Environmental Protection Agency: Monday, May 15, 2006

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May 15, 2006

Part II

Protection Agency
40 CFR Part 60
Update of Continuous Instrumental Test
Methods; Final Rule
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

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28082 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 93 / Monday, May 15, 2006 / Rules and Regulations

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION to provisions that require the use of No. OAR–2003–0071, EPA Docket
AGENCY these methods. Some of the affected Center (EPA/DC), EPA West, Room
industries and their North American B102, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW.,
40 CFR Part 60 Industrial Classification System Washington, DC. The Public Reading
[EPA–OAR–2002–0071; FRL–8165–1] (NAICS) are listed under Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding
RIN 2060–AK61 legal holidays. The telephone number
DATES:This final rule is effective on
August 14, 2006. for the Public Reading Room is (202)
Update of Continuous Instrumental
566–1744, and the telephone number for
Test Methods ADDRESSES: EPA has established a the Air and Radiation Docket is (202)
AGENCY: Environmental Protection docket for this action under Docket ID 566–1742.
Agency (EPA). No. OAR–2002–0071. All documents in
ACTION: Final rule.
the docket are listed on the http://
www.regulations.gov Web site. Although Foston Curtis, Measurement Technology
SUMMARY: On October 10, 2003, the EPA listed in the index, some information is Group (E143–02), Air Quality
proposed amendments to update five not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other Assessment Division, EPA, Research
instrumental test methods that are used information whose disclosure is Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711;
to measure air pollutant emissions from restricted by statute. Certain other telephone (919) 541–1063; fax number
stationary sources. These amendments material, such as copyrighted material, (919) 541–0516; electronic mail address:
are finalized in this document and is not placed on the Internet and will be curtis.foston@epa.gov.
reflect changes to the proposal to publicly available only in hard copy SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
accommodate the public comments. form. Publicly available docket
I. General Information
This action is made to improve the materials are available either
methods by simplifying, harmonizing, electronically through http:// A. Affected Entities. Categories and
and updating their procedures. A large www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at entities potentially regulated by the
number of industries are already subject the Air and Radiation Docket, Docket ID final rule include the following:

Examples of regulated entities SIC codes NAICS codes

Fossil Fuel Steam Generators ................................................................................................................................. 3569 332410

Industrial, Commercial, Institutional Steam Generating Units ................................................................................. 3569 332410
Electric Generating .................................................................................................................................................. 3569 332410
Stationary Gas Turbines .......................................................................................................................................... 3511 333611
Petroleum Refineries ............................................................................................................................................... 2911 324110
Municipal Waste Combustors .................................................................................................................................. 4953 562213
Kraft Pulp Mills ......................................................................................................................................................... 2621 322110
Sulfuric Acid Plants .................................................................................................................................................. 2819 325188

This table is not intended to be judicial review of the final rule is III. Summary of Environmental, Energy, and
exhaustive, but rather provides a guide available only by filing a petition for Economic Impacts
for readers regarding entities likely to be review in the U.S. Court of Appeals for A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review
affected by this action. This table lists the District of Columbia Circuit by July B. Paperwork Reduction Act
examples of the types of entities EPA is 14, 2006. Under section 307(d)(7)(B) of C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
now aware could potentially be affected the CAA, only an objection to the final D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
by the final rule. Other types of entities rule that was raised with reasonable E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
not listed could also be affected. If you specificity during the period for public F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
have any questions regarding the comment can be raised during judicial and Coordination With Indian Tribal
applicability of this action to a review. Under CAA section 307(b)(2), Governments
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
particular entity, consult the person the requirements established by the
Children From Environmental Health
listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER final rule may not be challenged later in and Safety Risks
INFORMATION CONTACT section. civil or criminal proceedings brought by H. Executive Order 13211: Action
B. Worldwide Web. In addition to EPA to enforce these requirements. Concerning Regulations That
being available in the docket, an D. Outline. The information presented Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
electronic copy of today’s final rule Distribution, or Use
in this preamble is organized as follows: I. NTTAA: National Technology Transfer
amendments will also be available on
I. Background and Advancement Act
the Worldwide Web (WWW) through II. Summary of Major Comments and J. Congressional Review Act
the Technology Transfer Network Revisions Since Proposal
(TTN). Following the Administrator’s A. Uncertainty Calculation I. Background
signature, a copy of the final rule will B. Sampling System Bias Methods 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, and 20 are
be placed on the TTN’s policy and C. Calibration Drift Test instrumental procedures used to
guidance page for newly proposed or D. Analyzer Calibration Error Test measure oxygen, carbon dioxide, sulfur
promulgated rules at http:// E. Interference Test dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon
www.epa.gov/ttn/oarpg. The TTN F. Alternative Dynamic Spike Procedure
monoxide emissions in stationary
G. Sampling Traverse Points
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

provides information and technology sources. They are prescribed for

H. Sampling Dilution Systems
exchange in various areas of air I. Equipment Heating Specifications determining compliance with a number
pollution control. J. Technology-Specific Analyzers of Federal, State, and Local regulations.
C. Judicial Review. Under section K. Calibration Gases Amendments to update these methods
307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act (CAA), L. Method 7E Converter Test were originally proposed on August 27,

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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 93 / Monday, May 15, 2006 / Rules and Regulations 28083

1997 (62 FR 45369) as part of an action quality assured test, not on an untenable with ‘‘analyzer range.’’ With the
to update the test methods in 40 CFR uncertainty calculation. ‘‘calibration span,’’ only the calibrated
parts 60, 61, and 63. Eight comment A number of commenters portion of the analyzer range is of
letters were received from this proposal recommended retaining the bias- concern, and any value that exceeds the
with comments pertinent to Methods corrected data calculation currently in calibration span is considered invalid.
3A, 6C, 7E, 10, and 20. Some Method 6C in place of the proposed data This approach offers several
commenters thought insufficient uncertainty calculation. additional advantages. First, it gives the
notification was given in the preamble We agree with the commenters and tester flexibility to set the calibration
for the changes being proposed and have dropped the proposed requirement range at a convenient number that is not
asked that the instrumental method to calculate measurement uncertainty. excessive. Second, it alleviates concern
revisions be reproposed as a separate The methods will retain a bias- about the quality of data points that are
action. This separate proposal was correction for the sample concentration currently allowed between the high
published on October 10, 2003 (68 FR similar to what is current in Method 6C. calibration concentration and the span.
58838) and contained additional B. Sampling System Bias. Several Third, if it is properly chosen with the
revisions not included in the first commenters found the proposed majority of measurements in the 20-to-
proposal. Sixty one comment letters sampling system bias calculation that is 100 percent range, it would prevent a
were received from this second based on the emission standard tester from choosing an inordinately
proposal. These comments along with problematic because some units have no high calibration range which reduces
the comments received from the first emission limit, others have more than measurement accuracy.
proposal were used to make the one limit, and still others have limits in C. Calibration Drift Test. Commenters
appropriate changes to the proposed units other than concentration (e.g., lbs/ generally thought that the between-run
revisions. hr, lb/mm BTU, or lb/ton feed). Most calibration drift requirement should not
believed analyzer performance and be eliminated as in the proposal. We
II. Summary of Major Comments and accuracy are best evaluated as a have taken this recommendation and
Revisions Since Proposal function of analyzer span. One retained the between-run drift
commenter wondered why the proposed determination.
A. Uncertainty Calculation. bias test was based on the emission D. Analyzer Calibration Error Test.
Numerous commenters disliked the standard, while the other performance Two commenters thought the proposed
proposed requirement to calculate data tests were not. limit for calibration error of 2 percent of
uncertainty in the method results and In the proposal, the conversion table the certified gas concentration was
thought it inappropriate and confusing. for sources that have standards in units unnecessarily restrictive when
It was noted that existing emission other than concentration and the note in compared to the existing 2 percent of
limitations were developed using section 1.3.3 advising the test to be span specification. They noted that EPA
emission data derived principally from designed around the most stringent gave no technical basis for such
these same test methods with no standard in cases of multiple standards increased restriction and recommended
consideration of uncertainty. Further, were attempts to alleviate the problems the proposed change be dropped. Others
the purpose of the Federal test methods the commenters noted. We proposed wondered why the same gases were
is to provide a means of demonstrating using the emission limit in place of the required for the analyzer setup and the
compliance with the applicable span in the bias calculation to relieve calibration error test? This seemed
requirements on the basis of the test what was thought to be an increased redundant.
method results. Most commenters burden of passing the test when lower The proposed requirement that the
objected to allowing regulatory agencies spans are chosen. The intent was to analyzer calibration error be within 2
(or data end users) the discretion of have testers use a consistent value in the percent of the tag value has been
accepting data close to an emission limit denominator of the bias equation and changed to 2 percent of the calibration
if the uncertainty determination is emphasize the greatest accuracy in the span. The proposed requirement to
questionable, especially since no criteria range of the emission standard. This calibrate the instrument with the same
for acceptable uncertainty were approach appears to have added more gases used in the calibration error test
identified. The commenters thought that complication than it was intended to has been dropped.
measurement uncertainty and data relieve. E. Interference Test. Commenters in
quality objectives present a number of In the final rule, the proposed change general objected to EPA’s proposed
very serious issues that are too easy for to calculate the bias relative to the requirement to conduct the interference
those without a thorough understanding emission standard has been dropped. test on an annual basis. They noted that
of statistics to misapply. The resulting The bias determination as a percentage little evidence was provided to show
gray areas would incite many frivolous of the span is retained. However, ‘‘span’’ that annual interference testing was
lawsuits by those who would use the has been changed to ‘‘calibration span’’ necessary. They believed the test should
perception of uncertainty to which is equivalent to the concentration only be repeated after major instrument
continuously challenge any decision of the high calibration gas as in the modifications. Annual interference
made related to compliance. The proposal. In the current methods, the testing was thought to put a major
commenters noted that the proposed span is any number that doesn’t result burden on the testing companies.
revisions failed to provide a definition in the emission standard being less than The commenters raised valid
for uncertainty and the proposed 30 percent of the span. The high concerns. The proposed requirement to
uncertainty calculation reflected only calibration gas chosen for this span conduct the interference test on an
two factors (sampling system bias and must then be 80–100 percent of the annual basis has been dropped. The
converter efficiency) that contribute to span. This allows a concentration interference test will remain a one-time
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

uncertainty, rather than all potential interval between the high calibration gas test except for major instrument
measurement factors. They preferred the and the span that is not quality assured. modifications, as is the current
tester and facility have a reasonable This interval has been eliminated. requirement. The current interference
assurance that they have met the test The traditional ‘‘span’’ was often test in Method 6C, where the analyzer
requirements based on a properly mistaken for and used interchangeably is compared to modified Method 6

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28084 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 93 / Monday, May 15, 2006 / Rules and Regulations

