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(a V ib liav a): 5 6 f n .
(a V id y civ ara): 49
(V asudeva): 93
A dhara-sakti (power sustaining
the E g g ): 53, 63
A dhara, Sudarsana as: see
Adhoksaja (a V idyesvara): 49
A d iv arah a: 56 fn.; cf. V araha.
A dvaita: 57 fn., 104 ff., 112 ff.
aerial chariots: 153, 157
Agamic literature (generally) :
14, 18
Agneya A stra: 157, 160
Agni V ailvanara: 119 fn.
A ham kara: 45, 4 5 , 61, 87 ff.,
127, 137
Ahim sa (person): 51
A hirbudhnya: 17, 60, 109 ff.,
115 ff., 140, 149
A indra C ak ra: 152
A iivarya (second attribute of
G o d ): see Attributes.
All-form of God: 150 ff.
alphabets, occult: 137 ff., 140,
A m rtaharana: see Piyiisaharana.
A nanta (the serpent): 64; cf.
A cyuta

(a V ib h av a):
49, 52
A nava M ala (Saivite): 132 fn.
A nga-m antra-s: 139, 149
angels: 59, 60, 65 ff.
A niruddlia (a V idyesvara): 49
(the V yuha): 41-7, 55, 57,
73 ff., 92, 9 4 ,9 8 , 121, 161,
164, 166 fn., 175

(the Vyuha, intram u n d an e):


Annesa (a V ibliava): 56 fn.

A ntaryam l-A vatara: 57, 60 fn.
A nugraha Sakti: 101, 131 ff.
Apsaras-es: 159, 170
Area A vatara: 56 ff.
A rjuna (an A v a ta ra): 55
arrows (emblem) : 61, 174
A rtha Adhvan (Saivite): 123
aspects, m any different, of
G o d : 120
Asrama-s (periods-of-life): 134
Astra-s: 124, 143 ff.
Asura-s (cf. Danava-s, e tc .):
ff.; not included in
list: 170
atom ic (third) body: 140
atom icity o f souls: 66 ff., 101 ff.
A ttributes (G una-s), six, of the
L ord: 37-45, 47, 78, 117,
171 fn.
Aurva (a V ib h av a): 53
A vatara-s: 1, 49 ff., 64 ff., 66,
fn., 121, 129 fn.; cf.
origin of: 55, 60;
why necessary: 124
Aveia A vatara-s: 54 fn.
Avidya defined: 112 ff.;
(= T iro d h a n a Sakti, see
Laksm! T an tra X II. 20)
Avyakta: 66, 78,92;andV yakta:
82 fn., 90 fn., 91 fn.
B adabavaktra (Vibhava
' no. 11): 49, 53



(fourth A ttribute
G o d ): see Attributes.
Baladeva (cf, Sam karsana); 41,
43, 165
Balaram a (cf. Samkarsana) (the
second V y u h a ): 41
(an A v a ta ra ): 52, 56
Baptism, the G reat: 149
B hadra (a N itya): 65
B hadrakali: 72 fn., 74 fn.
Bhagavat (topic): 28, 128
B hagavat-sakti: 72
B hakti: 27, 129, 147, 161, 172
Bhoga-sakti: 63
Bhflmi (wife of V isn u ): 62 ff,
Bhuti- and Kriya-sakti, rela
tion of: 34, 35, 122
Bhuti as p a rt of the Bindu:
Bhuti-sakti or m atter aspect of
Laksmi: 34-6, 39 ff., 69 ff,
101 f f , 117 f f , 131 ff
B in d u ; 136 ff
bodies, simultaneously assumed:
three, of m an: 140
two kinds of: 67
body, atom ic: 66, 67, 140
non-natural: 55, 56, 58, 67
m agical: 67 fn.
subtle: 67, 140
bondage, cause of: 131 ff.
Brahm an, H ighest: see Vispu (1)
B rahm an (m asc.): 12, 26, 32 ff ,
41; ( P rad y u m n a): 42 fn.,
50, 52 f f , 55, 61, 70, 77,
91, 92; (three B rahm an-s):
93 ff , 97, 130, 133 fn., 143,
152, 162
B rahm an, Days and Nights of:
B rahm anda: see Egg.
B rahm anda Kosa: 91 fn.
Brahm avidya river: 67 fn.
branding: 28

B rhaspati: 150
B uddha
(a V ib h av a ): 55,
129 fn., 151
Buddhi, a nam e of
1. the cosmic M ahat: q.v.j
2. the
individual M ahat:
3. M anas: q.v.
119 fn., 129, 151
G a y a t r k 139
C anda (a N ity a ): 65
castes, four: 134
causa efficiens, e tc .: 35
C inta: 51, 64
Citradikhandin-s, seven: 71 fn.,
95 fn.
club (em blem ): 48, 60, 173
conch (em blem ): ibid.
Cosmic Egg, N ight, etc.: see
Egg, N ight, etc.
cow and non-cow: 118
creation: 12 (no. 213), 33 f f ,
f f , 131,143,148,164f f ;
cf. ' kinds of creation in
IndexV , also 169-70; fifteen
opinions about: 119
Creator, Preserver, Destroyer:
see T rim urti.
C akra

Cosmic: see Nights and

Devarsi-s, origin of: 72
Deva-s: 72 (origin), 159 f f , 169;
cf. In d ra, etc.
devil (incubus): 154
D hanvantari (a V ib h av a ): 52
D harm a (a V ib h av a ): 49, 53
(father of four V ibhava-s):

ay s,


D h rti: 64
D hruva (a V ib h av a): 49, 53
diagram s: see Y antra-s.
disciple, admission of: 139


discus (em blem ): 48, 61, 114,

139, 146 ff., 151, 174; cf.
-diseases, origin and cure of:
147 ff.
Dissolution: see Pralaya.
door-keepers o fV a ik u n th a : 65
D u rg a = N ila : 62
D vapara age: 17; cf. Yuga-s.
the Cosmic (B rahm anda):
3 2 if., 43, 44, 58, 69, 91 ff.,
118 fn., 122, 143; plurality:
33, 94 ff., 122
Ekam bhonidhisayin or E karnavaiayin (Vibhava no. 14):
49, 50, 163
E kasrngatanu (Vibhava no. 28):
49, 50; cf. M atsya.
Elem ents, the ten: 61, 87, 119,
em anation, theory of: 39 ff.
exorcism: 126 fn.; cf. magic,


ir e ,

c re a tio n

d e r iv e d

fro m :

Force and M atter: see K riyaSakti and Bhuti-sakti.
a n d h a r v a - a s t r a : 153
G andharva-s: 72 (origin), 153,
159, 170
garlan d (em blem ): 61, 175
GarucLa: 26 fn., 53 fn., 65,
117, S attvata-sam hita,
X II. 178-200
G aruda-astra: 159
Germ-impressions: see Vasana-s.
Golden E g g : 92 ff.; cf. Egg, the
G ovinda (a sub-V yuha): 48
G roup Soul: see . K utasthapurusa.
Guhyaka-s: 158


G una Body: 72, 77

Guna-s, six, o f the L ord: see
A ttributes,
three: 36, 46, 59, 63 fn., 73,
74, 77, 123 ff., 127; how
related to the six: 78
am sa
(a V ib h av a): 50, 52
H ari (Vibhava no. 33): 49, 51
(a V idyesvara): 49
Hayasirsa, Hayasiras, or H ayagriva (a V ib h av a): 53, 55 ;
cf. Vagisvara.
Hayasirsa L o k a: 98 fn.
Heaven, H ighest: 57 ff., 68 f f ,

121 ff.

