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Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Release

Notes for Financial Management

Solutions and Enterprise Service
Automation 9.0 Bundle #02
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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes for Financial Management

Solutions and Enterprise Service Automation 9.0 Bundle #02

These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial
Management Solutions and Enterprise Service Automation products since the FMS and ESA
9.0 release bundle #01. This document includes resolutions for the following applications:
• PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Cash Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Deal Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise eSettlement

• PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger

• PeopleSoft Enterprise IT Asset Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Maintenance Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Expenses

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Grants

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Pay/Bill Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Program Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Staffing Front Office


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Subject Resolution Description

Asset Accounting Entries 1567183002 Process AM_AMAEDIST is going to Modified the PeopleCode to avoid division by zero.
Management No Success after carrying out
revaluation second time.
1567503002 AM: Unique Constraint Error - when asset Modified the AM_AMAEDIST AppEngine program so that
range has group and non group assets. the accounting entry process goes to a success status
when the asset range has group and non group assets.

Conversion 1577422002 AM:AMIF1000 gives unique constraint Corrected the SQL error in AMIF1000 when inserting into
error on PS_ASSET_LICENSE. PS_Asset_License.
Currency 1557750004 AM:Non-Recoverable VAT Not Included in Modified various PeopleCode, so that Non-Recoverable
Asset Cost. VAT is included in Asset Cost.
1570561002 AM:Rate Type listed on Cost History Modified the Transaction Loader to properly handle RT
Detail is incorrect. TYPE in the same way that the Asset Entry on-line
component does it.
Depreciation 1502190004 Assets retired with HY convention are not Modified Depreciation process so that asset retired with HY
being fully retired when using 13 period convention are being fully retired when using a 13 period
calendar. calendar.
1554937003 Unique Constraint error on Depreciation Modified AMAUSCAL.SQR and AMIF1000 AppEngine
Calc. (Transaction Loader Process) to correct the ChartField
sequence no. on fin table for rows created by Australian
Revaluation so that cost table will have right entries and
depreciation process will not abend with error.

1577445002 AM 8.9 - When running Depreciation Updated the depreciation calculation process to prevent
(AMDPCALC) on a SUS entry (asset errors from occurring when suspending an asset on DB2
suspended), the following occurred databases..
"SQL0727N An error occurred during
implicit system action type "2".
Depreciation - Group 1474101004 AM:Calculated reserve amount incorrect Modified the group depreciation process, so that the
when retiring member assets. reserve amount is calculated correctly when retiring
member asset.
Depreciation Close 1570423002 AM: AM_DPCLOSE in error at Step Corrected date conversion error in Depreciation Close
AM_DPCLOSE.500040A.Step10 (Action process.
SQL) RC = 8601.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 1 of 30


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Asset Management Functionality 1484989004 AM8.8 SP1 - Foreign Transactions for Updated the Accounting Entry Creation process so that
ADD and RET do not balance. transaction currency information will be based on the
primary books currency when Transaction currency
translation is not selected. This is a new feature added at
the installation level for Asset Management.

1555675002 MM - Meter Reading for the Technician Modified the PeopleCode to also call routine from the
Workbench [WM_WOE_METER] is not Technician Workbench.
calling routine to create WO.

1562893002 Search Button Grayed When Selecting Corrected the Consolidate Assets functionality to allow
Multiple Field Values During Asset selecting multiple field values. The search button will be
Consolidation. ungrayed when a new value is selected.

1572303003 AM: Create Asset in Basic Add with Corrected erroneous error message on Basic Add
Accumulated Depreciation displays error Component when adding accumulated depreciation.
(8010, 186)
1573744002 AM - Adding one asset with multiple Modified PeopleCode
ChartFields thru Basic Add ADD_WRK.NON_CAPITAL_PB.SaveEdit so that Adding
one asset with multiple ChartFields through Basic Add
doesn't create an error.
1580307003 AM: Copy Asset allowing duplicate tag Modified PeopleCode so that Copy Asset does not allows
numbers to be saved. duplicate tag numbers.
Integration - AP 1574344002 AMIF1000 fails with unique constraint Modified the Transaction Loader to handle more than one
error on AMIF_ASST_TMP4 AUP for the same asset in the same run. The process will
pick the last one and ignore the others.

1579788002 AM: Closed voucher RET allowed into AM Modified AMPS1000 to reject retirements for inactive
tables with original cf values ChartFields.
Integration-Inventory 1566967001 MM - Multiple issues on Range Meter Modified the PeopleCode and the message catalog to fix
enhancement reported issues on the Range Meter enhancement.

Interface 1566543003 Unitized PO Receiver Not Loading into Corrected logic in Transaction Loader for Non-Capitalized
AM When Profile is Expense profiles to successfully send asset information to the Asset
Management tables.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 2 of 30


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Asset Management Interface 1568963001 Multicurrency transactions for secondary Created a new error checking step for the error checking
books when market rate has not been section in Transaction Loader to prevent the processing of
defined from batch transactions where market rates do not exist for all of the
1578030002 AM:AMIF1000 puts data in Modified the Transaction Loader Process AMIF1000 so
ASSET_ACQ_DET not related to the that it populates the correct data in ASSET_ACQ_DET that
asset is related only to the asset.
Mass Change 1576241001 AMPI1000 errored out when inserting Modified Mass change Type 'PI1 - Asset Table Update',
AUPs in PHY_A table 'PI2 - Asset Location Changes', 'PI5 - Add Assets Found In
PI', 'PI6 - Asset Custodian Changes' and 'PI7 - Inventory
History Insert', so that process AMPI1000 runs
Parent-Child Processing 1553717003 AM 8.8 SP1 - Incorrect Depreciation Modified the AM_PARCHD_IU program to correctly create
generated from InterUnit Parent-Child rows in INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A tables depending
Transfer process on AM InterUnit Transfer Definition. Also modified the
AMIF1000 to ensure that the depreciation calculation for
the To business unit is done with that of the From business
Performance 1578892002 AM:Performance issues with TransLoader Modified the Transaction Loader to properly handle the
- AMIF1000 profile table using SetID and effective date. Capitalization
Limit and Min are evaluated only for business units
containing books with constraints. Component Id is
evaluated before unnecessary processing. Document
Sequence evaluation was corrected.

Reports 1560012003 AM8.81: report AMDP2200 doesn't give a Modified the SQR to summarize by category and provide a
summary with total depreciation value summary when the user requests the report by category.
when printed by Category

1562358003 AM: Report AMDE4001 - Physical Added Location to the run control for Report AMDE4001 -
Inventory Report not selecting by location Physical Inventory Report so that all of the assets'
locations can appear in the report.
1574680003 AM: French Statutory Reports EU_2055A Modified reports EU_2055A and EU_2055B, so that the
and EU_2055B print extra pages reports do not print extra pages.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 3 of 30


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Asset Management Reports - Depr/NBV 1558545002 AM- CSV format of the report AMDP Modified AMDP2200(Depreciation BY Period) SQR so that
2200, displays period in the 2006, column, columns are aligned when we take the CSV Format of the
and the amounts corresponding to that report.
period in the 2007 column.