samples in the field, is now listed as the continuous emission monitoring recommended this technology be
alternative interference test procedure systems (CEMS) where applicable CEMS subject to special procedures such as
since this approach was considered quality assurance requirements specify those included in ASTM D6522–00.
archaic by some commenters. An specific traverse point selection We have removed the references to
interference test where the analyzer is requirements for RATA. specific technologies in the methods to
challenged by potential interferent gases H. Sampling Dilution Systems. make them flexible and performance-
is now the primary procedure. Commenters recommended that EPA based, not technology-based. It may be
F. Alternative Dynamic Spike specifically state that dilution-based difficult to set performance
Procedure. Commenters thought the sampling technology is an acceptable requirements that appropriately
dynamic spiking procedure was technique. These systems have been evaluate all analytical techniques 100
confusing and lacked sufficient detail to approved by the Emission Measurement percent of the time. However, we
perform. Some commenters thought Center (EMC) as alternative method believe the interference, calibration
adding the procedure was a good idea; ALT–007 (Use of Dilution Probes with error, and bias tests provide adequate
others strenuously objected to even Instrumental Methods). Guidance assessments of performance for the
allowing it as an option. Document 18 from EMC also indicates majority of the time. The
We have retained the allowance to use that dilution sampling systems are electrochemical analyzer has been
dynamic spiking as an alternative to the acceptable for use with Methods 6C, 7E, shown capable of producing reliable
interference and bias tests, except for 20, and 10, and the special requirements results in an Environmental Technology
part 75 applications, where of dilution-based sampling are Verification study, and we do not
Administrative approval is required to addressed. This information, or the believe special restrictions should be
use the procedure. We purposely made discussions found in Chapter 21 of the placed on this technology.
the procedure general and performance- Part 75 Emissions Monitoring Policy K. Calibration Gases. Commenters
based instead of making it prescriptive Manual were recommended for addition asked that we list all of the allowable
because different procedures may be to the methods. calibration gas blends in the methods.
followed to perform it successfully. We The instrumental methods have been They wanted the wording changed to
believe that dynamic spiking is a modified to clearly note that dilution allow the flexibility of blending
valuable tool for evaluating a method systems are acceptable. We have standards with other gases that can be
and should be retained as an alternative included discussions of calibration gas shown not to interfere. One commenter
for testers able to perform it. Clarity has needs relative to the sample gas thought the proposed mid-level
been added to the procedure details molecular weight, calibration drift test calibration gas range of 20 to 70 percent
where possible to remove confusion. variations, and other instructions of the span-level gas was an
G. Sampling Traverse Points. pertinent to dilutions systems that were improvement over the existing 40 to 60
Comments were mixed on the proposed a part of EMC Guidance Document GD– percent range. Another commenter
requirement to use Method 1 unless a 18. thought this would allow for poor
stratification test showed fewer I. Equipment Heating Specifications. selection of mid-level gases. Other
sampling point are justified. The Several commenters criticized the commenters wondered if it was
majority did not think a Method 1 numerous references to equipment acceptable to prepare calibration gases
determination was justified for gaseous heating that were thought to preclude from a single high-concentration EPA
sampling in all cases and that this made the use of other techniques of Traceability Protocol gas using Method
the methods burdensome and preventing sample loss. We were urged 205.
significantly more costly to use. Others to require that the sample be maintained Blended calibration gases are allowed
proposed reducing the number of points at a temperature above the dew point of in the final rule provided they are made
to three, as are allowed in relative the sample gas rather than specifying from Traceability Protocol gases and any
accuracy testing of continuous emission minimum equipment temperatures to additional gas components are shown
monitoring systems. Two commenters provide a technology-neutral approach. not to interfere with the analysis. After
recommended dropping the proposed The language has been changed to considering the comments, the EPA has
requirement to correct the pollutant allow the tester to choose which decided to retain the current 40- to 60-
concentration for diluent in the procedure or technology to use for percent of span requirement for the mid-
stratification test. preventing condensation. The final rule level gas. We believe this ensures a
In the final rule, the tester may either requires the sample gas be maintained better evaluation of the analyzer’s linear
sample at twelve Method 1 points or a above the dew point of the stack gas response, as noted by one of the
stratification test (3-point or 12-point) (including all gas components, e.g. acid commenters. In the final rule, Method
may be performed. If the stratification gas constituents) so that no loss of 205 is allowed to prepare calibration
test is done and results in a sample results. This may be done by gases from high-concentration gases of
concentration deviation of any point heating, diluting, drying, desiccating, a EPA Traceability Protocol quality,
from the mean concentration by more combination thereof, or by other means. except for part 75 applications, which
than 10 percent, then a minimum of J. Technology-Specific Analyzers. require administrative approval to use
twelve traverse points located according Various references to specific this technique.
to Method 1 must be sampled. If the technologies throughout the methods L. Method 7E Converter Test. Several
concentrations of all stratification test were noted. Most commenters wanted commenters noted that the nitrogen
points are less than 10 percent from the us to remove these references. One dioxide (NO2) calibration gas used in
mean, the testing may resume using 3 commenter implicated electrochemical the converter efficiency test is not
traverse points. If the concentrations at cells for providing completely available as an EPA Traceability
all stratification test points are less than unreliable results when not operated in Protocol Standard as required. This
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

5 percent from the mean, then single- diffusion limiting conditions even prevents one from performing the test.
point testing may be performed. Note though such analyzers could meet the Because NO2 has unusual storage
that these traverse point layout rules are performance criteria of the proposal problems, it is difficult to maintain the
not intended to apply to relative while operating outside of diffusion- gas at its certified concentration. A
accuracy test audits (RATA) of limiting conditions. The commenter search of vendors has shown that gas of

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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 93 / Monday, May 15, 2006 / Rules and Regulations 28085

traceability protocol quality is available the economic effects set forth in Section include those listed in Table 1 of
commercially, but in limited 1 of the Order because it does not SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.
concentrations and from limited impose emission measurement After considering the economic
sources. We also concur with the long- requirements beyond those specified in impacts of today’s final rule on small
term stability problems noted with NO2 the current regulations, nor does it entities, I have concluded that this
cylinder gas. Because of these concerns, change any emission standard. action will not have a significant
we have retained the original economic impact on a substantial
B. Paperwork Reduction Act number of small entities. This rule
procedures cited in Method 20 for
determining converter efficiency and This action does not impose an reflects changes to the proposal to
have listed the proposed procedure for information collection burden under the accommodate the public comments and
direct evaluation with NO2 as an provisions of the Paperwork Reduction is made to improve the test methods by
allowable alternative. Numerous Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. These criteria simplifying, harmonizing, and updating
commenters pointed out the error in the do not add information collection their procedures. A large number of the
converter efficiency correction in the requirements beyond those currently regulated industries are already subject
uncertainty calculation. This error has required under the applicable to the provisions that require the use of
been corrected through a new equation. regulation. The amendments being these methods and this rule does not
Commenters generally thought that made to the test methods do not add impose any new emission measurement
requiring the converter efficiency gas be information collection requirements but requirements beyond those specified in
in the concentration range of the source make needed updates to existing testing the current regulations, nor does it
emissions was too restrictive and would methodology. change any emission standard but
require numerous gas cylinders be Burden means the total time, effort, or makes needed updates to existing
transported into the field. We financial resources expended by persons testing methodology. This rule would
understand the difficulty in preparing to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose also add some flexibility by giving
test gases to match anticipated emission or provide information to or for a testers more choice in selecting their
levels. Therefore, we have dropped the Federal agency. This includes the time test equipment which could translate
proposed requirement to match the needed to review instructions; develop, into reduced costs for the regulated
stack NO2 concentration within 50 acquire, install, and utilize technology industries.
percent and instead require gas in the 40 and systems for the purposes of D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
to 60 ppm range for all cases. collecting, validating, and verifying Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
IV. Summary of Environmental, Energy, information, processing and Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), Public
and Economic Impacts maintaining information, and disclosing Law 104–4, establishes requirements for
and providing information; adjust the Federal agencies to assess the effects of
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory existing ways to comply with any their regulatory actions on State, Local,
Planning and Reviews previously applicable instructions and and Tribal governments and the private
Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR requirements; train personnel to be able sector. Under section 202 of the UMRA,
51735 October 4, 1993), the EPA must to respond to a collection of EPA generally must prepare a written
determine whether this regulatory information; search data sources; statement, including a cost-benefit
action is ‘‘significant’’ and therefore complete and review the collection of analysis, for proposed and final rules
subject to review by the Office of information; and transmit or otherwise with ‘‘Federal mandates’’ that may
Management and Budget (OMB) and the disclose the information. result in expenditures to State, Local,
requirements of the Executive Order. An agency may not conduct or and Tribal governments, in the
The Order defines ‘‘significant sponsor, and a person is not required to aggregate, or to the private sector, of
regulatory action’’ as one that is likely respond to a collection of information $100 million or more in any one year.
to result in a rule that may: (1) Have an unless it displays a currently valid OMB Before promulgating an EPA rule for
annual effect on the economy of $100 control number. The OMB control which a written statement is needed,
million or more or adversely affects in numbers for EPA’s regulations in 40 section 205 of the UMRA generally
a material way the economy, a sector of CFR are listed in 40 CFR part 9. requires EPA to identify and consider a
the economy, productivity, competition, C. Regulatory Flexibility Act reasonable number of regulatory
jobs, the environment, public health or alternatives and adopt the least costly,
safety, or State, Local, or Tribal EPA has determined that it is not most cost-effective or least burdensome
governments or communities; (2) create necessary to prepare a regulatory alternative that achieves the objectives
a serious inconsistency or otherwise flexibility analysis in connection with of the rule. The provisions of section
interferes with an action taken or this final rule. 205 do not apply when they are
planned by another agency; (3) For purposes of assessing the impacts inconsistent with applicable law.
materially alter the budgetary impact of of today’s rule on small entities, small Moreover, section 205 allows EPA to
entitlements, grants, user fees, or loan entity is defined as: (1) A small business adopt an alternative other than the least
programs, or the rights and obligations as defined by the Small Business costly, most cost-effective or least
of recipients thereof; or (4) raise novel Administrations’ regulations at 13 CFR burdensome alternative if the
legal or policy issues arising out of legal 121.201; (2) a small governmental Administrator publishes with the final
mandates, the President’s priorities, or jurisdiction that is a government of a rule an explanation why that alternative
the principles set forth in the Executive city, county, town, school district or was not adopted. Before EPA establishes
Order. special district with a population of less any regulatory requirements that may
We have determined that this rule is than 50,000; and (3) a small significantly or uniquely affect small
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ organization that is any not-for-profit governments, including tribal
under the terms of Executive Order enterprise which is independently governments, it must have developed
12866 and is therefore not subject to owned and operated and is not under section 203 of the UMRA a small
OMB review. We have determined that dominant in its field. Entities government agency plan. The plan must
this regulation would result in none of potentially affected by this action provide for notifying potentially

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28086 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 93 / Monday, May 15, 2006 / Rules and Regulations

affected small governments, enabling implications’’ is defined in the voluntary consensus standards (VCS) in
officials of affected small governments Executive Order to include regulations our regulatory activities unless to do so
to have meaningful and timely input in that have ‘‘substantial direct effects on would be inconsistent with applicable
the development of EPA regulatory one or more Indian tribes, on the law or otherwise impractical. Voluntary
proposals with significant Federal relationship between the Federal consensus standards are technical
intergovernmental mandates, and government and the Indian tribes, or on standards (e.g., materials specifications,
informing, educating, and advising the distribution of power and test methods, sampling procedures,
small governments on compliance with responsibilities between the Federal business practices, etc.) that are
the regulatory requirements. government and Indian tribes.’’ developed or adopted by VCS bodies.
Today’s rule contains no Federal This final rule does not have tribal The NTTAA requires us to provide
mandates (under the regulatory implications. It will not have substantial Congress, through OMB, explanations
provisions of Title II of the UMRA) for direct effects on tribal governments, on when we decide not to use available and
State, Local, or Tribal governments or the relationship between the Federal applicable VCS. We are requiring new
the private sector. The rule imposes no government and Indian tribes, or on the test methods in this rulemaking.
enforceable duty on any State, Local, or distribution of power and Therefore, NTTAA does not apply.
Tribal governments or the private sector. responsibilities between the Federal
In any event, EPA has determined that government and Indian tribes, as J. Congressional Review Act
this rule does not contain a Federal specified in Executive Order 13175. In The Congressional Review Act, 5
mandate that may result in expenditures this final rule, we are simply updating U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the Small
of $100 million or more for State, Local, existing pollutant test methods. Thus, Business Regulatory Enforcement
and Tribal governments, in the Executive Order 13175 does not apply Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides
aggregate, or the private sector in any to this rule. that before a rule may take effect, the
one year. Thus, today’s rule is not
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of agency promulgating the rule must
subject to the requirements of sections
202 and 205 of the UMRA. Children From Environmental Health submit a rule report, which includes a
Risks and Safety Risks copy of the rule, to each House of the
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism Congress and to the Comptroller General
Executive Order 13045 applies to any
Executive Order 13132, entitled rule that EPA determines (1) is of the United States. The EPA will
‘‘Federalism’’ (64 FR 43255, August 10, ‘‘economically significant’’ as defined submit a report containing the final rule
1999), requires EPA to develop an under Executive Order 12866, and (2) amendments and other required
accountable process to ensure the environmental health or safety risk information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S.
‘‘meaningful and timely input by State addressed by the rule has a House of Representatives, and the
and Local officials in the development disproportionate effect on children. If Comptroller General of the United
of regulatory policies that have the regulatory action meets both criteria, States prior to publication of the final
federalism implications.’’ ‘‘Policies that the Agency must evaluate the rule amendments in the Federal
have federalism implications’’ are environmental health or safety effects of Register. A major rule cannot take effect
defined in the Executive Order to the planned rule on children and until 60 days after its publication in the
include regulations that have explain why the planned regulation is Federal Register. This action is not a
‘‘substantial direct effects on the States, preferable to other potentially effective ‘‘major rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C.
on the relationship between the national and reasonably feasible alternatives 804(2). The final rule amendments will
government and the States, or on the considered by the Agency. be effective on July 14, 2006.
distribution of power and The EPA interprets Executive Order List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 60
responsibilities among the various 13045 as applying only to regulatory
levels of government.’’ actions that are based on health or safety Environmental protection, Air
This rule does not have federalism risks, such that the analysis required pollution control, New sources, Test
implications. It will not have substantial under section 5–501 of the Executive methods and procedures, Performance
direct effects on the States, on the Order has the potential to influence the specifications, and Continuous emission
relationship between the national regulation. This final rule is not subject monitors.
government and the States, or on the to Executive Order 13045 because it is Dated: April 28, 2006.
distribution of power and not based on health or safety risks. Stephen L. Johnson,
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, as specified in H. Executive Order 13211: Actions Administrator.
Executive Order 13132. Thus, the Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, ■ For the reasons stated in the preamble,
requirements of section 6 of the title 40, chapter I, part 60 of the Code
Executive Order do not apply to this Distribution, or Use
of Federal Regulations is amended as
rule. This action is not subject to Executive follows:
Order 13211, ‘‘Actions Concerning
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
Regulations that Significantly Affect PART 60—[AMENDED]
and Coordination With Tribal
Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use’’ (66
FR 28355, May 22, 2001) because it is ■ 1. The authority citation for part 60
Executive Order 13175, entitled not a significant regulatory action under continues to read as follows:
‘‘Consultation and Coordination with Executive Order 12866. Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
Indian Tribal Governments’’ (65 FR
67249, November 6, 2000), requires EPA I. NTTAA: National Technology
Transfer and Advancement Act ■ 2. Appendix A–2 is amended by
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

to develop an accountable process to

revising Method 3A to read as follows:
ensure ‘‘meaningful and timely input by Section 12(d) of the National
tribal officials in the development of Technology Transfer and Advancement Appendix A–2 to Part 60—Test Methods 2G
regulatory policies that have tribal Act of 1995 (NTTAA), Public Law 104– Through 3C
implications.’’ ‘‘Policies that have tribal 113 (15 U.S.C. 272), directs us to use * * * * *

