Reading Questions AP Psych

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HW #1: Due Date

Rd. Pg1-Pg.8
Q1. How do we elaborate on behavior and mental processes regarding the definition of psychology?
Q2. Explain John Lockes argument that the mind at birth is a blank slate, and how did that contradict some of the
earlier philosophers such ad Plato and Renee Descartes
Q3. Describe William Wundts first experiment and why is it considered the first experiment in the field of
Q4. Explain how the two early schools of psychology, structuralism and functionalism differed from each other, and
which psychologists pioneered these early schools of psychology
Q5. What were the contributions by the two American women psychologists, Mary Calkins, and Margret Floy
Q6. Why the pioneering psychologists were called the Magellans of the mind as Morton Hunt described them
Q7. Which American school of psychology, and pioneering psychologist led the way from the 1920s to the 1960s,
and what were the particular criticisms about this particular school of psychology?
Q8. Why Humanistic psychology was considered a softer response to Freudian psychology, as well as behaviorism?
Q9. Describe the term Cognitive Revolution
Q10. How do you think the field of psychology might transform itself as more people from non-western countries
contribute their ideas to psychology?
HW #2; Due Date
Rd. Pg.8-Pg.14
Q1. Provide facts on how psychology is growing and globalizing.
Q2. Describe the ancient roots of the nature-nurture debate.
Q3. What questions contemporary psychologists ask concerning the nature-nurture debate?
Q4. How does the biopsychosocial approach incorporate various levels of analysis?
Q5. List how psychologists from five current perspectives view anger?
Q6. Provide example that promote the diversity of psychologys subfields
Q7. How do psychologists conduct basic research that builds psychologys base?
Q8. Compare and contrast clinical psychology and psychiatry
Q9. Provide five examples of how psychology influences modern culture
Q10. Describe the five effective study techniques necessary to do well in this course and other future courses

Chapter 1: Thinking critically with psychological science

HW#3 Due Date

Q1. Based on the readings, should we trust our intuition, and why?
Q2. Provide examples of hindsight bias, and why is it known as the

knew-it all-along phenomenon?

Q3. Provide and explain your true/false answers on the eight issues in table
Q4. Describe the research done by Robert Vallone on how people are at
predicting human behavior?
Q5. What were the results of Ohio State psychologists Phillip Tetlocks
experiment when he collected experts predictions of political, economic, and
military situations
Q6. How did Magician James Randi disprove aura-seers, and what was his
objective in doing so?
Q7. Explain the quote the rat is always right
Q8. Provide four examples of ho psychologys critical inquiry proved
surprising findings, and provide four examples of critical inquiry debunked
popular presumptions
Q9. Apply the scientific method to self-esteem and depression
Q10. What standards are required to make a theory useful?
Q11. How might the scientific method help us understand the roots of
HW#4 Due Date
Rd. Pg26-Pg.30
Q1. Explain and provide an example how a case study could be misleading?
Q2. How have case studies help study behavior?
Q3. Provide examples of how the wording effect can have major effects on a
Q4. How is random sampling critical in eliminating the false consensus
Q5. Describe the dangers in generalizing from a few vivid but
unrepresentative samples
Q6. Why is a survey a using smaller representative sample better than a
larger unrepresentative sample?
Q7. How is sampling voters analogous to sampling 1500 mixed beans?
Q8. How is naturalistic observation different from case study and survey
methods in studying behavior?
Q9. Describe in detail the three examples if naturalistic observations done
with humans

Q10. Can you recall examples of misleading surveys you have experience or
read about? What principles for a good survey did they violate?
HW#5 Due Date
Rd: Pg.30-Pg. 39
Q1. Provide two examples of negative correlation and two examples of
positive correlation
Q2. Describe the difference between a negative correlation coefficient and a
positive correlation coefficient
Q3. Describe the three possible cause-effect relationships regarding low
self-esteem and depression and why is it not prove causation
Q4. Explain psychologist Amos Tversky research following 18 arthritis
patients for 15 months
Q5. Provide two other examples of illusory correlation
Q6. How would watching basketball, or monitoring investment adviser
performance leads to misperception of order in random events
Q7. Why was it not bizarre that Evelyn Marie Adams won the New Jersey
lottery twice, even if the newspapers reported the odds of her feat as 1 in 7
Q8. Describe how Alan Lucas experimented on infant nutrition and later
Q9. Why were results different when the National Institutes of Health
conducted their massive experiment on hormone replacement hormones and lower
rates of

heart disease compared to correlation studies?

Q10. Describe the independent variable, control condition, dependent

variable, double-blind procedure in the research experiment studying Viagra
and intercourse

HW#6 Due Date

Rd. Pg.40 -Pg.44
Q1. Explain the three measures of central tendency, and provide an example of
which measure is affected by extreme scores
Q2. Explain the differences between the two measures of variation, range and
standard deviation
Q3. Why are representative samples better than biased samples?
Q4. How are scores with low variability from a basketball player more
reliable than cores with a high variability?
Q5. Provide an example of how more cases are better than fewer
Q6. How do comparisons of intelligence test scores among hundreds of

thousands of first-born and later-born individuals provide statistical

significance but little practical significance?
Q7. Find a popular magazine ad. How does the advertiser use (or abuse)
statistics to make a point?
HW#7 Due Date
Q1. What is the experimenters purpose of conducting an experiment according
to Douglas Mook?
Q2. Provide examples of laboratory research applicable to reality
Q3. Provide four examples of how our shared biological heritage unite us as a
universal human family
Q4. How are man and women psychologically as well as biologically similar?
Q5. Provide explanations why psychologists study animals
Q6. Describe the guidelines established by the British Psychological Society,
and the American Psychological Association for the humane use of animals
Q7. How has animal research benefited animals, and how has experimentation
on animals improved our understanding of animals?
Q8. List the four ethical principles developed by the American Psychological
Association and the British Psychological Society regarding experimentation
on people
Q9. How is psychology manipulative to people, yet beneficial?
Q10. Based on the reading passage on pg. 50, is the death penalty applied
fairly, and does the death penalty deter crime?
Chapter 2: Neuroscience and behavior
HW #8: Due Date
Rd. Pg.53-Pg.60
Q1. Describe the origins of phrnenology, and its contribution to the
understanding of the brain?
Q2. How are we biopsychosocial systems?
Q3. Describe the structure of a neuron?
Q4. Describe the process of a neuron firing an impulse?
Q5. Explain the difference between depolarization and repolarization of a
Q6. Describe the all-or-none response
Q7. What discovery did the British physiologist Sir Charles Sherrington
regarding neural transmission?
Q8. How do neurotransmitters assist in neural communication?
Q9. How do neurotransmitters affect our moods, memories, and mental
abilities? (Give specific examples of neurotransmitters) See table 2.1
Q10. Why does the brain contain opiate receptors?

Q11. Contrast the effects of agonists and antagonists. Give an example of

Q12. Can you recall a time when the endorphin response have protected you
from feeling extreme pain?
HW #9: Due Date
Rd. Pg.61-Pg.65
Q1. Contrast the Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system

Describe the three types of neurons

Q3. How is our autonomic nervous system a dual system?

Q4. Explain this quote by William James If the nervous system be cut off
between the brain and other parts, the experiences of those other parts are
nonexistent for the mind. The eye is blind, the ear deaf, the hand insensible
and motionless.
Q5. How does Lebron James brain function as a computing machine?
Q6. Compare the function of neural networks to cities?
Q7. What is encoded in neural networks?
HW #10: Due Date
Rd. Pg.65-Pg.67
Q1. Compare and contrast the endocrine system and nervous system
Q2. Describe the influence of two specific hormones and their origin of
Q3. Why is the pituitary gland considered the master gland?
Q4. Describe the feedback system regarding the nervous system and endocrine
Q5.What did researchers discover about neurotransmitters that created the
unclear similarities between neurotransmitters and hormones?
Q6. Can you remember feeling an extended period of discomfort after some
particularly stressful event? How long did those feelings last?
HW #11: Due Date
Rd. Pg.67- Pg.69
Q1. Describe, When we are thinking about our brain, we are thinking with our
Q2.What was the significance of observing the effects of specific brain
diseases and injuries?
Q3. How do an EEG and its modern microelectrodes detect brain waves?
Q4. What do PET scan hot spots show?
Q5. How does an MRI musical aptitude and Schizophrenia?
Q6. How does the fMRI reveal the brains functioning as well as its

Q7. How did fMRI locate increased brain activity with lying?
HW #12: Due Date
Rd. Pg.70-Pg.74
Q1. What are a brains functions of primitive vertebrate such as shark?
Q2. Describe the role of the reticular formation within the brainstem?
Q3.How is the thalamus like a hub through which traffic passes en route to
various destinations?
Q4. How does David Beckhams cerebellum aid him in becoming a great soccer
Q5. What do the cerebellum, thalamus, and brainstem have in relation with
each other, regarding brain function?
Q6. How did some experiments confirm the amygdalas role in rage and fear?
Q7. Describe the positive and negative consequences of psychosurgery?
Q8. Describe the importance of the experiment on rats conducted by
neurophysiologists James olds and Peter Milner?
Q9. How are reward centers critical in controlling animals actions?
Q10. Define reward deficiency syndrome?
HW #13: Due Date
Rd. Pg.74-Pg.79
Q1. How does size relate to brain functioning concerning the cerebral cortex
in animals and humans?
Q2. How are glial cells like neural nannies?
Q3. Why is human cerebral cortex wrinkled?
Q4. List the names and locations of the four lobes in the cerebral cortex?
Q5. What is the discover y made by German physicians Fritsch and Hitzig?
Q6. How did Neuroscientist Jose Delgado demonstrate the mechanics of motor

How do Neural prosthetics improve the life of a paralyzed human?

Q8. If the motor cortex sends messages out to the body, where does the cortex
receive the incoming messages? Cite specific examples.
Q9. Why might a bad bash in the back of the head cause blindness?
Q10. Explain the phantom ringing sound experienced with people by hearing

HW#14: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 79-pg.83
Q1. Why is this one the most widespread falsehoods that we use 10 percent of
our brain?

Q2. Describe Phineas Gages classic case of frontal lobe damage and
Q3. What dilemma occurs if the underside of the right temporal lobe was
damaged due to stroke?
Q4. How do the 4 clues on Pg.81 describe an explanation of how we use
language? Be specific with the steps
Q5. Describe these two principles involving the brains functioningspecialization and integration?
Q6. Why does neural tissues reorganize in response to damage?
Q7. How is the brains plasticity good news for those blind or deaf?
Q8. Describe vs. Ramachan-drans discovery of a mystery phenomenon connected
to phantom fingers
Q9. How may the regeneration of brain cells impact the success of biotech
HW#15: Due Date
Rd. Pg.83-Pg.91
Q1. Describe Sperrys and Gazzingas studies of split-brain people?
Q2. How could a split-brain patient identify a hidden spoon with the left
hand, but not identify a picture of a spoon verbally?
Q3. What conclusions are drawn about the relationship of the left hemisphere
and right hemisphere?
Q4. How has hemispheric specialization been demonstrated in individuals with
undivided hemispheres?
Q5. What would happen to a deaf persons ability to read a sign if there is a
stroke in the left hemisphere?
Q6. Describe some facts about right-handed individuals vs. left-handed
Q7. Describe the correlation between left-handed individuals (southpaws and
Q8. What are some hypotheses that are accepted and rejected in according to
this correlation?
Q9. Describe Sperrys mind as a holistic system instead of actions of
atoms, or activity of cells in the brain?
Q10. How was the lecture taught by psychologist Doreen Kimura exaggerated
regarding musical ability controlled by the right side of the brain (Pg.87)?
Q11. How might you feel with two separate brain hemispheres, both of which
controlled your thought and action but one of which dominated your
consciousness and speech? How might that affect your sense of self, as one
indivisible person?

