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Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Natural Systems:

Mechanisms and Control Strategies
Xiaolei Zhang, Song Yan, R. D. Tyagi, Rao Y. Surampalli, and
Tian C. Zhang

25.1 Introduction
Greenhouse gas (GHG) is emitted from human activities and natural systems.
The former is counted as the major source of the emission (around 70% of total
emissions); however, the latter also pronounce a great amount of emission, which is
around 4800 TgCO2 equivalent per year (U.S. EPA 2010). The GHG emissions from
natural systems majorly include the emissions from wetlands, oceans, freshwater
bodies, permafrost, termites, ruminant animals, geologic settings, and wildfire, and
among all, wetlands are majorly responsible (Song et al. 2008; Danevi et al. 2010).
Wetlands are divided into peat wetlands, also called peat lands, and non-peat
wetlands (Wilson et al. 2001; Blain et al. 2006). GHGs emitted from wetlands are
mainly in the form of methane rather than carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. Reports
have shown that wetlands are one of the primary sources of atmospheric methane,
which accounts for 3900 TgCO2 equivalent per year (> 81% of total natural system
GHG emissions) (Zhuang et al. 2009; U.S. EPA 2010). The GHG emissions are due
to the degradation of organic materials under the anoxic condition. Strategies that are
to cut off methane production or diffusion to the atmosphere should be developed for
controlling the emissions from wetlands and peat lands. It is known that methane
production is due to the domination of methanogenic microorganisms in the system;
therefore, it would mitigate methane emission by promoting the growth of
methanotrophs and other microbial communities to diminish the growth of
methanogens. When the production occurs, capturing and storing it before it enters
into the atmosphere would also be a method (Bourrelly et al. 2005; Chathoth et al.
Compared to wetlands, other natural systems (oceans, freshwater bodies,
permafrost, termites, ruminant animals, geologic settings, and wildfire) contribute a
small fraction of the GHG emissions from all natural systems (< 20% of total). The
emission from oceans and freshwater are not well understood; however, it may be

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linked with two important factors: a) the result of anaerobic digestion of fish and
zooplankton and b) the result of methanogenic microorganism activities in the
sediments (Levitt 2011). Billions of tonnes of methane are locked on the Arctic soil,
while as permafrost melts, there is a great risk of methane seeping. In fact, it is a
vicious circle because as methane emission increases, thawing of permafrost would
be enhanced, which would result in more methane emission (Laurion et al. 2010).
Termites is considered as the second largest methane emission natural sources (the
first largest is wetlands and peat lands). Methane is produced in their normal
digestion process, and the production amount varies according to the species and
regions. Ruminant animals such as cattle, sheep, and wild animals are methane
emission sources as well. The emission is mainly from the digestion, and highly
depending in the population of animals. Geothermal-volcanic systems and
hydrocarbon-generation processes in sedimentary basins are two major sources of
GHG geologic emissions. These emissions have always been neglected or paid little
attentions before year of 2000, while over the last ten years studies have been done to
confirm that geological GHG emission significantly contributes to the global GHG
emission (Etiope and Klusman 2002; Etiope 2009). Wildfires, also called natural
forest fires, also causes GHG emission including carbon dioxide and methane,
because of incomplete combustion of organic material.
In this chapter, the mechanisms of GHG emissions from natural systems
including wetlands, oceans, freshwater, etc., are described; the strategies to control
GHG emissions are discussed.

25.2 GHG Emissions from Wetlands

Wetlands (peat and non-peat), a variety of shallow pools of water, are mainly
distinguished by microorganisms, plants, and animals that adapt to life under
saturated conditions. They are found in almost all climatic zones, occupying 5% of
the earths land area (Adhikari et al. 2009; Lai 2009). They have many valuable
functions: they are natural filters to clean water that passes through them; they reduce
flood and drought by adsorbing and recharging water accordingly; they trap
pollutants to prevent the contamination in steams, reservoirs, and groundwater; and
they provide protection and food for wildlife species. Wetlands provide profound
benefits for our environment; however, there are also disadvantages. The most
remarkable one is GHG emissions due to the great concern of global warming. In this
section, GHG emissions from wetlands are discussed.

25.2.1 Mechanisms
GHG emissions from wetlands include two steps, the first one is the
production, and the other one is escaping to the atmosphere. The GHG (CO2, CH4,
and N2O) production from wetlands is mainly due to microorganism and aqua animal
activities (Figs. 25.1 and 25.2) (Dinsmore et al. 2009; Danevi et al. 2010).
Compared to CO2 and N2O, methane is the major source of GHG emissions from

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wetlands. The production of methane is mainly due to methanogenesis. Usually, it is

at an anoxic condition in the sediment zone of wetlands. When methanogenesis
occurs, methane is produced along with carbon dioxide (Equation 25.1). Thereafter, it
enters the atmosphere via aerenchyma of vascular plants (90% of total methane
production), ebullition (7% of total methane production) when the pore-water is
supersaturated with methane, and diffusion along a concentration gradient (2% of
total methane production) (Chanton 2005). Around 1% of the total methane
production will be transferred to carbon dioxide by oxidation and methanotrophic
bacteria. A variety of factors such as wetland plant productivity, microbial CH4
oxidation, water table height, and temperature affect rates of wetland CH4 production
and release (Dinsmore et al. 2009; Danevi et al. 2010). As mentioned earlier,
around 90% of methane escape into the atmosphere via aerenchyma of the plants;
hence the plants productivity has a profound effect on methane emission from
wetland. In addition, it was reported that plants also influent the microorganism
variety through altering substrate availability, competing for nutrients, and creating
microenvironments of aerobic conditions (King and Reeburgh 2002; Bardgett et al.
2003; Saarnio et al. 2004). Reports revealed that methane emission from wetland
relied on plants species as each species had its unique physical trait which influents
the gaseous transport pathway and below ground oxidation levels and microbial
metabolism (Strom et al. 2005; Kao-Kniffin et al. 2010). Studies also showed that the
emission strongly depends on the temperature and water table level (Huttunen et al.
2003; Watanabe et al. 2009). The temperature effect on methane emission can be
understood as temperature impacts the metabolic rate of methane production or
consumption by bacteria, while the water table level effect is mainly because of the
enhancement of high water table level on anaerobic CH4 production (Huttunen et al.

