People Soft Bundle Release Note 9 Bundle10

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft

Enterprise Financial Management,

Enterprise Service Automation, and
Asset Lifecycle Management 9.0 Bundle
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Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes for Financial

Management, Enterprise Service Automation, and Asset Lifecycle
Management 9.0 Bundle #10

These release notes reflect application updates for the PeopleSoft Financial Management,
Enterprise Service Automation, and Asset Lifecycle Management products since the release
of PeopleSoft 9.0 Bundle #09 in October 2007.

This document includes resolutions for the following applications:

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Cash Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts

• PeopleSoft Enterprise eSettlement

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Expenses

• PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Grants Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Maintenance Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Program Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Proposal Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Real Estate Management

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Management


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Asset Accounting Entries 1658110003 AM 8.9: AM_AMEDIST gets unique We modified the Accounting Entries program, so
Management constraint on PS_DSTLN_IU_TAO4 that the process runs successfully and generates
when doing an IUT correct accounting entries after interunit transfers.

1685023002 AM 8.9: The amount and txn_amount We modified PeopleCode so that if Keep Ledgers
are different in the DST_LN record. in Sync is selected the Accum Depr and Depr
YTD fields of the secondary books will be
unavailable for selection, and the currency
converted values of the primary book will be
populated in the corresponding fields of
secondary books if the currencies of the primary
and secondary books are different on the Asset
Entry page.
1696100002 AM: AMALLOC job very slow We added a new index to improve the
performance of the AMALLOC process.
1701409001 AM:AM_AMAEDIST Unique Constraint We modified Create Accounting entries and
error when inserting into updated the program so it will default the new Like-
PS_DIST_LN_TAO4 Kind Exchange Asset cost basis correctly. In
addition, the system should create balance
accounting entries for both the old and new
1703080002 AM 8.9 - GL_DISTRIB_STATUS is P for We modified the accounting entry process to get
the Transfer IN entry when doing the correct GL_DISTRIB_STATUS for the transfer
Interunit transfer for group assets. IN entry when doing interunit transfers for group

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Asset Amdprept process 1695194003 EAM: When Copying Asset After We modified PeopleCode so that when an asset
Management AMDPREPT, Copied To Asset Can Not ID for which the Load Depr Reporting process has
Be Loaded been run is copied, the CALC_REPT_STATUS on
the PS_Open_Trans table for
the new asset ID is set to P.

Conversion 1705009002 AM:AMIF1000 error on insert to We modified the Transaction Loader process so
PS_IT_SFTWR_ASSET even though that the asset does not get inserted into
Management Installed option is cleared.
Depreciation 1677385004 AM_DEPR_CALC performance We modified the AE AM_DEPR_CALC program to
improve performance. Essentially we modified
one of the SQL not to use an OR operation.

1695431002 AM: Accounting Entries out of balance We modified the depreciation process to show the
on partial transfer between Group correct depreciation results on partial transfers
Member Assets between group member assets, so that
accounting entries are balanced.
1706732002 AM: Basic add creates the asset for the We modified PeopleCode to display an error
asset profile whose end depr date is message when an asset is added through Basic
prior to transact date. Add whose end depreciation date is prior to the
transaction date.
Depreciation - Global 1689389002 AM - Net Book value after impairment We updated the Depreciation Calculation process
processing doesn't become 1 yen. so that assets using method J6, J7, or JE will
have a net book value of 1 yen.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Asset Document Sequencing 1631884003 Doc Sequencing not created for Inter We modified PeopleCode to generate document
Management Unit Asset Transfer sequencing for interunit transfers (TRF).

Inquiry 1693503002 AM - Audit: View OPRID_EMP_VW We modified OPRID_EMP_VW SQL to rearrange

fields has a different order than the SQL the order of the Select fields.

Integration - AP 1694915002 AM:AMIF1000 abends at Step We modified the AMPS1000 App Engine program
AMIF_FIN_PHY.310020.Step30 so that the Transaction Loader processes split
fund scenarios successfully without any error.

1705376001 AM:AMPS1000 Updating All We modified the AMPS1000 process so that the
DESCR_LONG with DESCR from first DESCR_LONG field is populated with the correct
INTFC_LINE_NUM description for its respective PO and voucher line
Integration - PO 1682003003 AM:Cost is adjusted twice once when We modified the AMPS1000 process so that cost
the qty and value is pushed through AP and quantity do not get adjusted if the voucher is
and second time when pushed through pushed twice for the same asset when its
AP. associated PO is capitalized and already sent to
Interface 1695128003 EAM: When Consolidating Assets on We modified PeopleCode so that it only picks up
SQL Server, Intfc ID Selection Includes those interface IDs having a load status of
Loaded Assets Pending when consolidating assets.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Asset Leases 1569319001 AM9.0: The Payment Calculation, on We modified PeopleCode so that the Lease
Management the Leased Assets Page, Gives a SQL Express page calculates and saves successfully if
Error, When Using a Newly Added the lease term on the page is less than or equal to
Payment Schedule. the payment schedule ID range.

1700711002 AM:DB2 Invalid use of parameter error We modified Depreciation Close Process, so that
for leased assets at the process does not abend in DB2 database.
Parent-Child Processing 1701868001 AM: There is no prompt for inherit life We modified PeopleCode so that system prompts
from parent asset when child asset is a message to recalculate the book's asset life
added via Basic Information based on the parent's remaining life when a child
asset is added using Basic Add.
Reports 1705486001 EAM9.0: First data line of AMAS2200 We corrected the issue with the report Amas2200
overwrites last header line on each (Asset Detail By Location) so that the first data
page line does not overwrite the last header line on
each page of the report.
Reports - Tax 1705484001 AM:Tax report AMTX3210 when We modified reports to fix the page break issue on
processed for all AM BU's displays Business Unit level and Asset reappearance in
assets not in BU different business units.
Retirements 1684025002 Asset Disposal Workflow not populating We modified the page so the Roleuser field stores
some fields in the AM_RETIRE_APPR the name of the originator. The approver_id and
table date_approved fields are populated when the
asset disposal is approved or denied. An email
notification is sent to the originator when asset
disposal is denied.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Asset Retirements 1685546001 Like Kind Exchange not functioning We modified amdcretr.sqc to populate the gain or
Management properly loss amount correctly such that PeopleCode can
default the cost basis correctly for the new Like-
Kind Exchange Assets. We also modified
AM_AMAEDIST to populate the correct
accounting entries for the new like-kind asset.

