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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

Asset Depreciation 1828926001 EAM- After RET/REI on a zero cost We modified the depreciation process so that the
Management book, the book starts to depreciate. book with ZERO cost does not calculate
depreciation after reinstatement.
Functionality 1823574001 Multiple Distribution Asset-Accum Depr We modified the PeopleCode so that the 'Asset-
and YTD Depr fields grayed out upon Accum Depr' and 'YTD Depr' fields for multiple
cap distribution lines are available for entry upon
1826311001 EAM: AMIF1000 Loading Incorrect We modified the Transaction Loader process
Regulation Code for Profile AMIF1000 so that it loads the correct regulation
code based on the assets profile.
1835169001 EAM9: Retired non-financial asset but We modified the code so as to prevent the user
still can capitalize existing acq cost line from capitalizing a disposed non-Financial asset.

Impairment Test 1828206002 AM:ADJ entries not created for 2nd We modified the PeopleCode so that ADJ entries
book after Impairment process are created for the second book after you run the
Impairment process.
1830398001 Unable to process an Impairment We modified the PeopleCode so that the CGU
Reversal Impairment Reversal page displays appropriate
error messages.
Integration - PO 1829287001 AMIF is splitting Acquisition Detail and We modified the AMPS1000 program so that this
cost rows based on PO unit quantity. process populates the Financial and Physical
tables with the correct number of rows based on
Mass Change 1818677003 AM:IUT mass change does not load We modified the IUT MassChange template so as
data to PS_ASSET and to load the data into the INTFC_PHY_A table.
PS_ASSET_ACQ_DET Then the transaction loader process AMIF1000
updates the ASSET and ASSET_ACQ_DET
tables with the data.
Asset Mass Change 1831732001 EAM: IUT Mass Change Template We modified the Mass Change Template
Management Leaving Transfer To Assets in Hold "InterUnit TRF w/Attrib,War,Lic" so that it does not
Status. leave the Transfer To Assets in Hold status.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2009. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 21


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

Reports 1833102001 AM:AMDP2200 & AMDP2300 not We modified the Depr by Period and Depr by Year
showing Depr Accum Adjustments reports so that both AMDP2200 & AMDP2300
show the Depr Accum adjustments.

Cash Bi-Latteral Netting 1838071001 PS_NET_AUTO_RQST not correctly We modified the record field properties of
Management updated leads to incorrect execution of PS_NET_AUTO_RQST.OPRID and the
Automatic Netting Selection PeopleCode in the record NET_AUTO_RQST to
display the correct run control values with respect
Payment Transformations 1832366002 SEPA Credit Transfer - Issue with We modified the PeopleCode in the application
Related Remittance Information on package TR_FORMAT to incorporate remittance,
pain.001.001.02 credit transfer, BBAN, grouping, payment type
information, chargebearer, and creditor agent
1832386002 SEPA Credit Transfer - Type We modified the PeopleCode in the application
Information issue on pain.001.001.02 package TR_FORMAT to incorporate remittance,
credit transfer, BBAN, grouping, payment type
Information, chargebearer, and creditor agent
1832401002 SEPA Credit Transfer - BBAN Issue We modified the PeopleCode in the application
package TR_FORMAT to incorporate remittance,
credit transfer, BBAN, grouping, payment type
Information, chargebearer, and creditor agent
Cash Payment Transformations 1833750002 SEPA Credit Transfer - Grouping We modified the PeopleCode in the application
Management Element Issue package TR_FORMAT to incorporate remittance,
credit transfer, BBAN, grouping, payment type
Information, chargebearer, and creditor agent

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
Payment Transformations

These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

1834942002 SEPA Credit Transfer - PmtTpInf We modified the PeoplecCde in the application
Information Issue package TR_FORMAT to incorporate remittance,
credit transfer, BBAN, grouping, payment type
Information, chargebearer, and creditor agent
1835799002 SEPA Credit Transfer - Charge Bearer We modified the PeopleCode in the application
element Issue package TR_FORMAT to incorporate remittance,
credit transfer, BBAN, grouping, payment type
Information, chargebearer, and creditor agent
1835823002 SEPA Credit Transfer - Creditor Agent We modified the PeopleCode in the application
Message Element is missing package TR_FORMAT to incorporate remittance,
credit transfer, BBAN, grouping, payment type
Information, chargebearer, and creditor agent
Contracts Milestones 1838202002 ORA-01795: maximum number of We modified the application so that the milestones
expressions in a list is 1000 when can be added successfully when the user is
adding a Mile Stone attached to more than a thousand permission lists.

