People Soft Bundle Release Note 9 Bundle9

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft

Enterprise Financial Management,

Enterprise Service Automation, and
Asset Lifecycle Management 9.0 Bundle
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Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes for Financial

Management, Enterprise Service Automation, and Asset Lifecycle
Management 9.0 Bundle #09

These release notes reflect application updates for the PeopleSoft Financial Management,
Enterprise Service Automation, and Asset Lifecycle Management products since the release
of PeopleSoft 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 2007.

This document includes resolutions for the following applications:

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Cash Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Deal Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise eSettlement

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Expenses

• PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Grants Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Maintenance Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Pay/Bill Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Real Estate Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Staffing Front Office


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Asset Accounting Entries 1677536003 AM: review financial entries - save Financial entries now get reviewed successfully
Management button gives error - in DMO when you save.
1683839002 AM: Incomplete accounting entries forThe accounting entries are now balanced for
InterUnit Transfer if the AM Businessinterunit transfers if the AM business units are
Units have different GL BUs flagged for group asset processing and have
different GL business units.
1683971002 AM: Incorrect accounting entries The accounting entries are now balanced for
generated for BUs flagged as Group interunit transfers if the AM business units are
Asset flagged for group asset processing and have
different GL business units.
Depreciation 1668085002 AM: When running AMDPTAX for more The Depreciation Calculation Tax process now
than 1 asset, getting SQR error 4504 runs successfully.

1676911003 AM: Invalid Date error on Depr Review The error message no longer appears in the
page after life end date put on asset Review Depreciation page after entering a life end
date in the Asset Book Information (BKS)
1689872001 AM: Depreciation does not look correct When Depreciate is turned on during the ADD
with Gulf Zone and depr when in service transaction, depreciation for book changes now
calculates correctly.
Depreciation - Global 1650092001 AM8.4/8.8/8.9/9.0/9.1: Need to extend We added these new features to accommodate
the Depreciation for the asset amortized the Japan FY2007 Tax Reform: a new Method
by the Methods "J1" and "J2" (JE-Japan Extended/Strt Line) that extends
depreciation up to 1 yen for qualifying assets, a
worksheet component that converts qualified
assets in mass, and a report that shows eligible
and extended assets.
Impairment Test 1611542002 AM: Reversal on impairments not Reversal on impairments now works correctly.
Integration - AP 1674003003 AMPS1000 process incorrectly The AMPS1000 process now correctly processes
processing AP information AP information.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Asset Integration - AP 1679120002 Discrepancy in sequence of transaction We modified the Transaction Loader process for
Management date between online and integration the ADQ transaction type so that accounting and
from AP. transaction dates are updated for the books of the
adjusted asset.
1683935003 AM: Multiple Acq Det rows for When using a Profile that does not have a default
consolidated assets to profile w/o book, the Transaction Loader process now
default book correctly populates the number of rows in the
Acquisition Detail table for consolidated assets.

Parent-Child Processing 683184004 AM - When we try to transfer a parent Parent and child assets (with more than one cost
and child asset (with more than one type) are now successfully transferred without any
cost types) - Error: "Duplicate Insert in errors.
function Insert_COST_Array,
tableCOST, (8011,28), An error has
occurred while inserting rows into a
base Asset Management table. Pl

Physical Inventory 1667449003 Physical Inventory - Create Extract You can no longer access the Extract Rules page
Rules from the Physical Inventory menu.
Reports 1660005002 AM: Delivered reports are not correct: We modified the Asset Reclassifications Report
AMAS2400 and AMDP2100 by ChartField so that DEPR_LTD now prints
Reports - Depr/NBV 1672073003 AM:AMAS2300, Asset Transfers Detail We modified the Asset Transfers Detail report and
report, is not returning correct amounts the Asset Reclassification report so that the
correct amounts are printed.
Retirements 1684896002 AM-AMIF1000 giving unique constraint The Transaction Loader process now updates
error, abending at ChartField sequence numbers.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Cash Accounting Processing 1682114002 CM: Automated Accounting (AE We modified the TR_ACCTG Application Engine
Management TR_ACCTG) does not create program so that it now creates accounting entries
Accounting entries for Bank Account for bank account transfers with a Payment
Transfer with payment Method = Method of Manual.
Bank Reconciliation 1681931002 CM: After saving the external We modified the PeopleCode in the
transactions, go out and search them, it GEN_TRAN_UPDT component and on the
is NOT possible to Delete row (-) in this BNK_RCN_TRAN_UPDT page to enable the
page (BNK_RCN_TRAN_UPDT). How Delete button for external transactions in
to delete External transactions? UpdateDisplay mode.