(Eq. 25.1)

Carbon dioxide is another contributor of GHG emissions from wetlands (Fig.

25.1). As stated, one part of the emission of carbon dioxide is from methane
conversion. In addition, carbon dioxide is generated during methanogenesis
(Equation 25.1). Aqua animals such as fish also cause carbon dioxide emissions.
However, generally the GHG emissions from carbon dioxide can be omitted because
the emitted carbon dioxide from wetlands is less than the carbon dioxide uptaken by
plants (Danevi et al. 2010).
Nitrous oxide is the most potent GHG as it accounts 300 times more effective
than carbon dioxide at retaining atmosphere energy. The emission of N2O from
wetlands is due to the denitrification process which normally takes place in
waterlogged soils with abundantly available carbon and nitrogen (Hashidoko et al.
2008; Danevi et al. 2010). Nitrate enters wetlands in excessive amount due to
human activities such as farming, which leads to a high rate of denitrification
(Equation 25.2) in which the intermediate product, N2O is produced and escapes into
the atmosphere (Fig. 25.2).
NO3- NO2- NO + N2O N2 (g)

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(Eq. 25.2)

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Figure 25.1. Methane and carbon dioxide emissions from wetlands

Figure 25.2. Nitrous oxide emission from wetlands

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Apart from dinitrification, N2O also can be produced during the nitrification
process. There are two pathways of nitrous oxide production in the nitrification
process (Smith 1982; Webster and Hopkins 1996): one is that nitrifying bacteria will
produce nitrous oxide from dissimilatory reduction of NO3- under the limited oxygen
supply condition; the other is that nitrous oxide can also be produced by nitrifying
bacteria during NH4+ oxidizing to NO2-. There are also other processes that would
result in nitrous production such as dissimilatory NO3- reduction to NH4+, fungal
denitrification, and NO3- assimilation (Bleakley and Tiedje 1982; Smith 1983; Schoun
et al. 1992).

25.2.2 Control Strategies

As mentioned above, the GHG emissions from wetlands mainly refer to
methane and nitrous oxide emission since a very small amount of the emission is
contributed by carbon dioxide, and most of the emitted carbon dioxide is considered
to be captured by the wetland plants again. The control of methane and nitrous oxide
emissions are discussed below.
Methane Emission Control. Reducing the emissions of GHGs is very
important due to their effect on global warming. As the biggest contributor of GHG
emissions from wetlands, methane can be controlled by three ways.
Biogeochemical processes, especially the availability of inorganic electron
acceptors, might have important consequences for C cycling in wetlands. It has been
suggested, based on field studies and laboratory assays, that CH4 production and
emissions in peatlands can be suppressed under high atmospheric deposition levels of
sulfate (Watson and Nedwell 1998). In consideration of competitive suppression
hypothesis, since methanogens is the cause of methane emission, promoting the
growth of methanotrophs, iron oxidizing bacteria and other microbial communities to
diminish the growth of methanogens would be a method to control the emission. The
biological system of wetlands is complicated. Many other types of microorganisms
exist in the system as well as methanogens. In sulfate-rich marine and brackish
environments, sulfate-reducing bacteria effectively outcompete methanogens, and
CH4 production is observed as being low in such environments (Watson and Nedwell
1998; Gauci and Chapman 2006). In contrast, methanogenesis is considered to be the
dominant anaerobic carbon oxidation process in sulfate-poor, organic matter-rich
freshwater sediments. Thus, the addition of sulfate rich wastewater from nearby
industries would control the methane production from wetland.
Fe-reducing bacteria are stronger bacteria than any sulfate reducing bacteria
and methanogenic bacteria because it was found that Fe-reducing bacteria can
outcompete both sulfate-reducing and methanogenic bacteria for organic substrates
(Jerman et al. 2009). Numerous studies have indicated that microbial Fe oxide
reduction plays an important role in governing the production and release of methane
from iron-rich natural and agricultural wetland soils (Roden and Wetzel 2003;
Laanbroek 2010; Wang 2011). Available evidence suggests that dissimilatory Fe-

