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PICTURED 'Evidence aliens landed on Earth 1million years ago' being examined in

ALIEN chasers say they have found a "fossilised UFO" which they claim could prov
e aliens came to earth over 1 million years ago.
Vadim Chernobrov (right) and another member of the team with the stone BLOKNOTVO
Vadim Chernobrov (right) and another member of the team with the stone "disc"
At first glance it looks like, well an oversized boulder, the same colour as the r
est of the surrounding rocks, that has been heavily eroded to give a smooth disc
-like appearance.
But an established team of paranormal researchers in Russia called Kosmopoisk ar
e convinced that the rock's resemblance to the shape of a mythical flying saucer
mean it must have originated in space.
Local reports in Russia said the area where it was found - Medveditskaya Ridge,
in Zhirnovsky district, near near Volgograd, Russia, was reknowned for UFO sight
ings and paranormal activity.
The four-metre across cracked "disc" was found last week according to Russian we
bsite bloknot-volgograd after Vadim Chernobrov, a famous paranormal investigator
in Russia, and his team set out to the area, where they said they had previousl
y discovered smaller ones of one to two metres in size.
The boulder was cracked but the team are convinced it came from another worldBLO
The boulder was cracked but the team are convinced it came from another world
Is wreckage of a UFO that crashed in Antarctic three years ago...
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Translated from Russian, the website said it was now in the Zhirnovsky Museum wh
ere some examination has taken place, but further tests are due.
It added: "The results were quite controversial.
"Its age is about one million years.
"Examinations will continue.
"Work on the ground will be resumed.
The huge boulder is hoisted up from the rocky floor where it was foundBLOKNOTVOL
The huge boulder is hoisted up from the rocky floor where it was found
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What is a UFO? This stone! You learn the history of the region! Here the sea was
more than once.
Russian reader of the story
"UFOlogists expect to continue to look for traces of the UFO in the Volgograd re
Kosmopoisk (All-Russian Scientific Organization) was founded in 1980 by Russian
science-fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev, ex-aerospace engineer Mr Chernobrov,
and astronaut Georgy Beregovoy, to investigate mysteries of the universe.
It has been involved in bizarre experiments with time travel, searching for the

Yeti, and looking at UFO hotspots.

Several readers of the story were less than convinced, with a number pointing ou
t it was a former ocean bed and the stones were the result of years of erosion u
nder the waves.
It is now reportedly at a museum for examinationBLOKNOTVOLGOGRAD
It is now reportedly at a museum for examination
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One said: "What is a UFO? This stone! You learn the history of the region! Here
the sea was more than once."
Another uploaded a similar picture of the stones being found in a former ocean i
n China.
But Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Daily Sightings appears to agree with the grou
ps initial findings that it came from outer space.
He said: "Do you see the whitish parts on this disk? Thats the metal tungsten th
at he describes. It has been found at some alleged UFO crash sites.
"Also this disk was measured to be over 1 million years old. It looks to me like
the stone disks I've seen in Mars NASA photos, which leads me to conclude that
this UFO is a military drone, but it was probably damaged during the Mars attack
and got off course, crashing on Earth."

angry reader posted this picture of similar stones found on a former sea bed
angry reader posted this picture of similar stones found on a former sea bed

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27 CommentsRSS|Subscribe
davebr2 hours ago
It's a early Mars Bar
Reply 0
Anti DM Dave3 hours ago
The Bible states that giants walked the earth back in the mists of time. so it f
igures that this object is is an ancient "smartie" that was dropped by one of th
em whilst having a picnic, and it has become fossilised.....;-))
Reply 0
Deg3 hours ago
Too small to be a space craft.
Reply +1
cynicalme3 hours ago
What a load of drivel !!!! I won't even bother dispelling this rubbish. Hammer 6
explains it partially below. There are dozens of examples of this. In fact I ha
ve a small stone this shape in my garden. obviously an alien race of lilliputian
Reply +3


Jon Austin you are even worse than Nathan Rao!
Reply 2 replies+2
Bill Sumner3 hours ago
The DE is turning into the Daily Sport.
Reply 1 reply+1
Anti DM Dave3 hours ago
I'm rapidly coming to the same conclusion mate. Now please excuse me, I have a h
at to make out of some foil.
Reply 0
Johny Englander4 hours ago
DE, please try to remember this is a newspaper. If we wanted to read fanciful st
ories of make believe we would click on one of your sponsored links.
There is plenty of real science which could fill this space to much better effec
t. Why not give us an update on the Mars Rover or publish the fascinating photog
raph of a double eclipse recently taken from NASA s Solar Dynamics Observatory sat
Reply +1
hammer65 hours ago
This is a ancient glacial valley . the stone is a part of terminal moraine which
can be formed into all shapes given the right circumstances in sub strata erosi
on . next.
Reply 1 reply+4
Eric Clapton4 hours ago
No it isn't, it's a fossilized BZ-14 from planet Zog - so there Mr Cleverclogs!
Reply 0
Ken645 hours ago
Is it April fools day?
Isn't it supposed to be a bit bigger and have death rays and stuff.
Sorry I'm getting carried away.
It would appear to be a rock that just looks like a spaceship (a rather small sp
Reply 0
The Libertarian Whig5 hours ago
It's a rock.
Reply +1
Bob Martin 5913 hours ago
Yea right it's rock so break it in half and see if it'e got Mars written all the
way through
Reply +4
Bassil brush14 hours ago
Not even worth DISCUS ING HA HA HA
Reply +1
You Kip if you want to!15 hours ago
Anyone who believes anything this rag says should be frozen and stored away unti
l a cure can be found!

Reply +1
Jojo17 hours ago
Ther'e back corbyn leads them.
Reply 0
Smujsmith18 hours ago
A stone fossil is a UFO ? Excuse me, any witnesses to it flying at al ? If not,
it becomes just another large rock, until the Ufologists can prove otherwise. I
won't hold my breath !
Reply +1
June18 hours ago
Prehistoric mushrooms turned to stone, if they are flying saucers, the alians mu
st have been the size of a mouse.
Reply +1
MartinShuttlecock19 hours ago
I give in. This place is way too off the wall for me. I think I'll stick to the
puzzles in future.
Reply 1 reply-2
Teddy Bear15 hours ago
You give in too easy.
Reply 0
Utterances20 hours ago
I'm not particularly skeptic but that looks more natural than man made because i
t's not very symmetrical.
Reply 2 replies+2
Be Happy18 hours ago
Utterances if it's a fossilised alien ufo as claimed, then by definition it's no
t man made, it's alien made!!!!
Reply 1 reply-1
Utterances13 hours ago
Quite right, I should have said artificial.
Reply 0
Jackie, Devon21 hours ago
BTW the tungsten that they are now digging up in Devon by Wolf is actually black
in colour in the rock and not white. Tungsten is turned into a white powder kno
wn as APT as part of a chemical process in the factory and does not occur natura
lly in that state I believe. Tungsten is actually heavier than gold.
Reply +4
Jackie, Devon21 hours ago
Didn't one of the Greek gods throw a large discus many years ago? Did he find it
Reply 2 replies+4
Marmalite21 hours ago
Discobolus of Myron.
No, but I believe the Roman's may have. Maybe they forgot where they put it?
Reply 1 reply+3

Jojo17 hours ago

It's now a Internet posting service the daily telelaugh uses it.
Reply 0
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