Chapter 3: Nature, Nurture and Human diversity

HW #16: Due Date
Rd: Pg.95-Pg.101
Q1. Describe the similarities between evolutionary psychology, and the
environment (parents, peers, and culture)
Q2. What is the role of a behavior geneticist?
Q3. How is

every human close to being your identical twin?

Q4. How are geneticists and psychologists interested in DNA?

Q5. Describe gene complexes
Q6. How are fraternal twins genetically different from identical twins, and
describe the implications
Q7. What is the significance of Jim Lewis and his brother?
Q8. What were Thomas Bouchards critics argument concerning twin similarity?

Describe the stunning finding from studies of hundreds of adoptive

families comparing adopted children to their adopted parents and biological

HW #17: Due Date
Rd. Pg.102-107
Q1. Describe the four findings concerning temperament
Q2. How do identical twins have a more similar temperament?
Q3. Is heritability higher in dramatically different environments or very
similar environments?
Q4. How does heritable individual differences imply heritable group
Q5. How are genes self-regulating?
Q6. Give an example of how environment triggers gene activity, and how our
genetically influenced traits evoke significant responses in others?
Q7. Which psychological disorders are genetically influenced, and how do
molecular geneticists seek out the implicated genes?
Q8. How does prenatal screening poses ethical dilemmas?
Q9. How is progress a two-edged sword as imagined in Brave New World?
Q10. Would you want genetic tests on your unborn offspring? In the uterus?
What would you do if your child would be destined for hemophilia? A learning
disability? Would society benefit or lose if such embryos were aborted?
HW #18: Due Date
Rd. Pg.107-Pg.118
Q1. What did Belyaev and Trut demonstrate about certain traits when
Q2. How does our behavioral and biological similarities arise from our shared

human genome? Give examples

Q3. Give an example of how we are predisposed to behave in ways that promoted
our ancestors surviving and reproducing?
Q4. Elaborate on the three examples of gender differences in sexuality
Q5. How does natural selection explain womens more relational and mens more
recreational approaches to sex?
Q6. What do heterosexual men and women find attractive in the other sex?
Q7. What are some of the social consequences of evolutionary psychology?
Q8. Describe the differences between same-placenta identical twins and
separate placenta identical twins?
Q9. Why was Mark Rosenweig discovered by his experiment?
Q10. Describe the process of pruning?
Q11. Does our neural tissues change throughout life and how?
Q12. How is parental nurture like nutrition
Q13. Provide a specific example of peer influence on children
HW #19: Due Date
Rd. Pg.119-Pg.126
Q1. How do humans differ and compare with each other across cultures?
Q2. Describe norms of some cultural groups
Q3. What were the greatest culture shocks to the U.S. Peace Corps volunteers
in adjusting to their host countries?
Q4. What were some negative cultural changes to the United States since

Describe five characteristics of individualism and collectivism


How do collectivists in eastern cultures contrast from individualists in

western cultures?
Q7. Compare child-rearing practices between collectivists and individualists
Q8. As members of different ethnic and cultural groups, how are humans
HW #20: Due Date
Rd. Pg.126-Pg.137
Q1. Describe some differences between males and females?
Q2. Describe the relevance of gender and aggression, and gender and social
Q3. How does Gilligan believe females differ from males I viewing themselves
as separate individuals?
Q4. How do males biologically differentiate from females during development
in pregnancy?
Q5. What happens when glandular malfunction or hormone injections expose a
female embryo to excess tester one?

Q6. Provide examples how gender roles vary over time?

Q7. How are young children like gender detectives ?
Q8. Compare social learning theory and gender schema theory
Q9. Describe the biopsychosocial approach to development (Figure 3.10)
Q10. Do our experiences form us?
Chapter 4: Developing Through The Life Span
HW #21:

Due Date

Rd. Pg.139-146
Q1. How is fertilization like space voyagers approaching a huge planet?
Q2. How and when do cells differentiate?
Q3. Describe some teratogens that affect the fetus?
Q4. What are some effects of fetal alcohol syndrome on a fetus?
Q5. Describe how stress affects a fetus
Q6. What are some of the sensations perceived by an infant?
Q7. How do our perceptual abilities develop continuously during the first
months of life
Q8. Describe the novel procedure by Spencer, Quinn, and their colleagues
regarding habituation and infants
Q9. Describe brain development of a fetus in the mothers womb
Q10. Describe the brains neural network from ages 3 to 6
Q11. What are some of the individual differences in the motor development
Q12. Why is biological maturation necessary for successful toilet training?
Q13. Why do our earliest memories seldom predate our third birthdays?
Q14. Explain, What the conscious mind does not know and cannot express in
words, the nervous system somehow remembers?

HW #22: Due Date

Rd. Pg.147- Pg.154
Q1. Describe, Children are active thinkers, constantly trying to construct
more advanced understandings of the world
Q2. To understand how we use and adjust our schema, Piaget proposed which two
Q3. Does object permanence blossom at 8 months?
Q4. Describe one experiment that demonstrated baby logic
Q5. TV watching preschoolers who block your view of the television assume
that you see what they see. What concept does this demonstrate, and at what
stage of Piagets development
Q6. How does a preschoolers theory of mind enable them to infer other

Q7. How is autism marked by an impaired theory of mind?
Q8. How do children by age 7 become increasingly capable of thinking in words
and of using words to work out solutions to problems?
Q9. During the concrete operational stage, which mental ability do the
children comprehend
Q10. At age 12, how does our reasoning expand?
Q11. What are the implications of Piagets cognitive milestones for parents
and teachers?
HW #23: Due Date
Rd. Pg.154- Pg.161
Q1. How do babies develop stranger anxiety?
Q2. Describe the experiment conducted on monkeys by University of Wisconsin
psychologist Harry Harlow and Margaret Harlow
Q3. How did Konrad Lorenz establish the concept of imprinting in animals?
Q4. Contrast secure and insecure attachment
Q5. Describe the evidence that indicates that fathers are more than just
mobile sperm banks
Q6. How did Erik Erikson describe how securely attached children approach
Q7. Is todays victim predictably tomorrows victimizer?
Q8. Describe the association of serotonin, and abused children
Q9. What happens to an infant when attachment is disrupted?
Q10. Describe four specific research findings regarding children and daycare
Q11. Describe cultural variations in attachment patterns

HW #24: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 161- Pg.174
Q1. Describe the research that helped determine self-recognition
Q2. How do children views of themselves affect their actions
Q3. Describe three parenting styles
Q4. Describe other possible explanations that reveal other correlations
between certain parenting styles and certain childhood outcomes
Q5. What is Carl Jung perspective about raising a child?
Q6. How did G. Stanley Hall describe adolescence?
Q7. How does early onset of puberty have psychological consequences on boys
and girls?
Q8. Describe the behavioral effects of frontal lobe and limbic system
development during adolescence

Q9. Why are there increased debates between adolescents and their parents?
Q10. How is Lawrence Kohl bergs development of moral reasoning like a moral
Q11. Explain the social intuitionist approach of morality
Q12. How does delayed gratification promote moral action?
Q13. How does identity incorporate a more positive self-concept, and become
more personalized?

Relate the term intimacy to Aristotles statement that humans social

Q115. How does positive relations with parents support positive peer
Q16. Describe the time form age 18 to the mid-twenties known as emerging
HW #25:

Due Date

Rd. Pg.175-Pg.185
Q1. How does eastern culture vary from western culture in terms of physical
changes of adult life?
Q2. Describe the emotional impact of womens expectations and attitudes due
to menopause
Q3. How does a decrease in testosterone level affect a males psychological
Q4. How does increased life expectancy affect social change in various
Q5. Why is it more difficult to for a 65 year old to read than a 20 year old
to read?
Q6. How does exercising the body feed the brain during the late adulthood?
Q7. Describe symptoms of Alzheimers disease, and how do researchers predict
Q8. Describe the results of Schonfield and Robertson concerning memory for
older adults?
Q9. How does prospective memory remain strong in older adults?
Q10. How do cross-sectional evidence and longitudinal evidence differ for
intellectual stability?
Q11. Describe the effect of crystallized intelligence vs. fluid intelligence
on aging
HW #26: Due Date
Rd. Pg.185-Pg.194
Q1. What are the reasons skeptics question age-linked stages such as the
mid-life crisis?
Q2. Give examples of how chance events affect us down the road?

Q3. How does cohabitation affect divorce rates and why?

Q4. Why is marriage considered an enduring and positive institution?
Q5. Describe a post launch honeymoon
Q6. How does work define happiness?
Q7. Why do positive feelings grow after mid-life and negative feelings
Q8. How does life become less an emotional roller coaster, and more like
paddling a canoe
Q9. When is grief especially severe for the death of a loved one?
Q10. Give three examples of a range of reactions to a loved ones death
Q11. How does the concept of stage still remain useful
Q12. Give examples of 3 points that researchers agree on concerning

Chapter 5: Sensation
HW #27: Due Date
Rd. Pg.197-203
Q1. How do we construct perceptions?
Q2. Describe prosopagnosia
Q3. Provide an example of how animals detect the world that lies beyond human
Q4. Describe stimuli that we are extremely sensitive to?
Q5. How does a hearing specialist test your absolute threshold?
Q6. Provide examples of circumstances in relation to signal detection theory
Q7. Can we sense stimuli below our absolute thresholds?
Q8. Describe a subliminal priming phenomenon
Q9. Can advertisers really manipulate is with hidden persuasion? Why or why
Q10. Describe the experiment that led Greenwald to his conclusion Subliminal
procedures offer little or nothing of value to the marketing practitioner?
Q11. Provide examples of the difference threshold
Q12. How does Webers law work well for non extreme sensory stimuli, and
parallel some of our life expectancies?
Q13. How does sensory adaptation offer an important benefit to us?
Q14. How does our sensitivity to changing stimulation help explain
televisions attention-getting power?
HW #28: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 204-08

Describe the electromagnetic spectrum and how it strikes our eyes

Q2. Explain two physical characteristics of light that help determine our
sensory experience
Q3. Describe the process of an incoming ray of light from a candle lit as it
reaches the eyes receptor cells (Detail each step)

If the retina receives an upside-down image, how can we see the world

right side up?

