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T ro u t L i n e s

President’s Message Summer 2009

After about 6 casts and drifts I began
Several years ago a good friend and Presidents Message............... 1
to fall into a rhythm. The moon was
trout fisherman, talked me into night
now high and bright. Even though my Annual Spring Outing ............ 2
fly fishing for big browns on the Pere
fly would disappear into the shadows
Marquette River. The theory being Arrington Presents................. 2
that big brown trout are nocturnal and once on the water I could see well
enough to cast where I wanted. Brown Trout Stocking............ 2
feed mainly at night. We geared up
with heavy weight rods and short stout Feature Fly .............................. 3
I would allow my fly to drift as drag
leaders and tippets. In the light of the free as possible along the deep side of
moon we gingerly waded the river Log Jam Clean Up .................. 4
the run and they swing away at the tail
slinging a deer hair mouse. The large
out making a distinct “V” on the Catch and Release Guide ...... 4
flies would smack the surface and
surface as it would be dragged by the
through off a wake as they would LECTU Board & Elections ..... 5
current into the shallows. Just at the
swing across the flow of the river.
tail end of the drift and just before the LECTU Officers Directory...... 5
fly started to get dragged I heard a
It was certainly a foreign feeling being
“gulp” and felt my line twitch. I set
on a river in the dark of night. Sounds
the hook and the battle was on. down the barb on my fly to aid in
seemed to be amplified. The snap of a
twig, the calls from the future removals.
night birds and the
occasional rise of a trout I took several more browns that night.
left your ears ringing. With each trout caught and with every
The Pere Marquette cast I begin to feel more accustom to
outing proved night fishing. The fishing was not fast
unsuccessful for me that but intriguing. Two hours flew by so
night however the outing fast I had to check my watch twice. I
was very intriguing. will most definitely do more night
fishing however the conditions have to
That was the situation I be right for it. The moonlight is
found myself in on an required if you are to have a chance of
early June Friday night seeing what you are doing. You also
standing on the bank of have to be familiar with the waters
the Little Elkhart River. that you are fishing. Where are the
It was 10:00 and the holes, where are snags and where it is
night was dark and the clear to back-cast is information that is
sky was clear. The moon difficult to read at night. You want to
was just starting to rise use your flashlight next to never since
from behind the trees and it will put feeding trout down like a
it was really quite. It was spotlight on an escaped convict.
an eerie feeling standing next to the Fighting a fish in the darkness in a
stream in the dark of night. Even river full of snags was interesting. I Night fly-fishing adds another
though this was a section of stream I dimension to trout fishing and
could not see my leader so I had no
was very familiar with I felt out of my everything gets more difficult and
idea where the trout was taking me
element. My mind kept drifting to a frustrating as if fly-fishing wasn’t
other then the pull against the rod. Fly
skunk I had smelled recently and I rods are soft so it was difficult to feel frustrating enough. Some of the
hoped he was no where near. the direction of the fish. The trout browns I caught were only in 12
came to the net and I clicked on my inches of water way outside the main
I carefully stepped into the river and flow of current. That was a surprise
headlamp to examine my catch. It was
worked my way into casting position. for me to find quality trout in shallow
a stout 16-inch brown. The trout had
I opted to work a large hex dry pattern water.
inhaled my size 6 hex spinner and it
that had a lot of buoyancy. I wanted was difficult to retrieve the fly
something that would stay on top and especially in the darkness. I revived Michael L Beachy
drag in the current and have a large the trout and watched it dart away into President LECTU
silhouette against the moon lit sky. the dark water. I promptly pinched

Summer, 2009 Page1

planted with wild grasses that secure
Annual Spring David Arrington the bank and act as a filter to prevent
Outing Addresses Chapter manure from running off directly into
the water way. This type of project
The annual spring outing was met will insure that the Little Elkhart stays
Dave Arrington Ph.D. presented an
with great success this past May at pristine. Dave remarked that now high
update on his water quality
Riverbend Park Middlebury. water events aid the river in cleaning
improvement project for the Little
Unfortunately the weather did not itself rather then being a detriment.
Elkhart River. Dave highlighted an
cooperate as planned turning overcast over view of the project and where
and cold after what looked like a they are at now in the implementing of
Brown Trout
promising sunrise. the best management practices. Stocking 2009
The guided fishing trips and stream Dave showed a power point
access tours were popular again this LECTU stocked the Little Elkhart
presentation showing the problem hot River catch and release area with 500
year with many members taking spots. The problems that are of brown trout in mid May. These trout
advantage. greatest concern are livestock that were larger then last years stocking
have free range into the river with many of then being quite
especially barnyards that are too close impressive. The trout were evenly
to the river. High water events cause distributed through out the C&R
the manure to run off directly into the section with no one area being
river. This increases the level of E- favored.
coli, nitrogen and phosphates well
beyond what are tolerable water
pollution levels.

