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About the Author

Tony Sharp studied at the universities of Aberystwyth, Sussex

and Berlin. After working briefly in the Foreign Office, he
taught Politics and European Studies at the University of
Dundee. He is the author of three important historical works.
This is his first novel. Dr Sharp lives in Godalming, Surrey.


Charlotte & Alan
Eileen & Colin
Kay & Keith

Tony Sharp



Copyright Tony Sharp (2015)

The right of Tony Sharp to be identified as author of this work
has been asserted by him in accordance with section 77 and 78 of
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the
Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to this
publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims
for damages.
A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British

ISBN 9781785540677 (Paperback)

ISBN 9781785540691 (Hardback)
First Published (2015)
Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd.
25 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
E14 5LQ

Printed and bound in Great Britain





She weaved through a crowd of commuters, evoking blatant

looks and furtive glances from both sexes. Aware that her
height and hair prompted such attention, Eve Loxton smiled
wryly; recalling how shed once kept her red mane shorn and
dyed black. But that had been in another life.
Life before the secret police invested her with real
powers. Life before her cheating husband met with his fatal
accident. And life before Claudios tailoring skills stood at
her disposal. Thinking about the new outfit in her rucksack, a
contented expression drifted over her face.
It changed into a scowl when the Doss-house loomed
into view. For few would dispute that the Waterloo
headquarters of DOSS, the Department of Special Security,
fully merited its nickname.
The war had done no favours to an already drab building.
The lower levels of its brickwork were now blackened,
courtesy of a German incendiary bomb. A quirky crenellation
topped off this sooty scar, indicating where the fiercest
tongues of flame had licked away. Only the windowsills,
smeared with pigeon droppings, added patches of lightness to
its bleak faade.
The interior of the Doss-house was nothing special
either, as was confirmed by Eves ill-lit climb past mildewed
walls to her office. With difficulty she closed its warped door.
Struck by the rooms warmth, she touched a radiator and
wondered why the heating was on in September. Shrugging,

she assumed someone must be testing a system which had

failed so abysmally the previous winter.
Lowering the rucksack onto her desk, she eased a parcel
from its confines. From this, she withdrew the costume and
blouse shed collected on her way to work. After draping each
item over hangers, Eve commenced a pernickety examination
of both tailoring and materials, before pouting in approval.
She glanced at her watch to check how much time
remained before her appointment. Then she peeled off the
clothes she was wearing and drew on the latest outfit Claudio
Bonomi had made for her. Mirrored appraisal from multiple
angles confirmed its perfect fit.
This was hardly surprising, since Claudio had dubbed her
his maid to measure. This was his first and only pun in the
English language, and he would repeat it ad nauseam while
trailing his tape around Eves slender dimensions. The
recollection prompted a lewd smile, since the new Eve was
not averse to mutually beneficial arrangements, and her
splendid bespoke clothes had cost but a pittance.
Peering into the wall mirror, she grimaced at her darkringed eyes. Perhaps she should have passed on the weekends
temptations, since she knew her boss would allude to the
aftermath. Frown intensifying, she visualised the gross,
slovenly figure of Arthur Barber. Then she mimicked aloud
the most likely catchphrase that Uncle Arthur would inflict
upon her:
Still working you too hard, am I, lass?
As if on cue, a heavy thump resounded above her as
Barber performed some deed in his room. Eve looked up
when the crashing sounds resumed. They were now
interspersed with audible grunts. What the hell was he up to?

Being the owner of outsize feet which swelled in warmth,

Arthur Barber had found himself short of options. Whereas in
high summer he could simply wear size thirteen shoes instead

of his normal twelves, that days sudden increase in room

temperature had forced his hand.
Balancing his pipe on the edge of the desk, the Dossboss
groped awkwardly beneath it with his left paw. In such a
posture his bulk proved a hindrance, and induced the fierce
grunts he emitted before finally dislodging both feet from
scuffed shoes. Flexing his liberated toes, Barber sprawled
back in his chair to catch breath.
At length the heaving belly stilled. Now chewing upon a
straggly moustache, he resumed his study of what was to
prove a fateful file.

