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The Isle of Smoking Peaks

An adventure for Conan the Roleplaying Game

By Leo LaDell

Overview Requirements
A hundred years ago Zohar the Accursed This scenario is designed for low-level Player
plundered the ships and shores of Zingara, Argos Characters: three to five 2nd to 3rd-level PCs would be
and Kush with a band of merciless corsairs whose an ideal group. The adventure can be upscaled for
cruelty still haunts the dreams of their victims’ great- a more powerful group with suggestions provided
grandchildren. Tales describe Zohar as a mighty sea throughout the scenario. The Games Master and
chanter who could bend wind, waves and men to his Players will need the Conan the Roleplaying Game book.
will. For decades the reaver built a savage reputation The Pirate Isles supplement would be a good resource
and vast treasure hoard before meeting a gruesome for the Games Master, but it is not required. The
end. Alone in a small sloop, Zohar drifted ashore at scenario begins in Messantia, but the GM could
a busy harbour and as the life ebbed from his grey, substitute any port city that borders the Western
diseased body, his hands maintained a desperate grasp Ocean. Kordava or a smaller Kushite port would suit
on a sailcloth-covered parcel. The bundle contained well. The Games Master may wish to use appropriate
maps and a diary written in a strange script. Few know supplemental resources (e.g., the Argos and Zingara
who found the corpse and tore the package from his book) based on his choice.
lifeless grip; its contents have been lost for many years.
With these faded pages, the Player Characters could
learn the true story of Zohar and perhaps find his Challenges
legendary hoard.
The Player Characters will need skill to