Bank Statement 1688698001 Error loading Bank statement in The FINSTA bank statement import process now
Transformations FINSTA format completes successfully when certain optional
fields are not present.
Dispatch Payments 1690369002 CM: Business unit lookup under We modified the PeopleCode of the Application
Financials Gateway schedule dispatch Package PMT:Utilities so that when business unit
process gives an error row level security is turned on, an SQL error does
not appear.
Payment Processing 1683231003 CM 8.8 SP1: Dispatch: EDI 820 We modified the PeopleCode of the TR_FORMAT
Format: asterisks at end of line not Application Package so that an asterisk doesn't
standard precede the record terminator for an EDI 820
Settlements and Transfers 1684115001 Deals with payment method as Manual We modified the PeopleCode of the record
check loaded to Financial Gateway CASH_FLOW_TR to stop payments with payment
methods set to Manual Check from being loaded
into the Financial Gateway.
1684670002 Can not use Bank Transfer Template The TR_WR_HEADER record now uses the Bank
for Set ID not your user preference Set Transfer template when a user preference set ID
ID is blank.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Cash Settlements and Transfers 1687195002 CM:8.9 When Entering Transfer The TR_WR_TEMPLATE record now displays
Management Template, system allows selection of valid payment methods in the prompt when it
"SYSTEM CHECK" creates an EFT Transfer Template.
Contacts Billing 1650983008 Credits/Reversals coming from We modified the Contract Billing Interface process
Contracts are being taxed at a different (CA_BI_INTFC) so that when you reverse and
amount than the original invoice. process a bill plan from within Contracts, all billed
invoices are taxed correctly.

1680679002 CA_BI_INTFC does insert entries into We modified the Contracts Billing Interface
INTFC_BI_AEDS for Recycled bill - only process (CA_BI_INTFC) so that accounting
when Billing Manage Revenue. As a entries are generated for recycled billing events
result, BIIF001 give error 0510-No when the line is assigned with "Billing Manages
Accounting Entries for Line Revenue" revenue method.
Limits 1681372003 PC / CA limit processing - BIL and OLT We modified the Limits process (CA_LIMITS) so
rows are repriced even after distribution that now when a new transaction is added,
to GL or to Billing. CA_LIMIT existing transactions that have already been sent
to Billing or General Ledger will no longer change
to over the limit (OLT).
Revenue 1683543003 CA_LOAD_GL1 ignores the HOLD We modified the Load Revenue Application
check box status in Revenue Plan for Engine process (CA_LOAD_GL1) so that the Hold
amended amount event Flag on the Revenue Plan is considered when
revenue is processed.
Deal Deal Administration 1684690002 Selling an Equity Deal - does not We modified the underlying PeopleCode of the
Management generate cash flows TRX_EQTY_DEFN component and SQL in the
TR_POSN_LIB Application Engine process to
generate appropriate cash flows and accounting
eSettlement Invoice Presentment 1690433001 Performance Problems with Invoice To improve performance, we removed the unused
Cycle Page display control field from the Invoice Cycle page.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

eSettlement Invoice Presentment 1690512003 eS:8.8 SP1: A fatal Peoplecode SQL You can no longer select No Date for the Receipt
error while searching the Package Slip Date option.

Invoice/PO load 1687515003 eS:8.8 SP1: A fatal Peoplecode SQL We modified the PeopleCode and Page Field
error while searching the Purchase properties so that the Date field is unavailable for
Order entry when you select the No Date option from the
drop-down list.
Expenses Accounting - General 1682556002 EX8.9: Incorrect charfields on The Post Liabilities Application Engine program
accounting lines for Cash Advance now properly generates the ChartFields for the
reconciliation. Employee Advance entry corresponding to the
Cash Advance reconciliation.

Acctg - Splits/Distributions 1676998002 EX 8.9: expense report with budget The program now returns expense reports in Paid
status Error cannot be corrected after or Staged statuses on the Modify Approved
expense status Staged/Paid Transactions page when the Budget Header
status is in error and no accounting is created.
You can change only the accounting and
distribution fields.
Approvals 1681112002 Buttons missing when going back to We modified the system to properly handle the
worklist from Modify Approved variable used in the navigation control.
Expense Report - General 1677266003 EX: Calculate VAT amount not The VAT amount is now calculated correctly when
recalculated on changing Location if you change the location from a copied expense
Copy from Existing Report reports.
1678931002 EX: 8.9 Prepaid reports hdr status The Header Status with Paid status now updates
remains as APY not updated to PD correctly according to line statuses.
1679277002 EX: 8.9 Cannot modify expense reports We modified the record used to retrieve the
via Approve Modify Transactions expense report eligible for modifications so that it
selects expense reports that are approved for
payment and that have lines approved for

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Expenses Expense Report - General 1682397002 EX 8.9: submitting expense report We modified the program to avoid PeopleCode
returns "Too many PeopleCode recursions when expense reports are submitted
recursions: possible recursive loop for approval.
detected. (180,303)"
1682596002 When copying per diem expense lines, We modified the system to correctly update the
Due Employee amount displays totals when copying expense lines that have per
incorrect amt diem as the expense type edit.
1686237002 Per Diem Range list displays 0-to-0 Ranges of 0-to-0 no longer appear in the Per
ranges Diem drop-down list on the Expense Report page.

1687748003 EX8.8SP1: Per Diem drop down on Ranges of 0-to-0 no longer appear in the Per
Expense entry page does not show all Diem drop-down list on the Expense Report page.
Hotel Wizard 1685716002 EX: Hotel Itemize feature sets We modified the program to retain the exchange
Exchange Rate to 0 for My Wallet rate provided by vendors when itemizing hotel
Foreign Currency transactions expenditures.
My Wallet 1684888002 Overage accounting issue when The system now correctly generates Expense
bringing in per diem expense from My Line field values. These values are used in the
Wallet Per Diem calculation and are not copied from My
Wallet transactions.
Receipts Received/Verified 1684882003 Receipts Verified updates statuses The code was modified to update Expense Report
incorrectly - header/lines are Header Status according to Expense Report Line
inconsistent status.
Travel Authorizations 1684923002 EX 8.9: We modified the primary key of the Travel
EX_TAUTH_HDR.TRAVEL_AUTH_ID Authorization Header table so that the Travel
is Ascending not Descending order Authorization ID field is a descending key that
follows the same pattern that is used in
subordinate tables, as well as the Expense
Report, Cash Advance, and Time Report header

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Expenses Workflow 1691215002 After applying Bundles 14 thru 17, HR We modified the code to check active Supervisor
Supervisor path does not work ID based on employee's position number.