1687324002 AM: Asset Disposal Denial is not We modified the page so the Roleuser field stores
sending Email Notification. the name of the originator. The approver_id and
date_approved fields are populated when the
asset disposal is approved or denied. An email
notification is sent to the originator when asset
disposal is denied.
1698737001 Can not retire assets in Non-Default We corrected the issue with the retirement
Book. component when retiring an asset as Scrapped
and the asset has multiple primary ledgers and
the business unit is set up with VAT.

1702659002 SYSTEM IS ALLOWING DISPOSING An error message is displayed that does not allow
OF THE ASSET THRU THE DISPOSAL asset disposal when the accounting date is less
WORKSHEET IF THE ACCOUNTING than the retirement date

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Asset Security 1700043003 AM:If security is setup by BU, We modified PeopleCode and amps1000 process
Management AMPS1000 doesn't let you processes to allow processing all pending entries when
for all pending entries security is setup by BU.
Setup/Setid Tables 1702977001 AM: Missing Rate User Defined data for We added data for methods J6 and J7 to the Rate
Methods J6 and J7. User Defined (table Depr_RT_Tbl).
What-if dpr 1683664002 AM: What-If Functionality Does Not We modified the depreciation process so that
Back Out Accumulated Depreciation what-if gives correct depreciation results when
accum is given.
Cash Bank Maintenance 1694210002 CM: Invalid project id error on external We changed the prompt table name for the
Management accounts page when trying to add a PROJECT_ID field of the BANK_ACCT_CHRT
project chartfield record so that the correct project IDs are
displayed on the prompting this field on the
External Accounts page.
Bank Reconciliation 1690658002 CM: Bank Transfer for the TO account We modified the PeopleCode and added a
displays a status of Cancelled on message catalog entry so that TO account
Manual Reconciliation page when they cashflows display PYMNT_SELCT_STATUS as
are not None on the Manual Reconciliation page.
1696746001 CM 9.0: Semi-Manual Reconciliation: We modified the PeopleCode in the
Payment Clearing Date field not set FUNCLIB_BANK record to set a value for the
Payment Clearing Date field when using semi
manual reconciliation.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Cash Install 1708012001 Market Rate index and Exchange rate We modified the PeopleCode in the component
Management type not updated in BUS_UNIT_TBL_TR record BUS_UNIT_OPT_TR.BUS_UNIT_TBL_GL
so that Market Rate Index and Exchange Rate
Type fields are updated in BUS_UNIT_TBL_TR.

Payment Processing 1689588003 The incorrect company ID is being We modified the Application Package PeopleCode
populated in the ACH Batch Control TR_FORMAT:Payment:ACHBaseFormatter to
record correctly populate the company ID in ACH Batch
Control data segment for payment files using ACH

Reports 1682112001 Financial Gateway Crystal reports - We modified the following Crystal Reports for
Special Field "Page N of M" cannot be proper translation of the page number text:
translated FG1000, FG1001, FG1002, FG1003, and
Settlements and Transfers 1681265002 AP8.9 Bank Rejected the EDI 820 We modified the PeopleCode in the Application
formatted wire file saying "not valid for Package TR_FORMAT to eliminate the odd
system and contained "odd" terminators terminator in the EDI 820 formatted file.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Cash Settlements and Transfers 1695875002 CM: EFT Request Page is not We modified the PeopleCode in the view
Management defaulting Bank details TR_WR_CF_VW to populate by default the bank
details on the EFT Request page when the default
setID and bank setID (FS_39) are different. We
also added the view EFT_PYMT_MTHD_V to the
FS_39 record group.

Contracts Billing 1687504001 Getting SQL error when CA_BI_INTFC We modified the application so that Contracts
process is run when new event with Billing Interface process (CA_BI_INTFC)
ready status is added with the existing completes successfully when a event with a
recycled status event Ready status is processed along with a Recycled
status event.
Contract Entry 1697734002 Orphaned data is left in the We modified the application to remove the
CA_LMT_TXN table when you delete a orphaned data from the CA_LMT_TXN table when
Contract Line. the contract line with the transaction limit is
Inquiry 1705186003 CA: The Review Billing - Plans page We modified the application so that the amount
Limits 1681788003 does not show
CA_LIMITS values for
Releasing theaamount
Milestone displayed on the
We modified the application
Review Bill so
Plan page
that is correct.
the system
during limit processing are leaving rows generates correct data in the Project Resource
in temp tables-PROJ_RES_TMP and (PROJ_RESOURCE) table after processing
PROJ_RES_DEL are left with data once limits.
the release of the transactions was

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 8 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Contracts Limits 1684155005 PC:8.8:Customer getting OLTs when We modified the Limits Processing (CA_LIMITS)
BILs are expected. CA_LIMITS Application engine process so that the system will
not include nonbillable rows for calculating the
processed amount during limit processing, which
will prevent generating incorrect over the limit
(OLT) rows.
1685397003 PC_PRICING/CA_LIMITS ignored BLD We modified the Limits Processing (CA_LIMITS)
during reprice and limit calculation. Application Engine process so that the system
Overbooked BIL. does not ignore previously billed (BLD) rows and
generates correct billable (BIL) rows and Over the
Limit (OLT) rows in the Project Resource
(PROJ_RESOURCE) table when Re-Pricing
(PC_PRICING) is run.

Projects 1696440003 CA/GM- Data in We modified the application so that when a

PS_GM_AWD_FUND_PD is deleted project is deleted from contracts the
when project is deleted from contract corresponding grants data will be deleted only if
line even the project is still linked to the project is not assigned to any other contract
other contract line(s). line.
Renewals 1707533001 renewal plan create even when the We modified the application so that the system
create renewal from template on Add creates the renewal plan for the contract line from
contract lines the specified renewal template only when the
Renewal Plans check box is selected for the
Create Plans from Template option on the Add
Contract Lines page.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 9 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