Q5. Why do children with farsightedness do not need glasses until they reach
middle age?
Q6. How do neural signals carry information to the brain?
Q7. How does a blind spot occur?
Q8. Describe five differences between rods and cones
Q9. Describe adaptation in a dark theater
HW #29: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 208-214
Q1. How do retinal cell fire messages?
Q2. Describe Hubel and Wiesels discovery regarding feature detectors
Q3. Explain vast visual encyclopedia
Q4. What is the effect of the Necker cube?
Q5. Using parallel processing, how does the brain recognize a face?
Q6. What were the effects of stroke damage on Mrs. M
Q7. Describe the phenomenon known as blindsight
Q8. Provide a simplified summary of visual information processing
Q9. If no one sees a tomato, is it red?
Q10. How low is our difference threshold for colors?
Q11. How does Young and Von Helmholtz describe additive color mixing vs.
subtractive color mixing?
Q12. Describe how people are color-blind?
Q13. How is it that those blind to red and green can often still see yellow,
and why does yellow appear to b ea pure color, and not a mixture of red and
Q14. Provide an example of color constancy?
Q15. In a context that does not vary, we maintain color constancy, but what
if the context changes?
HW #30: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 215-223
Q1. How are sound waves like a shove being transmitted through a concerts
hall crowded exit tunnel?
Q2. Provide examples particular sounds and their decibel levels
Q3, How do we transform sound waves into nerve impulses that our brain

Q4. How are hair cells like quivering bundles that let us hear?
Q5. How do hair cells detect loudness?
Q6. Describe the psychological effects of noise
Q7. Describe the two theories that explain how we hear high pitched sounds
and low pitched sounds
Q8. Describe the volley principle
Q9. Provide two reasons why two ears are better than one ear
Q10. How well do we locate sound that is equidistant from our two ears, such
as those that come from directly ahead, behind, overhead, or beneath us?
Q11. Contrast the two types of hearing loss
Q12. How do hearing aids function?
Q13. Explain the debate concerning the use of cochlear implants
Q14. Explain this statement by Helen Keller found deafness to be a much
greater handicap than blindness
Q15. Provide example of how deafness is like visual enhancement
Q16. If you were afflicted with aphasia, what abilities would you be more
proficient at?
HW #31: Due Date
Rd. Pg-224-.234
Q1.What are the consequences if infant rats are deprived of their mothers
grooming touch
Q2, Provide examples of the four skin senses
Q3. What are the consequences of being born without pain?
Q4. Describe Carrie Armel and Vilanaynur Ramachandrans experiment on pain
Q5. Describe phantom limb sensations, phantom sounds, and phantom tastes
Q6. How do individuals afflicted by Arthritis stimulate the gate-closing
Q7. How did Ohio State university player Jay Burns on play a basketball game
with a broken neck?
Q8. Describe the experiment of patients undergoing colon exams
Q9. Provide three examples of pain control
Q10. List the five taste sensations
Q11. Provide four fascinating facts about taste
Q12. Why is it no fun to eat when you have bad cold?
Q13. Describe the phenomenon synasthesia
Q14. How do olfactory receptors recognize odors individually?
Q15. How do odors have the power to evoke memories and feelings?
Q16. Describe what happened to Ian Waterman of Hampshire, England
Q17. How do we sense our body position and maintain balance?

Chapter 6: Sensation
HW #32:

Due Date

Rd. Pg. 237-242

Q1. How would you describe alternative interpretations of the Necker cube?
Q2. Describe the cocktail party effect?
Q3. Explain the results of the experiments conducted by Daniel Simons and
Christopher Chabris
Q4. How would you compare the differences between change blindness and choice
Q5. How do we experience pop-out?
Q6. In Illusion 2, line AB is more than one-fourth longer than line BC, why?
Q7. Why do the girls in illusion 2 seem to change size when they switch
Q8. In illusion 3, why is the St. Louis Gateway Arch deceiving to see?
Q9. Why cant your brain perceive illusion 5as flat?
Q10. Describe the illusion, and the sense fooled, pointed out by William
Q11. Provide an example of visual capture?
Q12. How can hearing touch another sense?
HW #33: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 242-Pg.254
Q1. How do sensation and perception blend into one continuous process?
Q2. Describe the fundamental truth that gestalt psychologists illustrate?
Q3. Describe reversible figure and ground illustrations?
Q4. Describe the 5 rules identified by Gestalt psychologists for grouping
stimuli together
Q5.Eleanor Gibson and Richard Walk devised the visual cliff to provide what
principles about infants?
Q6. How do the creators of three-dimensional movies stimulate retinal
Q7. Describe the 8 monocular cues and examples
Q8. Using motion perception, how does a softball player catch a fly ball?
Q9. Describe stroboscopic phenomenon
Q10. How do our expectations about perceived size and distance contribute to
some visual illusions?
Q11. Describe the moon illusion

How does the Muller-Lyer illusion reflect cultural experience

Q13. Explain the terms brightness constancy, lightness constancy, and

relative luminance

Q14. Reading this word THEDOGATEMEAT involves what processes

HW #34: Due Date
Rd. Pg.254-Pg.263
Q1. Describe William Molyneuxs hypothetical case A man born blind, and now
adults, taught, by his touch to distinguish between a cube and sphere,
Q2. What occurred to people deprived of visual experience during infancy?
Q3. Describe Molyneuxs imaginary experiment concerning infant kittens and
Q4. When human infants were given corrective surgery on their eyes, and
cochlea implants for their ear, describe the consequences
Q5. Describe the result of George Strattons experiment when he invented and
wore upside down goggles for eight day
Q6. Provide everyday examples of perceptual sets
Q7. How do childrens drawings give us a way to glimpse their developing
perceptual schema?
Q8. What faces did the University of Australia students accurately recognize
more often, and why?
Q9. Provide three examples of contextual effects
Q10. How do emotional contexts color our social perceptions?
Q11. Is perception innate or learned?
Q12. What is the role of a human factors psychologist?
Q13. Describe the curse of knowledge suffered by technology developers?
Q14. What observations did Conrad Kraft note on the landing accidents with
Boeing 727
Q15. Describe the available assistive listening technologies in various
auditoriums, places of worship, and theaters
HW #35: Due Date
Rd Pg.264-Pg.269
Q1. Describe the three verities of ESP?
Q2. Explain Will all those who believe in psycho kinesis please raise my
Q3. How accurate are the analyses of psychic visions, and why?
Q4. What were the findings of two Harvard psychologists in testing the
prophetic power of dreams after aviator Charles Lindberghs son was
kidnapped, and murdered in 1932, but before the body was discovered?
Q5. List some of the stunning coincidences that occur, after events imagined?
Q6. Seeking reproducible phenomenon, how might we test ESP claims in a
controlled experiment?
Q7. Why has magician Randis offered one million dollars to prove what claim?
Q8. Why are so many people predisposed to believe that ESP exists?

Q9. Describe Wisemans mind machine and its results?

Chapter 7: States of Consciousness

HW#36: Due Date

Rd. Pg.271- Pg.279
Q1. Explain this view of consciousness It does not make the car go, it just
reflects whats happening
Q2. Provide an example of how does conscious awareness enable us to exert
voluntary controls
Q3. Provide an example of how consciousness is known to lag behind the brain
events that evoke it
Q4. How does conscious take place in sequence compared to unconscious
parallel processing?
Q5. Describe the nine altered states of consciousness
Q6. Provide an example of an annual cycle, twenty-eight day cycle, twentyfour hour cycle, and ninety-minute cycle
Q7. How does age play a factor in individuals as owls or larks relevant to
the circadian rhythm
Q8. How do we cure jet lag after a long transcontinental flight?
Q9. How does activating light sensitive retinal proteins affect the circadian
Q10. Describe the Monday morning blues
Q11. Why do we have to discipline ourselves to go bed on time and force
ourselves to get up?
Q12. What did Eugene Aserinsky discover when testing an EEG on his sleeping
Q14. How did William Dement observe the moment the perceptual door between
the outside world slam shut?
Q15. What are hypnaogogic sensations experienced during stage 1 sleep
Q16. Describe sleep spindles during stage 2 sleep
Q17. Describe behaviors exhibited during stage 4 sleep?
Q18. Describe physiological effects of REM sleep
Q19. Why is REM sleep called paradoxical sleep?
Q20. Describe the content of REM sleep dreams
Q21. How many dreams do we have during a year and a lifetime?

HW #37: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 279-Pg.285
Q1. Why is the idea that everyone needs 8 hours of sleep untrue?
Q2. Describe The brain keeps an accurate count of sleep debt for at least
two weeks
Q3. Describe the benefits of increased sleep
Q4. William Dement reported what consequences of sleep deprivation?
Q5. Describe the accident frequency of springtime change and fall time
Q6. Describe three devastating disaster due to sleep deprivation
Q7. How does sleep loss affect us in more subtle ways?
Q8. Based on evolutionary psychology, how does sleep protect us?
Q9. How does sleep restore and repair brain tissue?
Q10. How does sleep help us remember memories?
Q11. How does sleep play a role in the growth process?
Q12. Describe 5 natural alternatives to insomnia
Q13. How does an absence of a neurotransmitter play a role in narcolepsy?
Q14. How is obesity linked to sleep apnea?
Q15. Describe the symptoms of a night terror, and how are they different from
Q16. During what stage does sleepwalking and sleepwalking occur?
HW #38: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 285-Pg.290
Q1. Describe hallucinations of the sleeping mind
Q2. How do blind people dream?
Q3. Describe some facts some specific details about the content of dreams?
Q4.Why do we forget dreams when waking in the morning?
Q5. According to Freud, how is a dreams manifest a symbolic version of its
latent content?
Q6. Why do some researchers denounce Freuds wish fulfillment of dreams?
Q7. How are dreams like information processing?
Q8. How do we experience REM sleep, in part, to remember?
Q9. Describe the effects of students suffering from sleep bulimia, binge
sleeping on the weekends
Q10. Describe the activation-synthesis theory
Q11. Describe the limbic system roles in dreams relating to Freuds dream

Describe how cognitive researchers view our dreams part of brain

maturation and cognitive development

Q13. What is the on thing that all dream researchers agree on?

Q14. What does it suggest that REM sleep occurs only in mammals?
Q15. What do advocates of dream reflection suggest?

HW #39: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 290-Pg.296
Q1. How did Anton Mesmer discover hypnosis?
Q2. What abilities those under hypnosis do posses?
Q3. Describe hypnotic susceptibility?
Q4. Describe age-regression
Q5. How do hypnotically refreshed memories combine fact with fiction?
Q6. Describe the dangerous act researchers Martin Orne and Fredrick Evans
demonstrated that hypnotized people could be induced to perform and why?
Q7. Provide example of post hypnotic suggestions in helping patients
harnessing the own healing powers?
Q8. Describe the two theories of hypnotic pain relief such as when hypnotized
people put their arms in an ice bath for 25 minutes and feel no pain?
Q9. What do PET scans reveal about hypnosis and pain stimuli?
Q10. How do people begin to feel and behave in ways appropriate the role of
the good hypnotic subject?
Q11. How did Ernest Hilgard view hypnotic dissociation?
Q12. What do researchers mean when they refer to a hypnotic state?
Q13. Describe Khilstorn's and McConkeys unified account of hypnosis

HW #40: Due Date

Rd. Pg.296-Pg.304
Q1. Describe neuroadaptation
Q2. What are undesirable effects of withdrawal?
Q3. Describe the three myths on addiction and provide examples for each myth
Q4. Describe the physiological effects of alcohol
Q5. How does alcohol impair judgment and memory?
Q6. Describe the experiment by David Abrams and Terence Wilson and this
research illustrates levels of analysis and behavior?
Q7. How do barbiturate drugs mimic the effects of alcohol?
Q8. Describe the consequences when the brain is repeatedly flooded with an
artificial opiate
Q9. Describe the cocaine euphoria and crash on the reuptake of dopamine,
norepinephrine, and serotonin

Q10. What are the symptoms of cocaine addiction human and animal users?
Q11. How does increased usage of Ecstasy affect the neurotransmitter
Q12. How does psychologist Ronald Siegel describes the hallucination
Q13. What are some consequences of marijuana as sited by The National academy
of Science and National Institute on Drug Abuse?
Q14. Describe the discovery of THC-sensitive receptors and where are they
Q15. Describe how the emotions-trigger-opposing-emotions principle parallels
that of drug-induced pleasures

HW #41: Due Date

Rd. Pg.304-Pg.308
Q1. Describe the three examples of the marijuana-related trends
Q2. Describe the alcohol-related trend
Q3. Describe six warning signs of alcoholism
Q3. Describe six examples of evidence that heredity influences some aspects
of alcohol abuse problems
Q4. Describe the dopamine reward circuit
Q5. What psychological factor did Newcomb and Harlow discover concerning
influences of drugs?
Q6. How is peer influence a major social influence on drug use?
Q7. What are the three possible channels of influence for drug prevention and
Q8. How has the media influence alcohol usage?

