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Acts of God, mutual accusations, fear and hope as Zionist nightmare collapses

September 15, 2015

Author: Benjamin Fulford
The 14th anniversary of 911 may be the last one to pass without the perpetrators of this crime finally seeing justice. There
were some very unusual heavenly events associated with this anniversary. One was a double rainbow seen in New York
which appeared at roughly the same time as one (witnessed by this writer) appeared in Tokyo. Even more otherworldly
was the fact that a bolt of lightning knocked over a crane in Mecca owned by the BinLaden construction group on 911,
killing 107 people.
US spokesperson acting president Barack Obama was instructed not to show up at any 911 ceremony but was instead
told to go talk to US soldiers. Meanwhile, US Defense Secretary Ash Carter spoke at a Pentagon 911 ceremony where he
promised that no matter how long it takes [the perpetrators of this crime] will not escape the long arm and hard fist of
justicewe will find you, and we will never forget.
If the US military are sincere, then George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld and most of the other neo-cons who signed the
Project for a New American Century document in 2000 will be arrested. That document called for a New Pearl
Harbor to justify a big invasion of the Middle East.
In any case, it is looking like an end game for the Zionist Nazi Netanyahu regime in Israel as Russian and Iranian troops
move in while the Pentagon helps or turns a blind eye. We now have sources that are usually diametrically opposed to
each other, the Mossad linked Debka and the Pentagon linked site Veterans today, both agreeing that Russian troops are
on Israels doorstep.
The Debka article is revealing when it notes Israels military strength is substantial but no one is looking for a military
clash with the Russians, before concluding Israel should ask for Russian protection. Russian White Dragon Society
sources make it clear any Russian protection of Israel will not mean business as usual for that rogue state. Meanwhile,
here is what a Pentagon source had to say about Israel: Israel has been doing cyber-attacks from Saudi Arabia, Turkey
and Bulgaria to hide their tracks. The Sandstorm on September 8th
was targeted at Israel, their submarines are now fair game, and they may get nuked.
It is also worth noting that both the Russians and the Americans have been offering protection to the countries of the
Middle East and North Africa against Israeli missiles.
British MI6 intelligence, for its part, says the so-called Syrian refugee crisis only involves Shia and not Sunni Muslims.
The Shia are being given Turkish passports to allow them to vote in Turkish elections in order to help President Erdogan
regain his majority in the Parliament, the sources say.
Meanwhile, in the financial world there are more and more signs of a collapse of the current paradigm. Claudio Borio,
Head of the Monetary & Economic Department of the BIS, the central bank for central banks, described the current state
of world financial markets as reminiscent of the old joke about the stranded tourist who, having asked for directions, was
told: If I were you, I wouldnt start from here. He went on to say We are not seeing isolated tremors, but the release of
pressure that has gradually accumulated over the years along major fault lines.
Borio was referring to the massive output of liquidity by central banks in recent years as the source of the upcoming
mega-quake he alludes to.
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Meanwhile the IMF has, as MI5 intelligence put it, gone rogue and pulled out of negotiations with the EU on Greece.
The MI5 source is also predicting 60-70% falls in world stock markets very soon.
China and Russia, for their part, are pushing hard to end the use of US dollars for the trading of oil, thus finishing off the
US agency sources are saying the recent devaluation of the Chinese Yuan hit Goldman Sachs particularly hard. Goldman
Sachs criminals, used to trading on inside information, took a bath on the Yuan, one source said. Unlike the US, where
they are always tipped off in advance, they were blindsided and their mythical financial wizardry was revealed to be
nothing more than good old fashioned insider trading; banal criminality disguised as cleverness.
The Pentagon, the CIA and other US agencies are now pushing the US Justice Department to take serious action against
the criminals in Wall Street, Washington and elsewhere. The rigging of financial markets, the bribing of politicians, the
murders and lies of the Khazarian mafia are all now coming home to roost.
The US military has also now shut down all the bio-labs manufacturing and spreading disease agents like Bird Flu, SARS,
Ebola etc. You can be sure the mass murderers behind the setting up of these labs will see the inside of a jail cell if not the
inside of an execution chamber sooner rather than later.
A Washington based source is also telling this writer the US government, minus the Pentagon and agencies, is headed for
a total shut down at the end of September. As many have noticed, the official US government debt numbers have not
changed since March 15th, meaning they have been cooking their books, a sure sign of bankruptcy.
Meanwhile, it appears this writer has hit some nerves recently. Somebody has been calling from a payphone, saying
Skull and Bones, and then hanging up. Recently, when a call from a payphone came I said coward, before the person
could say Skull and Bones. He hung up and called back immediately to say that there was a lot of talk in the Tokyo
Freemason lodge these days about getting this writer killed. A New York based Freemason also sent an e-mail threating
this writers daughter. A senior Freemason in London commented that all this communicating between masons on your
case is extremely unprofessional and will have been noticed.
There has also been a flurry of communications and contacts directed at this writer concerning the recent article about
heirs to the $30 trillion Manchu historical gold fortune. In the May 4th 2015 issue of this newsletter we wrote The
current heirs to the Manchu gold are Kim Young Hee () and Zhang Seung Shik ().
Well, now all the people involved in this case have been pointing fingers at each other in a confusing cascade of claims
and counter-claims. Zhang Seung Shik claims that Kim Young Hee is not a Manchu heir but is actually Song Seul Hee, an
agent who reports to a North Korean general. Kim Young Hee or Song Seul Hee (whoever she may be) claims that Zhang
is a petty con artist and says she has reported him to the police.
Meanwhile Mr. K, the senior Chinese agent who made the original introduction claims they are both con artists and
apologizes for vouching for them originally. Mr. K also claims that Kim/Song Young/Seul Hee and Zhang are on the run
from the police after their boss was arrested recently in South Korea.
However, he says their boss who was arrested was Pu Chao-chi, former top representative of Taiwan in South Korea.
Furthermore, Mr. K also introduced yet a third person who claimed to have the genuine documents (a pile 12 centimeters
thick) claiming the rights to the $30 trillion worth of Manchu gold. It seems claiming the rights to $30 trillion has
triggered lots of intrigue and counter-intrigue.
Of course, to put things into perspective, the Bank of Japan, the South Korean Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Board
and the European Central Bank are themselves all ultimately based on fraud and stolen historical fortunes. Until recently,
they have simply been in positions of enough power to arrest anybody else trying to do the same thing they are doing.
In any case, even if any of these individuals is, in a legalistic sense, the heir to a $30 trillion fortune, clearly such a big
sum really should belong to the people of the planet and not some individual, no matter how prestigious their lineage may
be. So, this writer has proposed that the claimants put the $30 trillion into the White Dragon Foundation he has set up.
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If the funds are put there, the WDF will immediately hold a press conference to ask for help in setting up a system
whereby the people of the planet can decide how to spend the money on the basis of one person, one vote. It would
certainly be a better system than the gangster controlled one operating now.
We would also like to point out here that we have been contacted by a man who claims he cuts peoples fingers off one
joint at a time in order to extract information before wrapping their bodies in lead and dumping them in the ocean. He says
he has worked for the Chairman of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank.
We asked the bank at their headquarters to respond to these claims but they refused to. We have his phone number and
name card for reference. The point being made here is what does it tell you about the current state of the worlds banking
system if that is the sort of person you need to go through in order to be introduced to a senior banker?

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