eSettlement Invoice Presentment 1691384003 eS 8.8 SP1 : When I click the schedule We modified PeopleCode to access the Payment
link from Review payment installments Installment page when you click the Schedule link.
page, getting peoplecode error (Cannot
access member HIDE_VAT_FLAG
Invoice/PO load 1692722001 eSettlements 9.0: Self-Service View We modified PeopleCode so that when viewing
Invoice - wrong vendors are listed invoices on the Self-Service View Invoices page,
only invoices from vendors that the user is
allowed to see will be displayed.
Expenses Approvals 1694517001 EX:9.0 - Approver list order gets We modified the code to sort the approver list
alphabetized once logged out and log based on the order that the user entered.
back in.
1694853003 EX 8.81: field VAT_RECEIPT incorrectly We changed the program to correctly update the
updated to "Y" when checkbox "No VAT_RECEIPT flag.
Receipt" (field NO_RECEIPT_FLG)
1701437002 EX: 8.9 The Notification for denied We modified the system to fill in properly the
expense reports is not functioning variable information of the notification email.
Batch Processes 1693818002 EX 8.9: EX_TRAN_PRCS abends at We modified the Stage Payments Application
EX_STAGE_PMT.SHEETADV.ADOFFS Engine program by adding filters that will prevent
ET - unique constraint in the program from restaging cash advance offset
PS_EX_SHEET_PYMNT lines that are already staged.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 10 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Expenses Commitment Control 1696500002 EX: TA Encumbrance not reversed We modified the code to close travel authorization
when applied to an ER associated with an expense report with cash
advance applied and the amount due to the
employee or vendor is zero.
Expense Report - General 1692079003 EX: System displaying wrong We modified the system to retrieve the deductions
Deductions Effective Date row for Per with the effective date based on the expense
Diem Expense Type transaction date.
1706242002 CANNOT CHANGE CURRENCY ON We modified the Expense Report Entry page to
AN ER enable users to modify the Currency field when
amount is not populated.
Integration - Corporate 1699806003 EX 8.81: duplicate VISA file imported We modified Load External Data to avoid an
Cards runs into Subscription error, but error abend in the process when the flat file provided by
message not mentioning duplicate file the vendor is executed more than once.

My Wallet 1694047002 EX 8.9-mileage option overwrites amex We modified the code to prevent the Auto Mileage
charge amount from MyWallet expense type from being selected on the My
Wallet page.
1703352002 EX 8.9: cannot view Wallet transactions We modified the My Wallet feature to display
for Terminated Employees entries for terminated employees as well.

1703413002 EX: 8.9 Wallet expenses returning to We modified the PeopleCode to not display
wallet even though Paid allocated transactions on the My Wallet page.
Travel Authorizations 1703919002 EX 8.9: TA, Multiple Expenses yields We modified the system to update properly the
incorrect results and corrupts TA travel authorization date range when adding
expenses through the Multiple Expenses Add

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 11 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Expenses Travel Authorizations 1703927002 EX 8.9: TA use "All Days" feature will We modified the functionality to add multiple
copy the # of days for EACH day expense lines in travel authorizations by filling in
the Number of Days field properly when selecting
the All Days option.
General Closing 1681259003 Interim Close issue with BUs of diff We modified COBOL files so that the Interim
Ledger currencies & diff close rules on same Close process with multiple close rules for
run control different currencies generate balanced journal
entries when Keep Ledgers in Sync is selected.

1691512005 Year End Close process runs We modified the Year End Close COBOL module
unsuccessfully only when Create GLPCOUTY so that when closing a ledger group
Journals is checked with Keep Ledger in Sync selected, journals are
properly created.
Combo Edit 1698879001 Journal Edit App Engine We modified the Application Engine action so that
FS_CEBD_RSEL SQL Error the process does not abend if the combination
rule has draft tree.
Consolidation and 1698798002 Consolidation/Equitization Undo is not We modified the Consolidation and Equitization
Equitization working for a previous aborted process COBOL programs so that if the processes are
with status 'A' aborted the Undo Previous Process would be able
to clean up the results from the aborted
1700919002 GL: GLPOCONS error: No elimination We modified the Consolidation COBOL program
identified for this Consolidation request so that when the same consolidation set is used in
multiple process request rows, elimination entries
are created correctly.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 12 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

General Consolidation and 1710096001 GL Consolidation goes into an indefinite We modified the Consolidation and Equitization
Ledger Equitization loop if one of the GLPOPLOG stored COBOL programs so that SQL errors won't cause
SQL was missing the processes to go into indefinite loops.

Federal 1692231002 GL-Wrong dollar sign is displaying on We made changes in GLSF1219.sqr report to
the SF1219 report record transaction line 2.10 as a positive amount
for checks issued.
Flat File Ledger Import 1697687002 GL 8.9: No ChartFields validations are We modified Application Engine PeopleCode so
performed in Flat File Ledger Import. that the Ledger Import process validates the
ChartFields before importing.
Integration to HCM 1692151003 Cannot get RELEASE_REQUEST We modified the Application Package PeopleCode
Service Operation to work to rectify the typographical error.
Inter/IntraUnit 1683573003 AP: Voucher Post for Journal Vouchers We modified the Interunit Application Engine
creating interunit rows incorrectly when program so that interunit entries are not created
entries are balanced by GL unit through a batch posting process if the entries are
balanced by GL unit for Journal Vouchers.

1701248002 EGL 8.9: DB2 performance issue We modified the Interunit Application Engine
IU_PROCESSOR.P150.P150-010 program to enhance the performance of the SQL
in IU_PROCESSOR.P150.P150-010.
Journal / Ledger Inquiry 1690085002 On the journal Inquiry page you cannot We modified Record PeopleCode to zoom and
zoom to see the adjustment periods see the adjustment periods on the Journal Inquiry
Journal Edit 1704617001 GL 9.0 Online journal edit failing We modified the Application Engine program
introduced by Update 710629 on GL_JEDIT_0 so that it does not fail in Sybase.
Sybase db

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

General Journal Generator 1692219002 GL 8.9: Chartfield values are not We updated PeopleCode so that ChartField
Ledger populating as defined in Accounting values are populated as defined in Accounting
Entry Definition Entry Definition.
1696872001 With Acctg Definition REM, unable to We updated PeopleCode so that it can populate
change BU on the Generate Journals the right edit table.
Request page after the page is saved
1697796002 Journal Generator abends with Unique We updated SQL in the Application Engine
Constraint error 805 program FS_JGEN_PROC to solve the unique
PS_RECV_LN_ACCTG constraint issue.
Journal Post 1666397002 Deadlocks during Journal Post Process We modified glppupld to add an Order By clause
to the ledger updates.
We modified GLPPINWK to minimize contention
issues when checking for closed period errors.

1682995003 Reversal journal not created for We modified Glpprvrs to log a message for each
incomplete posted journal potential duplicate and to roll back changes to
journal status if duplicates are found.

