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To enjoy your sexual life perfectly, one needs
to learn certain techniques that can boost his /
her sexual life. Sex positions really count if you
want to be on top of sexual life. Nothing gives
more pleasure than sex. Our bodies is built in
such a way that sex is one of our basic needs
and it should no longer be a taboo. Getting the
right sex position will let your partner stick
with you forever cause you have something no
other person can offer him or her. Sometimes
most peoples wonder how do I get my partner
wet, how do I hit the g spot, how I make my
partner scream in pleasure. In this article we
will learn some simple sex positions that would
enhance your marital life. My readers I know
you will definitely thank me later when you
start enjoying the benefits.

Happy anniversary
Great for... Both of you
How does it work? Get the man to lay down
on the bed with his bum on the end of the bed
and his feet resting on the floor. Now climb on
top like with your legs either side and slide
down onto him. You are now in control,
although he can use his legs to keep the
rhythm going.
The turn-ons...You should like it because you're
in charge and he'll love being able to lie back
and enjoy the view.
The turn-offs... Some women find that the
deep penetration can hurt if their partner is
quite large. This sex position normally put the
woman in charge.

Half off the bed

Half off the bed
Great for... Hitting your G spot
How does it work? You simply lie on your bed,
with your legs on the floor. He stands up and
enters you, while you hook your legs round his
legs ors, if you can manage it, round his waist. He
then does all the work, thrusting into you.
The turn-ons You get to lie back and do nothing
'and' your G-spot should get a tickling.
The turn-offs If your fella isn't fit enough, this
might have to stop before it's begun, as it takes a
fair bit of stamina.


The Organ Grinder
Great for... Deep penetration.
How does it work? You lie on the bed with your
legs apart and raise them up in the air. Your man
kneels in front of you and leans forward in
between your legs. He then thrusts back and
forth and you keep your legs up in front of his
The turn ons: This positions allows your man to
penetrate you deeply and is another great angle
for hitting your g-spot.
The turn offs: You have to keep your legs up,
which can start to ache after a while.

Carpet burn
Carpet burn
Great for... Energetic sex
How does it work? The man kneels down and
then brings one leg up in front of him and places
it flat on the floor in front of him. Then you kneel
in front of him and onto him, grabbing his thigh in
one hand and his bum in the other. You can then
both thrust into each other like there's no
The turn-ons This is great for spontaneous sex,
because all you need is the floor, so try it if you
get in the mood - or bored, of course - when
you're watching TV.
The turn-offs If you're not careful you are likely to
burn your knees, so put down a cushion or towel
before you start.

Tight Squeeze
Great for... Spur-of-the-moment sex
How does it work? Although this position can just
about be done on the bed, it probably works better in a
more spontaneous location, such as a table, kitchen
work surface, chair, desk... if you get our meaning. The
woman sits on the surface with her legs wrapped
around the man's waist and squeezing him. The man
stands facing the woman and she can wrap her arms
around his back to keep herself upright.
The turn-ons:This works well for spur-of-the-moment
sex, and can be done in quite a small space - that
should be enough of a turn-on, if that's why you're
trying it.
The turn-offs: You probably need to be quite fit to keep
this up for longer than a few minutes.

Reverse cowgirl
Reverse cowgirl
Great for... Hitting that magic G-spot.
How does it work? Well, it's sort of a cross between
doggy-style and the classic Woman-On-Top position. Your
man lies flat on the bed with his legs hanging over the
edge.You climb on top of your man but face away from
him and lean forward with your arms, resting on his knees
or thighs. Angle his penis downwards slightly and let him
enter you. Then rock back and forth for an incredible, Gspot-hitting sensation.
The turn-ons: You control the speed, angle and
movement and if you enjoy watching yourself having sex
in the mirror, this position will give you the best view.
The turn-offs: Not so much physical contact.

The Slippery Nipple
Great for... Those days when you don't have
the energy to really go for it.
How does it work? He sits upright and you
lie flat out on your back. You then put your
legs round him and shuffle on. He does all
the work - you just have to lie back and
enjoy yourself!
The turn-ons: He has his hands free so he
can caress your breasts, or whatever he
The turn-offs: Not so good if you like to take

magic bullet
Magic Bullet
Great for... Hitting your G-spot.
How does it work? Lie face up on the
bed with your legs straight up in the air.
Your man kneels on the bed behind you,
holds onto your legs for leverage and
The turn-ons: With one hand he can
push your legs together so he feels
fuller inside you and with the other he
can touch you wherever he likes.
The turn-offs: Your legs can get a bit