reach the Isle of Smoking Peaks alive, and once
there strength at arms may win them a fortune.
The adventure consists of three parts: finding and Accursed. As several prosperous tradesmen relax, they
deciphering Zohar’s diary and maps, sailing through conduct a good-natured argument about the legend
pirate-infested seas to the Isle and facing its current of Zohar. The purchase of a a few cups of wine will
occupants – a group of man-eating savages and their encourage the men to relate the story of a bold corsair
holy beasts. who roamed the Western Ocean a hundred years ago.
The Games Master can use the following table to
determine what information the characters discover.
Opportunities and Twists The tradesmen are bickering about who originally
When the scenario begins, the Games Master found Zohar’s body, so the table provides two entries
may choose whether to have the Player Characters concerning this information. At the GM’s option, a
hear the legend of Zohar or have an NPC who very poor ( <5) Gather Information check could mean
possesses the pirate’s papers employ the Player that the characters believe the false rumour instead of
Characters to make the trip to the Isle of Smoking the truth. If none of the Player Characters succeed
Peaks. In the former case, the characters will have the with Gather Information, the Games Master could
opportunity to use social and deduction skills to find allow a Knowledge(rumours) check instead.
the information they seek. An NPC with the diary and
maps will test the characters mettle before offering G.I. DC Rumour
them employment by staging an assault on the street. 10 Zohar’s reavers met a mysterious end, and the
More combative Player Characters will excel in this pirate chief died alone as his small boat drifted
into the city’ harbour
15 Zohar was Shemitish
By deciphering Zohar’s writings, the characters
15 Zohar was no mere ruffian; he was a sea chanter
will learn that Zohar made the mistake of choosing with considerable sorcerous abilities
a lovely Kushite slave as his concubine. The woman 20 An ex-slave dockworker named Kotri found
was a witch who bitterly resented her captivity on Zohar’s body and looted it. With the pirate’s
the pirate’s island base. The curse she laid upon jewellery Kotri bought a tavern and renamed it
Zohar and his reavers brought a plague to the Isle ‘Fortune’. The Fortune tavern by the wharf is
and transformed some of its indigenous wildlife into owned by Kotri’s great-granddaughter Amala.
ferocious, grotesque beasts. <5 (False) Kotri found Zohar’s body and kept a
great treasure secret until his death. The treasure
Once on the island the Player Characters is buried with Kotri in an unmarked grave in the
will contend with the savages and the traps they city’s cemetery.
routinely set for the Isle’s more mundane animals.
The characters will also face a supernatural threat: This information is likely to lead the characters to
seven horrid creatures have survived the curse that the city’s dockside and the Fortune tavern. If they
decimated Zohar’s pirate base years ago. These fail to glean the information about Kotri from
formidable tusked, club-tailed monstrosities will their discussion with the tradesmen, the Player
challenge the courage and valour of even the most Characters can make another attempt by asking sailors,
fearsome warrior. longshoremen or the less reputable denizens of the
city’s wharves about the tale of Zohar. This will offer
Beginning the Scenario the characters another Gather Information check (DC
This adventure commences in a port city 15 dockside) to learn of Kotri and the Fortune.
bordering the Western Ocean. The Games Master may
choose any port that fits his campaign; for example, in At the Fortune.
playtesting the Player Characters began in Messantia Many decades have passed since the Kushite
following the events outlined in Hunting the Falcon Kotri purchased a decrepit tavern with the spoils of
(Signs & Portents 75), so the scenario details will use Zohar’s looted corpse. The ex-slave took great care in
Messantian names and features. A Zingaran, Stygian renovating the decaying structure; his labour and the
or Kushite port would also fit. The characters will dead pirate’s jewellery made the Fortune a prosperous
either hear the tale of Zohar or receive a visit from a haven for sailors and travellers. Kotri’s great-
potential employer. granddaughter Amala inherited the tavern ten years
Learning the Legend. As the Player ago, and because she shares Kotri’s belief that the
Characters enjoy the rewards from their last adventure Fortune was a gift from the gods, she works hard to
by exploring the taverns, bathhouses or brothels of preserve the business’ reputation and appearance. The
the city, they overhear a conversation about Zohar the Fortune well-maintained cleanliness is incongruous
among the city’s dockside squalor, and its proprietor’s them; however, a savvy businessman does not trust
pride is evident in the simple but pleasing food, wide rumours, so a test has been arranged. As the Player
selection of ales and spirits and tidy – almost vermin- Characters emerge from their late-night revels in a
free – rooms. tavern, the merchant will approach the group and
Amala is a lean, 50-year-old Kushite woman introduce himself. He will mention a lucrative offer
with flawless chocolate-brown skin and the corded, of employment that would suit the characters’ well-
sinewy forearms of one who is accustomed to hard known talents. The merchant will tailor his pitch to the
work. The determined set of her jaw contrasts with group; if the PCs are drunken, swaggering barbarians,
bright, merry eyes, and though her strident, confident he will use bald flattery and the promise of riches. If
voice rings against the tavern walls, its tone is often the characters seem wily and cynical, the merchant will
playful. Amala has earned the respect of her salty, offer hints and veiled promises.
rough-hewn clientele; though her brightly-coloured As the Player Characters and the merchant
dresses and headscarves catch the sailors’ eyes, only stroll along the darkened street discussing details, a
the most brazen or drunken offer her unwelcome gang of toughs emerges from the shadows. The leader
attention – and soon regret it of the gang addresses the merchant by name and
If the Player Characters ask Amala about her hurls insults as the men attack. The merchant will cry
grandsire Kotri, she will speak of him with reverence. for aid from the PCs, promising a reward, and he will
Amala will gladly tell the story of how her ancestor attempt to use larger characters as cover. Though the
found the corpse and bought the tavern, and she attackers will ignore the merchant, the Games Master
seems quite comfortable with the notion of looting can use the stats for the Canny Merchant on pg. 355
the body; apparently she considers this perfectly of the Conan the Roleplaying Game book if necessary. Of
natural. In a small box in her bedroom behind the course the assailants’ leader, Nikolo the Survivor, was
tavern’s kitchen, Amala keeps the papers that her hired by the merchant to test the characters with this
great-grandfather found with the body. Both Kotri and attack. The GM should change Nikolo’s name to suit
Amala considered the strange writing and drawings on the setting if desired. Statistics for the attackers are
the vellum sheets meaningless and worthless, but they available in the Appendix.
keep the papers as a souvenir. The merchant has instructed Nikolo to
Amala is shrewd, and if she senses the ambush the group, trading blows until someone drops.
characters’ interest in the papers (her Sense Motive Nikolo will then shout to his men that he hears the city
skill and other stats can be found in the Appendix), guards, and the attackers will flee. After the battle the
she will not give or loan them for nothing. Amala will visibly shaken merchant (a Bluff check can determine
loan the papers to the Player Characters for a month how convincing the merchant is) offers to host a
for 20 sp, but this will require substantial collateral: celebration of his survival at a favourite tavern by the
she will accept any item she judges to be worth at least docks. If the PCs accept the offer, he will take them to
200 sp. Because of the papers’ sentimental value, she the Fortune and complete his proposal. Otherwise he
will sell them for any offer greater than 150sp. Once will ask to meet the characters the next day.
the characters have the papers, continue to the Zohar’s At the Fortune the merchant will hire a
Papers section below. private room and show the Player Characters Zohar’s
papers. He will say that an anonymous wealthy
Heroes for Hire patron has hired him to outfit a mission to a small
The Games Master may consider chasing island southwest of the city to search for Zohar’s
rumours unsuitable for the Player Characters. In this pirate base. The patron owns a small sloop that is
case one of the city’s merchants has obtained a copy provisioned and prepared for the journey, and time
of Zohar’s papers and seeks to hire the characters to presses. The merchant explains that the island may
find the pirate’s island base. If the GM is basing the only be safely approached at certain times of year,
scenario in Messantia and wishes to continue using this and the opportunity to make the voyage will not last.
city with the Vengeance of the Golden Skull scenario from The patron has offered to finance the expedition in
the Messantia: City of Riches box set, the merchant could exchange for one half of any treasure that the Player
be Argentio, a character from that product. Otherwise Characters find on the island. Zohar’s papers include
the Games Master should choose a name for the two annotated maps and a sheet covered with strange
merchant which reflects the chosen port. symbols.
The merchant has heard of one or all of
the characters’ exploits and is interested in hiring
Zohar’s Papers Once the PCs have learned the first (and
Zohar’s two maps should allow the characters preferably also the second) piece of information, they
to find the Isle of Smoking Peaks if they can decipher can seek a vessel to make the voyage. If the merchant
the included notes. The maps’ annotations are written hired the characters, he will direct them to report to
in a peculiar private script devised by Zohar, but the Captain Klopas of the sloop Glaros at dockside. The
symbols draw on potentially familiar elements; they use Glaros is ready to sail. If the Player Characters will be
a combination of Shemitish and an archaic Zingaran making the trip without the support of the merchant,
pirate cant. The Decipher Script DC for the writing is they can hire the Glaros for the journey.
25, but certain bonuses apply. If the PCs have learned
that Zohar was Shemitish, they get +5 on their check. The Glaros
Any pirate characters from Zingara or Argos get +5 as This Argossean sloop has made many
well. If the characters discovered that Zohar was a sea voyages with the competent had of Captain Klopas
chanter, they receive a +3 bonus. These bonuses stack. at the helm. She is a quick, weatherly sea boat and
The Games Master can use the following table fulfils both her legal and occasional illicit functions
to determine what information the PCs divulge from well. Klopas has retired from active affiliation with
the maps and additional papers. If the characters are the Barachan pirates, but he is not above seizing an
working for the merchant, their employer has already occasional tempting opportunity. Statistics for the
learned the first two facts on the table. ship, captain and crew are provided in the Appendix.
The Glaros is provisioned for a month, and passage
D.S. check is: Information learned to the island will cost 100 sp/person. Once the ship
Made exactly Zohar called the island the ‘Isle has set sail, Captain Klopas will expect the characters
of Smoking Peaks’ because of its to stay out of the way – though passengers with
two active volcanoes. An additional ranks in Profession(sailor) may assist the crew if
volcano seems dormant. The island they wish. Such characters will find the first mate
lies approximately 350 miles SW of
Messantia in the Western Ocean. Seth humourless but fair, and he will treat those
who contribute usefully with respect. Klopas keeps
Exceeded by 1-2 The island may only be safely
approached from its west side, but a his distance from passengers, but he has an eye for
powerful current will crush ships or beautiful women and may offer clumsy flattery (or
boats approaching the only accessible more) to any who engage him.
cove against an array of massive white
stones in the bay. Zohar called these
the ‘teeth of the giants’. Four times a At Sea
year, seasonal flooding of the islands Barring calamity, the Glaros should make the
two rivers (which empty into the bay) trip to the island in 4 days, taking advantage of the
counteracts the current. During these steady westerlies which prevail in this region of the
2-3 week periods, boats can land on the