In addition to high contaminates the

livestock trample down the backs
Andy Kitson presented a fly tying
causing erosion that leads to high
demonstration that was enjoyed by
sedimentation during the spring run
those observing. The wind was too
off and high rain events. These
strong for casting instructions but was sediments cover the rocky substrate of
available. the river bottom choking out bug life
and essential trout food with sand.
After a cook out lunch participants
took part in a raffle taking home some
Part of Dave’s study deals with macro
nice prizes and raising funds for the
invertebrate assessment and
chapter in the process. The Adopt-A-
identification. These bugs are used as
Trout brown trout stocking fundraiser
indicator species and are a way to
was held and Brian Willard of Funding for the stocking was made
monitor water quality.
Syracuse Indiana was the grand prize possible through the Adopt-A-Trout
recipient of the custom built Orvis fundraising efforts of our chapter.
9foot 6wt. Fly rod and Battenkill mid- Thank you to all those that made
arbor reel combo. donations to make this stocking
successful. These brown trout are
I would like to thank everyone for there to supplement the Elkhart
coming to the outing especially those Conservation Club stocking of
of you that the local core-group had fingerling brown trout and to establish
not met prior. It was great having the a resident population of brown trout
local guys getting together with other required to have a year round trout
members that traveled to the outing. fishery.
The cleaner the water the more bugs.
We hoped to expose you to the river
They are measuring the amount of Being able to fish trout in the late
and what it offers to you, the angler. I
bugs before and after to use as a tool summer and fall in Northern Indiana
hope that you all felt welcomed.
to make sure the project is working. with a reasonable possibility of
I would like to thank all the members Dave informed the T.U. members that success and having a resident brown
who volunteered their time and there are plenty of bugs for trout to trout population large enough to make
expertise to make this year’s outing a feed on and the river should support it worth the effort is simply awesome.
success. trout with no problem. This chapter is responsible for that and
you should take great pride in the
If you were unable to make it this year Dave showed slides before and after
knowing that as a member of this
keep us in mind for next year. This of fencing projects that his
chapter you helped make that a reality.
type of gathering is good for the organization has done. The livestock
chapter and it’s membership. were fenced out of the water way by
20 feet on either side then the area was
Summer, 2009 Page2
Thread bead on hook, attach thread in Attach turkey feather section of wing
Feature Fly shank making a small football to stop casing material. Dub a big thick thorax
“Olive Mid-Body bead from sliding forward. Slide bead body of Dark Olive ‘Possum Dubbing
onto thread stop keeping it 1/16” back the same size as the bead between the
Bead Nymph” from eye. Cross thread over bead and abdomen and the bead. Jump your
wrap front and back several times at thread forward of the bead
by Mike Beachy different spots on bead to secure.
Wrap thread on behind bead.
This nymph is one that I began to tie
after taking a class from renowned
Northern Michigan fly tier; Dennis
Potter. In his class he taught a
pheasant tail tied in a like fashion. The
mid-body bead is hidden inside the
thorax of the fly and is not exposed as
a giant head behind the eye of the
hook. The other detail that Dennis
taught was to go ahead and bend the
tail of the fly around the bend of the Attach olive ostrich herl and wrap
hook. A natural drifting nymph is several times around the shank like
usually wiggling through the current Tie on 3 to 5 olive pheasant tail fibers you would a hackle in front of the
and is seldom laying flat. The bent tail about half the length of shank for tail bead making the nymph legs.
section of the fly appears more length. Wrap tail around hook bend a
lifelike. little so fly looks curved when
complete and not perfectly flat. Tie in
Dennis used rubber legs on his nymph fine copper wire for ribbing on the
rather then the ostrich herl but you can next step.
do what feels right to you. I have
never found an advantage to the
rubber legs in rather strong current
although they may look good in
slower flows. I have also found that
brown trout have a tendency to tear up
the rubber legs and I just end up
fishing them with tore off legs and do
Bring wing casing over the top of the
just as well without them.
‘Possum, the bead and the ostrich hurl
and tie down. Continue to wrap thread
I use this fly as one of two flies in a
to create a head in front of herl and
nymph rig or as a trailer fly tied on 20
Use olive Spectrablend dubbing and behind the hook eye. Tie off thread
inches behind a streamer fly dangled
dub a cone shaped abdomen from tail and glue.
into a run or around woody cover. It
has worked very well for me this early to 1/16” behind bead. Spiral-wrap fine
season of ’09 and I will most likely copper wire to form rib separations on
continue its use into the summer the abdomen then bind down with
however I will most likely downsize it thread.
to a size 14 or 16 when the water gets
warmer and shallower.