General Allocations 1658233003 ZERO BASIS: CALCULATE THIS When all the Basis rows are summarized to zeros
Ledger BASIS IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY and the Zero Basis Amount option is set to
Calculate This Basis, the Allocation Application
Engine programs now correctly generate the
Target rows.
1685764002 Inter-Unit Allocation Between 2 BU's The Allocation Application Engine programs now
With Diff Base Currencies correctly create the base currency amounts for
target business units.
1689971001 GL: UpdateStats should be done for To improve performance, we added the following
certain TAO tables during certain TAO tables to the Allocation Application Engine
processes to improve the performance programs: T_TAO, TS_TAO, OS_TAO, and
1693335002 Project to Project copy allocation fails at We modified the Allocation Application Engine
FS_ALLC_OUTT.uTarget.uTarget (Do program (FS_ALLC_OUTT ) so the SQL for
Select) updating the Project Resource table works
correctly when you select an Output Option of
Replace Existing Amounts.
Cash Flow Statement 1682985001 Process 8092326 ABENDED at Step The Cash Flow process no longer abends when
FR_CALCULATE.InsTMP.EndBal Cash the elements in the Worksheet have ChartField
Flow Statement Value Sets with two or more associated
Closing 1671113003 GL: UPDATE PS_INSTALLATION_FS The Closing and Multicurrency process now
locks during GL CLOSE executes COMMIT after it assigns a new
JOURNAL ID. This action releases the
PS_INSTALLATION_FS table so that other
processes can use it to generate the next journal

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

General Closing 1674724002 GL-Close rolls Forward Zero Balance The Year-End Close process doesn't roll forward
Ledger when the account is inactive and has zero balances when the accounts are inactive.
zero balance
Combo Edit 1678076002 misleading error displayed when When you click the PROCESS GROUP link on
accessing PROCESS GROUP link on the COMBO_BUILD_REQ page and no process
COMBO_BUILD_REQ page group is attached to the ledger for the business
unit, a meaningful error message now appears.

1682152002 COMB_EXPLODED table needs To improve performance during combination

additional indexes to improve editing, we added two indexes to the
performance COMB_EXPLODED table.
Consolidation and 1681585001 Equitization journal debits not calculated We modified the Equitization COBOL program so
Equitization correctly on Journal Header if journal that the journal header's total debit and credit
edit is not selected amounts are calculated correctly.
1691581002 GL-Max Cursor Issue in Consolidation We modified the Consolidation COBOL module
GLPOELIM so that the cursor number for SQL
GLPOELIM_I_ELIMSEL is properly reserved and
Inter/IntraUnit 1688141001 Peoplecode error when creating We modified component record field PeopleCode
InterUnit Pair in Rel. 9.0 db's. to replace the IU_INTER_PRCDVW reference to

Journal / Ledger Inquiry 1674510003 GL Prompts not working in We modified the GLC7501_TOTALS query so
GLC7501_TOTALS Query. that prompts can be used appropriately.
1690085002 On the journal Inquiry page you cannot We modified Record PeopleCode so that you can
zoom to see the adjustment periods zoom in on the adjustment periods on the Journal
Inquiry page.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 8 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

General Journal Edit 1683660002 GL 8.9: Double posting of journal to We modified the Journal Edit Application Engine
Ledger ledger program to always reset a journal process
instance to 0 for a previous request number to
prevent the double-posting issue that was
occurring because the Post process processes
valid journals that get skipped by the current Edit
Journal Generator 1685992002 RE - Unable to select a RE BU on the We updated PeopleCode
Generate Journals Request page when JRNLGEN_REQUEST.ACCTG_DEF_NAME.Fiel
Acctg Definition name is REM dChange to get the correct prompt table.
KK-Budget Checking 1684740002 FS_BP not populating Parent KK We modified the Budget Processor Application
Ledger record Engine process (FS_BP_XLCF) by fixing the logic
to call the correct section to insert the ChartField
temporary table.
KK-Budget Inquiry 1665812003 Budget Overview Inquiry is slow We modified PeopleCode to enhance
1676434002 Budget Overview - ORA-00904 We modified Record PeopleCode to resolve the
A.KK_TRAN_DT invalid identifier error message that was appearing on the Budget
Overview page while you clicked the Display open
encumbrances only check box.
Reports 1678199002 GL Subsystem Reconciliation Report We modified the FIN5001 report to correct the
FIN5001 problem.
1684352001 Issues with GLS8005 report. We modified the Report GLS8005 and Record
PeopleCode to resolve the reported issues that
were related to misalignment of a few columns in
CSV format and the graying of the
KK_SOURCE_TRAN type field when the
Transaction Type option was set to All for the KK
Budget Transaction Detail report.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 9 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

