Advocating For Prisoners With Medical Needs

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PO Box 4038
The Correspondence Sacramento, CA 95812-
Control Unit 4038
California Prison 916-324-1403
Healthcare Services
[This entire process takes State: the name of the prisoner &
about 2 hrs over a period of 3 his CDC # the prison where is
weeks. Your initial phone call located, and where he is housed;
and letter will take his Unit and bed #
approximately 1 ½ hour]
EXAMPLE: “I am calling in regard
You do not have to write to John Doe, housed at Corcoran
‘fancy’ or use legal jargon. Just State prison, C-4-123.
tell it like it is. Be brief and to
the point. As briefly as possible, explain the
reason you are calling and the
details as to why this prisoner
needs help.
Call the Correspondence Prisoners must have
Control Unit hotline; 916- already filed at least
324-1403 one 602 appeal
You will be given time to leave a
“long” message. concerning their health
State: your name

American Prison Advocacy 2010

care issue before the Once you have made the phone
call then ‘write a letter’ reiterating
CCU will help them. what you said in the letter but with
full details, but keeping it as brief
Prisoners do not have as possible.
to be any relation to Within 3 days of this phone call
you for you to call and you should receive a call back from
advocate for them. the Correspondence Control
Unit….at which time you can give
EXAMPLE- PHONE CALL: My name them more details. Also during this
is Jane Doe. My phone # is:___ call, they will advise you that they
___ ____ (I always leave my “cell cannot release any of the
phone #) I am calling in regard to prisoners’ medical information to
inmate, John Doe, at Corcoran you without AN AUTHORIZATION
State Prison, who is housed in Unit TO RELEASE HEATH CARE
C-4-123. John Doe has been INFORMATION. Tell
attempting to get medical care for them….”Alright, well please send
his herniated disc for 2 years me that form”. They will tell you
however his 602 appeals have that it is far easier if the prisoner
continuously been ignored or fills it out on his end, and sends it
denied. Mr. Doe states that he had in. Tell them THANKYOU- BUT
an MRI prior to being transferred to PLEASE SEND IT TO ME; I WILL
Corcoran which showed he clearly SEND IT TO HIM. (it has been my
had herniated discs; L-4 & L-5, but experience that if they send it
since he has been at Corcoran ‘directly to the prisoner’…it rarely
(Since November of 2008) he has ever actually gets to him. If I send
not been able to get any medical it to him “certified mail” then it
attention. reaches him
Could you please look into Mr.
Does’ records, evaluate his needs It is not absolutely necessary to
and get him the help he needs. have the AUTHORIZATION TO
This man is in constant pain and is REALEASE HEALTH INFORMATION
having difficulty performing even FORM. They will see to his needs
the most normal daily tasks. (Stick regardless…but it it ‘good’ to have
to the facts; do not blame or it in case you need to ‘follow-up’
accuse, keep as brief as possible on care given, which I have had to
while still conveying pertinent do from time to time. For instance,
information) one prisoner got the ‘surgery’ he
was scheduled for, but then did not
End of Phone call get the much needed ‘physical
therapy’ needed after the surgery.
Because I had that ‘RELEASE’ on

American Prison Advocacy 2010

file….I was able to ‘push’ for his Send a copy of this letter
physical therapy. to CCU.
I always let the prisoner I am Send a copy of your CCU letter
advocating for know that the to the prisoner you are
RELEASE is not absolutely advocating for (this lets him
necessary; that they will get the know help is on the way;
care they need without it, but that encourages him)
the RELEASE authorizes me to And keep a copy for your files)
“follow-up” if they are not getting
the ‘complete’ care they need. I am sending with these
These records are personal and instructions a SAMPLE letter so you
should be kept HIGHLY can get an idea of what to include;
CONFIDENTIAL. The prisoner has
options as to ‘which parts’ of his Be sure and mention that the
records he wants to release also; prisoner has already filled out
medical, psychological, dental, a 602 or numerous 602’s
etc….so he can authorize any or all (whichever is the case)
parts of these records. But it’s
important that you emphasize that Be sure and include your return
this is “his choice” to do so. address and phone number
Be sure and include the Prisoners
SO….you have made the call. You name, CDC #, Prison, and housing
have received a call back. You unit
have requested the Authorization
to Release Health Care Info for the Always, always, always keep a
prisoner; which you are going to ‘paper trail’. Make a file for each
send to your prisoner; (certified prisoner you advocate for. Print out
mail with a return receipt), and you the letters you have written and
have written your letter. the ones you receive back from the
CCU and the prisoners. Keep on
Now, send your letter (you should “on-going “file.
actually mail your letter the day
you make the phone call, if Send your letter to the CCU. You
possible) to The Correspondence should receive a letter back from
Control Unit/Prison Health Care them stating that they are looking
Services, (CCU) and you are going into John Does records and they
to reiterate what you said during will see to it his needs are being
your phone call…..and “add all the met.
details” that you didn’t’ have time
to add during the message you
were leaving.