Revaluation 1572041001 Sybase: AMREVAL process ends Corrected the SQL Object to save the process instance
successfully, but transaction is not information.
1575674001 Revaluation - ChartFields are wrongly Modified PeopleCode
assigned to the financial table AM_REV_SCH_WK0.SAVE_PB.SavePreChange so that
the ChartFields are stored correctly.
Cash Management Accounting Processing 1570031002 CM 8.9: TRA_ACCTG: BSP External Modified the underlying peoplecode of the record,
Transaction TRA_PROCESS_STATUS = BNK_RCN_TRAN so that the status of the event changes
'E'. from "Error" to "Not Processed" once the accounting
template is changed to a active one in the Accounting
event page.
Bank Statement Processing 1564613002 CM 8.9: BSP_IMPORT: Error on Modified Underlying Peoplecode at Application Package
importing BAI2 statements. TR_FORMAT to import BAI2 statements having alpha-
numeric Bank id.
1576474002 CM 8.9: Bank Statement Manager soldes Created a new language view BNK_BAL_LANG_VW over
bancaires in English not in French. base view BANK_BALANCE_VW so that translated
description is displayed correctly for when logging in any
respective language.
Book to Bank Reconciliation 1561163003 CM 8.81: Recalculate at page "Book to Modified the underlying Peoplecode of the Record
Bank Reconciliation" remains processing BNK_BTB_WRK to improve the performance of the Book
and then times out. to Bank Reconciliation page.
Internal Accounts 1577244002 CM:The converted Internal Account Cash Modified the underlying peoplecode of the record,
Account ChartFields tab is grayed out. BANK_ACTINT_VW2 so that for an internal account with
no ChartFields, a row for cash account ChartField gets
inserted and user is prompted to enter the account value.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 4 of 30


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Cash Management Paycycle/ ACH/EFT Processing 1569580002 AP 8.9 - AP_FP_PROC - ABENDED at Modified the key structure(i.e. changed to Duplicate Order
Step AP_FG_PROC.SENDPMT.Step01 Key) of the fields PMT_ID & INVOICE_ID in the record
PMT_INVOICE_TABLE and for the fields PMT_MST_ID,
PMT_SEQ_NUM & INVOICE_ID in the record
PMT_INVOICE_STG and also modified the peoplecode in
the Application Package
PMT_INQUIRY:UI:PaymentDetail.OnExecute, to avoid the
duplicate Invoice Number issue and to execute
AP_FG_PROC successfully.
Settlements and Transfers 1565095002 CM 8.9 - Not able to inform layout for Modified the peoplecode at
payment method wire. BANK_PYMNT_LYT.STL_THROUGH.FieldFormula and
ula to display the Layout value for Payment Method WIRE.

1577159003 CM 8.8: Transfer Template: Currency Modified the underlying Record PeopleCode at
Code Look-Up returns no rows TR_WR_TEMPLATE.BANK_ACCT_KEY.FieldChange to
display the currency code in the look-up page.
1586424003 On Transfer Template page Currency and Modified the underlying PeopleCode in the record
Payment method isn't set to blank during TR_WR_TEMPLATE, so whenever a bank code value is
Bank Code field change. changed on Transfer Template page, currency code and
payment method fields are set to blank.

Deal Management Deal Capture 1584523003 DM/CM: Deal with a Deal Status of 'Under Modified Underlying peoplecode at
Negotiation' can be selected for TR_POSN_LIB.POPCF.INSERTCF so that deal with a
Settlement in the Settlement Manager deal status of 'under negotiation' is not available for
page Settlement Selection.
Integration 1578826002 Incorrect Mark to Market - 'Fair Value'(Fair Modified the section of the, TR_SEC_MTM so that the
Value - Amortizations - Deal Manage paydowns and the drawdowns are taken into consideration
while calculating the fair value of the MTM entries.

eSettlement Functionality 1536350003 eSettlement 8.8SP1 Getting Error Trying Modified the peoplecode in
to Enable an AP Business Unit as an EM_BUY_REG_TBL.SAVEPOSTCHANGE component to
eSettlements Buyer prevent error when enabling the AP business unit as an
eSettlement buyer.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 5 of 30


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

eSettlement Functionality 1543145003 8.8:EM_VCHR_CRT application engine Modified the following component -
has a performance issue EM_BUY_REG_TBL.SavePostChange App Engine
Sections - EM_VCHR_CRT.Insert ,
EM_VCHR_CRT.Insert,EM_VCHR_CRT.MAIN to improve
General Ledger Allocations 1531975002 Missing journal lines when Source Method Modified Allocation Application Engine PeopleCode
of Group By is used in Allocation Step for programs to enable the Allocation process to work correctly
Target on creating target journal lines.
1565571003 GL 8.81: Allocations fails at step Modified the Application Engine Allocation Program
FS_ALLC_OUTJ.AnchFlag.GetLn when PeopleCode to enable the Allocation process to work
BU is in Target or Offset correctly when creating budget journals.
1566161003 Allocation fails with invalid character error Modified Application Engine Allocation program state
when using over 6 target ChartFields. record and SQL to avoid invalid character error when
running project allocations.
1576494003 GL: 8.8 MP5 problems with PS ALLOC Modified Allocation record PeopleCode so that the process
REQUEST acts correctly when users choose to start Allocation from
the first step in the Allocation Group.
1577427002 GL-Allocation issue on multibook ledger Modified Application Engine PeopleCode that enables the
with translation within ledger group Allocation process to work correctly when creating
Secondary/Translation ledger journal lines.

1578742002 Allocation in error : update rate mult in Modified the Application Engine Allocation program to
error ORA-01438: value larger avoid the numeric overflow situation for the Rate_Mult field
in certain Allocation scenario.
1583035002 GL89-Allocation Copy/Rename/Delete Modified the Application Engine Allocation copy program
process can insert duplicate steps into SQL so as not insert duplicate steps into the Allocation
group Group.
1587549002 Allocation Process Fails - Step Modified common Application Engine Tree selector
FT_TREESEL.iDetVal.iDetVal PeopleCode so that the Allocation process uses the correct
ChartField table for Pool when a tree is used and the Tree
Node record is not TREE_NODE_TBL.
Alternate Account 1584271003 Delivered PeopleCode is not correctly Modified peoplecode so that data is not saved when you
identifying invalid Account to Alt Account map an account to an alternate account that is already
mapped within the same SetID.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 6 of 30


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

General Ledger ChartField Configuration 1564008002 Unable to inactivate ACTIVITY_ID and Modified ChartField template peoplecode to allow
ChartField Configuration inactivated when PC, SP, and RS modules are not
installed. Modified the message catalog entry to reflect the
new validation rule.
Closing 1547242002 Header totals for Closing journal has Modified the COBOL Closing program to correctly populate
unequal Debit and Credit totals. journal header credit and debit totals.
Consolidation and Equalization 1563844003 Equalization creates journals in wrong Modified several Equalization and Consolidation Cobol
base currency on multicurrency programs to create journal in correct base currency on
elimination unit multicurrency elimination unit during equalization process.

Document Sequencing 1539571005 Parallel JGEN fail w/ Modified application engine Document Sequencing library
PS_SEQ_NBR_LST_TBL index violation to prevent duplicate insertion into or update of the
Entry Event 1570576002 Multiple PO Change Orders cause Entry Added a step to the Application Engine Budget Processor
Event to fail with unique constraint to reset entry event process status flag back to 'N' for
reversal rows.
Inter/IntraUnit 1508646003 On SYBASE environment, SQL Error on Modified record view SQL, peoplecode, and page to
InterUnit and IntraUnit Template page prevent SQL error for SYBASE on the InterUnit Template
when trying to edit page when the user tries to edit.
1556150003 InterUnit creates erroneous IU lines when Modified Application Engine IU processor peoplecode to
Multicurrency and MultiBook are enabled keep journal lines in sync across ledgers in a multi-book
with 2 translate ledgers ledger group.
Journal Edit 1546318002 GL_JEDIT : Performance issue - full table Modified the Application Engine Journal Edit program to
scan on PS_JRNL_LN make user entered run control criteria effective.

