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Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Brihadaranyaka Upanishada (1.4.14)

Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah |
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu
Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
1: Om, May All become Happy,
2: May All be Free from Illness.
3: May All See what is Auspicious,
4: May no one Suffer.
5: Om Peace, Peace, Peace.
Sangachadwam, samvadadwam samvomanamsi janatam' (R.V. X -192 -2)
emphasis the unity of minds to create healthy powerful organisations for prosperity and
happiness of all and to promote fellow feeling and righteousness.
sagacchadhwa savadadhwa
sa vo mansi jnatm
dev bhga yath prve
sajnn upsate ||
May you move in harmony, speak in one voice; let your minds be in agreement; just as
the ancient gods shared their portion of sacrifice.
samno mantra samitih samn
samna mana saha_citta_mem
samna mantram_abhimantraye va
samnena vo havi jhu homi ||
May our purpose be the same; may we all be of one mind. In order for such unity to
form I offer a common prayer.
saman va kti samn hrdayni va |
samna_mastu vo mano yath va susahsati ||
May our intentions and aspirations be alike, so that a common objective unifies us all.
Praatah Smaraami - Adi Shankaracharya
Praatah Smaraami Hrdi Samsphurad-Aatma-Tattvam
Sac-Cit-Sukham Parama-Hamsa-Gatim Turiiyam |
Yat-Svapna-Jaagara-Sussuptim-Avaiti Nityam
Tad-Brahma Nisskalam-Aham Na Ca Bhuuta-Sangghah ||1||
1.1: In the Early Morning I remember (i.e. meditate on) the Pure Essence of the Atman
shining within my Heart, ...
1.2: ... Which gives the Bliss of Sacchidananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss
essence), which is the Supreme Hamsa (symbolically a Pure White Swan floating in
Chidakasha) and takes the mind to the state of Turiya (the fourth state,
1.3: Which knows (as a witness beyond) the three states of Dream, Waking and Deep
Sleep, always,
1.4: That Brahman which is without any division shines as the I; and not this body
which is a collection of Pancha Bhuta (Five Elements).
Praatar-Bhajaami Manasaa Vacasaam-Agamyam

Vaaco Vibhaanti Nikhilaa Yad-Anugrahenna |
Yan-Neti-Neti-Vacanair-Nigamaa Avocam_
s-Tam Deva-Devam-Ajam-Acyutam-Aahur-Agryam ||2||
2.1: In the Early Morning I worship That, Which is beyond the Mind and the Speech,
2.2: (And) By Whose Grace all Speech shine,
2.3: Who is expressed in the scriptures by statement "Neti Neti", since He cannot be
adequately expressed by Words,
2.4: Who is called the God of the Gods, Unborn, Infallible (i.e. Imperishable) and
Foremost (i.e. Primordial).
Praatar-Namaami Tamasah Param-Arka-Varnnam
Puurnnam Sanaatana-Padam Purussottama-[A]akhyam |
Yasminn-Idam Jagad-Ashessam-Ashessa-Muurtau
Rajjvaam Bhujanggama Iva Pratibhaasitam Vai ||3||
3.1: In the Early Morning I Salute That Darkness (signifying without any Form) which is
of the nature of Supreme Illumination,
3.2: Which is Purna (Full), Which is the Primordial Abode, and Which is called
Purushottama (the Supreme Purusha),
3.3: In Whom this endless World is settled endlessly (i.e. from the beginning of
creation), ...
3.4: ... and (this endless World) appear like a Snake over the Rope (of the Primordial
Shloka-Trayam-Idam Punnyam Loka-Traya-Vibhuussannam |
Praatah-Kaale Patthed-Yas-Tu Sa Gacchet-Paramam Padam ||4||
4.1: These three Slokas, which are Holy (unites one with the Whole), and the ornaments
of the Three Worlds,
4.2: He who recites in the early Morning, goes to (i.e. attain) the Supreme Abode (of
Karaagre Vasate Lakshmi, Karamuule Saraswati,
Karamadhye Tu Govinda, Prabhaate Kara Darshanam.
Samudra Vasane Devi, Parvata Stana Mandite,
Vishnupatni Namastubhyam, Paada Sparsham Kshamasva Me.
Brahmaa Muraaris-Tripuraantakaarii - Vamana Purana - ch 14
Brahmaa Muraaris-Tripuraantakaarii
Bhaanuh Shashii Bhuumisuto Budhash-Ca |
Gurush-Ca Shukrah Shani-Raahu-Ketavah
Kurvantu Sarve Mama Suprabhaatam ||1||
1.1: (In the early morning I remember) The Devas Brahma, Murari (The enemy of
demon Mura, refers to Sri Krishna or Vishnu) and Tripurantakari (The One Who has
brought an end to Tripurasuras, refers to Sri Shiva), ...