beach. Western Ocean. See the accompanying map for the
location of the island. Zohar’s symbols include an
Exceeded by 3-4 The additional papers are a log and a
transcription of a spell. Though another estimate of the distance (350 miles) from Messantia
bay on the island’s east side appears to the Isle. For low-level Player Characters, the GM
inviting, a perilous reef makes approach may wish to offer an uneventful journey. However, the
impossible. Game Master can provide a challenging journey with
Exceeded by 5+ Zohar’s log tells a bit about the island storms, pirates or monsters.
and his life there. He and his reavers
built a base on the ruins of ancient,
Storm. A fearsome storm races in from the
long-dead inhabitants. These giants west, buffeting the Glaros with gale-force winds and
left the remnants of mighty, white threatening mast, sails and spars. The black squall lasts
stone structures. Zohar brought a 3 hours, and each hour Captain Klopas must make a
Kushite woman to the island to be his DC 20 Profession(sailor) check to avoid damage to the
concubine, and soon after a deadly
plague struck the settlement. Only
ship. If he fails, roll a d6. On a 1-2, the mainsail splits
Zohar escaped. The spell is called and several key blocks are damaged. Repair will take
Wind’s Hated Son (see Zohar’s Base two days. With a roll of 3-4, the mainmast cracks and
location 1), and its transcription is must be fished. Repair requires one day after the storm
encoded. Zohar left the key among his abates. On a 5-6, the mainyard breaks loose and spears
belongings on the island.
through the deck. Roll a d4 to see how many crew or
characters on deck are threatened by the spar. Treat
the falling object as a+5 crushing attack (2d6/19- to remove the boat from its position in front of the
20 x2/AP 4). Repairing the deck and mainyard will mainmast and launch it over the side. Sailing a 14ft.,
require 2 days. single-masted, four-oared boat a hundreds of miles in
The storm also threatens to sweep the crew the open ocean would provide an epic challenge.
or PCs overboard. For each person on deck when the Monsters. In addition to the numerous sharks
squall hits (20% of the crew in addition to any PCs) which plague the waters of the Western Ocean near
roll 1d6. On a roll of 1, that person must make a DC Argos, grizzled sea dogs speak of horrid sea monsters
15 Reflex save or be washed overboard. Once the which no mere fish could rival. The Games Master
storm has arrived, anyone foolish enough to remain on could include an attack by such a dread creature to
deck without being secured to a lifeline must roll the threaten the Glaros’ journey. An attack by the fabled
1d6 wave check once per hour. poisonous squid would test the mettle of low to mid-
Pirates. For the last several months the level characters. These vile beasts typically prey upon
brutal Captain Bapoto has been preying upon boats large sea mammals, but when their usual prey is scarce,
in the waters South of Argos. Bapoto is a Southern the delicious, wriggling contents of sea-going vessels
Islander who commands a sleek, fast-sailing galley provide an adequate substitute. Statistics for the squid
manned by merciless crew which delights in robbing are provided in the Appendix.
its crew of their lives and valuables. Bapoto’s ship High-level characters may find a diverting
will bear down on the Glaros, and he and his men challenge in the form of a Water Elemental. When
will attempt to board. They will offer no quarter nor Zohar fled the Isle of Smoking Peaks long ago, he
ask for any. Statistics for Bapoto, his crew and the summoned an elemental to protect him and guide
galley are available in the Appendix. If the Pirate Isles his small sloop to a safe harbour. The creature still
book is available, the section on ship combat (pp. 58- occasionally returns from its distant realm to the ocean
68) is an excellent resource for resolving the battle. near the Isle, and the residual sorcerous energies of
Otherwise, the Games Master could use another its former master’s personal effects (maps and papers)
mass combat system or allow the Player Characters aboard the Glaros have attracted it. The elemental
to engage Captain Bapoto and several of his crew. If will attack the ship in an attempt to recover the items,
the characters defeat the leader and several pirates, laying waste to any barrier to reach them. If one of
the GM could rule that the Glaros emerged victorious the PCs casts all of the papers into the sea, the water
with perhaps 10%-40% (1d4 x 10%) crew losses. elemental will take them and depart. Statistics for the
The characters might also choose to flee if the battle monster can be found on pg. 383 of the Conan the
is turning against the Argosseans, as the Glaros Roleplaying Game book.
possesses one ship’s boat. The PCs could attempt
At the Isle consider any cannibals or holy beasts encountered
The map of the Isle of Smoking Peaks shows to be part of this total. If the PCs are high-level, the
its three volcanoes. Only the northernmost volcano number of islanders in total and for each encounter
appears to be active. Zohar’s notes indicate that in and location can be increased. Some of each can
his day the centre volcano also released a steady be encountered randomly on the island, but others
fountain of smoke. The island measures roughly 19 are included in specific locations as detailed below.
miles north-south by 10 miles east-west at the widest Whenever the Player Characters are not in one of the
point. From a distance the characters will see a lush island’s numbered locations, use the following table for
jungle pieced by three majestic cones. A strong, steady encounters.
current comes from the west, and a westerly breeze Day
blows across the ocean’s surface near the island as well. D100 roll Encounter
Repeated surges of pyroclastic flow from the island’s (once/4 hours)
volcanoes have allowed for few accessible points along 1-50 Nothing
the coast. Only an inlet on the west side (number 1 51-65 Lone tapir foraging (see Appendix for
below) and a small bay on the east side (number 3
66-75 2d4 youngsters exploring. They will
below) feature sandy beaches; the rest of the coastline
attempt to flee if threatened but will
consists of steep cliffs rising from jagged rocks at the otherwise attempt to follow curiously
water’s edge and topped with dense foliage. Attempts 76-85 Hunting party. 1d4 adult men in search
to approach these cliffs in any seagoing vessel are of prey will attack.
futile and will yield nothing more than a watery grave 86-95 Holy Beast and handlers. The creature
and a grisly banquet for the myriad gulls which ride the and two savages will attack.
currents above the island. 96-100 Lone holy beast. The animal has
The Isle is currently inhabited by a host of escaped its handlers and is roaming the
jungle paths. The aggressive creature
mundane creatures (e.g., rainforest birds, small reptiles,
will attack.
primates and insects) and three special types: tapirs,
monster tapirs, and human savages. The normal tapirs
D100 roll (once for Encounter
accompanied a long-dead group of giants to the island the entire night)
many centuries ago as a food supply. They could 1-80 Nothing
provide the same function for the Player Characters. 81-90 Lone tapir. The creature fled a hunting
The island is also home to seven monster tapirs. These party and is heading back to its den.
beasts are a result of the curse laid upon Zohar by his 91-95 Lone holy beast. The animal has
Kushite concubine, and they are far more dangerous escaped its handlers and is roaming the
than their docile cousins. Three of the seven monsters jungle paths. The aggressive creature
are included in the island key below, but the other four will attack.
may be encountered randomly on the island. See the 96-100 1d4 lost children. A game of hide-and-
seek has left these little ones separated
Encounters section. The current human population from the group. They will follow and
consists of a group of cannibals who were stranded cling to non-threatening characters.
on the island eighty years ago. A huge Argossean Each hour they remain with the PCs,
galleon, packed to the gunwales with Darfari slaves, there is a 50% chance (1-3 on a d6)
was blown out to sea in a storm and wrecked on the that 1d4 adult male savages will arrive
searching for the children. The adults
shore of the isle. Only the slaves survived. Soon after will be violent and suspicious – attack is
they arrived, the savages split into two groups: one most likely. The GM may wish to allow
that worshipped the monster tapirs as ‘holy ones’, and a masterful Intimidate or Diplomacy
one which considered them profane. Battle resulted, check (e.g., DC 25) to prevent battle.
and though the former group celebrated its success
with their opponents’ flesh, their joy was tempered by Time and Distance.
the realisation that they might never again taste the Travelling on the island’s riverside paths is relatively
traditional fruits of victory. Now the cannibals rely on easy – most are well-used with few obstacles. Per
the normal tapirs for sustenance, but they dream of a the Conan the Roleplaying Game book, pp. 214-216, the
day when more men visit the island. Games Master should allow ¾ normal movement
Encounters. The island currently hosts rates on the paths and ¼ normal rates otherwise. For
seven holy beasts and 52 savages (18 adult men, 16 example, a character with a speed of 30 ft. could walk
women and 18 children). The Games Master should 2.25 miles per hour on the paths, and .75 mph off-
path. Hustling could provide a quicker speed, while are provided in the Appendix.
searching or tracking would slow the PCs down. The Four times a year the current subsides,
following chart provides approximate distances and and the foaming waves flatten. At such
sample travel times for the keyed locations on the times one can see the root-like base of the
island. These figures assume that the characters use the stones through the still water, and the bay
riverside paths where available. resembles the open maw of some great
shark or reptile. Close inspection (a DC 10
Trip Distance Travel time walking with 30 ft. Speed Spot check within 30 feet) will reveal signs
1 to 2 5 mi. 2 hours, 15 min. of shaping and carving – these stones are
1 to 4 6.5 mi. 3 hours not a natural phenomenon.
2 to 4 7.5 mi. 3 hours, 30 min. The island has quarterly rainy seasons
3 to 4 5 mi. 6 hours (briefly on-path) which cause its two lakes and rivers to
3 to 2 5 mi. 6 hours, 45 min flood. As the conjoined waterway reaches
the beach, the increased flow into the bay
Island Key counteracts the westerly current, rendering
1. The Western Inlet. The narrow mouth of the ‘teeth’ nearly harmless for a period
this inlet runs from west to east and ends of two weeks. At these times a successful
in an inviting beach framed by verdant DC 15 Profession(sailor) check will allow
jungle. However, because of the strong boats to land on the beach. Failed checks
current and offshore breeze, hazards await will do minor damage to a boat and result
approaching boats. Dozens of huge, white in only a 1 in 10 (1 on a d10) chance of
stone objects protrude from the water of the vessel capsizing. At no time can a ship-
the bay. While most protrude just a few sized vessel safely approach to closer than
feet above the bay’s surface, some tower 100 yards from shore. When the river is
a dozen feet over the water. They are swollen, swimmers can easily avoid the
widely-spaced several hundred yards from stones (DC 10 Swim), but sharks may
shore, but a dense pattern emerges close threaten those who attempt it.
to the beach. Mighty breakers threaten If the PCs have arrived aboard
to dash boats against the stones, and for the Glaros, Captain Klopas (or his
most of the year, only a successful DC 30 replacement if necessary) will offer to
Profession(sailor) check will allow a boat to land the characters on the beach with the
reach the beach safely. On a failed check, ship’s boat, which can carry 10 passengers
roll 1d6. If the roll is 1-3, the boat capsizes (including the four oarsmen). Klopas
and washes ashore with moderate damage, knows that the bay’s calm period will
requiring 2 days for repair. Passengers must not last, so he will not leave the Glaros
make a DC 25 Swim check to reach the anchored in the area for more than a
shore without colliding with a stone. The week. A hefty bribe (> 200 sp) might
collision is a +10 crushing attack (1d8/x2/ convince the captain to allow the ship’s
AP 6). The unfortunate swimmer will then boat to attempt a landing during the rough
sink unless another DC 25 Swim check seasons, but nothing would convince him
succeeds or he manages to hold onto to personally join the suicide mission; he
the stone. Retaining a hold on the stone would order his crew to undertake the task.
requires a successful DC 20 Strength check Once on the beach, the Player
each minute. Characters will notice a racing river
If the 1d6 roll is 4-6, the boat slams against emerging from the jungle at the northern