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Method 3A—Determination of Oxygen and collect data of known quality. You must (a) Method 1—Sample and Velocity
Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in Emissions document your adherence to these specific Traverses for Stationary Sources.
From Stationary Sources (Instrumental requirements for equipment, supplies, (b) Method 3—Gas Analysis for the
Analyzer Procedure) sample collection and analysis, calculations, Determination of Molecular Weight.
and data analysis. (c) Method 4—Determination of Moisture
1.0 Scope and Application
This method does not completely describe Content in Stack Gases.
What is Method 3A? all equipment, supplies, and sampling and
(d) Method 7E—Determination of Nitrogen
Method 3A is a procedure for measuring analytical procedures you will need but
refers to other methods for some of the Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources
oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in
stationary source emissions using a details. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure).
continuous instrumental analyzer. Quality you should also have a thorough knowledge 1.1 Analytes. What does this method
assurance and quality control requirements of these additional test methods which are determine? This method measures the
are included to assure that you, the tester, found in appendix A to this part: concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Analyte CAS No. Sensitivity

Oxygen (O2) ................................................................................ 7782–44–7 Typically <2% of Calibration Span.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) ................................................................. 124–38–9 Typically <2% of Calibration Span.

1.2 Applicability. When is this method 7.0 Reagents and Standards must be addressed and documented. This
required? The use of Method 3A may be 7.1 Calibration Gas. What calibration testing and documentation may be done by
required by specific New Source Performance gases do I need? Refer to Section 7.1 of the instrument manufacturer.
Standards, Clean Air Marketing rules, State Method 7E for the calibration gas 8.4 Sample Collection. You must follow
Implementation Plans and permits, where requirements. Example calibration gas the procedures in Section 8.4 of Method 7E.
measurements of O2 and CO2 concentrations mixtures are listed below. 8.5 Post-Run System Bias Check and Drift
in stationary source emissions must be made, (a) CO2 in nitrogen (N2). Assessment. You must follow the procedures
either to determine compliance with an (b) CO2 in air. in Section 8.5 of Method 7E.
applicable emission standard or to conduct
(c) CO2/SO2 gas mixture in N2. 9.0 Quality Control
performance testing of a continuous emission
(d) O2/SO2 gas mixture in N2.
monitoring system (CEMS). Other regulations Follow quality control procedures in
(e) O2/CO2/SO2 gas mixture in N2.
may also require the use of Method 3A. Section 9.0 of Method 7E.
(f) CO2/NOX gas mixture in N2.
1.3 Data Quality Objectives. How good
must my collected data be? Refer to Section (g) CO2/SO2/NOX gas mixture in N2. 10.0 Calibration and Standardization
1.3 of Method 7E. The tests for analyzer calibration error and
Follow the procedures for calibration and
system bias require high-, mid-, and low-
standardization in Section 10.0 of Method
2.0 Summary of Method level gases.
In this method, you continuously or 7.2 Interference Check. What reagents do
intermittently sample the effluent gas and I need for the interference check? Potential 11.0 Analytical Procedures
convey the sample to an analyzer that interferences may vary among available Because sample collection and analysis are
measures the concentration of O2 or CO2. You analyzers. Table 7E–3 of Method 7E lists a performed together (see Section 8), additional
must meet the performance requirements of number of gases that should be considered in discussion of the analytical procedure is not
this method to validate your data. conducting the interference test. necessary.
3.0 Definitions 8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, 12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis
Refer to Section 3.0 of Method 7E for the Storage, and Transport
You must follow the applicable procedures
applicable definitions. 8.1 Sampling Site and Sampling Points. for calculations and data analysis in Section
You must follow the procedures of Section 12.0 of Method 7E, substituting percent O2
4.0 Interferences [Reserved] 8.1 of Method 7E to determine the and percent CO2 for ppmv of NOX as
5.0 Safety appropriate sampling points, unless you are appropriate.
using Method 3A only to determine the stack
Refer to Section 5.0 of Method 7E. 13.0 Method Performance
gas molecular weight and for no other
6.0 Equipment and Supplies purpose. In that case, you may use single- The specifications for the applicable
Figure 7E–1 in Method 7E is a schematic point integrated sampling as described in performance checks are the same as in
diagram of an acceptable measurement Section 8.2 of Method 3. If the stratification Section 13.0 of Method 7E except for the
system. test provisions in Section 8.1.2 of Method 7E alternative specifications for system bias,
6.1 What do I need for the measurement are used to reduce the number of required drift, and calibration error. In these
system? The components of the measurement sampling points, the alternative acceptance alternative specifications, replace the term
system are described (as applicable) in criterion for 3-point sampling will be ± 0.5 ‘‘0.5 ppmv’’ with the term ‘‘0.5 percent O2’’
Sections 6.1 and 6.2 of Method 7E, except percent CO2 or O2, and the alternative or ‘‘0.5 percent CO2’’ (as applicable).
that the analyzer described in Section 6.2 of acceptance criterion for single-point
this method must be used instead of the sampling will be ± 0.3 percent CO2 or O2. 14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]
analyzer described in Method 7E. You must 8.2 Initial Measurement System 15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]
follow the noted specifications in Section 6.1 Performance Tests. You must follow the
of Method 7E except that the requirements to procedures in Section 8.2 of Method 7E. If a 16.0 Alternative Procedures [Reserved]
use stainless steel, Teflon, or non-reactive dilution-type measurement system is used, 17.0 References
glass filters do not apply. Also, a heated the special considerations in Section 8.3 of
sample line is not required to transport dry Method 7E apply. 1. ‘‘EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay
gases or for systems that measure the O2 or 8.3 Interference Check. The O2 or CO2 and Certification of Gaseous Calibration
CO2 concentration on a dry basis, provided analyzer must be documented to show that Standards’’ September 1997 as amended,
that the system is not also being used to interference effects to not exceed 2.5 percent EPA–600/R–97/121.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

concurrently measure SO2 and/or NOX. of the calibration span. The interference test 18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and
6.2 What analyzer must I use? You must in Section 8.2.7 of Method 7E is a procedure Validation Data
use an analyzer that continuously measures that may be used to show this. The effects of
O2 or CO2 in the gas stream and meets the all potential interferences at the Refer to Section 18.0 of Method 7E.
specifications in Section 13.0. concentrations encountered during testing * * * * *

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■ 3. Appendix A–4 is amended by emissions using a continuous instrumental (a) Method 1—Sample and Velocity
revising Methods 6C, 7E, and 10 to read analyzer. Quality assurance and quality Traverses for Stationary Sources.
as follows: control requirements are included to assure (b) Method 4—Determination of Moisture
that you, the tester, collect data of known Content in Stack Gases.
Appendix A–4 to Part 60—Test Methods 6 quality. You must document your adherence (c) Method 6—Determination of Sulfur
Through 10B to these specific requirements for equipment,
Dioxide Emissions from Stationary Sources.
* * * * * supplies, sample collection and analysis,
calculations, and data analysis. (d) Method 7E—Determination of Nitrogen
Method 6C—Determination of Sulfur This method does not completely describe Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources
Dioxide Emissions From Stationary Sources all equipment, supplies, and sampling and (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure).
(Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) analytical procedures you will need but 1.1 Analytes. What does this method
1.0 Scope and Application refers to other methods for some of the determine? This method measures the
details. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, concentration of sulfur dioxide.
What is Method 6C? you should also have a thorough knowledge
Method 6C is a procedure for measuring of these additional test methods which are
sulfur dioxide (SO2) in stationary source found in appendix A to this part:

Analyte CAS No. Sensitivity

SO2 .............................................................................................. 7446–09–5 Typically <2% of Calibration Span.

1.2 Applicability. When is this method provisions in Section of Method 7E 10.0 Calibration and Standardization
required? The use of Method 6C may be apply. Follow the procedures for calibration and
required by specific New Source Performance standardization in Section 10.0 of Method
Standards, Clean Air Marketing rules, State 7.0 Reagents and Standards
Implementation Plans, and permits where 7.1 Calibration Gas. What calibration gases
SO2 concentrations in stationary source do I need? Refer to Section 7.1 of Method 7E 11.0 Analytical Procedures
emissions must be measured, either to for the calibration gas requirements. Example Because sample collection and analysis are
determine compliance with an applicable calibration gas mixtures are listed below. performed together (see Section 8), additional
emission standard or to conduct performance (a) SO2 in nitrogen (N2). discussion of the analytical procedure is not
testing of a continuous emission monitoring
(b) SO2 in air. necessary.
system (CEMS). Other regulations may also
require the use of Method 6C. (c) SO2 and CO2 in N2.
12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis
1.3 Data Quality Objectives. How good (d) SO2 andO2 in N2.
(e) SO2/CO2/O2 gas mixture in N2. You must follow the applicable procedures
must my collected data be? Refer to Section
(f) CO2/NOX gas mixture in N2. for calculations and data analysis in Section
1.3 of Method 7E.
(g) CO2/SO2/NOX gas mixture in N2. 12.0 of Method 7E as applicable, substituting
2.0 Summary of Method 7.2 Interference Check. What additional SO2 for NOX as appropriate.
In this method, you continuously sample reagents do I need for the interference check? 13.0 Method Performance
the effluent gas and convey the sample to an The test gases for the interference check are
analyzer that measures the concentration of 13.1 The specifications for the applicable
listed in Table 7E–3 of Method 7E. For the
SO2. You must meet the performance performance checks are the same as in
alternative interference check, you must use
requirements of this method to validate your Section 13.0 of Method 7E.
the reagents described in Section 7.0 of 13.2 Alternative Interference Check. The
data. Method 6. results are acceptable if the difference
3.0 Definitions 8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, between the Method 6C result and the
Refer to Section 3.0 of Method 7E for the Storage, and Transport modified Method 6 result is less than 7.0
applicable definitions. percent of the Method 6 result for each of the
8.1 Sampling Site and Sampling Points.
three test runs. For the purposes of
4.0 Interferences You must follow the procedures of Section
comparison, the Method 6 and 6C results
Refer to Section 4.1 of Method 6. 8.1 of Method 7E. must be expressed in the same units of
8.2 Initial Measurement System measure.
5.0 Safety Performance Tests. You must follow the
Refer to Section 5.0 of Method 7E. procedures in Section 8.2 of Method 7E. If a 14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]
dilution-type measurement system is used, 15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]
6.0 Equipment and Supplies
the special considerations in Section 8.3 of
Figure 7E–1 of Method 7E is a schematic Method 7E also apply. 16.0 Alternative Procedures
diagram of an acceptable measurement 8.3 Interference Check. You must follow 16.1 Alternative Interference Check. You
system. the procedures of Section 8.2.7 of Method 7E may perform an alternative interference
6.1 What do I need for the measurement to conduct an interference check, substituting check consisting of at least three comparison
system? The essential components of the
SO2 for NOX as the method pollutant. For runs between Method 6C and Method 6. This
measurement system are the same as those in
dilution-type measurement systems, you check validates the Method 6C results at each
Sections 6.1 and 6.2 of Method 7E, except
must use the alternative interference check particular facility of known potential
that the SO2 analyzer described in Section
6.2 of this method must be used instead of procedure in Section 16 and a co-located, interferences. When testing under conditions
the analyzer described in Section 6.2 of unmodified Method 6 sampling train. of low concentrations (< 15 ppm), this
Method 7E. You must follow the noted 8.4 Sample Collection. You must follow alternative interference check is not allowed.
specifications in Section 6.1 of Method 7E. the procedures of Section 8.4 of Method 7E. Note: The procedure described below
6.2 What analyzer must I use? You may 8.5 Post-Run System Bias Check and Drift applies to non-dilution sampling systems
use an instrument that uses an ultraviolet, Assessment. You must follow the procedures only. If this alternative interference check is
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

non-dispersive infrared, fluorescence, or of Section 8.5 of Method 7E. used for a dilution sampling system, use a
other detection principle to continuously standard Method 6 sampling train and extract
9.0 Quality Control the sample directly from the exhaust stream
measure SO2 in the gas stream and meets the
performance specifications in Section 13.0. Follow quality control procedures in at points collocated with the Method 6C
The low-range and dual-range analyzer Section 9.0 of Method 7E. sample probe.