The punctual rap sounded upon his door and Barber

bellowed permission to enter. Immaculate in blue silk blouse
and navy costume, Eve strode into the room. Fabricating his
most avuncular air, Arthur waved her into a chair by his desk.
First checking its surface for pipe-ash, she sat, crossed her
long bare legs, and primly jerked down her hem.
Barber focused upon the telltale shadows edging Eves
striking green eyes. Still working you too hard, am I, lass?
A bland smile fronted her gritted teeth. No, sir, she lied.
Beaming broadly, he picked at gravy stains mottling his
frayed tie. Eve, I cant help the long hours. Keeping the lid
on this can of worms we call democracy is a full-time job.
Homilies over, with a grunt of exertion he stretched out
for his pipe, and then stabbed its stem at the file before him.
Herbert Pilling, lass, commercial traveller, killed in a carcrash couple of weeks back.
Minimised? queried Eve, employing the DOSS
euphemism for murder.
Nay, lass, he wasnt. Drooping lids half hooded his eyes.
But, I can promise you our Herbert wouldve been, if wed
known about him. He struck a match. Holding the flame
above the cherrywoods bowl, he sucked hoggishly as he
spoke. After young Pilling was scraped from his wreck, the

police went through it and stumbled on some microfilmed

Foreign Office documents among his samples.
Sounds like a bit of luck at last.
Happen, he countered gruffly. Trouble is, Eve, the
trails pretty cold. The only address weve got for young
Herbert is his brothers, and he knows nowt about Herberts
movements. And nor do we. With his job, it was all hotels
both here and over the Channel.
Did Pilling travel abroad a lot?
Aye, lass, he was often on the Continent. I reckon thats
where he handed over his films. And he could have any
number of suppliers back here, who we know sod all about,
not to mention a place to do his photography.
She concurred with a gloomy nod. Do we have any idea
who supplied him with the microfilmed FO documents?
It seems MI5 have their eye on some junior official they
reckon fits the bill.
Oh, said Eve in a disappointed tone. So this case has
been given to the opposition, has it?
A vigorous headshake set his jowls wobbling like jolted
jelly. Its whats laughingly called a joint operation, lass.
She cocked a suspicious brow, when he passed her a
lengthy list of womens names and addresses.
It seems young Herbert was a real ladies man, Eve. So
someones got to check up on all the names in his addressbook, in case theres more than just hanky panky involved.
Yon lasses could all be shop-girls or barmaids, but you never
know. And Five dont have much of a womens section.
Nor do we, she retorted sourly, although we could
A nod of the pipe was all the sympathy she got.
Eve skimmed the list and frowned in frustration. Sir,
there are some fifty names here. I just havent got the
womanpower for this sort of job. She punctuated her
complaint with a pronounced pout, which augured a major