General Spreadsheet Journal Import 1689399001 GL: Unable to remove the 'Alt Account' We modified the Excel macro JRNLMCRO.xla so
Ledger column from the Journal Spreadsheet that control can move over and you can delete the
JRNL1.xls Alt Account column from the Journal Spreadsheet
Grants Award Profile 1680870002 Award Modifications Page error:Field Is We addressed the Award Profile component save
Management Required:GM_AWD_MOD_LINE- error.
BUSINESS_UNIT --> The default of the
business unit from the Contracts
operator's business unit.
Create Continuation 1685558003 GM-Duplicate rows in We corrected the issue that was occurring when a
GM_CONT_PROF_VW when a proposal had multiple budget IDs.
proposal project has multiple Budget
IDs - data conflict error in Create
Maintenance Integration-Inventory 1556303001 WO Maint: reduce qty on WO that's We modified the PeopleCode in the class
Management partially pegged. Entire peg qty is controller WOMatSchedulesHandler to update the
canceled but should still be open peg quantity and status only when the scheduled
quantity decrease materially affects the existing
peg quantity (that is, when scheduled quantity
goes below the peg quantity). Making these
updates conditional prevents the observed
problem, whereby the entire peg quantity is
cancelled for any reduction in the scheduled
Preventive Maintenance 1690183001 MM - Required end date on the header Using the Duration Multiplier field defined on the
is not being calculated considering the Loop Schedule page, the Preventive Maintenance
duration for PM loop Projection process now calculates the correct
required end date on the work order.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 10 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Maintenance Technician Workbench 1688293001 Updating WO ID in Tech Workbench We modified the PeopleCode in the Technician
Management Causal Parts should re-initialized Task Workbench to clear the Work Order Task ID
ID when the Work Order ID changes. This change
prevents a causal part for an invalid work order
task from potentially being added.
Pay/Bill Assignments 1682842002 PB: On Assignment Header page, The Vendor ID and Location fields now use the
Management prompt tables for 'Vendor ID' and same set ID in their prompt tables.
'Location' use different SetIDs
Billing Integration 1660017002 PB: ABENDED at Step We modified the FO_PO_APPLY Application
FO_PO_APPLY.Process.ValidAmt Engine process in order to avoid duplicate values
(SQL) -- RC = 805 in the FO_PO_APPL_LOG record in the Oracle
Orders 1685232002 PB: Problems with 'Copy Order' We modified PeopleCode
ormula) so that you can now copy an order and
access the new order through the order link.

Payables AP/AM -Interface 1649028003 AM 8.9 Tag_Number not loaded into the We modified Peoplecode
running INTFAPAM fault to copy serialized asset information from the
receipt when Asset ID is specified on the receipt
and the Receipt is not Interfaced to Assets. We
also modified Application Engine INTFAPAM to
populate the serial/tag# from the receipt when the
Asset Id is specified.
Control Groups 1666009002 AP 8.9 Transfer to Express Payment We modified PeopleCode to not transfer to
Manager when Payment not allowed Express Payment page when voucher belongs to
a Control Group that was not verified.
Inquiries 1682643001 SQLExec not language-compliant We have modified PeopleCode to correctly
results in untranslated values on page display the legend labels in the chart when logged
PYMNT_INQ_SRCH as a non-English user.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 11 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Inquiries 1683865001 System times out when performa a We modified the search record JRNL_LN_AP1 by
journal drill down re-arranging the keys so that index is efficiently
used to improve the performance.
1689369002 Withhold Payment Screen - The page We modified peoplecode and views to enhance
times out when searching for vendors. the performance of the Withholding Payments
Inquiry page. An unnecessary join to the Bank
Code table was eliminated and an additional
joining to the Vendor table was eliminated by
using a related display field on the page.
1692155002 AP8.9: Incorrect usage of origin setid on We created a new view ORIGIN_AP_1 so that
voucher inquiry page Origin field on the Inquiry Page is prompted
against the correct setid.
Manual Payment 1674655002 Able to Pay the voucher manually which We have modified Peoplecode to generate error
is under a control Group with status message when we try to pay a voucher manually
Ready for Review which is under a Control Group with Status as
Ready for Review.
Matching 1675623002 Matching does not update zero dollar We modified the Matching Application Engine so
PO lines after bundles #15 and #16 that it updates the matching flags on purchase
order and receiver lines correctly.
1678356001 AP 9.0: Match Workbench page throws We modified page field properties to allow more
error message when more than 300 than 300 origins in voucher origin table
Voucher Origins (PS_ORIGIN_PROCURE).
1681966002 8.9: Matching issues with Amt only po We modified SQL object AP_MTCH_RULE_R900
with recv required associated to multiple so that the Matching process correctly process
vchrs multiple vouchers to an amount only purchase
order with receipts.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 12 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Matching 1685729002 AP: After bundle installation (13,14,15) We modified the Matching (AP_MATCH)
Rounding issue causes Match Application Engine process so that rounding of
Exceptions RULE_S111 & RULE_S112 amounts do not generate Match Exceptions
when Matching a Reversal Voucher of a RULE_S111 & RULE_S112.
PO/Receipt Voucher

1686382001 Fatal Peoplecode SQL error when We modified SQL objects so that vouchers can be
overriding match exceptions in the overridden in DB2/OS390 environments.
Match Workbench page in OS390 db
Paycycle/ ACH/EFT 1680068002 AP8.9 - Paycycle is picking up Vouchers Modified Payment Selection Application Engine to
Processing from Control Groups that are not check for all Control Groups rather than the first
Balanced one only.
1683693001 Positive payment file not including void Modified the query
payments from release 9. APY2055_POSITIVE_PAYMENT, so that positive
payment file includes payments which are void.

