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Compound Curve:
Given a compound curve I1 = 24, I2 = 36, D1 = 6 and D2 = 4. Determine the
a. The length of the common tangent.
b. The length of TL and TR using traverse method.
c. The stationing of PT if PC is located at 10 + 420.
A compound curve is laid out 480-m from the PC to the PCC having a radius of
763.94-m. Then from the PCC another curve was laid out to the PT 250-m long with
a radius of 208.85-m. If the stationing of the point of intersection of the tangents is
10 + 432.25.
a. Determine the length of the common tangent.
b. Determine the length of the long chord.
c. Determine the stationing of PT.
The centre-line of a new railway is to be set out along a valley. The first straight line
AI has an azimuth of 75, while the connecting second straight line IB has an
azimuth of 120. Due to site conditions it has been decided to join the two straight
lines with a compound curve. The first curve has 500 m radius commences at PC is
situated 300 m from I on the line AI, and deflects through an angle of 25 before
joining the second curve.
a. Calculate the radius of the second curve.
b. The distance of the tangent point TL.
c. At what station did the two curve meets if the tangents intersected at station

Simple Curve

Problem 1:
The angle of intersection between two tangents was found to be I = 824,
the location of the point of intersection is at station 8 + 105, and terrain
conditions require a minimum radius permitted by the specification of
763.944-m. In order to lay-out this curve the following requirements must be
A. The deflection angle on each stations.
B. The chord distance from PC to the stations.
C. Complete the curve data.

Problem 2:
A simple curve has tangents AB and BC intersecting at a common point B.
The tangent AB has an azimuth of 19418 and the tangent BC has a bearing
of N5330E, the radius of the curve is 97.6-m. Find the following:
Degree of Curve base on arc definition.
External Distance.
The station of Pt. C if Pt. B is located at
Problem 3:
The offset distance (shortest distance) of the simple curve from the PT to the
tangent line passing thru PC is equal to 120.20-m. The stationing of PC is at 2
+ 540.26. The simple curve has an angle of intersection of 50.
A. Complete the curve data.

Sample Problem 1:

A station has been set as far as station 10+000 at C. The direction of the tangents
CV and MV has been fixed by stakes, but the tangent distances have not been
measured. The degree of curve Da is to be 15 according to arc definition. It is
desired to stake a full station on the curve using meter as the unit of measurement.
The angle of intersection between tangents are 80, and the distance from point C
to V is 73.103 m.
a. Determine the deflection angles at each full station from the tangent thru PC.
b. Determine the chord distance per station.

Sample Problem No.2:

Tangent AB of a simple curve has a direction which is due north and the tangent BC
has a bearing of N 50 E. Point A is located at station 20 + 130.46. The degree of
curve is 4.
a. Compute the long chord.
b. Compute the stationing of point D on the curve along a line joining the center
of the circle which makes an angle of 54 with the tangent line passing thru
c. Determine the station of PT.

Sample Problem No. 2:

The deflection angles of two intermediate points R and S on the curve measured
from the tangent passing through PC are 6 o15 and 12o15 respectively. The chord
distance between R and S is 20 m, while the long chord is 100 m.

Compute the radius of the curve.


Compute the angle of intersection of the curve.


Compute the tangent distance

Sample Problem No. 3:

A simple curve having a radius of 229.18-m has a back tangent of N28E, and a
forward tangent of N66E. A property line running parallel to the back tangent
crosses the centerline of the curve at a distance of 10-m from it. If the PC of the
curve is at 10+120.60.
a. What is the deflection angle at the point of intersection of the property line
and the curve measured from the tangent at station 10+120.60.
b. What is the stationing at the point of intersection of the property line and the
c. Compute the chord distance from PC to the point of intersection of the
property line and the curve?

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