heavens, higher: one connected

with each V yuha: 58
heavens, lower: 57 fn., 58
henotheism : 115fn.
heresy of the Pancaratrin-s:


H ero Form o f the S udarsana: 64

H irariyagarbhaB rahm an: 125
Hrsike^a (a sub-V yuha): 48
H um : 139
Ic cH A -R U P A -D H A R A ,V isn u
I c c h a S a k t i : 63
I d a : 137

a s : 53

identity, feeling of: 142

ignorance, symbol of: 61
imprecations, efficacy of; 124
In d ra : 54, 159 ff., 169
initiation: 129, 134, 139 ff.
Inner Ruler, A niruddha as: 51,
164; cf. A ntaryam l-avatara.
J a i n i s m : 119fn., 129, 151
Ja n a rd a n a (a V idyesvara): 49
J in a : 151
Jiv a and p ara: 102, 104 ff., 112,
Jivadeha-kosa: 91 fn.
Jiva-loka: 32



Jn a n a (first A ttribute of G o d ): K riya-sakti= B hum I: 63

K riya-sakti or force aspect o f
see Attributes.
Laksmi: 34-7 fn., 39, 117
K a i t a b h a : 51 fn .
135; cf. Sudarsana.
K ala, K a la (Saivite): 74, 103 K rodatm an (a V ib h av a): 49,.
K ala: see Tim e.
K a la g n i: 119 fn.
K rsna, son of DevakI: 40, 49
K alanem i: 52, 116
" '5 2 , 55-6, 153, 165, 166
K alanem ighna (V ibhava no.
son o f Ahimsa: 49, 51 fn.
22): 49, 54
(a V idyesvara): 49
K rta Y uga: 95 if.; cf. Yuga-s..
K a la ra tri: 74 fn.
K ali Y uga: 87, 140
K sam a: 64
K alkin (a V ibhava): 49 ff., 56 K satriya as Sam nyasin: 134
K a m a : 52
K ubera: 55, 158
K am athesvara (V ibhava no. K um uda (a N ity a): 65
15): 49, 50; cf. K urina.
K um udaksa (d o ): 65
Kaficuka-s: 74, 103, 132 fn.
K undalini-sakti: 136
K an tatm an (a V ib h av a ): 49, K u rm a (Tortoise) A vatara: 50
56; cf. K am athesvara.
K an ti: 64
K utastha-purusa (Group S oul):
K apalika-s: 128
'4 3 , 69, 70 ff., 123, 127, 137
K apila (a V ib h av a): 49, 52, 54
teaching the S am khya: 125, L a k sm I and Visnu, relation ofr.
129 fn.
34-7, 117, "162
K apila L o k a : 98
Laksmi (Sn) as
Kapila-s: 152
1. the metaphysical com ple
K apila V isn u : 98 fn.; cf. 52.
m ent o f the L ord: 34-7,
K arm a M ala: 132 fn.
100-2, 117, 127, 135, 161,.
K arm an, the two kinds of: 133
K arm ic chain: 147
2. the queen, or one of the
K au stu b h a: 61, 105, 175
queens, of Highest H eaven:
39, 62-4;
Kesava (a su b-V yuha): 48,
3. the Sakti of a Vyflha, or of'
Kevala-s: 68
a sub-Vyuha, or a V ibhava:
king (position of, advices to):
41,42 fn .,5 0 ,5 1 ; (Narayana.
135, 146-52 {passim)
instead of h e r ): 62;
4. the wife of the Preserver:
K irti: 64
knot of the h ea rt: 133
cf. Visriu (5);
5. referred to indistinctly in,
derived from : 120
one or some of the h gher
knowledge (jM na), symbol of: 61
aspects: 32 fn., 115
Koia-s of the Devi: 78 fn., Liberated, the: see M ukta-s.
Liberation: 31, 44, 47, 55, 58,,
91 fn.
K riya and Bhiiti, relation of:
117, 125,
see Bhiiti and K riya.


L ok an ath a (a V ibhava): 49,

52, 53
L o rd of im m ortality (Samkarsana): 164
th e
V ibhava): 51
L o rd of the souls (P radyum na):
Viraj (B rahm an): 53
Lords of the M onths: 48
Lotus (Golden, Sacrificial, Tim e
Lotus): 2 9 fn,, 42 fn., 50,
fn,, 93 fn,, 119
Lotus of the heart: 57, 60 fn.


M antram ay! K riyasakti: 135

M antra-s: 138ff., 146, 1 5 4 ff,
161 ff., 172; 1development
of: 29, 54
*M anu , father of B rahm an: 93
M anu V aivasvata: 52
M anu-s, four pairs of: 70 fn.,
71, 73, 82, 87-90, 124, 133
M anu-s of the several ages: 89
M ati: 64 ff.
M atsya (Fish) A vatara: 50,
56; cf. Ekasrngatanu.
m atter, two kinds of: 59
M aya (A vidya): 102, 148
(= B h u ti-ia k ti? ): 148
the K aiicuka): 74, 103
= Sudarsana): 129
M aya-kosa: 41, 74
M aya-sakti: 69, 70 fn., 72 ff.,
127, 132, 164 ff. (Prakrti)
M ayiya M ala: 132 fn.
M edha: 64
m editation: 57, 68, 129, 140,
146, 150, 152 f f ,
155, 174
methods (rlti), two religious:
112; four: 170
M lm am saka-s: 104, 151
M ixed Group of souls: see souls.
M onths, Lords o f the: 48
M others o f the world, three: 74
M ukta-s: 58 fn ., 59, 60, 66 ff.,
99 ff., 104 ff.
M uladhara: 136
M ulaprakrti: 72, 78 ff.

M A d h a v a (a sub-V yuha): 48
M adhu (and K a ita b h a ): 51, 145
M adhusudana (a V ib h av a): 49,
(a sub-V yuha): 48
m agic, black: 149, 153
magical seat, e tc .: 155 ff.
M ahadhenu: 74 fn.
M ahakali: 74 fn.
M ahalaksm i: 72 fn., 74, 158
M ah a m a y a: 74
M ahasanti K a rm a n : 151
M ahasri: 74 fn.
M a h a t [T attv a]: 60, 72 ff.,
80 ff
M ah av an !: 74 fn.
M ahayana: 114
M ahendra circle: 149
M ahesvari: 72 fn.
(symbol): 127, 137, 143
M a itri: 64 ff.
M a la M a n tra : 138 ff.
N a d a : 136
M anas: 45, 46, 61, 82, 87, 137
Nadi-s: 137, 142
M anava-s and M anavam ana- N aga-s: 52,98 fn ., 15 6 ff, 159,170
va-s: 90, 98, 125, 133 ff. N aisthika: 134
M ango-tree as an A v a ta ra: 56 Nakulisa Pa4upata-s: 127 fn.
M an tra exegesis, three stand N ara (Vibhava no. 31): 49, 51
N arada (do): 6 (rem ark), 53,
points of: 161
ff,, 167
M an tra key: see alphabets,
N ara-s: 99



N arasim ha Loka: 98 fn.

N arasim ha (Man-Iion) (Vibhava
no. 17): 49, 50, 54 fn., 56
N arasim hanustubha M an tra: 163
N arayana (the A bsolute): see
Visnu (1)
(complement o f the Vyuha
V asu d ev a): 62
(a sub-Vyuha) :.48
(Vibhava no. 32): 49, 51
N id ra : 51, 64, 74 fn.
Nights an d Days o f Brahm an:
32-3, 120
o f the L ord: 33 fF., 98 fF.,
120 if.

