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Revised Martial Arts Compendium For Exalted

Even Blade Style

This Terrestrial Martial Arts Style is exceptionally popular among Creation's enlightened mortals, god-blooded and
other lesser supernatural denizens. Its form weapons are the slashing sword, straight sword, chopping sword, short
sword, knife and scabbard, and their artifact equivalents, the daiklave, wavecleaver daiklave, reaper daiklave, short
daiklave and switchklave. It is elementally aspected towards Air. It may not be practiced in armour with a mobility
penalty greater than -1. It is incompatible with shields.

Death Between Heartbeats

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Tick
Prereqs: None
[Insert fluff here.] This Charm may be used whenever the character acts on the same tick as her enemies. Instead
of resolving simultaneously, the character's action (including DV refresh) is resolved before all others. If this effect is
contested by another instance of this Charm or a similar effect, all entities using such effects act simultaneously,
followed by all entities which are not.
Note: Clarification.

Breath and Essence Control

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prereqs: Death Between Heartbeats
[Insert fluff here.] This Charm supplements a Join Battle action. It adds the character's Martial Arts score in dice to
her Join Battle pool. In addition, it allows the character to ready any Even Blade form weapon as a reflexive action
upon activation.
Note: This Charm was altered because it's trivially easy to get more than 10 dice to Join Battle as an Exalt, and
Charms shouldn't make you suck when you use them.

Close Your Eyes And Look

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prereqs: Death Between Heartbeats
[Insert fluff here.] This Charm supplements an unarmed Martial Arts attack. It doubles all DV penalties the target is
currently suffering from for the purposes of resolving that attack.
Note: As Exalted is designed to work under perfect combat transparency, the second part of this Charm is useless
and misleading. It has been removed, and the limitation of once per action has also been removed. If a user wishes
to waste 4 motes every time they attack, they should be welcome to.

Even Blade Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: Scene
Prereqs: Close Your Eyes And Look
[Insert fluff here.] While this Charm is active, the character never suffers an automatic unexpected attack from
being surrounded in combat. In addition, she reduces her total DV penalty by half her Permanent Essence rating.
Note: The previous Charm had an annoying mechanic which multiplied initiative tracking problems, and a
completely useless entry which did nothing mechanically. It has now been removed. The passive benefit has been

Fiery Garda Force Attack

Cost: 4m (+1w); Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prereqs: Even Blade Form
[Insert fluff here.] This Charm supplements an unarmed Martial Arts Disarm attempt. It removes the -2 external
penalty inherent to Disarm attempts. If the character successfully hits, the opponent automatically fails the (Wits +
Ability) roll to retain her weapon. If the weapon Disarmed was not magical, it is destroyed in the process. If she
wishes, the character may reflexively spend 1 willpower upon a successful hit to carry on to Step 7 as if the
character had hit with a normal unarmed Martial Arts attack scoring one success over the target's DV.
Note: The previous Charm was a useless joke. It only worked to screw over mortals, and mortals with perfect
weapons basically ignored it anyway. TMA may be low-powered, but failing against mortals is just too much. Also,
excessively complex. Not anymore.

Flashing Zephyr Speed Stance

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Action
Prereqs: Even Blade Form
[Insert fluff here.] This Charm alters the statistics of a wielded Even Blade form weapon. Until the character's DV
refreshes, the weapon's Speed is reduced by 1, and its Accuracy and Rate are increased by 1. This may not reduce
Speed below 3.
Note: The previous Charm had timing and applicability problems.

Floating Nymph Grace Evasion

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Tick

Prereqs: Even Blade Form

[Insert fluff here.] For one tick, the character reduces her total parry DV penalty by her Martial Arts score.
Note: The previous Charm was better than Bulwark Stance, and had a completely redundant penalty reduction
effect. What the hell. Fixed.

Gruesome Wood King Revelry Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Action
Prereqs: Even Blade Form
[Insert fluff here.] If the character's unarmed Martial Arts attacks successfully deal lethal damage, the character
regains one mote per health level of lethal damage inflicted, up to a maximum of her Permanent Essence rating.
Any combination of Charms including Gruesome Wood King Revelry Technique may not regain more than 20 motes
per action.
Note: Original charm was ridiculously overpowered. Better than Abyssal Charms. Idiotic. Removed. Standard mote
gain clause implemented. Probably still overpowered even like this.
The Variant of Master Azure Crane

Loving Heart Stance

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prereqs: Fiery Garda Force Attack, Flashing Zephyr Speed Stance, Floating Nymph Grace Evasion, Gruesome Wood
King Revelry Technique
[Insert fluff here.] This Charm grants an unarmed Martial Arts counterattack upon successfully parrying an attack.
The dice pool for this counterattack is equal to the character's Martial Arts score plus the number of successes by
which the original attack failed.
Note: Original Charm was wildly overpowered. Scenelong counterattack in TMA at full dice pools. Right. Pull the
other one.

Loyal Dancing Lovers Technique

Cost: 7m 1w; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Scene
Prereqs: Loving Heart Stance
[Insert fluff here.] While this Charm is active, the character must choose between either of the following modes,
between which she may switch reflexively when her DV refreshes: a single reflexive full-pool attack she may use at
any time until her next DV refresh, or the benefit of a +2 shield/cover bonus to her DV. Regardless of which mode
she chooses, she reduces the total DV penalty inflicted upon her by making unarmed Martial Arts attacks by 2. For
example, if she made a flurry of three attacks with -1 DV penalties, she would only suffer a total of -1 to her DV from
that flurry, rather than -3.

Silver-Voiced Nightingale Style

Weapons and Armor
Silver-Voiced Nightingale Style is not compatible with any weapons, though its musical katas have little need for
them. The style is compatible with all light and medium armor.
Complementary Abilities
Students of Silver-Voiced Nightingale Style must possess at least two dots of Performance in order to master the
basic vocal techniques needed to use Charms of the style. Performance specialties in singing can be counted
towards this requirement.
New Keyword: Vocal
Charms with the Vocal keyword require a character to sing in order to use them. Singing requires the character to
be able to speak, and makes stealth impossible.
Inspiring Battle Hymn
Cost: 3m
Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Vocal, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The martial artist's voice rises in a song of triumph even as the battle begins, her allies taking heart and fighting
even more fiercely. The martial artist can supplement a Join Battle or Join War roll with this Charm, adding one
automatic success to her roll as she sings. She may substitute her Performance for her Awareness in calculating the
dice pool if it is higher. All the martial artist's allies also add a single automatic success to their own initiative rolls. If
a character benefits from this bonus, they are considered to have Valor 3 for the rest of the scene for purposes of
determining if they must suppress their Valor to take forbidden actions (but still use their normal Valor rating for all
other purposes). A character may resist this unnatural mental influence without needing to spend Willpower or gain
Limit, but doing so denies them the bonus success on their roll.

Terrifying Battle Shriek

Cost: 5m
Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Vocal
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The martial artist's voice rises in a deafening overture, promising horrible death to her foes. The martial artist sings
a mocking lyric to a single foe, intimidating him with her song as she rolls (Charisma + Martial Arts) as a social
attack. If her roll overcomes her enemy's MDVs, her foe cowers in fear, delaying their next action and DV refresh by
a single tick as if the Speed of their previous action had been retroactively increased. In addition, they suffer a -1
internal penalty on all combat-related rolls and on all Conviction and Valor rolls for the rest of the scene unless they
pay a point of Willpower to resist this unnatural mental influence. Once a character has spent two Willpower

resisting this influence, they are immune to it for the rest of the scene. Once the martial artist activates this Charm,
they cannot do so again for the rest of their action.

Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form

Cost: 5m
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Vocal
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Inspiring Battle Hymn, Terrifying Battle Shriek
Standing straight and pitching her voice to reach all her listener's, the martial artist sings a song that rings out with
exquisite clarity. By moving in time to the music, she is able to achieve an exceptional battle rhythm, reducing the
Speed of all combat-related actions she takes by 1, to a minimum of Speed 3. In addition the martial artist can be
awarded a second stunt for any combat-related action she takes if she also describes her song or musical stylings
as she takes the action. Both stunts add their dice to the action, but the martial artist cannot claim the reward of
both stunts if she succeeds, instead taking only the higher of the two. Other characters, including her enemies, can
also be awarded stunts for singing as they act, but they cannot stack the stunt dice from both as the martial artist
can. Players should be careful to not spend so much time describing their actions that it slows down gameplay.
Giving a brief description that alternates between physical action and song or singing an appropriate lyric before
rolling dice is preferable to describing the two stunts in full and excessive detail.

Harmony in Opposition Stance

Cost: 4m, 1wp
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form
The martial artist moves in perfect counterpoint to her opponent's every actions, carrying out an elegant and
deadly duet. When her foe moves, she moves, just like that. The martial artist chooses a single enemy she can see,
perfectly matching the rhythm of his motions. The martial artist may ignore up to her (Performance) in penalties to
her Dodge and unarmed Parry DVs when defending against that enemy's attacks. In addition, the martial artist's
grace and captivating beauty compel her enemy to join her in the music of battle, forcing him to sing each time he
takes a non-reflexive action unless he succeeds on a Temperance roll at difficulty 1. This unnatural mental influence
can be resisted for the rest of the scene for a cost of two Willpower. If the martial artist wishes to choose a different
designed enemy, she must cancel and reactivate this Charm. With Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form active, she may
maintain multiple activations of this Charm to gain its benefits against multiple enemies. If at least one instance of
the Charm is active, she may waive the Willpower cost of subsequent activations.

Heartsong Meditation
Cost: 5m
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive (Step 9)

Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack

Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Harmony in Opposition Stance
Listening to the music of the heart's rhythm, the martial artist catches a snatch of notes that reveal her opponent's
deepest self. Understanding the rhythm of his soul, she then unleashes an attack that harmonizes perfectly with it,
an attack that cannot miss. This Charm can be activated in response to any attack made against the martial artist,
allowing her reflexively read the motivation of her attacker. She may substitute her Performance for her
Investigation or Socialize in calculating the dice pool if it is higher. She may then make an unarmed Martial Arts
counterattack against him.
In addition, if the martial artist succeeds on the roll to read her foe's motivation, she may form an Intimacy of
understanding towards that character. Doing so causes her counterattack to be automatically unexpected. Having
heard the heartsong of her foe, she knows how to strike in perfect harmony with it. Once the martial artist
successfully reads a character's motivations with this Charm and forms the Intimacy, all further counterattacks
granted by it against that opponent in the same scene are automatically unexpected. Her opponent can pay a point
of Willpower to mask his heartsong, requiring the martial artist to once again read his motivations in order to
benefit from further unexpected attacks.

Haunting Heart-Rending Melody

Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Vocal
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form
The martial artist sings a stirring melody that arouses passion and deep emotion, infusing the each note with aural
essence. The martial artist rolls (Charisma + Martial Arts) as a social attack against the Dodge MDV of all characters
who can hear her. Those whose MDVs are exceed immediately gain a positive Intimacy towards the martial artist
unless they pay two Willpower to resist it for the rest of the scene. The emotional context of the Intimacy gained is
chosen by the affected character's player; allies and bystanders might gain Intimacies of love or camaraderie, while
enemies might take on Intimacies of grudging respect. In addition, affected characters must pay an additional point
of Willpower to resist social attacks made by the martial artist, as well as any mental influence exerted by all other
Silver-Voiced Nightingale Style Charms, for the rest of the scene. Willpower costs cannot be raised above five points.
This Charm can be used in social combat as well as in mass combat, but its effects are diminished if the martial
artist cannot combine martial katas with song. Used outside of social combat, all characters receive a +2 bonus to
their MDVs to resist this unnatural mental influence, and only need spend one point of Willpower to resist it.

Aria of Victory
Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Vocal, War
Duration: Insstant
Prerequisite Charms: Haunting Heart-Rending Melody

The martial artist sings softly in a minor key, a tranquil harmony that calms hearts and stills passions. But as she
sees the struggle and strife around her, her heart proclaims, "no more!" Shifting into a major key, her voice swells
with glory and with wrath, a battle-anthem to give hope to her friends, and to shatter the armies of her foes. The
martial artist rolls (Charisma + Martial Arts) as a social attack against the Dodge MDV of all characters who can
hear her. Those of her enemies whose MDVs are overcome are filled with fear, suffering a -1 external penalty on
attacks made against the martial artist or her allies, and a -1 penalty to their DVs against attacks made by those
However, the martial artist's allies are filled with courage and boldness by the same song. Allied characters affected
by this influence can channel Conviction or Valor without needing to spend a Virtue channel, and add a single die to
all rolls made with those Virtues. The martial artist always receives the benefits of this benign mental influence. In
mass combat, this also adds one to the Morale of any unit commanded by the martial artist or an affected ally. This
unnatural mental influence lasts one scene, and can be resisted for a cost of three Willpower, no matter which
variant affects a character.

Voice of the Night Bird

Cost: 4m, 1wp
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Vocal
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form
The martial artist shouts a violent kiai, channeling deadly essence through her voice. While this Charm is active, the
martial artist is capable of making kiais as unarmed Martial Arts attacks, rolling ([Dexterity or Charisma] + Martial
Arts). Making a kiai attack is Vocal and requires the martial artist to spend a single mote. They are treated as form
weapons of the Silver-Voiced Nightingale Style, but are not considered unarmed attacks for other styles. These
powerful vocal strikes have statistics of Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage +10L, Range 100, Rate 1. A character that
takes lethal damage from a kiai attack is stunned until their next action.

Resounding Songbird's Cry

Cost: 6m, 1wp
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious, Vocal
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Voice of the Night Bird
Throwing her head back and closing her eyes, the martial artist shrieks an awful cry. Glass and crystal shatter
spectacularly, metal warps, and her listeners bleed from the ears as the devastating crescendo comes to its
conclusion. The martial artist's song creates an instantaneous environmental hazard with Trauma (Martial Arts) and
Damage (Charisma + Martial Arts)L that affects all characters within (Performance x 5) yards. Those that take
damage from the hazard suffer a -2 internal penalty from being stunned for the rest of the scene as a Crippling
This attack normally results simply from the destructive vibrations of the martial artist's voice, but she can stunt to
attack in other ways, such as shattering stained glass windows to create a rain of cutting shards, using her voice to
unleash a shockwave, or even more esoteric methods, such as turning the sound of her voice into a wave of
essence blades. A merciful martial artist may choose only to entrance the souls of her foes with captivating music,

in which case the damage dealt is bashing, inanimate objects are not affected, and she may exclude her allies from
the effect.

Harmony-Forging Chorus
Cost: (+2m per ally)
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: War
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Aria of Tranquility, Heartsong Meditation, Resounding Songbird's Cry
With a slicing hand strike, the martial artist cuts off all sounds around her, drawing forth a terrible silence. And then,
the song begins. Every voice of friend and foe rises up in song, the glorious hymn to battle that is the completion of
the Silver-Voiced Nightingale's melody. This Charm upgrades Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form. Upon activating it, the
martial artist may choose up to (Performance) allies that can hear her voice, committing an additional two motes
for each ally chosen. Chosen allies can receive dice bonuses from both normal stunts and musical stunts, stacking
the two bonuses on valid actions. In addition, the martial artist can make coordinate attack or coordinate units
actions reflexively, substituting her Performance for her War if it is higher, so long as she designates only herself
and her chosen allies as participants in the attack. Rather than being delayed until the next time the martial artist
acts, such coordinated attack takes place instantly on the tick the martial artist rolls for them. No more than one
such attempt can be made on any single tick.

Mantis Style
The mantis is a being of deliberation and iron-hard resolve. It knows how to wait, but also how to meet a challenge
with swift force. Its grasp of the battlefield is adamant, draped in a sort of noble dignity as it methodically pulls
apart those that face it, leaving them nothing but a quivering wreck.
Mantis Style is one of the oldest martial arts in Creation, a clear and obvious outgrowth of some of the defining
principles of supernatural martial arts. Its techniques are relatively simple, archaic even, but they are effective and
Weapons and Armor: The mantis is lightly armored but has a sure grasp of anything it gets in its claws. Practitioners
of the Mantis Style may wear light armor and may wield any Martial Arts weapon with its Charms, treating attacks
with them as unarmed.

