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10.1. SYSTEMREQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................................................17
10.1.1. OverallInstrumentationandControlPhilosophy.....................................................................17
10.1.2. SystemsInterface....................................................................................................................18
10.1.3. ControlRoomandHumanMachineInterface..........................................................................19
10.2. PCSSPECIFICDESIGNREQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................................19
10.2.1. PCSArchitecture......................................................................................................................19
10.2.2. FunctionalRequirements.........................................................................................................20
10.2.3. DataCommunication...............................................................................................................21
10.2.4. TankLevelMeasuringInstrumentation...................................................................................21
10.3. COMMUNICATIONSPHILOSOPHY..............................................................................................................22
10.3.1. TelephoneSystem....................................................................................................................22
10.3.2. ITNetwork...............................................................................................................................22
10.3.3. PublicAddressandGeneralAlarmSystem...............................................................................22
10.3.4. CloseCircuitTVandSecuritySystem........................................................................................23
10.3.5. MeteorologicalSystem............................................................................................................23
10.3.6. RadioEquipmentRoom...........................................................................................................23


11.1. SIMULTANEOUSOPERATIONS..................................................................................................................24
11.2. MATERIALSHANDLING/ACCESSIBILITY/DROPPEDOBJECTPROTECTION............................................................24
11.2.1. MaterialsHandling..................................................................................................................24
11.2.2. Accessibility.............................................................................................................................24
11.2.3. ImpactProtection....................................................................................................................25
11.3. GENERALHOUSEKEEPING.......................................................................................................................25




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1.1. Background
PT. Pelindo Energi Logistik (PT. PEL) as a subsidiary of PT. Pelindo III, which
engaged in provision of energy and electricity, have been collaborated with PT.
Indonesia Power in LNG Receiving Terminal Project, for supplying gas to the Dual
Fuel Engine Power Plant in Pesanggaran, Bali.

1.2. RU Operational Philosophy

1.2.1. Scope
This document outlines the operational philosophy for the Regasification Unit (RU). It
is anticipated that this document shall be updated and re-issued on an as-required
basis throughout the development of this project.

1.2.2. Objectives
The objectives of this operations philosophy are to ensure:
a. Health, Safety and environment (HSE) objectives are achieved;
b. Technical and mechanical integrity are maintained;
c. Life cycle economics are optimised;
d. Legal compliance;
e. To provide an overall vision of how the RU shall be operated.
This document also presents the key operational requirements to be incorporated
into the design of the RU. Operational requirements are set out in general terms; the
detailing of which shall be undertaken in the development of the Basis of Design
(BOD) document.

1.3. RU Overview, Specifications and Utilities System

1.3.1. Overview
The Regasification Unit development consists of the following:
a. LNG pumps from buffer tank to vaporizer
b. LNG vaporisation units.
c. Gas Heater and metering system

1.3.2. LNG Buffer Tanks

The LNG buffer tanks shall operate at slightly above atmospheric pressure and
approximately -160C, refer to BOD for actual value.
The buffer tanks shall share a common boil-off gas (BOG) handling system.
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The RU can supply gas to Power Plant minimum for 3 hours when the FSU fail to
supply LNG.

1.3.3. Gas Pressure and Temperature at Delivery Point

The vaporised gas shall be delivered to the pipeline inlet under pressure and
temperature control. The inlet pressure to the pipeline is set by the end user pressure
requirements and is detailed in the BOD.

1.3.4. Utility Systems

The key utility systems for the RU and their main functions are as follow (optional) :
a. Compressed air systems: for the supply of two types of compressed air:
Plant air, compressed undried air, for air driven tools and other
Instrument air, compressed dry air, for control and shutdown
instrumentation, panel purging;
b. HVAC system for pressurised spaces;
c. Firewater system, which shall comply with marine as well as offshore
safety practices;
d. Service water system for the distribution of seawater throughout the RU
as service water where required;
e. Fuel gas system used for the disposal of boil-off gases;
f. Emergency Power generation and distribution system onboard the RU;
1.4. Abbreviations
The abbreviations summarised in Table 1.1 are used throughout this report.
Table 1.1: Abbreviations