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reducing bacteria can successfully outcompete methanogenic bacteria for acetate and
H2 (both major intermediates in the anaerobic decomposition of organic carbon to
methane in anaerobic environments); therefore, in order to suppress methane
production, the growth of Fe-reducing bacteria should be enhanced. A substantial
number of microorganisms capable of conserving energy to support growth via Fe
reduction are known (Weber et al. 2006), and the final product is carbon dioxide.
Even though, carbon dioxide is a GHG as well, it has less effect on global warming;
therefore, it can be considered as a way of GHG emission control. The largest known
group of Fe reduction microorganisms is the Geobacteracea family in the delta
subclass of the Proteobacteria (Caccavo et al. 1992; Qiu et al. 2008). All of the
organisms within this family are capable of conserving energy to support growth
from Fe reduction. Additionally, Geothrix fermentans, Geovibrioferrireducens, and
Ferribacter limneticum are also capable of completely oxidizing multi-carbon
organic acids to carbon dioxide (Caccavo et al. 1996; de Duve 1998; Coates et al.
1999). Adjusting the wetland microorganism community would enhance GHG
emission control.
Zeolite is known as an important technological material such as adsorption,
catalysis, and ion-exchange (Cavenati et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2004). Zeolites consisted
of alumino-silicates are the materials with a negatively-charged crystalline structure
and with abundant micropores or cavities, thus they are considered to be a potential
mediator for reducing methane emissions. Zeolite has been found to be able to aid
methane hydrate formation in aqueous solution (Zang et al. 2009); the formed
methane hydrate (positive charge) would be stabilized by zeolite (negative charge),
which reduces the amount of methane emission. Methane hydrate is an ice-like
nonstoichiometric compound formed when methane reacts with water at high
pressures and/or low temperatures, and the hydrate is stable under standard conditions
(Sloan and Koh 2007). Researchers pointed out that zeolites could enhance the
formation of methane hydrate (Zang et al. 2009). Therefore, there is a possibility that
methane hydrate would be formed under standard conditions (20 C, 1atm) by using
zeolites. On the other hand, studies reported that zeolites could activate methane
conversion into carbon dioxide through oxidation (Hui et al. 2005). The oxidation can
be described in a few steps. Oxygen molecules are first adsorbed on the ions sites
which can be alkali ions, alkaline earth metal ions, transition metal ions, or hydrogen
ions. Dissociations of the adsorbed oxygen to form atomic oxygen then occurs.
Methane molecules are then adsorbed onto the atomic oxygen. Finally, reactions
between the adsorbed methane and the atomic oxygen proceed to form carbon
dioxide and water. Additionally, zeolite is also reported to be a great adsorbent for
methane adsorption (Kamarudin et al. 2003; Kamarudin et al. 2004; Tedesco et al.
2010). The adsorbed methane would steadily exist in the zeolite framework, and it
would be possible to recover the methane as fuel after certain treatments (e.g.,
chemical reaction or condition adjustments) (Slyudkin 2004).
Various types of zeolites including zeolite A, synthesized zeolite, zeolite rice
husk based zeolite, Na-X zeolite, metal modified zeolite, etc., have been studied in
methane emission control (Rimmer and Mcintosh 1974; Kamarudin et al. 2003;

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Kamarudin et al. 2004; Hui and Chao 2008; Zang et al. 2009). Among them, zeolite
A has been reported to be rather efficient in reducing methane emission (Al-Baghli
and Loughlin 2005). In addition, metal(s)-ion-exchange zeolites also showed
encouraging performance in methane emission reduction (Kamarudin et al. 2003).
Furthermore, zeolites derived from wastes are promising materials in methane
emission reduction, which not only controls methane pollution but also recycles
wastes (Kamarudin et al. 2003). Therefore, the addition of zeolite onto the surface of
wetlands would be a method of methane emission control via the principles of
methane adsorption and conversion.
As mentioned before, plant species, water table level, and temperature have
great effect on methane emission from wetland. Temperature is not a controllable
parameter in real situations because wetlands are naturally-existing systems. Many
wetland plants have aerenchymous tissue that allows oxygen transportation from the
atmosphere to the root zone. Similarly, methane is transported through the
aerenchyma into the atmosphere when it is produced in the sediment (Chanton 2005).
Plants that are responsible for methane emission include Nymphaea, Nuphar, Calla,
Peltandra, Sagittaria, Cladium, Glyceria, Scirpus, Eleocharis, Eriophorum, Carex,
Scheuchzeria, Phragmites, and Typha (Schimel 1995; Yavitt and Knapp 1995;
Shannon et al. 1996; Greenup et al. 2000; Chanton 2005). In addition, methane
emission through pneumatophores and prop roots has also been observed as well as
through aerenchyma of Alder trees (Pulliam 1992; Kreuzwieser et al. 2003; Purvaja
et al. 2004). Hence, preventing these plants growth in the wetlands would control the
methane emission to some extent. Water table level control is also a strategy of
methane emission control as it affects sediment oxygen levels which impacts
microorganism domination. High water levels are favorable for methanogenic
bacteria growth because of the suitable anaerobic condition (Huttunen et al. 2003);
therefore, keeping a low water table level in wetlandd would control methane
Nitrous Oxide Emission Control. Compared to CH4 and CO2, nitrous oxide
is the strongest GHG. It is reported that its atmospheric concentration is gradually
increasing, approximately 0.25% per year (IPCC 2001). The root of the emission is a
large amount of nitrogen in different forms (e.g., organic nitrogen, NH4-N, NO2-N
and NO3-N) being discharged to the wetlands, where, via nitrification and
denitrification processes, nitrous oxide is formed and emitted from the wetlands into
the atmosphere. To solve the emission problem, the first and effective way is to avoid
the nitrogen source entering the wetlands. As the main nitrogen source is from
agriculture, it would reduce the emission by building efficient blocks between
farming and wetlands. However, it normally requires a huge effort and cost on
Apart from nitrate, amino acids also take up a great portion of total nitrogen
used in agriculture, and are a preferred N source for plants of wetlands of subantarctic
herbfield, subtropical coral cay, subtropical rainforest, and wetlands (Schmidt and
Stewart 1999; Bardgett et al. 2003); however, they are much less taken up by crop