sulk unless remedial action was taken. Im overstretched,

underfunded, and unappreciated.
Nay, lass, youre very much appreciated, he soothed
hastily. But, theres nowt I can do about extra funds. Lolling
back in his chair, paws petting his paunch, he shammed
stupefaction. Eve, youve always had a fair whack from my
budget. What on earth do you do with it all, lass?
She imagined him using the same slightly indignant,
somewhat flabbergasted tone with his wife, when it came to
housekeeping bills. Puffing her lips less blatantly, Eve
perused the list more attentively. Halfway through the names a
spontaneous glint came to her eyes, when they lighted upon
one which indelibly scarred her memory.
Switching her expression to docility, Eve feigned a sigh.
Well, if its really important, sir, I suppose Ill just have to
take it on.
Sticky, patterned socks tautened over the balls of his feet
as Arthur twiddled his toes in triumph. Then he pounced upon
his matchbox. Any road, hows your investigation of
Horners finances coming along? Is our Stephen fiddling the
Eve noted the familiar way he spoke of Stephen Horner.
Many uttered that name with an undertone of awe, but Barber
viewed him realistically for what he was. Horner headed a
modest department which had outlived its wartime usefulness,
and was constantly threatened with absorption into a major
ministry, if not outright liquidation. It was the same fragile
status that Barber and DOSS enjoyed.
When Arthur finally torched his pipe productively, Eve
replied to his question. Well, I reckon Horner has been on the
take, but Ill be more certain about things in a few weeks
Belching smoke, Barber beamed at her brazenly. Youre
worth every penny I pay you, lass. So keep at it. A bit of
success in this matter wouldnt come amiss. It would please
our current patrons in the Foreign Office, and help keep the
other big boys off our back. I need hardly tell you that fresh

moves are afoot to close us down. So bring me some trophy,

Eve, which I can shove in Fives face.
She responded with a cosmetic smile. Behind it her mind
was racing, but not with thoughts of Horner or Barbers
bureaucratic battles. She was recalling instead the woman
whod finally caused her old world to collapse; and now Eve
had carte blanche to investigate her.
With the scent of revenge tingling in her nostrils, she left
Barbers office and hastened downstairs to her own. Yet by
the time she sat at her desk, instinct had given way to
calculation. Revenge would certainly be sweet; but, as the
Italian saying went, it was also a dish best eaten cold.
In any case, this personal vendetta was all part of the
much larger job that Barber had dumped into her lap. It had to
be organised, financed, and fitted in alongside all the other
tasks she had on. Dismissing Fay Galbraith from her thoughts
for now, Eve dialled her deputys number.



Halting on the kerb of a Westminster side street, Jack Randall

tipped back his trilby. He stared across the road at his place of
work, where the Department of Research and Analysis or
DORA as it was less reverently known was housed in two
adjoining buildings.
His gaze drifted to the top storey, where DORAs director
had his office. Whether it was occupied by Stephen Horner
that day was a moot point. Horners absences were becoming
ever more marked, and his general behaviour increasingly
Not that Randalls own was a model of consistency. Ever
since selling some landscapes that spring, hed imagined
himself tendering his notice and striking out as a professional
artist. But, a stream of bills, product of a less than austere lifestyle, ensured that such ambition remained quixotic. Unable to
escape thraldom to a regular salary, hed settled instead for
bouts of job dissatisfaction.
A few days leave had only made matters worse.
Reluctant to face his job, and beset again by problems with
women, Randall had to force himself to cross the road.
Mission accomplished, he cast a routine glance over the
nameplates outside DORAs entrance. This merely confirmed
that, as a matter of policy, they hadnt been cleaned.
Since neither body courted publicity, it took a practised
eye to discern that these grimy plaques advertised both DORA
and a dental practice. The latters staff were also employees of
Stephen Horner. Tending but a few select patients, they

fronted for him by occupying most of the ground floor of the

two buildings.
Doffing his hat, Randall proceeded along a sepulchral
corridor towards the reception desk. He registered the
incumbents changed hairdo and complimented her upon it.
Favouring him with more than her standard smile, she pressed
one of three buzzers to alert the personnel inside the security
The responsibility of these men was to react appropriately
to friendly green light, ambiguous amber, or hostile red.
For green, by far the most common signal, they operated a
control which released the foyers sealed door.
When Randall entered, the tang of stale tobacco smoke
made his eyes smart. He picked up too on the antagonistic
atmosphere, since Donald McCloy was on duty alone, his
demeanour exuding the dislike hed always shown towards
him. Staring back coldly, Randall tossed his ID onto the
counter in the centre of the foyer.
Drawing himself erect, McCloy ensured that he towered
above Randall, who was himself over six feet tall. Baleful
eyes scrutinised the photo on the pass as if viewing its bearer
for the first time. When he finally returned it, after
painstakingly logging its details, McCloys manner suggested
it was a favour.
Randall stepped inside the nearby lift and pressed the up
button. The cage ascended sluggishly towards its sole
destination, the third floor of the building. From here internal
stairs, passages, and through-doors led to offices
honeycombing other storeys.
When the lift juddered to a halt, Randall emerged from it
reticently, and then scaled the staircase leading to his own
room on the fourth floor. Dumping hat and briefcase on the
desk, he peeled off his suit jacket, and loosened both tie and
collar. Then he left his office for that of his secretary.
Lucy Temples room was larger than his, but reduced in
space by the filing cabinets lining two walls. Perched behind
her typewriter, Lucy beckoned him with a blood-red talon.