Ambient Air Vaporisers


As Low As Reasonably Practical


American Petroleum Institute


Breathing Apparatus


Basis of Design


Boil-Off Gas


Competency Based Training and Assessment


Central Control Room


Closed Circuit Television




PT. Pelindo Energi Logistik


LNG Regasification Unit Contractor


Decibel-A weighted scale


Emergency Shutdown

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Engineering Work Stations


Fire and Gas System


Floating Regasification Unit


First Valve On


Health, Safety and Environment




Integrated Control and Safety System


Intermediate Fluid Vaporiser


Inert Gas


IMO Gas Code


Inert Gas Generator


International Maritime Organisation


Kilo-Pascal gauge


Local Area Network


Liquefied Natural Gas


Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier


Maximum Allowable Relief Valve Setting


Management Information System


Millions standard cubic feet per day


Millions Tonne Per Annum


Operating Expenses


Onshore Receiving Facility


Operator Work Stations


Public Address and General Alarm


Process Control System


Passive Fire Protection


Process Monitoring and Control System


Power Management System


Personal Protective Equipment


Process Shutdown


Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Study


Radio Equipment Room


Search and Rescue Radar Transponder


Safety Instrumented System


Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans


Storage and Regasification Terminal


Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping


Shell and Tube Vaporisers


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol


Total Shutdown


Unit control Panels


Uninterruptible Power Supply

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2.1. Health
Health hazards shall be identified (such as chemicals, toxic material, noise and heat
etc) and appropriate means incorporated into the design to minimise the risk to
personnel from these hazards.
A database of all hazardous materials shall be established during the detailed design
phase of this project. This database shall include Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
for all chemicals to be used on the RU, and shall be available electronically and in hard
A separate safety management system for handling/storing and treating exposure to
hazardous materials/chemicals shall be developed during the detailed design phase of
this project.
A person qualified to act as a paramedic shall be present on the RU at all times.
Asbestos or materials containing asbestos, tar-coal epoxy coatings and heavy metals
shall not be used in the design of or during the operation of the RU.
Personnel shall not be subjected to passive smoking.

2.2. Safety
The design and operation of the RU shall conform to the requirements of the relevant
local laws and regulation and applicable codes and standards. The safety in design
philosophy shall be one of identification of potential hazards under normal perceived
operating circumstances and designing to reduce the risk from these hazards to
ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practical).

2.3. Environment
The RU shall meet the local regulation and company requirements in relation to
environmental management. An environmental management plan shall be developed
during detailed design phase of this project, which shall outline any conditions imposed
by local regulators in relation to environmental management.
A design and operating philosophy of energy conservation shall be pursued where
The use of halons or ozone depleting chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) is prohibited.
Alternatives shall be used which have less effect on the environment (ozone layer).
Flare system is the preferred method to dispose of process vent gases on the RU.
However, if cold venting is proposed then CONTRACTOR shall undertake dispersion
modeling of the vent gases to verify that the system shall meet all safety requirements.
Operational flaring/venting shall be minimised. The operational design approach of the
RU shall be to limit flaring/venting to ALARP.

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Monitoring of effluents (gaseous and liquid) discharged to the environment shall be

conducted to provide an overall inventory of pollutant discharges.

2.4. Emergency Equipment

The RU shall be equipped with all necessary emergency equipment:
a) Fire fighting equipment (such as monitors, hose reels etc.);
b) First aid room, fully equipped and within accommodation module;
c) Safety showers, eye wash, first aid kits; and
d) Breathing apparatus (BA) sets.

2.5. Personal Protective Equipment

Staff shall be supplied with personal protective equipment (PPE) to enable safe
operation and maintenance of the RU.

2.6. Emergency Response Plan

An Emergency Response Plan shall be developed for the RU. This plan shall address
all credible events and shall cover:
a. An emergency including, but not necessarily limited to gas release, fire,
explosion, vessel collision;
b. Medical emergency response;
c. Hurricane plan; and
d. Environmental emergency.
Emergency response simulation exercises shall be carried out and shall be defined
within the HSE Plan. A twice a year a simulation exercise shall be conducted which
shall involve the RU and the Emergency Management Team.

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3.1. Staffing
Staffing numbers shall be sufficient to provide for all routine operations and
maintenance such that technical integrity is assured and overall gas export availability
is optimised.
For contract labour involved in specialised operational and maintenance activities,
appropriate remuneration rates and conditions shall apply.
For the current functional engineering phase, RU normal operational staffing shall
include, but not limited to, the following personnel/disciplines:
a. Regasification/production superintendent/Site Manager
b. Regasification/production operators and technicians:
Note the numbers of personnel noted above are indicative.

3.2. Competency, Development and Training

A Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) system shall be established
as part of the management system. The CBTA system shall ensure that individuals are
trained in all safety and production critical activities and they shall be objectively
assessed to be competent to perform the necessary tasks.
Where appropriate the CBTA system shall also include proficiency in English. General
cultural awareness training shall be provided where this is required.
The CBTA system shall be designed and implemented to assure competency of
operations personnel prior to RU startup.
Staff development shall be continuously addressed so that the workforce skills base is
broadened with the objective of leading to an improvement in operating efficiency and
safety. This shall be carried out as part of an annual appraisal process.

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The LNG buffer tanks shall be operated in accordance with IGC code and applicable
codes, laws and regulations. The detailed LNG buffer tank operational procedures are
to be developed during the detailed design phase of this project.
Buffer tank is to be inspected per annum. CONTRACTOR shall provide inspection
procedures, specifications, and acceptance criteria in accordance with applicable
codes, standards, laws and regulations.