a stone and is splintered. All passengers end of the ½-mile strand. Near the ocean
drop into the water and must attempt to the sounds of waves, the river and gulls
swim as noted above. If the Games Master is steady. Oppressive heat is a constant
needs to provide an additional challenge companion on the beach despite the
(for example, if the PCs are a group of breeze, and heavily-armoured characters
particularly expert swimmers and/or will find the furnace-like conditions under
sailors) several sharks could be lurking in the jungle canopy nearly unbearable. A
the bay. Statistics for the green sabre shark narrow track runs along the south side
of the river. A DC 15 Survival check for
those with the Track feat will reveal the
presence of animal spoor – apparently
from a herbivore. In fact this path is used
both by the island’s tapirs and a group of
headhunting savages, but evidence of the
latter has been washed away by the recent
rains. Throughout the island there are
paths along the rivers with occasional small
tapir paths leading off into the jungle. PCs
would be wise to use these, as travelling
directly through the greenery would be
confusing, slow and arduous.
2. The Broken Statue. Centuries before
pirates, cannibals or Player Characters
made their way to the Isle, a race of giants
arrived and built huge structures of white
stone. These mysterious settlers are long
gone, but the ruins of their effort remain.
In this clearing by the northern lake a huge
statue once stood. Using a lost process for
bleaching the island’s brown volcanic rock
white, the ancients fashioned a likeness of
one of their chiefs facing the lake. Now
only two massive humanoid feet remain on
the statue’s pedestal; the rest lies in half-
buried pieces around the clearing.
The island’s cannibal inhabitants
consider this spot sacred, and during the
sacred animal. Statistics for the creatures
daytime they often bring holy beasts to the
and savages are provided in the Appendix.
clearing. When the Player Characters arrive
If the Player Characters uncover
at the statue, the GM should roll a d100
most of the partially-buried statue, they
for encounters. A roll of 1-50 means that
can determine how the sculpture appeared
one holy beast with 2 human handlers are
when complete (see illustration). This will
2d100 feet away. A d8 roll can determine
take 4 successful DC 15 Strength checks,
direction: 1=N, 2=NE, 3=E, etc. If the
with each check representing 30 minutes
group is located to the northwest of the
of digging, pulling and straining in the
statue, they will be in the lake bathing with
withering heat. The statue measured 20’
the creature. An encounter roll of 51-75
tall – a chilling image if life-sized. The
means that two such beast/human groups
crocodilian snout is buried deep and
are present (roll separately for each group’s
an additional DC 15 Strength check is
position). On a roll of 76-100, no one
required to extricate it. This will reveal the
present. If the characters stay in this area,
colossus’ two great emerald eyes. The fist-
the Games Master should use the d100
sized gems suffered a bit from the statue’s
encounter roll again for every two hours of
destruction, but each would still fetch
2000 sp. Removing the gems from the
No more than 6 total holy beasts
crumbling stone requires no check.
will be encountered here regardless of how
3. The Bay of Reefs. This placid bay on the
long the characters remain. Any holy beasts
eastern side of the Isle appears to offer
will attack as soon as they catch the PCs’
easy access to the shore. Its waters and
strange scent (a Spot check modified by
wide, sandy beach are sheltered from the
distance). The cannibals will attack on sight
strong western winds and current by the
and will fight to the death to protect the
island, and no tumbling breakers threaten. light golden sand. The atmosphere here
However, a jagged reef makes landing here is forge-hot and heavy, with little or no
nearly impossible. The reef forms a natural breeze and plenty of noisy insects. No
sea wall across the entire mouth of the paths enter the jungle here, so PCs who
bay only a few feet beneath the surface of wish to explore from this starting point
the sea. Only a light proa, outrigger canoe will have to cut their way through the trees
or similar boat with a draft of less than 2 and undergrowth. This exhausting labour
feet could cross the reef without leaving offers only ¼ normal movement rates, and
its splintered keel and hapless occupants hustling is not possible.
strewn across the coral’s wicked surface. 4. The Camp. Zohar established his camp
The numerous reef sharks which browse on the ruins left by the islands former
among the reef ’s teeming sealife will giant inhabitants. The base sits in a 250’
respond quickly if a boat comes to grief. by 150’ clearing on the northern shoulder
Detecting the reef in daylight requires a of the Isle’s southernmost, long-dormant
DC 15 Spot check at a range of 500 feet. volcano, with excellent access to fresh
At the GM’s option, characters who fail water from the nearby river and lake. The
a DC 10 Profession(sailor) check will giants left little but broken, white-stone
notice only eddies and strange currents walls, but much of the pirate settlement is
above the submerged coral and will not still intact. A path from the riverside leads
understand the cause. A new Spot check to the northeast corner of the camp. For a
can be attempted every 100 feet, with the detailed description, see the Zohar’s Base
DC decreasing by 2 for each increment. section below.
At 50 feet, the Spot DC is 5, and even PCs
without ranks in Profession(sailor) who Zohar’s Base
make the Spot check will see submerged The reavers who once inhabited the camp
coral occasionally exposed by wave action. are long dead, and the settlement is now home to the
Any boat with a draft greater than 2 Isle’s surviving tribe of cannibals. Unless the Player
feet (which would include any standard Characters’ ship arrived at night (or succeeded in
oared ship’s boat) which attempts to landing a boat on the eastern shore) the savages will
cross the reef automatically fails; the know that strangers are on the island. Although the
boat’s bottom is splintered and the vessel islanders are not expert tacticians, their chief will have
will sink in 2d6 rounds. For every two arranged for defence: sharpened stakes coated with
passengers who frantically bail, the time is curare poison have been placed in the undergrowth
increased by 2 rounds – this may give other at the base of several trees, and a watch has been set.
boats time to assist. Once in the water The Games Master should consider the trees nearest
the characters can opt to cling to the reef, locations 2, 3, 4 and 10 to be trapped. Any characters
but this will subject them to one ‘attack’ who step in the same square as one of these trees
by the coral’s cruel surface each minute: must make a DC 20 Spot check. If the check fails, the
+5 piercing (1d4/x2/AP 2). The reef PC is subject to 2 ‘attacks’ by the stakes as a primitive
sharks will show no interest in uninjured knife: +5 piercing (1d4/x2/AP - ). Parry defence does
swimmers, but if any character in the water not apply against this attack, and DR will only protect
is wounded, 1d4 sharks will attack in 2d4 characters with armour on the bottom of their feet.
rounds. If these sharks succeed in drawing If the victim takes any damage he must make a DC 17
blood, 2 more will join the fray every 3 Fortitude save to resist curare poisoning. Curare does
rounds until the total reaches a frenzied 20. 1d12 Dex damage, with another 1d12 Dex possible
Obviously the Player Characters should try after 10 minutes. The cannibals have become expert at
to leave the water as quickly as possible. cleansing their prey of poison before devouring them.
Statistics for the grey reef shark are Chief M’goba has encouraged his warriors
available in the Appendix. to keep a sharp lookout for the intruders, for it has
A lighter boat can cross the reef with been long since the tribe has properly feasted. At least
a successful DC 20 Profession(sailor) two warriors will be wandering through the camp
check. If the characters manage to reach throughout the night, and during the daytime most of
the shore (either by swimming or in a
light boat) they will find a broad beach of
the islanders are present. The Games Master should by plague, Zohar failed to lock the chest, so
assume that the chief, 12 warriors, 14 women and 16 the PCs will have to do nothing more than
children are in the camp when the PCs arrive. When drag it from the tangle of vegetation to open
the cannibals spot the characters, the women and it. It contains the following (with value where
children will flee into the jungle south of the camp appropriate): a leather parchment case with a
awaiting the outcome, and the warriors and chief will roll of vellum; a jewel-hilted, curved Akbitanan
attack. Stats for the islanders (including chief M’goba) dagger (300 sp); a small box full of black
are available in the Appendix. One of the warriors pearls (2000 sp); 2 large, plain gold chains (500
will release the holy beast housed in location 6, and sp each); a soft leather pouch with 200 gold
the others will advance, using cover if threatened Stygian coins (2000 sp); an ivory box full of
with arrows or other missiles. The savages will fight faceted rubies (4000 sp); a miniature purple-
as long as the chief survives, but if he falls they will plumed golden helm (500 sp) and 2 violet silk
flee if 8 warriors are also killed or incapacitated. If women’s robes (300 sp each). The vellum is
the PCs are victorious, the women, children and any covered with Shemitish writing. This the key
warrior survivors will not return to the camp while the to Zohar’s code, and it will allow a scholar
characters are the island. A key to the camp follows. who knows Shemitish and makes a DC 10
1. Walls. These white stone walls once towered Decipher Script check to learn the spell Wind’s
30’ above the camp, but now their crumbling Hated Son from Zohar’s papers. A Zingaran
remains rise no higher than 10’ through most (optionally Argossean or Aquilonian as well)
of their length. The fissured volcanic rock PC who makes a DC 10 Knowledge(local)
is easy to climb: a DC 10 Climbing check check will recognize the miniature golden helm
will allow a character to reach the top in one as coming from Zingara. The royal symbols
round. that it bears suggest that it came from the toy
2. Zohar’s Cabin. This structure was fashioned of some princeling or wealthy noble.
from jungle trees and sailcloth and served as 3. Spirit Room. Two large, sealed kegs of rum
Zohar’ home on the island. The canvas roof stand in this dilapidated shack, and another
disintegrated long ago, but the walls are mostly sits broken on the floor between two headless
intact. The exterior is festooned with skulls skeletons. The skeletons’ clothing has mostly
from the dead pirates and rival cannibals. rotted away, but some leather and metal fittings
Inside an ivory footstool (worth 200 sp) sits endure. The headless skeleton of the spirit
on the floor next to a pallet made from large room guard lies across the doorway with a
leaves. Atop the stool is a small carved wooden rusted cutlass still in its fleshless hand and a
bowl containing a dark, sticky substance: six chipped dagger protruding from its ribs. The
doses of curare. Chief M’goba resides here cannibals avoid this structure.
now - little knowing what treasures lie buried 4. Kitchen. This overgrown building is nearly
under decades of unchecked plant growth in inaccessible due to the dense web of foliage
the cabin’s southeast corner. Though Zohar’s
pirate followers slept in hammocks, their Wind’s Hated Son
leader reclined in luxury on a large bed that (Curses sorcery style, from Pirate Isles)
his men laboriously carried from a ship’s boat. PP Cost: 4
Components: V, S, M
After the sea chanter left the island the bed
Casting Time: 5 minutes
became an excellent anchor for a variety of Range: Magic Link
jungle creepers and other foliage, and it is Target: One target
now hidden beneath several feet of growth. Duration: One month
The Player Characters can cut or dig their Saving Throw: Will negates
Prerequisites: Magic attack bonus > +3, lesser illfortune
way through the foliage with 15 minutes of
Magic Attack Roll: Sets DC for the target’s saving throw
sweating effort. Years of soaking and drying
have ruined the bed, but the stout chest that This curse causes all wind to die around the target character.
lies beneath isn’t difficult to find (DC 10 No wind blows within a one mile radius, excepting those winds
Search) through the rotting timbers. caused by magical effects or supernatural creatures. Any ship
the target is on is automatically bestilled and must be rowed to
The chest’s metal fittings are
whatever destination it wishes to reach. Many sailors will kill a
thoroughly rusted, but its varnished wood has person with this curse, believing that it is a precursor to even
