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David L. Williams, PE/RLS1339 Marti Lane, Alcoa, Tennessee 37701Phone (865) 6818157 * Cell (865) 356-6259 * dlwilliams00@yahoo.

com Business Analyst/Software Co

nsultant (highly technical 2 pages) James Smith SUMMARY Seek a position as a Civ
il/Environmental Design and/or Construction Engineer, where more than 35 years o
f design, environmental and construction experience will contribute with proven
skills in Civil and Environmental Design, Project Management and Construction En
gineering. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE * Have extensive experience with Civil and Envir
onmental engineering design, supervision, and construction oversight of governme
ntal, municipal, commercial and industrial projects. Also have AASHTO, RCRA, CER
CLA, OSHA, TDOT and DHEC experience and working knowledge of National Codes and
Standards. * As a Civil Project Engineer have experience for both public-and pri
vate-sector projects in preparing reports and studies, planning, preliminary des
igns, cost estimates, coordination of design survey, preparation of construction
drawings and specifications (CSI), project scheduling, construction administrat
ion and development of project "Statement of Work" for subcontractor. Types of p
rojects included DOE facilities and environmental restoration and remediation de
signs (includes both sanitary and RACA landfills), roadway and airport designs,
pavement designs, utility designs and relocations, stormwater drainage designs a
nd improvements, water distribution and sanitary collection systems and site lay
out and grading. * As a Project Manager/Project Engineer for construction projec
ts have experience in preparing construction progress reports, providing designs
support, serving as field liaison between the design group and the contractor,
interpreting procedures and specifications and providing technical assistance to
superintendents and crafts, managing multi-discipline groups and managing proje
ct budgets. * Managed, supervised and coordinated the design and preparation of
plans and specification documents for multiple civil projects. Maintain the capa
city for working directly with clients and contractors from project inception to
closeout. * Construction Management experience includes nuclear plant construct
ions, environmental remediation and restoration projects, roadways, airports, la
ndfills, utilities systems, commercial and industrial facilities and subdivision
s. Have experience in Construction Administration and Inspections for both priva
te and public sector projects.TECHNICAL SKILLS * Proficiency in computer associa
ted skills includes Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and Microsoft Project, Microst
ation CADD and stormwater modeling and design software (HydroCad, Hydro-Flow, Fl
ow Master and Culvert Master). * LEED'S Certification (Sustainable Site Section)
te: Civil Site Engineer responsible for preparation of construction documents an
d permits for Closure of two "Cold War" reactor facility

complexes. Closures included facility's underground utilities, structures, the s

ite's ash basins and remediation of a contaminated area. Designed the stormwater
drainage system improvements and developed their hydrologic runoff calculations
. Developed project construction drawings and specifications (CSI). Developed th
e Projects Stormwater (SWPPP) and Grading Permits.* DOE Portsmouth Ohio: Field E
ngineer/Title III Project Field Engineer and Office Manager for Lockwood Greene
Technologies, addressing six (6) major DOE environmental restoration projects re
lated to RCRA and sanitary landfill closures which included in-situ soil oxidati
on, enhanced vapor extraction, pump and treating groundwater, gas venting system
and use of bentonite walls for groundwater containment. As Title III (construct
ion) Project Coordinator responsible for field liaison between the design group,
the client and the contractor and for preparation of construction change orders
and cost estimates, monitoring construction activities, collecting and maintain
ing record drawings and data and managed the day-to-day operation of the field o
ffice. * Savannah River Site: Responsible Engineer for preparation of civil cons
truction drawings, specifications (CSI) and SCDHEC permit documents for an expan
sion of their Tritium Facility. * Knoxville Law Enforcement Training Academy fac
ility: Senior Project Engineer for the design of a state of the art firearms cen
ter that included two 30 point, 50-yard pistol ranges; one 20point, 100 yard rif
le range with a rappelling and sniper tower. The facility was equipped with two
45-person classroom and computerized firearms training system. The facility also
has a Driving Track which includes a sophisticated skid pad, large skills area,
and city response course. * Nashville International Airport: Civil Design Engin
eer and Construction Engineer for a new 8,000-ft, 2R-20L runway and for airport
entrance roads improvements, new parking lots facilities, relocation of an exist
ing landfill, and relocation of multiple vehicular streets. Responsible for fill
placement in a 400 foot deep rock quarry and overall airport drainage improveme
nts, as required to extend the runway. David L. Williams Page 2 SELECT CIVIL AND
Engineer and Field Engineer responsible for Title III design modifications and
Construction of a RCRA closure and post closure activities at this 6.5 acre faci
lity. Modifications included the disposal of 26 concrete vaults beneath the cap
for the BCBG"B" and Walk-in Pits. * Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Savanna
h River Site; Project Engineer for the design of two (2) Low-Level Radioactive W
aste Disposal Facility, Aiken, SC; Project includes sites of approximately 40 an
d 20 acres with RCRA caps, their associated permitting activities and the prepar
ation of a storm water and sediment reduction plan permits for submittal to the
State of South Carolina* K-1420A Waste Transfer Station,