American Prison Advocacy 2010

In ALL cases that I
have dealt with over SAMPLE LETTER #1
the years (since 2005) (These examples are ‘real’;
once the initial phone names and locations have
call is made, and the been substituted to protect
the confidentiality of the
letter is sent to prisoner)
CCU…..all the prisoners
I have advocated for
Jane Doe
have gotten a response 333 third st
for the CCU within 4-5 Oakland, CA 33333
weeks and their 333-313-3013

medical needs have The Correspondence Control Unit

been fully taken care California Prison Healthcare Services
of. PO Box 4038
Sacramento, CA 95812-4038

February 18, 2010


To whom it may concern;

American Prison Advocacy 2010

I am writing to you regarding Inmate, John Doe, Doe states that he was so sick in September with
F-97547, HDSP/D-4-120L. Mr. Doe states that the MRSA and side effects of the Hept C
he has had Hept C since 1999. treatment that he could not continue with the
Hept C treatment. He states that he was
According to Mr. Doe he has 2 strains of the vomiting and had diarrhea, headaches, Chills
Hept C virus; Geneo type 1 A & 2 B so he feels and fever sweats; all a side effect of the
this disease is twice as hard on his liver. During Interferon and Ribavirin treatment. He states he
the period when Mr. Doe was receiving could not even get extra toilet paper. (Prisoners
treatment for Hept-C, he said it was working. are only allowed only one roll per week)
He had a ‘Viral Load” done on June 15th, 2009,
was receiving 1 injection of Interferon 1 time As a result of his request; Nurse Practitioner,
per week and 7 Ribavirin pills a day and was Melody French (supervisor of the Hept-C
assessed at a blood count of over 1 million 1 treatment program) forced him to sign a “refusal
hundred 40 thousand …. after 4 weeks of of treatment” and kicked him out of the Hept C
treatment his viral load was at zero. He states he program.
is what is referred to as “a responder to
treatment. Currently; he is not receiving treatment for
either the Hept C or the MRSA and requests to
Mr. Doe states that he is currently being denied be given treatments for both conditions.
treatment because he was so sick that he could
not withstand the treatment given and was Mr. Doe states that he has submitted numerous
forced to sign a “Refusal for Treatment” by 602’s concerning this matter however the
Nurse Practioner, Melody French. Appeals Coordinator continually denies his
He also has MRSA Staph that he is not currently
being treated for. Prior to being denied medical He further states that MRSA patients are not
care P.A Miranda did a culture of the sores on being isolated at HDSP.
his legs and determined that he had MRSA. P.A.
I ask that you look into this situation as soon as
Miranda treated this with creams for several
possible and work towards getting Mr. Doe re-
months to no avail. In October of 2009 he states
instated in the HEPT C treatment program and
he is going to MED-I-CALL almost daily. In
provide adequate care of his MRSA Staph
October P.A Miranda finally did a culture on the
sores that would not heal; the result,
“MRSA”Staph infection. It is also of grave concern to us here at PARC,
that, if in fact, the MRSA patients are NOT
He WAS being treated for the HEPT C, in 2009
being isolated at High Desert State Prison, that
however; after receiving this treatment he began
this protocol be remedied immediately.
breaking out with sores all over his legs and
buttocks. Thank you for your time and consideration. I
look forward to hearing from you as soon as
In September he requested that P.A. Miranda
possible concerning Mr. Does’s medical care.
suspend his treatment for hept C, pending
getting the MRSA infection under control (He Sincerely,
states at that time he had sores all over his
buttocks, inside his mouth and on his lips) Mr.

American Prison Advocacy 2010

close to getting surgery, he was transferred to
Jane Doe yet another prison.

************************************** In 2006 he was transferred to C.S.P. Solano,

************************************** where he dislocated his shoulder twice on
********* approximately January 27th, 2006 and August
9th, 2006.
Sample Letter #2 According to Mr. Smith; each time his shoulder
has been dislocated he has been taken to
“outside” hospitals where X-Rays and MRI’s
Mrs. Jane Smith were done and his shoulder was put back into
444 4th st. place.
Oakland, CA 45445
510-444-4444 Once again, before surgery that was
recommended could be performed; Mr. Smith
The Correspondence Control Unit was transferred to Pleasant Valley State Prison,
California Prison Healthcare Services Coalinga, CA.
PO Box 4038
Sacramento, CA 95812-4038 Mr. Smith states that finally they put him on a
916-324-1403 waiting list for surgery; per the recommendation
of the orthopedic doctor, however before
surgery could be performed he was transferred
January 6th, 2010 yet again, this time to High Desert State Prison,
Susanville, CA, on October 10, 2007.

