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Any way to remove reverb from the instrument playback? :: MakeMusic...

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from the instrument playback?

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Date Joined Dec 2010

Total Posts : 342

Posted 12/31/2010 7:13 PM (GMT -5)

My preference for playback of my work is nylon string guitar. I tried the other guitar
options available in the impressive list of instruments; but each sounds like the music
is played with a lot of reverb, making it difficult to distinguish some of the notes. I
looked in the "Playback Settings" and found nothing related to my problem. I have HP
turned off (so that my rit. will work properly). I doubt my soundcard is the cause as
other music software I use sounds OK. Is there some other setting in Finale 2011 that
will give the guitar playback a more natural sound, or maybe a plug-in is available
that renders a more natural sound?

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Registered Member

Posted 12/31/2010 9:46 PM (GMT -5)

You don't say what setup and instruments you are using: SoftSynth? GPO? MIDI
instruments? Other VSTis?

Date Joined Nov 2003

Total Posts : 237

It's next to impossible for us to know how to help you with so little information.
Chuck Beck
Swan-Cross, Ltd.
My setup: Windows XP (Home); CPU 2.8 GHz; 2GB RAM; Finale 2008, 2009, 2011b;

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Too Many Ideas in my Head

Posted 1/1/2011 10:07 AM (GMT -5)

Presuming Finale works the same as PrintMusic in this respect, then if you select Play
Finale through VST, it will deactivate the built-in Mixer's Reverb area. Many VST
instruments have their own built-in reverb options (and perhaps other sound-tweaking
options as well), and it is also possible to use VST effects which include reverb

Date Joined Dec 2009

Total Posts : 405

Perhaps another tactic to try is using a DAW for final mixing, which is what I do. I
spend a lot of time in PrintMusic doing the actual composition, including making use
of the reverb settings built into the VSTs I use. Then I export each staff's audio (not
MIDI, due to personal preference) and import each of those audio files to the
appropriate track in my DAW (Reaper) to perform final mixing there: reverb, chorus,
stereo positioning, adding sound effects when warranted, etc. I also find that by
working this way, even though I can achieve a good balance of all the musical
elements in PrintMusic, I can achieve a far greater balance of the elements by doing
the final mixing in a DAW.
Music hobbyist working with:
* PowerSpec B307 Pentium Dual-core 2.70GHz Windows 7 Professional
* Finale PrintMusic 2010a & 2011a
* Casio WK-200 Keyboard
* Garritan Personal Orchestra 4 & World Instruments
* Numerous VSTs and Soundfonts
* Vocaloid Miriam v1.1.1.0
* Music Maker 16 Premium Edition

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Any way to remove reverb from the instrument playback? :: MakeMusic...

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Date Joined Dec 2010

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Posted 1/9/2011 7:09 PM (GMT -5)

Clicking on "MIDI/Audio" in the upper text menu, I saw that "Play Finale through VST"
was already checked. So I tried the "Play Finale through MIDI." It worked. Yay! Thank
you. Thank you.
I see that DAW is no longer h'ware. Reaper sells for about $150. I'm definitely going
to look into that option.
In the meantime, I wouldn't mind adding a little reverb or EQ. I saw nothing in "Audio
Setup." Pressing Ctrl+Alt+I for the VST instrument console lets me use ARIA PLayer
with Garritan Ambience, but then ARIA Player that came with Finale 2011 does not
recognize *.mus files, which is kind of odd.
I figure I could save the score file and use an app like Audacity to edit and mix the
sound. Are there any VST effect options in Finale 2011 for reverb, EQ, etc.?
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Too Many Ideas in my Head

Posted 1/9/2011 7:14 PM (GMT -5)

I can't answer most of the questions since I use PrintMusic and not Finale, but as for
Reaper, you may qualify for the reduced pricing, which is $40 - but act fact, because
once Reaper 4.x is released, the licensing prices will go up. The good thing is that
getting the license now entitles free updates until Version 5.x is released. Reaper also
comes with a number of included effects, plus there are many effects which will work
with Reaper (VST effects, for example).

Date Joined Dec 2009

Total Posts : 405

Music hobbyist working with:

* PowerSpec B307 Pentium Dual-core 2.70GHz Windows 7 Professional
* Finale PrintMusic 2010a & 2011a
* Casio WK-200 Keyboard
* Garritan Personal Orchestra 4 & World Instruments
* Numerous VSTs and Soundfonts
* Vocaloid Miriam v1.1.1.0
* Reaper v3.7.x
* Music Maker 16 Premium Edition
My music is on the Web at and at
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Registered Member

Posted 1/11/2011 11:21 PM (GMT -5)

Wow! I'm on it. Say, if I experience any technical problems with Reaper, will I have
bought the "grim" version?