1561880002 Journal Updates KK twice. Added Application Engine Journal Edit to call Budget
Processor to back-out the commitment control data for the
old journal date before changing the journal date.

1578496003 GL 8.8SP1: Journal edit processes are Modified Application Engine PeopleCode in Journal Edit to
deadlocking when called from Allocations. prevent deadlocking.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 7 of 30


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

General Ledger Journal Entry 1562516001 GL9.0 : System recognizes VAT info Modified Journal Entry PeopleCode to not reset VAT
change by opening VAT sub panel with no values when returning from VAT page without any
change when import Flat File with VAT changes.
Journal Post 1545046002 Post Journal Run control picks Journals Modified the COBOL Journal Post program to correct the
outside nominated Period problem of posting journals outside of the nominated
KK-Budget Checking 1540767004 Budget Check after PO Rollover 2 results Modified Application Engine Budget Processor program to
in false error "Ref'd Doc has been remove false error of "Ref'd Doc has been Finalized."
1581948003 SQL error @ Override a transaction in Modified peoplecode to resolve the error that occurs while
Error Bud Exceptions saving Budget Exceptions page after selecting a few
transactions for budget override.
1583246002 Budget Check changes PO to Valid but Modified the Application Engine Budget processor to
does not create encumbrance create activity for valid documents.
1589256001 Repacking resolution 687910 that did not Modified the Application Engine Budget Processor to
get posted in FMS Financials 9.0 Bundle convert datetime to character correctly.
KK-Budget Definition 1568098002 Session terminates when saving budget Modified Peoplecode to improve performance for a budget
definition that has ruleset with many definition that has a ruleset with many ranges.
KK-Budget Inquiry 1473046002 Missing related-language views results in Created a new language view for Commitment Control
two untranslated labels on KK_FS_INQA inquiry.

KK-Security/Notification/WF 1576297002 KSEC_TREE_NODES view not effective Modified record view KSEC_TREE_NODES so that
dated KSEC_FLAT finds the current tree node number for a node
Ledgers 1558938002 GL: Class Record method GetField field Added checking at Save time to prevent user from
SCENARIO is invalid. (2,273) checking non-configurable CF's balancing flag if IntraUnit
LED_GRP_FLD_TBL.BALANCE_FLAG.S Balancing Entries flag is on.
aveEdit PCPC:5539 Statement:68

R1 Reporting 1568285001 GLX7501 Journal Print XMLP - Informix - Added informix specific sections to application engine
Process failed at Step program to prevent errors in informax databases. All other
GL_XMLP.JEntry.iTAO (Action SQL) -- platforms are not impacted.
RC = -201

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

General Ledger Reports 1568486001 GL 9.0 - Error Message Highlighted fields Modified page GLRCN_REQUEST and
are required on GLRCN REQUEST Page RUN_GLRCN_RPTS to remove unnecessary error
1572491001 "End Date" repeated twice in the table Corrected the column heading to read "Begin Date" on the
column headings XML Publisher Template for GLX8100.
1578951001 Run Date format is incorrect for Chinese Modified the Application Engine Program GL_XMLP and
in FSX0007 XMLP report XML Publisher Templates to display the correct translated
description for the journal entry detail report.

IT Asset Functionality 1538822001 ITAM9.0: The Assets Not Reporting Page Modified the Assets Not Reporting page to hide the Group
Management Has Some GUI Refreshing Issue with Box containing the Select All and Clear All hyperlinks
'Select All' and 'Clear All' Buttons. instead of hiding the links specifically.

1570573001 ITAM9.0: Archiving Identical Financial Corrected the Financial List DateTime Stamp so that both
Lists, Creates duplicate Asset Rows in a the high-level pagelet data and the associated detail data
Combined Archive List, Rather Than will match. Added the DateTime Stamp field as a search
Creating Separate Archive Lists. key to allow data to be retrieved by date.

1574890001 ITAM9.0: The Asset CPU Field Does Not Corrected issue with the CPU field on the Asset table. It
Default to 1, When Adding Assets Via will now default to 1 when an asset is added through
Express Add or Express Lease And When Express Add or Express Lease Add. When the Asset
Changing Asset Type From Non- Type is changed to Hardware in Basic Add, the CPU field
Hardware to Hardware For Existing now defaults to 1.
Maintenance Crew Scheduling 1573758001 MM - Sybase - SQL error on CSWB Modified TaskSearch and TaskSearchExt PeopleCode to
Management search page fix the SQL error caused when searching by asset
attributes on the Crew Scheduling, Labor Assignment,
Work Order and Technician workbenches.

Defaults 1571780001 MM: Fields don't populate in the Asset Modified AssetSearch PeopleCode so the fields Asset
Search page after clicking the Search link Type, Subtype and Business Unit are populated on the
in the Work Order - Schedules - Tools Asset Search page after clicking the search link on the
page Work Order - Schedules - Tools page.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 9 of 30


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Maintenance Integration-Inventory 1563447001 Sybase - MM - SQL error running the Modified Sybase-specific sql for view
Management Material Readiness report WM_WO_MTRDRY_VW2 to replace the two columns
which accumulate the count of Inventory and Procurement
exceptions (accumulated to view fields
respectively) with hard-coded zeros. Note that while these
exception counts are contributing to the observed Sybase
problem where the "ancillary table" limit of 14 is being
exceeded, these counts are not used or referenced in
either the Crystal report or supporting Query for the
Material Readiness report (WM11000), and so can be
"turned off" without impact to the report results.

Integration-Project Costing 1561367001 MM - Page Data is inconsistent with DB Modified PeopleCode in the WOTaskWrkHandler class to
error when entering capitalization values fix the "Page data is inconsistent with database" error that
and then enter an asset is displayed when entering capitalization values followed by
asset id on the work order.

Integration-Purchasing 1576219001 WO: When changing status of WO Task Modified ResourcesValidator, WOActualsHandler class
to complete, we're not erroring if open PeopleCode to ensure that a work order task having
pegs exist. Problems exist in WO Maint, either/both Scheduled Inventory and Scheduled
Tech WB and WO Completions Purchase/On-hand (Non-Inventory) items with open pegs
cannot be set to 'Completed' status. This edit will now be
enforced consistently across the Work Order, Technician's
Workbench, and Work Order Completion components.

Technician Workbench 1568382001 Improper Error message in the Tool Updated Save Edit routine to execute all error edits before
usage page any warning edits.
Work Order 1568968001 MM - Peoplecode error when pressing Updated Select/Deselect All code to check/uncheck as
selecting all button on checklist tab completed all the selected Checklist items for the given
WO Task.
Work Order Completion 1571488001 MM - Inconsistencies on the messages Message displayed in the WO Component now is
display between the WO completion and displayed in the WO Completion Component as well.
WO component

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Payables 1099 Reporting 1556656006 1099 Update for 2006 Modified the Application Engine (AP_APY1099) and other
objects to accommodate the changes for the 1099 update
for the year 2006.
1566236003 AP: 1099 Corrections are creating 2 Modified the Application Engine (AP_APY1099) and other
copy's one with box 9 checked incorrectly objects to accommodate the changes for the 1099 update
for the year 2006.
AP/AM -Interface 1576769002 Performance issue - INTFAPAM Taking Modified the AP to AM Application Engine Process
hours instead of minutes (INTFAPAM) to improve the performance of step
Interface 1571858001 Unable to add a new run control for CCR - Updated the permission list for ALLPAGES to include the
Load registry File add action under MAINTAIN_VENDORS,
Manual Payment 1560279003 AP 8.8 SP1 PYMNT_SELCT_STATUS is Modified peoplecode to reset the
being set to 'R' on some vouchers PYMNT_SELCT_STATUS to 'N' when a voucher payment
is unselected in the Payment Worksheet page.