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(1) Build the modified Method 6 sampling per run must be the same as for Method 6 analyze performance audit samples as
train (flow control valve, two midget plus twice the average measurement system described in Method 6 with this interference
impingers containing 3 percent hydrogen response time. If your modified Method 6 check. Determine the average gas
peroxide, and dry gas meter) shown in Figure train does not include a pump, you risk concentration reported by Method 6C for the
6C–1. Connect the sampling train to the biasing the results high if you over-pressurize run.
sample bypass discharge vent. Record the dry the midget impingers and cause a leak. You 17.0 References
gas meter reading before you begin sampling. can reduce this risk by cautiously increasing
Simultaneously collect modified Method 6 the flow rate as sampling begins. 1. ‘‘EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay
and Method 6C samples. Open the flow (2) After completing a run, record the final and Certification of Gaseous Calibration
Standards’’ September 1997 as amended,
control valve in the modified Method 6 train dry gas meter reading, meter temperature,
as you begin to sample with Method 6C. and barometric pressure. Recover and
Adjust the Method 6 sampling rate to 1 liter analyze the contents of the midget impingers 18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and
per minute (.10 percent). The sampling time using the procedures in Method 6. You must Validation Data

* * * * * analyzer. Quality assurance and quality obtain reliable results, you should also have
control requirements are included to assure a thorough knowledge of these additional test
Method 7E—Determination of Nitrogen that you, the tester, collect data of known methods which are found in appendix A to
Oxides Emissions From Stationary Sources quality. You must document your adherence this part:
(Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) to these specific requirements for equipment, (a) Method 1—Sample and Velocity
1.0 Scope and Application supplies, sample collection and analysis, Traverses for Stationary Sources.
calculations, and data analysis. This method (b) Method 4—Determination of Moisture
What is Method 7E? does not completely describe all equipment, Content in Stack Gases.
Method 7E is a procedure for measuring supplies, and sampling and analytical 1.1 Analytes. What does this method
nitrogen oxides (NOX) in stationary source procedures you will need but refers to other determine? This method measures the
emissions using a continuous instrumental methods for some of the details. Therefore, to concentration of nitrogen oxides as NO2.

Analyte CAS No. Sensitivity

Nitric oxide (NO) ......................................................................... 10102–43–9 Typically <2% of

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) ................................................................ 10102–44–0 Calibration Span.

1.2 Applicability. When is this method monitoring system (CEMS). Other regulations emission levels encountered. To meet this
required? The use of Method 7E may be may also require the use of Method 7E. objective, the use of EPA traceability protocol
required by specific New Source Performance 1.3 Data Quality Objectives (DQO). How calibration gases and measurement system
Standards, Clean Air Marketing rules, State good must my collected data be? Method 7E performance tests are required.
Implementation Plans, and permits where is designed to provide high-quality data for 1.4 Data Quality Assessment for Low
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

measurement of NOX concentrations in determining compliance with Federal and Emitters. Is performance relief granted when
stationary source emissions is required, State emission standards and for relative testing low-emission units? Yes. For low-
either to determine compliance with an accuracy testing of CEMS. In these and other emitting sources, there are alternative
applicable emissions standard or to conduct applications, the principal objective is to performance specifications for analyzer

performance testing of a continuous ensure the accuracy of the data at the actual calibration error, system bias, drift, and

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response time. Also, the alternative dynamic the pre-run and post-run system bias (or interferences must be evaluated through the
spiking procedure in Section 16 may provide system calibration error) checks at a specific interference test.
performance relief for certain low-emitting calibration gas concentration level (i.e.
units. low-, mid-, or high-). 5.0 Safety
3.10 Gas Analyzer means the equipment What safety measures should I consider
2.0 Summary of Method when using this method? This method may
that senses the gas being measured and
In this method, a sample of the effluent gas generates an output proportional to its require you to work with hazardous materials
is continuously sampled and conveyed to the concentration. and in hazardous conditions. We encourage
analyzer for measuring the concentration of 3.11 Interference Check means the test to you to establish safety procedures before
NOX. You may measure NO and NO2 detect analyzer responses to compounds using the method. Among other precautions,
separately or simultaneously together but, for other than the compound of interest, usually you should become familiar with the safety
the purposes of this method, NOX is the sum a gas present in the measured gas stream, that recommendations in the gas analyzer user’s
of NO and NO2. You must meet the is not adequately accounted for in the manual. Occupational Safety and Health
performance requirements of this method to calibration procedure and may cause Administration (OSHA) regulations
validate your data. measurement bias. concerning cylinder and noxious gases may
3.0 Definitions 3.12 Low-Concentration Analyzer means apply. Nitric oxide and NO2 are toxic and
any analyzer that operates with a calibration dangerous gases. Nitric oxide is immediately
3.1 Analyzer Calibration Error, for non-
span of 20 ppm NOX or lower. Each analyzer converted to NO2 upon reaction with air.
dilution systems, means the difference
model used routinely to measure low NOX Nitrogen dioxide is a highly poisonous and
between the manufacturer certified
concentrations must pass a Manufacturer’s insidious gas. Inflammation of the lungs from
concentration of a calibration gas and the
Stability Test (MST). A MST subjects the exposure may cause only slight pain or pass
measured concentration of the same gas
analyzer to a range of potential effects to unnoticed, but the resulting edema several
when it is introduced into the analyzer in
demonstrate its stability following the days later may cause death. A concentration
direct calibration mode.
procedures provided in 40 CFR 53.23, 53.55, of 100 ppm is dangerous for even a short
3.2 Calibration Curve means the
and 53.56 and provides the information in a exposure, and 200 ppm may be fatal.
relationship between an analyzer’s response
to the injection of a series of calibration gases summary format. A copy of this information Calibration gases must be handled with
and the actual concentrations of those gases. must be included in each test report. Table utmost care and with adequate ventilation.
3.3 Calibration Gas means the gas 7E–5 lists the criteria to be met. Emission-level exposure to these gases
mixture containing NOX at a known 3.13 Measurement System means all of should be avoided.
concentration and produced and certified in the equipment used to determine the NOX
concentration. The measurement system 6.0 Equipment and Supplies
accordance with ‘‘EPA Traceability Protocol
comprises six major subsystems: Sample The performance criteria in this method
for Assay and Certification of Gaseous
acquisition, sample transport, sample will be met or exceeded if you are properly
Calibration Standards,’’ September 1997, as
conditioning, calibration gas manifold, gas using equipment designed for this
amended August 25, 1999, EPA–600/R–97/
analyzer, and data recorder. application.
121 or more recent updates. The tests for
analyzer calibration error, drift, and system 3.14 Response Time means the time it 6.1 What do I need for the measurement
bias require the use of calibration gas takes the measurement system to respond to system? You may use any equipment and
prepared according to this protocol. a change in gas concentration occurring at supplies meeting the following
3.3.1 Low-Level Gas means a calibration the sampling point when the system is specifications.
gas with a concentration that is less than 20 operating normally at its target sample flow (1) Sampling system components that are
percent of the calibration span and may be rate or dilution ratio. not evaluated in the system bias or system
a zero gas. 3.15 Run means a series of gas samples calibration error test must be glass, Teflon, or
3.3.2 Mid-Level Gas means a calibration taken successively from the stack or duct. A stainless steel. Other materials are potentially
gas with a concentration that is 40 to 60 test normally consists of a specific number of acceptable, subject to approval by the
percent of the calibration span. runs. Administrator.
3.3.3 High-Level Gas means a calibration 3.16 System Bias means the difference (2) The interference, calibration error, and
gas with a concentration that is equal to the between a calibration gas measured in direct system bias criteria must be met.
calibration span. calibration mode and in system calibration (3) Sample flow rate must be maintained
3.4 Calibration Span means the upper mode. System bias is determined before and within 10 percent of the flow rate at which
limit of valid instrument response during after each run at the low- and mid- or high- the system response time was measured.
sampling. To the extent practicable, the concentration levels. For dilution-type (4) All system components (excluding
measured emissions should be between 20 to systems, pre- and post-run system calibration sample conditioning components, if used)
100 percent of the selected calibration span error is measured, rather than system bias. must maintain the sample temperature above
3.5 Centroidal Area means the central 3.17 System Calibration Error applies to the moisture dew point.
area of the stack or duct that is no greater dilution-type systems and means the Section 6.2 provides example equipment
than 1 percent of the stack or duct cross difference between the measured specifications for a NOX measurement
section. This area has the same geometric concentration of low-, mid-, or high-level system. Figure 7E–1 is a diagram of an
shape as the stack or duct. calibration gas and the certified example dry basis measurement system that
3.6 Converter Efficiency Gas means a concentration for each gas when introduced is likely to meet the method requirements
calibration gas with a known NO or NO2 in system calibration mode. For dilution-type and is provided as guidance. For wet-basis
concentration and of Traceability Protocol systems, a 3-point system calibration error systems, you may use alternative equipment
quality. test is conducted in lieu of the analyzer and supplies as needed (some of which are
3.7 Data Recorder means the equipment calibration error test, and 2-point system described in Section 6.2), provided that the
that permanently records the concentrations calibration error tests are conducted in lieu measurement system meets the applicable
reported by the analyzer. of system bias tests. performance specifications of this method.
3.8 Direct Calibration Mode means 3.18 System Calibration Mode means 6.2 Measurement System Components
introducing the calibration gases directly into introducing the calibration gases into the 6.2.1 Sample Probe. Glass, stainless steel,
the analyzer (or into the assembled measurement system at the probe, upstream or other approved material, of sufficient
measurement system at a point downstream of the filter and all sample conditioning length to traverse the sample points.
of all sample conditioning equipment) components. 6.2.2 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or
according to manufacturer’s recommended 3.19 Test refers to the series of runs out-of-stack filter. The filter media must be
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

calibration procedure. This mode of required by the applicable regulation. included in the system bias test and made of
calibration applies to non-dilution-type material that is non-reactive to the gas being
measurement systems. 4.0 Interferences sampled. This particulate filter requirement
3.9 Drift means the difference between Note that interferences may vary among may be waived in applications where no
the measurement system readings obtained in instruments and that instrument-specific significant particulate matter is expected