Leaping Mantis Technique

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Swift and sure, the mantis appears before its foe ready to take matters in hand (or claw). This Charm may enhance
a Join Battle action, adding additional dice equal to the practitioner's Martial Arts rating to the roll. The martial artist
may also perform a reflexive Jump action along with her Join Battle roll (see Exalted, p. 127 and 144 for rules on
jumping), as long as it is towards a foe or moves her closer to where she believes a foe to be.
The martial artist may also use this Charm after having already entered combat, in which case this Charm enhances
a standard Jump action, eliminating the DV penalty for that action and adding the character's Martial Arts to the
(Strength + Athletics) pool used to calculate her leap's distance. A Jump enhanced this way may also benefit from

Martial Arts Excellencies used to enhance the character's (Strength + Athletics + Martial Arts) pool to increase the
distance covered.

Iron-Arm Block
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: Leaping Mantis Technique
Like unassailable chitin walls, the mantis' forearms are not merely weapons but also shields. This Charm enhances
the martial artist's attempts to make unarmed Martial Arts-based parries. In addition to allowing him to parry lethal
and ranged attacks barehanded without a stunt, he gains a +2 cover bonus to his DV. As a cover bonus, this does
not count as a dice bonus from Charms.

Mantis Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Iron-Arm Block
Adopting a straight but somehow askew posture, the martial artist gains both nobility and a rock-hard but delicate
grip. Her dignity sets her apart, aloof from the carnage that may surround her as she wades into battle and does
what must be done. For the scene the character's unarmed Martial Arts attacks may inflict lethal damage if they
would instead deal bashing, and she ignores onslaught penalties to her Martial Arts-based Parry DV as long as she is
defending herself with a Martial Arts weapon or her bare hands.
A martial artist who adopts the Mantis Form and is Essence 3+ may improve the benefits of her Iron-Arm Block.
Invoked normally, it provides a shield bonus to her DV equal to her permanent Essence. Alternatively, it may be
invoked as if it were not a Charm activation at the normal +2 bonus. This latter use of Iron-Arm Block adds the
Obvious keyword to the Charm.

Grasping Claw Method

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Mantis Form
The mantis first removes the threat to itself, dispassionately and purposefully, before moving on to the more
pressing matter of what to do with its prey. This Charm is an unarmed Martial Arts attack that is resolved as a
normal attack that inflicts damage as well as an attempt to disarm the target (Exalted, p. 158). The attack suffers
no external penalty for the disarm attempt.
Rather than simply sending the weapon flying, if the attack hits and would inflict at least one level of damage in
hand-to-hand combat, the martial artist may choose to deal only a single level of damage to the target but take
hold of their weapon. If the character wishes to then wield the weapon, this Charm counts as a reflexive Ready
Weapon action.

Grasping Mantis Defense

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)

Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Grasping Claw Method
Like a mantis finally reaching out to take hold of its prey, the martial artist strikes quickly and ensures that her foe
cannot harm her. This Charm may only be invoked when the martial artist is using her Martial Arts-based Parry DV
in close combat to defend herself against an attack. As long as she successfully blocks the attack she may then
attempt a counterattack to clinch and hold the attacker. If the martial artist successfully initiates the clinch, the
attacker becomes inactive and on the martial artist's next action tick the two begin fighting for control of the clinch
normally. The mantis stylist cannot perform a crush or break hold before her next action tick; she simply maintains
the new clinch until then.
Joint-Locking Technique
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until the clinch ends
Prerequisite Charms: Mantis Form
The mantis drags its victims close with inexorable strength, ensuring that there is no escape once it has chosen
them. This Charm may only be activated to enhance an unarmed Martial Arts action to maintain control of a
previously established clinch. Use of Joint-Locking Technique adds (character's Essence) extra successes to the roll
to control the clinch and continues to do so until the martial artist's foe gains control or the martial artist ends the

Crushing Claw Technique

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until the clinch ends
Prerequisite Charms: Joint-Locking Technique
This Charm enhances an unarmed Martial Arts clinch attempt to crush a foe, adding (character's Martial Arts) to the
raw damage of the crush and allowing it to inflict lethal damage rather than bashing. This bonus persists as long as
the martial artist maintains control of the clinch and attempts to crush the victim every action.

Joint-Disabling Attack
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Crushing Claw Technique
There is only one end to the feeble struggle of the mantis' prey, but to ease and speed along this conclusion the
mantis crushes, twists and disables them to make its job easier. This Charm enhances an attempt to crush a foe
with an unarmed Martial Arts clinch. If the crush would have ended with at least one die of post-soak damage,
rather than inflicting damage it inflicts the equivalent of one amputation crippling effect of the martial artist's
choice (see Exalted, p. 152). The martial artist may only disable hands, arms and legs this way, and they are not

actually amputated. This Crippling effect lasts for the rest of the scene and should likely result in situational internal
penalties to continue resisting grapples or other actions in which an arm or leg is often useful but not absolutely

Flying Mantis Kick

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant.
Prerequisite Charms: Mantis Form
As one action the mantis leaps and strikes. This Charm enhances an unarmed Martial Arts attack, allowing it to be
accompanied by a reflexive leap towards the target, putting the target within range of the attack if they were not
already in reach. This jump is calculated using Martial Arts instead of Athletics (see Exalted, p. 127). If it hits, extra
successes count double for determining the raw damage of the attack. This Charm is useless if the intended target
is already within range.
The combined action of jumping and attacking counts as a single normal Jump action for the purposes of Leaping
Mantis Technique, allowing that Charm to enhance the soaring assault. This eliminates the DV penalty of the attack
and adds (Martial Arts) to the pool used to calculate the leap's maximum distance.

Unfolding Retribution Stance

Cost: ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-Enhancing
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Grasping Mantis Defense, Joint-Disabling Attack, Flying Mantis Kick
Amongst the most dangerous of foes, the master of Mantis Style sits patiently, awaiting the mistake that will put his
enemy at his mercy. With aplomb he gently takes his foe in hand and then squeezes the life from them, or, if he is
generous, merely teaches them a lasting lesson and lets them go. Ah, the vagaries of the inscrutable mantis!
Increasing the cost of the character's Mantis Form by one mote permanently, while that Charm is active Unfolding
Retribution Stance allows the martial artist to activate Grasping Mantis Defense as if it were not a Charm, requiring
no Combos to do so. He may do so only once per tick. Instead of taking advantage of Grasping Mantis Defense on
his action tick, the martial artist may activate Flying Mantis Kick once as if it were not a Charm.

Ebon Shadow Style

As the Primordial War was won a Night Caste Solar died. Already knowing of his great deeds and the end of the war,
the recipient of his Exaltation thought herself unworthy of such a storied and grand power. She prayed daily that
the Unconquered Sun would pass the Exaltation on to someone more worthy or, at least, bestow on her a different
caste. One day her prayers seemed to be answered in the night by the dark from of what appeared to be Ignis
Divine himself. He taught her many techniques to take advantage of the shadows and that even at night the Sun is
the restless guardian of Creation. Her subtlety and lonesome disposition was only one facet of the many great ways
in which the Sun watched over the world.
This tutor passed on to the Solar Ebon Shadow Style, and when she had mastered it she knew that she was not
taught by the Unconquered Sun but by his faithful shadow Five Days Darkness. She understood, then, that even the
humble and least of Creations rulers must be dedicated in their way to the task and take it up however they may.
While she was not as inclined as others to shine with golden power, still she could slip through the shadows and
root out the enemies that the Ebon Dragon and his Yozi brethren, and others, had left there. She took the name
Ebon Shadows Graceful Daughter and, though never lauded as a paragon of the First Age Solar society, her wisdom
and lessons have been passed on to this day.

Weapons and Armor: Ebon Shadow Style treats as unarmed those attacks made with fighting chains, sai and their
artifact equivalents. It is incompatible with armor.
Complementary Abilities: Students of Ebon Shadow Style must have at least two dots of Stealth to learn its Charms.

Image of Death Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
Some say that the shadow is a unique part of you, one that flees with your death. Surely, this is yokel superstition
confusing the po soul for the shadow, and it is plain to see that dead bodies cast shadows. But are they the same
cast by living bodies? When a martial artist activates this Charm he swallows his shadow and takes on a darker
aspect of his own, stepping onto the threshold between life and death. A martial artist under the effects of this
Charm has no shadow, which other characters may notice with a normal reflexive Awareness roll. The difficulty
should range from 1-5 depending on available light and how obvious the shadow would be.
While this Charm is active the martial artist lives on the edge of being a shade, the remnants of the living. He is still
alive, but somehow less so. The character adds his Martial Arts rating to his (Stamina + Resistance) when suffering
hardship (Exalted, p. 129), whether to stave off death from dehydration or rolling to stay awake for long periods.
The character also ignores one point of internal penalty from such hardships. Finally, the time he can hold his
breath (Exalted, p. 130) is multiplied by his Martial Arts rating.
If the martial artist stays perfectly still, he appears dead to all mundane senses. Only a magically enhanced
diagnosis can tell that he is actually alive and under the effects of a Charm. This is a visual trick that is not a form of
influence; it can be seen through with magic like Eye of the Unconquered Sun but characters cannot spend
Willpower to overcome the trickery

Wall Climbing Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisite Charms: None
While this Charm lasts the martial artist automatically succeeds on any valid roll to climb without mishap (Exalted,
p. 145). In addition, she may maintain her full movement rates while climbing, rather than half. The character may
climb by simply running along a surface, leaving her hands free for other tasks. However, she must keep moving
(covering at least one yard with a Move or Dash action) to do so.

Distracting Finger-Gesture Attack

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Action-Only, Combo-OK, Illusion, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Wrapping a bit of his shadow around his fingers and sending it flying through the air, the martial artist catches the
eye of his opponent with a black simulacrum of himself, his foe or some other trick of sight. It vanishes over the
course of a few seconds, but it captivates the target. The martial artist rolls (Dexterity + Martial Arts), adding extra

successes equal to his permanent Essence, against the Dodge MDV of a target within (Essence x 5) yards. If the
targets MDV is insufficient to protect them, they increase the Speed of their current action by a number of ticks
equal to half the practitioners Martial Arts rating. A target may prevent this increased wait until his next action tick
by spending two Willpower to see through the unnatural illusion, but they may only do so the instant they fail to
resist the attack. Once successfully distracted by the illusion, there is no resisting it. A target that has spent
Willpower to resist this Charm twice need not do so again for the rest of the scene.
If the target is performing a Guard, Aim or other action that they can normally abort, they cannot do so until they
wait through the delay imposed by Distracting Finger-Gesture Attack.

Ebon Shadow Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Image of Death Technique, Wall Climbing Technique, Distracting Finger-Gesture Attack
The martial artist so internalizes the aspects of the shadow that he seems to become one. Though he is not twodimensional, he appears as a featureless, black space shaped like himself. In the uncertain realm of shadows, the
martial artist is king, and his subjects love and embrace him. In areas where shadows would aid attempts at
Stealth, attacks against the martial artist suffer an external penalty equal to half his permanent Essence. When the
martial artist is actually sneaking and hiding, Awareness rolls to notice him suffer an external penalty equal to his
Essence. Finally, the martial artist may mete out gentle redress or vicious punishment, inflicting his choice of
bashing or lethal with his unarmed Martial Arts attacks.
In addition to the benefits above, a martial artist who has Essence 3+, has adopted the Ebon Shadow Form and is in
shadow may increase Wall Climbing Techniques cost by one mote to activate it as if it were not a Charm.

Seven Points of Weakness Strike

Cost: 3m or 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Ebon Shadow Form
Attuned to the shadow realm as she is, the martial artist can find the shadows in her foes hearts and, so, the
weaknesses that they hide. This Charm enhances an unarmed Martial Arts attack, reducing the targets soak
against the attack by (Martial Arts + Essence), to a minimum of zero. This only affects armor soak if the martial
artist pays three motes, but may affect natural soak as well for five motes. It is easier to cut ties to belongings than

Limb-Immobilizing Method
Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Seven Points of Weakness Strike
The martial artist slips sinuously through the battlefield to steal away the puissance of his enemies, leaving them
open to the finality of his shadowy justice. This Charm enhances an unarmed Martial Arts attack in close combat,
and as it snakes through the air trailing black, smoky contrails it cannot be blocked. The martial artist may choose
to pull the blow to deal less severe or less total damage without suffering any external penalty. If the attack hits, it

also inflicts the equivalent of a Crippling amputation effect (Exalted, p. 152) on one of the targets limbs, chosen by
the practitioner when he activates this Charm. The limb that is targeted is not actually removed, and returns to
normal functionality at the end of the scene.
This Charm disrupts the chakra points of the target. Without Occult 3+ a martial artist lacks the mystical knowledge
to disrupt the similar patterns that motivate the walking dead and automata.

Paralyzing Touch Attack

Cost: (+1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Crippling
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Limb-Immobilizing Method
Refining her ability to disrupt others Essence flows, when an Ebon Shadow stylist learns the Paralyzing Touch Attack
she becomes capable of increasing the activation cost of Limb-Immobilizing Method by one Willpower. Rather than
simply concealing her blow and making it harder to avoid, the swirling shadows that surround her attack twist and
fly through the air to wrap around the target, pulling the unprepared victim closer to the shadow realm. Instead of
inflicting an amputation effect, the Charm converts any levels of damage that the attack would inflict into a penalty
to the targets Dexterity. This internal penalty applies to all of their Dexterity-based dice pools, though as usual it
cannot reduce them below the targets Essence on its own. However, if the target suffers an internal penalty from
this Charm that is equal to or greater than their (Dexterity + Resistance), they are rendered Inactive (Exalted, p.
143). Just like its prerequisite, the effects of this Charm last for the scene.

Elusive Flicker Evasion

Cost: (1m); Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-Enhancing
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ebon Shadow Form
While the characters Ebon Shadow Form is active, in addition to the penalty it imposes on others Awareness rolls
to spot him the martial artist also gains (Essence) extra successes on his Stealth rolls to remain hidden while in
concealing shadows. On top of this, the martial artist may reflexively pay one mote to ignore any penalties to his
Dodge DV against an attack, in or out of shadows.
[size=14]Blow-Concealing Gesture Technique[/size]
Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Action-Only, Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: One tick
Prerequisite Charms: Elusive Flicker Evasion
Wrapping her attacks in the expectations of others and the misdirections she knows so well, the martial artist fools
everyone into thinking that she does nothing. This Charm conceals all of the practitioners unarmed Martial Arts
attacks for the rest of the tick with an unnatural illusion, forcing others to believe that she has not made any attacks
at all. This affects only characters who are not the direct targets of the attacks, and only those whose Dodge MDV is
less than (martial artists Martial Arts + Essence). Ebon Shadow Stylists use this Charm to conceal both
assassinations in crowded dining parties as well as running street battles between rival schools. It costs two
Willpower to see through this unnatural illusion during the tick the Charm is activated; after that time has passed,
one cannot remember what one did not see.

Shadow-Body Style
Cost: (1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Form-Enhancing
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Blow-Concealing Gesture Technique
Nearing the pinnacle of Five Days Darkness knowledge of the shadow, the martial artist becomes indistinct as he is
to his beloved Unconquered Sun. When the character adopts the Ebon Shadow Form he becomes fuzzier around the
edges, and is only clearly a humanoid shape of some kind. This duplicates the identity-concealing effect of the Night
Caste anima banner (Exalted, p. 98). This does not flare his anima if he has one. In addition, any motes spent from
the martial artists Peripheral pool on Ebon Shadow Style Charms do not count towards his anima banner flaring, as
if they were Personal motes. This does include the initial mote cost spent activating Ebon Shadow Form.
The character may also become even more shadow-like, slipping through the cracks and into any dark place. By
performing an appropriate movement action and paying one Willpower, the characters Move and Dash actions
during that tick can validly be made through spaces normally too small for a person to go. He can fit through any
space wide enough for a finger and as tall as a handspan. If this movement does not carry him all the way to the
other side of a barrier, he must reactivate this effect continually until he exits. Failure to do so inflicts three levels of
unsoakable lethal damage on him as he is ejected from his entry point. The martial artist cannot use this effect
while suffering the all-seeing rays of direct sunlight from the Daystar or the Unconquered Sun himself.
Shadow-Stepping Motion
Cost: 7m (+1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Paralyzing Touch Attack, Shadow-Body Style
The martial artist knows the cold embrace of the shadow realm and treasures it, knowing that it can carry her
through any tribulation in any place. This Charm is a special form of movement action, taking the place of the
characters other Move or Dash actions on the tick it is used. Spending seven motes, the character steps into a
handy shadow and emerges from another shadow she can see within (Essence x 100) yards. Like Shadow-Body
Styles barrier-bypassing effect, Shadow-Stepping Motion cannot function under direct sunlight.
By adding a point of Willpower to this Charms cost, the martial artist can step out of a shadow up to (Essence)
miles away, even if she cannot see the destination currently. However, she must have seen the destination
previously, either personally or through some scrying magic. Traveling this way takes up the entire span of time
between the characters actions, beginning with the tick the Charm is activated and her next action tick. If the
target destination has no suitable shadows within 100 yards, this Charm fails but the cost is not refunded.
Barriers to teleportation and trespass have varying effects against this Charm. Obstructing magic that merely
discourages the martial artist from approaching, like a Spirit-Desolating Sphere or Lesser Ward, are useless against
it. Effects that pose a physical or physically harmful barrier, like the Ward Against (Creature) thaumaturgical ritual,
may be bypassed according to the effects rules as if the martial artist were attempting to pass through the barrier
normally. Effects that outright bar teleportation are contested as per normal Charm conflict.

