Yuli Pinasthika-Math1-12010110126-The Method of Teaching Mathematics in Classroom

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Name : Yuli Pinasthika


: 12010110126

Class : Mathematic 1

The Method of Teaching Mathematic in Classroom

Mathematics is a subject with a groups of abstract symbols. To
understanding these symbols, teacher must be able to explain the proper method
so the students are able to understand the math in depth. One method of teaching
that needs to be considered is the communication in the classroom.
Communication is the most important part of the teaching. Because
communication is a dialogue between two or more people who can develop ideas
and ways of thinking and sharpen students' skills in understanding the math.
Mathematical communication is an essential process for learning mathematics,
because through communication, students reflect upon, clarify and expand
reviews their ideas and understanding of mathematical relationships and
mathematical arguments (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2005). So, to change a
groups of abstract symbol we can help students with communicate mathematical
ideas through the five aspects of communication that is listening, reading,
discussing, presenting, and writing (Baroody, 1993, p. 107).
Communication in mathematics need to be cultivated among students
based on several reasons. First, mathematics as language, meaning that
mathematics is not just a tool to think (a tool to aid thinking), a tool for finding
patterns, solve problems or draw conclusions, but the math is also an invaluable
tool for communicating a variety of ideas Clearly, precisely, and succinctly.
Second, mathematics learning as a social activity, that is to say as a social activity
in the learning of mathematics, as a vehicle for interaction among students, as well
as a means of communication between teachers and students. So in this case, the
teacher has a major role in encouraging the student, either as facilitators and
participants who will help build students' thinking.
Listening is an important aspect of communication to teaching
Mathematics. Listening is one of the aspects that facilitate students to memorize,

especially in mathematics there are have a many varians of equation. In providing

the material in class, a teacher must have a clear intonation so that students can
listen and understand what the teachers explained. Not only clear intonation, but
also a very mature understanding of the material that needs to be owned by a
teacher. The role of the teacher is very large to make the students understand what
they are listening.
Reading is the second aspect of the communication. With reading,
students will understand the varians of equation and applications in Mathematics.
Reading will expand the range of their knowledge, so that students are able to
understand mathematical concepts thoroughly. In Mathematics understanding of
the concept as a supporting factor for reinforce understanding of the material, so
students should know these equation with reading.
During whole-class discussion and presenting, students explain and
justify reviews their ideas and strategies as well as challenge and ask for
clarification from their classmates. However, coordinating whole-class discussion
in a timely manner, in order to develop students' mathematical understanding, is
demanding mathematical work (Ball, Thames, & Phelps, 2009, p. 389-407). When
teacher talk dominates whole-class discussion, students tend range to rely on
teachers to be the expert, rather than learning that they can work out their own
solutions and learn from other students. When the groups return to reviews their
own solution, they synthesize the comments, questions and suggestions for
improvement into an oral report that will be presented to the whole class. Smallgroup oral reports provide specific details that the teacher can use to highlight and
summarize the key mathematical ideas and strategies related to the lesson learning
goals as well as include discussions about mathematical misconceptions and
errors. Also, the group can apply Reviews their classmate's responses with
presenting to revise reviews their solution.
Written Communication enables students to think about and articulate
what they know. Also writing mathematical Provides evidence of students'
mathematical understanding. Before beginning any writing task, students need
experiences in expressing orally reviews their ideas, as well as listen to the ideas
of others. The quality of a written product is significantly improved by the

opportunity to participate in a class before writing dialogue (Ontario Ministry of

Education, 2006).
Therefore, as a method of communication in teaching mathematics is the
most important part. With the fifth aspect of communication such as listening,
reading, discussing, presenting, and writing the teaching of Mathematics to be
more easily understood by students. Of listening and reading the students can
create a presentation and generate lively discussion in a class, so they can writing








Communication includes talking, listening, questioning, explaining, defining,

discussing, describing, justifying, and defending. When students participate in
these actions in an active, focused, and purposeful way, they are furthering
reviews their understanding of mathematics (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2006,
p. 66).
1. Ann, R. (2011). Speech, Language, and Communication Difficulties.
London: Department of Education.
2. Ball, D., Thames, M. H., & Phelps, G. (2009). Content knowledge for
teaching. What makes it special? Journal of Teacher Education, 59(5),
3. Baroody, A.J. (1993). Problem Solving, Reasoning, and Communicating,
K-8. Helping Children think Mathematically. New York : Macmillan
4. Ontario Ministry of Education. (2005). The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1
to 8: Mathematics. Toronto, ON: Queens Printer for Ontario.
5. Ontario Ministry of Education. (2006). A guide to effective instruction in

mathematics, Kindergarten to grade 6: Volume 2 Problem solving and


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