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Trout Lines

The Little Elkhart Chapter of Trout Unlimited

President’s Message Inside This Issue:

It was a mid-June morning and the Some rainbows will however survive. Volume 2, Issue 3
sun was just starting to create a This year alone our members have Summer 2008
warm glow on the eastern horizon. I reported more hold over rainbows
found myself launching my boat on a being taken then in years past. I
nearby lake in search of walleye. attribute this to two factors. Primarily Presidents Message............... 1
Walleye, what the heck am I thinking! we now have catch and release. This
As I climbed into my boat and picked provides protection for these Warning to C&R fishermen ... 2
up a spinning rod I realized that I had rainbows and at least gives them a
not held a spinning rod in my hand better chance of survival then the Report Your Success In the
for over a month. frying pan. The other factor is last Catch and Release Section ... 2
year we were blessed with a lot of
The entire month of May I did nothing high water providing deeper cooler Fly of the Month From
but fly fish for trout. I opened my bail holding areas required for rainbow Mike Beechy............................ 3
and grit my teeth. I should be trout trout survival.
fishing. It was a perfect morning to be Volunteers Needed................. 4
wading the Little Elkhart in pursuit of The brown trout fishing this season
left over stocked rainbows and has been stellar. Brown trout are Spring Outing ......................... 5
resident browns. I was beginning to much more tolerant of the warm low
regret my decision to go walleye water of the summer. The Elkhart June Warm
fishing. Conservation Club has stepped up Water Rainbows ..................... 6
their brown trout stocking program in
This May proved to be a very good the catch and release area and it is April - May Trout Tally............ 7
month to fly fish for trout. This is the beginning to show. That coupled with
second year for catch and release the fact that our chapter stocked 500 Meeting
protected trout fishing on the Little eight to ten inch browns, has made Minutes.................................... 8
Elkhart River and it has proven to be brown trout fishing really good.
a wonderful asset. The early season Little Elkhart
rainbow trout fishery held up Officers Directory ................... 9
extremely well. The Indiana DNR
stocks nearly 600 rainbow trout at the
head of the catch and release
section. In years past those trout
would make a mad dash downstream These scrappy browns are a blast to
and within several weeks the catch on a dry fly during an evening
rainbows would be evenly distributed hatch or a soft hackle fished just
though out the river. Not so this year. under the surface. They seem willing
We were blest with high water levels to take a fly and for their size fight
and cool night temperatures that You can tell the difference between amazingly hard.
seemed to cause these rainbow trout the brown trout that were stocked by
to hold in the upper section. the Conservation Club and those Next spring you need to reserve the
placed by LECTU by the fin clipping. month of May for trout fishing. We
This was great news. It greatly Our brown trout have a right pectoral are striving to produce a year round
extended the rainbow trout season. fin clipped where the Conservation trout fishery but this past May has
Later in the summer as water Club browns do not. Presently many proven to be a month that is going to
temperatures begin to rise and water unclipped browns are being caught be hard to beat!
levels drop we unfortunately will see and released in the lower sections of
our rainbow trout population migrate the catch and release water
in search of cooler places. The bad signifying the brown trout population Michael L Beachy
news is many will never find cool is holding up well. President LECTU
enough water and will most likely
Volume 2, Issue 3 - Summer, 2008 Page1
Warning to Catch and Release Fishermen
By Mike Beachy
The summer months are upon us and with it warm water temperatures. Catching and releasing trout when the water
temperature is 74 degrees or higher can prove fatal to trout. The trout have a hard time recovering from a battle in water
temperatures that are too warm. I would suggest a voluntary moratorium on trout fishing any water that is in the mid 70’s
due to fish mortality.

Keys to successful catch and release:

a) Do not over play a fish to exhaustion. Get them in as quick as possible and get them back into the water
b) Always wet your hands prior to handling a fish. This will reduce the damage to the trout’s protective slime layer. Better
yet never touch the fish. Slide your hand down the line to the fly and unhook it.
c) Keep the fish in the water as long as possible. Unhook the trout while it remains in the net in the water.
d) Turn the trout upside down. If you have to handle a fish turn it upside down. This will disorient the trout and it will
temporarily hold still and not flop around. It also eliminates the need to squeeze the fish.
e) Pinch the barbs down on your hooks. You may loose some fish but it speeds up unhooking and reduces the chance of
damaging the fish’s mouth.
f) If a fish takes your fly deep cut the tippet as close to the fly as possible and get it back into the water as quick as
possible. Do not tear a fish apart in an attempt to recover your fly
g) Face the trout into the current free from sediments to revive a fish if necessary. Silt in a trout’s gills will decrease its
ability to take in needed oxygen. Release the fish gently back into the river. Do not toss it.