The Man Trap
Great for... Orgasmic, week-night sex, when
you've not got the energy to really go for it.
How does it work? We're all for banning the
missionary position on good to know, but we
have to admit this one's not too far off. You lie
on the bed and he gets on top of you. He then
thrusts in and out but while doing so, you
wrap your legs around his. It gives you a bit
more power to control his speed and rhythm
and if you arch your back slightly, you'll really
start to feel the benefits.
The turn-ons: He gets to do his stuff but he'll
get aroused by your legs entwining around
him. The feeling of him rubbing against you
should also give you a really powerful orgasm.
The turn-offs: If you're trying to break away
from him-on-top, you-on-bottom sex then this
is maybe not that different. But there's no
harm in easing yourself into some of the more
adventurous moves.

good spread
The Good Spread
Great for... Mind-blowing sex with you in
the driver's seat.
How does it work? Get your man to lie flat
on his back, then climb on top of him and
slowly start to spread your legs out as far
as you can get them. Then place your
hands on his chest and rock back and
The turn-ons: The wider apart you get
your legs, the deeper the penetration will
be - good news for you and your man.
The turn-offs: The stretch on your legs can
start to hurt after a while.


Men's self-esteem sometimes depends on the size of their penis. The bigger the penis
the more confident they become. Although, many men are already naturally gifted
with long penises, some of them are still not content. Often they still ask "How to
increase my penis girth?". For those new to the word, girth is the measurement of
circumference of penis when it is fully erect. Men can only measure their girth during
Some say that penis girth can bring more pleasure to women during sex than penis
length. Why? The answer is pretty obvious; the contraction of the penis on the vaginal
wall during intercourse is what gives women pleasure. Hence the bigger the stretch of
the vaginal wall is desired, the larger penis girth should be. Due to this, a lot of men
are becoming obsessed in finding an answer to their question "How to increase my
penis girth?" even if they already have lengthy penises. Same goes for men who are
short both in length and girth on the penis size department


Ca e e Peppe :It is spi seaso i g a d i gs a a azi g taste fo all peoples
dishes, and it is also very good to support men to grow penis naturally, increase
both length and girth. Cayenne pepper will increase blood circulation, and improve
metabolism. The taste of cayenne pepper is not only great, but its health benefits
are a lot.
Garlic : is one of the most wonderful additions men can make to their diet for their
healthier penis, and they also can gain to grow penis naturally. Garlic are known to
increase sexual response of the penis, and it contains many natural antifungal
properties which will be able to keep all dangerous infections at bay, especially
yeast infection which is very common in the men than people can realize. Yeast
infection can be transmitted during the sex process with no symptoms.
Bananas : is an useful food that will be able to grow penis naturally. Bananas are
also a o de ful sou e of useful potassiu
hi h a do o de s fo peoples
hea t. The healthie e s hea ts a e the o e lood e a pu p a ou d thei
healthy body. All people guess and see the connection between banana and the
size of their penis.

Almonds and Other : Nuts are rich in many kinds of fatty acids, which are very
i po ta t i
eati g the ale ho o e that a suppo t to egulate the e s
libido. Nuts have Arginine which is a helpful amino acid to grow penis naturally and
improve circulation and all functions of the erectile. Eating healthy foods can grow
penis naturally; however, there is one simple way to get bigger penis by reading
Penis Growth Guide. Men can share their process of increasing their penis size by
leaving comment here!
Egg can be the great source of proteins. But men like to add egg to their healthy
diet for many reasons. Adding eggs for their diet will support to increase penis size
and improve their sexual stamina making their erection longer.
Avoid High-Calorie Foods Eating some kinds of foods with the high levels of
calories and fat, and a Sedentary lifestyle will cause smaller penis and heart
disease. Lack of daily exercise will be able to increase the levels of cholesterol in
e s a te ies, de easi g lood flo to thei pe is. o, a oid o su i g ju k food
for healthy penis