5.1. LNG Transfer Operations
5.1.1. LNG Transfer General Requirements
Throughout cargo transfer operations, the LNGC /FSU and the RU should station a
responsible person at the designated control rooms. The manifold area on the RU is
constantly monitored by CCTV's with the monitors placed in the CCR. In addition, on
the LNGC, throughout the cargo transfer, a responsible person equipped with a
portable radio should be stationed at or near the cargo pump controls to take action
as required.
LNG transfer should begin at a slow rate to enable the RU to check that the pipeline
system is correctly set. The transfer rate should be reduced when the RUs tanks are
reaching their filling limits.
Towards the end of transfer and at other critical periods, visual contact should be
established between responsible officers on both ships. This should be in addition to
portable radio communication.

5.1.2. LNG Flow Rates

Before starting cargo transfer, the LNGC/FSU must be informed by the RU of the
flow rates required for the different phases of the cargo operation. If variations in
transfer rate become necessary, the RU should advise the LNGC/FSU accordingly.
The agreed transfer rate shall not exceed the recommended flow rates for the
loading arms in use.
During cargo transfer, the maximum transfer rate should be kept consistent with the
receiving ships receiving capacity.

5.1.3. Vapour Return

The vapour return connection limits the need for vapour release to the atmosphere,
and may improve the transfer rates as well. A vapour return connection is mandatory
for the RU.

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5.1.4. Accidental Cargo Release

Any leakage or spillage should be reported immediately to the officer in charge who
should stop the cargo transfer.

5.1.5. Metering Requirements

It is considered necessary to install a dedicated LNG loading metering system on the
RU. The custody transfer content from the LNGC/FSU to the RU shall be established
by ullage.

5.1.6. Completion of Cargo Transfer

After completion of cargo transfer the following operations shall be carried out:
a. Purging requirements to be complied with SIGTTO guidelines (LNG
operational practice);
b. Loading arm or cryogenic hose disconnected, taking precautions to ensure
that no liquid is left in the cargo transfer system. The pressure in the system
should be released through an appropriate device;
c. Cargo manifolds securely blanked;
d. Authorities informed of completion of cargo transfer and the anticipated time
of unmooring;

5.2. Parcel Size/Offloading Rate

LNG offloading frequency and parcel size shall be analysed over the design life of the
project in order to optimise the economies of the project. In reviewing this aspect of the
RUs design, safety considerations shall be taken into account (such as impact on
safety of more frequent, but smaller parcels).

5.3. Boil Off Gas

Boil off gas (BOG) results from the storage and loading of LNG. LNG stored in the
tanks shall boil off due to heat leakage, while loading shall generate additional BOG
due to a reduction in vapour space.
The BOG from the RU LNG buffer tanks shall be sent to the BOG compressors. The
LP compressed boil off gas shall be used as fuel gas for power generators or reinjected into the LNG at the suction of the LNG booster pumps. During LNG loading
from an LNGC/FSU, the BOG may also be transferred to the LNGC/FSU via the
vapour return line. Only under adverse circumstances shall BOG be sent to the flare
system or tank vents for disposal.

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The LNG regasification process shall consist of the following equipment items as a
a. LNG pumps from buffer tank to vaporizer
b. LNG vaporisation units.
c. Gas Heater and metering system
Refer to the regasification plant functional specification.
The LNG is provided from buffer tank to the vaporization unit at a minimum pressure of
12 barg and temperature of -160C. The design and arrangement of the pumps and
vaporization units depends on the technology selection
LNG buffer tank shall have its own LNG pumps to deliver LNG to the regasification
plant. The LNG pumps are rated to 100-m/h minimum and 12 barg discharge pressure
to feed into the vaporizer. The LNG pumps rating shall be confirmed during detailed
design phase of the project.
The pumping system shall typically consist of minimal 1 duty pumps and 1 standby
pump. The number of LNG pumps required shall be determined during detailed design
phase of this project.


7.1. Overview
The gas export system receives the LNG vapour from the vaporization trains. The gas
is metered in preparation for injection into the pipeline to the Power Plant.
Analysis of the export gas, such as composition, calorific value and Wobbe index, shall
not be performed on the RU.
Odorisation of the gas is not required under the current project scope, though this may
be subject to change during the detailed design phase of the project.
The gas export system will also provide a take-off to allow gas to be returned to the
buffer tanks to maintain tank pressurisation.

7.2. Gas Metering

Gas metering is expected to be of custody-transfer accuracy. In addition, the gas
meters shall form part of the pipeline inventory management and leak detection
The gas metering system shall also form part of the topsides control and shutdown
system in detecting low gas export temperatures, preventing liquid LNG entering the

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8.1. Overview
A relief and vent system is required to dispose of process vapours and liquids in the
event of an emergency. The flare and vent systems shall comply with API STD 521
and shall be separate from the LNG buffer tank vents.
Vapours are captured in the flare headers and sent to the flare drum. Liquids are
captured by a closed drain system and routed to the flare drum for recovery and
disposal. The flare drum has an internal electric heater to help with the disposal of cold
Vapour from the flare drum shall be sent to the flare gas heater before flowing to the
elevated flare tip for disposal. The flare gas heater is intended to prevent low
temperature gases entering the flare system.