N igraha or T irodhana Sakti:

101,131 fF., 133 (synonyms)
N ila: 62 fF.
N irvana, B uddhist: 135
N itya-s: see angels.
N ivartaka (U pasam hara, Samhara) Astra-s: 144, 150,
154, 160 fn.
N iyati: 73, 74 fF., 121 fn., 127
N rsim ha (a V idyesvara): 49
Nrsim ha Sadkhodara (a Vi
bhava) : 56 fn.
N yagrodhaiayin (d o ): 49, 50, 99

of the soul: 90,

101, 131 fF., 148
O m : 161 fF,, 166
O m nipotence, etc.: 101 fF., 131
ornament; and weapons of god:
60, 123 fn., 139, 173 fF.
b s c u ra tio n

N arayana
(= A n iru d d h a ): 166 Fn.
Pada-s (one quarter) Four, oF
G od: 164 fF.
P adm a (= L a k sm i): 50 fn.
P adm anabha (a sub-Vyuha) :48
P adm anabha (a V ibhava spring
ing from A n iru d d h a); 29 fn.,
49-50, 163
P ad a

Pakudha K accayana: 119 fn.

P aram eivarl: 74 fn.
P ara, PaSyanti, etc.: 136
P arasuram a (Vibhava no. 35) r.
49, 50, 52, 54, 55
P ara V id y a: 165
P arijatahara (V ibhava no. 23):
49, 54
Parisada-s, Parsada-s: 65
Pasupata system: 2, 124 fF.,.
128 fF., 130, 132 Fn., 134,
Patalasayana (V ibhava no. 39):.
49, 51
Pauranika-s: 162
Pavaka (a V ibhava:) 55
' perfect
em brace of thedivine couple: 100
P h at: 139
Pingala: 137
Pitr-s (creative), origin of: 72.
(deceased), bodies of: 68
Piyusaharana (V ibhava no. 18) z
53, 163
planes, fourteen, of the Egg: 58.
of consciousness: 161, 165
Play of God: 131, 143, 148
P racanda (a N ity a ): 65
P radyum na (a V ib h av a): 52
(a V idyesvara): 49
(an intram undane V y u h a ):
(the V yuha): 41-9, 56, 71-3,.
121, 161, 164, 166 fn.
Prajapati-s: 93, 169
Prakara-s, five ( = fivefold
self-man:festation) o f G odt
29 fF., 60 fF.
P rakrti (or V id y a):
1. = Laksmi (1);
2. = M aya Sakti;
3. - Avyakta;
4. = V yakta (M ahat and
rem aining Tattva-s) q. v


Prakrti Kosa: 91 fn,

P ralaya: 32 (two kinds), 41 fn.,
58, 70-1, 118, 147,
P ram ana, Sudarsana as: see
regulative principle.
P rana ( = M a h a t): 84 fF,
( = S u darsana): 129
Prana-s, the five: 82
P rap a tti: 27, 162
Prarabdha-karm an,
how to
neutralize: 154
Prasuti K osa: 78
Prasvapana A stra: 157
P ravartaka Astra-s: 144, 154 fF.,
157, 160 fn.
presents to B rahm ana-s: 143,
P rlti: 64
P u n d arik a (a N ity a): 65
Pure G roup: 72 fn., 85 fn.,
fF., 125, 133
pure m atter, etc.: see m atter,
Purohita, the ideal: 151
1. = Visnu, especially as
the Absolute and the A ntaryam in;
2. = the K iitastha;
3. = the individual soul
(jiv a ); q.v.
Purusa (a V ib h ava): 53, 56 fn.
o f the Samkhya-s (K apila-s):
127, 151, 162
Purusa Sukta: 29, 164 if.
P urusottam a (= A n iru d d h a ): 41
(a V idyesvara): 49
Pusti: 51, 62 fn., 63, 64


R am a D hanurdhara or Sriram a
(Vibhava no. 36): 22, 49 fF.,
54 fn.
R am a diagram : 138 fn.
R am a Loka
(second ideal
re alm ); 98 fn.
R am anuja, system of: 141 fn .;
cf. Visistadvaita,
R ati: 41, 64, 74
regulative principle (Sudar
san a ): 118, 123 fF.
R egulator: a nam eofN iyati, q.v.
retinue o f the L ord: 62 fn.,
65 fF., 146
R sabha (a V ibhava): 129 fn.
Rsi-s, seven: 71 fn., 169
R u d ra: see Siva.
R udra-s: 93, 110, 169

RadhA : 22

S a b d a A d h v a n : 123,
Sabda-brahman: 136
sacraments, five: 28
sacrifice, God as a: 147
see also self-sacrifice, worship.
Sacrificial Lotus: see Lotus.
Sadhana and sadhya: 130 fF.,
Saivism: 75, 123, 128 fF., 132;
cf. next two items, also
Saivite elements in the Paficara tra:2 5 -6 , 103, 132fn.
Saivite view of the P ancaratra:
35 fn.
Saksat-sakti: 54, 60 fn., 63
Sakta T antra-s: 14
Sakti, m eaning of: 117; cf. 148
(third A ttribute of G o d ): see
A ttributes.
Sakti: see LaksmI, K riya-sakti>

R ag a (the Kaficuka): 74
R a h u : 54
R a h u jit (V ibhava no. 21):
49, 54
ra in , methods of producing: 155

Sakti-koSa: 78
Sakti-s of the V ibhava-s: 64 fF.
Vyuha-s: 41 fF., 78 fn.
(1,2,8,12): 62 fF.

Bhuti-iakti, etc.



S aktyatm an (a V ibhava): 46,

S alagram a: 152, 159
Sam karacarya, system of; 112 ff.
Sam karsana (the V y u h a): 17 ff.,
'4 1 - 9 / 5 6 , 61 fn., 115fn,,
121 ff., 124, 140, 161, 164,
166 fn.
(a V ib h av a ): see A nanta,
Balaram a.
(a V idyesvara): 49
(an ultram undane V y u h a ): 93
Sam khya; 52, 113, 124 ff.,
129 fn., 130, 133, 162; cf.
Sam khya-yoga: 28, 113fn.,
166 ff.
S aipnyasa-airam a: 134
Sam udra, a nam e of Siva:
169 fn.
Sanaka: 53
S an atk u m ara: 53
Santatm an (a V ibhava): 49, 53
Santi: 41
Santi P arvan: 16 ff., 125
Sarasvati: 41, 42 fn., 64 ff.,
74 fn., 78 fn., 92 fn.
(river): 152
Sarvastitvavadin-s: 113
S astitan tra: 28, 113 fn., 126 ff.
Sastra, necessary for
1. com bating the b ad : 124
2. saving the soul: 90 ff.
3. starting the Sam sara: 96
Sastra, the original: 124 fF., 171
Sastra-s: 124, 160; cf. orna
ments and weapons o f God.
S aivadvidya: 72
Satya (a V ib h av a ): 56 fn.
Satya L oka: 57
Saubhari: 67 fn.
S audariana-m aham antra, e tc .:
see SudarSana.
Sauri (a V ib h av a): 56 fn.
Sea of M ilk: 145

Self-manifestation of G od: see

self-sacrifice: 141 (Yoga), 147
Senega (= V isv ak sen a): 26 fn.
senses, the ten: 61, 88, 137
service to G od: 68, 142
Sesa: 52, 66 fn.
S esaian a: 66 fn.
Sheath of G eneration: 78
Sheath o f M aya: 74
Siddha-s: 133 (original m en),
Siddhi-s: 142
Siva: 26 fn., 41 ( = Sam karsana),
41 fn., 44 fn., 55, 77-8 fn.,
93; (R udra), 93 fn.; (three
Siva-s), 115, 125, 129 fn.,
151; (M ahadeva),
169 fn.
S ivaroha: 98 fn.
Skandhavadin-s: 113, 120 fn.
Sm rti (a S akti): 64
Soma, Nila as: 63
soul, atomicity of: 66 ff., 101 ff.
collective: see K utasthapurusa.
individual: 60, 6 3 fn .,9 9 f f.,
131 ff., 148; two groups,
pure and mixed, created ',
resp. by Pradyum na and
A niruddha: 43, 94 fF.
* superintended by Sam kar
sana : 45 ff,; two classes in
highest H e av en : 64 ff.; four
classes: 99
Sound B rahm an: 136
sounds: 136 ff.
Space and T im e: 35, 169
Space, H ighest: see H eaven,
speech, inadequacy of: 120
S raddha: 64
Sri: see Laksmi.
Sridhara (a sub-V yiiha): 48


firldhara Loka: 98 fn.