HW #42: Due Date

Rd Pg.308- Pg.310
Q1. How do near-death experiences parallel with Ronald Siegels description
so the typical hallucinogenic experience?
Q2. How do near-death investigators object to the comparison of near-death
experience to hallucinations?
Q3. Describe the dualists perspective on the near-death experience
Q4. Describe the monists perspective on the near-death experience
Q5. Does your understanding of mind-brain science and your personal
philosophy or faith incline you toward monism or dualism?

Chapter 14: Stress and Health

HW #43: Due Date

Rd. Pg.549-Pg.561
Q1. How would psychologists describe health, and how is health psychology
related to behavioral medicine?
Q2. List the four leading deaths in the United States in 1900, and in the
year 2000?
Q3. Provide an example of negative stress appraisal and positive stress
appraisal and how we respond and the appraised responses to the stressor
Q4. Describe Walter Cannons explanation of stress response as unified mind
body system

Describe the second stress response system in addition to Walter

Cannons stress response system?

Q6. Describe the three phases of Hans Selyes general adaptation syndrome
Q7. What do studies of MRI brain scans of people who have experienced a
prolonged flood of stress hormones show?
Q8. List the evidence how 9/11 affected Americans and New Yorkers in terms of
Q9. List significant life changes that leave individuals more susceptible to
Q10. How did daily stressors take a toll on African Americans?
Q11. Describe the classic 9 -year study conducted by Friedman and Rosenman,
and differences between type-A personalities versus type B personality
Q12. Describe the four example of how stress depresses the immune system of
Q13. Could stress exacerbate the course of AIDS?
Q14. What is the current view on the relationship between stress and cancer?
Q15. Describe the statement Mind and body interact; everything psychological
is simultaneously physiological and its relevance to stress
HW #44: Due Date
Rd. Pg.562- Pg.575
Q1. Provide examples of situations, in which you would use problem-focused
coping, compared to emotion-focused strategy as a method to cope with stress
Q2. Why does perceived loss of control lead to health problems?
Q3. Describe the study that followed 2428 middle-aged Finish men for up to 10

Q4. Provide an example of an experiment, which demonstrates laughter indeed

is the best medicine

How does social support explain the outcomes of two Los Angles women who

suffered comparable breast cancer tumors, followed by 6 months chemotherapy

under the same circumstances?
Q6. Provide examples of research that indicate that that married people live
longer, healthier lives, then the unmarried
Q7. Describe the consequences regarding the health of 33 holocaust survivors
who spend two recalling their experiences?
Q8. Describe the two research findings that aerobic exercise alleviates
negative emotions?
Q9. How does genetics play a role in exercise boosting good health?
Q10. Describe the study done by Meyer Friedman and his colleagues to find out
whether teaching type A heart attack victims to relax might reduce their risk
of another heart attack
Q11. Describe the study done by psychologist Richard Davidson on meditation
done by Buddhist monks
Q12. Describe the 7 sub fields of alternative medicine
Q13. Cite examples that religion and healing are converging in mainstream
Q14. What were the research findings of A U.S National Health Interview
Survey, which followed 21,204 people over 8 years?
Q15. Describe the three possible explanations between religious involvement
and health/longevity
HW #45: Due Date
Q1. Describe statistics regarding cigarette smoking and adolescents
Q2. Does the close link between teen smoking and friends smoking reflect
peer influence, or teens seeking similar friends or both?
Q3. How has the film industry influence smoking?
Q4. Describe the nicotine-withdrawal symptom, and the physiological effects
of nicotine
Q5. List seven methods to quit smoking
Q6. How could smoking be discouraged by raising the immediate consequences?
Q7. List the risks of obesity, and why is it more harmful for apple-shaped
people rather then pear-shaped people
Q8. Describe the study conducted by Gortmaker researching the social effects
of obesity in 370 obese women age 16 to 24 years old
Q9.Describe the correlation between gender and weight discrimination

HW #46: Due Date

Q10. Describe the physiology of a fat cell?
Q11. Illustrate the classic moth long experiment, in which obese patients
daily food intake was reduced from 3500 calories to 450 calories, and explain
the results
Q12. Cite three facts that support a genetic influence on body weight
Q13. How might leptin- induced medication, and blocking THC receptors reduce
Q14. Describe some food and activity factors resulting in American weighing
on average 23 pound more then Americans in 1960
Q15. 60 percent of Americans are overweight, and increasing; how has it lead
to accommodations in every day life styles?
Q16. List the proposals that psychologist Kelly Bronwell proposed in altering
environments that put people at risk for obesity?
Q17. List the 7 methods that for those who want to loose a few pounds?
Q18. Why do health psychologists find it challenging to persuade Americans to
adapt to healthier life styles?

Chapter 8: Learning

HW #47: Due 12/12

Pg. 313-Pg.326
Q1. Describe how the sea snail and seal exhibit associative learning?
Q2. Describe the two types of associative learning involving the Japanese
rancher and the cattle
Q3. What aspects of psychology did Pavlov and Watson has a disdain for, and
Q4. Describe Pavlovs experiments regarding a dog and a neutral stimulus?
Q5. Why is salivation in the dog called the conditional reflex?
Q6. Provide an original example, and describe the US, UR, CS, CR?
Q7. Describe the five major conditioning processes
Q8. Describe how Michael Domjan showed how the CS signals an important
biological event by conditioning the sexual arousal of male Japanese quail
Q9. In Michael Tirrells example of acquisition, what is the US, UR, CS, CR?

Q10. After conditioning, what happens if the CS occurs repeatedly without

the US? Will the CS continue to elicit the CR?
Q11. Provide examples how generalization is adaptive?
Q12. Provide an example of discrimination?
HW #48:

Due Date

Q1. Why do classical conditioning treatments that ignore cognition often have
limited success?
Q2. Describe the findings of Garcia and Koelling regarding the rats aversion
to drinking water from the plastic bottles in the radiation chambers. Was
classical conditioning the reason?
Q3. Explain why human taste aversion is more biologically predisposed then
classically conditioned
Q4. Provide an example of how learning enables animals to adapt to their
Q5. How does chemotherapy trigger nausea conditioning in cancer patient?
Q6. Provide three applications of classical conditioning?
Q7. How did Watson and Rayner show how specific fears might be conditioned?

HW #49: Due Date

Rd. Pg.326-Pg.333
Q1. Define the difference between classical conditioning and operant
Q2. What was the impact of Skinners behavioral technology, and explain the
Skinner box?
Q3. Describe the method of successive approximation
Q4. What the discriminative stimulus is in the pigeon pecking experiment and
why is considered shaping?
Q5.Provide an example of negative reinforcement and positive reinforcement
Q6. Provide and example of a primary reinforcer and secondary rein forcer
Q7. What are the consequences of delayed rein forcers?
Q8. Describe the role of acquisition, extinction, generalization, and
discrimination in operant conditioning
Q9. Provide three examples of partial reinforcement
Q10. Give a specific example of each type of partial reinforcement schedule
Q11. Describe the finding that Robert Larzelere noted with human punishment
Q12. Explain the drawbacks of physical punishment
Q13. Why is punishment combined with reinforcement more effective than
punishment alone?

HW #50: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 334-Pg.339
Q1. Provide evidence of latent learning in rats
Q2. Provide a personal example applying the differences of intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation
Q3. How did Keller Breland and Marian Breland observe biological
predispositions while using operant conditioning?
Q4. Describe the criticism of Skinners view on human behavior
Q5. How did Skinner believe operant conditioning could be used effectively in
the classroom?
Q6. How did Thomas Simek and Richard OBrien demonstrate that reinforcement
principles be used in teaching golf and baseball
Q7. How do reinforcers influence productivity in the workplace? Provide an
Q8. Provide three examples to that disrupt a destructive parent-child
Q9. What are the four steps in reinforcing our most desired behaviors and
extinguishing those undesired behaviors?
Q10. Describe the four comparisons between classical conditioning and operant

HW #51: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 341-Pg.346
Q1. Provide an example of modeled learning in monkeys
Q2. What did mean when phrasing humans as the supreme mene machines?
Q3. Describe the role of mirror neurons in human observational learning
Q4. How does the imitation of models shape very young children in terms of
Q5. Explain the findings of bobo doll experiment conducted by Albert Bandura
Q6. Describe three examples of prosocial models and their prosocial effects
Q7. How commonplace is television watching in Australia and the United
Q8. Using statistics provided in the text, how violent is television
Q9. Describe the four correlation studies that link television violence
viewing with violent behavior
Q10. Why do these correlation studies not prove viewing violence causes
Q11. How does prolonged exposure to violence desensitize viewers?

Q12. What was Donnersteins viewpoint on violence desensitization?

Chapter 9: Memory
HW #52: Due Date
Rd Pg.349- Pg.353
Q1. Describe the memory feat of Russian journalist Shereshevski
Q2. Provide three examples of flashbulb memories from the text
Q3. Describe Presidents Bush episode of false flashbulb memory
Q4. How is building a memory like information processing in creating a text
Q5. How does a computer encodes, stores, and retrieves information
Q6. Describe the three stage processing model of memory proposed by Richard
Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin
Q7. What process explains why we can speak while driving?
Q8. Why is it so difficult to try to remember the melody for one song while
we are listening to another
Q9. What do brain scans show concerning working memory?
HW #53: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 353-Pg.361
Q1. Provide examples of automatically processing information about space,
time and frequency
Q2. How does learning to read become automatic processing
Q3. Describe Ebbinghuass retention curve
Q4. Describe the next-in-line effect
Q5. What happens to information processed seconds before sleep?
Q6. How does sleep learning not occur?
Q7. What was the discovery made by Harry Bahrick regarding foreign language
word translations?
Q8.How does the serial positioning effect interfere with you reharsing all
your classmates names
Q9. How are our minds like theater directors who, given a raw script, imagine
a finished stage production?
Q10. Describe the experiment Fergus Craik and Endel Tulving demonstrated
comparing visual, acoustic, and semantic encoding
Q11. What did Ebbinghaus estimate about learning nonsense material compared
with learning meaningful material
Q12. Describe the self-reference effect
Q13. Describe rosy retrospection
Q14. Provide three example of mnemonic devices
Q15. How does chuncking aid our recall of unfamiliar material, and increase
our recall of digits?