8.2. Relief Contingencies

Relief contingencies shall be addressed in more detail as part of the relief and
blowdown philosophies to be developed during detail design phase of the project. At
this stage the major relief events shall be:
a. A blocked discharge of the LNG vaporisers, equivalent to the maximum
production capacity of the RU;
b. Vaporizer failure.
Additional relief events are expected to be blocked discharge of the BOG compression

8.3. Blowdown
Blowdown and release of gas and liquid to the flare system is not expected to be a
common occurrence. The process shall be designed to retain all fluids within the
equipment under all operating conditions.
Blowdown is expected to occur mainly due to events external to the process e.g. fire
and gas alarm, maintenance etc. Blowdown shall be constrained to hydrocarbon
bearing equipment such as vaporisers, LNG pumps, BOG compression and gas
Emergency blowdown shall comply with the requirements of API STD 521 and sent to
the flare system for disposal. Blowdown of liquid sources shall be minimised;
blowdown of vapour streams is preferred.

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8.4. Manual Drains and Vents

The process area will be serviced by at least 3 drains systems: open drains, closed
drains and cryogenic drains.
The open drains system will collect all liquid discharges from equipment via tundishes.
The open drains system is expected to tie into the RUs slops system for disposal.
Deluge and rainwater will shall be able to be routed and disposed of via this route, but
in general would be discharged directly overboard.
The closed drains system will collect all pressurised liquids, such as equipment drains,
for equipment that operates at ambient temperatures. The closed drains system will
connect into the LP flare drum.
The cryogenic drains system will collect all pressurised low temperature liquids from
equipment drains. The cryogenic drains system will connect to the LP flare drum at a
location separate to the closed drain tie-in to prevent ice/wax formation.
Process and equipment vents will be connected to the LP and HP flare headers as
appropriate for the disposal of all vapours.

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9.1. Shutdown
9.1.1. Hierarchy
The RU shall be in accordance with the safety philosophy document. The RU shall
have two separate programmable shutdown systems as follow:
a. Fire and Gas System (FGS): detects gas, flame, heat and smoke, operates
warning sirens and lamps and electrically isolates power systems and
batteries as well as initiating the release of fire fighting systems;
b. Safety Instrumented System (SIS): detects process parameter excursions
outside normal control band and settings;
c. Loading arm or cryogenic hoses emergency release safety system;
d. Fully integrated with the jetty FGS or SIS system

9.1.2. Total RU Shutdown

A Total Shutdown (TS, ESD 1) is the highest level of shutdown and shall result in
total shutdown of the RU in preparation for abandonment.
An ESD 1 shall be initiated by activation of the ESD 1 pushbuttons or confirmed gas,
fire or smoke in safe areas such as the accommodation module or
electrical/instrument room. Activation of an ESD 1 shall shutdown the FGS, SIS and
the Process Control System (PCS), shutdown the engine room, living quarters
module, the emergency generator and the communications.

9.1.3. Regasification Process Shutdown

A Regasification Process Shutdown (PS, ESD 2) shall cause a shutdown of the
various process systems within the Regasification process area and initiate a
blowdown of these systems.
An ESD 2 shall be initiated by activation of the ESD 2 pushbuttons or by high
importance process shutdowns such as low-low temperature in the vapour line from
the LNG vaporisers.

9.1.4. Unit Shutdown

A unit shutdown (US) is caused by less critical deviations such as low-low flow at the
LNG pump, where the only action is to shutdown the pump. For a unit shutdown, the
specific unit, or train of units (e.g. LNG pump and LNG vaporiser) shall be shutdown.

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9.2. Regasification Process Control

9.2.1. General
Control of the operation of the processing facilities on the RU is by a Process Control
System (PCS). The intent of the control functions shall be to maintain stable
operations as well as minimise process excursions to avoid initiation of shutdowns.
The SIS sends information to the PCS and initiates pre-alarms in the PCS.
Particular attention needs to be paid to the continued gassing of the cryogenic
process equipment under shutdown conditions. On a process shutdown, the residual
LNG will continue to vaporise in the LNG pumps, header and heat exchangers and
this vapour should be sent primarily to pipeline or the BOG system rather than to the
flare system.

9.2.2. LNG Pumps

The LNG Pumps shall transfer LNG from the LNG buffer tank to the LNG vaporizer.
A flow meter located downstream of the pump shall indicate the flow through the
pump. A recycle flow control valve driven by flow controller at the pump discharge
shall keep the pump operating above its minimum continuous stable flow during low
flow operation.
The pumps shall be stopped when any of the following is activated:

9.2.3. LNG Vaporiser Control Requirements

The details of the vaporisation technology and hence control requirements are to be