Hook: 1Xlong nymph hook size 12

Bead: 1/8” tungsten faceted black
Tail: Olive pheasant tail fibers
Abdomen: Spectrablend light or
dark olive, fine copper wire rib
Thorax: Awesome ‘Possum
dubbing dark olive
Wing Case: Pre-glued turkey or
pheasant tail section
Thread: 6/0 black
Legs: Olive ostrich herl

Summer, 2009 Page3

River Log Jam Safely Release Your c) Keep the fish in the water as
long as possible. Unhook
Clean up Catch the trout while it remains in
the net in the water.
For the third year LECTU will be These guidelines have appeared
holding four workdays this summer. in prior newsletters however d) Turn the trout upside down.
The focus of the clean up is to open up they are worth mentioning
the main river channel and clean out
If you have to handle a fish
some of the logjams that impede the
again. Our trout are a great turn it upside down. This
flow of the river. The logjam clean out resource and the reason why we will disorient the trout and it
accomplishes several objectives. enjoy our sport. The more trout will temporarily hold still
in our waters the better fishing and not flop around. It also
By opening the flow of the river, we have. Fish are good to eat
water is allowed to flow more freely. eliminates the need to
Moving water creates oxygen and but are more fun to catch. The squeeze the fish.
prevents warming that occurs when practice of catch and release has
water is backed up. Moving water will proved to be successful and e) Pinch the barbs down on
help scour the bottom creating more allows the pleasure of fishing your hooks. You may loose
trout habitat. Opening flow through without depleting the some fish but it speeds up
areas help make log jams more
fishable by removing snags. population. Trout are a fragile unhooking and reduces the
fish that require special care to chance of damaging the
The debris that are removed from the successfully survive being fish’s mouth.
log jams are then either discarded up caught and released. Knowledge
on the bank or rearranged to narrow f) If a fish takes your fly deep
the river and deflect flow creating
of the following guidelines will
aid in this process. cut the tippet as close to the
more trout habitat. Legally all work
has to be done by hand and using hand
fly as possible and
tools only otherwise permits have to get it back into the
be secured. Many times the logs that water as quick as
require moving are heavy and require possible. Do not
several guys to accomplish the task. tear a fish apart in
We need volunteers to assist in these an attempt to
projects. The camaraderie is good and recover your fly
we always have a blast. I would
encourage you to come and help out. Face the trout into
Bring someone with you especially if the current free
they are young and strong. The work from sediments to
may be hard but the rewards can be
fulfilling. It is a great way to get to
revive a fish if
know the river and it’s secret spots. It necessary. Silt in a
will make you a better fisherman once trout’s gills will
you are in tune with the river. Keys to successful catch and decrease its ability to take in
release: needed oxygen. Release the fish
You will need to come ready to get in
the water. Waders and bug spray is a gently back into the river. Do
must. I would recommend a garden a) Do not over play a fish to not toss it.
rake and some rubberized gloves. exhaustion. Land them in as
quick as possible and get
Scheduled workdays are Saturday July them back into the water
11, July 25, August 15 and August 29.
We will meet at Riverbend Park just b) Always wet your hands
east of the stoplight in downtown "A good gamefish is too
Middlebury at 8:00am each day. prior to handling a fish. This valuable to be caught only
Generally we work until noon and will reduce the damage to once."
then go fishing. We will work if it is the trout’s protective slime - Lee Wulff
lightly raining however if it is a layer. Better yet never touch
downpour and if there is lightning we the fish. Slide your hand
will not work.
down the line to the fly and
unhook it.

Summer, 2009 Page4

LECTU Board of Directors & Election Meeting
Recently LECTU adopted a new set of bylaws for the governing of our chapter. As a result in the timing of this project LECTU was
void of three acting Board of Directors. In recent action taken at the June meeting three active members in good standing volunteered
to serve as interim Board members until our September 9, 2009 annual membership meeting. At the September meeting Board of
Directors elections will take place and the Board of Directors will be voted into those positions.

The members who volunteered and will serve as interim Directors are Brandon Rasler, Tom Taylor and Jim Phillips. The remaining
Board of Directors are the officers of the Chapter and the most recent past president.

The Annual Meeting of the Little Elkhart Chapter of Trout Unlimited will be held on September 9, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Middlebury Library. At this meeting we will be holding our annual elections. The seats that will need to be decided are:


Vice President



Board of Director (one-year term)

Board of Director (two-year term)

Board of Director (three-year term)

Any member of good standing (at this point everyone is) who has a desire to serve in any one of these capacities needs to contact one
of the LECTU officers to have their name included on the election slate. Nominations will be taken from the floor as well prior to the
election. The slate of officers will be posted on our web-site ( prior to the September meeting as required by the bylaws.

Little Elkhart Chapter Officers Directory

President ............................ Michael Beachy.......... ................................574-534-1123
V. President........................ Leonard Gustin........... ..................260-463-5020
Secretary............................ Lee Troyer.................. .........................574-875-5432
Treasurer............................ Don Fiwek ..................
Newsletter Editor ................ Brandon Rasler .......... ..............................574-333-3349

LECTU Logo merchandise available at

Get the official LECTU logo apparel on the web site. Need a hat, shirt or jacket? Why not sport your T.U.
chapter logo. Proceeds go to the chapter projects and support a worthy cause

“My biggest worry is that my wife, when I’m dead, will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.”
-Koos Brandt

Summer, 2009 Page5

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