Q16. How did Gorden Bower and his colleagues demonstrate the benefits of
hierarchical organization?
HW #54: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 361-Pg.366
Q1. How did George Sperling demonstrate the initial recording of sensory
information in the memory system?
Q2. How did Lloyd Peterson and Margaret Peterson show how quickly short-term
memory will disappear
Q3. Describe Magical Number Seven plus or minus two
Q4. Why are our brains not like attics, contrary to Sherlock Holmes belief?
Q5. Provide examples of three world memory championship records
Q6. How did Ralph Gerad test the memory trace, using hamsters?
Q7. Describe the findings based on the observed changes by Eric Kandel and
James Schwartz in the sending neurons of a simple animal, Aplysia
Q8. How does increased synaptic efficiency make for more efficient neural
Q9. What are the benefits of boosting CREB protein production
Q10. What can a blow to the head, and ECT therapy do peoples recent memory?
HW #55: Due Date
Rd. Pg.367-369
Q1. How does the availability of glucose affect memory?
Q2. How does weaker emotion mean weaker memory?
Q3. When stress is prolonged, how does it affected our memories?
Q4. How did Neurologist Oliver Sahces describe an amnesiac patient, Jimmie,
and how did this demonstrate implicit and explicit memory
Q5. Describe damage to the left and right hippocampus, and the functions of
different hippocampus regions
Q6. How does the hippocampus act like a loading dock, and how is it affected
by sleep
Q7. What do brain scans reveal about memory in different regions of the
Q8. Amnesia patients may retain the distributed fragments of a memory such as
sight, sound, smell, objects, people, actions, and emotions, but what cant
they do?
Q9. How does the cerebellum play a key role in memory
Q10. How does our dual explicit-implicit memory system help explain infantile
HW #56: Due Date
Rd. Pg.370-Pg.375

Q1. How did Harry Bahrick differentiate between recall and recognition
concerning yearbook pictures?
Q2. How do retrival cues help recall passwords
Q3. How is priming often memoryless memory?
Q4. What Carylon Rovee Collier discover concerning context effects and three
month old infants?
Q5. How does our memory system produce deja vu using contextual effects?
Q6. How did James Lampinen describe Deja Vu
Q7. Describe state-dependent memory
Q8. How are our memories mood-congruent?
Q9. How reporting adolescentss ratings of parental warmth give little clue
to how the same adolescents rate their parents six weeks later?
Q10. How do moods influence how we interpret other peoples behavior?
Q11. How do moods effect on retrieval help explain why moods persist
HW #57: Due Date
Rd. Pg.376-Pg.381
Q1. Detail memory researcher Danny Schacters seven sins of memory
Q2. How does age affect encoding efficiency?
Q3. Provide an example of encoding failure from the text
Q4. Describe Ebbinghuass famous forgetting curve
Q5. How do we explain forgetting curves, and what example did Harry Bahrick
Q6. If two people give you their numbers, why will each successive number be
more difficult to recall? How did this phenomenon affect Ebbinghaus
Q7. How is retroactive interference minimized?
Q8. Describe the phenomenon called positive transfer
Q9. How id Michael Ross and his colleagues find that people unknowingly
revise their own histories?
Q10. Provide an example of a reported case describing Freuds concept of
-Create flash cards, Quiz

HW #58: Due Date

Rd. Pg.382-Pg.392
Q1. Describe the classic experiment demonstrating eyewitness accounts of
memory reconstruction conducted by Elizabeth Loftus, and John Palmer
Q2. How do we discriminate between memories of real and suggested events?
Q3. How do repeatedly imagining nonexistent actions and events create false

Q4. Describe the research conducted by Richard Wiseman regarding

Q5. How did Debra Poole and Stephen Lindsay replicate Piagets source
Q6. How do our assumptions alter our perceptual memories?
Q7. Why do hypnotically refreshed memories of crimes so easily incorporate
Q8. Describe the incident concerning Australian psychologist Donald Thompson
and how it impacted his work concerning memory distortion?
Q9. What were the memory wars in the decade of the 1990s
Q10. Describe the seven problems childrens witness accounts
Q11. Describe the results of implanted false memories by Elizabeth Loftus and
her colleagues
Q12. Does the repression of threatening memories ever occur?
Q13. Describe the eight effective study techniques in improving memory
Chapter 10: Thinking
HW #59: Due Date
Rd: Pg. 395-Pg.401

Describe a life without concepts?

2. Provide an example of a category hierarchy

3. Describe the experiment concerning memory shifts conducted by Olivier
4. Why is heuristics a better strategy then step-by-step algorithm in finding
another word in SPLOYOCHYG?
5. How did psychologists Mark-Jung-Beeman, John Kounios, and Edward Bowden
identify brain associations with flashes of insight?
6. How is insight critical in understanding a punch-line to a joke?
7. Provide an example of mental set and functional fixedness
8. Provide an example of the representativeness heuristic and availability
9. How does the availability heuristic affect our social judgment, as Ruth
Hamil demonstrated?
10. How did Kaheman and Tversky demonstrate overconfidence?
11. Describe the advantage and disadvantage of being overconfident?
12. Describe the four influences on our intuitions about risk, and how does
it affect us irrationally fear 9/11?
13. How does the framing effect influence economic and business decisions?
14. Describe two invalid conclusions proving the belief bias?
15. Why is it so difficult to dismiss the belief perseverance phenomenon?
16. How is intuition adaptive in solving a problem?

HW #60: Due Date

Rd. Pg.410-Pg.417
1. How learning different sets of phonemes make it difficult for people of
one language to produce phonemes of another language?
2. How many morphemes in the word cat? How many phonemes?
3. How is English syntax different from Spanish syntax in ordering words into
4. What is the universal relationship between the most common words used in
all languages?
5. Why are many hearing parents of hearing children teach their children sign
6. Describe the babies receptive language
7. Why is the babbling stage not an imitation of adult speech?
8. Why is it important to have exposure to other languages?
9. Describe the four stages of language development after the babbling
10. How did Skinner believe that we could explain language development?
11. Describe Chomskys language acquisition box, surface structure of a
language, and deep structure of a language
12. Why are human infants considered little statisticians?
13. Are we capable of performing the same feat of statistical analysis
throughout our life span?
14. What happens to children who are not exposed to either a spoken or a
signed language during their early years?
15. How do we describe Skinners and Chomskys influence regarding this
statement Childrens genes design complex brain wiring that prepares them to
learn language as they interact with their
care- givers?

HW #61: Due Date


Provide evidence for Words linguistic determinism theory?

2. Describe the experiment conducted by Michael Ross, Elaine Xum, and Anne
Wilson regarding China-born bilingual students in Canada?
3. Provide evidence that language determining the way we think is too strong
4. Describe language and perception
5. Why does it pay to increase word power
6. What is the bilingual advantage, and how did Wallace lambert apply this
concept with Canadian children?
7. What are the arguments of

English-only education vs. bilingual


Provide three examples oft thinking in images as beneficial

9. How does mental rehearsal help achieve an academic goal?

10. What previous evidence supports thinking without language?
11. How do we conclusively know that thinking affects language?
HW #62: Due Date
Rd. Pg.423-Pg.428
1. How does the great ape display capacities for thinking?
2. How did Wolfgang Kohler observe apparent insight while observing
3. Provide additional example of Chimpanzee inventiveness
4. What conclusions do Thomas Suddendorf and Andrew Whitten estimate about
great apes capacity to for reasoning, self-recognition, empathy, and
5. What is amazing about Rico, the border collie that demonstrates language?
6. Describe the case study of Washoe, the chimpanzee
7. Why is gesturing critical in human communication?
8. Illustrate the five examples cited by skeptics that apes do not acquire
9. How did the relationship between Washoe and the foster infant Louilis,
quiet skeptics?
10. Describe the claim made by Sue Savage-Rumbaugh that pygmy chimpanzee can
learn to comprehend language
11. What did Descartes and other philosophers argue about animals?

Chapter 11: Intelligence

HW #63:

Due Date

Rd. Pg. 431-Pg. 436

Q1. Describe the two controversies involving intelligence
Q2. Describe indicators of a verbal intelligence factor?
Q3. According to Charles Spearman, if someone scores high on verbal
intelligence, they would typically score higher on what other factor
Q4. Describe L.L Thrunstones mathematically identified seven clusters of
primary mental abilities

Q5. What did Satoshi Kanazawa argue about how general intelligence evolved?
Q6. How do people with savant syndrome and autism demonstrate Gardners
theory of multiple intelligences?
Q7. List Gardners 8 intelligences and provide examples of each intelligence
Q8. How did Sandra Scarr criticize Garners theory?
Q9. Describe other criticism of Gardners theory
Q10. Describe Robert Steinbergs triarchic theory
Q11. Describe the attribute of Gardners and Stern berg theory
HW #64: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 436-Pg.441
Q1. What dilemmas did Seymor Epstein and Petra Meeirer have about high
aptitude people?
Q2. Describe the emotional intelligence test developed by Mayer, Salovery,
and David Caruso
Q3. What do the 69 studies in many countries express about emotional
Q4. How did Elliot, who had a brain tumor removed, and lived with no emotion,
demonstrated emotional intelligence is a critical factor in success?
Q5. How does the g factor integrate emotional intelligence in predicting job
Q6. How does Wiles incredible moment illustrate creativity?
Q7. Illustrate the differences between divergent and convergent thinking
Q8. Describe the five component of creativity
Q9. What is the numerical correlation between brain volume and intelligence?
Q10. On average, how many more synapses do highly educated people have then
less educated people and how do their neural plasticity differ?
Q11. How does perceptual speed and neurological speed play a role in
predicting intelligence?
Q12. Why would fast reactions on simple takes predict intelligence tests?

HW #65: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 442-Pg. 450
Q1. How did Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon seek to stop subjective judgments
of childrens learning potentials?
Q2. What did Binet and Simon theorize about mental aptitude?
Q3. Describe mental orthopedics
Q4. What were the contributions of Lewis Terman and Wiliam Stern to Binets
theory of predicting school achievement?

Q5. What were some abuses of the early intelligence tests, and how it
contributes to the political climate in the United States?
Q6. Distinguish the difference between aptitude tests and achievement tests?
Q7. Describe the component of the Wechsler Audit Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
and how does this test help in improving the test takers ability to succeed
Q8. Describe the significance of standardization in creating these aptitude
Q9. Describe the Flynn effect
Q10. Describe hybrid vigor
Q11. Describe the reliability of the Stanford-Binet, WAIS, and the WISC
Q12. Explain content validity in reference to a road test for a drivers
Q13. Are general aptitude tests as predictive as they are reliable? Why?
Q14. Why does the predictive power of aptitude scores diminish as students
move up the educational ladder?

HW #66: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 450- Pg. 454
Q1. What did Nancy Bayley speculate about infant behavior?
Q2. At what age do intelligence tests predict behavior school achievement?
Q3. Describe the correlation between GRE and SAT verbal tests?
Q4. Provide an example of how intelligence endures and stabilize?
Q5. Describe the four degrees of mental retardation and how it adapts to the
demands of life
Q6. Describe the last half of the century concerning the environment for
children with mild mental retardation compared to the first half of the
Q7. What conclusions were drawn concerning Lewis Termanans project involving
gifted California school children with IQ scores over 135?
Q8. Describe some of the assumptions of currently popular gifted children's
Q9. Describe the self-fulfilling prophecy when students are labeled
Q10. What do critics and proponents of gifted education agree on?