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(e.g., for emission testing of a combustion and meets the applicable specifications in 7.1.4 Converter Efficiency Gas.What
turbine firing natural gas). Section 13.0. An analyzer that operates on reagents do I need for the converter efficiency
6.2.3 Sample Line. The sample line from the principle of chemiluminescence with an test? The converter efficiency gas for the test
the probe to the conditioning system/sample NO2 to NO converter is one example of an described in Section must have a
pump should be made of Teflon or other analyzer that has been used successfully in concentration of NO2 that is between 40 and
material that does not absorb or otherwise the past. Analyzers operating on other 60 ppmv. For the alternative converter
alter the sample gas. For a dry-basis principles may also be used provided the efficiency tests in Section 16.2, NO is
measurement system (as shown in Figure 7E– performance criteria in Section 13.0 are met. required. In either case, the test gas must be
1), the temperature of the sample line must Dual Range Analyzers. For certain prepared according to the EPA Traceability
be maintained at a sufficiently high level to applications, a wide range of gas Protocol.
prevent condensation before the sample concentrations may be encountered, 7.2 Interference Check. What reagents do
conditioning components. For wet-basis necessitating the use of two measurement I need for the interference check? Use the
measurement systems, the temperature of the ranges. Dual-range analyzers are readily appropriate test gases listed in Table 7E–3
sample line must be maintained at a available for these applications. These (i.e., the potential interferents for the test
sufficiently high level to prevent analyzers are often equipped with automated facility, as identified by the instrument
condensation before the analyzer. range-switching capability, so that when manufacturer) to conduct the interference
6.2.4 Conditioning Equipment. For dry readings exceed the full-scale of the low check.
basis measurements, a condenser, dryer or measurement range, they are recorded on the
other suitable device is required to remove high range. As an alternative to using a dual- 8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation,
moisture continuously from the sample gas. range analyzer, you may use two segments of Storage, and Transport
Any equipment needed to heat the probe or a single, large measurement scale to serve as Emission Test Procedure
sample line to avoid condensation prior to the low and high ranges. In all cases, when
Since you are allowed to choose different
the sample conditioning component is also two ranges are used, you must quality-assure
options to comply with some of the
required. both ranges using the proper sets of
performance criteria, it is your responsibility
For wet basis systems, you must keep the calibration gases. You must also meet the
to identify the specific options you have
sample above its dew point either by: (1) interference, calibration error, system bias,
chosen, to document that the performance
Heating the sample line and all sample and drift checks. However, we caution that
criteria for that option have been met, and to
transport components up to the inlet of the when you use two segments of a large
analyzer (and, for hot-wet extractive systems, identify any deviations from the method.
measurement scale for dual range purposes,
also heating the analyzer) or (2) by diluting 8.1 What sampling site and sampling
it may be difficult to meet the performance
the sample prior to analysis using a dilution points do I select?
specifications on the low range due to signal-
probe system. The components required to 8.1.1 Unless otherwise specified in an
to-noise ratio considerations.
do either of the above are considered to be applicable regulation or by the Low Concentration Analyzer.
conditioning equipment. Administrator, when this method is used to
When the calibration span is less than or
6.2.5 Sampling Pump. For systems determine compliance with an emission
equal to 20 ppmv, the manufacturer’s
similar to the one shown in Figure 7E–1, a standard, conduct a stratification test as
stability test (MST) is required. See Table 7E–
leak-free pump is needed to pull the sample described in Section 8.1.2 to determine the
gas through the system at a flow rate sampling traverse points to be used. For
6.2.9 Data Recording. A strip chart
sufficient to minimize the response time of performance testing of continuous emission
recorder, computerized data acquisition
the measurement system. The pump may be monitoring systems, follow the sampling site
system, digital recorder, or data logger for
constructed of any material that is non- selection and traverse point layout
recording measurement data may be used.
reactive to the gas being sampled. For procedures described in the appropriate
dilution-type measurement systems, an 7.0 Reagents and Standards performance specification or applicable
ejector pump (eductor) is used to create a 7.1 Calibration Gas. What calibration regulation (e.g., Performance Specification 2
vacuum that draws the sample through a gases do I need? Your calibration gas must in appendix B to this part).
critical orifice at a constant rate. be NO in nitrogen and certified (or 8.1.2 Determination of Stratification. To
6.2.6 Calibration Gas Manifold. Prepare a recertified) within an uncertainty of 2.0 test for stratification, use a probe of
system to allow the introduction of percent in accordance with ‘‘EPA appropriate length to measure the NOX (or
calibration gases either directly to the gas Traceability Protocol for Assay and pollutant of interest) concentration at twelve
analyzer in direct calibration mode or into Certification of Gaseous Calibration traverse points located according to Table 1–
the measurement system, at the probe, in Standards’’ September 1997, as amended 1 or Table 1–2 of Method 1. Alternatively,
system calibration mode, or both, depending August 25, 1999, EPA–600/R–97/121. you may measure at three points on a line
upon the type of system used. In system Blended gases meeting the Traceability passing through the centroidal area. Space
calibration mode, the system should be able Protocol are allowed if the additional gas the three points at 16.7, 50.0, and 83.3
to block the sample gas flow and flood the components are shown not to interfere with percent of the measurement line. Sample for
sampling probe. Alternatively, calibration the analysis. The calibration gas must not be a minimum of twice the system response
gases may be introduced at the calibration used after its expiration date. time (see Section 8.2.6) at each traverse
valve following the probe. Maintain a Except for applications under part 75 of point. Calculate the individual point and
constant pressure in the gas manifold. For in- this chapter, it is acceptable to prepare mean NOX concentrations. If the
stack dilution-type systems, a gas dilution calibration gas mixtures from EPA concentration at each traverse point differs
subsystem is required to transport large Traceability Protocol gases in accordance from the mean concentration for all traverse
volumes of purified air to the sample probe with Method 205 in M to part 51 of this points by no more than: (a) ± 5.0 percent of
and a probe controller is needed to maintain chapter. For part 75 applications, the use of the mean concentration; or (b) ± 0.5 ppm
the proper dilution ratio. Method 205 is subject to the approval of the (whichever is less restrictive), the gas stream
6.2.7 Sample Gas Manifold. For the type Administrator. The goal and is considered unstratified and you may
of system shown in Figure 7E–1, the sample recommendation for selecting calibration collect samples from a single point that most
gas manifold diverts a portion of the sample gases is to bracket the sample concentrations. closely matches the mean. If the 5.0 percent
to the analyzer, delivering the remainder to The following calibration gas or 0.5 ppm criterion is not met, but the
the by-pass discharge vent. The manifold concentrations are required: concentration at each traverse point differs
should also be able to introduce calibration 7.1.1 High-Level Gas. This concentration from the mean concentration for all traverse
gases directly to the analyzer (except for sets the calibration span and results in points by no more than: (a) ± 10.0 percent of
dilution-type systems). The manifold must be measurements being 20 to 100 percent of the the mean; or (b) ± 1.0 ppm (whichever is less
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

made of material that is non-reactive to the calibration span. restrictive), the gas stream is considered to be
gas sampled or the calibration gas and be 7.1.2 Mid-Level Gas. 40 to 60 percent of minimally stratified, and you may take
configured to safely discharge the bypass gas. the calibration span. samples from three points. Space the three
6.2.8 NOX Analyzer. An instrument that 7.1.3 Low-Level Gas. Less than 20 percent points at 16.7, 50.0, and 83.3 percent of the
continuously measures NOX in the gas stream of the calibration span. measurement line. Alternatively, if a twelve

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point stratification test was performed and calibration error checks, and may make only value and record the result on a form similar
the emissions shown to be minimally the adjustments necessary to maintain the to Table 7E–2. Operate the measurement
stratified (all points within ± 10.0 percent of proper ratio. system at the normal sampling rate during all
their mean or within ± 1.0 ppm), and if the (2) Record the analyzer’s response to each system bias checks. Make only the
stack diameter (or equivalent diameter, for a calibration gas on a form similar to Table 7E– adjustments necessary to achieve proper
rectangular stack or duct) is greater than 2.4 1. For each calibration gas, calculate the calibration gas flow rates at the analyzer.
meters (7.8 ft), then you may use 3-point analyzer calibration error using Equation 7E– (3) From these data, calculate the
sampling and locate the three points along 1 in Section 12.2 or the system calibration measurement system response time (see
the measurement line exhibiting the highest error using Equation 7E–3 in Section 12.4 (as Section 8.2.6) and then calculate the initial
average concentration during the applicable). The calibration error system bias using Equation 7E–2 in Section
stratification test, at 0.4, 1.0 and 2.0 meters specification in Section 13.1 must be met for 12.3. For dilution systems, calculate the
from the stack or duct wall. If the gas stream the low-, mid-, and high-level gases. If the system calibration error in lieu of system bias
is found to be stratified because the 10.0 calibration error specification is not met, take using equation 7E–3 in Section 12.4. See
percent or 1.0 ppm criterion for a 3-point test corrective action and repeat the test until an Section 13.2 for acceptable performance
is not met, locate twelve traverse points for acceptable 3-point calibration is achieved. criteria for system bias and system
the test in accordance with Table 1–1 or 8.2.4 NO2 to NO Conversion Efficiency calibration error. If the initial system bias (or
Table 1–2 of Method 1. Test. Before each field test, you must conduct system calibration error) specification is not
8.2 Initial Measurement System an NO2 to NO conversion efficiency test if met, take corrective action. Then, you must
Performance Tests. What initial performance your system converts NO2 to NO before repeat the applicable calibration error test
criteria must my system meet before I begin analyzing for NOX. Follow the procedures in from Section 8.2.3 and the initial system bias
collecting samples? Before measuring Section, or If desired, the (or 2-point system calibration error) check
emissions, perform the following procedures: converter efficiency factor derived from this until acceptable results are achieved, after
(a) Calibration gas verification, test may be used to correct the test results for which you may begin sampling.
(b) Measurement system preparation, converter efficiency if the NO2 fraction in the (Note: For dilution-type systems, data from
(c) Calibration error test, measured test gas is known. Use Equation the 3-point system calibration error test
(d) NO2 to NO conversion efficiency test, 7E–8 in Section 12.8 for this correction. described in Section 8.2.3 may be used to
if applicable, Introduce a concentration of 40 to meet the initial 2-point system calibration
(e) System bias check, 60 ppmv NO2 to the analyzer in direct error test requirement of this section, if the
(f) System response time test, and calibration mode and record the NOX calibration gases were injected as described
(g) Interference check concentration displayed by the analyzer. If a in this section, and if response time data
8.2.1 Calibration Gas Verification. How dilution-system is used, introduce the NO2 were recorded).
must I verify the concentrations of my calibration gas at a point before the dilution 8.2.6 Measurement System Response
calibration gases? Obtain a certificate from takes place. Calculate the converter efficiency Time. As described in section 8.2.5, you must
the gas manufacturer and confirm that the using Equation 7E–7 in Section 12.7. The determine the measurement system response
documentation includes all information specification for converter efficiency in time during the initial system bias (or 2-point
required by the Traceability Protocol. Section 13.5 must be met. The user is system calibration error) check. Observe the
Confirm that the manufacturer certification is cautioned that state-of-the-art NO2 calibration times required to achieve 95 percent of a
complete and current. Ensure that your gases may not be sufficiently stable and thus stable response for both the low-level and
calibration gases certifications have not make it more difficult to pass the 90 percent upscale gases. The longer interval is the
expired. This documentation should be conversion efficiency requirement. The NO2 response time.
available on-site for inspection. To the extent must be prepared according to the EPA 8.2.7 Interference Check. Conduct an
practicable, select a high-level gas Traceability Protocol and have an accuracy interference response test of the gas analyzer
concentration that will result in the within 2.0 percent. prior to its initial use in the field. If you have
measured emissions being between 20 and Alternatively, either of the multiple analyzers of the same make and
100 percent of the calibration span. procedures for determining conversion model, you need only perform this
8.2.2 Measurement System Preparation. efficiency using NO in Section 16.2 may be alternative interference check on one
How do I prepare my measurement system? used. analyzer. You may also meet the interference
Assemble, prepare, and precondition the 8.2.5 Initial System Bias and System check requirement if the instrument
measurement system according to your Calibration Error Checks. Before sampling manufacturer performs this or similar check
standard operating procedure. Adjust the begins, determine whether the high-level or on the same make and model of analyzer that
system to achieve the correct sampling rate mid-level calibration gas best approximates you use and provides you with documented
or dilution ratio (as applicable). the emissions and use it as the upscale gas. results.
8.2.3 Calibration Error Test. How do I Introduce the upscale gas at the probe (1) You may introduce the appropriate
confirm my analyzer calibration is correct? upstream of all sample conditioning interference test gases (that are potentially
After you have assembled, prepared and components in system calibration mode. encountered during a test, see examples in
calibrated your sampling system and Record the time it takes for the measured Table 7E–3) into the analyzer (or
analyzer, you must conduct a 3-point concentration to increase to a value that is measurement system for dilution-type
analyzer calibration error test (or a 3-point within 95 percent or 0.5 ppm (whichever is systems) separately or as mixtures. This test
system calibration error test for dilution less restrictive) of the certified gas must be performed both with and without
systems) before the first run and again after concentration. Continue to observe the gas NOX (NO and NO2) (the applicable pollutant
any failed system bias test (or 2-point system concentration reading until it has reached a gas). For analyzers measuring NOX greater
calibration error test for dilution systems) or final, stable value. Record this value on a than 20 ppm, use a calibration gas with an
failed drift test. Introduce the low-, mid-, and form similar to Table 7E–2. NOX concentration of 80 to 100 ppm and set
high-level calibration gases sequentially. For (1) Next, introduce the low-level gas in this concentration equal to the calibration
non-dilution-type measurement systems, system calibration mode and record the time span. For analyzers measuring less than 20
introduce the gases in direct calibration required for the concentration response to ppm NOX, select an NO concentration for the
mode. For dilution-type measurement decrease to a value that is within 5.0 percent calibration span that reflects the emission
systems, introduce the gases in system or 0.5 ppm (whichever is less restrictive) of levels at the sources to be tested, and perform
calibration mode. the certified low-range gas concentration. If the interference check at that level. Measure
(1) For non-dilution systems, you may the low-level gas is a zero gas, use the the total interference response of the analyzer
adjust the system to maintain the correct flow procedures described above and observe the to these gases in ppmv. Record the responses
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

rate at the analyzer during the test, but you change in concentration until the response is and determine the interference using Table
may not make adjustments for any other 0.5 ppm or 5.0 percent of the upscale gas 7E–4. The specification in Section 13.4 must
purpose. For dilution systems, you must concentration (whichever is less restrictive). be met.
operate the measurement system at the (2) Continue to observe the low-level gas (2) A copy of this data, including the date
appropriate dilution ratio during all system reading until it has reached a final, stable completed and signed certification, must be