.'Srihamsa: 12
Sripati (a V ib h av a): 49, 54
Srivatsa: 55, 60, 64, 175
S thiti (period): 119, 123
Subhadra (a N ity a ); 65
sub-Vyuha-s: 48 if., 121, 140,
;Sudar3ana: 29, 35 if., 115-29,
131, 135, 151, 153, 154
names of the: 129, 167
H om a: 151
M an tra: 139 ff., 149, 153, 159
Purusa: 60 fn., 140,142,144ff.,
146ff., 149 ff.
w orship: 146-7, 153
Y an tra: 146, 149, 155 ff.
imddha Saiva: 128 fn.
Sudra, relation to higher castes:
suicide, religious: 135
summum, bonum: 130
Sun as gate to L iberation: 66-7
Siinya (nam e and condition of
V isnu): 99
S unya-vada: 113, 120 fn., 129
support of the universe, the
S udariana as the: 119,
_ 120 ff.

Suri-s: see angels.

Svetadvipa, story of: 16 ff.
sword (em blem ): 61, 175
synonyms, people misled b y : 120
systems of philosophy: 96, 112,
- 125-30
155 ff.
T anm atra-s: 88 f f , 137
T ara[ka] M an tra : 161 ff.

a l is m a n :


T attva-s, the principles:

1.seldom from the
Lord downwards: 57 fn.1
2.generallyfrom M ah at
downwards: 32, 76, 91 ff.
3. of N on-pure C reation:
61 (P ra k rti= S a k ti+ K a la
+ N iy ati), 71, 73
teacher, the ideal: 139
Tejas (sixth A ttribute of God) :
see A ttributes,
tem ple: 30, 63, 146, 149, 154
T im e: 32, 35 f f , 43, 59, 73 ff.,
75 ff., 122, 127, 132 f f ,
time-atom : 32 fn.
Tim e Body: 73
time goddess: 63
Tim e Lotus: see Lotus.
Tim e W heel: 121, 151
Tirodhana Sakti: see N igraha
Town-watchm en of V a ik u n th a:
T rayl: see Veda.
T reta age: 125; cf. Yuga-s.
T rim u rti (C reator, Preserver,
D estroyer): 44,131,151,162
T ripad-vibhuti: 58
Trivikram a (a V ibhava): 49, 51
(a sub-V yuha): 48
Tusti: 64
tutelar deities: 47 ff., 61
Twelve suns: 48
U panisad- s ( V edanta-s )
referred to in the Pancara tra : 112-13, 139, 165,
169 fn.; cf. V edantah.

1The list enumerates: the ten elements, ten senses, threefold Inner Organ,
,prakfti, firasiiti, maya, kala, niyati, iakti, the fiurufa, highest heaven, and the Lord;

but the next chapter explaining these admits that the highest principle
namely the Lord, is not a principle or higher than a principle 1 [m slattvaijt
taltvam ultamam, Lakftni Tanlra, V II. 8).



Upanisad-s referring to the

P a n c a ra tra : 166 fn.
U pasam hara A stra-s: see Nivartaka Astra-s.
U p en d ra (a V idyesvara): 49
U tsavasam graha-s: 5, 30
V acyayana : 125
Vagisvara (a V ibhava); 49, 53;
cf. Hayasirsa.
Vaidika-s made slight of: 112 fn.
V aik u n th a: see H eaven, heavens.
Vaisesika-s: 75, 128 fn.
V am ana (a N ity a ): 65
(a sub-V yuha): 48
(or V am anadeha) (Vibhava
no. 29): 49-51, 54 ff.
V am ana Loka: 98 fn.
V anaprastha: 134
V araha (Vibhava no. 16): 49 ff.,
54 fn., 55, 56, 152
V a rap a-astra: 160
Vasana-s: 70 ff., 132, 148
Vasudeva: nam e of Visnu,
especially as P ara and
V yflha: 39, 40, 64; cf.
Visnu(2) and(3)
Vasudeva (a V idyesvara); 48, 49
V asudeva Loka (one of the
eight ideal realm s): 98 fn.
Vedanga-s, etc.: 126
V edantah (Trayyantah) m en
tioned am ong the philo
sophical systems: 130
V eda (T ray i): 45, 112, 125, 130,
139, 143, 145, 172
Vedavid (a V ibhava): 49 f f ,
53, 54 fn. (Vyasa)
Vedhas (= B ra h m an ): 26
Vedic rites: 130, 134
vegetation, goddess of: 63
Vibhava-s (= A v a ta ra -s): 49 ff.,
163, 172
Vidya, a term applied to all
sorts of Prakrti, from

Laksmi down to M ah a t: 72r

74, 80, 90; (M a h av id y a=
S arasvati= N iyati), 120
Vidya (the K ancuka): 74
V idyadhara-s: 159, 170
V idyadhideva (a V ib h av a ;: 49f.
53, 55 (Brahman)
Vidya dhipati-s: 169
Vidyesvara-s, twelve: 48
Viham gam a (a V ib h av a): 49, 50
V ijara (Viraia) river: 67 fn.
V ijaya: 64
Vijnanavadin-s: 113,
120 fn.
V iraj: 164
V ira-sakti: 63
Virya (fifth A ttribute of G o d )::
see Attributes.
V isistadvaita: 63, 67 fn., 68,
'141 fn.
V isnu, a name of God in all.
His aspects (cf. Prakara-s),
but especially as:
1. the Absolute (Brahman,.
Purusa, N arayana, e tc .):
28-9, 32 fn., 33-6, 52 fn.,.
62, 98 f f , 102 fn., 105 ff.,
116, 134, 161 ff.
2. the P ara Vasudeva: 36, 39y
60 ff., 6 2 ff., 66 f f , 77 ff,
100 ff., 105 ff , 125, 131 ff.,
137, 139
3. the
Vyflha Vasudeva::
40 f f , 56, 61, 161, 164 f f ,
166 fn.
4. the fifth sub-Vyflha: 48
5. the Superintendent of the
Sattva-guna and Preserver
of the Egg: 44 (P rad yum na), 57 fn., 77, 93,
151, 162
Visnii Cakra (an A stra): 160Visnu Loka; 57 fn.
Visvaksena: 2 6 fn., 5 5 fn., 66,,
Visvarupa (a V ibhava): 49, 53


Visva, Taijasa, etc.: 166 fn.