withstood the years well. With his wits addled more dangerous effects.
Zohar’s Base
covering the entryway. Those who trouble largest stones (250 lbs) and hoist it above his
to cut their way in will discover a crumbling head to intimidate his enemies. He may also
hearth and a pile of worthless rusted iron, choose to ‘tenderise’ a fallen opponent with
wooden and clay pots and bowls. the stone.
5. New Huts. These huts were built by the 8. Giant Seat. This massive stone bench sits atop
cannibals and all are fashioned from jungle the western wall of the ruins and provides
trees and leaves. Their design is primitive, but a striking view of the ocean and the island’s
they provide excellent shelter during the rainy shore. The western inlet is easily visible from
season due to cleverly-fashioned waterproof here. The bench’s carved reptilian arms and
roofs and flexible wall materials. The feet have been worn down by centuries of
northernmost hut was recently damaged by a wind and weather battering the promontory,
lightning-struck tree. The islanders consider but the resemblance to the statue at location
this an ill omen and will not enter or repair this 2 on the Isle map is readily apparent. Clever
hut. characters (DC 15 Int roll) will deduce from
6. Holy One. This hut houses one of the island’s the height and width of the bench seat that the
‘holy beasts’ and features stronger walls than 20’ ft.-tall statue was life-sized!
most of the camp’s dwellings. The hut’s door 9. Forge and Smokehouse. At their leader’s
has an exterior bar to keep the animal secure, command, Zohar’s pirates carried the
and if intruders approach, it will only require a equipment necessary for basic forging
move action from a warrior to open the door. and weapon repair at the island base. This
7. Fire pit. Both the pirates and savages have uncovered structure houses a clay-brick forge
used this fire pit. The pit is full of hot coals and thoroughly rusted anvil. A hand-operated
throughout the day, and from an hour before bellows sits discarded next to the crumbling
sundown until an hour after dawn a fire blazes forge. The cannibals do not use the equipment,
away. The heat from the coals or flames and they have also ignored a small shack here
combines with the ambient warmth to create which served as a smokehouse. Inside the
a truly sweltering atmosphere near the pit. smokehouse are rusted steel hooks from which
Stones culled from the ancient’s ruined walls hang the desiccated remains of decades-old
surround the fire and serve as seating. During meat.
a battle chief M’goba may pick up one of the
10. Berth Deck. Like many competent sea Leaving the Island
captains, Zohar understood the sailor’s As long as the Player Characters leave the Isle
tendency towards superstition and tradition. while the rivers are still in their flood cycle, they will
He therefore commanded his men to build have little trouble (DC 10 Profession (sailor) check)
a replica of his galleon’s berth deck for their launching a boat from the western inlet. Otherwise,
lodgings. Although the exterior walls of this leaving will require phenomenal luck or a creative
large building appear little different than the strategy. The Games Master can use the guidelines
other jungle-log huts, the interior features given in Island Key location 1 to determine what
wooden plank floors (now rotting) and two dangers to navigation might threaten the PCs’ attempt
dozen posts to which hammocks were once to leave. The return voyage will be uneventful unless
fixed. The cannibals now use this structure for the GM wishes to present further challenges. If a
their main shelter, and the sailcloth roof has merchant hired the characters, he or she will likely
been replaced with an effective leaf covering. honour the terms of their agreement, as reputation is
The hammocks are long gone – leaf pallets on a valuable asset. However, the Games Master should
the floor serve as bedding. feel free to include a double-cross if the trip to the Isle
11. Path. This path was once wide enough for seemed too easy.
its giant creators, but the jungle has reclaimed
much of its width – the pirates (and later
savages) could only travel single-file on the
trail. It leads from the camp to the path that
follows accompanies the nearby river on its
course from the lake to the seaside. If the
cannibals are aware of the Player Characters’
arrival on the island, a scout is perched in a
tree near the camp boundary 75% (1-3 on a
d4) of the time.
12. Midden. The pirates established a refuse pile
30’ southeast of the edge of the camp in a
small clearing. Because of the near-constant
westerly winds, the midden’s aroma seldom
disturbed the base’s inhabitants. Although
the mound has been covered over by jungle
growth (DC 15 Spot check to notice it within
20 ft.), it was still exposed when the cannibals
arrived. They do not use the midden for
its original purpose, but they did cast a few
taboo items onto the pile: whale teeth with
scrimshaw engraving. Though the savages
have little discomfort with bone and corpses
in general, they found these items in the
possession of dead men who obviously
suffered from some calamity. If the PCs dig
through the midden (which is now no more
odorous than well-matured compost), each
DC 10 Search check will uncover one of the
scrimshaw teeth. There are 13 teeth, and each
would bring 50 sp from a collector.
Appendix: Cast of Characters
Amala, owner of the Fortune inn Messantian Thug Leader – Nikolo Zosimos “the
6th level Kushite Commoner survivor”
Hit Dice: 6d4+12 (29 hp) DR - 1st level Argossean soldier / 3rd level Argossean thief
Initiative: +3 Hit Dice: 1d10+3d8+12 (36 hp) DR 5
Speed: 30 ft. Initiative: +6
Parry defence: 13 Speed: 30 ft.
Dodge defence: 14 Parry defence: 14
Base attack: +3 Dodge defence: 13
Melee: Stiletto +4 (finesse) (1d4/x4/AP 1) Base attack: +3
Ranged: – Melee: Short Sword +5 (1d8+2/19-20x2/AP 3), Axe +5
Special Qualities: Argossean qualities (raised in (1d8+1/x3/AP3)
Messantia), illiterate Ranged: –
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 Special Qualities: Argossean qualities, sneak attack (2d6/
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 12 2d8) (short sword)
Skills: Balance +3, Gather Information +3 Knowledge Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1
(local) +2, Listen +12, Profession (innkeeper) + 6, Abilities: Str 15, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14
Profession (sailor) +4, Sense Motive +10, Spot +4, Use Skills: Appraise +2, Balance +6, Bluff +3 Disable Device
Rope +3 +1, Escape Artist +9, Hide +7, Intimidate +9, Knowledge
Feats: Carouser, Alertness, Negotiator, Skill Focus (Sense (local) +6, Move Silently +4, Open Lock +3, Profession
Motive), Sleep Mastery, Bonus - Skill Focus (Listen) (sailor) +2, Spot +1, Use Rope +4
Reputation: 8 Feats: Combat Expertise, Eyes of the Cat, Two Weapon
Combat, Parry, Diehard
Amala is a clever innkeeper and cheerful host. She will Reputation: 6
attempt to negotiate if threatened with violence, but if
pressed whe will draw a stiletto from beneath her clothing. Nikolo has survived many a beating, and his hardiness has
Possessions: stiletto, clothing and sandals, 30 sp. compensated somewhat for his poor luck. He wields his
short sword an axe simultaneously and like his men, he will
not kill an incapacitated foe. Possessions: mail shirt, short
Messantian Thugs (hired for the staged attack) sword, axe, 28 s.p., tunic & hose, linen belt pouch, soft
1st level Argossean commoner / 1st level Argossean thief leather boots
Hit Dice: 1d4+1d8+4 (13 hp) DR 3
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft. Captain Klopas – captain of the Glaros
Parry defence: 12 5th level Argossean pirate
Dodge defence: 13 Hit Dice: 5d8+5 (30 hp) DR 7 (breastplate + steel cap)
Base attack: +0 Initiative: +10
Melee: Club +1 (1d8+2/x2/AP 2) Speed: 25 ft.
Ranged: – Parry defence: 15
Special Qualities: Argossean qualities, sneak attack (1d6/ Dodge defence: 13
1d8) Base attack: +3
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +0 Melee: Cutlass+6 (1d10+4/19-20x2/AP 4)
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8 Ranged: –
Skills: Appraise +1, Balance +8, Gather Information +2, Special Qualities: Argossean qualities, sneak attack (1d6/
Handle Animal +1, Hide +4, Knowledge (local) +3, Listen 1d8) (cutlass), ferocious attack, seamanship +1, pirate code,
+2, Open Lock +4, Profession (farmer) +2, Spot +2, to sail a road of blood and slaughter
Survival +2, Use Rope +4 Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2
Feats: Combat reflexes Abilities: Str 15, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12
Reputation: 1 Skills: Appraise +2, Balance +14, Bluff +3 Gather
Information +5, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (local) +4,
These hired toughs employ the simple tactic of battering Profession (sailor) +11, Spot +11, Use Rope +14
their victims into unconsciousness with clubs. They will not Feats: Sneak Subdual, Mobility, Uncanny Dodge,
kill a helpless foe, as they are do not wish to risk the penalty Argossean Dreamer, Weapon Focus (cutlass), Improved
for murder. Possessions: quilted jerkin, club, 3 s.p., tunic & Initiative, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Two-weapon
hose, linen belt pouch, sandals combat
Reputation: 6
Though still a young man of 28, Klopas commands the Captain Bapoto
respect of his sailors and handles the Glaros well. Note 5th level Southern Islander pirate
that the Argossean Dreamer feat comes from the Pirate Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (41 hp) DR -
Isles book; if this is unavailable, substitute Skill Focus Initiative: +6
(Profession (sailor)). Possessions: breastplate, steel cap, Speed: 30 ft.
cutlass, gold pendant worth 150 sp, 80 sp in a box in his Parry defence: 20 (with large shield)
cabin. Dodge defence: 16
Base attack: +3
Melee: hunting spear +8 (1d8+3/x2/AP 4)
Argossean Sailors – crew of the Glaros Ranged: hunting spear +7 (1d8+3/x2/AP 4)
2nd level Argossean pirate Special Qualities: southern islander qualities, sneak attack
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp) DR 6 (breastplate) (1d6/1d8) (hunting spear), ferocious attack, seamanship +1,
Initiative: +5 pirate code, to sail a road of blood and slaughter
Speed: 25 ft. Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2
Parry defence: 12 Abilities: Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Dodge defence: 13 Skills: Balance +6, Knowledge (local) +1, Perform(dance)
Base attack: +1 +4, Profession (sailor) +7, Spot +7, Swim +8, Survival +3,
Melee: Cutlass+3 (1d10+1/19-20x2/AP 3) Use Rope +4
Ranged: – Feats: Sneak Subdual, Mobility, Uncanny Dodge, Weapon
Special Qualities: Argossean qualities, sneak attack (1d6/ Focus (hunting spear), Parry, Power Attack, Cleave
1d8) (cutlass), ferocious attack, seamanship +1, pirate code, Reputation: 6
to sail a road of blood and slaughter
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0 Bapoto is a tall, powerful southern islander whose brutal
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8 authority is never questioned by his merciless crew. He has
Skills: Balance +8, Climb +5, Knowledge (geography) +4, not yet given a name to the raiding galley he won with a
Profession (sailor) +6, Spot +4, Use Rope +8 devastating thrust of his hunting spear through the former
Feats: Argossean Dreamer, Weapon Focus (cutlass), Two- captain’s torso. Bapoto and his men will not surrender.
weapon combat Possessions: large shield, 2 hunting spears, feathered
Reputation: 1 headdress, and a piece of amber on a cord around his neck
worth 40 sp.
The crewmen of the Glaros are generally a spirited,
competent group. They are glad to use their seamanship
and cutlasses to increase their fortunes. If the Pirate Isles Captain Bapoto’s Pirates
book is unavailable, substitute Skill Focus(Profession(sailor) 2nd level Southern Islander pirate
) for Argossean Dreamer. Possessions: breastplate, cutlass, Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (13 hp) DR -
15 sp. Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft.
Parry Defence: 18 (with large shield)
The Glaros Medium Argossean Sloop Dodge Defence: 13, 17 vs. ranged
Dimensions: 80 ft. long x 20 ft.wide Base Attack: +1
Crew: 8/24 Melee: hunting spear +5 (1d8+2/x2/AP 3)
Hardness/HP: 5/200 Ranged: hunting spear +4 (1d8+2/x2/AP 3)
Speed (Rowed): 0 Special Qualities: southern islander qualities, ferocious
Speed (Sail): 4 attack, seamanship +1, pirate code, to sail a road of blood
Tactical Movement: 3 and slaughter
Modifiers: +1 to boarding actions, -1 to resist boarding, Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will –1
+2 overland movement, +1 movement point during closing. Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Max Cargo: 2 Skills: Balance +6, Perform (dance) +6, Profession (sailor)
Components: Argossean rigging, boarding deck, ½ cargo +4, Survival +3, Swim +5, Use Rope +5
hold, ½ passenger rooms Feats: Parry, Weapon Focus (hunting spear)