Sandy Troyer Don Fiwek

Report Fishing Success on Catch and Release Section:

We need detailed reports from you on your success or failure this year on the catch-and-release section of the Little
Elkhart River. This information is essential for our reports to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. The data
allows the IDNR to assess the continued viability of the program. The Little Elkhart River is only one of three streams
with designated stretches of catch-and-release fishing. We need the following information from you for each outing this

1. Date of outing.
2. Number of hours fished.
3. Number of rainbows caught and released
4. Number of brown trout caught and released.
5. Number of brown trout with a clipped right pectoral fin.
6. Fishing satisfaction: (poor, okay, completely satisfied).

Please send your response by e-mail to Jim Phillips at

Volume 2, Issue 3 - Summer, 2008 Page2
Fly of the Month down and around part of the hook
curve. This gives the fly a buggy
Soft Hackle look. Most nymphs that are drifting
usually ball up slightly and are not
Beachy’s Version laying flat.
Hook: TMC #2488 size 14 Over the thread cone wrap a coating
(Straight eye scud hook)
of body material. You can use what
Thread: 8/0 dark brown ever turns you on. Leonard Gustin
likes to use colored floss in yellow or
Body: dubbing of choice
orange. I prefer a bit of sparkle so I
Bead: 3/32 copper opt for a combination of Superfine It is tricky at first. You only need to go
Dry Fly Dubbing with a twist of Ice around the shank once or twice with
Hackle: partridge flank the hackle feather. Tie off and trim
Dubbing over the top. Wrap it in a
cone shape up to the back of the stem. Glue with head cement.
During the early season I discovered bead. Tie it off with a couple of half
brown trout feeding on surface hitches to secure the body then jump It is easy to over do the hackle wraps
insects. The soft hackle has proven the thread over the bead to the front. thinking more is better however these
to be very effective at catching these hackles represent the legs of the
browns. The trout were focused on emerging pupa. When wet and
the surface and looking upward for moving the hackle fibers will fold
their food source. The soft hackle fly back over the bead. Too many
imitates a hatching nymph or pupa hackles will hide the body and make
moving along with the current just the fly look like a cocoon. You want
under the surface scum layer. your hackles to be somewhat sparse.

Start by sliding a 3/32 copper (non-
tungsten) bead on to a #14
caddis/scud hook. Mount in vise. Next prepare the partridge flank
Secure the bead on the shank by feather. Cut or tear off the fuzzy base
wrapping a thread “football” just thick hackle fibers from the stem of the
enough to wedge the bead over. feather. Then cut off the tip of the
feather leaving a small triangle at the
tip to tie onto the shank. You only
need a ¼ inch section of hackle
fibers remaining on the stem. Then
anchor the small tip of the hackle I personally use a small copper bead
feather to the shank in front of the on my soft hackle to assist the fly at
bead. breaking through the surface layer
and not floating on the surface until it
is pulled under. What I particularly
like about a soft hackle is how you
fish it. It is so simple. You cast it to
Wrap the thread in front and in back the bank and allow the current to
of the bead crossing over the bead sweep the fly out and away. You
with the thread. You want to place want your fly line to drag in the
the bead just far enough back from current. When your line is straight in
the eye to allow the wrapping of the the current you simply pick it up and
hackle feather later on. do it again. You do not have to worry
about getting a drag free drift or
Grab the base of the stem of the mending your line to correct for the
hackle feather with a pair of hackle current. You do not have to worry
pliers and lift it straight above the fly. about underwater snags since the fly
Lick your finger and thumb of the is only an inch or two under the
other hand and fold both sides of the surface. You can fish this fly right
hackle fibers straight back towards over submerged trees without fear of
the tail of the fly. Wrap the hackle snagging. The takes are dramatic rod
feather stem around the shank of the jerking slams. There is no doubt
hook while at the same time holding about the strike.
the hackle fibers back with the other
Next wrap thread in a cone shaped hand.
under body from the back of the bead

Volume 2, Issue 3 - Summer, 2008 Page3

Volunteers Needed for River Work
The Little Elkhart Chapter of Trout Unlimited has been given the responsibility of cleaning out a one-mile section of the
Rowe Eden Ditch. This project was originally ear marked as a de-brushing project according to the Elkhart County
Drainage Board. Plans were to clear cut all trees 20 feet back from the waters edge and remove all woody debris from the
stream. This type of de-brushing project comes as a precursor to stream bed dredging. The property owners residing
along the ditch initiated this project and petitioned the drainage board. Apparently they have been experiencing flooding
issues during high water events.