9.3. Start-up and Restart

The start-up and restart methodologies will depend on the state of the equipment and
length of shutdown. Shock-cooling of equipment represents the major hazard due to
the induced thermal stresses.
Whenever cryogenic equipment is allowed to heat up a cool-down phase is required as
part of start-up to prevent vapour locking, liquid surges and shock-cooling. Therefore, it
is preferable to operate process trains at minimum turn-down rather than stop throughput.
Start-up and restart should occur at minimum capacities to allow equipment
temperature profiles to stabilize before increasing throughput to the required
production rate.
The detailed procedures for start-up and restart will depend on the technology
Under all scenarios it is endeavoured that vaporized LNG is sent to the pipeline as
sales gas or to the BOG system for recovery. Flaring and venting as part of normal
start-up and restart will not be accepted.
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10.1. System Requirements
The RU shall be equipped with a fully integrated system, the Integrated Control and
Safety System (ICSS). This shall be scalable, single system architecture with
integrated control and data management system.
The ICSS, preferably from single manufacturer of common hardware, shall be an
integrated system, comprising of the following:
a. Process Control System (PCS);
b. Safety Instrumented System (SIS);
c. Fire and Gas System (FGS);
d. Loading Arm or Cryogenic Hose Control System;
e. Power Emergency Release System;

Compressor Control System;

It is intended to be used for control, monitoring and safeguarding the RU facilities. The
system architecture proposed for the ICSS shall be defined in a Control, SIS and FGS
System Architecture Block Diagram during the early stages of the detailed design
phase of the project. SIS and FSG shall be SIL3 rated.
Although the ICSS shall comprise of a PCS, SIS and FGS as separate stand alone
systems, they shall be integrated seamlessly without duplication of functions.
The ICSS architecture and hardware shall be based on conventional, latest state of the
art, distributed control system with safeguarding system of a fault tolerant, TUV
approved system.
System architecture shall be for optimum multiple communication and multi-supplier
interoperability without extensive and costly application programming.
A Management Information System (MIS) highway shall be configured to provide an
upper level monitoring, supervisory and data exchange functionality with other users.
This network shall use TCP/IP over Ethernet bridges. The network and its Ethernet
bridges shall be dual redundant.
The SIS and FGS systems being a sub-system of the ICSS shall meet the
requirements of COMPANY specifications for SIS and fire and gas system design.

10.1.1. Overall Instrumentation and Control Philosophy

The overall philosophy shall be to use the appropriate level of technology, consistent
with prevailing HSE regulations, industry best practice and codes that shall provide
the required reliability to meet the projects business targets. All existing instrument
equipment (hardware and software) shall be replaced.
The primary objective of this philosophy is to describe the requirements for a system
which shall minimise downtime and operating costs without a negative impact upon
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safety, the environment or the operation of the combined facilities. The design shall
maintain simplicity in system operation; and shall facilitate diagnostics and
faultfinding of operational issues or the maintenance of equipment.
The system equipment shall be selected based upon well proven design, service
history, reliability and integrity. All system equipment shall be standardised, wherever
possible and practical, with the equipment installed on the RU.
Field devices certified for use in hazardous areas shall utilise Ex d (explosion proof)
methods of protection wherever possible and practical.
The general philosophy shall be to utilise Foundation Field Bus (FFB) field devices
for all PCS field devices where appropriate. FFB field devices shall not be used for
accommodation/utility/marine systems services and on the SIS or FGS. The use of
FFB instrumentation for packaged equipment shall be dependant on each vendors

10.1.2. Systems Interface

Control data communications between elements of the ICSS shall use the ICSS
vendors proprietary communications system, or a recognised alternative i.e.
Industrial Ethernet, as approved by COMPANY. This control network shall be
extended where required through OPC Gateway Units to the PCS on the RU. For
control data communications with other control systems external to the ICSS, the use
of OPC is preferred. Where communication interfaces are serial, they shall conform
to industry standard Modbus RTU communication protocols (RS-485, RS-422 or RS232) and be standardised throughout the facility. Each high-speed communication
link shall be dual redundant.
ICSS control and asset management functionalities are to operate independently.
Dual redundant data links are required for the PCS to interface to large sub-systems
such as:

Offloading System;

Regasification Control Systems.

Marine Systems

Fibre-optic, multi-core cable shall be utilised for the data links, as it provides faster
data communications, is much more resistant to signal interference and is generally
now the Vendors standard data transmission cable type.
Unit Control Panels (UCP) for packaged equipment shall be utilised to operate major
items of plant equipment; with the SIS and FGS inputs and logic in the RU SIS and
FGS systems.
a. UCPs for new packaged equipment shall be PLC based and use a common
hardware and software as specified by COMPANY. In addition, status and
alarm monitoring, shall also be provided in PCS;

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b. In the event that a vendor does not offer the above common PLC equipment,
COMPANYs approval shall be sought for the proposed PLC system;
c. Local display shall be provided as part of the UCP for control, monitoring and
diagnostics of the packaged equipment.