1704290003 GL non-shared temp tables not We modified the COBOL file so that GL
resetting to available for budget journals nonshared temp tables are reset after the
successful completion of the posting process for
budget journals.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

General KK-Budget Checking 1688371005 Performance Issue with FS_BP for We modified the Application Package PeopleCode
Ledger Requisitions since upgrading to version (KK:CheckBudget). We changed the sleep time
8.9 parameter, used in the Java class "sleep," from
10 seconds to 5 seconds. The Java sleep class is
used by the online processes to control how often
the process checks the process run status when a
process request is scheduled from online. For
example, if the sleep time is set to 10 seconds
then the online will check the run status every 10

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

General KK-Budget Checking 1699338006 Data is missing from KK_SOURCE_LN We modified the Budget Processor Application
Ledger Engine program to preserve the nonerror lines
budget line status value when a document failed
budget check, to distinguish the lines passed
budget check and posted to ledger KK already
from lines passed budget check but not posted to
ledger KK yet because other lines in the same
document failed budget check. That is, if a line
has a budget line status value of V, W, or N
before the current budget check, it will keep that
value after the process if it passed the check but
some other lines in the same document failed the
check. On the other hand, if a line has a budget
line status value of E before the current budget
check, it will have a value of N after the process if
it passed the check but some other lines in the
same document failed the check. This design
change solves the potential overspending issue
when the Skip Budget Processor Edits option on
the Commitment Control Source Transaction
definition is set to Do not re-edit valid lines.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

General KK-Budget Closing 1671922002 FSPYCLOS - Unable to undo Budget We modified the Budget Close process so that it
Ledger Close Process if the budget closing does not update the flag KK_BUDGET_CLOSED
entries had errors to Y when closing budget journals are in error.

KK-Budget Inquiry 1684138002 Budget Overview shows duplicate We modified

amounts when Budget Definition has KK_INQ_WRK.PB_FETCH.FieldChange
multiple rulesets with different budget PeopleCode to prevent showing duplicate
period calendars amounts/rows. We also reversed code for
resolution 725452 suspected of causing possible
timeout issues to be replaced by an upcoming
performance enhancement.
1707198002 GL: Budget Overview inquiry with We modified Record PeopleCode to ensure that
Summary Budget Period calendar may for the budget calendar the budget periods are
not include all Detail periods entered in the correct order so that budget periods
with later from or to dates have a larger alphabetic
KK-Budget Journals 1687141002 GL: Peoplecode error Field does not We modified the PeopleCode to resolve the error
exist -- KK_BD_ATTRIB_BP.. (2,104) on the Enter Budget Transfer page when
KK_BD_ATTRIB_2.GBL.KK_BD_ATTRI changing the Budget Line Control option.
B_BP.SaveEdit in Enter Budget
Transfer page when changing Budget
Line Control Option
KK-Flat File Budg Jrnl Import 1704958003 KK_JRNL_IMP does not allow summary We modified the Import Budget Journals process
Projects (KK_JRNL_IMP) so that the process also imports
PROJECT_IDs that are marked as

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

General KK-Security/Notification/WF 1700720003 Budget (Commitment Control) Security We modified two views for commitment control
Ledger Issue with use of Effective Dated Trees security to use effective dates properly.

Ledger Load 1700463002 GL_LED_IMP (Budget Ledger Import) We modified App. Engine PeopleCode so that
not working correctly. Ledger import process should validate the
ChartFields before importing.
Multi-currency 1692908001 GL9.00: FSPCCURR Error when trying We made changes in FSPCSQLB.cbl and
to edit and post translation journals FSPCOUTP.cbl to resolve the rounding issue that
was causing the journal to be unbalanced.
Open Periods 1686719002 update period maximum numbers of We updated the OPEN_PAGE_SINGLE page by
rows found error other not included in changing the adjustment type from a drop-down
the list 4,2 list to an edit box in order to handle
PS_ADJUST_TYPE_TBL with over 500 rows of
Reports 1700447003 Misalignment of column values in We modified the GLS8005 report to resolve the
GLS8005 report. issues related to misalignment of the amount
columns in CSV format when Type is set to
Grant Forms 1687791002 GM- SF272 format for Recipient.2 - We modified the software to resolve the address
Management concatenation of ADDRESS fields- and format issue.
Recipient.3 - concatenation of state and
zip code
Maintain Institution 1691767001 FEDERAL_EIN_GM get zeros padded We fixed the padding of the leading zeros in

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Grant Process Facilities Admin 1678059002 GM_GMFACS Using Truncates We modified the software to resolve the data loss
Management without Process instance -Causing Data issue in the Facilities and Administration process.
Maintenance Crew Scheduling 1697157001 MM - SQL error when assigning an We modified the PeopleCode in the Crew
Management employee on the LAWB Scheduling Workbench and the view record in the
Labor Assignment Workbench to make sure the
schedule start and end dates and times of the
corresponding labor schedules are never blank,
subsequently preventing SQL errors during labor
Preventive Maintenance 1696708001 MM - Basis date/Start date on the PM We relabeled the Start Date field to Basis Date on
Schedule pages the Advanced Options page of the PM Schedule
components to match the label on the General
Options page.
1700079001 MM - Able to create a PM Schedule with We disabled the Asset Subtype field on the PM
an invalid maintenance type when using Schedule Copy page to avoid copying a PM
the Copy PM Schedule feature schedule with an invalid maintenance type, asset
type, and subtype association.
Service Request 1687476001 MM - Fields are not being disabled on We modified the PeopleCode in the Service
the service request Request component and we updated the rules in
the status framework to correctly set the display
attributes of the Move From, Move To, and
Charge To fields.

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Maintenance Service Request 1703896001 Fields are displayed on bigger font after We modified the PeopleCode in the Service
Management saving Work Request Request component to reset the font size to
normal and to hide the Create Work Order button
when the status is complete, closed, or canceled.

1703907001 MM - Create WO button should not be We modified the PeopleCode in the Service
displayed on the Work Request when Request component to reset the font size to
WR status = closed or canceled normal and to hide the Create Work Order button
when the status is complete, closed, or canceled.

Work Order 1699507002 MM - WO Transaction Template ID We cleared the Alternate Search Key on the
should be removed from some prompt Transaction Template Id field to remove the field
on the WO component from the Work Order Id lookup pages of the Work
Order component. Because this field is not used
we removed it to avoid confusion.