Revenue 1833375002 couldn't run PSA_ACCTGGL process in We modified the application so that the As-
parallel (Process 1367727 ABENDED at Incurred revenue process (PSA_ACCTGGL)
Step PSA_ACPS_CA_AP_PC_DST) completes successfully when two instances are
run concurrently.
1839395001 Not able to build event on the Revenue We modified the application to improve
plan page of Contracts performance when you are creating a revenue
schedule and saving the revenue plan page.
eSettlements Functionality 1823030002 8.9:eS:Peoplecode error on match We modified Component PeopleCode to rectify
exception inquiry page the PeopleCode error.
1824307005 View HTML Invoice hyperlink not We modified the Invoice Details page to access a
accessible with Windows XP new page with the electronic image of the invoice
when you click the View HTML invoice link.

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eSettlements Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21
For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

1831086001 eSettlements Review Invoice displays We modified PeopleCode to correctly display
incorrect Currency on the Accounting incorrect currency on the Accounting Invoice Line
Invoice Line page page.
1839826003 Short and Long names of fields We modified the short and long field names from
EM_DEREG_BUYER & De-Register to Un-Register
EM_DEREG_SELLER should read as
Invoice Presentment 1811694003 eSettlements: Print Invoice issues with We modified the Print Invoice page so that the
Pro Forma Invoice decimal places in the VAT amount field are
consistent with other amount fields.
1831015001 eS:9.0:PO Details page "Invoice Details" We modified Component PeopleCode so that the
links disappear and "HTML Invoice link" links work correctly.
is not working in invoice details and
Review purchase order detail page

1832523001 Approval Flags not correct when We modified PeopleCode to correctly set the
inserting new distrib lines on Approved Approval Flags when inserting new distrib lines on
1833076001 The GL Business unit defaulted on the We modified the Create Invoice page from Self
Accounting Lines for the Self Service Service Invoices so that the GL business unit on
Invoices cannot be changed via the the accounting lines can be modified and saved.
eSettlements-Review Invoice page.

eSettlements Invoice/PO load 1827423002 In eSettlements, duplicate rows are We modified the PeopleCode so that during
displayed on the search page when creation of the invoices, if a PO having multiple
creating Invoice from PO schedule lines is being copied, rows are correctly
1828573002 eS: Unable to save zero dollar Invoice in We modified the Self-Service Create Invoice page
eSettlements so that a zero amount invoice can be created.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21


For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products

These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

Payments 1830989002 eS:8.9:Sorting is not working in review We modified a Record PeopleCode function to
payment installments Inquiry page correctly map the Sort Field translate values to
Record.FieldNames, and we enabled the
SearchSortRows functionality.
Reports 1835829001 9: Getting Error while Accessing the We modified the SQL to use the key field such
Payables Aging Balance by giving the that Supplier Name is synched up with Supplier.
Supplier Name
Expenses Acctg - Splits/Distributions 1836574002 Problem in rounding off the transaction We modified Expense Report entry to avoid
amount at distribution level. rounding issues when calculating monetary
Approvals 1838429001 Changing Approver Assignment list of We modified the system to get the up-to-date
Auditor then make copy of old ER, still assigned approvers.
looks for old setup
Batch Processes 1828793003 EX_TRANS_PRCS fails with an EE with We modified the program to properly set only one
2 default bank accounts default bank account per employee profile.
Cash Advances 1827510002 Delivered values for Cash Advance We modified the Import ATM Advances feature to
Sources do not coincide with copy the Description field into cash advances.
Chart Field Security 1832300002 EX 9.1 D2 > Information does not save We modified the program to retain program
for Program field when user updates it information on Time Report distribution lines.
(Time Report).
Expenses Employee Profiles 1833357002 "Payments Sent To" was changed to We modified the Employee Data page to warn the
Mailing address but user didn't add user about missing address information when
mailing address payments are generated through Accounts
Expense Report - General 1827558002 When using wallet entry green arrow We modified the code to make the green arrow
does not work properly on expense line move the cursor to the next required and editable
Receipts Received/Verified 1823556002 Save for Later Does Not Save Receipts We modified the Approvals page to display the
Verified Checkbox Receipts Verified check box correctly.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