1573073003 Dates on Manual Payments Modified the peoplecode so that both the from date and to
date must be entered or both must be blank when
searching for vouchers in the Manual Payment Worksheet
Matching 1560548002 AP: Matching not generating Match Modified SQL AP_MTCH_390 to work correctly for upper
Exception Rule 390 and lower tolerances.
1564352002 AP Matching not generating match Modified SQL AP_MTCH_380 so that the AP Matching
exception for Rule 380 process correctly generates a match exception for Rule
1565341002 AP_MATCH.UpdFlags.Step01 missing Modified the SQL for AP_MATCH.UpdFlags.Step01in the
process instance Application Engine (AP_MATCH) to retrieve the correct
process instance.

Not Categorized 1343980002 English titles displayed on translated Modified the PeopleCode so that the labels on the
pages PAY_OPT_SEC and PAY_OPT_SEC and PAY_TO_BANK_SCHED pages are
PAY_TO_BANK_SCHED translated to the appropriate selected languages.

1576360001 AP9.0: SQL error occurs on Layout field of Modified the related language view text on
Vendor panel ( Location tab ) when log in AP_ACHLYT_DLVW and AP_EFTLYT_DLVW to correct a
by Japanese problem in the Vendor component.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Payables Paycycle/ ACH/EFT Processing 1558724002 AP: APY2055_POSITIVE_PAYMENT Modified query APY2055_POSITIVE_PAYMENT to allow
Query not prompting on Bank Code users to prompt against the Bank Code table.
1565586004 Paycycle Job show status of complete on Modified Application Engine PeopleCode for AP_PCJOB to
the check status of Positive Payment Step make sure positive payment gets printed before it is
1572805003 AP: Pay Cycle not assigning the check Modified Application Engine (AP_PYMNTID) to ensure that
numbers in order the PayCycle will assign check numbers in the correct
sequence when there is a duplicate check number
1575097002 Pymnt Reference Confirmation/Renumber Modified the PeopleCode to eliminate the confirmation
errors if there's a gap in check sequence error in PayCycle processing.

1589085004 8.8 SP1 Expense Report paid twice by 2

Modified the Payment Selection Application Engine
different pay cycles (AP_PAYSELECT) process to update the payment
selection status to 'Selected' in the Expense module when
the paycycle is selected to run selection only.
Posting - Payment 1560779004 AP 8.4 SP2 - AP_PSTPYMNT abends at Modified the SQL AP_BANK_INS_DET1_SQL and its
AP_PSTCOMMON.CF_INH2.Step02 associate SQL's so that only 'APA' rows are selected.
constraint at AP_

PrePayment Application 1574810002 AP 8.9: RSA and Realized Gain for Modified the Voucher Posting Application Engine process
Prepaid Reversals for withholding. (AP_PSTVCHR) to correct the withholding rounding
option's calculation for TDS.
Reports 51295004 Irregular output of Summary Payment Modified Crystal Report APY2001 to logically print Total
Register Crystal Report APY2001 - Total Requirements for Currency following the Total
Requirements for Currency totals appear Requirements for Bank Account for the same Pay Cycle
at top of next page immediately before the Sequence.
next PayCycle Sequence Number -
1560704003 AP 8.8 SP1 - Not able to execute Modified Crystal Report APY1408 to allow the aging basis
AP_APY1408 by Net Due date date to be schedule due date or net due date.
1570219003 AP - APY1020 - missing amount if Modified the query for Crystal report APY1020 so that
identical amounts payment schedules of a voucher with identical information
will be returned correctly.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Payables Reports 1580410002 Rpt AP_VNDRPRE gets a dead lock Modified the Application Engine report
when 2 or more people run this report (AP_VNDRPRE/APY3000) process to allow concurrent
processing with multiple users.
Sales/ Use Tax 1559366003 AP8.8SP1: Multiple tax authority and tax Modified PeopleCode and Application Engine so that the
codes - accrual entries incorrect. correct tax rate is selected based on the invoice date,
resulting in correct accrual entries
1580371003 AP 8.8 SP1 - AP_VCHRBLD does no Modified Application Engine SQL in APVEDTPRSU to
accrue Use Tax for Credit Vouchers accrue negative use tax.
Shared Components 1564029001 Post Payment Process abends with SQL Modified the following AE SQLs: AP_PSTPYMNT BB000
Error for Withholding Vendor with Multiple (BB000-2AS, BB000-2C , BB000-2E, BB000-4A and
Entities/Contact Ref Numbers BB000-4C) so that payment posting process runs
successfully without duplicate key issue.
Taxware/Vertex Integration 1474832003 AP: Voucher Post is updating the tax audit Modified the PeopleCode and Application Engine
file with the transaction (foreign) currency (APTAX000) to ensure that the base currency is sent to
Taxware for calculation.
Vendor 1484136003 VENDOR_SYNC errors when an HCM Modified the PeopleCode to ensure the vendor information
vendor is updated via the Approve Vendor entered in the financials database is correctly passed to to
page the HR database through the VENDOR_SYNC message
when using the Approve Vendor page in the financials
1571944003 list of SetID 's is not limited to the SetID in Modified the SET_ID lookup prompt on the Vendor Search
Review Vendor page, Vendor look page to use SP_SETVC_NONVW so that the correct
SET_IDs are displayed.
Voucher 1554038003 AP: Recycled vouchers are getting Modified the PeopleCode so that when a user changes the
processed by Document Tolerance amounts on a voucher the document tolerance setting will
process. revert to not checked.
1556826004 ACH Voucher Entry - Settlement Days Modified the PeopleCode to prevent the scheduled due
subtracted multiple time from scheduled days from being subtracted multiple times by the
due Settlement Days.
1559398003 New Window hyperlink causing voucher to Modified the PeopleCode so that when a user changes the
be saved out of balance amounts on a voucher the document tolerance setting will
revert to not checked.
1560468005 PO 8.4 SP2: Cannot change PO Modified the PeopleCode so that if the quantity and the
Distributions after Invoice has been amount are both zero for a distribution line that is
entered associated with a PO/Receiver, the distributions are
deleted upon voucher save.

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For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Payables Voucher 1564626002 Unpaid Vouchers Inquiry Performance Modified the SQL in the VCHR_NO_PAY_VW to improve
Problem performance.
1566010004 Statistical Alt Account does not gray out
Modified peoplecode so that account and alternate account
amount and quantity fields behave the same way when it is marked as a statistical
1570531003 AP: Unable to save Voucher with 100+ Modified record peoplecode so that the ChartField
Distribution Lines validation routine is called once for the voucher instead of
once for each distribution line. The ChartField validation
routine will go through all the distribution lines to validate
their ChartFields.
Voucher Build 1564453003 AP: User Defined Discount through Modified the Application Engine (APVEDTDFLT) so that
Voucher Build creates Payment Post RSA when an EDI file is loaded with a User Defined Discount
entry and the Due Date flag is set to Terms and when the
Voucher Build process is run, the User Defined Discount
and Discount Due Date fields appear on the voucher
correctly. When this voucher is paid and payment posted,
the accounting line entries are correct.