1685461002 AP:8.9 -Vouchers are not getting picked Modified Payment's check control group function
for payments when the control group to include recycle voucher in the validation.

1686806004 AP:8.8SP1 Cannot change payment Modified Payment form's advice layout field to add
sort on payment form GE1 and GE2 new xlat to accommodate Giro Layout
Posting - Payment 1664755003 Payment Posting Abending when trying We modified the Payment posting application
to Post the payment done for a TDS engine (AP_PSTPYMNT) so that Payment
vendor. accounting entries are created correctly for TDS
vendors, and when Withholding is calculated at
Voucher posting time, creating Multiple

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 13 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Posting - Payment 1671403002 Subsystem journals with difference in We modified PeopleCode so that the user cannot
foreign and monetary amount goes to change scheduled payment already selected by
valid Pay Cycle process for payment creation.
Therefore, the accounting entries in Payables are
created correctly.
Posting - Voucher 1675575002 AP 8.9 Voucher groups are posted with We modified the SQL to ensure that user is not
'Post Group' unchecked able to post vouchers unless 'Post Group' is
1682452002 AP 8.9: Statistical Voucher Distribution We modified the Voucher Posting Application
Lines not posting to Engine (AP_PSTVCHR) so that Statistical
VCHR_ACCTG_LINE Voucher Distribution lines are posted successfully.

1685808003 AP 8.8 SP1: AP_PSTVCHR does not We modified PeopleCode so than the posting
calculate withholding for unposted voucher process calculates withholding for
voucher. unposted vouchers where prior contains
withholding rule setup with 0 percent withhold.
Reports 1644740002 AP8.9 Performance issue with report We created a new Application Engine program
APS8003 AP_APS8003 to populate a driver table
APS8003_RPT, which will now be included in the
APS8003 crystal/query report for more efficient
processing against the VCHR_ACCTG_LINE
1662902002 AP 8.9 Vouchers paid as of report date Modified SQL to prevent paid voucher as of
are included in APY1406 Report. report date to be included in APY1406 Report
and Open Liability (APY1406) to shows payment
with future cancellation as "unpaid".
1680816002 AP: Duplicate Vendor Report We modified several Application Engine SQL
performance issues statements to improve the performance by
correcting inadequate join criteria.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Sales/ Use Tax 1685481003 AP 8.8SP1 Voucher Build is not We modified Application Engine sql in
Calculating the Use Tax when Sales APVEDTDFST to correct the defaulting of
Tax is not provided Sales/Use tax applicability when using an Ultimate
Usage code.
VAT 1668906003 Voucher with 1 invoice line is saved and The issue is resolved by modifying the error
Error gets generated for 2 invoice lines message to show more details on the message
If we have a very less VAT amount than box to the User.
the calculated VAT amount.

1671577003 VAT is not getting worked out correctly We modified field change PeopleCode to take into
when you have a discounted payment account the discount amount when calculating
term VAT when 'Calculate VAT' button is pressed in
voucher component.
1672135003 AP: Apportionment Control field is Modified the record PeopleCode so that
changing to blank improperly when Apportionment Control field is not blank when a
filling out the SpeedChart field on speed chart is selected.
Voucher Invoice Line. The message
error ' VAT Apportionment Control is
required (9060,746)? is showing.
1678396002 VAT error when create voucher with We modified PeopleCode so that when creating a
several distribution lines voucher with several distribution lines the VAT
round is calculated correctly.
Vendor 1673559003 EAP 8.9 Incorrect Setid Populated in We modified peoplecode so that customer SETID
the table when you assign the Customer is populated correctly
id to a Vendor
1673919003 AP: Not able to select address on the We modified the record Peoplecode so that the
Vendor Location Correct History message does not appear when
not required.
Voucher 1358919003 AP - Error (7030,607): Invalid Field We modified record fields properties in order to
Value when saving voucher in recycl avoid wrong message error when saving voucher
in recycle status.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Voucher 1591238003 AP8.9 - Voucher Search Performance We created new component Voucher Search for
searching for vouchers to update for searching
more efficiently when not utilizing the voucher id
as search criteria. We also redesigned
peoplecode programs to perform more efficiently
when updating multiple line and/or multiple
distribution line vouchers.
1646146002 Performance issue when searching for We created new component Voucher Search for
large voucher searching for vouchers to update for searching
more efficiently when not utilizing the voucher id
as search criteria. We also redesigned
peoplecode programs to perform more efficiently
when updating multiple line and/or multiple
distribution line vouchers.
1666184003 Cannot change Invoice date from a We modified PeopleCode to ensure that the
Recurring contract due to Vendor Contract SETID is being used during the retrieval
default SetID of the contract's expiry date instead of the Vendor
1668826003 The Voucher require matching. But no We made changes in PeopleCode such a way
voucher line are flagged as match that error triggers when no lines are set to match
required. (7030, 110) error is not when matching is enabled.
showing for a negative amt voucher.
1671804002 AP 8.9 SP1 - Voucher with use tax -
We have modified PeopleCode to resolve the
(18,5) error message when resaved
error message when a Voucher with Sales/Use
Tax is resaved.
1674504002 AP 8.9: The invalid value in We modified voucher payment record to remove
PYMNT_VCHR_XREF.REMIT_BANK_ prompt table edit on some fields to eliminate the
CD:XXX ( 7030,206) invalid value error.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Voucher 1682448001 When voucher is saved without We modified voucher PeopleCode so that when a
account, error message is given out voucher is saved with out account number we will
twice. only get one error message rather than a warning
1683283002 8.9 "Out of Balance" displayed even We modified PeopleCode to prevent the "Out of
when the difference is 0.00 amount on Balance" message from being displayed when the
Voucher difference is 0.00 on the Voucher
1684119001 Can't copy Receiver onto Third Party We modified PeopleCode so that a receipt with a
voucher if PRO_NUMBER is filled out PRO_NUMBER can be copied to a third party
on receiver. voucher.
1685367001 Error icon on Voucher doesn't take user We modified record peoplecode to activate the
anywhere. Error Icon transfer for all pages the icon is visible.