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available for inspection at the test site and system with a two-minute system response point system calibration error) check must be
included with each test report. This time, initially purge the system for at least performed and passed before any more test
interference test is valid for the life of the four minutes, then record a minimum of four runs are done.
instrument unless major analytical one-minute averages at each sample point. (3) For dilution systems, data from a 3-
components (e.g., the detector) are replaced. However, if you remove the probe from the point system calibration error test may be
If major components are replaced, the stack, you must recondition the sampling used to met the pre-run 2-point system
interference gas check must be repeated system for at least two times the system calibration error requirement for the first run
before returning the analyzer to service. The response time prior to your next recording. in a test sequence. Also, the post-run bias (or
tester must ensure that any specific If the average of any run exceeds the 2-point calibration error) check data may be
technology, equipment, or procedures that calibration span value, the run is invalidated. used as the pre-run data for the next run in
are intended to remove interference effects (3) You may satisfy the multipoint traverse the test sequence at the discretion of the
are operating properly during testing. requirement by sampling sequentially using tester.
8.3 Dilution-Type Systems—Special a single-hole probe or a multi-hole probe 8.6 Alternative Interference and System
Considerations. When a dilution-type designed to sample at the prescribed points Bias Checks (Dynamic Spike Procedure). If I
measurement system is used, there are three with a flow within 10 percent of mean flow want to use the dynamic spike procedure to
important considerations that must be taken rate. Notwithstanding, for applications under validate my data, what procedure should I
into account to ensure the quality of the part 75 of this chapter, the use of multi-hole follow? Except for applications under part 75
emissions data. First, the critical orifice size probes is subject to the approval of the of this chapter, you may use the dynamic
and dilution ratio must be selected properly Administrator. spiking procedure and requirements
so that the sample dew point will be below 8.5 Post-Run System Bias Check and Drift provided in Section 16.1 during each test as
the sample line and analyzer temperatures. Assessment. How do I confirm that each
an alternative to the interference check and
Second, a high-quality, accurate probe sample I collect is valid? After each run,
the pre- and post-run system bias checks. The
controller must be used to maintain the repeat the system bias check or 2-point
calibration error test is still required under
dilution ratio during the test. The probe system calibration error check (for dilution
this option. Use of the dynamic spiking
controller should be capable of monitoring systems) to validate the run. Do not make
procedure for Part 75 applications is subject
the dilution air pressure, eductor vacuum, adjustments to the measurement system
and sample flow rates. Third, differences (other than to maintain the target sampling to the approval of the Administrator.
between the molecular weight of calibration rate or dilution ratio) between the end of the 8.7 Moisture correction. You must
gas mixtures and the stack gas molecular run and the completion of the post-run determine the moisture content of the flue
weight must be addressed because these can system bias or system calibration error check. gas and correct the measured gas
affect the dilution ratio and introduce Note that for all post-run system bias or 2- concentrations to a dry basis using Method
measurement bias. point system calibration error checks, you 4 or other appropriate methods, subject to the
8.4 Sample Collection. (1) Position the may inject the low-level gas first and the approval of the Administrator, when the
probe at the first sampling point. Purge the upscale gas last, or vice-versa. moisture basis (wet or dry) of the
system for at least two times the response (1) If you do not pass the post-run system measurements made with this method is
time before recording any data. Then, bias (or system calibration error) check, then different from the moisture basis of either: (1)
traverse all required sampling points and the run is invalid. You must diagnose and fix The applicable emissions limit; or (2) the
sample at each point for an equal length of the problem and pass another initial 3-point CEMS being evaluated for relative accuracy.
time, maintaining the appropriate sample calibration error test (see Section 8.2.3) and Moisture correction is also required if the
flow rate or dilution ratio (as applicable). another system bias (or 2-point system applicable limit is in lb/mmBtu and the
You must record at least one valid data point calibration error) check (see Section 8.2.5) moisture basis of the Method 7E NOX
per minute during the test run. The before repeating the run. In these additional analyzer is different from the moisture basis
minimum time you must sample at each bias and calibration error tests, the gases may of the Method 3A diluent gas (CO2 or O2)
point is two times the system response time. be injected in any order. Record the system analyzer.
Usually the test is designed for sampling bias (or system calibration error) check 9.0 Quality Control
longer than this to better characterize the results on a form similar to Table 7E–2.
source’s temporal variation. (2) After each run, calculate the low-level What quality control measures must I take?
(2) After recording data for the appropriate and upscale drift, using Equation 7E–4 in The following table is a summary of the
period of time at the first traverse point, you Section 12.5. If the post-run low- and upscale mandatory, suggested, and alternative quality
may move to the next point and continue bias (or 2-point system calibration error) assurance and quality control measures and
recording, omitting the requirement to wait checks are passed, but the low-or upscale the associated frequency and acceptance
for two times the system response time before drift exceeds the specification in Section criteria. All of the QC data, along with the
recording data at the subsequent traverse 13.3, the run data are valid, but a 3-point sample run data, must be documented and
points. For example, if you use a sampling calibration error test and a system bias (or 2- included in the test report.


Status Process or element QA/QC specification Acceptance criteria Checking frequency

S ............ Identify Data User .......... ........................................ Regulatory Agency or other primary end user of Before designing test.
S ............ Analyzer Design ............. Analyzer resolution or <2.0% of full-scale range ....................................... Manufacturer design.
M ............ ........................................ Interference gas check .. Sum of responses ≤2.5% of calibration span. Al-
ternatively, sum of responses:.
≤0.5 ppmv for calibration spans of 5 to 10
≤0.2 ppmv for calibration spans < 5 ppmv.
See Table 7E–3.
M ............ Calibration on Gases ..... Traceability protocol (G1, Valid certificate required. Uncertainty ≤2.0% of tag
G2). value.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

M ............ ........................................ High-level gas ................ Equal to the calibration span ................................. Each test.
M ............ ........................................ Mid-level gas .................. 40 to 60% of calibration span ................................ Each test.
M ............ ........................................ Low-level gas ................. <20% of calibration span ....................................... Each test.
S ............ Data Recorder Design ... Data resolution ............... ≤0.5% of full-scale range ....................................... Manufacturer design.
S ............ Sample Extraction .......... Probe material ............... SS or quartz if stack >500 °F ................................. Each test.

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Status Process or element QA/QC specification Acceptance criteria Checking frequency

M ............ Sample Extraction .......... Probe, filter and sample For dry-basis analyzers, keep sample above the Each run.
line temperature. dew point by heating, prior to sample condi-
For wet-basis analyzers, keep sample above dew
point at all times, by heating or dilution.
S ............ Sample Extraction .......... Calibration valve mate- SS ........................................................................... Each test.
S ............ Sample Extraction .......... Sample pump material ... Inert to sample constituents ................................... Each test.
S ............ Sample Extraction .......... Manifolding material ....... Inert to sample constituents ................................... Each test.
S ............ Moisture Removal .......... Equipment efficiency ...... <5% target compound removal .............................. Verified through system
bias check.
S ............ Particulate Removal ....... Filter inertness ............... Pass system bias check ........................................ Each bias check.
M ............ Analyzer & Calibration Analyzer calibration error Within ±2.0% of the calibration span of the ana- Before initial run and
Gas Performance. (or 3-point system cali- lyzer for the low-, mid-, and high-level calibra- after a failed system
bration error for dilu- tion gases. bias test or dilution
tion systems). Alternative specification: 0.5 ppmv absolute dif- drift test.
M ............ System Performance ..... System bias (or pre- and Within ±5.0% of the analyzer calibration span for Before and after each
post-run 2-point sys- low-scale and upscale calibration gases. run.
tem calibration error Alternative specification: 0.5 ppmv absolute dif-
for dilution systems). ference.
M ............ System Performance ..... System response time ... Determines minimum sampling time per point ...... During initial sampling
system bias test.
M ............ System Performance ..... Drift ................................ 3.0% of calibration span for low-level and mid- or After each test run.
high-level gases.
Alternative specification: 0.5 ppmv absolute dif-
M ............ System Performance ..... NO2–NO conversion effi- ≥90% of certified test gas concentration ................ Before each test.
M ............ System Performance ..... Purge time ..................... ≥2 times system response time ............................. Before starting the first
run and when probe is
removed from and re-
inserted into the stack.
M ............ System Performance ..... Minimum sample time at Two times the system response time .................... Each sample point.
each point.
M ............ System Performance ..... Stable sample flow rate Within 10% of flow rate established during system Each run.
(surrogate for main- response time check.
taining system re-
sponse time).
M ............ Sample Point Selection Stratification test ............ All points within: Prior to first run.
±5% of mean for 1-point sampling.
±10% of mean for 3-point.
Alternatively, all points within:
±0.5 ppm of mean for 1-point sampling.
±1.0 ppm of mean for 3-point sampling.
A ............ Multiple sample points No. of openings in probe Multi-hole probe with verifiable constant flow Each run.
simultaneously. through all holes within 10% of mean flow rate
(requires Administrative approval for Part 75).
M ............ Data Recording .............. Frequency ...................... 1 minute average ................................................... During run.
S ............ Data Parameters ............ Sample concentration All 1-minute averages within calibration span ....... Each run.
M ............ Data Parameters ............ Average concentration Run average ≤calibration span .............................. Each run.
for the run.
S = Suggested.
M = Mandatory.
A = Alternative.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization calibration error checks described in Section Certification of Gaseous Calibration
What measurement system calibrations are 8.5 are required before and after each run. Standards, September 1997, as amended
required? Your analyzer must be calibrated for all August 25, 1999. When Method 205 is used
species of NOX that it detects. If your to produce diluted calibration gases, you
(1) The initial 3-point calibration error test analyzer measures NO and NO2 separately, must document that the specifications for the
as described in Section 8.2.3 and the system then you must use both NO and NO2
bias (or system calibration error) checks gas dilution system are met for the test. You
calibration gases. must also include the date of the most recent
described in Section 8.2.5 are required and (2) You must include a copy of the
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

must meet the specifications in Section 13 dilution system calibration against flow
manufacturer’s certification of the calibration
before you start the test. Make all necessary gases used in the testing as part of the test standards and the name of the person or
adjustments to calibrate the gas analyzer and report. This certification must include the 13 manufacturer who carried out the calibration
data recorder. Then, after the test documentation requirements in the EPA in the test report.
commences, the system bias or system Traceability Protocol For Assay and

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11.0 Analytical Procedures CV = Manufacturer certified concentration of system bias separately for the low-level and
Because sample collection and analysis are a calibration gas (low, mid, or high), upscale calibration gases.
performed together (see Section 8), additional ppmv.
discussion of the analytical procedure is not CW = Pollutant concentration measured CS − CDir
necessary. under moist sample conditions, wet SB = × 100 Eq. 7E- 2
basis, ppmv. CS
12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis CS = Calibration span, ppmv. 12.4 System Calibration Error. Use
You must follow the procedures for D = Drift assessment, percent of calibration
Equation 7E–3 to calculate the system
calculations and data analysis listed in this span.
EffNO2 = NO2 to NO converter efficiency, calibration error for dilution systems.
percent. Equation 7E–3 applies to both the initial 3-
12.1 Nomenclature. The terms used in
NOFinal = The average NO concentration point system calibration error test and the
the equations are defined as follows:
observed with the analyzer in the NO subsequent 2-point between run tests.
ACE = Analyzer calibration error, percent of
calibration span. mode during the converter efficiency test
BWS = Moisture content of sample gas as in Section 16.2.2, ppmv. CS − C v
measured by Method 4 or other approved NOXCorr = The NOX concentration corrected SCE = × 100 Eq. 7E-3
for the converter efficiency, ppmv. CS
method, percent/100.
CAvg = Average unadjusted gas concentration NOXFinal = The final NOX concentration 12.5 Drift Assessment. Use Equation 7E–
indicated by data recorder for the test observed during the converter efficiency 4 to separately calculate the low-level and
run, ppmv. test in Section 16.2.2, ppmv. upscale drift over each test run. For dilution
CD = Pollutant concentration adjusted to dry NOXPeak = The highest NOX concentration systems, replace ‘‘SBfinal’’ and ‘‘SBi’’ with
conditions, ppmv. observed during the converter efficiency ‘‘SCEfinal’’ and ‘‘SCEi’’, respectively, to
CDir = Measured concentration of a test in Section 16.2.2, ppmv.
calculate and evaluate drift.
calibration gas (low, mid, or high) when QSpike = Flow rate of spike gas introduced in
introduced in direct calibration mode, system calibration mode, L/min.
ppmv. QTotal = Total sample flow rate during the D = SBfinal − SBi Eq. 7E-4
CGas = Average effluent gas concentration spike test, L/min.
R = Spike recovery, percent. 12.6 Effluent Gas Concentration. For each
adjusted for bias, ppmv. test run, calculate Cavg, the arithmetic average
SB = System bias, percent of calibration span.

