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Survey Research; the profound impact of the internet

Survey research is the use of a questionnaire to gather facts, opinions, and attitudes; it is the most
popular way to gather primary data.
Surveys have a high rate of usage in marketing research compared to other means of collecting
primary data, for some very good reasons.
1. The Need to know why
Why people do or do not do something. It doesnt mean to imply that surveys can prove
causation, only that they can be used to develop some idea of the causal forces at work.
2. The need to know how
To understand the process consumers go through before taking some action. How did
they make the decision?
3. The need to know who
To know who the person is, from a demographic or lifestyle perspective. Information on
age, income, occupation, marital status, stage in the family life cycle, education, and
other factors is necessary for the identification and definition of market segments.
For the Myanmar Indobest Company (MIB) distributes consumer product (FMCG)
and coffee mix (Sunday Coffee and Rich coffee)
The company have conducting survey to know why sales volume from city area is
less than countries area even population in city area is concentrated. They need to
know how to increase sales revenue from targeting different level of market
segments, and they need to identify which outlets can provide more sales revenue so
that efficient and effective distribution channel could be identified.
Two types of errors in Survey Research
1. Random or Random sampling error
Error that result from chance of variation. The difference between the sample value
and the true value of the population mean. This error cannot be eliminated, but it can
be reduced by increasing the sample size.
2. Systematic Error
Systematic error, or bias, results from mistakes or problems in the research design or
from flaws in the execution of the sample design. It includes all sources of error
except those introduced by the random sampling process. Therefore, systematic errors
are sometimes called no sampling errors. The non-sampling errors that can
systematically influence survey answers can be categorized as sampling design error
and measurement error.

2.1 Sampling design error; it results from an error in the sample design or sampling
procedures. This includes Frame Errors, Population specification errors, and selection
2.1.1 Frame Error

The sampling frame is the list of population elements or members from which units to
be sampled are selected. Frame error results from using an incomplete or inaccurate
sampling frame.
2.1.2 Population Specification Error
Population specification error results from an incorrect definition of the population or
universe from which the sample is to be selected.
2.1.3 Selection Error
Selection Error can occur even when the analyst has a proper sampling frame and has
defined the population correctly. Selection error occurs when sampling procedures are
incomplete or improper or when appropriate selection procedures are not properly
2.2 Measurement Error
Measurement error occurs when there is variation between the information being
sought (true value) and the information actually obtained by the measurement
process. Various type of error may be caused by numerous deficiencies in the
measurement process. These errors include surrogate information error, interviewer
error, measurement instrument bias, processing error, nonresponse bias, and response
a) Surrogate information error
Error that results from a discrepancy between the information needed to solve a
problem and that sought by the researcher.
b) Interviewer error or interviewer bias
Error that results from the interviewers influencing consciously or unconsciouslythe answers of the respondent.
c) Measurement instrument bias
Error that results from the design of the questionnaire bias.
d) Processing error
Error that results from the incorrect transfer of information from survey document to
a computer.
e) Nonresponse bias
Error that results from a systematic difference between those who do and those who
do not response to a measurement instrument.
f) Response bias
Error that results from the tendency of people to answer a question incorrectly
through either deliberate falsification or unconscious misrepresentation. Deliberate
falsification occurs when people might knowingly misrepresent information in a
Type of Surveys
1. Door to Door interviews
2. Executive Interviews

3. Mall-Intercept interviews
Interviews conducted by intercepting mall shoppers and interviewing them face to
4. Telephone interviews
a. Inexpensive
b. High quality sampling
a. Respondents cannot be shown anything in a typical telephone interview.
b. Unable to make the various judgments and evaluations that can be made by in
home interviewers (e.g., evaluations concerning income, based on what the
respondents home looks like and other outward signs of economic status)
c. It limits the quality and types of information that can be obtained.
d. The potential for personality bias in phone surveys.
The most appropriate method for MIB Company to conduct survey (Sunday and Rich
Coffee Mix) is door to door interview by asking retail and whole sales outlet in the market
area. To minimize the error in survey research, MIB need to consider overall market size,
population and sample frame. Careful preparation of questionnaires and selection of
sample outlet are important factors in conducting surveys.
For MIB (Mandalay) branch, coverage outlet areas are

Mandalay area
Ma Tha yar area
Sainging area
Shwe Bo area
Myin Chan area
Pyin Oo Lwin
Moe Goat area
Myit Thar area
Tha Da Oo area

To ensure sample result is representative of the population as a whole, sample size is 30

percentage of total outlet areas.

Survey Research on the internet

Most companies today face shorter product life cycles, increased competition, and a rapidly
changing business environment. Management decision makers are having to make complex,
rapid fire decision, and internet research can help by providing timely information. The specific
advantages of online surveys include the following.
1. Rapid deployment, real-time reporting


Dramatically reduced costs

Ready personalization
High response rates
Ability it contact the hard to reach
Simplified and enhanced panel management
Profitability for research firms

Disadvantage of Online surveys

1. Internet users are not representative of the population as a whole.
2. Problem with security on the internet.
3. Unrestricted internet sample; a self-selected sample group consisting of anyone
who wishes to complete and internet survey.
Online survey is the efficient means of conducting surveys in term of cost, sample size and
administrative work. However, online survey is only effective for city area rather country side
areas because of availability of internet service. MIB use online survey to make market research
for FMCG products.
Total Number of outlets(Email)


Non Response

Total duration; 15 days

To attract respondent to fill out questionnaires, the company use lucky draw program in
the period of surveys.
Conducting Online Surveys
The questionnaire; the questionnaire is prepared like a simple email message and sent to a list of
known email addresses. The respondent fills in the answers and emails the form with his or her
or his replies back to the research organization. A computer program is typically used to prepare
the questionnaire and the email address list and to extract the data from the responses.
Email questionnaires are simple to construct and fast to distribute.

Creating online questionnaires

The simplest way to create an internet survey is to use a survey design web site.
Determination of the Survey Method (Factors affecting the choice of survey method)
1. Sampling Precision; the greater the accuracy in the study is needed, the more rigorous
and expensive sampling procedures may be appropriate
2. Budget


Quality and reliable of data requires

Length of questionnaire
Incidence rate
Time available to complete survey
Online questionnaires need to be simple and easy to answer because respondents cannot
be explained if they dont understand the questions. It should not too long to answer.
Market research is now important for company in competitive environment.
To make sure long term relation of customer is more profitable than crating new
customers. Company needs to know what the customer like and dislike.
The choice on offering products to customers are crucial for business success.
For the MIB company, on time delivery is an essential part of operational strategy. The
survey result indicate which products need to be withdraw or promote, which outlet areas
need to be attention or protected from competitors.

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