10.1.3. Control Room and Human Machine Interface

The main operator interface for RU process and safeguarding systems shall be at a
main control console located in a CCR. The CCR shall either be combined in one
room or be immediately adjacent. They shall be equipped with a number of Operator
Work Stations (OWS), each with double layer flat screen to provide interfaces with
both the RU process and the relevant marine/utility systems. The Console shall also
a. ESD manual pushbuttons, lamps, key switches etc;
b. Set of critical start-up and maintenance override key-switches;
c. Telecommunication workstation housing telephone handsets, PAGA access
and crew radio sets;
d. Closed circuit television system (CCTV) flat screens;
e. 1 off large screen display (LCD or overhead projector) which shall be able to
display any ICSS graphic screen;

1 off ICSS data historian workstation;

g. 1 off ICSS data SOE workstation; and

h. PCS, SIS and FGS Engineering Work Stations (EWS) for systems
diagnostics and carrying out system configurations changes shall be installed
in an adjacent Instrument Equipment Room.

10.2. PCS Specific Design Requirements

10.2.1. PCS Architecture
The PCS shall be based on a standard distributed control system open architecture
with industry standard high-speed data communication network. The PCS shall allow
functional and geographical distribution and integration of foreign devices.
The PCS shall provide an infrastructure for advanced control application, plant
information network, distributed plant performance review stations, FFB field devices
and plant expansions.
Any OWS operating with the same database shall ensure 100% redundancy of the
process control system display. These OWS shall be mounted on an ergonomically
designed control console.
The operating system for all OWS and EWS should be Microsoft Windows based.
Interface adapters shall be provided on the workstation allowing connection to the

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Ethernet based MIS information domain. The workstation shall be able to work as
server to clients in the MIS connected to Ethernet LAN.
The controllers are stand alone process control and data acquisition systems and
interface the field signals to the communication network via I/O termination
assemblies, I/O modules, control processors and network communication modules.
Interfaces to the SIS and FGS shall be carried out on a common control/SIS
Highway. The requirements for this highway shall be addressed in an Emergency
Shutdown System Operating Philosophy to be developed during the detailed design
phase of this project.

10.2.2. Functional Requirements

The primary objective of the PCS shall be to facilitate control and monitoring
(including the production of written reports) by fast acquisition and processing of the
parameters, to enhance the operator's overall knowledge of the plant conditions and
operational conditions.
The system is expected to monitor all points collected from various parts of the plant
and present the required information on the OWS screens in suitable formats at the
operator's request thereby offering a suitable operating interface.
The objectives can be summarised as:
a. Data acquisition and processing of inputs and displaying them on OWS for
open loops, to perform control tasks to generate control signal outputs in case
of closed loops, and displaying the data on OWS. It shall have self-tuning
capability for the control loops;
b. It shall exchange the required information with the other nodes of the data
network (including OWS) to facilitate operation of control algorithms and also
the functions of the operator interfaces and algorithms of the other
c. It shall carry out extensive self-diagnostics and provide detail diagnostics
display on the OWS. The diagnostics shall cover all elements of the ICSS,
and other sub systems including power supply;
d. Plant and equipment monitoring, including alarming, trending archiving events
and recording;
e. The PCS shall provide facilities for user application software development,
system configuration changes, process and safety picture development in online and off-line modes including diagnostics;

It shall also have the capability for on-line modification of measurement and
control parameters, without impact on the running system; and

g. Plant management information and logs.

A large historical database shall be maintained for keeping the process value in
suitable formats enabling the operator to print out reports on-demand.

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10.2.3. Data Communication

Data communication between the system interfaces shall be at least 100-Mbps for
nodes and 10-Mbps for LAN. It shall be fault tolerant and dual redundant. The
medium of data transmission shall be fibre optic cables.
PCS system performance shall not be impaired by the loss of a single channel in the
process bus. In the event of a temporary loss of communications in the control
network, all elements of the ICSS and connected UCPs shall continue to operate
independently to maintain the RUs operations. A communications watchdog shall
monitor the correct operation of the control network communications, and shall
initiate a critical alarm in the event that communications are lost.
Selected data from PLC controlled packages shall be made available in the PCS.
This shall cover data for monitoring and normal control of package equipment from
the PCS and common alarms for diagnostics. This includes but not limited to:
a. Detail displays;
b. Graphics for process and diagnostics;
c. Configuration software;
d. Real time trends;
e. Overview;

Alarm display; and

g. Critical event archiving.

Data available from the intelligent motor control centre shall be made available in the

10.2.4. Tank Level Measuring Instrumentation

The buffer tank level measuring system of the RU is required to be fully redundant,
based on two different tank buffer level measuring principles. At this stage, it is
proposed that a guided wave radar beam shall be the principle method, with a
floating sensor system as the secondary/check system. The achievement of the
required level of performance associated with the buffer tank level measurement
system shall be demonstrated during commissioning with the design
CONTRACTOR responsible for the production of a validation procedure which
demonstrates both empirically and in reference to the calculations results provided
by the two systems installed the measured uncertainty of the metering
The buffer tanks shall be internally surveyed as part of detailed design modifications
to accurately establish their volume. The results shall be certified by an authorised
surveying company to ensure that the overall accuracy of the system is achieved.
These measurements shall be used to produce capacity tables for buffer tank volume

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10.3. Communications Philosophy

10.3.1. Telephone System
Telephone equipment shall be supplied to enable analogue extensions to be located
on the RU to be connected to the PABX at the ORF.
a. Telephones are to be located as a minimum in the following areas:



Instrument Equipment Room;




Communications/IT Server Room/Radio Equipment Room


b. The following locations shall have telephones which are certified as

suitable for a hazardous area:

Musterpoint/Temporary Safe Refuge;


Alternative Temporary Safe Refuge.

c. An analogue line is also required for PAGA system access.