Then she extracted a sheet from some handwritten pages, and

spread it accusingly upon her desk. The talon guided his eyes
to the relevant spot.
He squinted at the offending sample of his scrawl. It says
AVH or Hungarian Secret Police, Lucy.
It says nothing of the sort.
Well, Ive.
Obediently, the head of DORAs European Communism
Section penned the requisite words in block capitals. Lucy
checked his efforts and grudgingly nodded approval.
He gathered up the backlog of paper cramming his in-tray,
and frowned at the reports of Zhdanovs death headlining the
Soviet press. Horner would want to discuss this topic; but
Randalls agenda was dominated by other concerns. Fingers
raking through dark, wavy hair, he stared at her brimming intray.
Fay wont be in until Thursday, confided Lucy in mindreading tones, and only until eleven, before she goes on
holiday with her husband.
As usual, he ignored the subtle emphasis shed placed
upon the final word.

From a secluded nook in the Waterloo pub, Eve surveyed

the lunchtime scene. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves,
she mused, except there were only four men, and they werent
dwarves. They all just happened to be shorter than Sandra
Jansen, and, in this respect, they were hardly unique.
Standing six feet without her heels, Sandra was two
inches taller than Eve, and, at thirty-three, some four years
older. Lithe and leggy, she had short and silky blonde hair,
azure eyes, and pouty lips that seemed to be demanding a kiss.


As the male quartet danced attendance, Sandra collected

four gin and tonics from the bar. And, although she accepted
that the banter and flirtation would do Sandra good, Eves rule
was that business preceded pleasure. To indicate that playtime
was over, she beckoned her deputy with a flick of her head.
Smiling her leave-taking, Sandra glided through the throng
with laden tray.
Eve grabbed a drink and lowered its level drastically.
Ooh, I needed this! So whats the womanpower situation
Content with but a sip from her own glass, Sandra flipped
open her notebook. Then she fiddled with the rings on her left
hand, which were now as token as those Eve wore. Well, I
can get enough girls, Eve, as long as you can rustle up more
funds. What you last came up with covers solely our present
strength, and only until mid-October.
Oh, Ill get you the dosh, Eve declared confidently. Ive
got a date with a sad little banker, whos in desperate need of
an authority figure.
Authority figure, echoed Sandra. The things you
come out with, Eve. Itll never catch on. Anyway, whats this
banker been up to?
She produced a taunting smile. Sandra, its most unlike
you to show interest in the sordid side of our business. Its
always been me whos done the dirty work.
Sandra pinked slightly. I know. But you seem to enjoy it,
Eve. And Im only showing interest, because weve never had
a banker before. Just think of tapping into a banks resources
whenever we need to.
That thought had occurred to me, Eve remarked drily.
But theres more. This blokes not just any old banker, hes
Horners banker. Anyway, lets return to matters at hand. She
tapped the list of names from Pillings address book. I want a
really professional job done. Run checks on all these women.
Her finger stabbed viciously at the name shed circled in red.
But, pay special attention to this bitch, Fay Galbraith. I want
to know every move that cow makes.

Any special reason?