Righteous Devil Style

This style is Solar-aspected; those who are not Solar Exalted or heavily infused with Solar Essence (such as the
Unconquered Sun, spirits that tend the Day Star and others) must pay an additional mote of Essence to activate any
Charm in the style. This surcharge is not committed. In addition, Solars and Solar-aspected characters who know
this style increase the Accuracy of their flame-discharge weapons by one and their Damage by two when making
attacks with them. This bonus does not apply if the Solar-aspected character has become a creature of darkness,
and such characters must also pay the surcharge to activate the styles Charms as if they were not Solar-aspected.

Weapons and Armor: Righteous Devil Style is unusual, in that its Charms are mostly compatible only with firedischarging weapons specifically, and not with normal unarmed attacks. This distinction is noted in Charms where it
matters. When this styles Charms note that they enhance flame-discharge weapon attacks, this applies to either
Martial Arts or other Abilities, such as Archery, and appropriate Charms of any such Ability (or other trait) can be
placed in Combos with Charms of this style. This style is compatible with armor.
Complementary Abilities: Righteous Devil stylists must have at least two dots in Archery to learn the style. It is
strongly advised that they also possess any Craft skills necessary to perform regular maintenance on their
weapons, as flamepieces and firewands can be notoriously finicky devices.

Kiss of the Sun Concentration

Cost: 1m+; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Like the rays of the Daystar beating down on the endless, flat expanses of the South, the Righteous Devils
retribution can and does touch all within sight. This Charm enhances a flame-discharge weapon attack, increasing
its Range by a number of yards equal to the martial artists permanent Essence for every mote spent activating the
Charm, to a maximum of (Martial Arts) motes.

Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Kiss of the Sun Concentration
With this Charm the martial artist breathes deeply and with the release of his breath he fires. From his mouth he
expels a few golden sparks that feed the fire racing from his weapon, causing it to expand as it goes into a great
fireball larger than a man. The edges may singe things that get too close, but this does not allow the attack to
meaningfully harm extra targets. This Charm enhances a flame-discharge weapon attack, adding the practitioners
Martial Arts to the raw damage of the attack in Step 7 of resolution.

Lightning Draw Stance

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Black and gold lightning wreathes the martial artists hands and arc towards his gun and his ammo as he reaches
for them. This Charm may be activated as a reflexive Ready Weapon action whether to draw a flame-discharge
weapon of personal scale or to reload such a weapon as per a normal miscellaneous action to do so.

Blessing of the Righteous Solar Spark

Cost: 2m per weapon; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Holy, Obvious

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Charms: Lightning Draw Stance
Performing a quick benediction over his weapons, the stylist invokes the name of the Unconquered Sun, bathing the
guns in heatless, blue-tinged golden flames. For two motes this Charm hallows up to two personal scale flamedischarge weapons, making them Holy so that any attacks they are used to make for the rest of the scene cause
aggravated damage to creatures of darkness. This includes both normal shots fired with them as well as using them
as improvised weapons to club a foe. This Charm cannot bestow blessings on demon-tainted weapons such as those
fashioned or corrupted with vitriol. This benefit applies to the weapons only while they are wielded by the martial
artist himself. If he willing hands them over to someone elses use this Charm ends prematurely.

Righteous Devil Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Form-type, War
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique, Blessing of the Righteous Solar Spark
The world stills as the Righteous Devil faces his foe, others sure to watch without interfering. While this Charm is
active the martial artist may call out a foe, whether a single person or a singular social group. The chosen
opponent or group must step into the open and face the martial artist, though they may remain behind cover
sufficient to provide a DV bonus without making attacks impossible against them. They must remain so for at least
one long tick, after which if the Righteous Devil fails to engage them in physical combat they are free to go. Once
the martial artist (or one of the chosen villains) initiates combat, however, the unnatural compulsion persists until
the fight is over or the martial artist is dead or ends the Charm. Targets called out with this Charm may ignore its
influence by spending four points of Willpower, and falling back to make any ranged attack does not require
resisting this effect.
Just as the villain is shamed into the open, bystanders and minions are cowed into watching or fleeing the
exchange. While a target is called out, witnesses are compelled to stay out of the fight or flee the area as they
desire. This normally costs three Willpower to ignore, but if the witness sincerely believes the target that was called
out is an ally or friend, the cost drops to two Willpower. If the bystander has a positive Intimacy toward the called
out target, the cost drops to one Willpower.
Once the target foe or group is defeated (Incapacitated or worse) the compulsion ends. Until that time, the martial
artist may not call out any other foes.
In mass combat a martial artist acting as a special character may use this Charm to initiate a duel against another
special character in an enemy unit that his own is engaged with. The attempt to start a duel is automatically
successful and cannot be waylaid by either the Righteous Devils or the targets unit commanders, unless those
commanders are willing to spend the Willpower necessary to resist this Charms compulsion. If the Righteous Devils
fellow officers interfere in the duel in some way and he does not make his best attempt to stop them without harm,
this Charm deactivates and cannot be reactivated for the rest of the mass combat.

Cloud of Ebon Devils

Cost: ; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-Enhancing (2), Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Righteous Devil Form
When the martial artist adopts the stance of the Righteous Devil, he surrounds himself in the black, fiery clouds of
ash left from those he has brought to justice. These whirling clouds of phantasmal firedust leap eagerly to harm
those who have yet to suffer the justice they have, carrying the martial artists attacks through the air as penance

for their misdeeds. While Righteous Devil Form is active, the character adds one to the Rate of his personal scale
flame-discharge weapons and uses half the usual ammunition with each shot. This allows him to fire up to the full
Rate of appropriate S-tagged weapons without needing to reload. He may also activate Lightning Draw Stance to
reload his weapons as if it were not a Charm activation.

Garda Flies on Gilded Wings Attack

Cost: ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Righteous Devil Form
This Charm permanently enhances the characters Kiss of the Sun Concentration. As the martial artist pulls the
trigger on his weapon and breathes the sparks that spell doom for his foe, the discharging flames leap out to form
seven gilt-edged wings of white fire. This doubles the distance that Charm adds to the weapons Range for every
mote spent. In addition, Solar Exalted who learn this Charm may activate Kiss of the Sun Concentration as if it were
not a Charm.

Azure Abacus Meditation

Cost: 4m (+1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Until discharged
Prerequisite Charms: Cloud of Ebon Devils, Garda Flies on Golden Wings Attack
The martial artist concentrates on a valid target for one of her flame-discharge weapon attacks when she activates
this Charm, her eyes flashing with tiny blue-black rings and wreathed in azure flames. Activating this Charm costs
four motes and is identical to beginning an Aim action (Exalted, p. 142). It may be aborted or continued like a
normal Aim action. When the character finally makes her aimed attack the rings filling her eyes align and fly out
into the air before her, flaming blue hoops describing the surest path to her target. Rather than one bonus die per
tick, however, this action provides two extra successes to the attack per tick spent aiming. If the attack is against a
creature of darkness, it also becomes undodgeable.
A Solar Exalt who uses this Charm may spend one point of Willpower when discharging it to enhance an attack.
Doing so extends the Holy effect to all attacks for the rest of the tick instead of simply the first attack in a flurry.
This only applies to attacks against the target at which she aimed and only if the flurry includes no attacks against
other targets. This use of the Charm is often accompanied by the disturbing image of flaming blue cherubs, similar
to those created by the spell Infallible Messenger (Exalted, p. 254), flying out of her anima and ferrying word of the
Exalts righteous judgment back to the Unconquered Sun.

Twin Salamander Fist

Cost: 3m or 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Righteous Devil Form
Firing his weapon, the martial artists flaming discharge blasts back harmlessly over the barrel and his arm before
rushing forward with the brunt of the attack, punishing the target twice for its need to be punished. Activated for
three motes, this Charm is a flurry of two attacks using a single flame-discharge weapon against a single target,
ignoring multiple action penalties and Rate and imposing a total DV penalty equal to the highest of any one attack
in the flurry. If the martial artist holds two valid weapons, he may pay six motes to flurry both in the same fashion;

each is used to make two attacks, though each weapon may target a separate foe with their attacks. Each weapon
used to make these attacks only uses up one shots worth of ammunition for their two attacks.

Dance of the Howling Magma Sprites

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Twin Salamander Fist
With this Charm the martial artists flame-discharge weapon attack bursts forth from his weapons barrel, only to
explode in the air into an angry cloud of biting, burning phantoms. When this Charm is used to enhance a flamedischarge weapon attack the attack is rolled once but applied to both the initial target and all other valid targets
within a number of yards of the first target equal to the martial artists permanent Essence. The raw damage
against all the targets does not increase based on the martial artists extra successes on the attack roll; only the
weapons base damage and damage added by Charms applies if a target is hit.
A Solar Exalt who enhances an attack with a Combo that includes this Charm and Blossom of Inevitable Demise
Technique doubles the raw damage provided by the latter Charm.

Phantom Flamebolt Prana

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Righteous Devil Form
The flaming breath of the Righteous Devil covers the world in its warmth, soothing the holy and burning the wicked.
This Charm can enhance a personal scale flame-discharge weapon attack, negating the need for any non-Artifact
ammunition, such as firedust. It may also be used to enhance attacks even if the weapon has the ammunition it
needs from other sources. In either case, the gout of flame becomes translucent and twists lazily through the air,
burning slowly and flowing in no wind anyone on the battlefield knows. This allows the martial artist to ignore the
targets DV bonuses from cover as well as any other physical obstructions to the attack, such as someone who is
attempting to protect the target with a Defend Other action. The ball of fire passes through obstacles with ease,
allowing the martial artist to attack through walls against targets he cannot see, though he still suffers the usual -2
external penalty for firing at someone who is essentially invisible.
When this Charm is used to thwart a Defend Other action, the guardian performing that action may spend three
motes to negate that aspect of the Charm that bypasses Defend Other. The attack still ignores penalties for other
obstructions. Charms that can block unblockable attacks prevent this Charm from bypassing a characters Defend
Other action.

Caress of One Thousand Hells

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Azure Abacus Meditation, Dance of the Howling Magma Sprites, Phantom Flamebolt Prana
In microcosm, the Righteous Devil condemns his foe to suffering and torment just as the Sun and his Chosen
sentenced the Yozis to eternal imprisonment sheathed in their own wickedness. Wearing a crown of lightning and
fire, the martial artists gun spits forth terrible judgment in the form of cobalt-and-gold flames. If the attack hits and

ends with at least one die of post-soak damage in Step 8 of resolution, the target is subject to a Crippling effect.
This effect is resolved similarly to a Poison (Exalted, p. 130-131) though it is not otherwise resisted as a Poison
effect. This shaming pain has the following traits: Damage 3*/action, Toxicity (martial artists Essence), Tolerance /
, Penalty (martial artists Essence). As noted by the asterisk, it inflicts no actual damage. Doses stack just like a
normal poison.
In addition to the punishing virtue that enflames a targets guilt and sends them into paroxysms of shame, if a
target suffers this Charms Crippling effect they are also caught in consuming red, blue and gold flames. This is an
environmental hazard with Damage (martial artists Essence)L/action, Trauma (martial artists Essence). The
Damage becomes aggravated against creatures of darkness. It cannot be doused normally, though enchanted or
magically produced water (as with the Dragon-Blooded Elemental Bolt Attack) can quench the flames and end the
Charms effect prematurely.
One mercy of this Charm is that both the pain and the fire it inflicts can be resisted with a single reflexive (Stamina
+ Resistance) roll, making it easier on players and characters who need roll (and apply Excellencies) only once per

Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style

Weapons and Armor: This style treats as unarmed attacks those made with fan, sash, cape and rope. Without
appropriate reinforcement (as a war fan or rope dart), such weapons are rarely useful. Some have artifact
equivalents, like the fate ring or forms of magical clothing. Most clothing and similar things are too flimsy to serve
as weapons for this style, but those that are specially weighted (usually at negligible increased cost) can serve as
improvised weapons that are compatible with the style. They generally have Speed 6, Accuracy -3, Damage +0B to
+4B, Defense -2, Rate 2. Many carry the R tag.
There is a thaumaturgical ritual from the Art of Enchantment known as Careful Master Peacock Attire (2,
Intelligence, 3, One week) that is often used to reinforce clothing for use with this style. It transforms ordinary
clothing of any quality into subtle protective gear that gives its wearer +1L/1B armor soak that stacks with standard
forms of armor but not similar sources of soak (such as steelsilk clothing, which is a suitable artifact substitute).
Clothing or other objects so enchanted are sturdy enough to be used at least as improvised weapons that are
compatible with Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Styles Charms. Increasing their Artifact or Resources cost by one allows
them to be used as real weapons, eliminating the Accuracy penalty their equivalent improvised version would
This style is incompatible with armor.
Complementary Abilities: Dreaming Pearl Courtesans must have at least one dot in either Performance or Presence
as well as one dot in Socialize.

Demure Carp Feint

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: None
The distracting beauty of the martial artists hand gestures and flashing fans make it difficult to bring oneself to
strike her and, even when violence is sought, to strike true. This Charm can only be used when the character can
validly apply her own Martial Arts-based Parry DV with an unarmed free hand or with a form weapon of Dreaming
Pearl Courtesan Style. It grants her a cover bonus to DV equal to the Defense trait of her weapon. This does not
count as a dice bonus from Charms and this bonus is based only on the Defense of the weapon in question, not any
external bonuses that may increase the weapons Defense like Perfected Kata Bracers. Magical material bonuses
and the like are not external bonuses. If a weapons Defense is 1 or less, this Charms distracting kata still provides
a cover bonus of +2.

Pearlescent Filigree Defense

Cost: 1m per +1L/1B soak; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
Captivating as baubles and precious treasures, still the shining beetle carapace and oil-slick, rainbow surface of
cabochons are impenetrable and sturdy. Activating this Charm, the stylist adopts this same combination of fortitude
and sparkling countenance, a prismatic sheen falling over his skin and clothing to turn aside blows and amaze
onlookers. Every mote spent on this Charm increases his natural soak by +1L/1B for the rest of the scene, up to a
maximum of (Martial Arts) motes.

