HVFC March Bulletin

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Hudson Valley
Valley Family
Family Church

March Bulletin
Hudson Valley
Valley Family
Family church
church isis just
just that
that -- aa Family.
Family. WeWe believe
believe that
that no
no matter
what background
background youyou come
come from
from we we can
can all
all strive
strive for
for one
one common
common goal,
goal, to
to make
Jesus the
the center
center of
of our
our lives.
lives. The
The greatest
greatest commandment
commandment given to us
given to us as
as Christians
is to
to love
love one
one another.
another. This
This is
is the
the scriptural
scriptural principal
principal that
that HVFC
HVFC is is built
built on.

Daylight Saving Time “Spring Ahead”

Daylight Saving Time is Sunday, March 14th. Don’t forget to set your
Weekly Schedule clocks ahead one hour so you won’t miss Sunday Worship.

Sunday: Daylight Saving Time is a change in the standard time of each time zone.
Getting a Grip on the Basics - 9:30am The American law by which we turn our clocks forward in the spring and
Morning Prayer - 9:30am is known as the Uniform Time Act of 1966. The law does not require that
Service - 10:30am anyone observe Daylight Saving Time; all the law says is that if we are
going to observe Daylight Saving Time, it must be done uniformly.
Evangelism Meeting - 7:30pm But it is a myth that you can save daylight. Just like you cannot save time: you can only maximize
Contact Ramaul: 914.320.6018 the opportunity that time presents.

Friday: Ephesians 5:15-16 says, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making
Prayer Meeting - 7:30pm the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”
Contact Maria: 914.819.3353
The Scripture teaches that we are to maximize our days by making the best of every opportunity.
March Events That may not give you more hours of daylight but it will give you more hours of walking in the Light.
March 7th - 12:30pm
HVFC Ministry Meeting
Location: Manhattanville College Preparing for Easter
How are you preparing for Easter? In just a few short weeks we will be celebrating the resurrection
March 13th
of our Lord Jesus Christ. Like with any holiday, there is a tendency over time to shift the emphasis
Community Outreach Day
from the original meaning and purpose and concentrate on something quite different. It’s happened
Location: White Plains, NY
with Christmas, and even such holidays as Independence Day, Labor Day and Memorial Day
Contact Ramaul: 914.320.6018
sometimes have an emphasis not completely in accord with the original purpose.
March 26th
Easter is a season fraught with great meaning for believers in Christ. The week leading up to
Victorious Women Bible Study
Resurrection Sunday is indeed Holy Week for Christians. The event that changed the course of the
Location: White Plains, NY
history of the world took place when Jesus died on the cross for the sins of mankind, and He rose
Contact: Liza 914.760.3116
from the dead on that Sunday morning.
Upcoming Events So, how are you preparing for Easter? Many people fast from some food or activity in order to
April 16-17th - Battle Cry spend that time focused on what God in Christ has done. Use this week to pray, and to study and
Contact Tiffany Garcia at meditate upon the truth that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.
914.589.5469 for details
Choose to prepare for Easter this year by focusing on what really matters; that Jesus suffered, died
and rose again so that we may live. Easter is a time of celebration, we need to remember the cross
and the sacrifice that was paid, but more importantly we need to celebrate the fact that Jesus rose
from the grave reconciling us to God and bringing us into union with the Holy Spirit.

Thanks from the Manhattanville Christian Club

On behalf of the Christian Fellowship Club at Manhattanville College, I would like to thank each
member of Hudson Valley Family Church for praying for the campus during this difficult time.