1567020002 Error when saving voucher that is in Modified the following views:
'recycle' status created by voucher build VNDR_MTCHLN_VW,VNDR_MTCHLN_VW1,VNDR_MTC
HLN_VW2, so that vouchers that are created by the
Voucher Build process from procurement card transactions
can be modified and saved in the Voucher page.

Voucher Maintenance 1579658002 Unable to change invoice number in Modified the VCHR_DSTCORRECT_PG page to include
voucher maintenance the ANALYSIS_TYPE field in the grids.
Withholding 1563986003 AP: Withholding amount on Voucher is Modified the PeopleCode in the Application Engine
calculated with wrong cents when Round (AP_WTHDCALC) process to ensure that withholding
option on Entity is Natural. amounts are rounded correctly.
Receivables Accounting Entries - General 1554996003 AR88: Direct Debit unbalanced Modified SQL in
accounting entries if VAT Declaration AR_PGG_SERV.VATGENDD.PYDECDD1, so that
Point is Payment accounting entries will be balanced when direct debit is

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For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Receivables Accounting Entries - General 1562564002 AR 8.9: WS-09 entries incomplete when
Modified PeopleCode
creating worksheet without item and
PAYMENT_ITEM.ITEM.FieldChange to default
customer references VAT_ADVPAY_FLG to 'N' for an existing item populated
without any references.
1572201003 AR_UPDATE ABENDED at Step Added new section in AR_PGG_SERV.ANCHOR to avoid
IU_PROCESSOR.U400.U400-010 the abended issue in AR_UPDATE when there is intraunit
setup and ledger group has Fund (ChartField) as a
balancing ChartField.
Aging 1556757003 AR_AGING looping at Modified SQL AR_AGINGDBUPDTRSET_IT2D to improve
DBUPDT.RSET_IT2 the performance in AR_AGING.
AR Update - Posting 1553877002 AR 8.9: Modified SQL's in AR_PGG_SERV to avoid the duplicates
Insert Duplicates in Update process using 2 external items with the same
PS_PG_LEDCUR_TAO5 group ID with different RT_TYPE.

1567822002 AR: AR Specialist not defaulting from BU Modified PeopleCode

level setup when Customer level setup is PAYMENT_ITEM.CUST_ID.SaveEdit so that AR Specialist
blank. will be defaulted in payment worksheet from BU level setup
when Customer level setup is blank.

1572388002 AR - AR_UPDATE hangs at Modified SQL's in AR_PGG_SERV to avoid the duplicates

Update process using 2 external items with the same
group ID with different RT_TYPE.

1572800002 AR_UPDATE Creating Unbalanced Modified SQL's ARPGG_SERV$DSTLINESYSCASHPMLS

Entries for Payments if the Pending Item and ARPGG_SERV$DSTLINESYSCSHP2ML for the
has More than 200 Distributions. creation of cash lines to have unique distribution sequence
numbers to avoid duplicate insert error.

Condition Monitor 1507916003 AR 8.8 SP1 - ABENDED at Step Modified SQL's AR_DUNNINGDELDCUSTINSDEL2S and
when running Condition Monitor - OS390 constraint error when collection status assigned to a
issue Customer.

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For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Receivables Conversations 1513029003 Contact us message flow - email Modified PeopleCode

notifications on Cust Conversations not CUST_CONVER.BUSINESS_UNIT.RowInit to resolve the
complete issue of Customer email notification.
1569400001 No ITA placeholder for some formulas in Modified Crystal report AR33004.rpt to include the
AR33004.rpt placeholder for ITA and languages.
Credit Card Worksheet 1501295001 SWAP 9.0 - 4 issues found in the new Modified Application Package Peoplecode
credit card component AR_CREDIT_CARD:CreditCardTransactionUI to improve
the display of foreign language data in a swapped (i.e. non-
English) base language database.

Credit Cards 1563219001 AR9 T205 Sybase & Informix >> Credit Modified SQLs in Application Engine program
Card Batch jobs seem to hang at Items AR_CRCS_PRCS to improve the performance to generate
and Worksheets generation steps the Items and Worksheets.

1565852001 AR9 T205 > eBill Credit-Card partially Enabled the step AR_CRC_BWS.GetItem.SeleBil to select
paid items were not picked up by items that have been paid through ebilling.
Customers 1570242002 AR: 'Link MICR' hyperlink should use the Modified Peoplecode
payment's accounting date as the PAYMENT_WRK.MICR_LINK.SavePreChange to use the
effective date payment's accounting date as the effective date for the
MICR ID, if the user creates a new MICR ID from the
payment application.
D&B 1560326003 SQL Errors get displayed on Dun & Modified Application Package AR:DNB to resolve the SQL
Bradstreet Lookup Order page while error while clicking the Purchase DB Information button.
clicking Purchase DB Information button.

1565179003 AR8.8 SP1 - "A fatal PeopleCode SQL Modified Application Package AR:DNB to resolve the SQL
error occurred" when repurchasing Credit error while clicking the Purchase DB Information button.
Score USA report on the same day for the
same branch

1571599001 D&B Lookup - PeopleCode error Modified Application Package AR:DNB to resolve the SQL
AR:Util.DNBConstants does not support error while clicking the Purchase DB Information button
property or method cFIELD_DB_NAME1

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For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Receivables Deposits - Regular 1569982001 AR9 T205 > SaveEdit did not apply to Modified PeopleCode
Regular Deposit Payment Accounting PAYMENT.ACCOUNTING_DT.SaveEdit so that
Date when users update the Accounting Accounting date check will happen when users update the
Date on the Deposit Total page Accounting Date on the Deposit Total page.

Direct Journal - Acctg Entries 1557869003 AR 8.8 : Direct journal payment doesn't Modified PeopleCode
use manually entered exchange rate when PAY_MISC_WRK.CREATE_DST_LINES.SavePreChange
bank account is set to Always Inherit for so that when you create a direct journal payment in foreign
Operating Unit currency and you change the market rates, the system
uses the manually entered exchange rate.

Drafts 1563223003 AR: AR Update posts a Draft Application Modified SQLs AR_POSTING GENDRCRTPI_ASSGNS
Worksheet even when it has been set to and AR_POSTINGGENDRINTCHECKH in AR_POSTING
Hold Status so that system will check the hold status for the Draft
Control before allowing the worksheets to post

Inquiries - Customer 1569158003 AR 8.8SP1:If Customer Balance is zero

Modified PeopleCode
and BU not filled in, on the AccountSUBCUST_PRF_WRK.DO_CUST_PROF_WRK.FieldCha
Overview page Most Recent Activity fields
nge so that Customer Account Overview displays the
not populated recent activities for the customer even if user does not
pass the BU to the search.
Item Entry 1576290003 AR 8.8 SP1 Mass Change Does Process Modified Application Engine PeopleCode in
wrong Records for COLLECTOR Field AR_MASSCHG.UPPEND so that system does not process
Changes wrong Records for COLLECTOR Field Changes.