Payables 1099 Reporting 1684476006 1099 Update for 2007 We modified File Layout WTHD_FILE_A_REC to
support 1099 withholding report changes for the
year 2007.
AP/AM -Interface 1675591006 AM: AMPS1000 incorrectly sets We modified SQL to ensure that the Load Asset
voucher row to CON when copying PO Request populates every row with the correct cost
to voucher information.
1682490003 AM- Assets from rolled POs are being We modified the INTFAPAM process to use the
duplicated original PO distribution line number for an asset
when the purchase order has had its
encumbrance rolled forward.

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables AP/AM -Interface 1687181002 AP AM INTERFACE, INTFAPAM with We modified the INTFAPAM process to process
matching only vouchers that have not been matched
(MATCH_STATUS_VCHR = T) when the voucher
has been closed.
Control Groups 1695076002 AP 8.9 Deleting Control Group is not We modified PeopleCode to delete vouchers
deleting Vouchers associated to that associated with a deleted control group.
Inquiries 1663998002 AP 8.9: Performance issues with We modified the views used by the
'Review Vendors' search page VENDOR_LOOKUP component to enable more
(VENDOR_LOOKUP) efficient searching using mixed case fields such
as name or address.
1684089002 AP:8.9 Sort functionality not working on We modified PeopleCode in order to associate the
Payment Inquiry Page Sort functionality with the Sort button.
1690398003 Incorrect payment information displayed We modified PeopleCode to correctly show the
when inquiry from Voucher Entry page payment through the Payment Inquiry link on the
Payment tab of the Regular Entry Voucher page.

1690945002 Inconsistency in displaying single We modified PeopleCode to display the vendor

payment vendor name in inquiry page. name correctly on the Voucher Details page for a
single payment vendor.
1694477001 Journal Drill Down page does not We modified record properties so that the Journal
display all the Ledgers on the look up Drill Down page displays all the ledgers on the
search look up search.
1698250001 AP 9.0 Sybase specific / Maximum of We modified the SQL view so that the maximum
group by expression exceeded number of fields used in the group by clause is
not exceeded.

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Inquiries 1699225003 Item Description displayed on PO We modified PeopleCode to correctly display the
Inquiry page was incorrect PO description on the PO Inquiry page.
Manual Payment 1702596003 Incorrect Payment Advice Date for We modified the record PeopleCode so that the
Manual Payment correct payment advice date for the manual
payment is populated on the Payment Inquiry
1703371002 AP: Manual Payment Worksheet does We modified PeopleCode so that the system
not allow alphanumeric characters in allows alphanumeric characters for payment
the Payment Reference field reference when using a manual payment
Matching 1691645002 AP: Matching abends at Step We modified the Matching process
AP_MTCH_DM.Price.Step05, RC = 805 (AP_MTCH_DM) so that a debit memo can be
for Debit Memo created when a voucher line has multiple
1693224002 AP: Voucher is matched when We modified the matching SQLs so that when
Inspection not complete inspection is changed to required on the purchase
order after the receipt, the matching process will
generate an exception for the inspection not being
1699065002 AP: Voucher line with both quantity and We modified the AP Match Debit Memo
price change only reflects quantity Application Engine (AM_MTCH_DM) so that the
difference on Debit Memo correct reversals are generated in the debit memo
when a line contains a quantity and price variance

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Matching 1700674002 AP:Users are able to run Matching from We modified component PeopleCode so that
Match Workbench when they not given users are not able to run Matching from the Match
access Workbench when they are not given access.

1702881002 AP: Match Rule 240 is not creating We modified the SQL for Match Rule 240 so that
Match Exception this exception is generated when the header
exception condition exists.
Payables set-up pages 1697230001 Able to key SGLP Voucher without We modified PeopleCode so that an error is
authority for that style displayed when a user does not have authority to
create single payment vouchers.
Paycycle/ ACH/EFT 1693676003 Prenotes are getting single pay flag set We modified the Application Engine process
Processing to 'Y' preventing bank info sent to bank. (AP_APY2015) so that when there is single
payment voucher included in the paycycle
selection the Prenote EFT file will be generated
1696521002 AP: Paycycle abends at We modified the Application Engine process
AP_PAYSELECT.A0009000.Step01 (AP_PAYSELECT) so that Paycycle still works
(Action SQL) -- RC = 1795 when more than 1,000 business unit have been
selected in Paycycle Selection Criteria.

1698286001 Vendor Prenote not working properly We modified the Application Engine process
when Selection and Creation are run (AP_APY2015) so that prenoting will work in both
together run Selection and Creation separately and running
them together in the paycycle.

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Payment Cancellation 1700902002 AP8.9 / Payment Cancellation having We modified PeopleCode so that the user is able
Withholding Tax to delete the withhold schedule payment after
canceling the regular payment.
Performance 1690696002 AP Matching Performance Issue We modified the Application Engine process
(AP_MATCH) so that matching process
performance is improved.
1692102002 PSARCHIVE process for Voucher We modified an existing index on PS_VOUCHER
Archiving takes more than 20 hours and created a new index on PS_VOUCHER_LINE
for use when joining to purchase order
information. We also modified the Voucher
and AP_ARCHIVE_VOUCHER_BU to improve
performance when archiving large volumes of

Posting - Payment 1689963002 Payment posting calculating incorrect We modified the Payment Posting Application
accounting entries with detailed offset Engine (AP_PSTPYMNT) so that payment
method as posting method accounting entries are created correctly when
withholding is calculated at voucher posting time
and some withholding applicable line withhold
amount calculated is 0.
Posting - Voucher 1683307003 Voucher post creating wrong We modified the SQL to ensure that voucher
withholding entries (calculating posting does not calculate the withholding twice
withholding) twice when the posting is when the posting is done for the second time.
done for the second time

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Posting - Voucher 1698564001 AP: Performance issue with Voucher We created the index PSBVOUCHER_LINE on
Post process at step PS_VOUCHER_LINE for the prepayment
AP_PPAY_APPL.PP_2000.Step03 application processing in voucher posting.
1699783002 EAP 8.9: DB2 issue ABENDED at Step We modified the Voucher Posting Application
AP_PSTVCHR.BN200.Step04 Engine (AP_PSTVCHR) so that interunit
transactions are created successfully without
performance issues.
PrePayment Application 1687039003 AP: Incorrect Payment Method We modified the PeopleCode to ensure that the
displayed on a Regular Voucher when correct payment method is displayed on a regular
Prepayment is applied voucher when prepayment is applied.
Quick Invoice 1698655001 Voucher Build puts Quick Invoice in Pre We modified the Quick Invoice Entry pages to
edit errors when Quick Invoice voucher display zero amounts.
is zero dollar amount.
Reports 1686171002 Vendor Set id not updated when the We modified PeopleCode so that when the vendor
remit set id is changed in payment setID is changed, the changes are reflected in the
aging by vendor page. grid.
VAT 1688564002 VAT error when create voucher with We modified PeopleCode and Application Engine
several distribution lines process (APVEDTPRVT) so that when creating a
voucher with several distribution lines the VAT is
calculated with no rounding problem.