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plants (around 6% of the total addition); as a result, the remaining amino acids are
rapidly mineralized into nitrate and ammonium by microorganism in the soil (Owen
and Jones 2001). Therefore, nitrogen in wetlands mainly includes nitrate and some
ammonium. Wetlands have been considered as a natural filter to control nitrate
pollution with up to 90% efficiency (Cooper 1990; William J 1992).
As nitrous oxide production is an intermediate in denitrification and a byproduct of nitrification, researchers often manipulate the three conditions for nitrous
oxide emission control, that is, a) medium-high soil water content; b) high organic
carbon availability; and c) pH in wetlands. For example, researchers studied the
emission control by reducing water inflow in the rainy season (May to October) and
recharging the water back to the wetlands in the dry season (other months but May to
October) at Cerrig-yr-Wyn, Plynlimon, mid-Wales, U.K.; they observed that the
annual emission decreased more than 95% from 40 mg/m2 to less than 2 mg/m2
(Freeman et al. 1997). It is attributed to the soil water content that affects
denitrification in the sediment. Too low or too high soil water content would enhance
the denitrification process, and thus increased the nitrous oxide emission. Huge
reductions of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions have also been attained by
rewetting drained peatlands (Dowrick et al. 1999; Trumper et al. 2009).
On the other hand, control of organic carbon in wetlands is important. Some
plants such as Phalarisarundinacea L., Loliumperenne, and Coixlacryma-jobi are
capable of storing nitrogen in their biomass (Bernard and Lauve 1995; Ge et al. 2007);
therefore, planting these types of plants would increase nitrogen removal from
wetlands. However, the plants only take up the nitrogen inside their bodies, if the
plant residue cannot be harvested in a timely manner and taken away from the
wetlands, the nitrogen will go back to the wetlands and again becomes a problem.
Hence, additional measures should be taken when using plants to control nitrous
oxide emission from wetlands. Normally, to reduce the organic carbon in wetlands, it
is necessary to remove the plant biomass. Studies have shown that periodical harvest
of biomass would greatly reduce nitrous oxide emission from around 30 mg/m2to 6
mg/m2 (Tiemann and Billings 2008). In addition, to reduce the biomass, productivity
would also control the organic carbon concentration in the wetlands. Tiemann and
Billings (2008) successfully reduced plant residue by manipulating the C/N ratio with
the addition of fertilizers.
Controlling the pH of the wetland system would also reduce the nitrous oxide
emission because low pH (< 6) could inhibit the denitrification process (Freeman et al.
1997). Adjusting the pH by adding acidic industrial wastewater to wetlands would be
an alternative method of N2O emission control. In addition, using adsorbents that are
able to fix nitrogen inside their structure would also control nitrous oxide emission.
Zeolites have physical and chemical properties that are able to attract odors and
toxins and trap them safely and effectively in its crystalline structure. It was found
that zeolite could bind with ammonium-nitrogen to become slow releasing fertilizers
(Luo et al. 2011; Tan et al. 2011). Adding zeolites to the surface of wetlands would
reduce nitrous oxide emission, and the absorbed ammonium-nitrogen can be

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gradually extracted by the plants for growth. Therefore, when the zeolite is saturated
with ammonium-nitrogen, they should be removed from the wetlands and applied to
the agricultural land as fertilizers.

25.3 GHG Emissions from Oceans and Freshwaters

25.3.1 Mechanisms
One part of the carbon dioxide production from oceans and freshwater
systems are from the aquatics, and normally it would be used by phytoplankton to
form organic carbon or converted into carbonates before it reaches the atmosphere.
Therefore, the emission of carbon dioxide from oceans and freshwaters can be
neglected. The other part of the carbon dioxide is produced due to the dissolution of
marine CaCO3 sediments (Equation 25.3).
CaCO3 + H2O Ca(OH)2 + CO2

(Eq. 25.3)

Methane emission from oceans and freshwaters is mainly due to the organic
degradation in the sediment. The organic matters are the biomass of dead plankton
organisms. In the deep ocean where oxygen concentration is very low (nearly zero),
the biomass is decomposed by anaerobic microorganisms such as methanogens;
therefore, methane is produced. The mechanism of methane emission from oceans
and freshwaters are similar to that from wetlands. In addition, fossil natural gas may
leak from seabed due to the migration of the gas within earths crust; yet it is
normally a small quantity and generally negligible (Prather 2001). Moreover, it is
also reported that gas hydrate is a contributor of methane production. Gas hydrate,
also called methane hydrate or methane ice, is an ice-like nonstoichiometric
compound formed when methane reacts with water at high pressures and/or low
temperatures, and normally is stable (Sloan and Koh 2007). There is a large amount
of methane hydrate accumulates in the ocean sediment, while it is normally stable in
the condition (Kvenvolden 1988). When methane ice is melted due to certain earth
activities such as an earthquake and plate motion, the gas will escape from the
sediment and diffuse to the seawater column. Some of the produced methane will be
dissolved into the seawater and the rest will enter into the atmosphere.
No report on nitrous oxide emission from oceans has been reported which is
because nitrogen entering oceans from freshwaters is very stable, and does not
contribute to the life processes to form nitrate and ammonium (Anthoni 2006). In
freshwaters nitrous oxide emission is similar as that from wetlands (Fig. 25.2).
25.3.2 Control Strategies
Carbon Dioxide Emission Control. Compared to carbon dioxide emission,
it is more important to understand carbon dioxide sinking in the oceans and
freshwaters. Oceans and freshwater bodies are capable of adsorbing carbon dioxide
through converting it to HCO3- and CO32-, which would mitigate global warming