The section of ditch requiring cleaning out runs from County Road 18 to the confluence of the Little Elkhart River. The
Rowe Eden passes under County Road 43 and State Road 20 in this project site. This ditch is a legal drain under the
jurisdiction of the Elkhart County Drainage Board. The Little Elkhart River is not a legal drain.

The name Rowe Eden “Ditch” is a misnomer. This is a cold

water trout stream and home to many brown trout. It connects
to the Little Elkhart River in the catch and release section and
is the major contributor of cold water to the Little Elkhart in
this section of river. The Little Elkhart Chapter was opposed
to this project as originally planned due to loss of trout habitat
in the streambed and the warming effect eliminating bank
side shade trees would have on the stream. We did not
however stand in opposition to the project since we did not
want to oppose the property owners who grant us permission
to fish along its banks.

The Indiana DNR came forward and stopped the project as

written. The reasons were due to required permits not being
granted for such a project and the future dredging would be a
state court battle since the Rowe Eden Ditch is one of six
stocked trout streams in Indiana. The DNR Division of
Fisheries would never willingly grant the dredging rights for such a stream without a court battle. As a result the project
was rewritten to one of logjam removal by rearrangement, not removal, and general cleaning of the streambed and banks
to increase drainage and water flow and prevention of future logjams in a trout friendly manner. The newly written project
was granted to the Little Elkhart Chapter of Trout Unlimited. LECTU volunteered its services to help out the property
owners, the County and to preserve our interest in the stream. This type of project requires no special permitting form the
DNR or the Army Corps of Engineers.

Recently our efforts have been delayed due to the Elkhart County Drainage Boards concern of liability issues and monies
we have requested to do the project. Originally the board planned on spending upwards of $16,000 for the de-brushing
phase of this project. We have asked for less than $5000 to assist us in purchasing equipment necessary to do this
project and to equip our chapter with the needed equipment for future conservation projects.

At this point we are scheduling “workdays”. We need your help in manpower. In the event that the Rowe Eden Project is
put on hold we will tackle other areas of the Little Elkhart River. We have plenty to do. We need to open some logjams
along the Little Elkhart by removing debris restrictions and accelerating the flow. This will make the river more fishable
and increase the oxygen content. Restricted water is slow water and it is easily warmed. General trash removal also
needs to be addressed.

We require your help. The more volunteers the better. Friends are welcome. Volunteers should expect to work in the
water. You will need waders (I recommend an old pair), work gloves and bug spray. Presently the chapter does not have
any equipment for volunteers. An old garden rake or hoe is a good instrument to pull out old sticks from logjams so bring
one with you if you have one. I also recommend that you pack a lunch and drink depending on how long you plan to stay.

Plans are to meet at Riverbend Park just east of Middlebury at 8:00 am. We will leave for the work site from there.
Weather permitting. If it is going to be a for sure rainout we will not work otherwise we will. Workdays are Saturday July
12, July 26, August 9 and August 23.

Please plan to attend as many workdays as possible. Thank you in advance.

Mike Beachy
Chairman; Conservation Committee

Volume 2, Issue 3 - Summer, 2008 Page4

Little Elkhart Chapter Spring Outing
On May 10 the Little Elkhart Chapter of Trout Unlimited hosted it’s third annual spring outing at Riverbend Park in
Middlebury on the banks of the Little Elkhart River. This years outing was well attended. Many of our chapter’s members
took advantage of the scheduled activities.

Chris Miller did a great job, taking members around on the stream access tours. Chris was able to show off the access
sites and explain a little about the river in the process. Members were able to get a good idea of where to fish and what to
expect at each access site.

Mike Beachy took several members out for some hands on fly fishing demonstrations. Don Waldrop of Goshen and
Patrick Ilada of Warsaw where successful at landing trout during the morning exercise. In the after lunch session a group
was taken streamside and explained how to probe logjams utilizing a streamer and the “dangle technique”.

Don Waldrop showing off his catch Lynn Roose providing instruction

Lynn Roose judged a fly casting competition on the park’s duck pond. Lynn’s three ring casting targets and limitations of
back casting challenged participants. She then gave casting instructions to those wanting to fine tune their skills. Thank
you to Lynn for sharing your expertise.