Void, the; see Sunya.
V rsakapi (a V ib h av a); 56
Vyasa: 10 (remark), 53, 54 fn.,
55, 167; cf. Vedavid.
Vyuha-s: 19fn., 22, 40 if.,
58 ff., 61 fn., 66, 115, 127,
161, 164 ff., 172, 173;
for the two, three and
four Vyuha-s, see Num erical
magical; see Sastra-s
and Astra-s.
Wheels, m inor, within the
Sudarsana: 120 ff.
W ill-to-be of Visnu: 116
W o m b s5 other than
M an u -s: 72



worship of the Vyuha-s, e tc .:

19 fn., 30 fn., 140-1, 170-2;.
cf. Sudarsana worship.
Y a jn a [-V a r a h a ] (a V i b h a v a ) :

Yaksa-s: 159
Y am a: 156
Y antra Devata-s: 140
Y antra-s: 30, 48, 140, 146,,
148, 155 ff.
years, hum an and K am ya: 41
yellow robe: 6 0 fn., 173
Yoga: 25, 57, 63, 124 ff., 127 f f ,
ff., 133 ff., 141 f f , 171
Yoga Sakti: 63
Yuga-s, theory o f the: 95 ff.,
124 f f , 173 fn.; cf. K rta r


Does not include Samhita-s m entioned in the Synopsis on
p p. 6 ff. (A bbreviation: S. = Sam hita.)

bhayam kara

a su d ev a sa s-

see Y atindram atadlpikavyakhya.

A bhinavagupta: 21
A gam akhya S .: 20
A gam apram anya by Y am unacarya: 18 fn., 20 fn.
Agastya S .: 6, 22 fn.
A gni-purana: 4, 5 ff., 24
A hirbudhnya S.: 108-67
(a) referred to in p a rt I : 1,
3 fn., 6, 13 fn., 18, 20,
21, 22, 23, 25 fn., 28, 29,
t r in


(b) direct quotations (except

single words and phrases):
35 fn., 40 fn.,
47-8, 55 fn., 66 fn., 70,
77, 78, 82, 110, 111, 115,
123, 124, 125, 147, 148
A itarey a-b rah m ana: 110
Bhasya by Sayana: 110
A laim g arab h atta: 23 fn.
A n an d ag iri: 66
A nantacarya, Pandit P. B.: 17
A nanta S.: 6, 15
A tharva V eda: 76, 126
Avalon, A rth u r: T an trik Texts,
vol. I : 138 fn.

B hagavadgita: 29 fn., 32 fn., 53,

70fn., 84fn., 104fn., 107fn.,
119 fn., 141 fn.,
143 fn., 151 fn., 169 fn.
Bhagavadgita-bhasya vyakhya
by V edantade^ika: 70 fn.
B hagavata-purana: 53, 99 fn.
B handarkar, R . G .: Vaisnavism,
Saivism and Minor Religious
Systems: 3, 16 fn., 19 fn.,
2 2 fn., 2 8 fn., 51 fn., 5 4 fn.,
128 fn., 170 fn.
B haradvaja S.: 9, 14, 20, 27
Comm, on: 23 fn.
B hargava S.: 9, 20
Bhisma P a rv a n : 17
Brahmabindu-?upanisad: 106 fn.
B rahm anarada S.: 9, 19 fn.
B rahm a S. 6, 9, 23
B rahm a-sutra-s: 1, 68 fn.
Bhasya on, by S am karacarya:
45, 113
B rhadaranyaka-upanisad: 73fn.,
75fn., 8 0 fn., 8 6 fn., 87,141
B rhad B rahm a S.: 9, 12, 14, 19
B urnell: Descriptive Catalogue o f
the Palace Library, Tanjore:
13, 109
C h a n d o o y a -u p a n is a d :

21 fn.
B askalam antra-upanisad: 94 fn.
B a r n e t t , P r o f .:

85, 86,
120 fn.

116 fn.,

84 fn.,


C hatterji, J . C .: Hindu Realism:

75; Kashmir Shaivism: 2 0 fn.,
21 fn., 40 fn., 74 fn., 104fn.
C itrasikhandi S.: 12, 20
D a t t a t r e y a S.: 8
Deussen, P .: 82 fn .; Allgemeine
Geschichte der Philosophie, vol.
, p art 3: 89 fn.
D hyanabindu-upanisad: 162 fn.
Dowson, Jo h n : Hindu. Classical
Dictionary: 56 fn.
D u tt: Mahanirvana Tantra (trans
la te d ): 14-5
R . : Die Bkagavadgila:
16 fn., 165 fn.
G argya S.: 7, 20
G au d ap ad a; 106 fn.
G autam lya S.: 6, 7
G opalottaratapiny-upanisad:
166 fn.
G ovindacharya S vam in: The
Pancaratra-s or BhagavatSastra (in JR A S , 1911):
3, 5 fn ., 19 fn., 20 fn.,
22 fn., 25 fn., 129fn.



J a i n scripture: 119 fn.

Jayakhya S.: 7, 20, 21, 23, 111
Jay o ttara S.: 7, 20
Jn a n a m rta sa ra : see N a ra d i
a n v a S.: 5 fn., 6, 7, 23
K apila S.: 6, 7, 20
K apinjala S.: 5 ff., 14, 24
Kasyapa S.: 7, 20
K asyapottara S.: 12
K athaka-upanisad: 78 fn., 83,.
133 fn.
K aum ara S.: 6, 7
Kausltaky-upanisad:67fn., 84fn.
K sem araja: 35 fn. .
K ubjika Tantra-s (three): 15

T a n tra : 10, 14, 20,

29 fn., 34 fn., 37 fn., 38,
39 fn., 41 fn., 42 fn., 43 fn.,
44, 45, 50 fn., 55, 57 fn.,
62 fn., 69 fn., 70, 72, 74,
77-8, 81 fn., 83 fn., 91 fn.,
92 fn., 173 fn.
Law Books: 2, 135 fn,
L aksm i

Vedic Mythology:
llO fn .; The Development o f
' 13 fn., 21
Early Hindu Iconography:
H am sa S.: 12
15 fn.
H arigaurl T antra-s: 15
M adhavacarya:
SarvaH aug:
darsana Sam graha.
(translated): 110 fn.
M a h a b h a ra ta : 16 ff., 113 fn .;
H ayasirsa (Hayagriva) S.: 5 fF.,
cf. Bhisma, V ana, Santi
2 0 ,'2 4 , 25, 26
Parvan, Narayaniya.
M ahanarayana-upanisad: 29
I ndraratra
(third R a tra o f M ahasanatkum ara S .: 9, 26,
MahSsanatkumdra S . ) : 20,
27; cf. In d raratra.
M ahendra S.: 9, 23
fn., 48 fn., 93, 98, 119fn.
I^avasya-upanisad: 40 fn., 141fn. M aitrayaija-upanisad:
76 fn .,.
fn., 116fn.
Isvara S.: 7, 14, 18-20, 23-5,
M aitreya-upanisad: 106 fn.
129 ftu
Isvara S. vyakhya by Alaim gara- M andukya-karika by G auda
b h a tta : 23 fn.
p ad a: 106fn.

a m s a p a r a m e Sv a r a






M andukya-upanisad: 80 fn,
M ankana S .: 13 fn.
M anu S .: 2
M au d g ala S.: 9, 20
M rd an i(?)-tantra-s (two): 15
M u d gala-upanisad: 166 fn.
M iiller, M ax: 115 fn.
P a n c a r a t r a (= sp u rious N aradiya S .): 1, 3, 6, 8
(rem ark), 20, 22 fn., 26, 27
N arada Sam graha: 21
N aradiya S. (genuine o n e ): 6,
last nam e (?), 8, 20; cf.
N arada P ancaratra.
N arasim ha S.: 8, 20
N arayanlya S.: 8, 20
N arayanlya (Naradiya) section
o f Santi P arvan: 16 ff., 45,
51 fn., 54, 66, 71
Nikaya-s, B uddhist:
70 fn.,
85 fn., 86 fn.
N rsim hapflrvatapany-upanisad:
139 fn., 163 fn.
Nrsim hasuri: 23 fn.


