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Many years of humanitarian practice & concerns for accountability

has got crystallized into tangible standards like Sphere, UNHCR

Standards for refugees, etc. This training will help participants
- What is the good practice that informs each and every sectoral
Sphere standards?
I N D I A - How to apply standards in every sectoral activity though out the
programme cycle.

A training by RedR India

“Sphere in Humanitarian Practice”


Operationalising & Implementing Sphere Project's minimum standards for disaster response was seen as a
prime concern amongst the agencies involved in Tsunami Response, of late.

This underlined the basic need for training in the technical standards with the concepts, philosophies,
contexts and the legal frameworks that constitute Sphere. The training would also deal with the practicalities
of implementing Sphere in humanitarian response.

Humanitarian Aid workers normally find themselves managing

Date : 8th -11th June 2010
projects that are outside of their original specialisation. An
(reporting on 7th evening)
engineer may become involved with running a food distribution
programme, or a health worker may become a programme Venue: Pune, India
manager, with water supply and sanitation projects to run. This (Nearest International Airport is
course gives the opportunity for such relief workers to gain an Mumbai)
introduction to other sectors during the technical days of the
course and moreover learn about the minimum sectoral standards vital for responding to emergencies.

The course is part of RedR India's Training Programme, which aims to improve the effectiveness of
specialist and non-specialist in emergency response.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will:

Appreciate the value and significance of Sphere Project
Understand and describe the relationship between Sphere, Humanitarian Charter and Rights
Based Approach
Identify the difference between (Sphere) Standards, Indicators and Guidance Notes.
Know the Common Standards and explain their linkages with technical interventions at all stages of
project cycle.
Learn to apply Sphere in assessments, planning, monitoring and evaluations, of humanitarian
response programme.
Use the Standards and indicators (from each technical chapter) for an effective humanitarian
Address the practical difficulties in implementing Sphere.
Course Contents
Introduction to the Sphere Context
This will deal with the context of genesis of Sphere, its aims and the issues raised during its two
editions. A closer look at the difference between the Standards and Indicators would be taken and
participants would be led towards utilization of Guidance notes for finding practical solutions.
Understanding Humanitarian Charter
Participants will understand that the purpose of Humanitarian Charter and the minimum Standards is
to increase the effectiveness of humanitarian response and to make the humanitarian work more
transparent and accountable. It will reiterate the basic principles of assistance viz;
“All possible steps should be taken to alleviate human sufferings that arise out of calamity and
“Those affected by disaster have a right to life with dignity and therefore a right to assistance”
Common ( Technical ) Standards and their application in Project Cycle
Understanding the linkages between the various stages of Project Cycle and the Common Standards
the participants would be able to realize modalities for operationalising the Technical Standards at all
stages of project implementation. The aim is to cover the “process and people” standards with the
themes of participation, assessment, response, targeting, monitoring etc.
Sector Specific Sessions
Efforts will be made to look at each of the technical areas, their minimum standards and key
indicators along with the rationale that made them. It will be explained that the minimum standards
aim to establish a mutually agreed stand for each area of humanitarian assistance on the basis of
existing knowledge and experience, to foster good coordination amongst stakeholders to reach a
common goal.


This training will be conducted by experienced trainers from RedR India.

Training Methodology

The course will be run by RedR India and will use the 2004 edition of the Sphere Handbook, a copy of
which will be provided to each participant. Trainers and specialists from other organisations associated with
the Sphere project and the handbook revisions will be facilitating the modules. As in all RedR India courses
the style will be highly participatory and Interactive, including a number of group exercises, field practical
and focused discussions. There will be presentations by key speakers, including a talk by a recently
returned relief worker. As with all RedR courses, you will have the opportunity to meet other relief workers,
to exchange views and experiences and to find out more about RedR.

Expected Participants
This course is open to GO, INGOs, UN, Red Cross, NGOs development and emergency personnel who
have experience of coordinating, implementing relief, rehabilitation and development work or are likely to
be involved in disaster response initiatives.

Professional Development

The principal aim of RedR training is to improve your effectiveness in disaster response. In addition, RedR
training can enhance your professional development. Many of the skills developed will be of benefit to you
and your employer in other areas of your career. They are particularly valuable for those likely to be
involved in a professional capacity in Humanitarian Assistance.
How to Apply?

Please fill out the attached Registration Form and send it to On
confirmation of availability of seat please forward your course fee to RedR India. For more details
on course fee etc. Please refer to the application form

What is RedR?

RedR-India is a humanitarian; non-profit organization, which maintains a Register of, experienced

humanitarian professionals who are available to assist governments and external support agencies in the
aftermath of disasters. RedR India is a member of the RedR International network. In addition to its primary
task as a recruiter of humanitarian workers the RedRs have a global reputation for the development and
presentation of high quality training for the humanitarian aid sector. RedR has offices in Australia, Canada,
India, New Zealand, UK and Belgium. For more information please visit

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