Time Reports - General 1824121003 Performance Issue -- Cannot go back to We changed the transfer page algorithmic to
the TE_TIME_MAIN page after updating correctly transfer the user to the add new value
the user default page tab, in the search page, when the user was initially
transferred from a page in which the transaction
wasn't saved.
1831239001 Save For Later Time Report is We modified the system to properly save the
Submitted For Approvals Time Report.
General Allocations 1814372002 Allocation process abends We modified the App Engine PeopleCode so that
Ledger prorata allocation works properly when Select
NEXT BASIS is selected for the ZERO BASIS.

1842715001 EGL Allocation ABENDED at Step We modified Allocation App Engine programs so
FS_ALLC_TBAL.iTBal.iTBal that the SQL Fetch error doesn't occur.
Chartfields 1833031001 Project Chartfield Long description We modified the record so that the long
values are not saved description appears when you open the existing
saved project values.
Combo Edit 1830292003 When adding new combo edit rule page We modified PeopleCode so that cursor errors are
fixed on the combination rule page.
Consolidation and 1834785001 Consolidation Undo failed 'Undo We modified the COBOL file so that the
Equitization Previous Process specified and more Consolidation undo process runs successfully
than one processes found..' when the undo process is run more than once on
the same day.
General Entry Event 1828248002 P.O. Entry Event Process not We modified the Entry Event process so that it
Ledger reestablishing encumbrance upon Re- creates correct entries when reopening a PO.
opening P.O.
Integration - AIA Based 1821218001 Retail to GL Integration PIP for RV2.3 Retail to PSFT GL Integration package for
Release Vehicle 2.3
KK-Budget Checking 1823475001 Journal lines not getting marked in error We modified the Budget Processor so that it
when processing multiple BUs correctly sets the Budget Line status when budget
checking multiple journals under different budget
checking requests.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2009. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 21

Ledger Feb-09

PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS,KK-Budget
ESA AND Checking
ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

1837087004 KK_QUANTITY on zero-priced lines are We modified FS_BP_REFD to perform
not liquidated when subsequent doc is liquidations on lines with no monetary amounts.
budget checked.
1840159002 The sequence number value on the kk We corrected logic in the Application Program
Transaction Log table is not consistent FS_BP_PEOD to initialize the sequence number
value to 1 when creating new transaction log
KK-Security/Notification/WF 1836953002 Manager Self service- We added the missing field to the page.
Field does not exist
Reports 1819330002 GL 8.9: AR/AP Transactions are posting We changed the reports to show details for direct
to the 1219/1220/224 prior to posting to journals only after Budget check is done. We also
GL added criteria to
Spreadsheet Journal Import 1793838001 GL:9.0:Online spreadsheet upload We modified JRNLMCRO_XLA so that running
failing with overflow errors for more than the Online spreadsheet upload process does not
37608 lines result in an error for more than 37806 lines.
Grants Award Profile 1829001001 Award PI name set to blank when We modified the application so that the system
Management employee is terminated displays the Principal Investigator for existing
proposals and awards irrespective of their status.

Grants F A Options 1830242002 Performance of the Grants Facilities

We modified the application to improve
Management Admin Options page performance of the Grants Facilities Admin
Options page.
Maintain Proposal 1821945001 Times out when selecting EMPLID We modified the view GM_PERSONAL1_VW
(GM_PERSONAL1_VW) in Proposal's SQL to improve performance when you select the
resource tabs (GM_PROPOSAL_RES) employee ID.

Submit Proposal 1838392001 When submitting the proposal manually, We modified the application so that the system
the system does not record a submit records the server date and time when a proposal
date/time stamp. is submitted manually.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

Maintenance Preventive Maintenance 1840858002 EMM: WM_PM Fails with Date Error We added a special treatment to the month and
Management year calculation routine of PM and Projection
processes to prevent the return of invalid dates.

Service Request 1830355001 EMM: Incorrect SetID management We modified the PeopleCode in the WorkRequest
when sending status changes from a class to retrieve the correct setID to update the
WO to a WR with multiple SetIDs Service Request status.
Technician Workbench 1800746002 EMM: Technician Workbench is not We updated the view that displays the information
displaying labor in the Purchase Order/On-Hand grid on the
Technician Workbench Materials page to display
all resource types, not excluding labor.