Lethal Paper Fan Attack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Leaving behind a white cloud of afterimages in the air, the martial artists attacks are fierce and fast, even with
weapons like clothing. The world shivers with the cutting precision of the martial artist. Used to enhance an
unarmed Martial Arts attack, this Charm reduces its Speed by one, to a minimum of 3, and raises the weapons
Accuracy to +0 if it would be lower. If the weapon already has Accuracy +0 or higher, this Charm adds one to its

Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form

Cost: 7m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Demure Carp Feint, Pearlescent Filigree Defense, Lethal Paper Fan Attack
The Dreaming Pearl Courtesan is the center of attention, always accompanied by fluttering allies. When adopting
this form the character releases up to (Essence) weapons that are treated as unarmed for this styles purposese
(not her own hands or feet, of course). They float in the air, surrounding her like a gossiping crowd. As long as one
such weapon flies free, the martial artist may make a single, reflexive unarmed Martial Arts attack every action tick.
In addition, all of her unarmed Martial Arts attacks (including her reflexive one) gain bonus dice to hit their targets
equal to the number of flying weapons that surround her.
An attack that successfully inflicts at least one level of damage to the martial artist may also knock one of her
accessories out of the air, the attacker sacrificing one level of damage to do so. This causes no permanent harm to
the prop, but without reactivating this Charm the flying weapon no longer counts for the bonuses the Form
In social combat, these floating accessories help to emphasize the martial artists intentions. She gains the same
dice bonus to her Performance- and Presence-based social attacks as she does to her unarmed Martial Arts attacks.
The weapons flit about, acting out, twisting, moving the air and framing the characters face and actions to call
attention to her points as she desires.
While this Form Charm is active, it also enhances the use of its prerequisite Charms in the following ways:
Demure Carp Feint: On the tick the martial artist activates Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form and until her next
action tick, she may activate Demure Carp Feint as if it were not a Charm. By reflexively paying a two-mote

surcharge, the martial artist may do so again after having already activated this Form. The Charm also gains the
Social keyword while this Form Charm is active, allowing it to apply its DV bonus as bonus dice to shield the users
motivations (Exalted, p. 131) and to enhance Socialize rolls to set up an unexpected social attack. These social
combat options do count as a dice bonus from Charms.
Pearlescent Filigree Defense: The soak bonus provided by this Charm increases to +1L/2B per mote. Every two
motes spent on the Charm also increases the characters Appearance for the scene, but only to a maximum of
(Essence) additional dots. No combination of Charms that includes this one may increase Appearance by more than
a total of (Essence) dots, and dice provided this way count as a Charm bonus.
Lethal Paper Fan Attack: If a weapons Accuracy would be less than +0, it rises to +1. If it is already +0 or higher,
it is increased by +2. Taking advantage of this benefit increases the Charms cost by one mote and is optional. This
same surcharge may be applied to give the Charm the Social keyword, allowing it to further emphasize the points
made by the martial artists flying weapons. This enhances a Presence- or Performance-based social attack, making
it unnatural influence that costs one Willpower to ignore as the Dreaming Pearl Courtesans words cut truer and
deeper with her showy emphasis.

Flurry of August Leaves Concentration

Cost: 2m per weapon, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form
The martial artists delicate movements extend through her awareness of herself into the props she surrounds
herself with, be they fans of silk or steel, sashes weighted or not, and even the air they fly through. These are her
minions, and they act in concert with her to perfection. This Charm is a flurry of up to (Essence + 1) unarmed
Martial Arts attacks, at least one of which must be made with the characters own hands or a held weapon. The
others may be made with her hands, feet or held items, or by the flying weapons that surround a martial artist who
has activated Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form. Attacks made with flying weapons can validly target foes up to
(Essence x 5) yards away.
The attacks made with this Charm ignore multiple action penalties but not Rate, and impose a DV penalty equal to
the highest of any one attack in the flurry.

Resplendent Sash Grapple Technique

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant or until the clinch ends
Prerequisite Charms: Flurry of August Leaves Concentration
The whirl of high society surrounds the martial artist, deflecting and subduing distractions that are not worth his
time. This Charm is an unarmed Martial Arts counterattack using the characters full (Dexterity + Martial Arts) pool
to respond to an attack against him. The martial artist must have successfully parried the attack. If he has activated
Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form and has at least one floating weapon available, he may use this Charm to respond
to attacks from as much as (Essence) yards away; otherwise, this is a close combat Charm. It may have one of two
Successfully striking the aggressor is resolved as an attempt to disarm them in response. This follows all the rules
found on Exalted, p. 158, save that the martial artist suffers no external penalty on his attack roll. This is an Instant
Successfully striking the aggressor initiates a grapple that can only be used to hold them. This clinch is
maintained as long as the martial artist remains within (Essence) yards of his foe and commits motes to this Charm.

Every six ticks after initiating it he reflexively maintains the clinch with ([Dexterity + Martial Arts] 2) successes,
which may be enhanced further with Charms.
He may not maintain more of these grapples than he has flying weapons as per Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form,
and each grapple reduces by one the number of weapons considered for the effects and bonuses of the Form
Charm. A foe that gains control of the clinch can only respond by ending the clinch normally. If the flying prop used
for the grapple is attacked and destroyed or knocked out of orbit, the associated clinch ends immediately.

Vindictive Concubines Pillow Book

Cost: ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion, Shaping, Social
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Resplendent Sash Grapple Technique
With a word and perhaps a rude gesture, a secret properly revealed might leave even the most confident exposed
and unmanned. Having gotten to know a foe, the martial artist can now embarrass him. This Charm permanently
enhances its prerequisite, adding the following response options:
Successfully striking the aggressor does not inflict damage. Instead, the target makes a reflexive roll of (Wits +
[Dodge or Larceny]) against a difficulty equal to the martial artists threshold successes on the counterattack. If the
target fails, the straps and buckles loosen on their armor and their bulwark flies from them as they try in vain to
evade the counterattack, depriving them of the benefit of their armor as it comically slumps across their shoulders
and down their knees. This is equally effective against mundane and magical armor, but it can only remove one
source of armor soak at a time. A character may resituate their armor and regain its benefits with a number of
consecutive miscellaneous actions equal to its mobility penalty (minimum one), which cannot be flurried.
If the target benefits from armor soak from Charms, these become Obvious in nature to the martial artist. Instead of
stripping the target of the physical armor that hangs from his frame she may flense his spirit with derisive laughter,
forcing one of the targets armor soak-providing Charms to prematurely end as if the target canceled it. This is a
Shaping effect.
In social combat, the Charm can be used to respond to a social attack with a saucy slap to the behind (with or
without the aid of a long, weighted sleeve) or even just a knowing look that tells everyone how transparent the
target is. This is still resolved like a physical counterattack, but if it successfully hits the target must roll their
Temperance at a difficulty of half the Dreaming Pearl Courtesans Essence. If they fail this roll, the target suffers a -2
internal penalty to all social actions, reflexive or not, for the rest of the scene. Overcoming this unnatural emotion
costs two Willpower.

Fragrant Petal Fascination Kata

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Flurry of August Leaves Concentration
There is only so much room around the star of the show, and so there is always competition to fill that space. Those
left out of the running are heartbroken, neither savvy nor lucky enough to spend time with the martial artist. This
Charm is activated with a (Manipulation + Martial Arts) roll, adding extra dice equal to the characters Performance.
Those whose MDV is lower than the martial artists successes are helplessly entranced by his posture, his
movements, his mere presence.
This unnatural emotion imposes a -1 internal penalty to an affected characters actions that do not reflect such
feelings, such as paying close attention to other tasks or even defending oneself. The penalty increases to -3 when
performing actions directly contrary to infatuation with the martial artist, such as attacking the Dreaming Pearl

Courtesan or attempting to leave her presence. This lack of self-control lapses for (targets Temperance) actions if
the martial artist attacks a given target, and it may be ignored completely for two Willpower for the rest of the
scene. This cost rises to three Willpower if the target already has a positive Intimacy to the martial artist when the
Charm is activated.
The infatuation of this Charm lasts as long as a character can see the martial artist. When the Dreaming Pearl
Courtesan is out of sight, it does not fade but instead transforms into longing melancholy to recapture the vision of
one so lovely. It is otherwise dealt with in the same manner, inflicting penalties and resistible with Willpower
expenditure as above.

Seven Storms Escape Prana

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Obvious, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Fragrant Petal Fascination Kata
Giving ground before opposition, the martial artist gains a new position from which to respond. Such canny strategy
is as much a defense, and as admirable, as remaining a bulwark and standing ones ground. This Charm is activated
in response to an attack either physical or social, the martial artist exhaling a small cloud of murky, blue smoke and
disappearing in a flurry of sleeves, fans, gestures and polite nods. The character disappears and reappears up to
(Essence x 5) yards away. The martial artist may only reappear in a place that she can see and could currently
reach with any number of valid Move actions. This Charm fails to activate if the martial artist attempts to bypass a
ward against teleportation.
When the martial artist activates this Charm and sacrifices a valid, readied (in hand or floating nearby with
Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form) in-style weapon to serve as a distraction, she may roll her (Manipulation + [Stealth
or Socialize]), adding her Essence as extra successes. Leaving behind a torn sleeve or crumpled fan, the martial
artist is nowhere to be found, having slipped into hiding as per a valid Stealth or Socialize action to conceal ones
location and intentions. The martial artist rolls Stealth in physical combat or Socialize in social combat. She may
even hide when there is no valid cover, her foes dumbly losing track of her, but in this case she remains concealed
only for two ticks.
This Charm does not help to defend against the attack to which it responds, though if that attack is part of a flurry it
may render her an invalid target for the rest of the flurry. Obviously, this Charm does not render her an invalid
target if she remains visible and within range of the attacker, but whether using Stealth or Socialize it can be
equally effective at hiding her from a bone-breaking assault or a withering argument.

Cup of Pearls and Wine Ascension

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Emotion, Obvious, Shaping, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Vindictive Concubines Pillow Book, Seven Storms Escape Prana
Sidereal scholars who study this style make many conjectures on the nature of beauty and enchantment. If the
Dreaming Pearl Courtesan reflects on the desires of the world as a whole, whence do these aesthetics come? Even
the alien perspectives of the Primordials seem orthogonal to the nature of the Cup of Pearls and Wine Ascension.
Activation of this Charm begins a physical transformation which occurs over time, from the tick it begins to when
the characters DV refreshes. The martial artist lifts into the air, too delicate to touch the ground. His body
elongates, taking on the natural, powerful shape of a dragon, covered in iridescent scales. His eyes distend and
warp to form perfect teardrops of burning sapphire, searing blue runnels dripping from them to mark their hundredand-one duplicates trailing down either side of the characters sinuous body. Instead of a dragons head, the martial
artists thins and stretches into a gold-beaked foals head, crowned with four endlessly twisting antlers that dance
like smoke in the wind. For each dot of his permanent Essence, the characters new body possesses a pair of barbed

carp fins. These float lazily within a few inches of where one might expect them to belong on such an alluring alien
When the character activates this Charm, he may reflexively and simultaneously activate Dreaming Pearl Courtesan
Form by paying its cost. The shining rainbow scales of the characters new body affords him an armor soak of
8L/12B and 4L/4B Hardness. He may substitute his permanent Essence for his Appearance rating as if it were his
natural Attribute rating for the duration of the Charm. He loses his normal appendages, but the beak and fins serve
largely the same purposes despite their odd appearance. These natural weapons of the Ascension body have the
statistics listed below. In addition, the characters fins are valid weapons to be levitated into the air around him by
his Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form. They may be knocked out of alignment like other flying weapons, but this
merely deprives the Form Charm of their use, it does not remove them from the martial artist. They may be left
behind to conceal the character using Seven Storms Escape Prana, in which case this does count as a Crippling
amputation that removes the fin permanently (or until this Charm is ended and reactivated).
The characters gear disappears Elsewhere for the duration, though necessary equipment may be called back to
rest daintily atop a fin by paying one mote and taking a miscellaneous action to draw it forth. These appendages
offer no hardship in holding, manipulating or caressing the world around the martial artist.
Though tales may be told of the Ascension bodys physical perfection, its beauty touches something deeper than
simple visual aesthetics and transcends all known boundaries. The first time in a scene anyone with Dodge MDV
less than (martial artists [Martial Arts + Essence]) sees, hears, feels or smells the martial artist, they are subject to
an unnatural emotion that instills in them an Intimacy of heartaching appreciation for the wonderment that is the
Ascension. This Intimacy cannot be suppressed or eroded until after the scene ends, though it may be rejected
initially for two Willpower, rendering a character immune to this effect from any source for the rest of the scene.
The mystical advantages of this form can run to cruder ends, too. A character who has adopted the Cup of Pearls
and Wine Ascension body treats the Type of Fragrant Petal Fascination Kata as Reflexive (Step 2) rather than Simple.
In addition, he reduces the total cost of activating any other Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Charms (including the Form)
by one mote, to a minimum of one.
Beak: Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +2L, Defense -2, Rate 3, Tags: NP
Fin: Speed 4, Accuracy +2, Damage +3L, Defense +2, Rate 1, Tags: NR*
Coils: Speed 6, Accuracy +4, Damage +4B, Defense , Rate 2, Tags: CNP
* Each fin is a separate weapon, and the character receives (Essence x 2) fins, so despite their low Rate they can be
used to flurry many attacks.

Tiger Style
Weapons and Armor: Tiger Style treats attacks with tiger claws and razor claws as unarmed. This style is compatible
with light and medium armor.

Crimson Leaping Cat Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Three actions
Prerequisite Charms: None
With its twisting, sinuous grace, the tiger seems like to fly into the sky, but it belies such miracles to instead twist
the head off of its prey with a terrible swat. While this Charm is active the martial artist may Jump with a reflexive
Move action. This takes the place of both the characters Move action on the tick it is used and the character still
cannot Jump more than once per action. If the character Jumps to close the distance with a foe and attempts any
unarmed Martial Arts attacks against them on the same tick, this Charm also adds (Martial Arts) to the raw damage
of any of those attacks if they should hit.

Striking Fury Claws Attack

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Crimson Leaping Cat Technique
The tiger stylist, when provoked, is not one for subtlety. With a terrifying roar and flashing blue-and-gold talons
trailing her fingers or weapons, the martial artist leaves bloody furrows in her foes. Using this Charm to enhance an
unarmed Martial Arts attack adds the characters Martial Arts rating to its post-soak damage in Step 8 of resolution.

Tiger Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Striking Fury Claws Attack
The martial artist crouches low and spreads his hands wide, ready to move or strike in any direction with savagery
and surprising purpose. While this Charm is active the martial artists unarmed Martial Arts attacks increase their
Damage trait by (his Martial Arts) and they deal lethal damage if they would otherwise inflict bashing. The martial
artist ignores the -1 external penalty to his non-reflexive physical actions when prone (Exalted, p. 144), and while
fighting prone his low profile and swift movements on the ground provides him with +1 DV against others attacks.

Raging Tiger Pounce

Cost: (+1m); Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Tiger Form
This Charm permanently enhances Crimson Leaping Cat Technique. By adding one mote to its cost, the martial
artist can extend its duration to One scene. If the martial artist has also activated Tiger Form, any attack that gains
damage dice from Crimson Leaping Cat Technique automatically knocks its target prone unless they benefit from
supernatural balance.

Spine-Shattering Bite
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Raging Tiger Pounce
Taking his foe in hand or mouth, the martial artist gives a brutal shake, twisting the target about like a ragdoll. An
unarmed Martial Arts attack enhanced with this Charm counts 10s on the damage roll as two successes. As long as
the attack inflicts at least one level of damage, the target must roll to overcome being stunned (Exalted, p. 153).
The difficulty of this roll is never lower than the martial artists Essence.

Stalking Cat Movement Meditation

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Tiger Form
Gliding swiftly and silently, the tiger stalks its prey from what seems like every angle. While this Charm is active,
the martial artist can more easily stay hidden, ignoring any environmental external penalties or difficulty increases
on his Stealth rolls to stay undetected. He also ignores any circumstantial penalties to his dice pools or difficulty
increases the Storyteller assesses to remain hidden while dashing or jumping.

Leap from Cloaking Shadows Attack

Cost: ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Stalking Cat Movement Meditation
With a powerful leap from hiding the tiger breaks out one of the herd and swiftly kills it, leaving the rest to scatter in
terror. He does so with consummate ease. This Charm permanently enhances the martial artists use of Stalking Cat
Movement Meditation. While that Charm is active, when the Tiger stylist makes an unexpected attack from hiding,
he may apply Striking Fury Claws Attack and (if he knows it) Spine-Shattering Bite to the unexpected attack at no
mote cost. They still count as Charm activations and must be activated separately or in a Combo as normal.

Celestial Tiger Hide

Cost: ; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-Enhancing (2)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Tiger Form
The martial artist must commit another two motes when he activates Tiger Form. While Tiger Form is active, he now
gains (Martial Arts + Essence) natural bashing and lethal soak, and (Essence) natural bashing and lethal Hardness.

Angry Predator Frenzy Style

Cost: 5m, 1wp + 2m per counterattack; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: Spine-Shattering Bite, Leap from Cloaking Shadows Attack, Celestial Tiger Hide
Teeth, and claws, and fury. These are the hallmarks of the striking tiger, the enraged beast. Done stalking, done
hiding, the Tiger stylist unleashes an unforgiving whirlwind of attacks. This Charm is a flurry of up to (Essence + 1)
unarmed Martial Arts attacks against one or more valid targets, ignoring Rate restrictions, multiple action penalties
and imposing only the highest DV penalty of any one attack in the flurry. In addition, for the rest of the action the
martial artist may perform unarmed Martial Arts counterattacks against aggressors by paying two motes per
counterattack. The motes spent to perform a counterattack are not committed.