a d m a P u r a n a : 109
Padm asam hita T a n tra ; 12
Padm a T a n tra : 5 ff., 14, 19 fn.,
2 3 ,2 4 ,2 5 ,4 0 fn., 49, 52,55,
60 fn., 61 fn., 62, 64-5 fn.,
72 fn., 91-2, 94 fn., 95,
98 fn.,
128 fn., 129 fn., 133 fn.
Padm odbhava S.: 8, 20, 23
P ancaprasna S.: 8, 20
P ancaratraraksa by V edantadesika :5, 13fn., 17fn.,20fn.
P ancaratrotsava Sam graha: 5,
10 (rem ark), 30
Param arthasara by Sesa: 21
P aram a S.: 8, 20, 23
P aram atattvanirnayaprakasa S.:
11, 32 fn., 33 fn., 58 fn,,
62 fn., 63 fn., 77 fn,, 91 fn,,

92 fn., 99 fn.,
100 fn.;
143 fn.
Param esvara S.: 8, 20, 23, 26,
62 fn.
Param esvara S. vyakhya by
Nrsim hasuri: 23 fn,
Para^ara S.: 8, 14, 62 fn.
Pauskara A gam a: 132 fn.
Pauskara S.: 9, 20, 22, 23
Pillai Lokacarya: see Tattvatraya.
P rahlada S .: 9, 20
P rajapatya S.: 22
P rapanca T antra-s (three): 15
P raina S .: see Sriprasna and
Prasna U p an isad : 84 fn,
P ratyabhijna-hrdaya:
36 fn .,
103 fn., 140 fn.
P ratyabhijna-hrdaya-tippani:
132 fn.
P urana S .: 9, 24 fn.
Purana-s (generally): 9, 24,
99 fn., 109 fn., 124
Purusa S .: 166 fn.
Purusa Sukta: 29, 62, 164 ff.

by V edantadeiika: 13 fn.
R aja T arah g in i: 111
R am anuja: 18,19, 37 fn., 141 fn.
R am apurvatapanlya-upanisad:
Rehm ke, P ro f.: Die Seele des
Menschen: 104 fn.
Rgveda Bhasya by Sayana
152 fn.
Roussel, A .: Etude du Pancaratra
1 fn.

a hasyaraksa

Agama-s (generally): 25,

132 fn.
S aiv a-p u ra^ a: 63 fn.
Saiva S .: 6, 11
Sam anya S .: 11, 24 fn,
S a iv a


112-13; cf.
B rahm asutra Bhasya.
"Samkaravijaya by A nandagiri:



5iva S.: 6 fn., 11

Soma S.: 12, .20
Spandapradipika by U tpala
V aisnava: 13 fn., 20, 111
5rikalapara S.: 12, 13 fn., 21
5rikara S.: 11, 20
Srlnivasadasa: see Y atindramata-d!pika.
Srinivasa Iyengar, P. T . : Out
lines o f Indian Philosophy:
132 fn.
Sriprasna (Prasna) S.: 11, 14,
92 fn.
Srutaprakasika: 13 fn.
Sudarsana S.: 12
Sukaprasna S.: 12
Svetasvatara-upanisad: 65 fn.

Sam karsana S.: 11, 17

Sam khya-karika: 72 fn., 80,
'8 1 , 82 fn., 88 fn., 89 fn.,
113, 126, 162 fn.
Sam khya-sutra-s: 79 fn., 80,
82 fn.
on, by V ijnanabhiksu: 140 fn.
Sam nyasa-upanisad-s:
135 fn.
Sam patkum arasvam m :
23 fn.
Sanatkum ara S.: 11, 12, 20, 23
Saridilya S.: 11, 20
S an ti P arv a n : 16 fF., 125; cf.
N arayaniya.
S arv ad arian a
Sam graha
by T a i t t . r I y a - A r a n t a k a : 51 fn.
M adhavacarya:
103 fn., T am il V eda: 18'
127 fn., 140 fn.
Tantrasam jm ka S.: 20
Sarva S .: 6 fn., 11
Tarksya S.: 7 (rem ark), 15
S atap ath a -b rah raan a; 28, 56 fn. Tattvasagara S.: 8, 20
S atatap a S.: 11, 20
Tattvasam asa, Com m entary on:
S attv ata S.; 3, 11, 14, 17, 20,
85 fn.
23, 50-4, 64, 169-75
T attvatraya by Pillai LokaS attvata S. Bhasya by Ala&iiT
carya: 31 fn., 45, 46 fn.,
g ara b h a tta : 23 fn.
58 fn., 60 fn., 63, 65 fn.,
S aum antava S.: 12
67, 68 fn., 69 fn., 70 fn.,
Sayana: 110, 152
fn., 89, 91 fn., 103 fn.
Schom erus, H . W .: Der Qaiva- T attvatraya Bhasya by V arasiddhSnta: 74 fn., 142 fn.
varam uni: 31 fn , 38 fn.,
Schrader, F. O tto : Das Sasti54, 61 fn., 63 fn., 83 fn.,
tan tra
94 fn.
85 fn., 113, 125 fn., 126; T rika literature: 21
O n the Problem of N irvana T ripadvibhutim ahanarayanau panifad: 58 fn., 67 fn.,
(J P T S ,
162 fn.;
Uber den Stand der indischen
166 fn .
Philosophic zur eit Mahavtras und Buddhas: 76 fn., U p a n is a d - s [ g e n e r a l l y ) : 84, 106,
79 fn.
119 f n . , 143 f n .
Sesa S.: 6 (rem ark), 15
U pendra S. (II): 12, 19
S iddhanta P an caratra:
11 U tpala V aisnava: see Spanda
U ttara n ara y an a: 62, 63 fn.
Sita U panisad: 63



a ih a y a s a S.: 11, 21
V aikhanasa Rsi and Agam a: 63
V aisam payana S.: 12
Vaiyasa S;: 11, 20
Vajasaneyi S.: 110 fn.; cf.
U ttaran arayana.
V am adeva: 132 fn.
V am ana Sam hita-s: 5 fn ., 10
V ana P arvan: 51 fn.
V arah a S.: 10, 20, 23
V arav aram u n i: see T attvatraya
Vasistha S.: 6, 10, 20
V asu (Vasava) S.: 5 fn ., 10
V edantadesika: see Bhagavadgita-bhasya vyakhya, Pancaratraraksa,R ahasyaraksa.
Veda-s (generally): 2, 110,124,
Venkatesvara, S. V ., (J R A S ,
1916): 19 fn.
V ihagendra S.: 11, 15, 20,
26 fn., 48 fn., 57 fn., 60 fn.,
fn., 63, 64
Vijfianabhiksu: 140 fn.
V isnu P u ran a : 61 fn.
Visr'.u S. ( I l l ) : 10, 13
Visnu T a n tra : 5 ff., 24V isnutattva S.: 10, 25
V isnutilaka: 11, 14, 52 fn.,
60 fn., 61, 62 fn., 64,