1821324001 Technician WB search by craft not We updated the PeopleCode that performs the
working if craft entered in WO Technician Workbench Task Search to search
Schedules tab. requirements as well as scheduled labor for the
entered craft.
Work Order 1833368001 Unable to see all digits of the inventory We increased the size of the Item ID field on the
item in the Work Order Task Work Order component to display Item IDs with
the maximum number of digits.
Payables 1099 Reporting 1829300002 AP:APY1099 Process is erroring out at We modified the 1099 Report (AP_APY1099)
Step AP_APY1099.BD200.Step100 process so that it does not end abnormally when
(SQL) -- RC = 805 (108,524) processing corrections for a vendor for whom the
TIN number was changed.
1836643003 Instructions on latest APY1099-.rpt do We modified the IRS Copy B form for 2008 to
not match IRS form for 2008 match the descriptions specified by the IRS for
box 3 and box 7.
1836647002 AP: Class field on Withholding We modified the Withholding Adjustment page to
Adjustment page has wrong label due to not use a ChartField field to prevent the wrong
chartfield customization label issue due to ChartField customization.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

AP/AM -Interface 1787069002 Sales Tax details from voucher not We modified the INTFAPAM Application Engine
being added to the cost of the asset. process to supply nonrecoverable India sales and
excise tax as Sales Tax amounts in the load to
1828819003 aPP eNGINE ABENDED at Step We modified the INTFAPAM Application Engine
INTFAPAM.MAIN.Step06 process so that the Loads Assets Requests
process works fine while creating PO with two
receipts and one matching voucher to cover the
total of the receipts.
Cash Clearing 1827896003 Cash clearing not clearing the Journal We modified the Cash Clearing process to clear
line detail in the CASH accounting line the journal line field.

Inquiries 1811303002 Review Vendor page is not showing up We modified the Vendor search views, added the
vendors with Inactive Address Effective Status field to these views, and added
this column to the grid so that it now appears on
the Review Vendors page. We also changed
some PeopleCode for maintaining vendors.

Payables Manual Payment 1831853001 AP: Update Payment Worksheet page We modified PeopleCode so that the Update
gets Error (2,146) for Manual Payment Payment Worksheet page does not cause an error
when you are trying to display a manual payment
1833404002 Ap 8.9 - ability to pay voucher when We modified the record PeopleCode to verify the
control group is not balanced. control group status and balancing options before
allowing manual payments.
Matching 1811445002 AP: Debit Memo are generated by the We modified the Match process to generate the
Matching process in Recycle Status due debit memo with the correct currency decimal
decimal precision error. precision.
1819091002 AP_MATCH process runs with wrong We modified the Matching Request page to
Run Control parameters display default values for the Description and
Options fields so that the correct parameters are
used when you run the Matching process.

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Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21
For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

1823173002 PO Activity Summary reported incorrect We modified the Matching Application Engine so
Quantity Matched and Amount Matched. that the correct quantities are used for updating
the Purchase Order matched values.
1827755002 AP: Matching creates Debit Memo even We modified the Match process to not create a
though Voucher still has Match debit memo if the voucher still has Match
Exception exceptions.
1830413001 Based on Our Document Association We modified the Matching Document Association
Rules how are receipts matched to process so that when you have multiple vouchers
vouchers. and multiple receipts with the same quantity or
amount, the EQUAL DAM rule is applied correctly.

1838225001 AP: Matching process abends at step We modified the Matching Application Engine
AP_MATCH.MatchDet.Step04 (SQL) -- (AP_MATCH) process so that it does not end
RC = 1476 abnormally when no currency conversion is set up
for the voucher to purchase order currency.
Payables Payables set-up pages 1582924003 AP 8.9 - Delete and re-insert row from We modified the PeopleCode to automatically
the page AP_KK_CHECK_REG increment the request line number when you
delete the row and reinsert a new row from the
Budget Check process.
Paycycle/ ACH/EFT 1815865002 Positive Pay report errors after applying We modified the parameter name from SetID to
Processing required Crystal update SetId in query APY2055_POSITIVE_PAYMENT so
that it matches the parameter names that Crystal
Report POS1.RPT expects (Crystal Reports 9
Service Pack 7 requires parameter names to

1822408002 AP:Every Time the Negative Voucher We modified the Application Engine process
gets picked up by Paycycle it calculates (AP_PAYSELECT) so that the negative voucher
the Withholding and spl does not get picked up multiple times by Paycycle.