HW #67: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 454- Pg. 459
Q1. Illustrate the three sets of findings concerning genetic influences on
Q2. Describe the findings of adopted children and their adopted families as
parental influences wane
Q3. Describe habitability and its impact on the environment
Q4. How do genes and environment correlate?
Q5. What would happen in term so school success if you had a slightly
genetically disposed intelligence edge?
Q6. Describe Hunts program of untutored human enrichment
Q7. How does Hunts findings testify to the importance of environment?
Q8. Describe the study of 1450 Virginia schools concerning schools with lots
of poverty-level children
Q9. Describe the head start program and if there are nay long term benefits
Q10. How does high intelligence and schooling contribute to each other?
HW #68: Due Date
Rd. Pg.459- Pg.464
Q1. What are the two disturbing but agreed upon facts concerning ethnic
similarities and differences?
Q2. Describe some specific examples of intelligence test differences in
certain groups
Q3. How is habitability attributed to racial differences in intelligence
Q4. Is the racial gap similarly environmental, and provide an example of
individual differences vs. group differences?
Q5. How would social scientists define race?
Q6. Why Asian students outperforming North America students on math
achievement and aptitude tests a recent phenomenon?
Q7. Describe the striking results of a national study that looked back over
the mental test performances of white and black young adults after graduation
from college

HW #69: Due Date

Rd. Pg.
Q1. Describe gender differences in spelling, verbal ability, nonverbal
memory, sensation, underachievement, and math and spatial aptitudes

Q2. Describe the evolutionary perspective in gender differences

Q3. Is there a biological explanation to account for the gender differences?
Q4. How do social expectations play a role in shaping boys and girls
abilities and interests?
Q5. Describe the emotion detecting ability of the women, and how it plays a
role in our ancestral past?
Q6. What do the defenders of aptitude testing note about racial group
Q7. Why do psychologists believe that the U.S major aptitude tests are not
Q8. Describe the predictive validity of the SAT?
Q9. How does the stereotype threat describe the aptitude of women and blacks
under non-threatening and threatening test conditions?
Q10. Why will some students disidentify with school achievement?
Q11. Are aptitude tests discriminatory? Why?

Chapter 12: Motivation

HW #70:

Due Date

Rd. Pg. 470-Pg.473

Q1. Describe the four perspectives psychologists have used in their attempt
to understand motivated behaviors
Q2. Describe two human instinctive behaviors
Q3. Describe an example of homeostasis
Q4. The food-deprived person who smells baking bread feels a strong human

What is the incentive in this statement, and why?

Q5. List two examples of how curiosity drives organisms

Q6. A lack of stimulation will increase arousal to some optimal level. What
will occur if there is too much of stimulation?
Q7. Describe the stages from the base to the apex, of Abraham Maslows
hierarchy of needs
Q8. What are the differences in the priority of needs between poor nations
and wealthy nations
Q9. Why does self-esteem matter most in individualistic nations?
Q10. Describe critics argument about Maslows hierarchy of needs?
HW #71: Due Date
Rd. Pg.473- Pg.480
Q1. Describe how the experiment conducted by Ancel Keys proved the needs
hierarchy for food

Q2. How did Washburns experiment prove there is a physiological source of

Q3. How do the levels of blood glucose affect hunger?
Q4. Describe the role of the lateral hypothalamus in controlling hunger
Q5. Describe the consequences if the ventrome hypothalamus is destroyed

Describe the role of the hormones ghrelin and leptin

Q7. Why did some volunteers in Keys reverse experiment in which they were
overfed 1000 calories a day for 8 days gain less weight then the other
Q8. Why do some researchers argue that there is not a true set point, but
instead a settling point?
Q9. What did Paul Rozins experiment conclude about memory and appetite?
Q10. Why do we crave carbohydrates when feeling tense or depressed?
Q11. Describe neophobia
Q12. How does food aversion protect the fetus during pregnancy?
Q13. Describe the characteristics of families of anorexics, and bulimia
Q14. Who are the most vulnerable to eating disorder, and why?
Q15. Describe the results of an experiment by Barbara Fredickson describing
gender differences and self-image
Q16. How did Eric Stice and heather Shaw demonstrate the thin-ideal
exemplified in fashion magazines, advertisements and even in some toys?
Q17. Describe the consequences of the statement fat is bad on womens
motivation concerning dieting?
HW #72: Due Date
Rd. Pg.481-Pg. 487
Q1. Describe the contributions of Albert Kinsey relevant to sexual
Q2. Explain each phase of the sexual response cycle described by Masters and
Q3. What did neuroscientist Holstege and his colleagues discover about men
and women describing orgasm
Q4. List some sexual disorders and some therapeutic methods to correct them
Q5. What are the two effects of sex hormones?
Q6. Describe the effect of abnormal estrogen and testosterone levels on males
and females
Q7. How does castration affect men?
Q8. Describe the correct analogy between sex hormones and fuel in a car
Q9. Describe the effects of erotica on males and females, and how habituation
Q10. Do sexual explicit material has adverse effects?

Q11. Why do people who do not have genital sensation, still feel sexual
Q12. Describe some facts of fantasies concerning men and women?
Q13. What are the rates of premarital sex amongst American adolescents
compared to adolescents from other nations?
Q14. Describe the five reasons of why American adolescents have lower rates
of contraceptive us, and higher rates of teen pregnancy
Q15. Why is there a rapid spread of sexual transmission infections?
Q16. Describe the five predictors of abstinence
Q17. What are the trends of abstinence amongst American adolescents
HW #73: Due Date
Rd. 487-Pg. 494
Q1. When do homosexual people report becoming aware of themselves as gay or
Q2. Describe the results of a Dutch study concerning homosexuality, and the
percentage of homosexuality in the United States
Q3. Describe the common struggles that homosexual people have to face on
today's society, and how do psychologists view sexual orientation
Q4. Describe the gender difference in erotic plasticity
Q5. How does the APA view homosexuality compared to 3 decades ago?
Q6. Describe the cause of homosexuality regarding the four questions
presented at the bottom of page 488
Q7. Describe the rate of homosexuality in certain populations, and the reason
behind the phenomenon the fraternal birth-order effect
Q8. Does homosexual behavior predict homosexual orientation?
Q9. Describe examples of same-sex relationships in animals
Q10. Describe Simon Levay's research concerning the brain and sexual

Describe the research conducted by Swedish researchers regarding brain

responses to hormone-derived sexual scents

Q12. What were Laura Allen's and Roger Gorski's discovery on brain anatomy
influencing sexual orientation?
Q13. Describe the evidence that there is a genetic influence on sexual
orientation researched by Brian Mutanski and Michael Bailey
Q14. What does a recent Italian study suggest about "gay genes"?
Q15. Describe prenatal hormonal influences on sexual orientation
Q16. Describe some specific traits that differ in homosexuality
Q17. How do temperaments affect sexual orientation?
Q18. What are some attitudes that support a more accepting view of
Q19. What are the consequences of fetal testing in the possible identifying

sexual orientation?
Q20. Describe the problem of scientific research on sexual motivation
concerning values of sex

HW #74: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 495-Pg.499
Q1.How did the need to belong ensure survival amongst our ancestors?
Q2. When asked what was their most satisfying moment in the past week, what
were the responses of American and South Korean collegians?
Q3. Describe Ubuntu, explained by Desmend Tutu, and how it expresses a
wanting to belong?
Q4. How does Mark Leary describe self-esteem?

When something threatens or dissolves our social ties, how our emotions

and self-esteem become affected?

Q6. Describe the effects of ostracism on children and adults researched by
Kipling Williams
Q7. How is the Anterior Cingulated Cortex affected by ostracism?
Q8. Describe the results of the studies conducted by Jeane Twenge and her
Q9. How do close relationships affect health?

H.W #75:

Due Date

Rd. pg. 500-pg. 510

Q1. How did Mihaly Csikzentmihayli formulate the flow concept
Q2. How does flow affect us in a positive way?
Q3. Describe psychological contract?
Q4. How did Mary Tenopyr select which hires were ill-matched to the demands
of their new job
Q5. What items are the best at selecting job performance?
Q6. What four factors describe the interview illusion?
Q7. What are the benefits of a structured interview vs. an unstructured

Q8. Describe some appraisal performance methods?

Q9. Describe Halo errors, leniency and severity errors, and recency errors
Q10. Describe the study on the 1528 California children whose intelligence
scores were in the top 1 percent?
Q11. Does employment satisfaction also contribute to successful
Q12. Describe Robert Owens great experiment
Q13. What are four characteristics of great managers?
Q14. What are the benefits of implementation techniques?
Q15. Describe differences between task leadership and social leadership?
Q16. Describe voice effect

Chapter 13: Emotion

HW #76: Due Date
Rd Pg. 513- Pg.523
Q1. Describe the two controversies, over the interplay of our physiology,
expressions, and experience in emotions
Q2. Imagine that your brain could not sense your heart pounding on your
stomach churning. According to the James-Lange theory, and the Cannon-Bard
theory, how

would this affect your experienced emotions?

Q3. How is Schachter and Singers two factor theory similar and different to
the two previous theories on emotions?
Q4. How do the sympathetic division and parasympathetic division of the

autonomic nervous system control our arousal?

Q5. How does prolonged physical arousal, and too little arousal affect
particular tasks?
Q6. How does the amygdala affect emotion?
Q7. Provide example of how emotions affect different areas of the brain
Q8. Describe the importance of the nucleus accumbens regarding to emotion
Q9. What evidence did psychologist George Hohmann provide supporting the
James-Lange theory?
Q10. What evidence supports the Cannon-Bard theory?
Q11. How did Schachter and Singer prove the spillover effect?
Q12. How does a lie detector or polygraph work, and what are the two
problems that make it a flawed test?
Q13. Provide evidence how we experience emotion unconsciously before
Q14. How did Paul Whalen and his colleagues describe the role of the
Q15. How does Richard Lazarus explain cognition plays a role in emotional
responses without conscious awareness?
Q16. Describe the two routes of emotions, demonstrated by Zajonc and LeDoux
compared to Lazarus, Schachter, and Singer
HW #77: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 524- Pg. 531

Describe the research study conducted by Joan Kellerman, James Lewis,

and James Laird

Q2. How did Robet Kesterbaum, explain how we read nonverbal cues?
Q3. How does experience sensitize us to particular emotions?
Q4. How did woman?s intuition apply to Jackie Larsen?s encounter with
Chrisotpher Bono?
Q5. Describe specific gender differences in nonverbal sensitivity, empathy,
and expressiveness
Q6. How did Paul Ekman and Maureen O?Sullivan explain the difficulty to
detect deceiving smiles?
Q7. Provide examples of nonverbal body language, and subtle expressions in
revealing feelings of individuals towards others
Q8. How did Justin Kruger and his colleagues explain that communication via
email is ambiguous regarding emotions?
Q9. Provide examples of how gestures vary with culture
Q10. Explain how facial expressions also have different meanings
Q11. How did Charles Darwin explain how people share universal facial

Q12. Provide examples of how cultures differ in how much emotions they
Q13. Describe the research findings relevant to the facial feedback effect
Q14. How did Sara Snodgrass demonstrate the behavior feedback phenomenon
while walking?
Q15. How did Kathleen Burns Vaugn and John Lanzetta, provide evidence that
there is a neural basis for empathy?
HW #78: Due Date
Rd. Pg.532-Pg.537
Q1. How many distinct emotions Carrol Izard isolated as the 10 such basic
Q2. Describe and provide examples of arousal and valence as two dimensions of
Q3. Provide examples of how fear is harmful and adaptive
Q4, How did Susan Mineka explain why nearly all monkeys reared in the wild
fear snakes, yet lab-reared monkeys do not?
Q5. How did children in the New York City school system become more fearful
after observing the trauma of 9/11?
Q6. How does the amygdala play a key role in associating fear, certain
Q7. Describe an individuals response to fear if there is damage to the
amygdala and hippocampus?
Q8. Describe individuals who have a short version of a gene that influences
the amygdala's response to frightening situations
Q9. How do adolescents deal with anger according to their gender?
Q10. Describe how anger is maladaptive to us, and yet beneficial
Q11. Describe the short-term advantages and long-term disadvantages of
venting our anger
Q12. Describe the two suggestions in the text to handle our anger
Q13. How does anger communicate strength and competence?
Q14. Describe Charoltte Witvilet'ss research on the bodily effects of

