Job Roles in Film

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A screenwriter is the person who writes

the instructions for the rest of the crew.
The screenwriter writes the screenplay,
and from that gives orders of what to do.
The screenwriters are in charge of creating
the storyline, characters, setting etc. The
rest of the crew work to the writers intent,
and cast actors matching the character

The producer looks at possible film ideas
and turns them into definite film ideas.
The Producer is in charge of the films
production, and organising teams of
people to help complete tasks such as
casting and crew recruiting.

Casting Director:
The Casting Directors job is to
organise/hold auditions for actors for all
the roles in the film. The Casting Director,
as well as holding auditions, has to create
contracts and fees for the chosen actors.
The Casting Director has to work with the
director, producer and writer to find out
the directors intent of what the
character/actor should look like.

The Director has one of the main roles of
creating a film. The Director has the job of
visualising what the film would look like,

and brings it to life. Also, the Director has

to look at the cast, shots and editing of the

Film Finance:
Film Finance is thinking of the budget the
film gets. This is done before filming to
ensure they have enough money to do so.
A Financial Controller is in charge of
accounting and making sure staff
members are paid.

Camera Operator:
The Camera Operator has the role of
setting up the cameras and the entire

onset filming equipment. The Camera

Operator is the boss of all the other
camera crew members, and talks to the
cast to make sure they are in the right
positioning for the camera.

The editor works with the director to edit
clips of the film so it is ready to put
together. The Editor usually has a team of
people to help do this, as it takes hours to
complete single handily.

Production designer:

The Production Designer has the job of

choosing locations to film. The Production
Designer must confer with the director and
producer to find out their thoughts on
what they wish the scene to look like, and
they then go away to find a setting.

The Marketing Manager is in charge of
distributing posters and other forms of
advertisements to the public to persuade
them to come see the film.


Exhibition is the release of the film in

cinemas, so the audience can finally see it.
This happens after trailers and clips of the
film are exhibited on sites like YouTube and
Facebook, as well as on television.

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