1835957004 SEPA Credit Transfer - Credit Account We modified the Application Engine SQL to
is not populated with IBAN include the IBAN ID.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2009. All rights reserved. Page 10 of 21

Paycycle/ ACH/EFT


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

1836945001 AP9: Paycycle does not correctly update We modified the Application Engine process
PS_PYMNT_VCHR_CYC for discount (AP_PAYSELECT) so that the hurdle rate,
denied discount rate, and days elapsed are supplied in
table PS_PYMNT_VCHR_CYC for the discount
denied voucher.
Performance 1830581002 AP 8.9: AP Payment archiving process , We modified payment advice to improve payment
performance issue archive performance.
Posting - Voucher 1830177001 Prepaid voucher posting ends "No We modified the Voucher Posting application
succes" engine so that accounting entries and intraunit
accounting entries are created successfully and
correctly when a regular voucher (with VAT) is
applied to a prepaid voucher (with VAT) and the
balanced ChartField
Payables Posting - Voucher 1838278001 Missing accounting entry lines for We modified the Voucher Posting Application
USD_REPORT after voucher posting an engine to create accounting entries for interunit
interunit voucher vouchers successfully when ledger groups are set
up with different primary ledger names.
PrePayment Application 1827120002 AP: The Voucher Posting (AE We modified the Voucher Posting process to not
AP_PSTVCHR) creates PrePaid create prepaid reversals accounting entries with
Reversals (APA and DST) accounting zero amounts.
entries with zero amounts
1836097001 The 'Layout' field is not copied on to the We modified the Record PeopleCode to
regular voucher when a prepayment is incorporate the copying of the layout field onto the
applied. regular voucher.
Reports 1819710003 APY1406 Report does not balance We modified the APY1406 Report so that when
when there is an unpaid prepaid prepayments exist for a BU out of which some are
voucher unpaid, the Payables Open Liability report is

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

VAT 1815799003 Getting Error when trying to view VAT We modified the Voucher Build Application Engine
information for Voucher (AP_VB_STGVCH) to calculate the VAT defaults
for EDI vouchers as it is done for Quick Invoice
Vendor 1831639001 AP:Performance issue with Duplicate We modified the Application Engine SQL to
Vendor Report ,DUP_VNDR_AE enhance performance while reporting on possible
duplicate vendors such that at least one vendor
has been paid in a specified time range.

1834871003 PO 9: Requisitions Inquiry - Internal Link We modified Page.REQ_SELECT_SBP by adding

to Vendor Address Page is not working Field.VENDOR_PERSISTENCE as a related,
invisible display so that the internal link can
bypass the Search Dialog when transferring to
Payables Voucher 1828290002 Voucher Payment Page allows users to We modified the Voucher PeopleCode so that
add new Payment line after payment when the voucher is fully paid or if the voucher is
creation posted and you create a Zero Amount Payment
Schedule, you receive an error message.

1830197001 Adjustment voucher incorrectly label We modified the PeopleCode to show the label as
'Restore Encumbrance' instead of Adjust Matched Values when you access a
'Adjust Matched Values' voucher after creating an adjustment voucher for a
PO voucher, changing the line to No Match, and
saving it.
1830552001 EAP: Single Payment Voucher showing We modified some Record PeopleCode in the
Separate Payment ticked but Voucher component so that single payment
PYMNT_VCHR_XREF is N vouchers always have the field
1831672002 AP 8.9: Error message while Copying We modified the PeopleCode so that the closed
the PO line from the Worksheet while PO lines do not appear on the Copy PO
creating the PO Voucher. Worksheet when the Copy Matched and Closed
PO option is not selected.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