God (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is our Savior, Deliverer, Friend, Comfort, Protection, Guide
and so much more. I am so encouraged as you keep the leadership of the club and myself in
Hudson Valley Family Church prayer regularly. Your prayers assist in the manifestation of God's plan and repentance on this
Located at Manhattanville College campus. I thank God that I am a part of Hudson Valley Family Church and am being used for His
Reid Castle glory! In Christ, Corinne Lee Garcia
2900 Purchase Street
Purchase, NY 10577
Community Outreach Praying for Our Pastors
By Monica Gould
Are We Prepared
Nowhere in the scriptures was there an elite group of people who were
We have been praying for the harvest but are we prepared for set aside to do the church’s praying. The commands to pray are
them to come in? Easter is a time when peoples hearts are universal. There is no such thing as a certificate of exemption and there
open to Christ and Church’s receive many first time visitors. are no acceptable excuses. God wants us all to pray!
With the Holiday fast approaching we all need to be prepared
to do our part to make sure that every visitor at HVFC has a How awesome would a church be if every member prayed daily for
positive experience. Here are a few helpful tips: his/her pastor? The power of God would be seen in so many ways, such
as: evangelism, worship, personal growth, commitment, service, unity,
 Intentionally say Hello and Good-bye to guests love, healing, and gifts of the spirit flowing freely. A church that
 Silently pray as you approach a guest seriously prays for its pastor will unite in vision and passion.
 Walk the guest to their destination
 Tell guests what you love about your church Praying daily for our pastors is very important. They are serving God
 Introduce guests to other members of the church with their lives and the attacks of the enemy are constant. Our daily
 Sit next to a guest during worship so they feel comfortable prayer support is vital to protect them and their family, as well as ensure
 Personally invite the guest to an upcoming church event they can deliver effective ministry to us.
 Escort the guest to meet the pastor after service
 Write down the guests name and contact information There is no denying that God hears the prayers of one person but when
our entire church pours out our souls in sincere prayer, we can storm
God will only give us what we can handle so lets make sure the gates of heaven with a mighty voice. There is love, unity,
we are prepared for an overload of visitors ready to receive compassion, victory, and souls saved when we all agree in prayer.
Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
In Hebrews 13:17-18 Paul said: “Obey your leaders and submit to them,
for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account,
so that they can do this with no grief, for that would be unprofitable to
you. Pray for us; for we are convinced that we have a clear conscience,
HVFC Library wanting to conduct ourselves honorable in everything.” Our leaders want
us to pray for them. God’s Word commands us to pray for them and they
The Word of God is our spirit's breakfast,
will be blessed if we do. God’s kingdom will be blessed if we pray for
lunch, and dinner. No matter how much
them and we will be blessed as well.
we may read, our spirit is always craving
for more. So why not treat our spirits to
Many benefits result in praying for pastors. First is the awesome power
some dessert as well?
of prayer; God does hear the fervent prayers of the righteous and He
answers them. The second benefit is that we will be increasing our
Many of our HVFC family members have
support for the pastor and strengthening the entire support base for our
books, teaching tapes, DVDs, etc. that
church. Thirdly, we promote unity when we unite in prayer for the
have helped transform their relationships
pastors. Therefore, this is an act of obedience to pray for God’s vision
with God. It is time to rescue our soul
for the church to be revealed to the pastor.
food from dusty shelves and share them with others who have
been praying for that same transformation!
Our prayers will be more effective if we know their visions, needs, and
goals so that we can pray and believe specifically for them. To fail to
The HVFC library will meet every six weeks so we can borrow
pray is to be disobedient to the numerous scriptural commands to pray.
and loan books to one another. Between meetings you can
give any materials you have to Christina Autiero, who will
When praying for the pastors, ask that God will reveal His truths that
label your items (to ensure they are returned to you!) as well
they need to apply in their personal life and in ministering to the
as organize them into various categories such as new
congregation. Pray that God will keep them strong spiritually,
believers, physical healing, spiritual fulfillment, etc. We look
emotionally, mentally, and physically. Pray that they will continue to be
forward to sharing our spiritual growth with you!
lead of God. Pray that lost souls will be drawn and be responsive to the
spirit of God through them. Pray that leaders in our church unite and
For more information contact Christina Autiero: 845.642.5019
carry the load. Pray that their needs are met and family life is blessed
and protected from harm. Pray they are refreshed. Pray for each family
member (immediate and distant) by name and that there would be
complete harmony, unity, and salvation. Nothing is impossible with God
Ministry Contacts and I pray that you are all encouraged on how and what to pray for daily
as we unite in praying for our pastors.
Senior Pastor….………… Pastor Jack Yurus 914.557.8157
Worship Leader…………. Pastor Marilyn Yurus 914.557.5252
Community Outreach.….. Ramaul Morgan 914.320.6018
Head Usher……………… Bill Velez 918.619.2033
Children’s Church………. Aracelli Morgan 914.320.5943
Administration…………… Maria Gisbert 914.819.3353
Administration…………… Kathy Velez 918.619.3623
Women’s Fellowship........ Michelle Garcia 914.886.3141
Youth Ministry…………… Tiffany Garcia 914.589.8465
Helps…………………….. Tony Russo 917.400.2776

For more information visit www.hvfc.org

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