefully production will begin in late June and be ready for
• TDSB said that production can’t start without money in the bank.

IX. Discussion
• There were no discussion topics.

X. Question Period
• Q. There are big problems with broken windows, people stealing
bathroom doors… A. The SAC can look into this.
• Q. Can a SAC day have an Epic Capture the Flag theme? A. We are
working on ideas so this will definitely be considered.
• Q. When will classroom 228 be back in use? A. In about a month. They
are still working on fixing the water damage.
• Q. Can they show an anime TV show at lunch? A. There is an Anime
club, so talk to the club head about your proposal.
• Q. Can we have a 24 Hour Relay? A. This requires tons of teacher
supervision. It won’t be able to happen this year, but possibly next

XI. Adjournment
• The meeting was adjourned at 9:40am.

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

2009 – 10 SAC Assembly – Meeting 7 * Date Change -

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

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