1832077001 Blank Analysis Type We modified the Component Record PeopleCode
so that the ANALYSIS_TY PE is displayed.

1833436001 AP: Voucher missing Associate We modified the PeopleCode to show that the
Receiver(s) hyperlink when Matching Associate Receiver(s) link is missing from the
turned off voucher line level when a PO is created with No
Matching and a voucher is created using the
Worksheet Copy Option of PO Receipt.
1835016001 Can't save new created voucher for One We changed the PopleCode so that the system
Time Vendor shows the correct message when one time vendor
is used for the second time.
Payables Voucher Build 1820509003 Voucher from sPro Invoice Does Not We modified Voucher Build processing to enforce
Pick Up Match Status match status from linked purchase orders on
Services Procurement invoices.
1827602002 Debit note ends up in recycle due to We modified the Matching Debit Memo
Decimal Precision error (AP_MTCH_DM) process so that the debit memo
voucher is successfully created when the voucher
unit price decimal places does not match the
purchase order decimal places.
1829488003 Spro is passing SALETX_AMT and the We modified the Voucher Build Application Engine
?Hide SUT Info? flag is so that it does not import sales tax information
checked.(APVEDTDFVH.DFVHCrit.Step when the Hide SUT flag is selected in AP BU.
05) In such cases , the Voucher goes to
1832948001 AP_VCHRBLD process is not inserting We modified Voucher Build processing logic to
rows into PYMNT_VCHR_WTHD table call the withholding calculation program when
when a EDI voucher is loaded processing recorded manual payments for
withholding vendors.
1836033001 AP 9 - Performance Bulk Voucher We modified subscription PeopleCode to load
upload through spread sheet voucher larger volumes of spreadsheet vouchers more
upload efficiently.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

1841932001 Message Catalog Entry (7220, 32) is We added Message Catalog Entry (7220, 32) in
missing in release 9.0 release 9.0.
Voucher Mass Maintenance 1835468002 Mass maintenance performance issue We modified the Application Engine process
when deleting a voucher (APVCHRDELETE) to improve the performance
for running voucher mass maintenance to delete a
Withholding 1801825003 Calculating withholding in wrong We created a manual instruction document, which
amounts has instructions in it. Following the instructions in
the document should resolve the problem
Project Costing Chartfields 1830518001 PC9: Description of Accout changes to We modified the software for the Query to fetch
different language. the appropriate SETID-specific DESCR for each
dynamic prompt table assigned at the
Project/Activity Organization level.
Project Budgeting 1804570001 Error message GetField: Field We modified the code to prevent the error from
'PC_BUD_SEC_WRK.SPREAD_OPTIO the Budget Detail page.
N' not found in scroll level
0.(2,155)..pops up in Budget Detail
Res. Scheduling Integration 1837395001 Resource category not getting updated We modified PeopleCode to update the correct
correctly in project costing . resource category in Project Costing.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2009. All rights reserved. Page 14 of 21

Project Costing


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

Third Party Integration 1810421003 PC Cost collection from sPro does not We changed the Purchasing Adjustments process
create CRV commitment reversals. to include both time and expense transactions
from Service Procurement when calculating
purchasing reversals.
The following prerequisites are required:
1) The related resolution from Service
Procurement must be applied and the upgrade
script run (Resolution #780161, Bundle #776498)
2) The Mobile Time/Expense Analysis type from
the Installation Integration Options (typically TLX)
needs to be added to all analysis groups that are
equal to POADJ.

Project Costing Third Party Integration 1821146002 PC not receiving the dollar amounts for We changed the Purchasing Adjustments process
TLX rows using PC_SP_TO_PC to include both time and expense transactions
from Service Procurement when calculation
purchasing reversals.
The following prerequisites are required:
1) The related resolution from Service
Procurement must be applied and the upgrade
script run (Resolution #780161, Bundle #776498)
2) The Mobile Time/Expense Analysis type from
the Installation Integration Options (typically TLX)
must be added to all analysis groups that are
equal to POADJ.

1829967002 PC_INTF_GEN not populating We modified the code to populate


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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

Real Estate 2.7.2 Post Straightln. Entries 1832977001 RE:Straightline Post Process does not We modified the PeopleCode in the Post
Management work for multiple Business Units Straightline Entries Application Engine to include
the business unit as a criterion when you select
straightline entries for posting to GL.