1702638001 VAT error when create voucher with We modified PeopleCode so that when creating a
several distribution lines voucher with several distribution lines the VAT
round is calculated correctly.

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Vendor 1676077002 Duplicate Vendor report display issue We modified several Application Engine SQL
statements to improve the performance. We also
addressed the reporting of possible duplicate
vendors that have an Inactive status.
Voucher 1591019008 PO: VAT amount rounding issue to PO We modified record People Code so that the VAT
with multiple PO Distribution Lines. amount is rounded correctly when a PO having
When AP Voucher is created from PO multiple distribution lines is copied to a voucher.
with multiple PO Distribution Lines, the
warning message (9060,201) is
1688003003 AP 8.8 SP1 / Incorrect PO Unit Price on We modified the record field currency control
Copy Worksheet property so that the unit price is not rounded off.

1688421002 AP: Tax Code SUT is disabled even We modified PeopleCode to enable tax code SUT
when Tax Exempt Flag is unchecked on field on the Invoice Line Tax Information when the
the Voucher Tax Exempt flag is not selected on the Invoice
Information page.
1690033003 AP88: Incorrect Vendor details on We modified record PeopleCode and pages within
Voucher after SetId changed the Voucher component to use the vendor's setID
stored on the transaction to display the vendor
name and address information.

1690424002 Issue with the inactive vendor address We modified PeopleCode to prevent a voucher
on voucher that is populated with an inactive vendor address
from being saved.

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Voucher 1690929002 The Adjust Match Values check box on We modified PeopleCode so that when the Adjust
Reversal Voucher not working properly Match Values check box on Reversal Voucher is
selected, the Adjust Match Values check box is
also selected at invoice lines.
1691795003 Performance issue when copying PO We modified PeopleCode related to the voucher
with 276 lines to the voucher saving process for better performance.

1692523003 AP8.8SP1 - Errors for Scheduled An indicator shows that there are errors on our
Payments is not displayed on page Vouchers/Payment information page -
error warning triangle to open the
VCHRSCH_ERRORS_SEC page, no errors are
1699023001 Voucher Attributes tab on Voucher page We modified a page field property in order to hide
shows view the view that was displayed on the voucher
attributes page.
1700518002 AP:Error ORA-00936 We modified the properties of the
(PS_SRCH_CRITSAV_LG) on Match PS_SRCH_CRIT_SAV record so that when
Workbench page when login is not logged into PeopleSoft in a non-English language,
English. no SQL error is generated when saving a search
criteria in the Match Workbench.

Voucher Build 1693622001 AP: Invalid Recycle Message Number We modified the message number for process
for Voucher Build at application engine Voucher Build (AP_VCHRBLD)
AP_VCHRBLD.F0000.Step09 so that the Recycle Message reflects the correct

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Voucher Build 1693900001 AP: Voucher Build recycling Vouchers We modified Voucher Build default processing to
due to SHIPTO_ID but SHIPTO_ID is not issue an error when a default ship to ID has
valid not been defined in the Payables default hierarchy
but the ship to ID has been defined on the
transaction line.
1695539002 AP 8.9 Sales\ Use Tax Decimal Place We modified Application Engine SQL in the
are populating Differently between program APVEDTDFVL to correct the decimal
Voucher created Online and Loaded precision of the sales and use tax percentage
Through Voucher Build defaulted on the voucher line.
1697019002 Voucher Build not populating We modified Application Engine SQL and
schedule/Due Date for voucher PeopleCode in the program APVEDTDFLT to
populate the scheduled pay date or discount due
date when it is not provided.
1703236003 AP: When Vouchers are created by We modified Application Engine SQL in the
Voucher Build from Quick Invoices, the program APVEDTDFVH to default exchange rates
Transaction Currency Exchange Rate properly when vouchers with different rate types
populated is wrong are processed simultaneously.
1704968001 AP: Voucher Build does not validate We modified the Application Engine program
OPEN_ITEM_KEY for embedded APVEDTEDIT to validate for imbedded spaces in
spaces the OPEN_ITEM_KEY for open item accounts.

Voucher Delete 1686068003 AP:8.8SP1 - Deleting Template Vchr We modified PeopleCode so that template
causes Related voucher id is not vouchers can be deleted without generating the
valid(7030,310) error "Related voucher not valid."

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Payables Voucher Maintenance 1690020003 AP 8.8 SP1: Possible to change value We modified views used for voucher maintenance
on matched voucher thru Voucher and voucher mass maintenance so that matched
Maintenance vouchers will not be selected for maintenance.
User will need to unmatch those vouchers first,
then do the maintenance.
Voucher Mass Maintenance 1702426001 AP 9.0 Warning: Unable to perform We modified the Application Engine process
commit - forcing use of base tables in (APVCHMASSMNT) so that no warning message
APVCHMASSMNT is generated in the message log after running the
Unpost Voucher process by means of Voucher
Mass Maintenance.
Voucher UnPost 1700717003 AP:Unposted Voucher with document We modified PeopleCode so that the posted
sequencing will not post again voucher will be able to unpost only once from the
Unpost Voucher page.
Withholding 1690493002 Incorrect withholding calculation after We modified the Withholding Calculation
voucher post if the payment currency is Application Engine process (AP_WTHDCALC) so
different from the voucher transaction that when posting the voucher, the withholding
currency (base currency) values are calculated correctly when the payment
currency is different from the voucher transaction
1697494003 AP: Voucher Posting ABENDED at Step We modified the field type of the
TH3.Negative number assigned to an so that the field can take negative values also.
unsigned field: WTHD_CALC_AET
.CALC_WTHD_ENT_HSC. (2,121).