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Exalt can move from a perfectly relaxed pose to strike her opponent unexpectedly, ambushing him despite
being in full view. This charm allows the exalt to ignore the penalties for initiating a surprise attack from plain view,
and adds a number of successes equal to half the opponent's Highest Virtue to the attempt. This charm only
functions at the outset of combat and does not aid attempts to re-establish surprise.
Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2;
Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Stackable
Duration: One Tick
Prerequisite Charms: Monkey Tail Distraction Strike
This Charm makes its user frustratingly hard to attack. The Exalt engages his opponent and dances around her like
a monkey, moving alternately too close for proper leverage and tantalizingly out of reach in no predictable pattern.
Weaving and bounding thus, the Exalt makes it near impossible to bring weapons to bare against him. This
ridiculous capering subtracts negates any accuracy bonus the opponent might gain from a close ranged weapon he
employs against the martial artist. Used to aid the Exalt's attack, this charm instead negates the Defense bonus a
close ranged weapon provides. Though it persists for a full tick, this defensive boost applies to only one specific
weapon wielded by one target. No more than (essence) iterations of this charm may be active at once. This charm
does not function of the opponent's (Combat Ability-Highest Virtue) exceeds the Blissful Sage's (Essence/2). The
enlightened tomfoolery of the Blissful Sage can confound foes, but against the most well versed, and composed
combatants, it is a liability.
Illimitable Whimsy Kata
Cost: 3m 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique
The Exalt, having trained herself in the art of exploiting the weakness of others and turning hardship to her
advantage, often seeks to battle on terrain upon which her enemies fear to tread. Capering with mad glee upon
narrow precipices while dancing away from blows, or weaving out of the path of arrows as she runs along a narrow
wire far above the ground, the martial artist turns the precariousness of her terrain to her defensive advantage,
though she must be aware of her own limitations lest she put herself in a position she cannot manage. Should she
stand on a terrain with an instability rating which is low enough that she may remain standing on it without
requiring a check, she adds the instability rating as bonus successes to her DDV. Furthermore, even if she must
check to remain standing, while this charm is active, the martial artist checks to maintain balance in the face of
unstable terrain reflexively, rather than as a miscellaneous action, and does so only once per action, when her DV
refreshes, and not after she is subject to an attack.

Cost: 4m (+1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2;

Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Duration: Instant (One Scene)
Prerequisite Charms: Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique
With this Charm, the martial artist attacks his opponents weapon arm in an attempt to disarm him. Batting aside
the weapon, with a casual swat of his palm, the exalt suffers no called shot penalties on this attack. If the attack
succeeds, the targets player is automatically disarmed, provided their (Weapon Ability) was less than or equal to
the Exalt's (Martial Arts). Otherwise the disarm is resolved normally. In either case the Exalt May choose spend an
additional 1wp, if the attack succeeds, and take the opponent's weapon from them. They do not gain ownership of
the weapon, but can still wield it as if it were a form weapon for the style so long as they keep motes committed to
this charm. Though attuned artifacts and essence created weapons are not valid targets for this theft, the charm
(minus the willpower cost) may be used against them. Disarmed weapons fly a number of yards equal to the
Martial Artists (Dexterity+Net Successes)x2.
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2;
Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type, Counterattack
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Illimitable Whimsy Kata, Withering Paw Strike
The state of careless confidence to which disciples of this style aspire is known as the Free Mind. Practitioners
release the fetters that bind him and restrain his soul. Emotions, Attachments, even Ego, are shed as the Exalt
relaxes into the Celestial Monkey Form. Performing a brief meditative kata, which appears both playful and serene,
she releases her mind from pain and limitation. Flush with the joy of freedom, he martial artist smiles blissfully. For
the Rest of the scene the Martial Artist is immune to Emotion, Compulsion or Illusion based effects used against her
by character's of lesser or equal (essence), Adding +2 to her DMDV to resist those she must.
Unwilling to be tied to any one conflict or opponent, the Monkey is as physically free as he is mentally. Whenever
any close ranged attack targets him, the character may pay 1 mote, in Step 2, to leap away from his aggressor the
length of one Move action, although the character does not actually move until after Step 10 has been resolved.
This does not count as a Move action for the tick and functions as a Counterattack.
Body of War Mediation
Cost: -- [2m]; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2;
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-Enchancing
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Monkey Form
The Celestial Monkey is empowered by his resistance to the chains of the ego. This charm permanently enhances
the form, reducing its Speed by 1 (to 4), and providing the following benefits: The Martial Artist Gains no limit from
spending willpower to shrug off the influence of others, but adds each point of willpower spent in this manner as a
+1 bonus to the Accuracy, Defense and Rate of her unarmed martial arts attacks for the rest of the scene. The
more she exercises her mental independence, the more in harmony with the principles of this style she becomes

and the more free she is to practice it. No Trait increases by more than (Essence-1) points in this manner.
Thischarm is not compatible with other charms which increase barehanded Accuracy, Defense and Rate, only the
highest bonus to any given trait apply.
Cost: 7m (+2xp); Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3;
Type: Refl exive (Step 2)
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Body of War Meditation
It is said that nothing human disgusts the blissful sage, for they have walked in the ways of a ten thousand things.
By meditating on every aspect of the natural world around them, Blissful Sages can understand the manifold ways
Essence flows through Creation. By emulating the phenomena on which they meditate (by walking in the footsteps
of ten thousand things) they can evoke such things in themselves. This charm requires the Martial Artist spend a
number of actions in close range combat with an opponent equal to that opponent's (Essence) earlier in the scene
and an equal number of successful applications of physical DV's against attacks by that enemy (which also must be
made at close range). Defenses which are enhanced by charms that have a Flaw of Invulnerability do not count
towards fulfilling this minimum. This charm cannot be invoked unless the Exalt has met both these criteria. During
this time the Martial Artist comes to understand his foe and their passions, his not sympathetic per-se, sympathy
requires attachment which the Blissful Sage does not allow himself. He views the foe with a sort of mirthful pity.
Many take umbrage to this percieved mockery, but the sage's jests serve the cause of enlightenment, showing his
foes that their passions are indeed a liability. To foes whom he adequately observed earlier in the scene, the sage is
a illusive as laughter and unassailable as bliss. His freedom of mind is reflected in his movements as he seems to
flow with impossible flexibility and ease out of the path of enemy attacks.
Activating this charm enables the martial artist successfully dodges any attack the opponent makes (which could
be dodge). If the attackwas enhanced by a virtue channel, reduce the cost of this charm by a number of motes
equal to the attackers Virtue. An exalt who uses this charm cannot channel a virtue on the same tick as he
activates this charm. Whenever the Martial Artist activates this charm, he may spend 2xp to commit to memory his
opponent's combat style. This provides several benefits. First, the martial artist can use this charm against that
target on future encounters without needing to observe him for several actions. Second, he may employ this
charm against unexpected attacks that target him specifically which an internalized foe launches at him. Should
the opponent raise his essence, the exalt looses the benefits of this effect and must spend another 2xp to
internalize them. This charm cannot dodge attacks made by entities who are not sentient, such as certain
automata, zombies and impersonal forces of nature.
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Tick
Prerequisite Charms: Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thousand Things
Essence fl ows through all things, and supernatural martial arts provide a way to channel and direct this energy. Just
as Essence concentrates in certain geographical nexus points known as demesnes, so too do similar nexus points
exist in the body. Blissful Sages pay special attention to four of these chakras, which they call the Gates of Virtue.
Celestial Monkey practitioners believe each gate is attuned to one of the Divine Virtues: the Crown of Temperance
(head), the Chalice of Compassion (sternum), the Throne of Conviction(stomach) and the Root of Valor (groin).
When the martial artist invokes this Charm in combat, she sees glowing rings encircle these gates on her opponent,
each of which glows with an intensity proportional to the strength of the corresponding Virtue. These rings provide

more than knowledge about a foes personality. Activating this charm, the exalt's eyes glow, reflecting the lights of
the nimbuses of essence she perceives on the body of a single target.
With a +1 difficulty called shot, the martial artist may strike these gates while the charm is active. Succesful
unarmed martial arts attacks against these Chakras add a number of post soak damage dice equal to value of
whichever of the target's Virtues is associated with the Gate. This damage is of the same type as the attack that
inflicted it. The Martial Artist may, by striking multiple Gates, benefit from this charm several times, but cannot add
more than (sum of the Opponents Two Highest Virtues) cumulative dice of post soak damage against a target. Each
activation of this charm reveals the gates of a single target, but multiple simultaneous activations can reveal the
Virtue Gates of several targets. Automatons or entities without self awareness are immune to this effect.
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms:
The Celestial Monkey is the master of his virtues, not the other way around. Virtues are potent indeed and like any
savvy fighter, the Celestial Monkey utilizes such things, drawing on the strength of their influence when doing so
serves his interests. Activating the gates of virtue in his own body, the blissful sage spreads the essence that flows
through them over his form. To the observer, it appears as if rings of light manifest around the locations on the
body corresponding with the gates, and then begin to soften in intensity, diffusing into a single, soft, flowing nimbus
that surrounds the martial artist's body. For the Duration of the scene, the Exalt's DVs may not suffer more points
of penalty than the value of her highest Virtue. Furthermore, the martial artist does not consider any attack that
has been aided by a virtue channel to be undodgeable regardless of circumstances, provided he is aware of them.
He knows the fundamental forces at work in the minds of his enemies and no force on earth can deny him the
protection his enlightened transcendence of virtue affords him.
Cost: ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Four Halo Golden Monkey Invulnerability
Blissful masters of this martial art transcend its limits as surely as they transcend any other. Wearing armor no
longer hinders the character from performing the Charms of this martial art, his freedom is not so fragile it can be
constrained by mere metal. Learning this charm enables the Exalt to practice this style in armor, provided the
armor's Fatigue and Mobility penalty are cumulatively less than his (Essence)/2. This enlightenment is pervasive,
enabling the Martial Artist to wear light armor with any other Celestial or Terrestrial style he knows up to the Form
charm, provided it doesn't already permit armor. Furthermore, while the form charm is active, increase the
maximum benefits provided by Celestial God Body Meditation to (Essence) and broaden the scope of its benefits
such that it also applies +1L/+1B in addition to its other rewards for resisting mental influence.

Lunar Hero Style

Keyword: Hero
Lunar Hero Charms with the Hero keyword have additional effects that only function when used by characters to
whom the style and its expansions are considered natural. This includes the Lunar Exalted, but also characters who
are capable of learning the Charms as a Lunar, such as a Solar of the Eclipse Caste. Luna always gains the benefits
of Hero effects when using Lunar Hero Charms, even though the style is not natural to her.

Lunars and Lunar Hero Style

Lunar Exalted may substitute their Dexterity rating for their Martial Arts rating when determining if they meet the
minimums needed to learn a Lunar Hero Charm. All Expansions of Lunar Hero Style are considered to be Lunar
Charms based on either Strength, Dexterity, or Stamina.
Weapons and Armor
Though most Lunar practitioners of this style use it with the claws and fangs of their most powerful battle-shapes,
Lunar Hero Style also treats the cestus, the fighting gauntlet, the fighting chain, the khatar, the iron boot, and the
tiger claw as unarmed attacks, including artifact versions of these weapons. The style is compatible with armor
created by Lunar Charms and with tattoo artifact armor, but not with any other armor.

Rabid Beast Attitude

Cost: 2m
Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Hero
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
No matter how many foes may come at them, the Lunars will not be brought down by mere wounds. This Charm
adds +5B/5L to the martial artist's soak in response to any source of damage. If he activates it multiple times on a
single tick, each subsequent activation cumulatively increases the soak granted by +2B/2L.
Hero: If used by a Lunar, this Charm's base bonus instead adds +6B/6L soak. The cumulative increase from repeat
activations remains the same. In addition, for every two points of bashing and lethal soak added by this Charm, the
Lunar also adds +1A soak.

Foot-Trapping Counter
Cost: 3m
Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Hero
Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: None
Combat does not end until the Lunar allows it. Whenever a character within (Dexterity) yards of the martial artist
attempts to move away from him, he may activate this Charm to make a reflexive Blockade Movement action,
rolling ([Strength or Dexterity] + Martial Arts) in place of the usual roll. If the martial artist succeeds, his enemy
cannot move away from him for the rest of the action. This Charm cannot be used on a single character more than
once per action, and it cannot be activated during attack resolution. It cannot impede non-physical forms of
movement such as teleportation.
Hero: If used by a Lunar, this Charm can be activated during attack resolution, allowing it to be used to impede
counterattacks that allow his enemies to flee from him.

Thousand Claw Infliction

Cost: 3m
Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Hero
Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Lunar cuts down both hoard and herd, scything through his mobbed opponents. For one action, any multiple
action penalties to the martial artist's unarmed attacks are reduced by one. In addition, he increases the penalty
reduction to two if attacking an enemy he has not already attacked that action. He also adds one to the Rate of all
his unarmed attacks.
Hero: If used by a Lunar, this Charm's penalty reduction applies to the total of all penalties on his unarmed attacks,
rather than only reducing multiple action penalties.

Lunar Hero Form

Cost: 6m
Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Hero, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Foot-Trapping Counter, Rabid Beast Attitude, Thousand Claw Infliction
Becoming one with the essence of Luna in her aspect as the Chthonic Baara, the martial artist becomes the
embodiment of the perfected predator. Essence flares around him in a bestial outline, making his martial mastery
and deadly prowess obvious to all who see him. The martial artist may parry lethal attacks and deal lethal damage
with his unarmed attacks, adding +2L to their damage. In addition, he decreases all onslaught penalties and
coordinated attack penalties to his DVs by a total of his (Martial Arts/2). He never suffers an unexpected attack due
to being surrounded by multiple opponents.
Hero: If used by a Lunar, he can substitute his Dexterity rating for his Martial Arts rating for determining the penalty
rating he receives if it is higher. In addition, the Speed of his unarmed is attacks is reduced by one while this Charm
is active. It cannot reduce them beneath Speed 3.

Stride-Halting Mutilation Attack

Cost: 3m
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Hero
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Lunar Hero Form
Striking a brutal knife-handed blow, the martial artist can shatter femurs or cut through hamstrings. If an unarmed
attack supplemented by this Charm deals damage to a character, they suffer a Crippling effect. They are unable to

move from where they are until their DV next refreshes. This Charm cannot impede non-physical forms of
movement such as teleportation.
Hero: If used by a Lunar, this Charm's Crippling effect lasts until its victim's DV has refreshed twice.

Coiled Serpent Strikes

Cost: 4m
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback, Hero, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Stride-Halting Mutilation Attack
The martial artist's strike channels essence into a silver lash, whipping out to strike his prey and drag them back
within his reach. An unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm can strike enemies up to (Essence x 3) yards
away. In addition, if the attack hits, then its target is pulled back towards the martial artist. The martial artist can
choose to pull his enemy adjacent to himself, or may choose to end his enemy's movement early. Should an
obstacle stop the enemy's unwilling movement, he suffers a single die of bashing damage for each yard of distance
yard they would have otherwise traveled. If he strikes a particularly hazardous obstacle, the impact instead deals
lethal damage.
Hero: If used by a Lunar, this Charm causes its target to automatically fall prone at the end of his unwilling

Armor-Rending Claw Fist

Cost: 3m, 1wp
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Hero
Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: Lunar Hero Form
The Lunar's claws rend armor plate from plate, and his teeth have strength to puncture steel. Each unarmed attack
the Lunar makes for the rest of the action adds (Martial Arts) to its raw damage. In addition, he also converts a
single die of his attack's post-soak damage to an automatic level of damage in Step 10 if attacking an enemy he
has not already attacked that action.
Hero: If used by a Lunar, this Charm instead adds (Martial Arts + 2) to the raw damage of his attacks.

Crouching Tiger Stance

Cost: 6m
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Hero

Duration: One action

Prerequisite Charms: Lunar Hero Form
To strike a Lunar is to taunt a tiger. The Lunar may respond to any attack made against him with an unarmed Martial
Arts counterattack, lashing out at his opponent with ferocious rage so long as they are within his range. The Lunar
cannot attack any enemy more than once on a single action.
Hero: If used by a Lunar, this Charm is more effective against coordinated strikes. If an attack the Lunar responds to
imposed a coordinated attack on his DVs, his counterattack imposes an equal coordinated attack penalty against
his foe (using the total penalties before any reductions are applied to them).