HW #79: Due Date

Rd Pg.537-Pg.545
Q1. Provide facts of how negative emotions have been the focus of psychology
throughout its history
Q2. Provide evidence of how our ups and downs tend to balance according to
David Watson and Daniel Kaheman and his colleagues

Q3. How did the reports of Daniel Gilbert and colleagues prove the statement
that we overestimate the duration of emotions and underestimate our capacity
to adapt
Q4. What are the research findings that substantiate peoples view that they
would be more happier if they had more money?
Q5. Describe how wealth is like health , and the effects of growing up rich
Q6. Explain why those of us who enjoy the abundance of the affluent Western
world not happier, and how has it influenced the wealthier but no happier
phenomenon in China?
Q7. Based on research studies of Richard Ryan, Tim Kasser, and H.W . Perkins,
what predicts a higher life satisfaction?
Q8. According to the adaptation-level phenomenon, why could we never create a
permanent social paradise, and how does this phenomenon explain why material
wants can be insatiable?
Q9. Provide examples of how relative deprivation leads to the effect of
Q10. Describe the five predictors of happiness, and five factors that are not
related to happiness
Q11. Describe the happiness set point
Q12. What do studies of happiness remind us about emotions, and what do fear,
anger, and happiness have in common?
Chapter 15:


HW #80: Due Date

Rd. Pg.595-Pg. 600
Q1. Describe Sigmund Freuds early history as a psychologist and
Q2. How did Feud explain the loss of feeling in ones hand if there is no
physiological explanation?
Q3. Describe Freuds belief that an iceberg is like unconsciousness?
Q4. How did Freud believe he could glimpse into the unconscious mind?
Q5. How did Sigmund Freud view jokes and dreams?
Q6. Describe the pleasure principle in the id
Q7. Describe the reality principle in the ego
Q8. How does the superego relate to the ego and id?
Q9. Describe Freuds 5 psychosexual stages
Q10. Compare the Electra complex to the Oedipus complex
Q11. Describe gender identity
Q12. How would Freud describe an individual who is orally overindulged or

Q13. Provide an example of repression, regression, reaction formation,

projection, rationalization, and displacement
Q14. How do these defense mechanisms function indirectly and unconsciously?
HW #81: Due Date
Rd. Pg.601-Pg.604
Q1. Describe how the neo-Freudians accepted Freuds basic ideas, and how they
veered away from Freud in two important ways
Q2. Describe Alfred Adlers inferiority complex
Q3. Describe Karen Horney view of childhood anxiety and the masculine view of
Q4. Describe Carl Jungs link of the collective unconscious to spiritual
concerns, myths and images
Q5. Which of Freuds ideas were incorporated into the Psychodynamic theory?
Q6. Why are objective assessment tools, such as agree-disagree or true-false
questionnaires inadequate in evaluating personality from the unconscious
Q7. How did Henry Murray conceive the TAT as a Projective test?
Q8. Why so the Rosarch test not as good a test as an intelligence test in
terms of assessment
Q9. How did Edward Ronow and his colleagues prove the quality of the Rosarch

HW #82: Due Date

Rd.Pg: 604-609
Q1. Describe the accolades and criticism of the Rosarch test?
Q2. How has modern evidence contradicted Freuds theories on gender identity,
parental influence, and childhood sexuality
Q3. Describe the evidence that the human mind does not repress bad thoughts?
Q4. Describe Lewickis experimental results on nonconcious learning on
anticipating patterns
Q5. Describe the 7 pieces of evidence from the text that the modern
researchers view compared to Sigmund Freuds view of the unconscious
Q6. Based on the terror management theory, how would people act facing a
threatening world?
Q7. How do researchers compare the false consensus effect, to projection?
Q8. What do critics find do be most serious with Freuds problems?
Q9. Which o Freuds ideas are still considered to be enduring?

HW #83: Due Date

Rd. Pg.609-Pg.612
Q1. How did Abraham Maslow develop his idea for self-actualization?
Q2. What did Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Eleanor Roosevelt share
as common characteristics that allowed them to achieve self-actualization?
Q3. What did Maslows work with college students lead him to speculate about
Q4. Carl Rogers believed that a growth-promoting climate required which three
Q5. Rogers believed that these three conditions could be nurtured in which
relationships between
Q6. How would a self-concept be regarded as positive?
Q7. What is the changed item on the MMPI that humanistic psychologists can
take satisfaction in?
Q8. What are the criticisms of humanistic psychology?
Q9. Why did critics object to the statement made by Carl Rogers Am I living
in a way which is deeply satisfying to me, and which truly expresses me?
Q10. How does humanistic psychology fail to appreciate the reality of our
human capacity for evil?

HW #84: Due Date

Rd. Pg 613-Pg.615
Q1. How did Gordon Allport come to define personality?
Q2. Describe the Myers-Briggs Type indicator
Q3. What does the National Research Council note bout the Myers-Briggs
personality test despite its popularity?
Q4. How did British psychologists Hans Eysenck and Sybil Eysenk believe that
we can reduce many of our normal individual variations to two or three
Q5. Describe the brain-activity scans of extraverts
Q6. How did Jerome Kagen exemplify temperament?
Q7. Do animals have personalities, and provide examples from the text?

Hw #85: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 615- Pg.622

Q1. Based on the reading passage on Pg.616-pg.617, could we discern peoples

traits from the alignments of the stars and planets at the time of our birth?
From their handwriting, from lines on their palms?
Q2. Describe the attributes of the most extensively researched personality
inventory is the Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Q3. Describe the criticisms of the MMPI
Q4. List the five traits dimensions of the big five personality factors
Q5. Describe the 4 research questions referring to the big 5 personality
Q6. Explain the person-situation controversy
Q7. Why does inconsistency in behavior make personality test scores weak
predictors of behaviors?
Q8. Provide evidence discussing personality stability with age
Q9. Describe the three studies reported by Sammuel Gossling and his colleague
demonstrating how our traits are socially significant
Q10. Describe the studies of Nalini Ambady and Robert Rosenthal in video
taping 13 Harvard University graduate students teaching undergraduate courses
Q11. Describe the study regarding physician malpractice suits
Q12. What were the conclusions derived from Bella DePaulo and her colleagues
concerning peoples voluntary controls over their expressiveness
Q13. Based on the experiments conducted by Maurice Levesque and David Kenny,
and Peter Brorkena and his coworkers, could we size up how outgoing someone
within seconds and why?
Q14. Do personality traits stay stable across different situations, and
provide an example of why you might agree or disagree?

HW #86: Due Date

Rd Pg. 622- Pg.631
Q1. Describe the beliefs of social-cognitive theorists
Q2. Describe the three specific ways in which individuals and the environment
Q3. What is the pervasive theme in psychology and in the book?
Q4. Describe the two ways psychologists study the effect of personal control
Q5. Describe the differences between individuals who have internal locus of
control vs. individuals who display external loss of control
Q6. How do Roy Baummiester and Julia Exline describe self control
Q7. How does Martin Seligman demonstrate learned helplessness in dogs?
Q8. Describe the famous study of nursing home patients
Q9. Does increasing choice breed happier lives, and how does it explain
tyranny of choice?

Q10. Dhow did Seligman and Schulman explain optimism versus pessimism in
professional achievement
Q11. How does excessive optimism blind us to real risks
Q12. Describe the ignorance of ones own incompetence phenomenon
Q13. How do military and educational organizations assess behavior in
situations, and describe the benefits
Q14. What are the criticisms of the social-cognitive perspective?\
HW #87: Due Date
Rd. Pg.631 Pg.636
Q1. How does Hazel Markus and her colleagues describe the concept of the
possible selves?
Q2. How does the spotlight effect attribute of peoples fear of public
Q3. Describe the self-reference phenomenon?
Q4. Describe some correlations between self-esteem and personal problems?
Q5. Describe the results of the experiments that reveal an effect of low
Q6. How do members of stigmatized groups that have faced discrimination and
lower status, maintain self-esteem?
Q7. Describe the numerous findings in the text regarding our self-serving
Q8. Describe Bushmans and Baumeisters experiment with the dark-side of
Q9. Describe defensive self-esteem and secure self-esteem

Chapter 18: Social Psychology
HW #88: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 723- Pg.730
Q1. How does Herman Melville's quote "We cannot live for ourselves alone?
relate to social psychology"
Q2. How did David Napolitan and George Goehtals illustrate the fundamental
attribution error in their experiment?
Q3. How does the fundamental attribution error effect your perceptions
towards a teacher, the 9/11 terrorists, and Nazi death commanders?

Q4. How does the effect of attribution explain social conservatives, and
liberal's viewpoint towards social issues?
Q5. Provide an example of how strong social pressure weaken the attitudebehavior connection
Q6. How was the Chinese "thought-control" an example of the foot in the door
Q7. Provide examples how the attitudes-follow-behavior phenomenon works for
good deeds as well as bad for bad

How does desegregation explain how attitudes follow behavior?

Q9. Compare Phillips Zimabrdo's experiment to the Abu-Gharib Prison and how
both situations prove role-playing affects attitude
Q10. How did the Greece military junta take advantage of the foot-in-the door
Q11. Relate the cognitive-dissonance theory to the U.S invasion of Iraq?
Q12. Provide two examples of how alternating our behavior could influence our
HW #89: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 730- Pg. 737
Q1. Provide the four examples of how behavior is contagious
Q2. Describe the chameleon effect
Q3. Provide examples of how the effects of suggestibility are seriouos
Q4. Describe the results of Solomon Asch's confirmity
Q5. List the conditions that strengthen confirmity
Q6. Describe the consequences of Marco Lolar and Tony Smith's actions in not
following the normative social influence
Q7. Describe how Robert Baron and his colleagues demonstrate the
informational social influence

Describe Stanley Milgram's controversial experiment on obedience

Q9. What were the results of Milgram's follow up obedience experiment?

Q10. When was obedience highest based on Milgram's experiment
Q11. Provide the two examples that demonstrated blind obedience during the
holocaust, and defied obedience during the holocaust
Q12. How did Stanley Milgram exploit the foot in the door phenomenon on
the teachers?
Q13. Explain how Nazi Soldiers exploited the foot of the door phenomenon with
German civil servants
HW #90:

Due Date

Rd. Pg. 738-Pg.742

Q1. How did Norman Triplett prove his hypothesis that the presence of others
boosts performances?