Receivables Accounting Entries - General 1822569002 Exchange rates not working for AR cash We added several new sections and SQL objects
receipts (just installed MP6-10) in AR_PGG_SERV to check for a user-entered
exchange rate on the payment.
1836207001 AR 9.0 >Accounting Entries for Payment We provided a fix to correct base amount and
is showing incorrectly in multi-currency base currency of accounting entries created when
Scenario you use the Write Off option in the Payment
AR Update - Posting 1827351002 Translate ledgers are not being created We ensured that accounting entries for secondary
for international business unit's ledgers are created for bills when the Arupdate
process is processing interunit payments along
with bills.
Receivables Cash Control 1833489001 Cash Control accounting lines do not We added several new sections and SQL objects
take the user defined rate when in AR_PGG_SERV to check for a user-entered
calculating the Base Amounts exchange rate on the payment.
1836809001 AR_CASHCNTL process error message We changed
'Incorrect number of cash/control lines ARCASHCNTL$CLAUSESPAYSEL_CS because
create cash control entries should be generated for direct
journal payments only when DIT = Y and should
not be generated when DIT = N. We also modified
Application engine program AR_CASHCNTL so
that Cash Control process does not end
abnormally when called from Payload process.

ChartField Inheritance 1832207001 Transfer Doubtful does not do Chartfield We changed SQLs to properly inherit ChartField
Inheritance all the way through values when you are building a Transfer doubtful

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

Condition Monitor 1806995003 Condition Monitor call to AR_DUNNING We modified and added application engine SQLs
when running for single customer so that a condition monitor call to AR_DUNNING
is for a single customer when you are running for
a single customer.
1807008003 Condition Monitor does not produce We modified and added application engine SQLs
dunning letters using Action List and run so that a condition monitor call to AR_DUNNING
for one customer is for a single customer when you are running for
a single customer.
1817904003 Condition monitor picking up as of date We added SQLs in AR_CNDMON.SYSACTS so
from dunning run control that a condition monitor does not pick up the as of
date from dunning run control.
1819689003 Dunning letters are being printed even We modified SQL in
though action template is setup as AR_CNDMON.SYSACTS.INSRTIFC so that
PROPOSED dunning letters are not printed even though the
action template is set up as PROPOSED.
Receivables Condition Monitor 1823855003 Dunning letters not being produced We modified AR_CNDMON and AR_DUNNING
while action items are being cleared programs so that if you manually set new Dunning
from Owner Action List Letter actions that are defined as Proposed to
process later, when you run the condition monitor
process the next time, the system generates a
dunning letter for the customers .

1825033002 WOFF action is not getting Completed We modified PeopleCode so that WOFF action is
after even performing the action completed when you perform the action from
Perform Action page.
1826172002 No e-mails / Worklist items getting We modified workflow PeopleCode to set the
generated for action reassignment correct Operator ID for sending email notifications
and worklist creation.
1826805003 Notifications being sent out for actions We modified SQL in
even though action template fields are AR_CNDMON.NOTIFY.NOTIFYA and application
blank package PeopleCode to resolve the issues.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

1827118003 Condition monitor abended at We modified AR_CNDMON so that when a
AR_CNDMON.CHK_COLL.UPD_TMPL customer belongs to two collection groups, a
when customer belongs to 2 collection collection rule exists for each of the two collection
groups groups.
1827532003 Escalation owner date not being We modified SQL in
calculated correctly when using -1 in AR_CNDMON.NOTIFY.NOTIFYA and application
days to notify owner package PeopleCode to resolve the issues.

Receivables Condition Monitor 1829758003 Actions are not being cleared after the
followup letter is printed programs so that if you manually set new Send
Other Letter actions which are defined as
"Proposed" to Process later, then add a
conversation for this action's customer with the
Follow Up action; when next time running
condition monitor process is run for this customer,
system will generate a follow up letter for the
customer. Meanwhile all of this customers new
Send Other Letter actions are marked as
1830231001 ARCNDMON abends on step We modified the AR_CNDMON program so that
AR_CNDMON.CANCLACT.CANSLST2. the condition monitor process does not end
SQL with no customers in customer abnormally at the
when running condition monitor for a customer
group and no customer is in that customer group.