Item Entry - Acctg Entries 1559255002 Group control page times out when item Modified Peoplecode in
has too many distribution lines on PENDING_DST.ACCOUNT.SAVEEDIT,
when item has many distribution lines.
JFMIP 1558843001 AR9 JFMIP > Reclassify Open Item page Modified PeopleCode objects to resolve the reported label
'Build' and 'Build Doubtful' buttons label & and display issues.
display got changed and appeared
Lock Box 1570664002 AR25001.sqr skipping items Modified SQR AR25001.sqr to populate group sequence
number correctly in the report.

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For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Receivables Maintenance WS - 1567311002 AR: Maintenance Worksheet Error - Modified PeopleCode WS_WRK.FUNCLIB.FieldChange so
MultiCurrency Currency rate for non base currency not that invalid error message should no longer appear in
available Maintenance Worksheet.

Payment Predictor 1514644004 AR 8.42: Payment Predictor #DTL_TLR Added actions in AR_PREDICT2.#DTL_TLR.GENITMOE
not applying items for different units so that items from different business units are applied
correctly correctly.

1551369002 Auto Maintenance Process writes off Modified SQL AR_AUTOMNTEDITSET_ACTND in

remaining balance using OLDEST AR_AUTOMNT so that system will pick up the correct
SETID using setcontrol values for the Auto_maint records,
rather than just the business unit.

1555399003 Payment predictor running too slow when Modified SQL AR_PREDICT1CUSTSPOPStep02 to
order number reference selected improve the performance in payment predictor when order
number reference was selected.
1559160002 Payment Predictor Not Applying Modified the steps
Payments although message log says AR_PREDICT2.#OLDEST1.DEL_MATC and
Applied and ready for Posting AR_PREDICT2.PUPD.PAYMNTS2 to make the message
be in accordance to the application of the payment.

1565252002 AR: Payment Predictor Runs to No Turned off the ResUse Flag in
Success in Oracle and DB2 OS390. AR_PREDICT2.VATTXNID.UPDVATID so that payment
predictor process does not abend in DB2/OS390.

1567140003 Payment Predictor Applyies a Payment Modified AR_PREDICT2.ONE_CUST.BY_CUST so that

Multiple Times for Same Item ID and payment is applied when cust id is specified
Different Item Lines
Payment WS 1478951003 AR 8.8 Performance: Update Worksheet Modified Peoplecode
'Payment Predictor' Checkbox Slow Save PAYMENT_ID_CUST.ID_SEQ_NUM.SavePreChange to
improve the performance in Update Worksheet.
Reports 1549754002 AR 8.9: RUN_AR32001 run control should Modified PeopleCode in
not allow wildcard in business unit field RUN_CNTL_AR.BUSINESS_UNIT.Fieldchange, and
modified the field definition of
RUN_CNTL_AR.BUSINESS_UNIT to disallow the wild
card in business unit field.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Receivables Statements 1567115002 Balance Forward lines not populated Modified SQL AR_STMTSPOPASOFSTMTS so that
correctly for customers w/Multi-BUs Balance Forward Statements pull in the correct data if you
have customers in multiple business units.
Transfers - Acctg Entries 1563565002 Transfer items from US001 where the Modified SQL ARPGG_SERV$DSTLINAARLOADT22S
default distrib code is different than the which creates the AR line of the transfer to item to use the
transfer to BU distrib code correct distribution code.

Contracts Amendments 1576780003 Abend at CA_CHG_CTRL.1020- Modified the application so that the system
APL.ApplyChg -Assignment calculates percentages correctly for "In Progress"
CA_DETAIL_DST.CA_PERCENTAG and "Completed" revenue plan events. Also,
E failed at updated the Accounting Distribution page so that it
FUNCLIB_CA.APLIB.FieldFormulaNa opens without errors for amount-based accounting
me:ReCalcAmount when using distributions.
Distribution by Amount in Accounting
Distribution page-
ETHOD Value=2
1571464002 CA8.9: Reimbursable agreement Modified the Contracts Billing Interface
number does not carry down to the (CA_BI_INTFC) Application Engine so that the
bill from CA. system now displays Reimbursement Agreement
Number value on the online invoice.
1583982003 CABP_ADDR_INQ does not join Modified the application so that when a customer ID
correctly to customer SETID exists in more than one Set ID, the system displays
the correct customer address from the Billing Plan
General page.
1585649003 CA_BI_INTFC abend Modified the Milestone Processing Application
CA_MS_PRCS.INIT.SELECTMS Engine (CA_MS_PRCS) so that the Contracts Billing
when running the CA_BI_INTFC with Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) process runs successfully
more than 1 requests per run control when the Process Milestones check box is selected
with process milestone checked and there is more than one request per run control.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Contracts Contract Entry 1566463002 CA- Performance saving amended Modified the application so that performance issues
contact to add multiple lines -loop do not occur when a contract line is added to a
CA_DETAIL.CONTRACT_NUM.Field contract (through amendment mode) that already
Formula contains a large number of contract lines. When the
contract is saved, performance issues no longer
1567975003 SQL object CA_DST_DATE_CHK Modified the application so that performance issues
and CA_RED_DATE_CHK give error do not occur when saving the Contract.
when saving the contract: ORA-
01652: unable to extend temp
segment by 16 in tablespace
Limits 1567499001 Cannot translate field text "Revenue Modified the template file for the Contracts Fee Limit
Limits" in CA_LMT_FEE_RPT.RTF XML Report so that all the field labels in the report
can be retrieved in the xlf file for translation.

1568175001 Got error when preview the Modified the Limit Amount Management XML
CA_LMT_XP report Publisher Report (CA_LMT_XP) so that no errors
occur when the report is previewed in the Report
Projects 1565685003 8.9 PC_GL_TO_PC failed unique Modified the Contracts Limits Process (CA_LIMITS)
constraint within app engine so that the process does not fails with a Unique
CA_LIMITS at constraint error.
1581845005 Business Unit Security allows you to Modified the search record property for the Contracts
access a BU not defined for the Definition page so that users can access only those
Permission for the following pages: business units that are defined in the Business Unit
Project Costing Definition, Project Security Permission list.
Costing Options, Contracts Definition,
Approval/Notification Setup, Award
Setup and BU Definition

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Contracts Renewals 1567644004 CA- Error assigning Renewal lines Modified the application so that renewable contract
when customer id contain apostrophe- lines can be assigned to a renewal plan even if the
SqlServer Unclosed quotation mark customer ID contains the special character
before the character string apostrophe.
PeopleCode ScrollSelect processing.

1568215004 Renewal contract lines deleted- left Modified the application so that renewable contract
rows in PS_CA_RNW_CYCLE, lines can be deleted from the contract only if the
PS_CA_RNW_PKG and contract line is not assigned to a renewal plan
error with UPD607142_01.dms
Revenue 1563750003 CA 8.81: component interface errors Modified the application so that the system changes
CA_ACCTPLAN_CI when processing the revenue plan status from “Ready” to “Action
contract amendment Required” if the contract line amount is changed with
an amendment.
1577782003 CA_LOAD_DEF generated entries Modified the Deferred Revenue Process
with random value after multi (CA_LOAD_DEF) so that accounting line entries are
contracts are amended. created with correct amounts when deferred revenue
is processed after amending multiple contracts have
been amended.
1583515003 CA- Allowing to set contract status to Updated the application so that the system displays
Cancelled or Closed even there are an error when a user attempts to close a contract if
deferred entries- the deferred revenue and revenue do not match.
Expenses Accounting - General 1570056002 EX: 8.9 Commitments are not being Modified the PeopleCode so that the travel
relieved when expenses are booked authorization Budget Status will be changed when
the Expense Report is successfully processed for
budget checking.