Describe social facilitation when a difficult task is done in front of

others compared to an easily mastered task

Q3. How does social facilitation explain the funny effect of crowding
Q4. Describe the experiments done by Alan Ingham and Bibi Latane
demonstrating social loafing
Q5. How did Watson and Zimbardo demonstrate deindividuation?
Q6. Describe the beneficial and dire consequences of group polarization
Q7. How does group polarization lead to terrorists mentality?
Q8. How does the internet provide a medium for group polarization?
Q9. How did the personnel involved in the Iraq WMD issue demonstrate several
aspects of groupthink?
Q10. Despite groupthink, how has two heads been better than one in resolving
previous crisis in American history?
Q11. How did three individual soldiers resist the power of influence in the
case of Abu Graib prison?
Q12. How have European social psychologists sought to better understand
minority influence?
HW #91: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 742- Pg.748
Q1. Explain how

prejudice is an unjustifiable and usually negative attitude

towards a group?
Q2. Provide examples of implicit racial associations, unconscious
patronization, race-influenced perceptions, seeing black, and reflexive
bodily responses

Provide examples of modern prejudices in public settings

Q4. Provide examples of gender prejudice and discrimination

Q5. How does prejudice rationalize inequalities, and describe the blame the
victim dynamic?
Q6. Describe ingroup bias and out group in reference to high school cliques
Q7. Provide example of the scapegoat theory, and how it restores self-esteem
to individuals?
Q8. Describe the effects of categorizing people into groups
Q9. How do vivid cases feed stereotypes?
Q10. Provide an example of the just-world phenomenon
Q11. How did the experiment conducted by Ronnie Janoff-Bulman and her
collaborators illustrate the phenomenon of blaming the victim and hindsight
HW #92: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 749- Pg.758

Q1. List the facts of gun violence and how they contribute to murder?
Q2. Describe the three examples of neural influences on aggression?
Q3. Describe the links between testosterone and aggressive behavior in humans
and animals
Q4. Provide examples of how does frustration and other aversive stimuli evoke
Q5. How does ostracism, or rejected induced aggression induce school
Q6. How did Richard Nisbett and Dov Cohen show how violence can vary by
culture within a country?
Q7. How does social influence appear in high violence rates among cultures?
Q8. List some factors that might sexual aggression amongst men towards women,
and Zillmans follow-up studies
Q9. Describe the rape myth
Q10. How might acquiring social scripts attribute to violence?
Q11. Describe some of the studies researching video games and violence
Q12. How does the correlation between violence and video games disconfirm the
catharsis hypothesis?
Q13. Describe real-life situations that display social traps
Q14. Provide an example of mirror-image perceptions

HW #93: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 758- Pg.763
Q1. Why is proximity conducive to liking?
Q2. How does the mere exposure effect applies to ourselves, and how was it
adaptive for our ancestors?
Q3. Describe the wide-ranging effects of peoples physical attractiveness
Q4. Describe the two findings of attractiveness that the Roman statesman
Cicero might have been reassured by?
Q5. List the aspects of attractiveness that do cross place and time, and the
physical features people prefer
Q6. As you get to know someone better, is the chemistry better if you are
opposites or if you are alike?
Q7. Describe the reward theory of attraction
Q8. Provide evidence of arousal is a key ingredient of passionate love
Q9. Why is important for married couples to understand that passionate love
has a short duration compared to companionate love, how do these views affect
western and non-western cultures?
Q10. How is equity a key to a gratifying and enduring relationship?
Q11. Describe the experiment that demonstrated self-disclosure as a vital
ingredient of a vital relationship?

HW #94: Due Date

Rd. Pg. 764- Pg. 771
Q1. Describe the two examples of altruism that took place in Rwanda in 1994
Q2. Describe the case of Kitty Genovese, and why it alarmed social
Q3. Describe the decision scheme for bystander intervention Darley and Latane

Describe the experiment conducted by Latane, Dabbs, and 15

to demonstrate the bystander effect, and describe the 8 patterns found most
useful in adding others?
Q5. How does a more religious approach to life reflect the socialresponsibility norm?
Q6. Describe the experiment conducted by researcher Muzafer Sherif, and how
were superordinate goals introduced, and its involvement in the outcome of
the experiment
Q7. How did 9/11 produce a powerfully unifying effect for different groups?
Q8. How do superordinate goals override differences?
Q9. How does a mediator play a role in resolving real-life conflicts?
Q10. In laboratory experiments, how has GRIT been the most effective strategy
known for increasing trust and cooperation?
Q11. What observations Thomas Sowell make that promoted social diversity
between cultures?
Chapter 16: Psychological Disorders

HW #95 Due Date

Rd. Pg.639- Pg.649
Q1. Provide an example of how standards of deviance vary with time
Q2. Provide contrasting viewpoints on ADHD being a genuine disorder or a
distressful behavior
Q3. How is dysfunctional behavior considered disordered?
Q4. How did Philipe Pinel reform the perceptions of understanding
psychological disorders?
Q5. Describe disorders that are culture bound
Q6. Describe the factors involved in the biopsychosocial approach to
psychological disorders
Q7. Describe the purpose of diagnostic classification in psychiatry and
Q8. Describe the accolades and criticisms of the DSM-IV as a diagnostic

Q9. How has the movement of positive psychology help identify positive
aspects of human strengths and virtues, and list the six clusters?
Q10. Describe the experiment in which David Rosehan demonstrated the biasing
power of diagnostic labels?
Q11. Should criminals driven by insanity or have a history of mental illness
be jailed or hospitalized for their crimes? Who is held responsible, the
people who commit the crimes, or the madness that clouds their vision?
Q12. How did a female associate of Stewart Page demonstrate the stigmatizing
powers of labels?
Q13. How do stereotypes of mentally individuals stigmatize them? How violent
are people with psychological disorders?
Q14. How do labels serve as self-fulfilling prophecies?
Q15. What are the benefits of diagnostic labels?
HW #96 Due Date
Rd. Pg. 649-658
Q1. Describe the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder
Q2. Describe the symptoms of a panic disorder and how it escalates into a
panic attack
Q3. How did Charles Darwin develop Agoraphobia?

Describe how phobias could become incapacitating and provide an example

of a specific phobia
Q5. How did obsessive-compulsive disorder apply to Howard Hughes?
Q6. Describe the symptoms of post-traumatic-stress disorder, and it?s impact
amongst Vietnam veterans
Q7. Describe the stress-dose-response relationship
Q8. Provide an example of survivor resiliency
Q9. Describe the benefits of post-traumatic growth
Q10. Provide a detailed example of how fear conditioning, stimulus
generalization, and reinforcement play a role in developing anxiety
Q11. How does natural selection play a role in developing phobias?
Q12. How do genes indicate predisposition to phobias and anxiety in humans?
Q13. Explain the findings of fMRI scan on the brains with those who have OCD?

Q14. How do Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde explain dissociative identity disorder,
and describe the criticisms that this disorder is manufactured, and a valid
HW #97: Due Date
Rd. Pg.658-669

Q1. How is depression like the "common cold" of psychological disorders

Q2. How is depression protective for our psyche
Q3. Describe dysthmyic disorder and the symptoms of major depressive disorder
Q4. List maladaptive symptoms of bipolar disorder and its many example of
creative bipolar people
Q5. Describe the six facts that Peter Lewinsohn and his colleagues summarized
about depression
Q6. Summarize five facts about suicide
Q7. What variables triggers suicide?
Q8. What are the chances of depression amongst fraternal and identical twins?
Q9. Describe linkage analysis and association studies in the search for genes
of depression
Q10. Describe the role of serotonin and norepinephrine relevant to depression
Q11. How do anatomical structures of the brain change with depression?
Q12. Describe the pessimistic explanatory style and depression
Q13. Why did Martin Seligman argue depression is common amongst young
Q14. How is depression a vicious cycle?
Q15. Why do women have a doubled risk of depression compared to men?
Q16. How does depression elicit rejection?
HW #98:

Due Date

Rd. Pg.669-Pg.677
Q1. Why is chronic schizophrenia the cancer of psychological disorders?
Q2. How does a lack of selective attention affect schizophrenics?
Q3. Describe how delusions, hallucinations, the flat effect, and catatonia
affect schizophrenics
Q4. List and explain the four subtypes of schizophrenia
Q5. How do neurotransmitters dopamine, and glutamate affect the biochemistry
of schizophrenic brains?
Q6. What are some explanations for schizophrenics and their shrinking brains?
Q7. List the facts that support schizophrenia as a virus affecting women
during midpregnancy
Q8. Is there enough of evidence to prove that genetics influence the
Development of schziophrenia, and support your argument?
HW #99: Due Date
Rd. Pg.677-Pg.682
Q1. List the possible early warning signs of schizophrenia?
Q2. Describe the three clusters of personality disorders
Q3. How does ant-social personality describe the behavior Henry Lee Lucas?

Q4. How does social responsibility determine anti-social behavior, and what
do PET scans reveal about murderous minds?
Q5. Describe the studies done by Adrian Raine, and how the results reinforce
the biopsychosocial perspective?
Q6. Describe the statistical evidence reflecting how many people have
suffered a psychological disorder?
Q7. Do you have a family member or friend who has experienced a psychological
order? If so, has anything you have read in this chapter increased your
understanding of the challenges that person has been facing?
Chapter 17: Psychological Disorders
HW #100: Due Date
Rd. Pg. 685-Pg.699
Q1. Describe the process of free association and its criticisms
Q2. Describe interpersonal psychotherapy and how psychotherapist might treat
the case of Anna
Q3. How do humanistic therapist differ from psychotherapists?
Q4. What are the three hints towards listening more actively in your own
Q5. How did Mary Cover Jones treat thee year old peter, and what new method
of therapy was discovered?
Q6. How dies systematic desensitization and progressive reduction help with
common phobias?
Q7. Provide an example of virtual reality exposure therapy
Q8. How does aversion therapy treat alcoholism?
Q9. Describe the application of token economy, and criticisms of token
Q10. Describe Aaron Becks cognitive therapy or depression
Q11. How do individuals with OCD use cognitive-therapy to alter they way they
think and act?
Q12. Describe the benefits of group therapy and the wide-range of
implications on support groups
Q13. How are client's testimonials misleading concerning psychotherapy?
Q14. How do we attribute the results of therapy towards regression towards
the mean?
HW #101: Due Date
Rd. Pg.700-Pg.710
Q1. Describe the several reasons why client testimonials do not persuade
psychotherapys skeptics

Q2. Why are compliments by patients as well as expression of gratitude

misleading in terms of therapeutic effectiveness
Q3. Describe Hans Esysencks famous study disputing the effectiveness of
psychotherapy, and how his conclusions were interpreted by meta-analysis
Q4. Describe the studies in 1999 conducted by the National Institute of
Health confirming how psychotherapy works?
Q3. Describe the revolutionary effectiveness of EDMR on PTSD?
Q5. Explain the bright idea created by National Institute of Mental Health
researchers in battling SAD?
Q6. What are the findings from meta-analysis that helps treat demoralized
Q7. Describe the clashing viewpoints in term of cultures and values in
psychotherapy between psychotherapist Albert Ellis, and Allen Bergin? Q8.
Describe Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET)

HW#102: Due Date

Rd. Pg.711-Pg.720
Q1. Describe the double blind technique in terms of drug therapy
Q2. Contrast antipsychotic drugs that target D1 Dopamine receptors, compared
ant psychotic drugs that target D2 Dopamine receptors, and the side affects,
which go along with these powerful drugs
Q3. Discuss the criticism made of anti-anxiety drugs such as Xanax?
Q4. Describe the biological process of selective-seritonin-reuptakeinhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil?
Q5. How does increased seritnonin promote neurogenesis?
Q6. Describe the analyses of double blind clinical trials by Irving Kirsch
regarding the placebo effect and antidepressants
Q7. Explain the suicide-risk concern with Prozac, and should it be a
legitimate concern?
Q8. Provide evidence how the popular mood stabilizing drug lithium works
effectively on bipolar depression
Q9. Why is ECT the preferred treatment for depression that does not respond
to drug therapy?
Q10. Describe the double-blind experiment with 67 Israelis concerning rTMS
and depression
Q11. Why is psychosurgery such as lobotomies abandoned used as part of
biomedical therapies in the present day?
Q12. How does the story of the rescue of the drowning person in the river
illustrate new approach to preventing psychological disorders?

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