10.3.2. IT Network
The network shall be implemented on CAT9 Structured cable. The telephone system
shall use the same structured cable network. There shall be no differentiation
between the two systems, i.e. same patch panels, numbering and outlet types.

10.3.3. Public Address and General Alarm System

A PAGA system shall be installed on the RU. The RU system shall distribute audio
alarms, visual alarms and emergency messages, and shall be interfaced to the SIS
for alarm input.
The PAGA system shall also be used for general announcements. As such it shall be
zoned so as not to interfere with sleeping personnel.
No single failure in equipment or cables, nor any single external event, shall cause
significant reduction of PAGA sound level in any area.
The PAGA system shall provide microphone input stations at selected locations
throughout the facility.
PABX access to the PAGA system shall be available for select users. This shall be
achieved using the PABX class of service restriction access.
The RU FGS system shall interface with the PAGA system for the annunciation of
emergency tones.
The PAGA system shall also activate alert beacons, where noise limits exceed 85dBA.
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10.3.4. Close Circuit TV and Security System

A CCTV system with associated security functionality shall be installed on the RU.
This shall not be directly connected to other CCTV and security systems installed
elsewhere in the field.
Colour CCTV cameras with heavy-duty pan/tilt and zoom mountings suitable for use
in hazardous areas shall be installed on the deck levels. Colour television monitors
with a screen diagonal dimension of a minimum 24 shall be installed in the CCR,
with camera control keyboards. A LAN interface shall be provided, such that cameras
may be viewed over the LAN by using software provided for installation on selected
The camera controller and switcher unit shall be installed in the RER.
The CCTV system shall be used to maximise the visibility and safety of processing
equipment during operations. It shall be equipped with flame flicker fire detection,
leakage and motion detection functionality. This shall automatically initiate an alarm
on the CCR central control console human/machine interface, but not a Facility Fire
Alarm; details of this alarm initial shall be covered in the Emergency Shutdown
System Operating Philosophy document to be developed during the detailed design
phase of the project. The CCTV system shall be pre-programmed so that the
activation of a fire or gas detector in the process areas shall automatically cause a
CCTV camera covering that fire zone to focus on the area identified.
An intruder alarm and security system shall be incorporated with the CCTV system; it
shall automatically initiate alarms both locally in the CCR and in the CCRs at the RU
and the ORF. The system shall be interconnected to a digital video recorder to
enable recording and later playback of any potential safety or security events.

10.3.5. Meteorological System

The meteorological system shall provide weather recording and archiving facilities for
the RU. The system shall include the ability for authorised personnel to view weather
data via the RUs LAN.
The weather data shall be displayed on a graphical or numerical display capable of
showing both instantaneous readings and historical readings in user selectable

10.3.6. Radio Equipment Room

The RER is to contain the telecommunications and entertainment equipment. Space
is also to be provided for a platform control system monitor. LAN connection outlets
are to be provided in the RER.

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11.1. Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous operations (such as maintenance activities beside live plant) are
permitted on the basis that an acceptable level of protection is in place to prevent loss
of control.
As a minimum, two levels of protection shall be in place such that loss of any one
protection measure does not result in loss of control. Common protection measures for
two or more operations shall be acceptable.
Function testing of the agreed protection measures shall be undertaken prior to
commencing the simultaneous operations.
A simultaneous operations procedure shall be developed during the detailed design
phase of the project, detailing the set of simultaneous operations which are permitted
and the measures which are required to prevent loss of control. This information shall
become the permitted operations, which is part of the operating manual for the RU.
LNG regasification during offloading of LNG from an FSU/LNGC to the RU is a normal
operating mode and therefore is a permitted simultaneous operation. The protection
measure in place is the loading arms ERS or cryogenic hoses. This system shall be
function tested prior to loading commencing.

11.2. Materials Handling/Accessibility/Dropped Object Protection

11.2.1. Materials Handling
Materials handling procedures shall be developed during the detailed design phase
based on the results of the materials handing study. Equipment removal routes to
designated laydown areas or other areas as necessary, which are easily accessible
by the RUs cranes, shall be identified.

11.2.2. Accessibility
Good access shall be provided to items of equipment which require frequent (more
than once per year) testing, inspection or maintenance. This shall also apply to the
permanent handling/lifting devices (such as beams, pad eyes) installed for equipment
Scaffolding or other temporary fixtures shall be used where equipment testing,
inspection or maintenance is less frequent (greater than 2-years).