CM = Average of initial and final system of all valid NOX concentration values (e.g., 1-
calibration bias (or 2-point system SBi = Pre-run system bias, percent of
calibration span. minute averages). Then adjust the value of
calibration error) check responses for the
upscale calibration gas, ppmv. SBf = Post-run system bias, percent of Cavg for bias, using Equation 7E–5.
CMA = Actual concentration of the upscale calibration span.

CGas = ( CAvg − CO )
calibration gas, ppmv. SCE = System calibration error, percent of CMA

CO = Average of the initial and final system calibration span. Eq. 7E-5
calibration bias (or 2-point system SCEi = Pre-run system calibration error, C M − CO
calibration error) check responses from percent of calibration span. 12.7 NO2—NO Conversion Efficiency. If
the low-level (or zero) calibration gas, SCEfinal = Post-run system calibration error, the NOX converter efficiency test described
ppmv. percent of calibration span.
in Section is performed, calculate the

CS = Measured concentration of a calibration 12.2 Analyzer Calibration Error. For non-
dilution systems, use Equation 7E–1 to efficiency using Equation 7E–7.
gas (low, mid, or high) when introduced
in system calibration mode, ppmv. calculate the analyzer calibration error for the
low-, mid-, and high-level calibration gases. CDir
CSS = Concentration of NOX measured in the Eff NO 2 = × 100 Eq. 7E-7
spiked sample, ppmv. CV
C − Cv

CSpike = Concentration of NOX in the
undiluted spike gas, ppmv. ACE = Dir × 100 Eq. 7E-1 12.8 NO2—NO Conversion Efficiency
CCalc = Calculated concentration of NOX in CS Correction. If desired, calculate the total NOX
the spike gas diluted in the sample, 12.3 System Bias. For non-dilution concentration with a correction for converter
ppmv. systems, use Equation 7E–2 to calculate the efficiency using Equations 7E–8.

NO XCorr = NO + × 100 Eq. 7E-8
Eff NO 2

12.9 Alternative NO2 Converter Section 16.2.2 is used, calculate the converter
Efficiency. If the alternative procedure of efficiency using Equation 7E–9.

( NOXFinal − NOFinal )
Eff NO 2 = × 100 Eq. 7E-9
( NOXPeak − NOXFinal )
ER15MY06.002</GPH> ER15MY06.003</GPH>

12.10 Moisture Correction. Use Equation

7E–10 if your measurements need to be
Example Alternative Dynamic Spiking
Procedure in Section 16.1.3. Use Equation
CCalc =
( C )( Q )
Spike Spike
Eq. 7E-11
corrected to a dry basis. 7E–11 to determine the calculated spike gas QTotal
concentration. Use Equation 7E–12 to
CW calculate the spike recovery. CSS − C Avg
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

CD = Eq. 7E-10 R= × 100 Eq. 7E-12

1 − BWS CCalc
12.11 Calculated Spike Gas
Concentration and Spike Recovery for the

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13.0 Method Performance To use this alternative, you must meet the the calibration (both NO and NOX modes, as
13.1 Calibration Error. This specification following requirements. applicable). Fill a Tedlar bag approximately
is applicable to both the analyzer calibration 16.1.1 Procedure Documentation. You half full with either ambient air, pure oxygen,
error and the 3-point system calibration error must detail the procedure you followed in or an oxygen standard gas with at least 19.5
the test report, including how the spike was percent by volume oxygen content. Fill the
tests described in Section 8.2.3. At each
measured, added, verified during the run, remainder of the bag with mid-level NO in
calibration gas level (low, mid, and high) the
and calculated after the test. nitrogen calibration gas. (Note that the
calibration error must either be within ± 2.0
16.1.2 Spiking Procedure Requirements. concentration of the NO standard should be
percent of the calibration span. Alternatively, The spikes must be prepared from EPA
the results are acceptable if |Cdir ¥ Cv| or sufficiently high that the diluted
Traceability Protocol gases. Your procedure concentration will be easily and accurately
|Cs¥Cv| (as applicable) is ≤0.5 ppmv. must be designed to spike field samples at
13.2 System Bias. This specification is measured on the scale used. The size of the
two target levels both before and after the
applicable to both the system bias and 2- bag should be large enough to accommodate
test. Your target spike levels should bracket
point system calibration error tests described the procedure and time required).
the average sample NOX concentrations. The
in Section 8.2.5 and 8.5. The pre- and post- higher target concentration must be less than (1) Immediately attach the bag to the inlet
run system bias (or system calibration error) the calibration span. You must collect at least of the NOX analyzer (or external converter if
must be within ± 5.0 percent of the 5 data points for each target concentration. used). In the case of a dilution-system,
calibration span for the low-level and upscale The spiking procedure must be performed introduce the gas at a point upstream of the
calibration gases. Alternatively, the results before the first run and repeated after the last dilution assembly. Measure the NOX
are acceptable if | Cs ¥Cdir | is ≤ 0.5 ppmv run of the test program. concentration for a period of 30 minutes. If
or if | Cs¥ Cv | is ≤ 0.5 ppmv (as applicable). 16.1.3 Example Spiking Procedure. the NOX concentration drops more than 2
13.3 Drift. For each run, the low-level and Determine the NO concentration needed to percent absolute from the peak value
upscale drift must be less than or equal to 3.0 generate concentrations that are 50 and 150 observed, then the NO2 converter has failed
percent of the calibration span. The drift is percent of the anticipated NOX concentration to meet the criteria of this test. Take
also acceptable if the pre- and post-run bias in the stack at the total sampling flow rate corrective action. The highest NOX value
(or the pre- and post-run system calibration while keeping the spike flow rate at or below observed is considered to be NOXPeak. The
error) responses do not differ by more than 10 percent of this total. Use a mass flow final NOX value observed is considered to be
0.5 ppmv at each gas concentration (i.e. | Cs meter (accurate within 2.0 percent) to NOXfinal.
post-run¥ Cs pre-run | ≤ 0.5 ppmv).
generate these NO spike gas concentrations at (2) If the NOX converter has met the
13.4 Interference Check. The total a constant flow rate. Use Equation 7E–11 in criterion of this test, then switch the analyzer
interference response (i.e., the sum of the Section 12.11 to determine the calculated to the NO mode (note that this may not be
interference responses of all tested gaseous spike concentration in the collected sample. required for analyzers with auto-switching).
components) must not be greater than 2.50 (1) Prepare the measurement system and Document the average NO concentration for
percent of the calibration span for the conduct the analyzer calibration error test as a period of 30 seconds to one minute. This
described in Sections 8.2.2 and 8.2.3. average value is NOfinal. Switch the analyzer
analyzer tested. In summing the
Following the sampling procedures in back to the NOX mode and document that the
interferences, use the larger of the absolute
Section 8.1, determine the stack NOX analyzer still meets the criteria of not
values obtained for the interferent tested with
concentration and use this concentration as dropping more than 2 percent from the peak
and without the pollutant present. The
the average stack concentration (Cavg) for the value.
results are also acceptable if the sum of the first spike level, or if desired, for both pre-
responses does not exceed 0.5 ppmv for a (3) In sequence, inject the zero and the
test spike levels. Introduce the first level
calibration span of 5 to 10 ppmv, or 0.2 ppmv upscale calibration gas that most closely
spike gas into the system in system
for a calibration span < 5 ppmv. calibration mode and begin sample matches the NOX concentration observed
13.5 NO2 to NO Conversion Efficiency collection. Wait for at least two times the during the converter efficiency test. Repeat
Test (as applicable). The NO2 to NO system response time before measuring the this procedure in both the NO and NOX
conversion efficiency, calculated according spiked sample concentration. Then record at modes. If the gases are not within 1 percent
to Equation 7E–7 or Equation 7E–9, must be least five successive 1-minute averages of the of scale of the actual values, reject the
greater than or equal to 90 percent. spiked sample gas. Monitor the spike gas converter efficiency test and take corrective
13.6 Alternative Dynamic Spike flow rate and maintain at the determined action. If the gases are within this criterion,
Procedure. Recoveries of both pre-test spikes addition rate. Average the five 1-minute use Equation 7E–9 to determine the converter
and post-test spikes must be within 100 ± 10 averages and determine the spike recovery efficiency. The converter efficiency must
percent. If the absolute difference between using Equation 7E–12. Repeat this procedure meet the specification in Section 13.5.
the calculated spike value and measured for the other pre-test spike level. The 16.3 Manufacturer’s Stability Test. A
spike value is equal to or less than 0.20 recovery at each level must be within the manufacturer’s stability test is required for all
ppmv, then the requirements of the ADSC are limits in Section 13.6 before proceeding with analyzers that routinely measure emissions
met. the test. below 20 ppm and is optional but
(2) Conduct the number of runs required recommended for other analyzers. This test
14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]
for the test. Then repeat the above procedure evaluates each analyzer model by subjecting
15.0 Waste Management [Reserved] for the post-test spike evaluation. The last it to the tests listed in Table 7E–5 following
run of the test may serve as the average stack the procedures in 40 CFR 53.23, 53.55, and
16.0 Alternative Procedures
concentration for the post-test spike test 53.56 to demonstrate its stability. A copy of
16.1 Dynamic Spike Procedure. Except calculations. The results of the post-test this information in summary format must be
for applications under part 75 of this chapter, spikes must meet the limits in Section 13.6. included in each test report.
you may use a dynamic spiking procedure to 16.2 Alternative NO2 to NO Conversion
validate your test data for a specific test Efficiency Procedures. You may use either of 17.0 References
matrix in place of the interference check and the following procedures to determine 1. ‘‘ERA Traceability Protocol for Assay
pre- and post-run system bias checks. For converter efficiency in place of the procedure and Certification of Gaseous Calibration
part 75 applications, use of this procedure is in Section Standards’’ September 1997 as amended,
subject to the approval of the Administrator. 16.2.1 The procedure for determining ERA–600/R–97/121.
Best results are obtained for this procedure conversion efficiency using NO in 40 CFR
when source emissions are steady and not 86.123–78. 18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and
varying. Fluctuating emissions may render 16.2.2 Tedlar Bag Procedure. Perform the Validation Data
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

this alternative procedure difficult to pass. analyzer calibration error test to document BILLING CODE 6560–50–P

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TABLE 7E–3.—INTERFERENCE CHECK Calibration Span: llllllllllll
TABLE 7E–3.—INTERFERENCE CHECK Test gas Concentra- Analyzer
Sample conditioning type response
type 2
Potential interferent
Sample conditioning
type 2 Hot wet Dried
Potential interferent
Hot wet Dried HCl ........................ 10 ppmv 10 ppmv
(1) Any of the above specific gases can be
CO2 ....................... 5 and 15% 5 and 15% eliminated or tested at a lower level if the
H2O ....................... 25% 1.% manufacturer has provided reliable means for
NO ........................ 15 ppmv 15 ppmv limiting or scrubbing that gas to a specified
NO2 ....................... 15 ppmv 15 ppmv level.
N2O ....................... 10 ppmv 10 ppmv (2) For dilution extractive systems, use the
Hot Wet concentrations divided by the min-
CO ........................ 50 ppmv 50 ppmv imum targeted dilution ratio to be used during
NH3 ....................... 10 ppmv 10 ppmv the test.
CH4 ....................... 50 ppmv 50 ppmv
Table 7E–4.—Interference Response
SO2 ....................... 20 ppmv 20 ppmv
H2 .......................... 50 ppmv 50 ppmv Date of Test: lllllllllllllll Sum of Responses
Analyzer Type: lllllllllllll
Model No.: lllllllllllllll % of Calibration Span
Serial No: llllllllllllllll


[Each model must be tested quarterly or once per 50 production units]

Acceptance criteria
Test description (note 1)

Thermal Stability ................................................. Temperature range when drift does not exceed 3.0% of analyzer range over a 12-hour run
when measured with NOX present @ .80% of calibration span.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

Fault Conditions .................................................. Identify conditions which, when they occur, result in performance which is not in compliance
with the Manufacturer’s Stability Test criteria. These are to be indicated visually or elec-
trically to alert the operator of the problem.
Insensitivity to Supply Voltage Variations .......... ±10.0% (or manufacturers alternative) variation from nominal voltage must produce a drift of ≤
2.0% of calibration span for either zero or concentration ≥ 80% NOX present.