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pressure. On average, the ocean absorbs 2% more carbon than they emit each year,
forming an important sink in the overall carbon cycle. The net results of adding CO2
to sea water is the generation of H+ (i.e., lowering pH) and decreases the
concentration of CO32-, gradually causing seawater and/or freshwater to become more
acidic. For example, the ocean pH ocean pH decreases by 0.1 units since preindustrial
times and is expected to fall another 0.30.4 units by 2100 (The Royal Society 2005;
Canadell et al. 2007; Fabry et al. 2008). CO2-induced acidification is also affecting
lower salinity estuaries and temperate coastal ecosystems. Some examples of
unexpected impacts on marine eco-systems due to ocean acidification are described
as follows:

Produce irreversible ecological regime shifts in marine eco-systems (e.g.,

reduction of the availability of carbonate ions for calcifying species and
massive reduction in coral reef habitats and their associated biodiversity);

Affect development, metabolic and the behavioral processes of marine species

in general or during a critical life history stage (e.g., loss of larval olfactory
ability in marine organisms, the impaired ability of larvae to sense predators);

Affecting the symbiotic relationship among different organisms (e.g., coral

reefs, dinoflagellates) and the productivity of their association;

Endanger a wide range of ocean life, wipe out species, and disrupt the food
web and impact tourism and any other human activities that rely on or are
associated with the sea.
On the other hand, CO2 in the upper ocean is fixed by primary producers, that
is, CO2 is forced, by the biological carbon pump mechanism, going through the food
chain. For example, green, photosynthesizing plankton converts as much as 60
gigatons of carbon per year into organic carbon roughly the same amount fixed by
land plants and almost 10 times the amount emitted by human activity (Hoffman
2009). Furthermore, marine organisms are capable of converting immense amounts of
bioavailable organic carbon into difficult-to-digest forms known as refractory
dissolved organic matter. Once transformed into inedible forms, these dissolved
organic carbons may settle in undersaturated regions of the deep oceans and remain
out of circulation for thousands of years, effectively sequestering the carbon by
removing it from the ocean food chain (Hoffman 2010). Ultimately, the fate of most
of this exported material is remineralization to CO2, which accumulates in deep
waters until it is eventually ventilated again at the sea surface. However, a proportion
of the fixed carbon is not mineralized; instead it is stored for millennia as recalcitrant
dissolved organic matter (Jiao et al. 2010). More and more results indicate that our
understanding of these topics is very limited, and future breakthrough is possible
once the knowledge gap is filled.
Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions Control. Methane emission are due
to the decomposition of plankton biomass, and normally the control methods used in
wetlands are not practical in oceans, which covers around 70% of the total earth
surface area. Therefore, so far, there is no effective measure for methane emission
control in oceans. While it is different to control methane and nitrous oxide emissions
in freshwaters, the freshwater system is similar as wetlands. Thus, the strategies for

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their emission control from wetlands are applicable for freshwaters. In addition, there
is no concern on nitrous oxide emission from oceans as it is not produced. While we
should pay attention to nitrous oxide emission from freshwater, the control methods
can adopt from wetland GHG emission control.

25.4 GHG Emissions from Permafrost

25.4.1 Mechanisms
Global warming is leading to the accelerated thawing of permafrost and the
mobilization of soil organic carbon pools that has been accumulated for thousands of
years in arctic regions. The soil organic carbon in permafrost accounts for 1315% of
the global soil organic carbon. Permafrost melt leads to the formation of ponds and
lakes, which are usually surrounded by peaty soil. Peaty soil shows great similarity as
wetlands and other freshwater bodies. Thawing of permafrost showed a large amount
of emissions of GHG mainly including carbon dioxide and methane (Walter et al.
2007; Schuur et al. 2008). The emission mechanism of methane is similar to its
emission from wetlands and freshwaters, in which methane is produced from
anaerobic sediment via photochemical and microbial transformation (Equation 25.4).
Apart from the portion that is oxidized in oxygen rich water column and consumed by
methanotrophs, the remaining produced methane escapes into the atmosphere mainly
through bubbling as plants are limited in the regions. Carbon dioxide is mainly
produced from benthic respiration, pelagic respiration, and the photolysis of dissolved
organic matters (Jonsson et al. 2001; Jonsson et al. 2008). It is reported that the
emissions of methane and carbon dioxide vary according to the physical condition of
the water column such as temperature, oxygen content, and water level (Laurion et al.
CO2 + H2 CH4
Acetate CH4 + CO2

(Eq. 25.4)

25.4.2 Control Strategies

As methane and carbon dioxide are two major GHG emission contributors of
permafrost, their emission control methods are addressed here.
Studies found that environmental parameters showed great effects on methane
emission, such as soil temperature, wind speed, water table level, and availability of
organic carbon to methanogens (Sachs et al. 2008; Wille et al. 2008). Soil
temperature would affect the microorganism community distribution, which would
impact methane and carbon dioxide production. However, it is difficult to artificially
control the temperature, and thus, it is not possible to reduce the emissions through
the temperature control method. Wind speed impacts the surface turbulence and thus,
the gas exchange between water surface and the atmosphere (MacIntyre et al. 1995).