1685946001 Journal Voucher saves with Related We modify PeopleCode in such a way that an
Voucher with different vendor error pops up when you select a wrong related
voucher in a journal voucher
1689977001 Must be able to search for Voucher We modified view VNDR_RMT_VW so that the
Remit Vendor by Name1 and Short Name1 and Short Vendor Name can be used to
Name search for Remit Vendors.
1692272002 Peoplecode error when using We modified record peoplecode
Speedcharts after applying Resolution VCHR_PANELS_WRK.SPEEDCHART_KEY.Fiel
697433 dChange so a peoplecode error will not occur
when determining if accounts populated from a
speedchart template are open item accounts.

Voucher Build 1674460002 Performance Issue with Voucher Build We modified the Application Engine SQL to
default Vat recovery and rebate percentages more
efficiently using bulk updates instead of
transaction line by transaction line.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Voucher Build 1683725003 Voucher Build for PCARD, EDI, and We modified Application Engine SQL to include
EXP may be processing extra recycled Voucher Source criteria when selecting Recycled
vouchers Vouchers for processing when specific interfaces
have been selected on the run control.

1684970002 AP: Voucher Build not populating We added Application Engine SQL to default
Payment Currency correctly for EDI CURRENCY_PYMNT and CUR_RT_TYPE_PAID
Vouchers from the Vendor's Payment defaults rather than
Bank Defaults for user specified Payment
Information in the Voucher Build process.

1686070001 Voucher Build Error Detail Page does Modified Voucher Build Error Detail page
not show error description peoplecode to include error messages created by
Voucher Edit process.
1687683003 AP : Voucher Build is assigning Modified stand alone SQL objects used by
Recurring Voucher ID's in reverse order Voucher Build for voucher auto-numbering to
order the transactions in key field order when
creating Voucher Id's.
1688185003 AP: Voucher Build incorrectly creates We added Application Engine SQL to issue an
postable Voucher that references a error message for vouchers associated with a
canceled PO line purchase order line that has been cancelled.
Withholding 1600673004 AP Statutory requirement Form 26Q A New field WTHD_QRETURN_FLG was
created. This field on the page
WTHD_RPT_POST would be used to generate
the Quarterly TDS Form.
1635953006 To have higher education Cess @ 1 % Made software changes to incorporate Higher
as separate field in the withholding rule Secondary Education Cess for Indian tax
1686657001 AP_WTHDRPT process abends We modified the AP_WTHDRPT process so that
it complete successfully.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Project AP Integration 1675826003 PC_POADJUST: CRV lines are getting A modification was made so that when a voucher
Costing deleted properly when voucher is is cancelled and the negative ACT lines are
cancelled. inserted into PS_PROJ_RESOURCE, the CRV
line will reflect the total amount of the ACT lines,
which is 0.
1689307002 AP to PC is failing because the A software change is done to
Resource ID is too long for the field PC_COM_RESID_AP SQL to correct the
concatenation of the RESOURCE_ID such that it
does not exceed the maximum Limit.
Interfaces 1681506002 PC:PC_DATE performance Issue A change was made to the SQL in the DO Select
Loop to compile the statement once & re-execute
it with new data.
1687447002 Adding Transactions does not populate A modification was made to stamp OPRID in
Project Assets 1690296001 9.0:PC:Unable to create Run control for A modification was made to create run Control for
PC_AM PC_AM when Asset Approval is checked in
Project Costing Integration page.
Project Tree 1686304002 Add Node does not carry forward A software modification is made to carry forward
project value to the next screen project value to the next screen.
Projects Utilities 1651595002 Transaction in Progress report for any A change was made to keep the Online
process, e.g. POTOPC, lists TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS page in
transactions which have only synchronization with the Transaction in Progress
PROJECT_ID and do not have Summary Process.
Res. Scheduling Integration 1677002001 PGM 9 - Resource Activity info not Modified the peoplecode to process activity details
loading into Budget Plan when the project costing options page has
selected as "Required" for the fields "Source
Type, "Resource category" & "Resource Sub

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Project Third Party Integration 1683264002 WBS ID not generated properly when A change was made to increment the WBS_ID at
Costing loading activities to many projects using Project Activity Level rather then increment the
PC_INTF_GEN batch max WBS ID by 1.
Time and Labor Integration 1686538002 8.9Project Status not being messaged A modification was made to publish the Project
to T&L when creating a project using status & Activity status Messages while creating
the co new project from template and copy from project.