Den Mother Method

Cost: 8m, 1wp
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Hero
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Crouching Tiger Stance
Nothing is more dangerous than a predator whose young are threatened. If any enemy within (Dexterity) yards of
the Lunar makes an attack at hand-to-hand range against another character, the Lunar may choose to reflexively
protect the target of the attack as if warding them with a Defend Other action.
Hero: If used by a Lunar, the range of this Charm extends to (Dexterity x 2) yards.

Terrible Wolverine Onslaught

Cost: 6m, 1wp
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4
Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Hero
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charm: Armor-Rending Claw Fist, Coiled Serpent Strikes, Den Mother Method
Striking with the unconstrained ferocity of an enraged predator, the martial artist becomes a whirlwind of death.
Activating this Charm, the martial artist makes a single unarmed attack that is applied against each enemy within
(Dexterity x 5) yards. He may then make a follow-up attack applied against all characters that were hit by his initial
attack. The initial attack suffers a -1 multiple action penalty, while the follow-up attack suffers a -2 penalty. This
magical flurry ignores Rate and has Speed and DV penalties equal to the highest values of any attack in the flurry.
Hero: If used by a Lunar, this Charm imposes greater onslaught penalties on its targets. The initial attack imposes a
-1 onslaught penalty, while the follow-up attack imposes a -2 penalty.

Bristling Moonsilver Hide
Cost: (+1m)

Mins: Stamina 4, Essence 3

Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Rabid Beast Attitude
The Lunar may be wounded, but he is never downed. His hunters might approach his fallen body only to find that he
is still ready to fight them all off. This Charm upgrades Rabid Beast Attitude. The Lunar may pay a surcharge of one
mote to extend its duration to one tick. It provides the base soak advantage against all attacks for that tick, with
each additional damage source beyond the first causing the Lunar's soak to cumulatively increase as if he had
activated Rabid Beast Attitude an additional time. For example, he would receive +6B/6L/3A soak against the first
attack made against him on the tick, +8B/8L/4A soak against the second attack, and +10B/10L/5A soak against the

Inescapable Lunar Grasp

Cost: (+5m, 1wp)
Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Foot-Trapping Counter
The Lunar keeps his prey close at hand, not letting them escape to hidden warrens and bolt-holes. This Charm
upgrades Foot-Trapping Counter. The Lunar may pay a surcharge of five motes and a point of Willpower to impede
all attempts to flee from him for one action. Whenever a character within range attempts to move away from him
for the rest of the action, he may make a reflexive Blockade Action to stop them as with Foot-Trapping Counter. He
cannot do so against any character more than once per action.

Snake Body Technique

Cost: (1wp)
Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Counterattack
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Crouching Tiger Stance
Bending and moving with a snake's grace, the Lunar smoothly redirects an attack back at whatever enemy is foolish
enough to bring on the predator's retribution. This Charm upgrades Crouching Tiger Stance. If the Lunar
successfully defends against an attack that he could respond to with a counterattack, he may instead pay a point of
Willpower. Instead of making a counterattack, he may instead redirect the attack to the character who made it,
applying the initial attack roll against them as if they had been the attack's target all along.

Predator Distraction Method

Cost: (1m)

Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 4

Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Den Mother Method
When the Lunar's companions are in danger, he rushes to their aid. He has strength to bear what harm his allies
can not. This Charm upgrades Den Mother Method. If the Lunar's Parry DV is overcome when he is protecting
another character using Den Mother Method, he may pay one mote to use this Charm. Doing so forces the attacker
to target the Lunar with the attack, rather than his ward.

Violet Bier of Sorrows Style

The Violet Bier of Sorrows Style is a Celestial Martial Art Style, created by the Maiden of Endings to arm her Chosen
for the Primordial War. Its form weapons are the straight sword, the slashing sword, the short sword, the knife, the
staff and their artifact equivalents. The style's Charms are incompatible with armour or shields. As one of the first
and most honoured of Creation's martial arts styles, the Endings Form was widespread in the First Age. Non-Sidereal
Exalted may learn it with sufficient justification, such as past-life memories or a suitable Mentor.
New Keyword: Prayer Strip - Prayer Strip effects are accessible only to Sidereal Exalted, or those who learn the
Charm as a Sidereal Exalt. Invoking a Prayer Strip effect is a reflexive miscellaneous action which requires a
physical prayer strip inscribed with the relevant Scripture, which is consumed in the process. Prayer Strip effects
may have their own keywords, noted in brackets.
Scripture of the Expectant Maiden: Once, there was a maiden...

Secrets of Future Strife

Cost: None; Mins: Martial Arts 1, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
...who was always looking forward to the way things would be.
The character trains herself for instant acceptance of the twists and turns of circumstance. This Charm doubles the
character's successes on Join Battle rolls.

Flight of Mercury
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife
She said, "Someday, I'm getting out of this place."
The character moves with the swift precision of one who knows her destiny. The Speed of her unarmed Martial Arts
attacks is set to 3. Any effects that would further reduce Speed have no effect.

Blade of the Battle Maiden

Cost: 6m, 1w; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 offensive or Step 2 defensive)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife
"Someday, I'm going to kill that boy that put me here."
Essence shines around the character's hands (or weapons), tracing with their every movement crimson trails
through the air. While this Charm is active, the character may replace the statistics of her natural Punch and Kick
weapons with those of a starmetal daiklave (Speed 5, Accuracy +4, Damage +9L, Defense +1, Rate 3). She may
parry lethal attacks unarmed. If she is wielding a form weapon instead, the weapon becomes unbreakable, may
deal lethal damage if it deals bashing naturally and adds the starmetal Magical Material bonus (+1 Accuracy, +3
Damage) to its statline.

Joy in Adversity Stance

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife
"And while I wait, I don't much mind,
Those who routinely face terrible odds can learn to take some measure of happiness in each moment's survival.
Having activated this Charm, when the character successfully uses her DV to parry or dodge an attack, she gains
her Permanent Essence in motes. This Charm may not be used against attacks not truly intended to harm the
character or attacks incapable of harming the character, nor may it be used in conjunction with effects that
automatically defend against attacks or force them to fail. It may not increase the character's Essence pool beyond
its normal maximum, and she may not gain more than 20 motes through any combination of Charms including Joy
in Adversity Stance during a single one of her actions.

Violet Bier of Sorrows Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type, Crippling
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Flight of Mercury, Joy in Adversity Stance, Blade of the Battle Maiden
'cause it's better to dream tomorrow than to be there."
The Exalt adopts the cold detachment with which Saturn makes her Sign against those things whose time has
passed. While she uses this Form, each successful attack also drains some of the victim's passion as a Crippling
effect. After damaging an opponent with an unarmed Martial Arts attack, the Exalt can remove one point of the
target's Virtues, to a minimum of 1. This cannot reduce a target's Virtues below the minimums required for the
Great Curse. Each Virtue heals naturally at the rate of one point a day. In addition, the minimum damage and raw
damage of unarmed Martial Arts attacks increases by 2.
Note: Gods and demons no longer have strict Virtue requirements for their Charms, so the bite of the Violet Bier of
Sorrows Form when used against these entities is reduced in 2E. The Storyteller is encouraged to use the guidelines
on page 296 of Exalted to reduce their capabilities when struck by Violet Bier of Sorrows stylists using the Form.

Death-Parrying Stroke

Cost: 2m per health level; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 8 )
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
"I'm holding at bay," she said, "what I know to be true."
In a blur of violet Essence, the character's blade catches an attack that might otherwise have killed her. If the
character chose to use her PDV against an incoming attack and failed to parry it, she may decide to invoke this
Charm after damage has been rolled, reducing damage by one level per 2 motes spent. This Charm, like all health
level reduction effects, activates on the same instant as the Twilight anima power effect.

Life-Severing Blow
Cost: 2m per health level; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 8 )
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
"That I'll never get out. I won't let my dreams die!"
Drawing on the Essence of Endings, a character can add power to a blow that she realizes is about to pierce her
enemy's defenses. If she hits with an unarmed Martial Arts attack, she may purchase automatic damage successes
after damage has been rolled at a cost of 2 motes each. She cannot purchase more successes on any given attack
than her permanent Essence rating.
Clarification: use of a automatic soak Charm like Iron Skin Concentration or Adamant Skin Technique nullifies all
damage from this Charm.

Metal Storm
Cost: 2m per attack; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Life-Severing Blow
"I'll hang on to hope," she said, "until Time itself ends. But-"
Not even the most cunning of opponents can evade a sword that strikes everywhere at once. This Charm is a
magical flurry of two or more unarmed Martial Arts attacks. Each attack in the flurry costs two motes, including the
first. The character may not make more attacks with this Charm than her Martial Arts rating +1. All attacks
produced by this Charm must be directed at the same target. These attacks may be made regardless of Rate, do
not suffer multiple action penalties, and only impose a DV penalty equal to the highest penalty for any one attack.

Conclusion-Pursuing Approach
Cost: 10m 1w 1hl; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Prayer Strip (Crippling, Obvious)
Duration: Scene

Prerequisites: Death-Parrying Stroke, Metal Storm

"There's always an ending," said Time.
At the pinnacle of the Violet Bier of Sorrows Style, a character learns to draw strength from the pain of others. Her
attacks gain resolve as her enemy falters. She is trained to take full advantage of the weakness of the wounded,
stalking failing prey as death hunts those whose time has come. Whenever she successfully strikes a hostile
opponent with an unarmed Martial Arts attack, she gains one point of Willpower. In addition, an opponent's wound
penalties are tripled when it comes to attacking her or defending against her unarmed Martial Arts attacks.
Prayer Strip: The character may fix the scripture of the Expectant Maiden to her weapon, wrapping the whole in
radiant burgundy light. While the prayer strip survives, as a Crippling effect, each successful unarmed Martial Arts
attack which inflicts damage causes the target to lose a Willpower point. Targets with no Willpower left to lose
instead lose 10 motes of Essence. If the target does not have 10 motes of Essence to lose, convert that attack's
post-soak damage dice to automatic successes instead.

Dreams: Quicksilver Hand of Dreams Style

The Quicksilver Hand of Dreams Style is a Sidereal Martial Arts style. It has no form weapons and is incompatible
with armour or shields. Practitioners are often called Quicksilver Hands, or among the most skilled, the Lords of
Dreams. The first four Charms of this style may only be taught if the student is sleeping, in her dreams. This is done
by the tutor with the Charm Dreamwalking Kata. After that point, the sifu must seek out his student in the waking
world to teach the more advanced Charms.
A term used in this style is "the degree of the surrounding Wyld". This is a numeric value: 1 for Boardermarches, 2
for Middlemarches, 3 for Deep Wyld, and 4 for Pure Chaos.
SIDEBAR: The Memory of Dreams
A practitioner of Quicksilver Hand of Dreams is subject to a peculiar effect: existence comes to forget her. It seem
similar to Arcane Fate, but instead of obfuscating particular memories of the Sidereal, it erases the Sidereal from
particular people's minds. The reason for this is unclear, but most likely is the same reason dreams are so readily
forgettable, even moments after awakening. The most troubling aspect of this effect, however, is that it effects
everyone, even other Sidereals.
And the end of every scene in which the martial artist uses a Quicksilver Hand of Dreams Charm, she must roll (the
highest minimum Essence of any Quicksilver Hand of Dreams Charm used within the scene). The number of
successes on this roll dictates who and how many people forget the Exalt. Note that this is a Shaping effect that
attacks a target's memory; Shaping defenses, such as Integrity-Protecting Prana, will defend against it.
One success per Magnitude. These characters must be those with only limited interaction with her, such as only
seeing her, or briefly talking to her for a scene or less. These people are virtual strangers.
One success per person. These characters are familiar with the Sidereal, but only passing acquaintances.
Regular, but professional, contacts, friends-of-friends, passing coworkers.
Two successes per person. These characters are friends or coworkers of the Sidereal, but not close to her. This
may result in the loss of a Background dot such as Contacts, Connections, Backing, or Influence.
Three successes per person. These characters are close friends or coworkers of the Sidereal. Circlemates may
forget her. Allies or Acquaintances Backgrounds may lose a dot.
Background that are not based on interaction with other people are never lost, including Manse, Familiar, or Artifact.
The Dreaming Student's Sutra: Once, there were maiden who slept.

The Quicksilver Staircase

Cost: ; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
And, as she slept, she fought and loved and saw the world.
This Charm permanently enhances the Sidereal. Charms with the Gossamer keyword and all works of gossamer
become Obvious to the character. Material gosammer itself, too, becomes Obvious to her when she perceives it.
The Sidereal also adds (her Martial Arts) to her Gossamer Resistance. The martial artist also resists the Wyld as if it
were (Essence 2) steps closer to Creation. For example, at Essence 4, the character treats the Deep Wyld as if it
were the Bordermarches. Therefore, at Essence 8, the Sidereal is permanently immune to the warping effects of

Peaceful Repose Touch

Cost: 6m, 0wp or 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Quicksilver Staircase
None could awaken her,
The Sidereal must Touch the target to use this Charm. It may be delivered via an unarmed Martial Arts attack. The
target immediately falls asleep for at least the remainder of the scene. If this would result in obvious harm to the
victim, such as if this Charm was used in combat, or while swimming, then one Willpower must be spent on its
activation; it now can issue this unacceptable order. The sleep is deep and unnatural; no one can awaken the victim
of this Charm unless they hold an Intimacy toward her. Alternatively, the victim may be forced to stay awake for the
remainder of the scene. This unnatural Compulsion costs (Essence - 1, max 5) Willpower to resist.
At Martial Arts 4+, Essence 4+, the minimum time the victim is asleep (or forced awake) may be increased to a full
25 hours by paying 10 motes and one Willpower. At Martial Arts 5+, Essence 5+, it can be increased to (Essence)
days by paying 14 motes and one Willpower.

Fervent Night Phantasm

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: The Quicksilver Staircase
for in her dreams, she had a lover who truly knew her,
The Sidereal must Touch the target to use this Charm. It may be delivered via an unarmed Martial Arts attack. The
martial artist infuses the target with the potential for any dream, which will manifest the next time he sleeps. The
dream can be anything the Sidereal desires, but has no physical or mental consequences to the victim. He vividly
remember the dream upon waking, however, so the Sidereal may imbue the potential dream with a social attack.
She must roll her appropriate social attack pool when she delivers the dream, but compares her successes to her
target's MDVs when he sleeps. The dream can carry unnatural mental influence if the Quicksilver Hand has the
means to make such effects, but any Charms used to empower the dream must be used when Fervent Night
Phantasm is used. Because the Sidereal has full control over what the dream is, she may increase her Appearance
by up to double its base value. The victim may use Willpower, Virtue channels, and any appropriate Charms to
resist this social attack, if he so chooses.
This Charm requires a full eight hours of sleep for the dream to fully manifest. For every hour less than eight the
victim sleeps, the Sidereal's social attack incurs a -1 external penalty on its attack roll. Finally, if this Charm is used

multiple times on a single target, only the last dream infused manifests; the rest are erased. The infused dream is
considered an unnatural Illusion, which can be resisted by spending (Essence - 1, max 5) Willpower.
At Martial Arts 4+, Essence 4+, the Quicksilver Hand may infuse a target with a dream even while he is awake,
albeit in a more limited form. This costs ten motes and one Willpower. This daydream hallucination can introduce or
modify one element in the victim's perception. His best friend becomes a terrible deathknight (although the
Sidereal cannot change what friend says), or a dingy hovel becomes a small but opulent palace. This cannot bestow
an external penalty greater than (Essence) to the target, however. At Martial Arts 5+, Essence 5+, the number of
elements in the victim's perception that can be altered or added is increased to (Essence) by paying 16 motes and
one Willpower.

