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*An Introduction to

United Nations
Gamze Tekin

Main Organs of UN
*General Assembly
*Security Council
*Economic and Social Council
*Trusteeship Council
*International Court of Justice(ICJ)

*The United Nations General Assembly is one of the

six principal organs of the United Nations and the
only one in which all member nations have equal
representation. Its powers are to oversee the budget
of the United Nations, appoint the non-permanent
members to the Security Council, receive reports
from other parts of the United Nations and make
recommendations in the form of General Assembly

*General Assembly

*GA1-Disarmament and International Security


*GA2-Economic and Financial (ECOFIN)

*GA3-: Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian

*GA4-Special Political and Decolonisation


*GA5-Administrative and Budgetary


*General Assemblies

* The Security Council has primary responsibility, under

the UN Charter, for the maintenance of international peace
and security. It has 15 Members(5 permanent and 10 nonpermanent members). Each Member has one vote.
* The Security Council takes the lead in determining the
existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression.
* In some cases, the Security Council can resort to imposing
sanctions or even authorize the use of force to maintain or
restore international peace and security.
* The Security Council has a Presidency, which rotates, and
changes, every month.

*Security Council

* Permanent Members: UK, USA, China, France,

Russian Federation

* Non-permanent Members: Chad, Angola, Chile,

Spain, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia, New Zealand,
Nigeria, Venezuela

* Note: Non-permanent members are elected for

two-year terms by the General Assembly

*Current Members

* English
* Russian
* Spanish

*Official Languages of UN

* 1) Any State which desires to become a Member of the United

Nations will submit an application to the Secretary-General

* 2) The Secretary-General will send a copy of the application to the

General Assembly

* 3) The General Assembly will consider whether the applicant is a

peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the
obligations contained in the Charter and will decide, by a twothirds majority of the members present and voting

* 4) The Secretary-General will inform the applicant State of the

decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved,

membership will become effective.

*How does a new state

obtain a UN membership?


United Nations
Millennium Development Goals
Established September
Achieved by 2015

Millennium Development Goals 2000

Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty

and Hunger

Halve the proportion of people living on less than $1 a day

Achieve Decent Employment for Women, Men, and Young
Halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger

Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary


By 2015, all children can complete a full course of primary

schooling, girls and boys

Goal 3: Promote Gender Equality and

Empower Women

Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary

education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015

Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality Rate

Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the underfive mortality rate

Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health

Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015,

the maternal mortality ratio
Achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health

Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and

Other Diseases

Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread

Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for
HIV/AIDS for all those who need it

Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence

of malaria and other major diseases

Goal 7: Ensure environmental


Integrate the principles of sustainable development into

country policies and programs; reverse loss of
environmental resources
Reduce biodiversity loss, achieving, by 2010, a significant
reduction in the rate of loss
Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without
sustainable access to safe drinking water and
basic sanitation
By 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement in the
lives of at least 100 million slum-dweller

Goal 8: Develop a global partnership

for development

Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, nondiscriminatory trading and financial system
Address the Special Needs of the Least Developed Countries
Address the special needs of landlocked developing countries
and small island developing States
Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing
countries through national and international measures in order to
make debt sustainable in the long term
In co-operation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access
to affordable, essential drugs in developing countries
In co-operation with the private sector, make available the
benefits of new technologies, especially information and

Progress of MDGs

Uneven progress between countries in the world

China and India making steady progress
Sub-Saharan African countries are at major risk of not
meeting 2015 deadline
Global uncertainties of the Global Financial Crisis and
Climate Change are major challenges to reaching goals

Videos: MDGs
Intro: UNMDG


Good:UN Millennium Declaration

Progress Report: MDGs today

Map Data Online: MDGs

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