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Additionally, turbulence would change the concentration gradient of carbon dioxide

and methane between the soil layer and water layer (Hargreaves et al. 2001). Based
on studies, high turbulence could enhance GHG emissions. Therefore, to control
GHG emissions, measures should be taken to maintain clam conditions on the surface
of the water. For example, building a fence on the side of the ponds and lakes that has
the most frequent wind blowing in the year. The GHG emissions also depend on the
water table level as it determines the oxygen concentration in the water or sediment.
Proper water table levels would inhibit GHG emissions and the principle is similar to
that described in the wetland part.
It is known that ponds and lakes derived from permafrost thawing are rich in
organic carbon, which can be utilized by methanogens to produce methane. The
organic carbon has been sequenced in the sediment over the years, and the process is
continually going on due to the plants biomass falling to the system. The organic
carbon that was deposited long time ago in the sediment cannot be controlled. It was
reported that recently fixed organic carbon is the main substrate of methanogetic
microorganism (King and Reeburgh 2002). It is known that plants have an effect on
methane emission, mainly because of three reasons: plants can introduce oxygen into
anaerobic zone which would inhibit methanogetic bacteria growth and oxidize the
surrounding methane; plant aerenchymes could transfer methane produced in the soil
layer to the atmosphere by passing through the aerobic zone in which some of the
methane can be oxidized; plants can also provide labile organic carbon sources that
would be utilized by microorganisms to produce methane. To control the emission of
methane from permafrost areas, the growth of vascular plants should be limited as
they enhance methane emission (OConnor 2009). Compared to the old leaves of the
plants, the young ones showed less methane emission due to the undeveloped cuticula
(Morrissey et al. 1993; Schimel 1995); thus controlling the age of plants by periodical
removal of plants leaves would reduce the methane emission. Some researchers
reported that root density displayed important effects on methane emission, and high
density gave low methane emission (King et al. 1998). This is due to the stomata
effect. Stomata are known to enhance methane emission; more stomata lead to low
density, while less stomata result in high density. In addition, recently fixed organic
matters are more favorable to methane production microorganisms; therefore,
avoiding plants biomass entering the system would control methane emission, which
can be accomplished by periodical removal of the dead plants.
As mentioned earlier, methane has bigger potential on global warming than
carbon dioxide; hence to convert methane to carbon dioxide would reduce the GHG
emissions from permafrost. Normally, the ponds and lakes formed by thawing
permafrost are small in area, and it is possible to set flexible covers above for
methane collection. Thereafter, the gas can be utilized as fuel (with the final product
being carbon dioxide), and hence, the GHG emissions are reduced.
The emission of methane could induce global warming, and the global
warming would result in thawing of the permafrost which would lead to GHG
emissions. The vicious cycle requires the control of GHG emissions. It is known that

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the utilization of fossil fuels causes the major GHG emissions; hence the control of
the utilization amount of fossil fuel should be regulated. In addition, employing
substitute fuel, such as biofuel instead of the usage of fossil fuel, would reduce GHG
emissions to some extent.

25.5 Geologic GHG Emissions

25.5.1 Mechanisms
Geological gas emission mainly refers to as fossil natural gas leakage from
land surface and carbon dioxide seepage by geothermal and volcanic manifestations.
The emission was given only minor consideration due to the lack of technologies in
the measurement of the gas emissions before 2000. Over the last 10 years, attention
has been given to the geological emission because of the awareness on the emission
sources such as geothermal and volcanic systems (Milkov et al. 2003; Etiope et al.
2004). There are several ways for geological GHG production. The most familiar one
is the organic matter decomposition by methanogetic bacteria. It is also found that
methane and carbon dioxide are produced due to the inorganic reaction (Equation
25.5) or thermal breakdown of the organic matters (Equation 25.6) (Etiope and
Klusman 2002; Etiope et al. 2007; Fiebig et al. 2009). Magma degassing is a way of
geological GHG emission as well.
CO + H2 CH4 + H2O

(Eq. 25.5.1)

CO + H2O CO2 + H2

(Eq. 25.5.2)




(Eq. 25.5.3)

Organic carbon CH4 + H2O

(Eq. 25.6)

The GHG emission from soil (faults and fracture rocks) is called micro
seepage, while the emission from volcanoes is considered as macro seepage.
Compared to macro seepage, micro seepage is taking the major responsibility of
GHG geological emission even though its emission is slow (Etiope et al. 2007). There
are several factors, including temperature, pressure, mechanical stresses, rock
porosity, permeability of porous rocks, and inorganic reactions would affect
geological GHG emissions (Etiope and Martinelli 2002). The relationship between
the factors and the emission is shown in Equation 25.7 according to Poisseuilles law
(Etiope and Martinelli 2002).

(Eq. 25.7)

where Q is the gas emission (m /s); R is radius of the pore (m); L is the depth of the
gas production site to the soil surface (m); P is the pressure difference of the L depth
(kg/ms2); is the dynamic viscosity of the methane of carbon dioxide gases (kg/ms).
From equation 25.7, it can be seen that pressure difference is a gas movement force.
In addition, it is known that concentration gradients are always the driving force of

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material movement, which means that gas concentration gradients are also
responsible for gas emissions. The pressure-forced gas emission is advection, and the
concentration-gradient-forced gas emission is diffusion. Normally gas emissions are
the result of a combination of the two forces (Fig. 25.4). In the place where capillaries
or small-pored rocks are dominating, diffusion plays the major role of the GHG
emission; while in the place where large-pored or fractured media is abundant,
advection acts as the main role of the GHG emissions. The GHG emission through
these two mechanisms normally refers to as the emission that occurs from less than10
m depth (Mogro-Campero and Fleischer 1977). It is known that a large amount of
GHGs (methane and carbon dioxide) buried in the deep layer (even more than 100 m).
The gases produced in the deep soil layer would gather into a micro flow geogas.
When they meet groundwater, a bubble stream would be formed and spread into
groundwater; then, they would flow with the groundwater and would escape into the
atmosphere when the chance is caught (Fig. 25.4).

