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The Little Elkhart Chapter of Trout Unlimited

Volume 1, Issue 6
November 2007

Trout Lines
Inside this issue:
Message From President, Mike Beachy
In the words of a Bob Dylan The more newsletters we can would be welcome. Presidents Message 1
song “the times are a chang- send out electronically the Safety Warning
ing” and so it goes for the Little more control we have over Photographs always make a
Elkhart Chapter of T.U. During printing and postage costs. If story or article more interest-
the course of this past year our you have an e-mail address yet ing. At the Little Elkhart Chap- Fence Stile Crossing 2
T.U. Chapter has begun to receive this newsletter by way ter’s October meeting a bylaw Project
define ourselves. What are our of the U.S. Postal Service, was passed to more closely
objectives and how can we please register your e-mail follow the photographic guide-
Willow Creek Project 2
achieve our goals have been with T.U. Go to the T.U. web lines used by Trout Unlimited
the focus of many discussions site and update your personal Magazine in our newsletter.
and frustrations. In this issue of information to include your e- The bylaw reads as follows: It
Trout Lines I wish to bring our mail address. Presently costs shall be the policy of the Little Hot Fly 3
chapter members up to speed incurred through printing and Elkhart Chapter of Trout Unlim-
on our projects, give you an mailing of this newsletter is by ited to publish only images
idea of what we have been far our greatest overhead ex- that portray responsible fishing Brown Trout Stocking 4
working on and possibly stir up pense. This money could be practices. Fish photos shall be
some volunteers. utilized in other more effective limited to trout and salmon
ways. that could be returned to the
One major accomplishment Stream Improvement 5
water alive, with a reasonable
has been this newsletter. It has I wish to invite the member- Project
allowed our organization to ship to submit articles to be expectation of survival.
communicate with our widely included in this publication. Trout Lines will accept photo- Advertisements 6
scattered membership. My Have you been trout fishing graphs for publication pro-
thanks go out to our Commu- lately? If so send us a fishing vided that they fall under the
nication Chairman, Chris Miller report. Do you have a spe- guidelines outlined above.
who has put in hours of work cial fly that has brought Some photos in the past have Special points of inter-
producing and distributing this you success? Send us a rec- fallen outside these guidelines. est:
publication. Chris is still work- ipe and photo to share In the spirit of conservation we
ing out the bugs in the system are attempting to improve. • Presidents Message
and fighting the cost of mailing
with others. Any story fo-
the newsletter to those with cusing on trout and salmon Michael Beachy • Hot Fly for the Lil’ Elkhart
no e-mail address. that you feel is interesting
Little Elkhart Chapter President
• New Officer Elections

December Meeting Guest Speaker • Chris Miller’s Last Newsletter

- Wahoo!
Guest speaker David Arring- vation District to formulate tion stage of “best management
ton Ph.D. and implement a Watershed practices” in an effort to protect
Management Plan for the Lit- the river from contaminates.
Dave is Senior Wildlife Ecolo-
tle Elkhart River drainage sys- Dave’s work fits with our chap-
gist and President of LGL Natu-
tem. ter’s efforts. Water quality im-
ral Resources Associates. LGL
provement is essential to provid-
Natural Resources has been Dave’s study and focus is on
ing trout survival and habitat
contracted through LaGrange water quality. He and his team
County Soil and Water Conser- are now to the implementa-
Volume 1, Issue 6 Page 2

Fence Stile Crossing Project

The fence stile-crossing project is off the lumber and hardware.
and running however it still has a long
way to go. Stile crossings are very con- Stiles are still available for placement.
venient for fishermen needing to cross If you know of a place that could use
a barbwire fence while decked out in a fence crossing please consult the
waders. Farmers appreciate the stile property owner and see if he would
crossings as well because it prevents be open to the idea then let Mike
stretching of fence wire and eliminates Beachy know where the spot is lo-
their fear of a gate being accidentally cated. We will do our best to con-
left open. Each stile is stenciled with struct a crossing where our members
the wording PROVIDED BY LITTLE ELK- would like to have one. It is a win-win
HART TROUT UNLIMITED, which pro- situation for everyone.
motes our organization to each fisher-
man using it.
Our thanks go out to Bob Roth for the
stile design and fabrication and to Ace
Hardware of Middlebury for donating