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11.2.3. Impact Protection

The need for dropped object protection or additional protection of live process
equipment from dropped objects shall be studied as part of the materials handling
Crane and mobile vehicle operations shall be minimised near to or over live process
Dropped object protection shall not be required where infrequent heavy material
movements near or over equipment are carried out when the equipment has been
isolated and depressurised.

11.3. General Housekeeping

RU housekeeping shall be the responsibility of shift personnel. When maintenance
work is carried out, the maintenance team shall leave the area clean and tidy.

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12.1. Objectives
The primary objectives of the maintenance function shall be to achieve:
a. Technical integrity within COMPANY requirements;
b. Optimum equipment availability with the minimum of staffing levels;
c. Lowest life cycle cost; and
d. Meet legislative requirements with regard to equipment inspections/testing.
The RU shall be maintained so that it remains in an operable condition to the end of its
design life and can be maintained in service without a major re-build or dry-docking.
During the detailed design phase of the project, maintenance personnel shall be
involved in order to assist in achieving the above objectives (e.g. optimum equipment
availability -through careful selection and equipment arrangement).
A detailed maintenance philosophy for the RU shall be developed at the detailed
design stage . This shall detail the maintenance strategy to be applied to equipment
and systems; either frontline, preventative, "on condition" or breakdown maintenance.
The selection of the maintenance strategy shall be determined against the objectives
set out above.

12.2. Servicing
The optimum means of servicing equipment shall be carefully assessed against
maximising RU availability. The servicing options, which shall be evaluated, are:
a. Maintain/repair onsite or in the facility workshop; and
b. Remove equipment and repair onshore.
Consistent with the philosophy of minimum staffing, onshore repair or maintenance
shall be pursued. Additionally the option of vendors providing full or part servicing of
equipment shall be reviewed during the design to determine the optimum strategy.

12.3. Maintenance Management

A maintenance, testing and inspection plan shall be developed by the RU
CONTRACTOR. This shall outline the type of maintenance required on each item of
equipment/system (routine, preventative or breakdown) against the objectives listed in
section 13.1. Maintenance/testing/inspection scheduling shall be based on this plan.
As part of this management process, a through-life database shall be developed to
ensure continual improvement and enhanced technical integrity.

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12.4. Frontline Maintenance

Frontline maintenance, such as condition monitoring, control valve repairs, troubleshooting and repair of field instrumentation, instrument calibrations and routine
equipment servicing (lube oil change, etc.) shall be carried out by production

12.5. Major Shutdowns

Major planned shutdowns shall be necessary to meet required storage tanks
inspections (either set by legislation including classification society rulings or technical
integrity considerations) and the replacement components associated with the
regasification units.
Major shutdowns shall be planned to minimise the time offline by having a 24-hour
working period with a maximum labour input consistent with safe and efficient
practices. Major shutdowns shall be managed by using existing maintenance staff
supported by additional contracted maintenance personnel and specialist vendor

12.6. Condition Monitoring, Testing and Inspection

A maintenance, inspection and test plan shall be developed during the detailed design
phase of the project to cover all safety and production critical equipment. This plan
shall outline the requirements for the following tasks and activities:
a. Condition monitoring, including monitoring strategy and monitoring data collection
and processing;
b. Testing requirements as set out in vendor recommendations. Testing
requirements shall also be reviewed and modified as necessary based on
equipment/system historical data;
c. Alarm and trip testing of critical trips and alarms;
d. Inspection requirements consistent with maintaining technical integrity and
meeting legislation and COMPANY requirements.

12.7. Certification
Early in the detailed design phase, the Certifying Authority shall be appointed. The
work scope definition for the Certifying Authority shall be developed in consultation
with the appropriate government department.
An integrated approach shall be developed whereby the Certifying Authority, design
and operations team work together to achieve the desired level of technical integrity.

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12.8. Spares Holding

Spares holding for the RU shall be based on the results of a reliability, availability and
maintainability study (RAM). In particular, spares shall be established for the
regasification system selected.
A critical spares listing shall be developed and used for setting the level of spares
holding on the RU itself.
The criteria for deciding on a critical spare shall be taken to be:
"An item of equipment which in the event of failure shall result in an unacceptable
safety risk or a significant business loss"
The sparing philosophy is that the RU shall warehouse only safety or production
critical equipment spares. Spares shall not be held where equipment/systems are
duplicated (spared) within the RU
(e.g. duty and standby pumps). Non-critical spares and consumables can be stored in
a suitable supply base/warehouse located onshore.
Sparing of portable fire fighting equipment on the RU shall be provided equivalent to
5% of the total of each type of device so as to provide expedient replacement.
Commissioning, start-up and first year spares shall be identified during the detailed
design phase and are available prior to commencement of commissioning.

12.9. Permit to Work/Work Orders

All maintenance work on the LNG Facility shall be carried out under a Permit to Work
system. Work orders shall be generated and shall be prioritised In all cases, apart from
an emergency or breakdown, work orders shall be issued by the onshore maintenance
support personnel.

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