Figure 25.3. Geological gas emission

25.5.2 Control Strategies

As mentioned before, geological GHG emissions are methane and carbon
dioxide emissions. Emissions from volcanoes (macro seepage) are not controllable as
it is a natural phenomenon, while the emissions due to micro seepage can be reduced
to some extent. GHG emissions from soil surface are from faults and fractures which
are normally caused due to fossil fuel digging such as coal milling, natural gas
exploitation, and oil exploitation. The large amount of fossil fuel consumption is

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leading to an over-exploitation, which results in surface collapses and frequent

earthquakes (Anthoni 2001; Nyre 2011). When these natural disasters occur, GHGs
trapped underground escape from the deep layer of the earth from faults and fractures.
Yet, once the emissions take place, there is no practical and efficient way to control it.
Hence, in order to control the emissions, it should be prevented on the extensive
exploitation of fossil fuel. Avoiding the waste on the fossil fuel utilization should be a
way of GHG emission control. The waste of fossil fuel expresses in the wide use of
high technologies, depending heavily on the automobiles, extensive oil fuel lose
during exploitation due to the undeveloped techniques, rapid population increasing,
high living requirements, and shortage of education of fossil fuel crisis. Therefore,
measures should be taken to control the waste on fossil fuel.

Figure 25.4. Gas emission from soil surface

25.6 GHG Emissions from Other Natural Systems

25.6.1 GHG Emissions from Termites
Tropical grasslands and forests are favorable regions of termite inhabitation,
while surely they also live in other ecological regions. GHG emissions from termites
display in the methane production during food digestion by symbiotic
microorganisms (methanogens) in the gut. The emission amount from termites varies

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according to the termite species; the total emission amount is around 15 Tg per year
(ZimmermanI et al. 1982; Gomati et al. 2011). In a wide range, termites are divided
into lower termites, including rhinotermitidae, serritermitidae, hodotermitidae,
kalotermitidae, termopsidae, mastotermitidae, and higher termites including
termitinae, nasutitermitinae, macrotermitina, apicotermitinae (Ohkuma et al. 2001;
Moriya 2008; Gomati et al. 2011). GHG emissions from termites depend on the
microorganisms that exist in their guts. The microorganisms include aerobes such as
Bacillus cereus and Serratiamarcescens (Thayer 1976), facultative anaerobes such as
Clostridium termitidis and Cellulomonas sp. (Saxena et al. 1993; Baumann and
Moran 1997), N2 fixing bacteria such as Citrobacterfreundii and E. agglomerans
(French et al. 1976; Golichenkov et al. 2006), CO2 reducing acetogenic bacteria such
as Acetonemalongumand Sporomusatermitida (Breznak et al. 1988; Kane and
Breznak 1991), methanogenic bacteria such as M. curvatus and M. arboriphilicus
(Yang et al. 1985; Leadbetter and Breznak 1996), protozoa such as
Trichomitopsistermosidis and Trichonymphssphareica (Yamin 1980).
Termites take wood and soil as food, and methane and carbon dioxide are
produced during breaking down the complex carbon to obtain nutrients for their
growth. The detail process is that the complex carbons such as cellulose (polymers)
will be broken down into simple compounds (monomers) by protozoa; thereafter, the
monomers will be converted into two-group products acetate (the energy source of
termite), and hydrogen and carbon dioxide during fermentation in the gut; Some of
the hydrogen and carbon dioxide will be utilized to form acetate by homoacetogens
or acetogenic bacteria, and some will be utilized to produce methane by methanogens,
and the rest will escape into the atmosphere; while the acetate will be oxidized into
carbon dioxide which will enter the atmosphere through termites breathing. The
whole process is shown in Fig. 25.5.

Figure 25.5. GHG emissions from termites

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It is known that carbon dioxide will be captured by plants such as trees and
again taken as food by termites. Therefore, it can be considered as a balanced cycle
which will not contribute to GHG emission from termites. Methane production is
impacted by environmental conditions such as lights, humidity, temperature, oxygen
concentration, and carbon dioxide concentration. (ZimmermanI et al. 1982; Gomati et
al. 2011). Dark, humid, high temperature and carbon dioxide concentration are
preferred by termites. Studies showed that increasing temperature by 5 C could
increase up to 110% of methane emission (Fraser et al. 1986). It was also found the
condition of high carbon dioxide concentrations enhances methane emission (Seiler et
al. 1984). Oxygen concentration would affect the anaerobic condition in the gut and
hence influence the methane production as methane-producing bacteria are strict
anaerobic microorganisms.
The methane emission from termites is determined by the microbial
community in their guts, and generally it depends on the type of species. It is known
that they naturally inhibit in tropical regions, which are not controlled by humans.
Therefore, there is no efficient and practical method for controlling methane emission
from termites.