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[Each model must be tested quarterly or once per 50 production units]

Acceptance criteria
Test description (note 1)

Analyzer Calibration Error .................................. For a low-, medium-, and high-calibration gas, the difference between the manufacturer cer-
tified value and the analyzer response in direct calibration mode, no more than 2.0% of cali-
bration span.
Note 1: If the instrument is to be used as a Low Range analyzer, all tests must be performed at a calibration span of 20 ppm or less.

* * * * * control requirements are included to assure methods which are found in appendix A to
that you, the tester, collect data of known this part:
Method 10—Determination of Carbon quality. You must document your adherence (a) Method 1—Sample and Velocity
Monoxide Emissions From Stationary to these specific requirements for equipment, Traverses for Stationary Sources.
Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) supplies, sample collection and analysis, (b) Method 4—Determination of Moisture
1.0 Scope and Application calculations, and data analysis. This method Content in Stack Gases.
does not completely describe all equipment, (c) Method 7E—Determination of Nitrogen
What is Method 10? supplies, and sampling and analytical Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources
Method 10 is a procedure for measuring procedures you will need but refers to other (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure).
carbon monoxide (CO) in stationary source methods for some of the details. Therefore, to 1.1 Analytes. What does this method
emissions using a continuous instrumental obtain reliable results, you should also have determine? This method measures the
analyzer. Quality assurance and quality a thorough knowledge of these additional test concentration of carbon monoxide.

Analyte CAS No. Sensitivity

CO ............................................................................................... 630–08–0 Typically <2% of Calibration Span.

1.2 Applicability. When is this method acceptable measurement system. The 7E–3 of Method 7E (i.e., potential
required? The use of Method 10 may be components are the same as those in Sections interferents, as identified by the instrument
required by specific New Source Performance 6.1 and 6.2 of Method 7E, except that the CO manufacturer) to conduct the interference
Standards, State Implementation Plans, and analyzer described in Section 6.2 of this check.
permits where CO concentrations in method must be used instead of the analyzer
stationary source emissions must be described in Section 6.2 of Method 7E. You 8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation,
measured, either to determine compliance must follow the noted specifications in Storage, and Transport
with an applicable emission standard or to Section 6.1 of Method 7E except that the Emission Test Procedure
conduct performance testing of a continuous requirements to use stainless steel, Teflon, or
emission monitoring system (CEMS). Other non-reactive glass filters do not apply. Also, 8.1 Sampling Site and Sampling Points.
regulations may also require the use of a heated sample line is not required to You must follow Section 8.1 of Method 7E.
Method 10. transport dry gases or for systems that 8.2 Initial Measurement System
1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Refer to measure the CO concentration on a dry basis. Performance Tests. You must follow the
Section 1.3 of Method 7E. 6.2 Integrated Sampling. procedures in Section 8.2 of Method 7E. If a
6.2.1 Air-Cooled Condenser or dilution-type measurement system is used,
2.0 Summary of Method Equivalent. To remove any excess moisture.
In this method, you continuously or the special considerations in Section 8.3 of
6.2.2 Valve. Needle valve, or equivalent,
intermittently sample the effluent gas and to adjust flow rate. Method 7E also apply.
convey the sample to an analyzer that 6.2.3 Pump. Leak-free diaphragm type, or 8.3 Interference Check. You must follow
measures the concentration of CO. You must equivalent, to transport gas. the procedures of Section 8.2.7 of Method 7E.
meet the performance requirements of this 6.2.4 Rate Meter. Rotameter, or 8.4 Sample Collection.
method to validate your data. equivalent, to measure a flow range from 0 8.4.1 Continuous Sampling. You must
to 1.0 liter per minute (0.035 cfm). follow the procedures of Section 8.4 of
3.0 Definitions
6.2.5 Flexible Bag. Tedlar, or equivalent, Method 7E.
Refer to Section 3.0 of Method 7E for the with a capacity of 60 to 90 liters (2 to 3 ft3). 8.4.2 Integrated Sampling. Evacuate the
applicable definitions. Leak-test the bag in the laboratory before flexible bag. Set up the equipment as shown
4.0 Interferences using by evacuating with a pump followed by
in Figure 10–1 with the bag disconnected.
a dry gas meter. When the evacuation is
Substances having a strong absorption of complete, there should be no flow through Place the probe in the stack and purge the
infrared energy may interfere to some extent the meter. sampling line. Connect the bag, making sure
in some analyzers. Instrumental correction 6.3 What analyzer must I use? You must that all connections are leak-free. Sample at
may be used to compensate for the use an instrument that continuously a rate proportional to the stack velocity. If
interference. You may also use silica gel and measures CO in the gas stream and meets the needed, the CO2 content of the gas may be
ascarite traps to eliminate the interferences. specifications in Section 13.0. The dual-range determined by using the Method 3 integrated
If this option is used, correct the measured analyzer provisions in Section of sample procedures, or by weighing an
gas volume for the carbon dioxide (CO2) Method 7E apply. ascarite CO2 removal tube used and
removed in the trap.
7.0 Reagents and Standards computing CO2 concentration from the gas
5.0 Safety volume sampled and the weight gain of the
7.1 Calibration Gas. What calibration
Refer to Section 5.0 of Method 7E. gases do I need? Refer to Section 7.1 of tube. Data may be recorded on a form similar
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

Method 7E for the calibration gas to Table 10–1.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies 8.5 Post-Run System Bias Check, Drift
What do I need for the measurement system? 7.2 Interference Check. What additional Assessment, and Alternative Dynamic Spike
6.1 Continuous Sampling. Figure 7E–1 of reagents do I need for the interference check? Procedure. You must follow the procedures
Method 7E is a schematic diagram of an Use the appropriate test gases listed in Table in Sections 8.5 and 8.6 of Method 7E.

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9.0 Quality Control 12.1 Concentration Correction for CO2 and alternative dynamic spike procedure are
Follow the quality control procedures in Removal. Correct the CO concentration for the same as in Section 13.0 of Method 7E.
Section 9.0 of Method 7E. CO2 removal (if applicable) using Eq. 10–1.
14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

CAvg = CCO stack (1 − FCO 2 )

10.0 Calibration and Standardization 15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]
Follow the procedures for calibration and
16.0 Alternative Procedures
standardization in Section 10.0 of Method Where:
7E. CAvg = Average gas concentration for the test The dynamic spike procedure and the
manufacturer stability test are the same as in
11.0 Analytical Procedures run, ppm.
Sections 16.1 and 16.3 of Method 7E
CCO stack = Average unadjusted stack gas CO
Because sample collection and analysis are
performed together (see Section 8), additional concentration indicated by the data 17.0 References
discussion of the analytical procedure is not recorder for the test run, ppmv. 1. ‘‘EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay
necessary. FCO2 = Volume fraction of CO2 in the sample, and Certification of Gaseous Calibration
i.e., percent CO2 from Orsat analysis Standards— September 1997 as amended,
12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis divided by 100. EPA–600/R–97/121
You must follow the procedures for
13.0 Method Performance 18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and
calculations and data analysis in Section 12.0
of Method 7E, as applicable, substituting CO The specifications for analyzer calibration Validation Data
for NOX as applicable. error, system bias, drift, interference check, BILLING CODE 6560–50–P


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TABLE 10–1.—FIELD DATA * * * * *

[Integrated sampling] ■ 4. Appendix A–7 is amended by
revising Method 20 to read as follows:
Location: Date: Appendix A–7 to Part 60—Test Methods 19
Through 25E
Test: Operator:
* * * * *
Clock Time Rotameter Comments Method 20—Determination of Nitrogen
Reading Oxides, Sulfur Dioxide, and Diluent
liters/min Emissions From Stationary Gas Turbines
1.0 Scope and Application
What is Method 20?
Method 20 contains the details you must
follow when using an instrumental analyzer
to determine concentrations of nitrogen
oxides, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and sulfur
dioxide in the emissions from stationary gas
turbines. This method follows the specific
instructions for equipment and performance
requirements, supplies, sample collection
and analysis, calculations, and data analysis
in the methods listed in Section 2.0.
1.1 Analytes. What does this method

Analyte CAS No. Sensitivity

Nitrogen oxides (NOX) as nitrogen dioxide: 10102–43–9 Typically <2% of Calibration Span.
Nitric oxide (NO) .................................................................. 10102–44–0
Nitrogen dioxide NO2.
Diluent oxygen (O2) or carbon dioxide (CO2) ............................. ........................ Typically <2% of Calibration Span.
Sulfur dioxide (SOX) ................................................................... 7446–09–5 Typically <2% of Calibration Span.

1.2 Applicability. When is this method 4.0 Interferences Procedure. You must follow the procedures
required? The use of Method 20 may be Refer to Section 4.0 of Methods 3A, 6C, of Sections 8.5 and 8.6 of the appropriate
required by specific New Source Performance and 7E as applicable. methods listed in Section 2.0.
Standards, Clean Air Marketing rules, and 9.0 Quality Control
State Implementation Plans and permits 5.0 Safety
Follow quality control procedures in
where measuring SO2, NOX, CO2, and/or O2 Refer to Section 5.0 of Method 7E.
Section 9.0 of Method 7E.
concentrations in stationary gas turbines 6.0 Equipment and Supplies
emissions are required. Other regulations 10.0 Calibration and Standardization
may also require its use. The measurement system design is shown Follow the procedures for calibration and
1.3 Data Quality Objectives. How good in Figure 7E–1 of Method 7E. Refer to the standardization in Section 10.0 of Method
appropriate methods listed in Section 2.0 for 7E.
must my collected data be? Refer to Section
equipment and supplies.
1.3 of Method 7E. 11.0 Analytical Procedures
7.0 Reagents and Standards
2.0 Summary of Method Because sample collection and analysis are
Refer to the appropriate methods listed in performed together (see Section 8), additional
In this method, NOX, O2 (or CO2), and SOX Section 2.0 for reagents and standards.
are measured using the following methods discussion of the analytical procedure is not
8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, necessary.
found in appendix A to this part:
(a) Method 1—Sample and Velocity Storage, and Transport 12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis
Traverses for Stationary Sources. 8.1 Sampling Site and Sampling Points. You must follow the procedures for
(b) Method 3A—Determination of Oxygen Follow the procedures of Section 8.1 of calculations and data analysis in Section 12.0
and Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Method 7E. For the stratification test in of the appropriate method listed in Section
Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Section 8.1.2, determine the diluent- 2.0. Follow the procedures in Section 12.0 of
Procedure). corrected pollutant concentration at each Method 19 for calculating fuel-specific F
(c) Method 6C—Determination of Sulfur traverse point. factors, diluent-corrected pollutant
8.2 Initial Measurement System concentrations, and emission rates.
Dioxide Emissions From Stationary Sources
Performance Tests. You must refer to the
(Instrumental Analyzer Procedure). 13.0 Method Performance
appropriate methods listed in Section 2.0 for
(d) Method 7E—Determination of Nitrogen the measurement system performance tests as The specifications for the applicable
Oxides Emissions From Stationary Sources applicable. performance checks are the same as in
(Instrumental Analyzer Procedure). 8.3 Interference Check. You must follow Section 13.0 of Method 7E.
(e) Method 19—Determination of Sulfur the procedures in Section 8.3 of Method 3A
Dioxide Removal Efficiency and Particulate or 6C, or Section 8.2.7 of Method 7E (as 14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]
Matter, Sulfur Dioxide, and Nitrogen Oxide appropriate). 15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

Emission Rates. 8.4 Sample Collection. You must follow

the procedures of Section 8.4 of the 16.0 Alternative Procedures
3.0 Definitions appropriate methods listed in Section 2.0. Refer to Section 16.0 of the appropriate
Refer to Section 3.0 of Method 7E for the 8.5 Post-Run System Bias Check, Drift method listed in Section 2.0 for alternative
applicable definitions. Assessment, and Alternative Dynamic Spike procedures.

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17.0 References 18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and

Refer to Section 17.0 of the appropriate Validation Data
method listed in Section 2.0 for references. Refer to Section 18.0 of the appropriate
method listed in Section 2.0 for tables,
diagrams, flowcharts, and validation data.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 06–4196 Filed 5–12–06; 8:45 am]
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