Little Elkhart Chapter Involved in Willow Creek Project

Chapter members Mike Beachy and Mike Gibbs volunteered to assist
St. Joe River Valley Fly Fishers in an initial clean up project on Willow
Creek in eastern St. Joseph County. Willow Creek is a small tributary
to the St. Joe River yet has suitable water temperature and habitat to
support brown trout.
SJRVFF is entering into a 100-year lease agreement with A.E.P.
Power Company for exclusive fishing rights on several miles of the
creek owned by A.E.P. The club will be granted fishing privileges in
exchange for stream restoration, improvements and maintenance.
The initial clean up project included rearrangement of logjams and
general trash removal. Logjams were cut open and the debris was
placed along the banks to enhance habitat and prevent bank ero-
Beachy and Gibbs work on a crew with John Law, co-chairman of
SJRVFF’s conservation committee. John is very experienced in this
type of stream work and was willing to share his knowledge. A clean
up similar to this project is being planned for the Little Elkhart River
this spring.
Volume 1, Issue 6 Page 3

Hot Fly For The Little Elkhart—Mike’s Maggot by Mike Gibbs

When asked at our last T.U. meeting to come up with this issues fly, I After I retreated from the telephone, I realized he had a
went into a panic of wide-eyed wonderment of which possible pat- point, Not about the rod of choice, but about the fly issue.
tern could I teach. After all, everyone knows the wrapping of the That got my ire up like an Irishman at an English Ball. How
wooly-bugger,the laymanship of the egg sucking leach, the ease of could I possibly give up using wax worms? They have been
the egg pattern, and various other well known popular patterns. So, a staple in my success for years. And not just steelhead, but,
again, what should I share? rainbows, browns, bluegills, large mouths, walleye...
The answer came a week or so ago. I was out doing some steel- When I finally came to my senses, I realized there was only
heading with (heaven forbid) my spinning rod. It was a spur of the one thing left to do. Since suicide is to messy, and there are
moment trip after work as the wife had other plans. Arriving at the too many fish I wish to catch, I better come up with a fly
stream, I realized, in my haste to peace and tranquility, I forgot to pattern replacement. Searching book after book to no avail,
pick up some wax worms, a favorite tipping to flies. After throwing Dr. Frankenstein decided to go to work and create one him-
several usual patterns to no avail, I scoured my fly box and spied an self. After several unsuccessful attempts, "life" was given to
old personal tried and true personal favorite. "Mike's Maggot" A few the form in my fingers, and my uprising inside stilled to a
casts later, a hit. No fish, but, a hit at least. I picked up several more quiet calm. I had transformed material to maggot form.
hits, but, no hook-ups. As I made my way home, I knew what I would
This fly can be weighted to a variety of weights, depend-
choose to pass along.
ing on how deep you want to go.
"Mike's Maggot", was something I came up with after a brief chastis-
ing for "CHEATING" by my friend Jim Phillips. He had just conveyed Mike Gibbs
his opinion on the spin fishing thing for steelhead versus the "right
and only proper -fly rod method" And that even though I was drift
fishing FLIES with my rod, it wasn't the same. And that "tipping" my
fly with wax worms was wrong in that it defeated the purpose of
using a fiy due to the baiting of the hook.

Hook: 10 - 12 (long or short shank, depending on the size you

Thread: Dark or Light Brown (Golden Tan works well)
Weight: .10 - .15 (weighted to preference)
Ribbing: Fine Copper/Gold Wire
Body: Cream/White dubbing (cotton like)
Head: Brown thread built up (dubbing may be substituted for lar-
ger ties
Volume 1, Issue 6 Page 4

Brown Trout Jumpstart Stocking Project

Brown Trout Jumpstart Stocking Project tion is high on these small trout yet jumpstart the process by once again
some do survive and grow to be nice stocking larger browns. Initially we
The Little Elkhart Chapter is looking into
sized trout. We are very appreciative of consider this to be a one-time event
raising money to purchase hatchery
the Elkhart Conservation Club’s efforts and then to evaluate the project’s suc-
brown trout and stock the catch and cess. Future stockings may be needed
and wish for those stockings to con-
release section with 8 to 10 inch fish. to maintain an optimal population
The number of trout for stocking will be however that is not in the plans at this
dependent on the money available. Historically the state of Indiana stocked point.
Essentially what we want to do is jump- brown trout of a larger size. In those The project is presently stalled with the
start the brown trout population. “days of old” fishermen realized a bet- Indiana DNR. A stocking permit is re-
ter brown trout fishery with bigger quired before we can go ahead with
Recently all of the Little Elkhart River’s brown trout reported. any such stocking of brown trout. They
brown trout come from the Elkhart Con- The conditions of the Little Elkhart want to determine if this project has
servation Club. The ECC purchases eggs River are adequate for brown trout merit and if the water can support
and hatches them in their private cold survival. The catch and release regula- more trout. We are continuing to work
water hatchery. The trout are released tions will protect the brown trout with the DNR and eagerly await the
population from harvest. We want to Departments evaluation
as small fry. Unfortunately natural attri-