Lee Troyer was confined to a fly tying demonstration table due to a broken ankle he suffered on opening day of trout
season. It turned out to be a good addition to the outing. He gave tips on how to tie flies suitable for use in the Little
Elkhart River and was surrounded most of the morning by interested onlookers.

A bratwurst lunch was served around noon followed by a “pick of the table” raffle. The raffle netted the club over $300 and
many of the attendees went home with some quality prizes. We wish to thank all those who donated so generously to the
chapter’s brown trout stocking program through the Adopt-A-Trout raffle.

Special thanks go to Bill and Penny Myers who ran the signup and information desk, collected money and gave out
general information. The Myers team was a great asset serving as greeters to the attendees and helping to organize the

TU Members waiting for their numbers to be called during the raffle

Over all, the outing was a great success. Members from outside the immediate area were able to take away a lot of good
information about the Little Elkhart River and about our chapter. Our mission was to stir up interest in our home river and
that was accomplished. I hope that all those who attended left with a feeling of being connected to the chapter and the
Little Elkhart River.

We are still learning about how to run an outing. Plans for 2009 are already in the works. We should be more efficient with
our instructions and better organized. We hope to see all those who attended again next year. If you were unable to make
the outing this year, please plan to attend next year. Generally our outing is held the first or second Saturday in May.

Volume 2, Issue 3 – Summer, 2008 Page5

June Heat Can Prove Detrimental to Rainbows
By Mike Beachy
June greeted northern Indiana with several weeks of higher than normal temperatures. Daytime temperatures in the 80’s
and 90’s and warm nights combined for a spike in water temperatures along the Little Elkhart River. The Little Elkhart had
water temperatures in the low to mid 60’s during the month of May however June water temperatures were in the 70’s.
Rainbow trout can stand these water temperatures for a short period but several weeks of mid 70’s water can prove fatal
to rainbows unless they have plenty of oxygen and shaded deep holes.

The high water temperatures have caused the

state-stocked rainbows to vacate the extreme upper
sections of the catch and release waters. I assume
that these rainbows have gone in search of cooler
more suitable water downstream. Near the mid-
point of the catch and release section the Rowe
Eden Ditch enters the Little Elkhart River. It
generally runs several degrees cooler then the Little
Elkhart and provides a needed cooling effect for the
Little Elkhart downstream. Water farther
downstream is further influenced by springs and
runs cooler yet.

Fortunately these high June temperatures did come

with unstable weather conditions that resulted in
high precipitation. The water levels have remained
higher then normal. That could be the saving grace
for these rainbows. Provided that these fish can find
Patrick Ilada with a Little Elkhart Rainbow sanctuary in deep shaded holes they may have a
chance of surviving this unusually early heat wave.

I would not be surprised to find new populations of rainbows showing up in sections of the river downstream from
Middlebury that classically are cleaned out by catch and keep fishermen during the first couple weekends of the season.
Rainbows seem to migrate up and down the river in search of suitable habitat. By taking the water temperature reading
prior to fishing and looking for the coldest water, might be the best way to find these wondering rainbow trout populations.

Volume 2, Issue 3 – Summer, 2008 Page6

By Jim Phillips
Trout fishing continues to improve along the Little Elkhart River catch-and-release section, with significantly more trout this
year brought to net than during the same April-May time period in 2007.

The total number of trout taken from Opening Day (the last Saturday in April) through May 31 can be seen in the following

April-May Catch






2007 2008

A total of 197 trout were taken in 2007. This jumped to 432 in 2008 – a 119 percent increase. (These figures must be
regarded as minimal, since not everyone who fished along the catch-and-release section reported their catch.)

By species, it worked out this way:

RAINBOWS: Anglers reported netting and releasing 185 rainbows in 2007 and 278 in 2008 – a 50 percent increase.

BROWNS: Anglers reported bringing to net and releasing 12 browns in 2007 and 49 non-fin-clipped browns in 2008 – a
310 percent increase. The latter total is exclusive of the 500 fin-clipped browns we stocked this spring. If we add the 105
fin-clipped browns taken by anglers, the total brown trout catch jumps to 154 – a 1,183 percent increase. (Our fin-clipped
browns totaled 24 percent of the overall catch and 68 percent of the brown trout catch.)

Thus, we find that during the 2007 April-May time period rainbows accounted for 94 percent of the catch, while browns
totaled only 6 percent. In 2008 the percentage of rainbows declined to 64 percent, with browns (including fin-clipped fish)
increasing to 34 percent.