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Program Activity General 1695196001 PC - Able to save an activity with start We modified code to prevent saving an activity
Management date greater than end date with a start date greater than the end date on the
Activity General page.
Activity Resources 1702590001 PGM-Cost & Bill amount in Resource by We modified the code to generate the correct cost
activity page (PC_ARL) not calculated and bill amounts on the Resource by Activity
correctly when Calculate method page.
'Duration', and the Schedule Method
'Fixed Work'
Work Order Integration 1691111002 MM - Problems with the duration values We modified the code to get the correct duration
on a WO created from PGM values on the WO when it is created from PGM
and the WO is created when the unit of measure
is MDY.
Project Chartfields 1687107004 Project prompts with all projects for We modified the software to make sure the project
Costing timesheet when teams are enforced prompts only for the projects where the employee
is a team member.
Commitment Control 1691930002 PC 8.9 PC_INTFEDIT abend at We modified the software to allow transactions
PC_TO_KK.BPCheck.Insert1 with same ChartField combinations to be
processed successfully.
Effective Date 1688604002 Project Status effective date defaulted We modified the software to update the effective
to current date date of the project status to the start date of the
project for prior dates while creating a new
Functionality 1688121005 ePro: Project Costing Validation Error We modified the software to skip the validation of
Appears Incorrectly For ePro Reqs PC required fields on the Req Defaults and PO
Defaults page.

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Project Multi-Platform 1696199002 SYBASE SPECIFIC-AP to PC is failing We modified the software in AP to PC is
Costing because insufficient result space for Application Engine for proper assignment of
explicit conversion of INT value '99997' resource IDs in all platforms.
to a CHAR field
Project Assets 1698732003 Express Asset Filter Criteria page return We modified the software to determine if the
no rows when PCBU name not setup as integration template is different than the PC BU,
the integration template name and then use this functionality for the GL BU as
specified for General Ledger business unit for
accounting periods.
Project Budgeting 1692793002 PC_WRAPPER ABENDED at We modified the software to allow two or more
PC_TO_KK.LoadTbls.Insert1 when budget lines with the same ChartFields to be
processing budget with the same processed.
chartfield and different budget types
Third Party Integration 1678919002 PS89 MSP Integration - Actual Start We modified the software to populate the actual
Date start and actual finish dates for a project when
imported from MSP to PeopleSoft.

Proposal Maintain Proposal 1682861003 Request Number 1 is getting We modified the software to resolve the
Management disappeared when there is no attachments issue in the Maintain Proposal
attachment. component.

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Real Estate 2.10.1 Sales Report Entry 1704140002 LA - Breakpoints are not properly We modified the SQL for fetching the sales
Management applied while calculating percent rent in category breakpoints to sort the breakpoints in
the sales report ascending order of the From Breakpoint value.

2.5 Payment Processing 1706633001 RE- SQL error on the payee prompt We modified the prompt view for the payee to
when searching using landlord id resolve the data truncation error.

Receivables Aging Reports 1696086001 Aging report AR30003.SQR not We modified the Aging report AR30003.SQR to
showing any data align the CSV format report. We changed the
negative amount format to display -100.00
instead of 100.00-.
1703217003 AR: Negative amount format bug on We modified the Aging report AR30003.SQR to
AR30003 align the CSV format report. We changed the
negative amount format to display -100.00
instead of 100.00-.

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Aging Reports 1703672003 AR30003.sqr, Grand Total Amount Zero We modified the Aging report AR30003.SQR to
on report for one Business Unit / Base align the CSV format report. We changed the
Currency negative amount format to display -100.00
instead of 100.00-.
AR Update - Posting 1679348002 AR: IU Process abends on DB2 when We modified several SQL statements in process
paying a pending item with multiple AR_PGG_SERV to avoid an abend in the Interunit
distributions. process in scenarios where Items with multiple
Receivables distribution lines with multiple
Chartfield inheritance options are processed.

1686939002 AR: ABENDED at Step We modified process AR_PGG_SERV to avoid an

AR_PGG_SERV.MNT_SUSP.INSCFBA abend when ChartField Inheritance is turned on
L (Action SQL) -- RC = 805 and a payment is processed with realized
gain/loss against an item with multiple AR lines
and different resource categories on each AR line.

1692085002 AR: Translate ledgers are receiving an We ensured that no extra Realized Gain/Loss
additional Realized Gain/Loss line lines get created in translate ledgers. We also
fixed a potential abend in
Archiving 1677257003 History Records "AR_PEND_DST_H" & We added missing fields to records
"AR_ITEM_DST_H" missing fields AR_PEND_DST_H and AR_ITEM_DST_H.

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Cash Control 1694228001 ESP 9.0 - AR Cash Control Entries We modified the AR Cash Control application
process (AR_CASHCNTL) abended at engine to not process direct journal payments.
(SQL) RC =805
1705179001 Wrong Currency gets displayed in Cash We modified the Cash Control process to display
Control Message Log. the correct foreign currency in the message log.

Commitment Control 1690375002 AR89 Error Message (6832, 103) We modified PeopleCode at
Saving MT Credit Rev Estimate AR_CC_WRK.ARRE_FUNC.FieldFormat to
Correction compute the REV_AMT_MAX field differently for
MT-01 transactions to avoid error messages on
the Rev Est Error Correction page.

Condition Monitor 1683335003 AR: Condition Monitor does not cancel We modified the AR_CNDMON process to cancel
current and future actions current and future actions for the LACD Condition
ID (Large Amounts Coming Due), if the condition
no longer exists.
Conversations 1697213001 ESP9.0: View/Update conversations We ensured that search results are correctly
displays the latest conversation ONLY displayed on the View/Update Conversations
search page.
1705378001 ESP 9.0 - Conversations: Searching by We modified PeopleCode
Keywords fail to return correct results CONVR_KEYWRD_VW.CONVR_DTTM_INIT.Sea
rchInit so that searching by keywords returns
correct results.

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For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Customers 1698267002 Customer History Inquiries Show We added new PeopleCode and new work field in
Inconsistent Displays of Currency and the work record to set the correct display of days
Amount and amount.
1699502002 Conversations can be created but We resolved the issue of a user being able to add
cannot not review for inactive a new conversation
customers even if the customer is inactive. The fix makes the
Add conversation and View/update Conversation
links available or unavailable depending on the
customer status.
Deposits - Express 1630831004 AR: Express Deposit action buttons are We modified numerous record PeopleCode to
not available when they should be correctly enable or disable express deposit action
buttons. We also modified code for payments set
to post and worksheets created to display the
correct numbers.
1686643003 AR: Not able to delete worksheet in We modified PeopleCode to effectively delete a
Express Deposit when one of the worksheet from the express deposit action page.
payments is processed with Payment
1696356002 AR: Express Deposit component We modified the code to not create the cash
creates cash clearing entries clearing accounting entries if the express deposit
prematurely when deposit not balanced is not balanced.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 35 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Direct Debit 1691827001 Direct debit process not picking up We changed the AR_DIRDEBIT application
DD_ID's from autonumbering table. engine to consider setID when picking up DD_ID
from an autonumbering table for multiple business
units in the same run control.