The statistics for this sloop are presented in the format These pirates delight in leaping aboard an enemy deck to
used in the Pirate Isles book, but if that resource is not wreak bloody havoc. Each of the 30 will abandon their oars
available, the GM can use this information to compare the and throw a hunting spear before boarding, relying on their
Argossean ship to the pirate galley below. large hide shields to protect their unarmoured flesh from
their victims’ attacks. Possessions: 2 Hunting spears, large
shield, loincloth.
The squid’s sensitive tentacles can detect when its prey has
Captain Bapoto’s Medium Galley ceased struggling, so the squid will not begin dragging its
Dimensions: 100 ft. long x 20 ft.wide prey until poison has done its work.
Crew: 4/30 Attackers can attack the tentacles of a poisonous
Hardness/HP: 6/200 squid with a normal sunder attack, although a ‘spare’
Speed (Rowed): 3 (4 when closing on an enemy) tentacle will make an attack of opportunity as normal if any
Speed (Sail): 2 are available. Each tentacle has 8 hit points and a DR of 3.
Tactical Movement: 4 Attacks directed against a tentacle wrapped around a victim
Modifiers: -2 to resist boarding, +1 movement point can be safely made at -4 to hit. If a tentacle is severed, the
during closing. part that is wrapped around a target relaxes. The squid
Max Cargo: 2 takes 4 hit points damage for each severed tentacle and if
Components: 2 banks of oars, 2 cargo holds, drummer the squid loses three or more tentacles it will retreat. Lost
tentacles regenerate fully in 5 days.
The statistics for this galley are presented in the format Poison: The poisonous squid’s hard, sharp tentacle spines
used in the Pirate Isles book, but if that resource is not have evolved to pierce the tough hides of large sea lions,
available, the GM can use this information to compare the whales and other formidable creatures of the deep, so
galley to the Argossean ship above they are quite capable of penetrating armour. Although its
poison must be able to immobilise prey much larger than
humans, the squid can usually inject a large quantity of the
Poisonous Squid venom through several tentacles at once, so the poison is
Huge Animal not as toxic as that of some smaller creatures. Each time a
Climate/Terrain: Aquatic victim takes damage from a tentacle, he must make a DC
Organization: Solitary 15 Fortitude save or suffer 1d3 Dex damage and paralysis
Initiative: +11 for 2d6 rounds. The venom is fast-acting, so no additional
Senses: Listen +3, Spot +3, low-light vision saves are required for a given injection.
Languages: – Improved Grab: To use this ability the squid must hit an
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– opponent with a tentacle attack. A kraken can use improved
Dodge Defence: 15 grab on creatures up to and including Gargantuan in size.
Hit Points: 70 (8 HD); DR 3 Ink Cloud: The poisonous squid can emit a large
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +4 underwater cloud of jet-black fluid that resembles ink 20
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– feet wide and 20 feet long once per minute as a free action.
Speed: 30 ft. The cloud provides total concealment for anyone within or
Space: 15 ft.; Reach: 20 ft. on the other side of the cloud.
Melee: 10 tentacles +12 (1d4+4, AP 6) and bite +13 Jet: As a full-round action a squid can force water through
(2d6+4, AP 8) its body at a remarkable rate, sending it scooting straight
Base Atk +7; Grp +18 backwards for 200 feet. This action and movement provoke
Special Attacks: Poison, Improved Grab attacks of opportunity as normal. A poisonous squid can
Sorcery Knowledge: – make as many overrun attacks as part of a jet as it likes.
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Skills: Poisonous squid have colour–changing skin that
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 gives them a +4 bonus to Hide checks. They also have a +8
Special Qualities: Ink Cloud, Jet racial bonus on any Swim check. They can always choose to
Feats: Alertness, Diehard, Endurance, Multiattack, take 10 on a Swim check, and can perform the run action
Toughness (2) while swimming. Poisonous squid gain Multiattack as a
Skills: Hide –4, Survival +1, Swim +14 bonus feat.