Dream Ravager Hand

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Quicksilver Staircase
though she did not see him.
The Sidereal must Touch a dreaming or daydreaming target to use this Charm. It may be delivered via an unarmed
Martial Arts attack. The martial artist removes said dream, holding it in her hand in the form of gossamer. This can
only be performed once per scene per target, as the ravaged dream-scape of the target cannot house enough
oneiromantic potential for more than one gossamer worth of dreamstuff. This dream can be observed with a
successful (Perception + Occult) roll by anyone that carries the gossamer. If the Sidereal knows Fervent Night
Phantasm, she may place this dream within another. If the target gets ahold of the gossamer which is his own
dream, he may consume it, regaining that dream.
Removing the dream from the target is in no way harmful, and may possibly even be beneficial, as nightmares can
cause a terrible loss of sleep. The removal of the dream is still considered to be a Shaping attack, however, and
Charms like Integrity-Protecting Prana will protect from it.
At Martial Arts 4+, Essence 4+, for seven motes, the Quicksilver Hand can remove the target's capacity to dream.
This potential to dream exists as a special piece of gossamer, worth (the Sidereal's Essence) normal gossamer. The
special gossamer slowly crumbles, however, losing one point worth of gossamer per full day. Once it expires
completely, the gossamer is gone and the target regains his dreaming capability. If the special gossamer is used,
such as if by a Fair Folk or with the Charm Gossamer Understanding, the target also regains his ability to dream. As
before, if the target comes to possess the special gossamer, he may consume it to regain his dreaming capability.
At Martial Arts 5+, Essence 5+, the special gossamer loses one point worth every other day.
During the time when the special gossamer exists, whenever the victim awakens, he rolls Conviction as normal. If
successful, he simply gains no Willpower. If he fails, the lack of dreams stresses his mind. If he fails this roll (his
Willpower - the martial artist's Essence) times, he goes mad, gaining an appropriate deficiency-level derangement.
That number of failures again will increase the derangement to debility-level, or add another deficiency-level one.

Ephemeral Presence Technique

Cost: 14m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Peaceful Repose Touch, Fervent Nightmare Phantasm, Dream Ravager Hand
She searched and searched but could not find him.

For every -1 external penalty due to visibility conditions for the area the character is in, as well as for every degree
of surrounding Wyld, all attacks against the Sidereal and all rolls to perceive him suffer a -1 external penalty. The
martial artist, on the other hand, increases his movement rates by (Martial Arts) for every penalty or degree of
Wyld, as long as he's moving under his own power. For example, a Quicksilver Hand standing in a location in the
Middlemarches with poor visibility would increase his movement speed by (Martial Arts x 3) and would impose a -3
external penalty upon everyone attempting to perceive or attack the Sidereal. Additionally, the Quicksilver Hand
does not suffer any penalties due to visibility conditions while this Charm is active.
Finally, no matter the visibility conditions or location, the martial artist negates all penalties to DVs from
coordinated attacks and does not suffer and penalties or unexpected attacks from being surrounded; the character
is never exactly where he appears to be.

Dreamwalker Kata
Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Ephemeral Presence Technique
She had questioned questioned everyone in her dream;
The Sidereal must Touch a sleeping target to use this Charm, which is considered a Shaping attack. A silvery,
shimmering portal opens. If he steps through, he dematerializes and merges with the target, his Essence
intermingling with the target's, in a process that is essentially the same as possession by spirits (see The Book of
Sorcery Vol. IV - The Roll of Glorious Divinity, p. 160). If the target stops dreaming, for whatever reason, the Sidereal
is ejected, immediately materializing next to the target, and takes 10 dice of aggravated damage that cannot be
soaked by armor. The target will not naturally awaken why this Charm is active, however; only outside forces can
wake her up.
For the remainder of the scene, the martial artist enters the target's dreams. The target has no conscious control of
her dreams, even herself (although the target's player does). The Sidereal also has no control over the dream,
although he does have normal control over himself and his possessions; he can act normally, but he cannot change
himself into a towering monster, or his simple knife into a grand daiklave. If he uses the basic application of Fervent
Night Phantasm at any time during the scene, however, he can take full control of the dream, allowing him to
change any or all aspects of it, even the target's dream-self. (He is considered to be automatically Touching the
target, who can resist the Illusion as normal. The character's actual presence in the dream, however, allows him to
make as many social attacks as he wishes against the target, with the normal limitations. Other options include
training the target, or any other bestowal of knowledge.)
Essence, Willpower, Virtue channels, or health used by either party in the dreamscape are considered actually
spent. Since the dream is not real, any physical actions that take place within the dreamscape are dramatic actions,
even combat. If the target's dream-self dies, he wakes up. If the Sidereal's dream-self dies, he is immediately
ejected, as described above.
If the Quicksilver Hand possesses a the dream-gossamer of a character who is sleeping, or if a character is
experiencing a dream implanted with Fervent Night Phantasm, the character may roll (his Willpower + Martial Arts),
difficulty 5, to attempt to use this Charm on that character. If he succeeds, the Touch requirement is removed, and
the Sidereal may open the silver portal at his location, if he is within one mile of the target. Every threshold success,
however, increases the distance the target can be increases ten-fold, up to a maximum of 1,000 miles. (For
example, rolling two threshold successes allows the Sidereal to use this Charm on a target up to 100 miles away.)
This roll automatically fails if the target is protected from scrying or teleportation. Passing through the portal, he
dematerializes and rushes toward his target, always traveling fast enough to reach the target in five minutes. If the
martial artist ends this Charm voluntarily, he may choose to return to his original location, stepping back through
the silvery portal, or exit next to the target. If the target awakens, the Sidereal is ejected immediately next to the

Inescapable Nightmare Pursuit

Cost: 18m, 2wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One day
Prerequisites: Ephemeral Presence Technique
no one escaped her queries.
When the Quicksilver Hand activates this Charm, his form becomes etched with a subtle silvered-blackness that
reminds all of the nightmares of youth. The Sidereal 'locks on' to a target that is no more than (Essence x 3) yards
away. He may effortlessly move to any point within (Essence x 3) yards, no matter how quickly she moves, in order
to stay within the minimum distance required by this Charm. The Sidereal becomes tireless so long as this Charm in
in effect, can travel upon any surface such as water or clouds, and is unimpeded by by obstacles; the martial artist
can pass through a door shut behind the target as though it were as insubstantial as a dream.
If the Sidereal has in his possession the dream-gossamer of a character, or that character is experiencing a dream
implanted with Fervent Night Phantasm, he may activate this Charm from outside the required minimum distance,
for an indefinite duration. Until the Sidereal is within (Essence x 3) yards, he can automatically track his target,
always gaining one more success than the target on the tracking contest, after all penalties. Once within the
minimum required distance, the standard effects of this Charm activate, although the duration stays indefinite as
long as the martial artist still carries the dream-gossamer.

Quicksilver Hand of Dreams Form

Cost: 15m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Dreamwalker Kata, Inescapable Nightmare Pursuit
As time passed, she forget him and did not know why she wept in her sleep.
Whenever the Lord of Dreams takes a Move, Dash, or Jump, she is impossible to target unless onlookers succeed on
a reflexive (Perception + Awareness) roll at a difficulty of (2 + the degree of surrounding Wyld). Visibility penalties
still apply. The Sidereal may be targeted normally during any tick on which she takes an action other than Move,
Dash, or Jump. Furthermore, any Move, Dash, or Jump action the martial artist takes counts as an opportunity to
reestablish surprise, no matter how intensely her anima is flaring.
As a Lord of Dreams, the Sidereal is granted one bonus die on every action she takes for every external penalty due
to visibility conditions for the area she is in or for every degree of the surrounding Wyld. For example, an Exalt in an
area of poor visibility in the Middlemarches would gain three bonus dice to all actions. Those attempting to see her
also have a more difficult time: the martial artist is considered to be an an area of poor visibility when conditions
are actually clear, and in an area of no visibility when conditions are actually only poor.
Finally, if the Sidereal has the dream-gossamer of a character who is sleeping, or that character is experiencing a
dream implanted with Fervent Night Phantasm, her death is but a dream. Her body wavers away, leaving behind all
possessions, dematerializing and whisked away to that character's dream (if he on the same plane of existence),
traveling there instantly. She enters the sleeper's dream as if she used Dreamwalker Kata. The martial artist forces
that character to stay sleeping and dreaming for a full day, recuperating by absorbing the dreamstuff in the
sleeper's mind. Until then, the Exalt is inactive. When the Sidereal finally exits the dream, however, the harrowing
experience leaves her weak; she loses one dot of Essence. The character temporarily loses access to all Charms
that have a minimum Essence exceeding her new rating until she spends the experience and time needed to regain
her lost Essence dot, besides this one; once a Lord of Dreams, always a Lord of Dreams. If reduced to Essence 0, the
Sidereal is essentially dead; she becomes but a simple dream-figment of the character whose mind she stepped
into, to vanish when he awakens. If slain by an attack that can permanently destroy spirits, the martial artist
permanently dies, as even the Lord of Dreams cannot stand up to a force that can kill Primordials.

Note that all the effects of this Charm are considered to be Shaping the martial artist and the world around her. So,
while personal Shaping protection, such as Integrity-Protecting Prana, will not stop any of the effects of this Charm,
stopping Shaping in an entire area, such as with the spell Infinite Catalepsis Macrame or the Abyssal Charm DreamSlaying Defense, will suppress the effects of Quicksilver Hand of Dreams Form while the martial artist is in the
effected area.

Gossamer Understanding
Cost: 14m, 2wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Touch
Duration: One scene or instant
Prerequisites: Quicksilver Hand of Dreams Form
The Dreaming Elder's Sutra: The maiden awakened into daylight, silver tear tracks across her cheeks,
Gossamer, at its heart, is pure potentiality; the capability to become anything one can imagine. The Lord of Dreams
internalizes the principle, unlocking an unlimited capacity to transform gossamer into anything of which she can
dream. While this Charm remains active, the Sidereal can forge any single piece of gossamer she holds into any
mundane object with a reflexive Craft (Gossamer) roll, adding (Martial Arts) automatic successes (see Exalted, pp.
133-4 for rules on mundane crafting). The difficulty of the craft decreases by one for every degree of the
surrounding Wyld. The end result is a gossamer item (see Graceful Wicked Masques, p. 194 for the bonuses
gossamer gives an item). Do note that, while the crafting itself is reflexive, the martial artist must be carrying only
the single piece of gossamer in at least one hand. This requires, therefore, that the character ready every piece of
gossamer with a miscellaneous action beforehand. The martial artist can even reforge gossamer items into
something completely new, with another reflexive Craft (Gossamer) roll.
Any weapons, armor, or shields the character forges with this Charm are compatible with this style. The weapons,
however, must follow the same principles as Master's Hand Envisioned Anew (see Dream of the First Age: The Lords
of Creation, p. XXX), armor must be light, and no shield may be larger than a target shield.
Sadly, as with all dreams, they end, often sooner than we wish. At the end of the scene, all items the Lord of
Dreams forged from her gossamer revert back to their original potentiality as simple pieces of dreamstuff. The Lord
of Dreams may alternatively forge more permanent works. Each gossamer craft requires an activation of this Charm
at an 'instant' duration, and the Craft (Gossamer) roll becomes a dramatic action taking one season of work. The
martial artist does not need any tools or workshop for this craft; only her imagination is required.

Chimerical Ascension
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Quicksilver Hand of Dreams Form
and as she rose from her bed and blinked the last tears away,
The Lord of Dreams strikes Creation, and it breaks. The martial artist increases the degree of Wyld in an area
(Essence x 20) yards around him by one step. Therefore, in Creation, he creates a Wyld zone equivalent to the
Boardermarches, while using it in the Middlemarches creates an area of Deep Wyld. This Charm is Stackable,
however; each use of it in the same area increases the degree of Wyld by one step. The degree of Wyld in the area
drops by one per scene after the one this Charm was activated in, until all that's left is tainted lands, which fade at
the regular rate.
In addition, the Sidereal is permanently enhanced when he learns this Charm. While he is in the Wyld, he gains
the following benefits:

He gains an amount of natural bashing and lethal soak equal to the three times the degree of the surrounding
He is granted one automatic success to all rolls to resist environmental effects for each degree of the surrounding
He gains a number of automatic successes on all Charm roll-offs equal to the degree of the surrounding Wyld.
He gains the benefits of All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight and Integrity-Protecting Prana.

Providence of the Dream Lord

Cost: ; Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Quicksilver Hand of Dreams Form
a hand touched her arm. She turned...
The martial artist is a master of dreams, undisputed in his chimerical might. This Charm permanently upgrades the
Sidereal, enhancing previous Charms in this style:

Peaceful Repose Touch: For 22 motes and two Willpower, the minimum duration of sleep (or insomnia) can be as
long as the Sidereal desires, even indefinitely. During this sleep, the target does not age, nor does she need to eat,
drink, or perform any other bodily functions; she is affectively in stasis. If this Charm is used in this way, the
Quicksilver Hand must choose a set of conditions that will wake up the victim, such as a kiss from beautiful
(Appearance 3+) maiden, or the strike from the hand of a Dragon-Blooded. These conditions permeate the dreams
of all who sleep within a thousand miles of the victim of this Charm while she sleeps. While they may not
consciously know it, they will know how to wake the sleeper if asked, and if they have the drive to wake her, they
will know generally how to do it.

Fervent Night Phantasm: For 24 motes and two Willpower, the Sidereal has unlimited control over what the
victim perceives. She may throw him into a dreamworld with no connection to reality, or work more subtly,
changing the emphasis and a few key words of a conversation. There is no limit to the external penalty that can be
imposed, as long as the Lord of Dreams can find a proper justification for it.
Dream Ravager Hand: For 17 motes and one Willpower, the special gossamer that is the victims ability to dream will
never disintegrate, denying the target of his dreams indefinitely.

Infinite Fantasy
Cost: 20m; Mins: Martial Arts 7, Essence 7; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Gossamer Understanding, Chimerical Ascension, Providence of the Dream Lord
...and saw that her lover stood, waiting.
Within a dream, there is the potential for anything, for the human mind is a creative thing. The greatest fears form
our nightmares, while our greatest hopes drive us to our greatest heights. The Lord of Dreams fully internalizes the
capability that dreams have, and...
Charcoal March of Spiders Rewrite

Weapons and Armor: The Charcoal March of Spiders Style may not be practiced with weapons or in armor other
than those created by Rain of Unseen Threads.

Unnatural Many-Step Stride

Cost: 13m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
All that has been created is caught in the web of fate, and the Charcoal Spider walks along this webbing as solidly
as if the strands themselves were material.
This Charm allows the martial artist to take a move or dash action in any direction, including up and down.
Ascending requires no additional effort and the martial artist may even remain in mid air, poised with an unnatural
grace reminiscent of a spiders crawl. In addition, the martial artist adds his Martial Arts to his base speed for the
remainder of the scene and may reflexively and innately arrest a fall from any height for the expenditure of 2
motes, catching the invisible strands of fate like a spider landing on its own web.

Dance Of The Hungry Spider

Cost: 8m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Unnatural Many-Step Stride
The Martial Artist may wrap his fingers around a strand of fate and tug himself along the thread to overcome or
avoid his opponent. If this Charm is declared with an attack, it is done in Step 1 and allows the Charcoal Spider to
reflexively Dash at no DV penalty to close the distance to a target. This sudden movement levies a DV penalty of
(Essence) on the target the martial artist dashed toward. This penalty only applies to the next attack after the
movement this Charm provides on the same tick.
If declared in response to an attack, this Charm is declared in Step 2 (in addition to adding the Counterattack
keyword to the Charm) and levies an external penalty of (Essence) to the aggressors attack roll. Regardless of
whether or not the attack succeeds, this Charm also allows the Charcoal Spider to reflexively Dash at no DV penalty
during Step 9 of the attack resolution. Even though the defensive use of this Charm is not intrinsically hostile to the
attacker, it takes the place of a counterattack and typically interrupts flurries unless the Charcoal Spider fails to
exceed the range of the additional attacks.

Maw of Dripping Venom

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Poison, Reactor, Stackable, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Lacing his unarmed strikes with his own deadly poison, the Charcoal spider seeks to subdue his foe for
consumption. This special type of poison has the following statistics:
Name: Dripping Venom
Damage: (Martial Arts) motes/tick

Toxicity: (Essence)
Tolerance: --/-Penalty: (Essence)
Unlike normal poisons, this toxin causes the target to bleed motes of Essence instead of dealing damage directly.
Multiple applications are cumulative. A successful (Stamina + Resistance) prevents the mote drain. A creature that
no longer has motes of Essence and fails the resistance roll falls unconscious for a number of hours equal to (the
martial artists Essence) at which point the target discontinues suffering from the effects of the venom.
Should a target be rendered unconscious by this Charm, each lethal health level of damage the Charcoal Spider
directly inflicts while clenching his prey restores (Essence / 2) motes of Essence as the spider sucks the life energy
out of his captured meal. The martial artist may not use this effect in combination with any other mote
regeneration techniques to regain more than 20 motes of Essence per action.