To whom it may concern: According to Mr. Smith he began putting

medical slips in requesting surgery as soon as he
I am writing in regard to prisoner, John Smith, arrived at High Desert. He informed the medical
D-76009, housed at High Desert State Prison, Z staff at High Desert about the history of his
Unit-603. dislocated shoulder, as well as informing them
that he had already been approved for surgery at
Mr. Smith has shared with me that he has been PVSP.
incarcerated in CDCR since 2004. When he
came into the system, including at the County Mr. Smith states that despite all of his efforts the
Level, he had a displaced shoulder. [Left closest he has come to getting his much needed
shoulder] surgery was an appointment with a RN nurse.
She scheduled him to see a doctor which he has
He states that in every prison he has been in not seen to date! His shoulder has dislocated
since 2004 he has been seen by medical staff; twice in 2009; once on August 17th, 2009 and
that the medical staff in each consecutive prison again on October 25th 2009.
have been aware of his medical condition but
none have followed thru on recommendations Mr. Smith states that all of his MRI’, X-Rays,
for surgery, because each time he felt he was doctor appointments as well as
recommendations for Surgery are in his medical

American Prison Advocacy 2010

records. He states that he has attempted to COORDINATOR, because the fact that this
utilize the 602 Administrative Appeals Process young man had not gotten his needs met in “6
to appeal this situation and get the much needed years” after having received approval for
care he needs, however the Administrative surgery twice was unacceptable! I wanted to
Appeals Coordinator rejects his appeals, draw plenty of attention to his needs]
stating he does not have the necessary
supporting documents. **************************************
Mr. Smith further states that he has been *********
attempting to get copies of his medical records
since August 17th 2009 to no avail. The
administration will not cooperate with him.
I ask that you look into this matter immediately.
Mrs. Jane Smith
This young man has been incarcerated in CDCR
444 4th st.
for 6 years with this existing medical concern
Oakland, CA 45445
and has yet to get any help with it. Please
investigate this situation and let me know if I
can be of help in any way to expedite the care of
Mr. Smith. Mr. John Smith # D-76009
HDSP/ Z Unit # 603
Thank you for your time and consideration,
PO Box 3030
Susanville, CA 96127
January 14, 2010
Jane Smith Dear John:

I just wanted to let you know that I

have received 3 calls from The
Cc: Warden, Mike McDonald
Correspondence Control Unit/Prison
Cc: Ombudsman, Karin Richter Health Services people.

CC: Litigating Coordinator, HDSP (I The first call was in response to my

specifically included the “Litigating call; in which I verbally gave them all
Coordinator” since Mr. Smith had difficulty in the details of your case and requested
obtaining his medical records. I hoped this help for you.
office could be of help in getting him his
records) The second call was to acknowledge
the letter that I had sent them,
following up my initial phone call…to
give them “in detail” all the intricacies
of your case,

American Prison Advocacy 2010

And the third call today was to let me 444 4th st.
know that because I did not have a Oakland, CA 45445
“Release of Authorization” for health 510-444-4444
care on file they were limited in how
much they could tell me about your
John Smith -76009
care. However, they said they had
mailed that form out to me 2 days ago
PO Box 3030
and I should be getting it soon. When I
Susanville, CA 96127
do get it I will fill it out and send it in…
or send to you to send in…depending
January 27th, 2010
on what the proper protocol is; I won’t
know exactly what that is until I get it
Dear John;
and read it.

They did assure me however that my Please find enclosed the

concerns about you were being “authorization form” that you must
addressed and you “were being complete and sign to allow the release
seen”….so please keep me posted as of your medical information. This
to what is happening on your end. form must be submitted to the
Health Records Office at the
Alright , that’s it for now…just keep Institution where you are housed.
me updated - I will do the same for You can send this form by
you . institution mail “U-SAVE-EM” with
a note to the records technician
to place this form in your UHR.
After this form has been placed in
your file, this information may be
Jane Smith available for release to you.

Please let me know that you have

SAMPLE LETTER received and submitted this form.

#4 Thank you,

Mrs. Jane Smith

Jane Smith

American Prison Advocacy 2010

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