Oak Ridge, TN: Civil Group Lead for preparing the Title II Engineering Design do
cuments for this K-25 Site.* Superconducting Super Collider, Waxahachie, TX: Civ
il Group Lead for the preparation of the Conceptual Design Report, Technical Inf
ormation Documents and the total site restoration plans which included the final
contract drawings, specifications and permits for closure of the Super Collider
Site in Waxahachie, TX. During construction served as Title III Field Construct
ion Engineer. Responsible for monitoring construction activities, preparing chan
ge orders and cost estimates and collecting and maintaining record drawing. * Y12 Plant, Oak Ridge TN: Prepared the Conceptual Design Report (CDR) and the Tech
nical Information Document (TID) for the treatment strategy to develop/build a C
ontrol Polishing Facility to meet increasingly stringent discharge standards and
to eliminate wastewater discharge violations. * Sandia National Laboratories, A
lbuquerque, NM: Civil Group Lead for the civil programming, preliminary design a
nd construction documents for the new 144,000 SF Processing and Environmental Te
chnology Laboratory (PETL). * ORNL Site, Oak Ridge, TN: Prepared a treatability
study for the gunite and associated tanks operation unit at the North and South
Tank Farms. * X-10 Plant, Oak Ridge, TN: Prepared the Conceptual Design Report a
nd the Technical Information Documents to reduce potential for exposure of the e
nvironment and operating personnel to TSCA and RCRA materials, heavy metals, sol
id waste and volatile organics during maintenance and operation of the TSCA Inci
nerator. * K-25 Plant, Oak Ridge, TN: Responsible for the preparation of the Con
ceptual Design Report and the Technical Information Document for upgrading the T
SCA Incinerator Off-gas Cleaning SystemEMPLOYMENT * VALUE ADDED SOLUTIONS, INC.
April 2010 to August 2010 - Civil Site Engineer (Contract Work) SRNS at the Sava
nnah River Site ACTS, INC. OF SOUTH CAROLINA (NEW ELLENTON, SC) April 2009 to Ap
ril 2010: Civil Site Engineer (Contract Work) SRNS at the Savannah River Site *
N) 2003-Dec. 2008: Project Manager/Project Engineer/Client Manager Design and Co
nstruction of Land and Site Developments, Governmental, Municipal and Commercial

1997-2003: Senior Project Manager/Senior Project Engineer Design and/or Construc

tion of Land and Site Developments, Redevelopment Housing Projects, Tele-communi
cation Sites and Municipal Projects* LOCKWOOD GREENE TECHNOLOGIES INC.,(PORTSMOU
TH, OHIO AND OAK RIDGE, TN) 1991-1997: Title I, II & III Project Field Coordinat
or/Senior Civil Engineer/Civil Group LeaderDesign and Construction of DOE Enviro
nmental Project * Years prior to 1991 provided if requestedEDUCATION/TRAINING *
Bachelors Degree/ Civil Engineering/Tennessee Technological University/1973 * OS
HA 29 CFR 1910.120 Regulations for hazardous Waste Operations * OSHA 19 CFR Part
1926 Subpart P, Excavation: Hazard Recognition in Trenching and Shoring * Certi
fied Professional in Erosion and Sedimentation Controls (CPESC) * Previously had
DOE "L" ClearanceCURRENT REGISTRATIONS * Professional Engineer/Tennessee/13397
* Professional Engineer/South Carolina/16861 * Professional Engineer/Mississippi
/14612 * Registered Land Surveyor/Mississippi/LS01690

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