Rain of Unseen Threads

Cost: 12m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Everything that touches the web of the spider is doomed to the spiders wrath, but instead of waiting for the target
to come to the web, the martial artist sends his web to the target.
Pulling together the threads from the world around him, the Charcoal Spider draws forth up to (Essence + Martial
Arts) threads. Each thread can be used to take any of the following actions:
Unarmed Attack: The martial artist can use a thread to make an attack with the martial artists unarmed traits but
with a range of (Essence x 3) yards and deals lethal damage. No single target can be attacked more than (Martial
Arts) times by a thread with a single activation of this Charm. Since this Charm has an instant duration, the threads
disperse after being used which prevents a thread from being used in an ongoing clinch.
Ready Weapon: The martial artist may keep hold of up to one string in each hand and wield them as weapons. By
reflexively committing 4 motes per string, the martial artist thickens and solidifies them as whip-like weapons for
the remainder of the scene. The whips are considered form type weapons for purposes of compatibility with
Charms from this style. The whips have the following statistics: Speed 5, Accuracy +5, Damage +7L, Defense +0,
Rate 2. These statistics include the Starmetal magical material bonus, but each Exalt manifests a thread of the
magical material that resonates with their Exaltation. The whips also retain their ability to attack up to a range of
(Essence x 3) yards.
Don Armor: Weaving one of the threads around his body as a speed 5 miscellaneous action and reflexively
committing 3 motes of Essence, the martial artist adds (Martial Arts) to his bashing, lethal and aggravated soak for
the rest of the scene. While this soak bonus does count as armor, the threads do not interfere with the martial
artists ability to use Charms of this Style. The martial artist may benefit from up to (Essence) threads in this
Miscellaneous Action: Anything the Sidereal could conceivably accomplish with a whip he can attempt with one of
the strings, such as disarming an opponent or retrieve an item from up to (Essence x 3) yards away. The limits of
this action are subject to Storyteller discretion, but Storytellers are encouraged to allow greater leniency for
creative stunts. All miscellaneous actions taken in this manner have a Speed of 5.
All actions taken with the threads only penalize the martial artists DV by the highest penalty of any one action and
have a speed of the highest action in the magical flurry. The threads vary in appearance by martial artist, but
typically appear as thin wires that catch the light around them as the martial artists weaves them through the air.

Nest Of Living Strands

Cost: 10m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Rain of Unseen Threads
Casting a web takes most spiders hours of careful work and diligent craftsmanship, but the necessities of the world
rarely affords the martial artist the luxury of time. Throwing his hands outward, the martial artist covers an area
with a radius equal to his (Essence x 6) yard radius. As the threads expand, they strike each foe the martial artist
can perceive in the area with a single martial arts clinch attempt using the martial artists unarmed traits. Should
the clinch succeed, the target can attempt to break free of the webbing each action by rolling a feat of strength
with a difficulty equal to the number of successes the martial artist rolled for the clinch attempt. Further, everyone
other than the martial artist that moves in this area after the initial attack must succeed on a reflexive (Dexterity +
Athletics) check each tick they move at difficulty 2 or become stuck to the ground unable to move. Freeing a target
from the webbing requires that the webbing be destroyed or a successful (Strength + Athletics) roll to break free, a
difficulty 4 miscellaneous action. If left alone, the webbing dissolves completely by the end of the scene.
The webbing is extremely difficult to remove and sticks to just about anything it touches. It has a bashing and
lethal soak of (Martial Arts) and successfully dealing one lethal health level of physical or environmental damage to
the web is enough to destroy three cubic yards of it. Any damage that targets the web stuck to a victim also affects
the victim, but only one lethal health level of damage is necessary to free the victim from the webbing. Terrestrial
anima flux dealing at least 1 die of damage an action that comes into contact with the web is enough to destroy it.

Charcoal March Of Spiders Form

Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Dance of the Hungry Spider, Maw of Dripping Venom, Nest of Living Strands, One complete
Celestial martial art
Casting out a web of thin white Essence into the world around him, the martial artist claims the surrounding area as
his own. Woe on any that dare to brave the spiders web.
When activating this Charm, strands of Essence fly outwards from the apex of each move in the martial artists kata
for to create a semi-solid web out to a radius of (Martial Arts x 3) yards. The web acts as shield against incoming
projectiles, catching them in effigies of strands of Essence as they approach the martial artist. Any ranged attack
that originates from a source farther away than what the martial artist could strike with his bare hands suffers an
external penalty of (Essence). Any attempts to reclaim weapons subject to this penalty suffer an external penalty of
(Essence) since what the spiders web captures it rarely lets go.
The martial artist is also attuned to his web, feeling the world through the strands of Essence. The subtle vibrations
from the web triple the successes of any attempt by the martial artist to notice anything hidden within the area
covered by his web.
Further, since every strand of his web extends from him, the martial artist may manipulate those strands to protect
his allies. Should the martial artist declare the Defend Other action on his turn, he may apply its benefit to all allies
within (Martial Arts x 3) yards.
As a final benefit, when Charcoal March of Spiders Form is active, the martial artist may activate Dance of the
Hungry Spider as an innate ability that does not count as his Charm activation for the action with a 2 mote (non
cumulative) discount.

Cannibalistic Heritage Technique

Cost: 10m; Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6; Type: Reflexive (Step 5)

Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Stackable, Obvious, Reactor

Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Charcoal March of Spiders Form
When the spider lures his prey to the web, the prey often struggles without realizing that the more it strains against
the web the more entangled it becomes.
This Charm is an unblockable, undodgeable counterattack against any physical Melee or Martial Arts attack directed
at the martial artist. Should he succeed, the martial artist instantly loops an immaterial strand of his web around
around the target and himself. The strand acts as a magical anchor between the martial artist and the target
conferring the following benefits:
If the target regains motes, half of those motes are lost as a Shaping effect and given to the martial artist. This
includes motes regained from Charms and Stunting, with an odd number of motes favoring the martial artist.
Further, every time the target activates a Charm that costs 6+m, the strand focuses the expenditure of Essence by
the target into a harmful shock as a one-time environmental Shaping effect with the following statistics:
Damage: (Charms mote Cost / 2)B (to a maximum of [Martial Arts]B)
Trauma: (Martial artists Essence / 2)
Resolve this damage after the resolution of the Charm that prompted it. Each successful application of this Charm
against a single opponent adds 1 to the damage, maximum damage and trauma rating of the environmental effect.
One target can only be affected by (Martial Arts / 2) strands at a time.
Should an attempt to destroy the strand binding the target be made, the attack requires magic that is capable of
striking immaterial targets to affect the strand. Reference Nest of Living Strands for the threads statistics and
possible outcomes.

Thumbnail Spider March

Cost: 13m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: Cannibalistic Heritage Technique
Emulating the swarming tactics of the hungry thumbnail spiders of the East, the martial artist activates this Charm
to create (Essence) duplicates of himself that appear in any space that can contain them within (Essence) yards of
the martial artist. Each duplicate, including the original martial artist, may make one attack on the designated foe
and each attack is treated as benefiting from a successful coordinated attack between all attackers. Since this
Charm typically creates more than 4 duplicates, the martial artist may also designated himself or one of the
duplicates as the benefactor of an unexpected attack. Each attack may be supplemented by one Charm from the
Charcoal March of Spiders Style innately without the need for a Combo and the duplicates communally share the
martial artists Essence pool. Each duplicate need not use the same Charm but each Charm activation receives a 1
mote discount for every previous activation on the same tick. Further, the duplicates are in every way identical to
the martial artist and remain for the duration of the action. Each duplicate uses the same traits as the martial
artist, with the exception of backgrounds and panoply outside of what items can be created with Charms from this
style, but only have one health level and are destroyed after taking a single health level of damage. Any remaining
duplicates at the end of the action vanish leaving only a strand of web behind.

Jumping Spider Strike

Cost: 12m, 2wp; Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Overdrive

Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Cannibalistic Heritage Technique
Prey often struggles as the spider leaps along his web to devour it, rarely realizing the more it struggles the more
futile its escape becomes. This Charm allows the martial artist to reflexive Jump to a sentient target up to (Martial
Arts x 50) yards away and guarantees the martial artist succeeds on the roll to clinch his target by one success.
Effects that contest this Charm are rolled off as normal. While clinched, the martial artist gains the benefit of a
temporary Ovedrive pool. This Ovedrive pool gains (targets Essence) motes each action the target unsuccessfully
attempts to escape the clinch. Note that choosing not to resist the clinch does not provide the martial artist with
motes. The martial artist may not store more than 20 motes in this fashion, and the motes vanish as soon as the
target successfully escapes the clinch or the martial artist releases the target from the clinch. Further, these motes
count against the maximum number of Overdrive motes that can be stored by the martial artist normally but my
exceed the martial artists existing Overdrive pool maximum if it is below 20 motes. Motes gained from this Charm
otherwise follow the same rules outlined in the Overdrive keyword.

Water Spider Bite

Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Reactor, Touch
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Cannibalistic Heritage Technique
Mimicking the deadly green spiders of the West, the martial artist strikes his foe and burrows deep within to draw
sustenance from his target.
This Charm constitutes an unblockable, bare-handed martial arts attack that may be attempted on any sentient
being. Should the martial artist successfully strike the host, he dematerializes and burrows himself inside his
target. While so immersed, he can only be targeted by effects that strike immaterial beings and seen by effects
that perceive immaterial beings. Otherwise any attempt to hurt the martial artist merely strikes the host. While so
immersed, the martial artist remains aware of his surroundings only through his sense of hearing though he can
defend against attacks that can target him normally. If applicable, the martial artist may draw sustenance from his
host with minimal inconvenience on the sentient being allowing him to stay immersed for an indefinite period of
time. The host merely experiences slightly more hunger and thirst than usual but suffers no mechanical drawbacks.
This Charm automatically fails on targets currently under the effects of ghostly possession, the Spirit Charm Ride, or
any other possession-like effects subject to Storyteller discretion, but up to half the victims permanent Essence
martial artists can target the same host with this Charm at a time.
While immersed, the martial artist may extract up to (Martial Arts) motes of Essence from his target as a
miscellaneous speed 5 action which can begin on the action following the attack supplemented by this Charm. If
the target does not have any remaining motes of Essence on an attempt, or the target successfully resists, the
martial artist instantly appears materialized in the nearest adjacent space that can contain him. The target may
expel the martial artist by making a reflexive (Stamina + Resistance) or (Wits + Occult) roll with a difficulty of (the
martial artists Essence) which may be attempted on any tick the martial artist attempts to steal motes from the
target. Success shunts the martial artist in the nearest available space materialized and preempts the mote loss, in
addition to releasing the motes committed by the martial artist for this Charm. Otherwise, leaving a host and
materializing can be done as a miscellaneous speed 5 action that cannot be flurried and allows the martial artist to
appear in any valid space adjacent to the target he chooses. Stealing motes from the target makes this Charms
use Obvious to the victim (if it wasn't already) and prompts a reflexive resistance roll from the target which can be
voluntarily failed.

Pattern Spider Touch

Cost: 20m, 2wp; Mins: Martial Arts 7, Essence 7; Type: Simple (Speed 7, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Thumbnail Spider March, Jumping Spider Strike, Water Spider Bite
Emulating the deadliest spider in existence, the martial artist strikes his foe and unravels the fate which destiny has
woven for him. To wield the power of the pattern spiders is to wield the power of Fate itself.
A successful strike from this Charm deals no damage but changes the identity of the target as a Shaping effect. To
determine the new identity of the target, use the following steps:
Appearance: The martial artist changes the targets appearance to his specifications. The target must remain the
same species but can otherwise be changed to the martial artists specifications. These changes may not be drastic
enough to grant effects similar to mutations. The target may spend a point of willpower to keep one feature the
same, such as eye color or a scar from a previous battle.
Intimacies: Remove all of the targets intimacies and replace them with an equal number of intimacies determined
by the martial artist. The target may preserve an existing intimacy for a point of willpower.
Motivation: The target gains a new motivation determined by the martial artist. For a point of temporary
willpower, the target may change one word in the new motivation.
Backgrounds: All backgrounds based on the targets identity, such as Backing, Command, Contacts, Connections,
Face, etc., are removed. The martial artist reassigns the total number of dots removed in new backgrounds to fit
the targets new identity. This effect is woven into Fate itself, reinforcing the new identity which mortals may not
resist as an Illusion effect. Essence wielders that are a part of the removed or new background traits are immune to
this Illusion effect and recognize the target has never been associated with a background prior to. Backgrounds
may be preserved for a willpower point per rating of the background (e.g. 3 willpower for a background rated at 3),
though the martial artist determines a suitable justification for the target to have that background which the target
Other traits: The target is filled with a lifetime of memories fitting for his identity which the martial artist may
build with fictitious or real people he is aware of. Consequently, the target loses all memories of its former self.
Things dependent on his physical state, such as his age, remain the same even though the target may be made to
look younger.
Under no circumstance may this Charm change a target enough to cause their Exaltation to flee, change anything
about their Exaltation or other supernaturally reinforced traits such as Charms or the fact that the target knows its
an Exalt, or any other traits specifically not described above along with traits deemed inappropriate by the
Storyteller. A violent warlord could be made to believe he is a humble librarian, but he will most certainly second
guess himself when he easily bests five armed muggers in a dark ally with his bare hands. The same warlord may
also wonder why he's constantly confrontational with those around him due ot his abnormally high Valor score.
Exceptionally powerful magic intentionally used to reverse this Charms effect such as Adamant Circle Countermagic
or Order Affirming Blow may reverse the effects of this Charm subject to Storyteller discretion, effectively restoring
the target to its former identity. The previous use of this Charm is not apparent to Essence sight, however. Any
experience points spent by the target while under an alternate identity remain spent. The exception are traits
purchased that are specific to the targets former identity (like backgrounds such as Backing), for which the target
receivess an experience point refund.

Grandmother Spider Mastery

Cost: 30m, 3wp; Mins: Martial Arts 7, Essence 7; Type: Simple (Dramatic)
Keywords: Obvious, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Pattern Spider Touch
For all her skill with wielding the Essence of Creation, Grandmother Spider eventually realized that her web would
one day be cut and that her greatest power resided not within her own ability to manipulate Essence, but in her
ability to pass on what she learned.

This Charm augments an unarmed attack that targets a non-sentient spider. Should the strike hit, it instantly kills
the spider so that it can be reborn anew. Essence begins rising out of the creatures body and forms into a spirit
which takes a number of hours equal to its permanent Essence rating to shape. The supernatural version of the
mundane spider gains the attributes, abilities, health levels, virtues and willpower of the martial artist in place of its
own. The spider is enlightened to a permanent Essence of (the Martial Artists unaltered permanent Essence 5)
and obtains a mote pool calculated in the same manner as a spirit. It gains the motivation to serve its creator and
any intimacies the martial artist desires. The spider also gains the ability to speak one language per dot in
Linguistics chosen by the martial artist and Old Realm as its native language. Further, the spider knows any martial
arts Charms the martial artist possesses (excluding Sidereal Martial Arts Charms) for which it meets the
prerequisites and can wield them as innate abilities. In addition, the spider gains (Martial Arts + Essence) spirit
Charms of the martial artists choosing and can be altered with up to (Martial Arts x 3) points of mutations.
Only (Essence) spiders may be created using this Charm at a time and only a single spider can be created per
activation of this Charm. The spiders are in all other ways treated as Familiars per the background with the
exception of immortality and the ability to store Essence for their creator. While they exist, each spider is
recognized by the Celestial Bureaucracy (provided their creator is as well) as a spirit with status of their appropriate
Essence rating with the domain of serving their creator. While anti-shaping effects can stop this Charm during its
activation, the spiders are treated as Spirits for all other considerations after their creation is complete. Any
increases in traits to the Sidereal that created the spider do not retroactively upgrade existing spiders. Using this
Charm to impersonate a pattern spider constitutes a Severity 5 offense.

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