Real Estate 2.4.8 Lease Actions 1685967001 RE - Sql error when trying to activate a We modified PeopleCode to fetch the schedule
Management lease that was copied from other one dates for the lease term only if the term start date
and leaving some fields blank and term end date are populated.
2.5 Payment Processing 1686010001 RE - SQL error on the payment In the component properties settings, we changed
transaction component when searching the Default Search/Lookup Type to Advanced.
for payee
Receivables Accounting Entries - General 1679245004 Ledger Integrity Report differenceWe modified the AR_PGG_SERV Application
related to AR Cash Application Acctg
Engine process to consider rounding accounts
Entries when there is a payment with a different foreign
currency and entry currency.
AR Update - Posting 1655668002 AR_UPDATE2 fails Process abend at We modified Application Engine AR_REV_EST to
Step AR_REV_EST.BIDST.MAX_SEQ avoid an abend.
(SQL) - RC = 8601

1667689001 AR9.0 : ARUPDATE performance We added a new index to the DRAFT_CONTROL

issue. table, keying it by PROCESS_INSTANCE to
improve performance.

1684562002 AR: Exchange rate values are We modified the ARPGG_SERV Application
populated incorrectly on translate ledger Engine process to populate correct exchange rate
lines values on translate ledger lines.
1688161003 AR8.8SP1 : Dispute status, date and We modified the AR_POSTING process to update
amount not updated for existing open the Dispute status, date, and amount for existing
item. open items.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Archiving 1680938002 ITEM archive SQL is missing some We modified the AR_ARCH_ITEM query so that
criteria items get archived only when those items:
1 Are not referenced by an active conversation
that is more than 90 days old or the conversation
is inactive.
2. Have no associated customer overdue charge
detail records.
3. Have no associated maintenance worksheet
activity (PS_WS_ITEM records).

ChartField Inheritance 1673247002 Not only Project chartfield, but also the We modified SQLs in the ARPGG_SERV
other PC chartfields should be inherited Application Engine process to consider PCs
when we have Always Inherit for PC ChartFields Inheritance.

Conversations 1685597001 ESP 9.0 - Conversations - View/Update We ensured that View/Update conversations
conversations does not show search show search results correctly .
Direct Debit 1669180003 AR 8.8SP1 : ARUPDATE fails with We modified AR_DIRDEBIT to avoid an abend on
unique constraint error because ARUPDATE when the Direct Debit process is run
AR_DIRDEBIT groups by business unit with two different bank IDs.
and not bank.
Direct Debit - Acctg Entries 1681484001 AR:9 InterUnit Accounting entry is We modified AR_PGG_SERV.IUGEN.CLEARIU2
duplicated for LOCAL ledger. to avoid duplicate interunit accounting entries for
LOCAL ledgers when accounting entries are
created for a direct debit in a multiledger business

Dunning 1681076001 Problem with Dunnng process and We modified PeopleCode to generate the
DUN_ID_NUM when repeating use of Dunning ID on the Extract Dunning Letter Info
same run control page when an existing run control is used.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 21 of 26


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Inquiries - Customer 1674914003 Customer Overview High Balance YTD We changed the High Balance YTD field on the
Incorrect Customer Overview page to correctly display the
high balance for the current fiscal year.

1687514003 AR:Item List Page Range Selection We changed the Item List Page Range Selection
issue->Sequence Grid Sorter not so that the Seq Nbr field is available to reorder.
Inter/IntraUnit 1679726002 AR: Modify the IU system transaction We created a script that modifies the interunit
definition for ARIT/ARTR to be system transaction definition for ARIT/ARTR so
consistent with ARDJ for Project CF's that it is consistent with ARDJ for Project
ChartFields so that InterUnit Line is not populated
with PC Business Unit and Activity ChartFields.

Item Entry 1679935002 AR 8.9: Entered discount amount more We added two new validations to the Pending
than the control amount & clicked save. Item Entry page: the on debit items discount
The page got saved. amount cannot be greater than the item amount
and the on credit items and the discount cannot
be smaller than the item amount.

1682906002 Loading/updating pending_tax table We modified the PeopleCode object so that the
PS_PENDING_TAX table does not get populated
when you save a pending item for a non-India
business unit.
Item Entry - Acctg Entries 1672951003 Tied to ICE 1668098000 but issue here We added PeopleCode at
is when customer adds multiple user PENDING_DST.IU_ANCHOR_FLG.RowInsert to
lines and enter balancing CFs populate interunit fields when you insert additional
accounting lines. This change enables the
interunit processor to create the correct inter and
intraunit entries for multiple lines.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Item Entry - Acctg Entries 1678568002 Incomplete accounting entry where VAT Accounting entries are now complete for online
on transaction. pending items in VAT business units.
Lock Box 1679901002 AR 8.9 : currency fields are different for We added steps UPD_C, RATE_DIV,
online and lockbox payments RATE_MUL, and UPD_AMT in section
currency code, rate div, rate mult, and monetary
amount correctly when cash control is selected.