25.6.2 GHG Emissions from Ruminant Animals

Ruminants, including cows, goats, sheep, and some wild animals, have
stomachs with four compartments, namely the reticulum, rumen, omasum and
abomasum. Each of the compartments has its special functions: the reticulum located
next to heart is the pathway to the other three compartments and catches metals and
hardware; the rumen is used for storage, soaking, physical mixing and breakdown,
and fermentation of the food [i.e., converting fibrous feeds into volatile fatty acids
(VFAs) by microorganisms, mainly anaerobes with little aerobes]; omasum is the part
that plays a role to reduce the particle size and adsorb some water; and abomasum is
considered as the true stomach as it secretes enzymes for further digestion. Rumen is
the compartment, in which methane and carbon dioxide are produced as a by-product
of the digestion process by methanogens (Fig. 25.6). Starch or celluloses that were
taken as food will first be decomposed to simple sugars (glucose) in the presence of
enzymes such as amylase and cellulase, and then glucose will further be converted
into pyruvic acid, thereafter pyruvic acid is utilized as substrate to produce VFAs
including acetic and butyric acids. In the process that VFAs are produced, methane or
carbon dioxide will be produced as well, and discharged into the atmosphere as waste
gas. It is reported that GHG emission from ruminant animals counts for more than 13%
of the total national GHG emissions in Australia (Hegarty 2007).
GHG emissions from wild animals such as bison and buffalos are not
controllable as they are living in the wild fields; while, several strategies have been
reported to mitigate GHG emissions from livestock (cow, sheep). The most direct
way to control this is to manipulate rumen micro floral populations, and the emissions
can be reduced by decreasing the number of ruminant animals. However, the same or
higher animal productivity should be maintained when the population is controlled as

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the requirement in animal products (such as meat and milk) is increasing annually.
Genetic selection can be employed for the emission control as well. Two genotypes
of dairy cows including New Zealand Freisian (pasture diets) and Holsteins (high
concentrated diets) have been studied to compare methane productivity, and the result
showed that Holsteins produced around 10% less methane than New Zealand Freisian
(Robertson et al. 2002). Even though limited research has been done to further study
the point, there is a trend that high concentrated diets give lower methane emission
than pasture diets; yet it can be predicted that the raising cost would be increased as
well. Therefore, this control method should be evaluated according to the reality.
Additionally, forage species selection and pasture forage quality are found to impact
GHG emissions from pasture ruminants (Johnson et al. 1997; Olson 1997; Benchaar
and Greathead 2011). Forage that contains legumes and has high dry matter
digestibility would reduce methane production and further reduce methane emission.
The control on rumen bacterial population by manipulating food additives would also
be an alternative of GHG emission control. Reports showed that methane emission
was reduced by 25% when monensin is used as a supplement (van Nevel and
Demeyer 1995), and Jonson et al. (1997) obtained similar results. An addition of fat
in the diet has shown the reduction on methane production because the unsaturated
fatty acid can be used as electron acceptors instead of hydrogen. An addition of
canola oil to the diet of cattle reduced more than 30% of methane compared to the
normal diet (without canola oil addition) and sunflower seed addition provided
similar conclusions (Mathison 1997; Kreuzer and Hindrichsen 2006; Benchaar and
Greathead 2011).

Figure 25.6. GHG emission from ruminant animals

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25.6.3 GHG Emissions from Wildfires

GHG emissions from wildfires are getting growing attention as it could emit
an average GHG emission of 65 tons of carbon dioxide per acre (50 to 60 trees)
during the combustion; however, there is also GHG emission during the gradual
decomposition of the remaining biomass. Normally, GHG emissions from the
decomposition of the remaining biomass is larger than combustion due to the fact that
3.67 times the carbon content of biomass is released as CO2 during decomposition
(Bonnicksen 2008).
Reducing the number and severity of wildfires is the most efficient way of
GHG emission control from wildfires. Wildfire mainly results from lightning and
native people activities, and is not avoidable for the former cause but can be
prevented when enough carefulness is given during human activities (Bonnicksen
2000; Bonnicksen 2007). In addition, rapid reaction in putting out the fire before it
gets out of control would reduce the GHG emissions. As mentioned earlier, the
decomposition of the remaining biomass after wildfires contributes more GHG
emissions than combustion; therefore, it would reduce GHG emission if the
remaining biomass is collected and burned completely into carbon dioxide. After
wildfires, when the dead trees have values to produce wood products such as
furniture, they can be utilized to manufacture the products to store the carbon content
and hence reduce GHG emissions. In addition, replanting the forest is an indirect way
of GHG emission control from wildfires. Planting trees would capture carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere which can balance the GHG emitted in the wildfires even
though it is a slow process.

25.7 Summary
Increasing GHG emissions is threatening in our environment. Global warming
is considered as one of the most critical consequences of GHG emissions. Human
activities have also caught the most attention in GHG emission; however, in recent
years, natural system GHG emission also is getting increasing concern due to the
awareness of the large amount of GHG emission (30% of the total global GHG
Natural systems that cause GHG emissions include wetlands, oceans and
freshwaters, permafrost, termites, ruminant animals, geologic emissions, and
wildfires. Wetlands are the biggest GHG emission contributor followed by oceans
and freshwaters, permafrost, and geologic emissions; termites, ruminant animals, and
wildfires give a very small amount of emissions. Methane, carbon dioxide, and
nitrous oxides are considered as GHGs. There are several ways for GHGs to be
emitted from the natural systems. The most common one is microorganism activities
(methanogenesis, denitrification). Inorganic reaction is also responsible for the
emissions (thermal breakdown, combustion, carbonate decomposing).

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Many strategies have been reported to mitigate GHG emissions from each
natural system; however, most of them are not efficient and realistic as the GHG
emissions from these systems are natural processes and most of the systems cover
huge areas.

25.8 Acknowledgements
Sincere thanks are to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada (Grant A 4984, and Canada Research Chair) for their financial support.
The views and opinions expressed in this chapter are those of the authors.

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