Onions: Onions can be added in many dishes and it also can improve the taste of
these Dishes. But did you know that fresh onions will be able to grow penis
naturally? Onions have phytochemical, which is very important in stopping the
blood from clogging or clotting. Therefore, consuming onions will support the
ooth flo of the e s lood th oughout thei od , hi h is e g eat fo thei
Ginger: If man has a weak penis or a weak immune system, then, ginger will be
highly recommended! This special nutrient is especially useful in a lot of ways. Not
o l that gi ge a suppo t to i ease lood flo to e s pe is, it i p o es
blood circulation to many organs, and this will be an assistant in melting off the
body fat as well. So people can slim fit.
Porridge: If men want to gain a bigger penis, begin a day with a very healthy, hot
bowl of the porridge. The fiber in healthy porridge will be able to do wonders for
the e s holeste ol le els, ut it a suppo t the lood essels to st et h out.
Porridge can free people from possible clogging or blood clots .
Hawthorne: This healthy herb is used in many penis pills because it have ability to
g o the lood flo to e s pe is g eatl a d to i ease the i ulatio o e all.
Hawthorne is used as an useful and natural treatment for high blood pressure and
heart problems


Make Foreplay for Him By Letting Him Watch
Men are highly visual, and foreplay can begin with the way that you beckon him
upstairs, or get undressed, or crawl into bed. Push him onto the bed and then make
him watch as you take off your clothes. I know some of you are very sensitive to how
your body looks, but remember that he gets pleasure from it, and your body is the
o l aked o a s od hes allo ed to see. o let hi see it.
Besides, hats se is ofte ot just ho ou od looks ut hat ou do ith it.
Tease him about by taking off your underclothes slowlyo e e hile ou e lea i g
o e hi . Ru ou ha ds o e ou od efo e ou let hi tou h ou. Thats the ki d
of thing that will get him going! (And remember: a little bit of tasteful lingerie goes a
long way!)
One other thought: often the reason that we women like to get into our flannel
pyjamas, rush under the covers, and then get undressed under the covers is because
the bedroom is SO COLD, especially in winter

Involve Him in Foreplay by Touching Him, Too
Fo epla does t ha e to just e fo ou; it a a d should also i ol e ou tou hi g
him, too. Make foreplay work for both of you by getting his engines running, too!
Touch him everywhere, not JUST in his genitals. Tease him a bit. And then ask him to
show you just how he likes to be touched or stroked. Men tend to like things with a
fi e ha d tha o e do, hi h is h e e ofte too soft he e tou h the
gu s, a d the e ofte too ough ith us. Just ask hi to guide ou ha d.
No , ou a ot a t to tou h hi the hole ti e that hes sti ulati g ou,
e ause he ofte does t do a e tho ough jo if hes that dist a ted. But doi g it a
little bit shows that you care about his pleasure, too. And it can also be highly
arousing! Touch him and realize the power that you have over him. He wants you.
Revel in that.

Do t Lie The e Du i g Fo epla : Its ofte the fa t that e e l i g o ou a ks
that a
ake it see like e should e ushi g. But the es o easo that ou
oth ha e to lie that a . I fa t, the es o easo h ou ha e to e i a ONE
position for extended periods of time during foreplay. He could sit up, for instance,
a d the ou ould sit agai st hi , so ou e oth fa i g the sa e di e tio . The
he can still reach around and stimulate various parts of your body, but it
psychologically feels different. Many women find this a little more comfortable,
too, e ause he is t looki g di e tl at ou fa e.
Ru His Bod : Hell e jo this o e: if ou eed to e sti ulated a e tai a ,
stimulate yourself. But not with your hand. Use his body instead. Find a way to
grind against his leg, or even against his penis without him entering you, that feels
deli ious. This e ui es a lot of o i g o ou pa t, hi h is hat hell eall e jo .
It makes it seem as if you are eager for his body and as if you are really enjoying it,
which will excite him, too. And if you keep changing positions to get an even better
a gle, the hes goi g to get sti ulated, too. You a add so e te sio to it
grabbing his hands and forcing him onto his back where he has to stay there, and
the sa so ethi g like, No , I goi g to use ou. I gua a tee the e a e fe
gu s ho ould t app e iate that. The fi d a s that o k, a d fo id hi f o
o i g. Hell feel the se ual te sio uild, ight as ou e eall e jo i g ou self.

Kiss: Do t fo get to kiss hi ! If ou e kissi g, the it o t see as if the es a
ti ki g lo k i the a kg ou d. A d ou do t ha e to just kiss his outh hile
hes tou hi g ou. Kiss a thi g! You a e e kiss so ethi g i o uous, like his
neck or his ears, but try to tease him and drive him crazy like that.
TalkAnd Tell Him What you Like: Tell him what feels good. Tell him you love him.
Comment on what great muscles he has. Remind him of a great time you had last
ea o ou a i e sa . a so ethi g se ! If ou e talki g, agai ou e
sho i g hi that ou a e e jo i g this. You e i to this. You e e ited a out
pa ti ipati g. A d to e , thats a eal tu -on: to know that their wives want to be
doing this.
Remember: What stimulates a man is often visual and psychological even more
tha ph si al. If ou let hi
at h ou, hell e e ited. A d if he feels as if ou e
e ited, ha i g a good ti e, a d o ki g ha d to ake this o de ful, the hell e
e ited, too. o fo epla does t ha e to e just a out getti g ou ph si all
stimulated. It can be about getting you in the mood, but doing it in a way that you
eassu e ou hus a d that ou e e ited a out ei g togethe . A d ho estl , if
ou do all of those thi gs, se o t see like the ai e e t a
o e. It ill all
see like its pa t of the hole pa kage!

About premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE), which I prefer to call early ejaculation, is the most
o se ual p o le fa i g e u de 40. While its i po ta t to u de sta d the
ph si al a d e otio al auses of PE, it ight appeal to the ale fi -it atu e
instead to suggest certain techniques known to slow or stop PE. Premature
ejaculation is one of the arising problem facing the youth these day. Is quite
unfortunate. Is this article we will learn simple techniques to make as stay longer in
bed to give us the kind of satisfaction we want.


Genes - The fact is, your body is programmed to use sex for reproduction - and it
wants to do that as efficiently as possible. The body wants to ensure your genes are
carried down through the years, so it only makes sense that sexually, it's main goal
is to ejaculate as quickly as possible.
Masturbation - Too much in your teen years may have "re-wired" your ejaculatory
reflex for a super quick response. Like it or not, excessive masturbation can cause
Premature Ejaculation. Why? Simple, it teaches your body to focus on the wrong
things... and when this happens, it's all over.
Intensity - For some people, the arousal and stimulation of sex is just too much.
That's why it feels like there's no way of stopping once you start... it really can be
like a runaway train plummeting down the hill. It almost feels like everything's
completely out of your control doesn't it?
Lack of the Right Knowledge - Most people have no idea how or why the
ejaculatory process works (the REAL way it works), and this leads to encouraging
Premature Ejaculation without knowing it. Once you understand the process
though, it doesn't have to be so quick and out of control.
Sensitivity - Some of us guys just have bodies that are more sensitive than others.
If you've ever felt completely overwhelmed and out of control during sex, this could
be you. But don't worry, it's actually an advantage if this applies to you - and you'll
soon see why


Try the squeeze technique: Have sex until you feel close to ejaculation. At that point,
ge tl s ueeze the e d of the pe is he e the head eets the shaft fo se e al
seconds. Stop having sex for 30 seconds, and then start again. Repeat this pattern until
you want to ejaculate.
Hold off on penetration: Avoid penetration for the first 15 minutes of lovemaking. Focus
on other sexual play to take the pressure off.
Kegel Exercises :Kegels a e t just fo o e . The es o ette ethod to st e gthe
the pelvic region than to create a strong pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle), which can
help control ejaculation. The easiest way for him to find this muscle is to see if he can
stop the flo of u i e he he goes to the ath oo . Its the PC us le that he uses to
do that. Once he finds it, he needs to practice feeling exactly where it is located and
make sure he engages it, rather than using his abdominals, buttocks, or thighs. (These
must all stay loose when doing Kegel exercises.) To do Kegels, he will quickly clench and
release the PC muscle repeatedly for ten seconds. He should do three sets, with a tense o d eak et ee sets. If he o t a ts his PC us le he hes lose to o gas , he
should be able to slow things down.

Tantric Techniques :Sex that is truly explorative is more than just traditional
physical pleasure. Try using the tantric techniques of establishing an intimate
o e tio , i ludi g he hes ea i g the poi t of o etu . Whe he
approaches that point, he should cease stimulation (i.e., pull out), then contract
the PC muscle and lower his chin to his chest (this is important, as it prevents
energy from rising too high and making him feel ungrounded). He should then draw
in a breath, feeling the warmth of sexual energy rise upwards in his body. Repeat
this as needed, until the desire to release is no longer urgent.
Condoms With Benzocaine :The results vary, but climax-control condoms can
e te d se ual a ti it a d dela a ales li a as lo g as fi e i utes. These
o do s ha e e zo ai e i the tip; its a ild a estheti ith a slight u i g
effect, so it can help to decrease his sexual sensation and bring his sexual response
do to a o e a agea le le el. Do t o , he a still e jo se ! A d hile he
does t eed the p ote ti e e efits of a o do du i g astu atio , he a t
using the condoms in a solo session to see if they help to prolong and control his

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