1.2: ... The Planets Bhanu (The Sun), Shashi (The Moon), Bumisuta (Mars) and Budha
(Mercury), ...
1.3: ... Guru (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu and Ketu, ...
1.4: May all of them make my Morning Auspicious.
Bhrgur-Vasisstthah Kratur-Anggiraash-Ca
Manuh Pulasyah Pulahash-Ca Gautamah |
Raibhyo Mariicish-Cyavanash-Ca Dakssah
Kurvantu Sarve Mama Suprabhaatam ||2||
2.1: (In the early morning I remember) The Sages Bhrigu, Vasistha, Kratu and Angira, ...
2.2: ... Manu, Pulasya, Pulaha and Gautama, ...
2.3: ... Raibhya, Marichi, Chyavana and Daksha, ...
2.4: May all of them make my Morning Auspicious.
Sanatkumaarah Sanakah Sanandanah
Sanaatano[a-A]py[i]-Aasuri-Pinggalau Ca |
Sapta Svaraah Sapta Rasaatalaani
Kurvantu Sarve Mama Suprabhaatam ||3||
3.1: (In the early morning I remember) The Sages Sanatkumara, Sanaka, Sanandana, ...
3.2: ... Sanatana, Asuri and Pingala,
3.3: The seven Swaras (Musical Notes) and the seven Nether Worlds,
3.4: May all of them make my Morning Auspicious.
Sapta-[A]arnnavaah Sapta Kula-Acalaash-Ca
Sapta-Rssayo Dviipa-Aanaani Sapta |
Bhuur-Aadi-Krtvaa Bhuvanaani Sapta
Kurvantu Sarve Mama Suprabhaatam ||4||
4.1: (In the early morning I remember) The seven Seas, the seven Kula Parvatas (seven
Holy Mountains),
4.2: ... The Saptarshis (seven Sages), seven Islands and Forests, ...
4.3: ... The seven Worlds starting with Bhur Loka,
4.4: May all of them make my Morning Auspicious.
Prthvii Sa-Gandhaa Sa-Rasaas-Tatha-Apah
Sparshii Ca Vaayur-Jvalitam Ca Tejah |
Nabhah Sa-Shabdam Mahataa Sahai[a-E]va
Kurvantu Sarve Mama Suprabhaatam ||5||
5.1: (In the early morning I remember) Mother Nature manifesting as the Prithivi (Earth)
which is connected with Gandha (Smell), Apah (Water) which is connected with Rasa
(Taste), ...
5.2: ... Vayu (Air, Wind) which is connected with Sparsha (Touch), Tejah (Fire) which is
connected with Light and ...

5.3: ... Sky which is connected with Sabda (Sound); I remember all these Mahat Tatvas
(Material Energy),
5.4: May all of them make my Morning Auspicious.
Ittham Prabhaate Paramam Pavitram
Patthet Smared-Vaa Shrnnuyaac-Ca Bhaktyaa |
Duhsvapna-Naashastv-Iha Suprabhaatam
Kurvantu Sarve Mama Suprabhaatam ||6||
6.1: In this manner, in the early Morning, this very purifying Hymn, ...
6.2: ... on reciting, remembering or listening with Devotion,
6.3: ... has the quality of destroying bad dreams and making the morning Auspicious,
6.4: ... making the Morning Auspicious by the grace of the Divine.
Om Saha Nau-Avatu Trittriya Upanisha (Brighu Valli)
Om Saha Nau-Avatu | Saha Nau Bhunaktu | Saha Viiryam Karavaa_vahai |
Tejasvi Nau-Adhiitam-Astu, Maa Vidvissaavahai | Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
1: Om, May God Protect us Both (the Teacher and the Student), 2: May God Nourish us
Both, 3: May we Work Together with Energy and Vigour, 4: May our Study be
Enlightening and not give rise to Hostility, 5: Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.
Guru Stotram - from Vishwasara Tantram
Gurur-Brahmaa Gurur-Vissnnur-Gururdevo Maheshvarah |
Gurure[-I]va Param Brahma Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||1||
1.1: The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru Deva is Maheswara (Shiva),
1.2: The Guru is Verily the Para-Brahman (Supreme Brahman); Salutations to that Guru.
Akhanndda-Mannddala-Akaaram Vyaaptam Yena Cara-Acaram |
Tat-Padam Darshitam Yena Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||2||
2.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Whose Form is an Indivisible Whole of Presence, and By
Whom is Pervaded the Moving and the Non-Moving Beings,
2.2: By Whom is Revealed (out of Grace) That Feet (of Indivisible Presence); Salutations
to that Guru.
Ajnyaana-Timira-Andhasya Jnyaana-[Aa]n.jana-Shaalaakayaa |
Cakssur-Unmiilitam Yena Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||3||
3.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Who Removes the Darkness of Ignorance from our Blind
(Inner) Eyes by applying the Collyrium of the Light of Knowledge.
3.2: By Whom our (Inner) Eyes are Opened; Salutations to that Guru.
Sthaavaram Janggamam Vyaaptam Yena Krtsnam Cara-Acaram |
Tat-Padam Darshitam Yena Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||4||