89 fn., 90 fn., 92 fn., 95

98 fn., 102, 105, 106 fn.
134 fn.
Visvaksena S.: 11, 31 fn., 42 fn.,.
43 fn., 44 fn., 45, 52 fn.,
53 fn., 55, 56, 57 fn., 60 fn .,.
61 fn., 66 fn., 69 fn., 71 fn.,
91 fn., 94, 96-7, 112fn.
134 fn.
Vis'vavatara S.: 10 (remark)
Visvesvara S.: 10 (remark)
a d a v a p r a k a s a : 107 fn.
Yajurveda, W hite: see V aja
saneyi S.
Yajfiavalkiya K an d a: 86
Y am unacarya: 18 ff., 37 fn.
Y atm dram ata-dipika by Srlnivasadasa: 31 fn., 48 fn.,
49 fn.,
58 fn.,
59 fn.,
65 fn., 67 fn., 68 fn., 76 fn.,
83 fn.,
103 fn.,
107 fn.,
128 fn.
Y atm dram ata-dipika vyakhya
by A bhayam kara V asudeva
sastrin: 63 fn.
Y oganandabhatta: 23 fn.
Y oga-sutra-s: 127 fn.
Yogavasistha: 140 fn.
Yogini T antra-s (two): 15


Exclusive o f (1) names em bodying some religious or
philosophical principle (Index I) and (2) names o f authors,
etc. (Index II).
A gastya: 6 (remark)
A larka: 151
A m arsana: 157
A m barisa: 151
A n ahgam anjari: 156
A nasuya: 53
A ryanadri: 174
A p an taratap as: 125
A rju n a: 53
A tri: 5?
B hadrasala: 153
B hadrasm ga: 158
B hadravati: 157
B h aradvaja: 114 if.
B hogavati: 157
C itrasekhara: 157 if.
Dasyu-s: 155
D h u ndhu: 151
D urvasas: 1i 4 ff., 152
D varaka: 153
G ujarat: 20

K a la le : 109
K ariva: 12, 156
K ashm ir: 1, 2 0 ff., 3 5 fn., I l l
KaSiraja: 153
K irtim alin: 158 ff.
K itaka: 152 fn.
K usadhvaja: 111 ff., 154-5
M an d ara: 158
M an d h atr: 151
M anisekhara: 152
M anojava: 160
M arath a country: 19
M arkandeya: 51
M arundha: 66
M elkote: 18, 109
M uktaplda: 111, 155
M ysore: 1, 109
N aicasakha: 152
Orissa: 1, 26, 175 fn.
Praci: 152
P u la h a : 156
Pururavas: 151

H a rap ld a: 155
J a b a li: 10 (remark)
Janaka-s: 154
K ailasa: 158

R ajoparicara: 151
R am a: 157
Sankukarna: 157
S anti: 175 fn.



Saras vatl: 152, 157

Saunaka: 11 (remark)
Sibi: 151
Srirangam : 10, 19, 23 fn.
S rngarapura: 156
S rutakirtana: 151
S rutakirti: 153 ff,
S u k a :151
S u m ati: 156
S u n an d a: 156
S uiravas: 155
Sutikssia: 6 (remark)
Svastika: 153

T am asa: 156
T anjore: 13, 109
T ravancore: 109
T rivikram a: 21
U pendra: 12
V aiiam payana: 125
Vasistha: 10 (rem ark)
V asuki: 156 ff.
V atsala: 152
V ikataksa: 152
Visal'a; 156, 158, 160-

(Excluding those in Index I)
akimcitkarata: 131
ajn atv a; 131
aputva: 131
adhidevata-s: 48
a d h h th a tr: 46
adhenu (= a v y a k ta ): 118
an u ttara (= a -k a ra ): 136
an tar-an d a-sth ita: 93
an n a (objective universe): 164
ap rak rta: 36, 55, 59
ab higam ana: 28, 129
abhicara: 126 fn, 149
a rth a (complement o f ia b d a ):
119, 123 ff.
avantara-pralaya: 32.
ah a m ta : 34
ahim sa: 134
an a v a-d e h a: 140
atm asastha-vada: 119fn.
abhasa: 40
ic c h a = a isv a ry a : 38
id a m ta : 117
iy atta; 123
unm esa: 34
u rd h v a -p u n d ra: 48
rtu -c ak ra: 48fn.
aikantika-rnarga: 44
k artr (= a h a m k a ra ): 127
k arsan a: 146
k alali-b h u ta: 73
kala ( = pan ca-k ala): 128
kalam aya vapus: 73
kaya: 120 fn.
kim cijjnatva: 131
Akimcitkarata: 131

kaim karya: 68
kriya-karaka-sam sarga-labhya:
guna-par v an i: 127
gunam aya vapus: 72
gunonm esadasa: 36
ghataka-^rutayah: 143 fn.
cakra, cakrin: 152
tan tra ; 2, 28, 166
tirodhana-param para: 132
tilakalaka: 43
trayi (Vedic lore): 112 fn., 126
( = vidya = p ra k rti): 113 fn.
trasaren u : 66 fn.
diksa: 129
dis: 75
dharm a, dharm in: 34, 117
dhenu: 72fn., 90
nam as, nam ana: 162
n ara: 70
nam a-rflpa: 143,* 148 fn.
n a r a : 99
n itya-vibhuti: 58
nityodita: 61
naim ittika-pralaya: 32
nyasa ( = bhakti): 147
panca-karm an: 129
panca-kala: 128
para (cosmic p erio d ): 33
param a-vyom an: 57
parivara: 146
puryastaka: 140
paurusi ra tri: 33
pratistha-vidhi: 26, 30
pratisam cara: 118



p ra p an cita: 61
p rak rta-p ralay a: 32
prak rta-m an d ala: 126
prana (= m a h a t): 127
pratip ad ik a-sth a: 163
b ah ir-an d aja: 41 fn.
b rah m a-b h av a: 118
brah m ay u s: 32
b h ag a v atta: 130
bhiiti (two m eanings): 3 7 fn.
bhum i (= B h u ti S ak ti): 164
bh o k tr-k u tasth a: 70
bhoga-vibhiiti: 58 fn.
m andalesvara: 135
m an tra-tan u : 60, 67 fn.
m an tro d d h a ra: 54, 139
m ala-traya: 132 fn,
m ahas: 60
m ah a-p ralay a: 32
m ah a-p rasth an a: 134
m ahabhiseka: 149
m anava-sarga: 43
m arg a: 128
m isra-varga: 46, 94
m isra-sffti: 43
m u rty aritara: 48
yaugika: 27
raksa: 140
ratra; 27 ff.
layantim a: 33 fn.
lila-vibhuti: 58
v an ja-cak ra: 171 fn.
vidya (para, a p a ra ): 111-12, 170
vidya (= M a y a Sakti, etc.): 72
(= b u d d h i): 47

vibhuti (two m eanings): 37 fn,

visram a-bhiim ayah: 39, 42
visayesvara: 135
v lra-m u rti: 64
vaikrta-m andala: 126
vaidya (= p ra k rtik a ): 72 fn.
27 fn.,
vyasti-srsti: 94
vyuhantara: 48
sakti-pata: 132 fn.
SaktyaveSa: 54
sabda (complement to a r th a ):
119, 124 ff.
3arariagati: 147
Santodita: 61
sastrabhasa: 129
suddha-varga: 94
3uddha-sattva: 59
^uddha-sarga ( = s.varga): 97
^uddha-srsti: 36
iraddha-sastra: 26 fn.
sram a-bhum ayah: 39, 42
sadgixnya: 37
sarnkoca: 74
sam hita: 2, 27
saptakaya-vada: 119 fn.
sam asti-srsti: 94
span da:
122 fn.; (cf.
prasphurata jag an m ay l: 117)
svarupavesa: 54 fn.
svam in (ex conj. for sa m i=
m anas): 127