Maintenance WS 1681469002 AR 8.9: Maintenance Worksheet Item We modified PeopleCode at

Range problem, Entry Reason is not WS_WRK.WS_SELECT_CMD.FieldChange to
populated and grayed out display the Entry Reason field
Maintenance WS - Acctg 1684560002 ARUPDATE abends at We changed some SQLs in the AR_PGG_SERV
Entries AR_PGG_SERV.OTHDST.REALLOS3 Application Engine program so that the
when posting Maint worksheet Receivables Update process does not abend
when you run it to post maintenance worksheets
with matching debits and credits where one or
more transactions result in a realized gain/loss
entry and the ledger group includes translate
1687724002 DR/CR match resulting in realized G/L We modified the AR_PGG_SERV Application
produces ACTOB errors when translate Engine process in order to create realized
ledgers are present gain/loss lines in the Translate Secondary
Ledgers when the secondary ledgers have foreign
currency equal to base currency. This fix
considers maintenance groups.
MultiCurrency - General 1679405002 ABEND at Step We modified SQL at
AR_PGG_SERV.SEQ_UPD2.Step01 AR_PGG_SERV.SEQ_UPD2.Step01 to avoid the
for Multicurrency/MultiBook transactions reported abend.
with payment rate different from item

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Overdue Charges 1657067003 AR8.9 - When running Overdue Charge We added a new
process (AR_OVRDUE), the process AR_OVRDUE.FCAMOUNT.FCAMT5 step so that
creates overdue charges regardless of the Overdue Charge process (AR_OVRDUE)
the document total amount entered does not create overdue charges, regardless of
under the Cancel Document Options. the document total amount entered under the
Cancel Document options.

Payment Interface 1647336002 AR_PAYLOAD Payment Interface is We modified the AR_PAYLOAD Application
abending Engine process by adding a new step
the reported abend.
Payment Predictor 1665402002 Payment Predictor is not converting We modified the AR_PREDICT2 program so that
payment amounts when dealing with #OLDESCT correctly populates the balance
multicurrency and Inter unit is involved. amount for the pending item that is created by
Payment Predictor.
1669937002 AR 8.9 Payment Predictor ARPREDCT We ensured that the Run Always on Warning and
Delivered 'Run Always on Error' Flags Run Always on Error flags are turned off on
1680866001 AR 9 Payment Predictor Not Applying to We modified the Payment Predictor Application
Undisputed Item When Method Includes Engine process in order to ensure that the
#REFS following scenario works properly: PP Method with
multiple steps containing #REF_ONE and #REFS.
For this scenario, payments with an associated
customer entered are applied by #REF_ONE, and
payments without a customer entered are applied
by #REFS.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Payment Predictor 1682401003 AR: Payment Predictor Algorithm We added new step (UPDATE in
#REFS not working AR_PREDICT2.#REFS) so that payment gets
applied when item summary is given by PP-
REFS, when #REFS is defined as the third step
after #REF_ONE.
1687966002 Payment Predictor is abending at We ensured that Payment Predictor does not
Payment WS 1666695001 Chunking in payment worksheet is not Chunking now works properly when you provide a
behaving properly when customer customer reference.
reference is given
Payment WS - 1540772004 Accounting entries not correct when We modified PeopleCode and SQL objects to
MultiCurrency applying large payment amounts to correctly compute real gain/loss and discount
large Item amounts having large accounting when using multicurrency, large
exchange rates amounts, and large exchange rates.
Revaluation 1685622002 AR Reval does not delete previous On Now when you rerun the AR_REVAL Application
Hold accounting entry rows for Engine program, it deletes previous On Hold
secondary ledgers when rerun accounting entries for all the ledgers.
Transfers 1689477003 AR 8.8 SP1: Invalid address selected We modified PeopleCode at
for the Transfer To Customer TRN_ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM.SaveEdit to
consider the TRN_ITEM table instead of the
TRN_WRK table.
Transfers - MultiCurrency 1676305003 Currency conversion issue in case of We modified PeopleCode at the
Transfer TRN_ITEM.ITEM_SELECTED.FieldChange so
that BAL_AMT_BASE is calculated correctly.
Unpost 1653861002 cannot unpost maintenance or external We modified PeopleCode to avoid the "division by
groups in 8.9 zero" error that was occurring.
Resource Employee Profile Module 1690289001 RS: 'Invalid date.' error when adding an You can now add an employee with no service
Management employee with no service orders in the orders in the system.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #09

For FMS, ESA and ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #08 in August 07.

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Resource Verity 1664080002 RS: The Qual. field on Staffing The score now appears correctly.
Management Workbench page
Qualifications Fit Score on Job
Scorecard show wrong information
when the login is not English.
Staffing Front Orders 1688634001 Staffing Front Office post-requisite forWe adjusted the Customer Name label on the
Office 9.0 ESA/FIN Bundle #8 Order Header page and the Resource request
Searches 1689160001 FO 9 Job Score Card - Error clicking at We added the following missing components to
score hyperlink at PeopleMatch page the Maintain Pay/&Bill Projects menu:
- Fo Email Template
- Fo Compose Mail
- Search Index Agent Manager
- Candidate's Job ScoreCard

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