Little Elkhart River Fishing Guide Project

The Little Elkhart Chapter is presently working sort of direction. much open trout fishing along the river
on a “Guide to Trout Fishing the Little Elkhart as possible. Fishermen play a large role
River”. We realize that the majority of our There are several public fishing areas in these potential conflicts. We ask that
chapter members do not live conveniently such as city or county parks. The city you be good stewards of our sport and
close to the Little Elkhart River and may not be of Middlebury owns a large section respect the properties along the river, it
familiar with it. We want our members to have of the catch and release waters and can go a long way towards good prop-
a favorable experience while exploring our these areas are open to fishermen erty owner-fisherman relations. Please
home waters. The guide will provide the unfa- without permission however the be mindful that while fishing most of
miliar fisherman with vital information when majority of the Little Elkhart River the Little Elkhart River you are the
making the trek to Elkhart and LaGrange flows through private property. “guest” of the owner who is permitting
Counties to try out the Little Elkhart River. We We realize that by popularizing this you to fish on their land. Under Indiana
intend to have a map of the river including river we run the risk of elevating law the water is owned by the state
near by county roads and directions to access problems between fishermen and however the ground under the water
sites. The guide will also include a short de- the property owners. We plan to belongs to the property owner. Asking
scription about the river at each access so a continue to work closely with the for permission to fish is always a good
first timer can plan out an outing with some property owners to maintain as idea prior to entering the stream

November Meeting Minutes

Members nominated chapter officers for the Conservation Chair: Mike Beachy fishing, and members are encouraged
year 2008 at the November meeting of the to attend.
Little Elkhart Chapter of Trout Unlimited. The Communication Chair: Brandon Ra-
election will be held at our December meet- sler -- Members Brandon Rasler and Jim
ing, with new terms beginning in January, Phillips said work on a LECTU guide
Note: Members can nominate a to trout fishing on the Little Elkhart
2008. different candidate for any office River was near completion.
The nominees: prior to the vote at our December
meeting. -- Member Jim Phillips was directed to
President: Mike Beachy (incumbent) pursue further negotiations with the
-- President Mike Beachy reported state for permission to stock eight-to-
V P: Leonard Gustin (incumbent) environmental consultant Dave Ar- ten inch brown trout this spring in
rington will present an update on the lower catch-and-release section of
Secretary: Lee Troyer The Little Elkhart Watershed Man- the Little Elkhart. Our initial request
Treasurer: Chris Miller agement Plan at our next meeting.
was denied.
This issue is key to our future trout
Volume 1, Issue 6 Page 5

Stream Habitat Improvement Project

The habitat improvement project has need to be reviewed and accepted by ing on for clarification. At the very least
been stalled for quite some time. We the DNR, Indiana Department of Environ- we will be doing some river clean up of
have attempted to get assistance from mental Management and sometimes the logjams this spring and summer.
several different sources however each Army Corp of Engineers prior to issuing
time it looks like we are making headway of specialized permits. Grant monies need
to be applied for and accepted for any In order for these types of projects to be
it never seems to materialize.
matching funding. This all takes time and successful we will need volunteers- lots of
expertise. volunteers. We will need manpower to
accomplish the needed result and your
Recently we have joined forces with the
assistance will be welcomed
St. Joe River Valley Fly Fishers club based
If all goes as planned the Little Elkhart
out of Mishawaka. They have expressed
Chapter could very well have a permitted
interest in helping us out. Their conserva-
project for the Little Elkhart River in the
tion committee has experience in this
near future. There are a lot of hoops to
area and has a good reputation with the
jump through but it looks like we are
Indiana Department of Natural Re-
finally on the right track. There are some
sources. Stream habitat improvement
improvements that can be done without
projects require careful planning which
permits and those are areas we are work-

An example of a
river section in need
of cleaning out to
improve flow and
stop erosion.

Members in Action
Volume 1, Issue 6 Page 6

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The Little Elkhart Chapter of
Trout Unlimited Mission
Trout Unlimited’s mission is to
conserve, protect and restore
North America’s trout and
salmon fisheries and their
The Little Elkhart Chapter of Trout Unlimited
13777 C.R. 8 Middlebury, IN 46540
Phone: 574-825-4467

Next Meeting
Dec. 12th
Mark your calendars:

December 12th next Little Elkhart meeting

Meeting Notice
The Little Elkhart Chapter
Meets the second Wednesday
of every month at 7:00 P.M. at
the Middlebury Public Library

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