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For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Expenses Accounting - General 1574386002 EX: Overage amounts are not Modified the PeopleCode to generate distribution
appearing in Accounting Detail lines with Overage Accounting entries when using
Hotel Wizard as per the Expenses setup definition.

1581618003 EX 8.8 SP1: Cannot navigate back to Modified the PeopleCode to enable users to
Expense report from Accounting navigate back to the Expense Detail page when
entries page display only mode is active for the Expenses
Distribution page in Permission List setup.
Acctg - Splits/Distributions 1574394002 EX: Overage amounts are not Modified the PeopleCode to generate distribution
appearing in Accounting Detail lines with Overage Accounting entries when using
Hotel Wizard as per the Expenses setup definition.

1575343002 EX 8.9: monetary amount on expense Modified the PeopleCode so that distribution lines
distribution is different than the are not re-calculated when expense lines are not
expense line amount changed
1579701002 EX: After Update ID 670928 Expense Modified the PeopleCode to avoid rounding issues
Report in Foreign Currency creates when creating expense lines in foreign
wrong Reimburse Amount

Approvals 1564390002 EX8.9: Unable to pull exp reports inModified the PeopleCode to enable unstaged
Modify approved transactions after payments to be pulled up in the Modify Approved
unstage. Transactions page.
1570214002 EX 8.9: Save warning using worklistsModified the system to redirect the user to the "View
denying/send-back expenses Expense Report" page after an approval action is
taken with the expense report whenever the user
navigates from the Worklist. This enables the user
to return to the worklist without getting a save
warning message.
Configuration 1574564002 EX8.9/ PT 8.48.03 Can not configure Modified the PeopleCode to allow departments that
approvals to a department in diff. are under different SetIds to be used in the Approver
setid. List and Approver Assignment pages.

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For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Expenses Employee Profiles 1572616001 EX-Wrong values are showing up in Modified the PeopleCode to display the correct
the Expense Processing Role on values for the Expense Processing Role on the
Employee Profile for new employees Employee Profile for new employees.

Exchange Rates 1566793003 EX: After Update ID 670928 Expense Modified the program to avoid rounding issues when
Report in Foreign Currency creates creating expense lines in foreign currencies.
wrong Reimburse Amount

Expense Report - General 1577723004 EX 8.8 - View receipt image link uses Modified the Expenses system so that the URL of
a URL that does not encrypt the the third-party imaging system does not display in
sheet ID. the browser.
Integration - GL 1564564003 EX:Open Period is changed every Modified the system so that it does not override the
time a change is made to Expenses existing open periods whenever a change is made to
Definition page the Expenses Definition page.
Integration - HR 1573249002 EX 8.9: Employee data load not Modified the PeopleCode to update the Default
updating the default flag correctly. Profile flag correctly.
1581640002 EX 8.9: First Job in Travel & Exp Modified Employee Default Profile view to select the
Profile must have ACTIVE status to current employee registry.
Create Exp Report
Time Reports - General 1571165002 EX8.9:Buffer error when not using The code was modified in order to eliminate buffer
line 1 of a copied timesheet. error.
Workflow 1572937002 EX 8.9: Field does not exist -- Modified the program to eliminate the 'Return to'
FUNCLIB_EX.. hyperlink from being displayed on the Travel
(2,104)FUNCLIB_EX.MENU_FUNCS Authorization report page when called from e-mail
.FieldF notifications.
Grants Award Profile 1558067002 In GM_AWD_CUST page (Award Modified the PeopleCode so that the
Profile > Sponsor tab), GM_AWD_CUST_CT.CNTCT_SEQ_NUM field is
GM_AWD_CUST_CT.CNTCT_SEQ_ made visible on the Award Profile - Sponsor page.
NUM field is invisible
1575612002 Issue in Award Funding page Modified the Peoplecode to enable the add/delete
regarding add/delete button on the button on the Budget periods in the Award Funding
budget periods page before saving.

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For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Grants Copy Proposal 1576689001 Copy Proposal Version should not Modified the peoplecode to ensure that Copy
copy Proposal Version does not copy the
Grants Security 1581845004 Business Unit Security allows you to Modified the Record Field
access a BU not defined for the GM_COMP_WF_SRCH.BUSINESS_UNIT property
Permission for the following pages: to only allow users to access a Business Unit that is
Project Costing Definition, Project defined for the Permission.
Costing Options, Contracts Definition,
Approval/Notification Setup, Award
Setup and BU Definition

Grants Workflow Rules 1572074002 Grants Workflow error Class Row Modified the Peoplecode
method GetRowset scroll FUNCLIB_GM.VERSION_ID FieldFormula to point
GM_PROP_PROJ is invalid- Setup to the correct Rowset to configure the workflow with
Level for component = Primary multiple criteria on the approval notification process.
Maintain Proposal 1586086001 Error received "Duplicate field Modified the PeopleCode so that the duplicate field
detected on record GM_PROP_DOC" is deleted from the GM_PROP_DOC record.
in App. Designer

Web Services 1564565001 GM - "Revision" icon disappears on Modified two Peoplecode modules to eliminate the
the Proposal page issue of the Revision Icon disappearing on the
Grants.Gov Proposal.
1577217001 The system allows entering version id Modified the PeopleCode to fix this issue.
starting with "V" when creating a
proposal from Get Opportunity page

Pay/Bill Usability 1579719002 PB: Cannot assign Customer Fields It is now possible to select Customer Fields
Management Definition to an existing assignment Definitions that were created under a different setID
for a customer that does not point to than the default setID defined for the Record Group.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Program Master Resource Schedule 1568420001 Sybase: Clicking on Master Resource Modified the application so that users do not receive
Management Schedule from Resource page and an SQL error when accessing the Master Resource
from Master Resource Schedule Schedule in the Sybase platform.
page is throwing error.
Project Resource 1568411001 Sybase: If a Generic Resource is Updated the application so that the system removes
deleted from a Project from PRL it the unmatched Sybase SQL from the SQL object
throws out a SQL Error message.? and replaces it with the default SQL.
Work Order Integration 1568305001 Sybase: Getting SQL error when ROLE may be a reserve word in Sybase. Therefore,
clicking search for creating work it should not be used as an alias.
Project Costing Functionality 1556111003 PC 8.81: hyperlink "Explanation" of Modified the Project Initiation Checklist page to
Project Step returns Step Description correctly show the explanation value when using the
instead of Step Explanation 'Explanation' hyperlink..