Yes, Sandra, she hissed, its personal.
Sorry I asked, muttered Sandra huffily.
Eve gave a consoling squeeze to the others arm. Ill tell
you about it later.
Sandra managed an abrupt nod of forgiveness. Does this
Fay Galbraith have a job?
Well, when I knew her, about three years ago, Fay was
working in DORA. So thats somewhere for you to start. And
her home address is there on Pillings list.
Having penned some notes, Sandra looked up.
Are you still annoyed? asked Eve.
Toying with her pen, Sandra shook her head. Im just a
bit touchy, Eve. Unlike you, Ive got a husband whos still
alive and causing me grief. Derek met me from work the other
day. Said he wants to come back, now the bitch he ran off
with has thrown him out.
You wouldnt have him back, would you?
Not a chance! But Im thinking of moving to another part
of London.
So do it, Eve exhorted. Now, tell me more about these
new girls youve just taken on. Twins, you said.
Thats right. Delilah and Delphine Delaney.
Youre kidding! Eve chuckled into her glass, before
polishing off its contents. So tell me more.
Well, theyre both language students, which means ones
available to work if the others at lectures.
What else can they do, besides babbling in strange
Theyre amazing dancers. We first met down the Palais
Thats a hobby, said Eve sharply. What talents do they
bring to the womens section of DOSS?


Well, theyre bright, willing, and quick learners. They

can drive, and theyre both handy photographers who can
work a darkroom.
Now, thats more like it, said Eve, reaching out for her
second gin.

Work finished for the day, Randall nipped into a nearby

pub. He was seated with newspaper and brandy, when a
womans voice asked if she might join him. Looking up, he
smiled at Wendy Page from DORAs Finance Section and
waved her into a vacant chair.
For two years now, shed dealt with his expenses, which
Randall, as a member of the human race, naturally padded.
She had easily caught him out. But, instead of shopping him,
shed encouraged him to continue; arguing that such financial
chaos reigned in her section that no one else would notice.
Jack suspected that she had a dip herself, since she was always
well-dressed on what was likely to be a modest salary.
He was unsure why she favoured him so. She was
engaged, and although she flirted with him, she never
suggested that more was on offer. Nor was he sure that hed
accept if she offered, since she both passed and failed certain
of his exacting standards.
She had exceptionally attractive eyes, topped by long,
natural lashes. Wavy, shoulder-length black hair was another
plus, as was her height. On the other hand, although her
buxom figure curved in all the right places, there was far too
much of it. She was overweight by at least a stone. Then there
was her excessive make-up, which he found particularly
unbecoming on a woman who was only in her early twenties.
Between sips of port, Wendy told him she was waiting for
a girlfriend. They were off to the cinema. She named the film,
but it meant nothing to him. Then, setting down her glass, she
gazed at him unblinkingly, and inquired how he was getting


on with Fay. She saw his eyes harden, but she still pursued the
Jack, its not exactly a secret that you two are having an
affair. After all, women talk.
Too damned much, he observed caustically.
She tasted her drink again. Would you marry Fay if she
was free?
Randall held her probing stare. You wont get an answer
to that question.
I didnt think I would. Wry smile fading, her expression
grew sombre. Would you marry someone you didnt love?
No, I wouldnt, as Id only be postponing an inevitable
She put down her glass, and stared at her engagement
ring. Thats what Ive been thinking too. I cant see it
working between Andy and me. I really cant see us happily
Then dont do it. As they say, there are plenty of fish in
the sea, and youre attractive enough to hook them.
Her eyes lit up at the compliment. Then she sank the
remains of her drink, and produced a perplexing smile. I
heard that you paint in your spare time, Jack. Do you paint
I have done on occasion.
Have you painted Fay?
He nodded cautiously.
She was about to pose another question, when a womans
voice called her name. Wendy waved back at her friend, who
was standing by the entry door to the bar. She collected her
handbag and stood.
We must talk again, Jack.


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