Direct Journal - Acctg 1698728003 MISC_DST_TOTAL & MISC_DST_CNT We modified the PeopleCode so that when
Entries not get updated correctly when 2 users accounting entries are saved, the journalled total
create Accounting entries at same time amount and total count are correctly updated
when more than one user is creating journalled
accounting entries.
1701163002 COMPLETE checkbox allowed to be We modified the code in the Direct Journal
checked even with incomplete Payment Accounting Entries page to avoid having
accounting entries for Direct Journal incomplete entries with missing interunit entries
payment marked as completed.
Dunning 1684832003 AR 8.8 SP1: AR_DUNNING selecting We added steps in sections INSADDR,
same customer for different Setid INSITEMS, POPCRSPD and modified
INIT.GETPARM4 PeopleCode so that items
belonging to a business unit having the same
setID are picked up by AR_DUNNING even
though customers belong to a different setID.
Inquiries - Customer 1705927001 AR-Customer Accounts Item Activity We changed the Grid properties and unchecked
Page display extra lines under Seq field the Show Row Separator check box to get rid of
the extra lines.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 36 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Item Entry 1617701004 AR: "Invalid value" error for Defaulting We modified
State when saving an item under AR_VAT_WRK.VAT_DTL_PAGE.FieldChange
Correct Posting Errors PeopleCode to include a condition before set VAT
1700239001 New row(s) is inserted into India We ensured that new rows are not inserted into
Specific tax table, PENDING_TAX, the India-specific tax table PENDING_TAX when
when creating non-India BUs online creating online pending group with multiple items
pending group with multiple items for non-India business units.

Lock Box 1698421002 AR8.9: AR_PAYLOAD is abending We modified

when loading multiple payments with AR_CASHCNTL.GENCRDR.UPD_C,
different payment currencies AR_CASHCNTL.GENCRDR.RATE_DIV, and
AR_PAYLOAD does not abend when loading
multiple payments with different payment
Maintenance WS 1695629003 IU: ARUPDATE abends in the IU We solved the abend in
processor, at step IU_PROCESSOR.U400.U400-010 when posting a
IU_PROCESSOR.U400.U400-010 maintenance worksheet matching debits and
credits where the ledger group includes balancing
ChartFields and there are multiple AR lines.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 37 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Payment Predictor 1625943002 Payment Predictor #DTL_TLR Algorithm We modified the AR_PREDICT2 program to solve
is Abending the payment predictor abend when there is an
AR_PREDICT2.#DTL_TLR.GENITMOE overpayment over tolerance, and PredictorDetail
Options- Invoice Overage-Tolerance set up is
using the option to create an OA item on a
1693603003 AR: A posted payment flagged with We modified PeopleCode to set a payment to
payment predictor is editable read only if it is posted and applied using Payment
1701677001 AR 9.0:Payment Predictor abends at We modified the AR_PREDICT2 program in the
step concerned step so that the Payment Predictor
AR_PREDICT2.#OLDESTC.UPDITEMS process does not abend.
1706467001 ESP AR9.0 - ARUPDATE is posting We modified the AR_PREDICT1 program so that
payments, which were applied by the the predictor will not process the payment that has
payment predictor process prior to a cash control account and
deposits being reconciled. CASH_CNTRL_DONE='N'. This will be consistent
with the payment worksheet.
Payment WS 1686684003 Misleading warning message in We ensured that a warning message is displayed
payment worksheet at the right time.
Payment WS - Acctg Entries 1698722002 Payment Groups with multi AR lines We ensured that payment groups with multiple AR
and Intra Unit setup causes abend in lines and intraunit setup do not cause an abend in
IU_PROCESSOR.U400.U400-010 IU_PROCESSOR.U400.U400-010.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 38 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Payment WS - Acctg Entries 1706222001 AR: Payment groups receive ACTOB We modified SQL
errors when posting IU transactions with AR_PGG_SERV.MULTLOAD.PRIMARY1 to
translate ledgers involved create a missing accounting entry in the
Secondary Ledger in a scenario where Translate
Secondary Ledger and Rate Type are blank in the
ledger group setup.
Payment WS - 1703680001 AR9.0 : Foreign amount is rounded We modified PeopleCode to set rounding based
MultiCurrency incorrectly on the decimal 0 BU during on the payment worksheet currency.
Payment application
Reports 1692959002 Customer Statement Report AR32000 We modified the AR32000-.RPT, AR32002-.RPT
counts the 'No. of Items' incorrectly. and AR32A00-.RPT Crystal reports to display the
correct number of items in the buckets 0-30, 31-
60, 61-90, Over 90, and Future.

1698865002 Report AR20001P is not pulling the We modified the Crystal report AR2001P and the
proper amount. PS Query to correctly show these amounts:
Entered Base Currency, Posted Base Currency,
and Journaled Base Currency when the Control
Currency is blank in the Deposit. The Control
Amount in Base Currency will be blank in the
report if no currency code is entered for the
control amount in the Deposit.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 39 of 40


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle #10

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle #9 in October 07

Product Functional Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Resolution Description

Receivables Revenue Estimates 1682585002 AR 8.9 - New ICE related to We added new join criteria to application engine
1640148000. Rev Est issue with steps AR_REV_EST.CADST.CADST and
adjusted bill lines. CADSTADJ to select the correct adjusted and
nonadjusted invoices from BI_HDR, BI_LINE, and
CA_ACCTG_LN_PC tables.
Usability 1676432003 Fin Portal Pack / AR Pagelets: Process We added Do When statements to
1689214003 AR_UPDATE fails at
Troubleshooting - VAT AR_CFOLOAD.CURR_AMT and PRIOR_AM
We modified the AR_PGG_SERV application
missing with Deposit write-off engine to generate the correct accounting entries
when a payment with VAT and a draft with VAT
are being posted together.
Resource Employee Profile Module 1697000001 Wrong Setid Jobcode on employee job We modified the Jobcode field of the JOB record.
Management page

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Page 40 of 40

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