4.1: (Salutations to the Guru) By Whom is Pervaded all the Movable and Immovable
objects as well as the Moving and Non-Moving beings,
4.2: By Whom is Revealed (out of Grace) That Feet (of All-Pervasive Presence);
Salutations to that Guru.
Cid[t]-Rupenna Pari-Vyaaptam Trai-Lokyam Sa-Cara-Acaram |
Tat-Padam Darshitam Yena Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||5||
5.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Whose Form is that of Consciousness Pervading all the
Moving and the Non-Moving beings of the Three Worlds,
5.2: By Whom is Revealed (out of Grace) That Feet (of Conscious All-Pervasive
Presence); Salutations to that Guru.
Sarva-Shruti-Shiro-Ratna-Sam-Udbhaasita-Muurtaye |
Vedaanta-Ambuuja-Suuryaaya Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||6||
6.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Who is the Embodiment of All Srutis (Vedanta) which
Equally Shine (He being the Essence of them) like Jewel worn on the Head,
6.2: Who is the Sun blossoming the Lotus of Vedanta. Salutations to that Guru.
Caitanyah Shaashvatah Shaanto Vyoma-Atiito-Niran.janah |
Binduu-Naada-Kala-[A]atiitas-Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||7||
7.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Who is the Eternally Tranquil Consciousness, Spotless and
Pure, and Beyond the Ether,
7.2: Who is Beyond the Bindu, Nada and Kala; Salutations to that Guru.
Jnyaana-Shakti-Sama-Aruuddhas-Tattva-Maalaa-Vibhuussitah |
Bhukti-Mukti-Pradaataa Ca Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||8||
8.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Who is Equally Mounted on Jnana (Knowledge) and Shakti
(Power), and Who is Adorned with the Garland of Tattva (Truth or Absolute Reality),
8.2: Who Grants both Worldy Prosperity and Liberation; Salutations to that Guru.
Aneka-Janma-Sampraapta-Karme[a-I]ndhana-Vidaahine |
Aatma-N.jaana-Agni-Daanena Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||9||
9.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Who Burns away the Fuel of Karma (results of works
impressed on the mind) Accumulated over Many Births,
9.2: By Giving (Kindling) the Fire of Self-Knowledge; Salutations to that Guru.
Shossannam Bhava-Sindhoshca Praapannam Saara-Sampadah |
Yasya Paado[a-U]dakam Samyak Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||10||
10.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Who Dries Up the Ocean of Samsara (Worldly Existence)
and Leads to the Essential (Spiritual) Wealth Within us,
10.2: In the Same Manner as His Foot-Water (i.e. grace, when a devotee surrenders
everything at His Feet) removes the impressions of the Samsara from the devotee's
mind and reveals the Essential (Spiritual) Wealth Within; Salutations to that Guru.

Na Guror-Adhikam Tattvam Na Guror-Adhikam Tapah |
Tattva-Jnyaanaat Param Naasti Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||11||
11.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Neither is there any Reality Beyond the Guru, Nor is
there any Austerity Higher than the Guru,
11.2: There is no Knowledge of Truth beyond what comes From the Guru; Salutations to
that Guru.
Man[d]-Naathah Shrii-Jagannaatho Mad-Guruh Shrii-Jagad[t]-Guruh |
Mad-Aatmaa Sarva-Bhuuta-[A]atmaa Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||12||
12.1: (Salutations to the Guru) My Lord is the Lord of the Universe, My Guru is the Guru
of the Universe,
12.2: My Self is the Self of All Beings; Salutations to that Guru.
Yam-Brahma-Varunendra-Rudra-Marutah, Stunvanti-divyaye-stavaye,
Vedayeh-sanga-pada-kramo-pani-shadair, Gayanti-yam-samagah.
Salutations to that God whom Brahma, Varuna, Indra, Rudra, and Marut praise with
divine hymns, whom the singers of Sama Veda invoke by the vedas
Dhyanavasthita-tada-gatena-manasa, Pashyanti-yama-yogino,
Yasyantam-na-viduh-surasur-gana Devaya-tasmaye-namah.
And the related branch of Knowledge ,the Upanishads, whom the Yogis see with their
minds focused on Him in meditation, whose limit the Devas and Asuras do not know.

Maataa Ca Pitaa Tvam-Eva |

Bandhush-Ca Sakhaa Tvam-Eva |
Viidyaa Dravinnam Tvam-Eva |
Sarvam Mama Deva Deva ||

1: You Truly
2: You Truly
3: You Truly
4: You Truly



Mother And You Truly are my Father .

Relative And You Truly are my Friend.
Knowledge and You Truly are my Wealth.
All, My God of Gods.

Om purna_madah purna_midam purnat Purna_mudachyate

Purna_asya purna_madaya purna_meva_vashishyate
That is perfect. This is perfect. Out of perfect only perfect comes. Even after taking
perfect out of perfect, that is perfect which remains.

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