Anglers reported fishing a total of 135.5 hours, resulting in an average catch rate of 3.2 trout per hour.

Volume 2, Issue 3 – Summer, 2008 Page7

June Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2008
Mike Beachy brought the meeting to Fund Raising various options for putting the logo
order. Mike Beachy reported that we on apparel. He stated that caps sell
received a donation of a fly rod and the quickest. Fleece also sells good,
Meeting Minutes reel combo from LL Bean. We also however, there are shirts and other
There was one correction to the May received an Orvis 9’ 6 wt. Zero articles available as well. His
meeting minutes. They were Gravity rod blank through TU, which company will design the logo and
approved as corrected. Mike has built into a finished rod. We digitize it free of charge. His staff will
will be able to use these items for come up with several logo designs
Fishing Reports future raffles. and present at the next meeting.
Jim Phillips presented statistics on
fishing success in the catch and Communications Conservation
release section. There is a marked Brandon Rasler will be sending out Rowe Eden Ditch project – Mike
increase in the number of trout the next newsletter by the end of Beachy submitted a list of equipment
brought to net this year compared to June. Mike Beachy will include a soft to the County Surveyor to be used for
the same time period last year. The hackle fly for the Feature Fly section. the Rowe Eden project. The
catch rate this year is 3.2 trout per If anyone has photos that they would equipment totaled approximately
hour. Brown trout have made up a like to be included, please send them $4,500. It is hoped that if this
larger percentage of the total catch to Brandon. equipment is approved, we will be
than last year. This is partly due to able to retain this equipment for
the brown trout that the Little Elkhart Web site – Brandon Rasler reported ongoing projects. The County
Chapter released this year. that the domain name is Surveyor will need to take this
However, hold-over browns (no fin still available. He also reported that request to the County Drainage
clip) also increased this year over the cost of registration and hosting of Board on Tuesday. Mike has already
last year. our own web site would be $153.84 purchased an Echo brush cutter and
total for three donated it to the club. A big thanks
years through to Mike.
The site comes Mike also brought up several dates
with 10 gig of as possible work days, but no final
space. Mike decision was made. Mike will
made a motion discuss possible dates with Chris
that we go Miller and then finalize the work
ahead with the dates.
web site.
Leonard Gustin The Little Elkhart also needs some
seconded the trash cleanup. The fence on the
motion. The Schwartz property has a lot of trash
motion carried. in it that needs to be cleaned. This
Brandon will be was cleanup up last year but it looks
responsible for like this will be an ongoing challenge.
the site. It was
felt that we will Old Business
be able to Wayne Andrews spoke with Lowell
cross link with Miller about parking at the
There were a total of 50 rainbows tail NEITA and Southern Indiana TU on Middlebury well field. Lowell stated
punched when they were initially their sites. that parking is not allowed there for
caught. Only one has been caught a security reasons; however, we can
second time. Catch and Release Signage still walk along the stream in that
Mike Beachy stated that we have area. Parking is available on Spring
The water temperature at the CR 43 grant money for signs denoting the Street in the cul-de-sac.
Bridge was 70 degrees. It was 68 Catch and Release section. Tom
degrees at Riverbend Park and 67 Taylor volunteered to investigate the Next Meeting – July 9, 2008 at 7:00
degrees at CR 35. making of the signs. PM at the Middlebury Library

Treasurer’s Report LECTU Logo and TU Apparel Lee Troyer – Secretary

There was no Treasurer’s report. Andy Kitson, owner of Imagemill
reviewed the process for coming up
with a logo for the club and also the
Volume 2, Issue 3 - Summer, 2008 Page8
Little Elkhart Chapter Officers Directory
President ............................ Michael Beachy.......... ................................574-534-1123
V. President........................ Leonard Gustin........... ..................260-463-5020
Secretary............................ Lee Troyer.................. .........................574-875-5432
Treasurer............................ Chris Miller ................. .......................574-825-4467
Newsletter Editor ................ Brandon Rasler .......... ..............................574-333-3349

Little Elkhart River and Rowe Eden Ditch junction

The Little Elkhart Chapter of Trout Unlimited

13777 C.R. 8 Middlebury, IN 46540
Editor Email:

Meeting Notice
Second Wednesday of every Month at the Middlebury Public Library
Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 9 7:00 P.M.

Volume 2, Issue 3 - Summer, 2008 Page9

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