The dreaded poisonous squid of the Western Ocean is

not quite as massive or strong as the legendary kraken, but Green Sabre Shark
its deadly poison is at least as effective as brute strength. Large Animal
In this squid the small hooks that help its cousins cling Climate/Terrain: Aquatic
to prey have evolved into dagger-like spines which the Organization: Solitary, school (2–5)
beast uses to inject a paralysing venom. It can then drag Initiative: +7
its helpless victim to its fearsome beak to be devoured at Sensory Traits: Listen +4, Spot +4, aquasense 90 ft., keen
leisure. Because its normal prey are large sea mammals, the scent 180 ft.
squid can only attack two separate targets in a give round. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Typically it will use 4 tentacles to cling to a ship, leaving the Dodge Defence: 15
remaining six available for prey. Once two of its tentacles Hit Points: 44 (8 HD); DR 4
have seized a given medium-sized target, the squid will not Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3
have room to wrap another appendage around the victim.
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Improved Grab: To use this ability, the shark must hit with
Speed: Swim 50 ft. its bite attack.
Space: 10 ft.; Reach: 5 ft. Keen Scent: A shark’s sense of smell is so honed
Melee: Bite +8 (1d8+5, AP 6) underwater that it can automatically notice creatures by
Base Atk +6; Grp +12 scent up to 180 feet away, but can smell blood in the water
Special Attacks: Blood Frenzy, Chew, Improved Grab up to a mile away.
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Skills: A shark has a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. It
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 can always take 10 on a Swim check even when rushed
Special Qualities: Aquasense, Keen Scent or threatened, and can perform the run action while
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude swimming.
Skills: Hide +2, Jump +5, Swim +11