1566909003 PC 8.81: deleting a project Modified the Add Transaction page to do not validate
transaction returns "Budget definition the Commitment Control related fields when no
setup is incorrect. (13100,550)" changes are made to the blank row

1579972002 PC 8.9: Gives the People code error Modified code to allow deleting a row from the Add
In the Transaction detail page when Transactions component for a Commitment Control
hit save project.
Global 518781003 Untranslated field values in page Modified the Project Costing Business Unit Options
BUS_UNIT_OPT_PC page so that the enforce drop down translates into
the correct related language values

Performance 1551784003 PC_POADJUST performance at Modified the Purchasing Adjustments process to

BUILD.ORIG and improve the performance in several steps. This
NONMERCH.NONMERCH included adding additional indexes.
1575054002 PC_INTFEDIT No Success in Modified the Project Pricing process to improve the
Integration Testing - Upgrade ti 8.9 performance at a redundant step.
(PC_PRICING performance issue)
Project Assets 1560862002 Issue with PC_REVERS_AM process Modified the Review Assets page to prevent
changing the status to reverse when there are open
transactions for the project and asset.
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 25 of 30

PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Project Costing Project Assets 1571975002 DB2 7.1 -- Modified the Express Capitalization process to
PC_EXPRSS_AM.PctRows.UpdRsTa support DB2 version 7.1 platforms.
Project Budgeting 1542498002 PC- KK security rule with ALLOW Modified the code for finalizing Budget Plans so that
attribute gives error when Finalizing a the system correctly applies the Budget's Security
budget plan- Error: You do not have Rule Combination.
sufficient Budget Security access to
finalize Cost Budget Plan 1.
1572133002 Not allowed to reduce project budget Modified the Project Budget page to allow the
to zero. finalization of a budget that negates a previously
finalized budget.
1572180002 Project status control not enforced Modified code when finalizing Budget Plans to
when finalizing project budget rows enforce Project Status control from the Grant's
under Grants award pages Establish Award pages.
1573942002 Project Budget Detail page not Modified the properties "Distribute Budget" and
savings the adjustment if saved to "Even Spread" button on the Budget Detail page so
many times. that they will set the component as changed
whenever clicked which will initiate the save events.

Security 1581845006 Business Unit Security allows you to Modified search record property for both Project
access a BU not defined for the Costing Business Unit options and definition
Permission for the following pages: components to allow users to access only those
Project Costing Definition, Project Business Units defined in the Business Unit Security
Costing Options, Contracts Definition, Permission list.
Approval/Notification Setup, Award
Setup and BU Definition

Third Party Integration 1518480004 PROJECT_SYNC message is not Modified the HCM integration process to correctly
performing updates update changed information on the project and
activity definitions.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 26 of 30


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Project Costing Time and Labor Integration 1559258001 DB2/UNIX - PC_TL_TO_PC process Modified the Time and Labor integration process to
abends when loading Time and Labor correctly load data in DB2 platforms.
1568614002 System is throwing Peoplecode error Modified the Time and Labor integration process to
after clicking on Search button on enable the Transaction List to search for Time and
Transaction List page. Labor rows that were not processed through Payroll.
Utilities 1558074003 Creating a project using Project copy The Copy Projects process has been changed to
from Establish Awards does not correctly copy and display the data from Grant's
display Grant Pages page in Establish Awards.
1572131002 PC 8.9: Unique Constraint error Modified code to avoid unique constraint errors when
Creating a Project from Template copying multiple project status records using create
w/more then 1status row Project from Template.
Real Estate 2.0 Lease Administration 1578165001 Audit Issue - Ordering Keys Modified the record structure to arrange the record
Management keys in their order of importance.
1578734001 Audit Issue - FSM Security Modified the Business Unit prompt to use the Real
Estate Management's security view for Business
2.5.2 Transaction Queue 1563697001 Headers are missing in the TQM Modified the grid column properties on the
page Transaction Queue page to set the labels for the
Modified By and Created By columns in the grid.
Resource Consolidated 1563604001 RS:In a Consolidated Scenario if a Modified the SQL that inserts rows to the Supply
Management Supply/Demand new Role is added to the Supply Detail and Supply History records .
Forecast from the Supply Details
page, on Saving the Scenario it
throws a SQL error. This Error is
encountered in Informix.
Employee Profile Module 1572523002 MM - Able to save invalid Maintenance Management: Added additional
combination of BU-Shop on Labor validation to check for proper combinations of BU
administration page and SHOP fields.
Flexible Factor 1564244002 RM-Attribute not getting listed in Modified the JOBSCORECARDINTERFACE Class
Jobscore Card in search result. to correct the attribute error.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 27 of 30


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Resource OCP Analytics 1563629001 RS: Generic Resource added with Modified the validation process that checks if the
Management Requested Status in PRL does not generic resource exists in a pool. Now, the process
come in OCP after running the also checks whether it is present in the Project
Refresh Supply Category Analytics tables, if the generic resource is not in any pool.
Resource Pools 1540785001 RS - Resource Pools - Unassigned Modified the code, that updates pool tables, to
Pool membership incorrect for ensure entries in pool tables are deleted for dates
ineligible resource when a resource is made ineligible.
Schedule Assignment 1550190001 Assignment API - Availability Cache Maintenance Management: Modified the API code to
Record and Schedule End Datetime correctly update the assignments and availability
are not updated correctly under two table entries when assignments are made for
scenarios resources with overlapping and midnight shifts.

1550328001 Assignment API - Assignment End Maintenance Management: Modified the API code to
Datetime, Calendar Entries, and correctly update assignments and availability table
Availability Cache data is not updated entries when assignments are made for resources
correctly when resource is assigned assigned to multiple shops with different shifts.
to multiple shops with different shifts

1564824003 RS: Clicking on the Assignment bar in Modified the code that displays the assignment page
the Resource Schedule Chart doesn't after a user clicks the blue bar on the Resource
open the Assign Resource page Schedule chart.
1567104002 Assignment API - Assignment End Maintenance Management: Modified the
Datetime, Calendar Entries, and CancelAssignment API code to correct the issue that
Availability Cache data is not updated occurs in French language settings.
correctly when resource is assigned
to multiple shops with different shifts

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 28 of 30


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Resource Schedule Assignment 1572173002 Assignment API - Assignment End Maintenance Management: Modified the Create
Management Datetime, Calendar Entries, and Assignment API to fix the error.
Availability Cache data is not updated
correctly when resource is assigned
to multiple shops with different shifts

Service Order 1588584003 RS: RS_SESSION.SESSION_ID Modified the function that generates a new session
does not reset to 0 when it reaches ID to reset to 1, in case it reaches the maximum limit.
Staffing Front Agendas 516720003 forward fit from Staffing 8.4 : In Staffing -> Agenda -> My Agenda -> Agenda
Office FO_EVENT_DST_VW not language- Details tab, the values indicated in the drop-down list
enabled of the EVENT_TYPE field are now translated
properly to languages other than English.
Assignments 1571551001 Hardcoded message on page In Staffing -> Orders and Assignments -> View
FO_PROJ_CHUNK1_SBP Assignment Transactions page,
FO_PROJ_CHUNK1_SBP (Subpage of
FO_PROJ_EXPRESSG), the Search Result
Message field now displays text that has been
properly translated to languages other than English.

1571979001 Hardcoded title on page On the FO_ASGN_CHANGE_DT page, the title

FO_ASGN_CHANGE_DT 'Change Dates/View History' is now correctly
translated in languages other than English.
1579809002 Work Site Contact prompt on an The correct setID now defaults to the Assignment
Assignment is defaulting the wrong prompt.
Setid when the Customer setid <>
Functionality 1574252002 FO-Error with Applicants when trying It is now possible to enter more than one reference
to add a second reference. to an applicant.
1576578002 Error with multiple Employee Prior It is now possible to enter the supervisor name for
Work Experience records more than one Work Experience record. The
supervisor name is stored in uppercase.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 29 of 30


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 02

For EFM, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft EFM, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 01.

Staffing Front Orders 1571397001 Hardcoded xlat values on page On the FO_CST_ORDER_REQ page, the
Office FO_CST_ORDER_REQ Requisition Status (FO_RES_STATUS) field values
now display in languages other than English.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2006. All rights reserved., Page 30 of 30

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