Exclusive of unities

V asudeva:
60 fn., 137 fn., 150
conditions o f LaksmI: 34,
conditions o f Prakrti (Bhviti
or M aya S ak ti): 69, 9 0 fn.,
91 fn., 118
constituents of O M in the
g ro ss sense: 161
classes of Astra-s: 144
weapons (sastra,
a stra ): 124
kev ala): 70
souls in Highest Heaven
(ever-free and released):
groups of m en (pure and
m ixed): 94 if.
K anda-s (theoretical, practi
cal): 26
kinds of bodies (generated,
non-natural): 67
creation (pure, im pure): 69
(prim ary, secondary): 91;
(diff.): 124 fn.
(collective,individual): 94
K arm a Yoga, each twofold :
m atter (pure, m ixed): 59
religious knowledge (direct,
in d irect): 130
worship (immediate, medi
a te ): 130, 140-1;
cf. 170-2.

w o -a r m e d

T w om eansofcom batingsin: 124methods of religious progress:

Sakti-s (consorts) of the L o rd :
62 if.
Sakti-s or principal manifesta
tions of L aksm i: 34 if,
steps to L iberation: 130
Upanga-s (M lm am sa and
N yaya): Ah. S. X II. 12
Vyuha-s (Vasudeva, Balad ev a): 19 fn ., 164
Yoga systems: 127
aspects of the cosmic
A ham kara: 87
M ahat:
(diff.): 83
Three births : 134
bodies (gross, etc.): 140
Brahm an-s: 93
(or four) chief principles of
pre-classical Sam khya: 78 if.,
chief principles of the P an
caratra: 102
classes o f Purana-s: 99 fn.
unreleased souls:
63 fn.
constituents o f M aya-sakti
(threefold M aya-kosa):
41, 72, 73
O M in the highest sense:
161 if,
Guria-s: 36, 78, q.v.
kinds of time (gross, e tc .): 76

h ree



Three manifestations of Aniruddha (T rim u rti): 77

M others of the W orld: 74
pairs of divine A ttributes:
36, 39 ff.
Prakrti-s (M aya, Prasuti,
P ra k rti): Laksmi T an tra,
V II. 16
principal Sam hita-s: 23
religious means (sad h an a):
Sakti-s of the Devi: 62
Sakti-s or wives o f the L o rd :
62 ff.
Sakti-s= threefold Iccha
Sakti: 63
Siva-s: 93 fn.
standpoints of M antra ex
egesis: 161
T aints or F etters: 101 ff., 131
T aints (Saivite): 132
Veda-s: 126
V yuha-s: 40 ff.
F o u r -a r m e d V asudeva: 60 fn.,
137 fn., 150
chief principles of pre-classical
Sam khya: 162-3
classes of Nara-s (sleeping
souls): 99
constituents o f O M in the
s u b tle sense: 161-2
discuses, conches, clubs, etc.:
Fourfold B rahm an: 137
F ou r K anda-s o f the P anca
ra tra : 26
M anu-s: 71
objects of life: 130 ff,, 133
Pada-s of G od: 164 ff.
the P a n c a ra tra : 25
V yuha-s, supram undane:40ff.

in tram undane: 93
V yuha-s, of the Sudarsana
P urusa: 150

daily observances: 28
focuses (parvan) o f O bscura
tion, namely tam as, asm ita,
raga, dvesa and andhabhinivesa: Laksmi T an tra
X II. 20
Fivefold B rah m an : 137
Five Kancuka-s (Saivite): 103
manifestations of the S udar
sana P urusa: 131
powers (sakti) or works (karm an, krtya) o f the Lord or
Laksm i: 102 ff., 131
prakarah (modes o f exist
ence) of the L ord: 29 ff,
60 ff.
Prana-s: 82, 84
R atra-s: 25 ff., 27
sacram ents: 28
Siddhanta-s (recognized sys
tem s): 125 ff., 133 ff. 163,
subtle elements, gross ele
action-senses: 88
U paveda-s: Ah. S.: X II.
F iv e

S ix A ttributes (Guna-s) of the

L o rd : 36 ff.
A vatara-s: 54
constituents of B hakti: 147
,, O M in the
subtle sense:


Gems am ong the Sam hita-s:

K ancuka-s (Saivite): 103
Kosa-s of the Devi: 78 fn.,
91 fn.
sam aya-dharm ah: 129 fn.
syllables o f the great Sudarsan a-m an tra: Ah. S., L. 29
(cf. X V III).
systems (religious and philoso
phical) : 96



Citrasikhandin-s: 71 fn.,
95 fn.
enclosures surrounding the
Egg: 94
M ah ab h u ta-s: 123 fn.
p ad arth ah o f the S attvata
system: 128


Aksara-s (Im perishables):

119 fn.
-arm ed V asudeva;
150 if., 152
Eightfold subtle b o d y : 140 fn.
Eight forms o f supra-anim al
existence: 72 fn.
manifestations o f B uddhi: 81,
M anu-s: 71, 82
p arts o f the G reat N ig h t: 32 fn.
Sakti-s (consorts
of the
L ord, e tc .): 64
(six) systems o f religion and
philosophy: 129 fn.
Yoganga-s: 142
W om en : 64 fn.

Sudars'ana: 147,
Deva-s (Visnu, etc.): Ah. S.,
X X X V I.' 11.

S ix t e e n -a r m e d

branches o f the
(tray !)::
Ah. S., X II. 16, 17.

w e n t y -o n e

w e n t y -t w o

E ig h t

A vatara-s: 50, 52, 55

topics (samhitah) of the Sat
tvata system: 128
Vayu-s: 142



chief postures




Sakti-s (consorts
the L ord, e tc .): 64
sub-Vyiiha-s: 48
Vidyesvara-s: 48

w elve

Forms (subVyuha-s, e tc .): 49

Twenty-fourfold M achinery o f
Existence: 169-70

w e n t y -fo u r

h i r t y - n in e

Vibhava-s (Ava
tara-s) : 49

F o r t y -t h r e e

N ivartaka Astra-s :-

topics o f pre-classicSamkhya: 28, 113, 126

S ix t y

(Sudarsana-purusa): 146,
150, 154 fn.
Pavartaka Astra-s: 144

S ix t y -t w o -a r m e d



a n d e ig h t


h ita-s: 3 ff.

planes of the Egg:

63 principal N adi-s: Ah. S.,
X X X II. 18 ff.


Avatara-s: 53

ig h t

h o u s a n d -a r m e d


Visnu-s: 97 -

V asudeva:
151 fn.
names o f the Sudarsana: 167
-spoked discus of the L o rd r

Illustrating religious or philosophical ideas.
IB anner , w ind a n d space: 122

Bee-hive: 70
and pots: 79
-Cloud (cirrus): 33, 90, 118
Cloud and rain : 90
Cloud and w ind: 36
C ow = cloud: 118
Cow an d milk: 90

C l a y

a rkn ess:


m p t in e s s :


c f. 9 9 .

and com bustible: 118;

cf. 135 fn.
Fire and w ind: 36
Flam e proceeding from flam e: 40

Mole (spot under skin): 43

M ote in sunbeam : 66, 103
c e a n and rivers: 107
O cean, motionless: 34

P in and leaves:
35fri., 120
Pot and air: 106
Pot and water: 106
R i c e , grains of: 68
River and bank: 75
Rivers and ocean: 107
Robbers and traveller: 133

F ir e

and m aster: 84
Spider and w eb: 142
Sun an d sunshine: 34
Sunbeams and sun: 106

Se r v a n t s

Gates and town; 106

Gem: 105
Gold in fire: 105

T h re a d


pearls: 35 fn.,

Tortoise: 89

(or flame) and light:

37 fn., 103
Lam p, extinguishing; 135
Lightning: 34


a l l and clay, etc.: 91

W idow, the lonely: 68
Windless atm osphere: 34

M il k a n d c u r d s : 79
.M ir r o r s a n d re fle c tio n s : 106

tree swarm ing with

bees: 7 0 fn.

dum bara

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