The green sabre shark is a large, often solitary warm- Tapir

water shark common in the Western Ocean. Though not Medium Animal
as quick or agile as some other species, the green sabre Climate/Terrain: Sub-tropical and tropical forest
has particularly tough skin and a fearsome bite. The teeth Organization: Solitary
that gave the fish its name can make short work of most Initiative: +2
defences. Sensory Traits: Listen +4, Spot +4, scent
Grey Reef Shark Dodge Defence: 12
Medium Animal Hit Points: 22 (3 HD); DR 3
Climate/Terrain: Aquatic Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4
Organization: Solitary, school (2–5), pack (6-24) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Initiative: +8 Speed: 30 ft., Swim 20 ft.
Sensory Traits: Listen +4, Spot +4, aquasense 90 ft., keen Space: 10 ft.; Reach: 5 ft.
scent 180 ft. Melee: Bite (1d6+2, AP 2)
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Base Atk +2; Grp +6
Dodge Defence: 18 Special Attacks: -
Hit Points: 28 (5 HD); DR 2 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +2 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Special Qualities: Hold breath
Speed: Swim 65 ft. Feats: Alertness
Space: 10 ft.; Reach: 5 ft. Skills: Hide +4, Move Silently +1, Swim +12
Melee: Bite +8 (1d6+2, AP 3)
Base Atk +4; Grp +8 Tapirs are solitary mammals with a short fur and prehensile
Special Attacks: Blood Frenzy, Chew, Improved Grab snouts. Despite their somewhat porcine appearance, they
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– are related to rhinocerouses and horses. These unassuming
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 herbivores love water and are excellent swimmers – they
Special Qualities: Aquasense, Keen Scent are also known to submerge and walk along the bottom of
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Great Fortitude waterways. Their usual defence is to employ a surprising
Skills: Hide +6, Jump +4, Swim +10 burst of speed, crashing through dense undergrowth to
escape, but they can deliver a nasty bite if cornered.
The grey reef shark is a small species which normally
confines its hunting to shallow waters and such humble Hold Breath: A tapir can hold its breath for a number of
prey as diminutive fish and cephalopods. However, if it rounds equal to four times its Constitution score before it
scents warm blood the ‘grey reefer’ will turn its frenzied risks drowning.
attention to larger prey.

Common to both shark species:

Aquasense: A shark can detect anything in or on the water
within 90 feet of it.
Blood Frenzy: A shark that can smell an injured creature
within 90 feet of its position will be subject to this special
rule. It gains a +2 bonus to all hit and damage rolls, but a
–2 penalty to its defence. This state lasts for one minute.
Chew: A shark can inflict bite damage on all victims held in
its maw as a free action once per round.
Holy Beast
stationary, the beast attempts to grip opponents with its
Large Animal
trunk. If this succeeds, the monster will use its tusks to
Initiative: +3
gore its victim. The gore attack is made with +4 to hit if
Sensory Traits: Listen +4, Spot +1, low-light vision, scent
the opponent is gripped by the creature’s trunk. As it fight
the holy beast swings its head and tail from side to side.
Dodge Defence: 12
This allows it to make one tail club attack per round (in
Hit Points: 60 (8 HD); DR 4
addition to gore or grapple) on any enemy who is flanking
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +3
the beast. The holy beast will not flee from combat.
Speed: 30 ft., Swim 20 ft.
Hold Breath: The holy beast can hold its breath for a
Space: 10 ft.; Reach: 5 ft.
number of rounds equal to four times its Constitution
Melee: Gore +6 (1d10+5/x2/AP 5) or Tail Club +6
score before it risks drowning.
(1d8+5/x2/AP 8)
Base Atk +5; Grp +10
Special Attacks: -
Chief M’goba
5th level Darfari barbarian
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 2
Hit Dice: 5d10+10 (45 hp) DR -
Special Qualities: Hold breath
Initiative: +4
Feats: Endurance, Improved Overrun, Improved Grapple
Speed: 30 ft.
Skills: Swim +10
Parry defence: 14
Dodge defence: 13
This 10’-long abomination was created by the curse of
Base attack: +5
Zohar’s concubine. Its original tapir form has been altered:
Melee: war club +12 (2d6+4/x2/AP 8)
the tiny tail has grown into a massive, spiked club; the
Ranged: club (primitive) +6 (1d8+4/x2/AP -)
upper front teeth have elongated and sharpened into
Special Qualities: southern black kingdom (darfari)
formidable tusks; and the prehensile snout has extended to
qualities, trap sense +1, bite sword, crimson mist, fearless,
become a short trunk. These seven unfortunate creatures
uncanny dodge
have also gained increased intelligence and a much longer
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1
lifespan. The monsters are aggressive and will attack any
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 10
stranger – only through long, patient effort (with many
Skills: Climb +10, Listen +2, Intimidate +6,
ghastly injuries) have the cannibals gained some control
Knowledge(local) +1, Survival +6, Spot +8
over the beasts.
Feats: 5 Track, Two Weapon Combat, Endurance, Mobility,
Power Attack, Weapon Focus (War Club), Diehard, Cleave
Combat: On sighting an enemy, the holy beast will charge
Reputation: 5
and attempt overrun its enemy. If the overrun is successful,
the beast can make a tail club attack as a free action. Once
M’goba is a huge man with chocolate-brown skin, heavy
limbs and a wild nest of hair tangled with mud and sticks.
With his tribe he is good-natured and slow to anger, but
he will rouse to a violent frenzy of action in the presence
of strangers. His war club and those of his warriors have
been fashioned from select, hard branches of jungle trees
and are studded with lovingly-chosen river stones. The
chief usually carries a smaller, primitive throwing club for
a first strike before wading in with his mighty two-handed
weapon. M’goba also likes to intimidate opponents with
bestial shouts and feats of strength – this also heartens his
tribesmen. Possessions: war club, throwing club, loincloth.

Cannibals (including holy beasts’ handlers)

For the Isle’s savages use the statistics for the Savage
Cannibal on pg. 353 of the Conan the Roleplaying Game book,
with the following changes:
Dodge Defence is 12 and Parry Defence is 13 (no large
Melee: war club +8 (2d6+2/x2/AP 6)
Ranged: club (primitive) +4 (1d8+2/x2/AP -)
Base attack: +3
Feats: remove Fighting-Madness and add Weapon Focus
(war club)
Skills: remove Move Silently +4 and add Climb +8
Possessions: remove shield and spears, add war club

These warriors brandish great war clubs and carry a smaller

club for throwing as battle begins. Against and inferior
opponent they may attempt to bring their filed teeth to
bear (see the Darfai’s Bite feature on pg. 34 of the Conan
the Roleplaying Game book). Cannibals accompanying a holy
beast will not flee.

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