Date Joined Dec 2010

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Any way to remove reverb from the instrument playback? :: MakeMusic...

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Kevin N6
Registered Member

Posted 1/13/2011 6:15 AM (GMT -5)

Found how you can control the reverb.

Date Joined Jan 2011

Total Posts : 4

This was driving me crazy also.

Use the (Midi/Audio) dropdown, goto Instrument Setup, VST Instruments.
I will make a window pop up.
In this window click on the button next to (Effects) Garritan Ambience. It
looks like a pencil.
This open the reverb maker. Adjust the wet and dry mixes. Try the drop down presets
also. Ballroom 1 almost has no effect.
This adjust the Garritan instruments.
To use the Aria player click the pencil button next to the (Aria Player).
Hope this answers so much, did for me.
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Date Joined Dec 2005

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Posted 1/13/2011 9:14 AM (GMT -5)

I've pretty much given up on the Ambience reverb and use controller 91 (reverb
depth). Since the Aria player has reverb in the plugin itself this works pretty well. This
way I can create hidden expressions with differing amounts of reverb and apply to
different sections of the orchestra/ensemble. I can also decrease the amount of reverb
when the texture gets full and increase when the texture thins out as well.
Steve Winkler
Finale 2009c
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Jari Williamsson
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Date Joined Dec 1998

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Posted 1/13/2011 10:28 AM (GMT -5)

winknotes said...
I've pretty much given up on the Ambience reverb and use controller 91
(reverb depth). Since the Aria player has reverb in the plugin itself this
works pretty well. This way I can create hidden expressions with
differing amounts of reverb and apply to different sections of the
orchestra/ensemble. I can also decrease the amount of reverb when
the texture gets full and increase when the texture thins out as well.

But OTOH, if you are on Fin2009c, you're using a very different reverb functionality
compared to Fin2011.
Jari Williamsson
Windows XP, Pentium 4
2.40 GHz, 4 GB RAM - The Finale Productivity Tips site

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Any way to remove reverb from the instrument playback? :: MakeMusic...

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Registered Member

Posted 1/13/2011 10:52 AM (GMT -5)

Jari Williamsson said...
But OTOH, if you are on Fin2009c, you're using a very different reverb
functionality compared to Fin2011.

Date Joined Dec 2005

Total Posts : 365

Oh yeah? How so?

Steve Winkler
Finale 2009c
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Jari Williamsson
Registered Member

Posted 1/13/2011 12:38 PM (GMT -5)

winknotes said...
Oh yeah? How so?

Date Joined Dec 1998

Total Posts : 3240
In Fin2009, Ambience reverb can't be applied or bypassed locally, it's only a global
setting. And the panel settings for reverb in the Aria player isn't available in the
Fin2009 Aria player.
Jari Williamsson
Windows XP, Pentium 4
2.40 GHz, 4 GB RAM - The Finale Productivity Tips site
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Kevin N6
Registered Member

Posted 1/13/2011 9:22 PM (GMT -5)

Sorry, I forgot to add the version I was using. 2011.

Date Joined Jan 2011

Total Posts : 4


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Any way to remove reverb from the instrument playback? :: MakeMusic...

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Registered Member

Date Joined Dec 2005

Total Posts : 365

Posted 1/14/2011 11:22 PM (GMT -5)

Jari Williamsson said...
In Fin2009, Ambience reverb can't be applied or bypassed locally, it's
only a global setting. And the panel settings for reverb in the Aria
player isn't available in the Fin2009 Aria player.

I see what you're saying. In my case though I seldom use the Finale player but have
the full version of GPO4 which does let me get to the reverb settings in each instance
of the Aria player. That's when I use hidden expressions. It would work better if the
Aria player let you load convolution impulses though. Oh well, I guess you can't have
everything......for now :)
Steve Winkler
Finale 2009c
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Registered Member

Posted 1/22/2011 12:33 AM (GMT -5)

Kevin, your steps worked. Yay!

Date Joined Dec 2010

Total Posts : 342

Winknotes, where abouts in Aria Player can I find "Controller 91 (reverb depth)"?

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