Conversations 1836749001 The conversation created via Account We ensured that a conversation created by means
Summary always sends out an Email of Account Summary sends an email notification
Notification to the contact, which is not to the contact only when the visible check box is
happening in Customer' previous selected.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

Direct Journal 1829566002 Process Instance on PS_PAYMENT We ensured that the process instance on
needs to be zero after Direct Journal PS_PAYMENT is zero after a direct journal is
deleted deleted.
Drafts 1826158003 ITEM_ACT_VAT (VAT info.) is not We ensured that Item VAT activity
correct after cancelling a draft (ITEM_ACT_VAT) is properly created when a draft
remittance is canceled.
Receivables Dunning 1827059002 Dunning Process abends at We modified PeopleCode and the Application
AR_DUNNING.DUNNING_CUST.DUN engine program AR_DUNNING so that the
CUSTB Dunning process does not end abnormally.
Journal Generator 1830420001 PERF:FMS DIL90 - Account We added a new index to the PS_ITEM_DST
Receivables -High Response time in the table to improve performance in the
execution of the Journal Generator FS_JGEN_JRNL Application Engine.
Maintenance WS 1828674001 SQL error when building Maintenance We modified PeopleCode to prevent a SQL error
Worksheet with Qualifier ST and range in Sybase when you are building Maintenance
of references Worksheet with Qualifier ST and a range of
Maintenance WS - Acctg 1815628002 In maintenance worksheet the Line No's We changed AR_PGG SQLs to correct
Entries are coming with -ve sign for a 2 digit No DST_SEQ_NUM.

Payment Interface 1823774001 Process AR_PAYLOAD (Payment We changed

Interface) fails at step ARCASHCNTL$CLAUSESPAYSEL_CS because
AR_CASHCNTL.GENCRDR.CR_CNTL cash control entries should be generated for direct
journal payments only when DIT = Y and should
not be generated when DIT = N. We also modified
Application engine program AR_CASHCNTL so
that Cash Control process does not end
abnormally when called from Payload process.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2009. All rights reserved. Page 19 of 21


PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

Payment Predictor 1831787001 Payment predictor applying payments We modified the AR_PREDICT2 program so that
incorrectly when using #REFS_NG the Predictor process creates a payment
algorithm worksheet when #REFS_NG is used,
underpayment exceeds the tolerance scenario,
and no action is set up for this condition in the PP
Receivables Payment WS 1803148002 Sign Out Issue while building Payment We reorganized SQLs in PeopleCode
to improve performance.
Reports 1833154001 AR01007 not printing all steps in PP We modified the PeopleCode so that all the steps
Method-ex: PP-REFS-NG Release the in the Predictor method are printed in the
Payment AR01007 report.
1838896001 Accounting Entries Report AR50001 We changed the Accounting Entries Report
does not print the Affiliate chartfield request page to include affiliate ChartField list
Revaluation 1820977003 Performance in AR_REVAL.BLDTMP* Because the Sybase sections and SQLs were
sections faster than the default section and SQLs, and no
platform-specific code existed, we made them be
supplied by default. In addition, we transformed all
the affected SQLs into %InsertSelects to make
maintenance simpler.
Revenue Estimates 1823693002 AR_REV_EST process creates We added additional where criteria to
incorrect data for payment against item AR_REV_EST.CA_DST.CADST to retrieve only
created for a prepaid contract bill lines with a line type of REV.
Security 1820118001 AR 9.0 Error in We modified PeopleCode in
Record PeopleCode the invalid temp field.
Resource Employee Profile Module 1838915001 Users can't save their profile, since they We modified SQL to resolve the data conflict error
Management encounter data conflict error
Establish Resources 1831439001 RS: When defining an Employee as a We modified PeopleCode to supply the Pool ID by
Resource, the Unassigned Pool ID is default while establishing a resource or creating a
not defaulted. resource program.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Release Notes - 9.0 Bundle 21

For FMS, ESA AND ALM Products
These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft FMS, ESA and ALM products since the FMS 9.0 Bundle 20

Product Functional Category Incident ID Report Problem Description Resolution Description

Reports 1835782001 Scheduled Utilization Interactive report We modified Peoplecode to align the Scheduled
chart is not aligned as per the scale. Utilization Interactive report chart per the scale.

Resource SC Workbench 1837395002 Resource category not getting updated We modified PeopleCode to provide the correct
Management correctly in project costing . Resource category to Project Costing from
Resource Management.
Staffing Front Assignments 1837766001 FO9 : Change Date/View History We changed the Date/View History link so that it is
Oiffice hyperlink is visible in Career not available for career assignments.

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