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Good Morning to the honourable judges,accurate time keeper.

My name is Siah
Kok Liang ,the chief executive officer. . Todays topic is on who should have a
larger responsibility to educate our children about online safety. To determine the
responsibility that lies on whose hands, we must find the roots of the online
hazard that pose a threat to our children. Only then we can find the best cure to
treat the issue at hand. So I today,are going to present to you the vulnerability of
our next generation in the information age and how parents are going to educate
them online safety .
According to the Australia communications and media authority ,
Cybersafety refers to the protection of children when they are online. Cyber
safety information addresses online dangers to children, such as exposure to
illegal or inappropriate material, stranger danger, identity theft, invasion of
privacy, harassment and cyber bullying. According to the DIGIs cybersafe in
school programme report, in Malaysia alone, there are level of online harassment is
reportedly high at above 70%, especially for calling other children mean names, posting improper
messages and inappropriate photos. 27% of students admitted to having been bullied
online while 13% of students said they are still being bullied online today. In
America, sexual harassment online was becoming a norm in the society.
According to the (statistics). Now these danger of the online community doesnt
seems so much as frightening with numbers attached. But if we look at the
consequences of these irresponsible, suicide due to cyber bullying .Dignity lost
caused by nude photos appearing everybody phone, leaving a scar in their
normal life. These are real incidents. For example, in 2006 ,megan taylor meier
killed herself because depression ,caused by friends calling her fat on myspace.
This is only one of the incident, there are incidents happening all around the
world right now. A famous post by the new Yorker perfect sum up the factors
causing online bullying, it was said nobody knows you are the a dog on the
internet. This tells us anonymity of the internet cause our inner demon to
surface. Now, enough of the problem ,What are the solution?
In our opinion, parents have a larger role to play in the educating children
about online safety. From a legal perspective, parents have the rights to check
their children search history, limit the time spent on the internet.The law of
privacy does not apply to parents. Now,these may sound scary to all of us
teenagers ,but we cannot deny that we are immature and sometimes dont know
how to protect us from our imbecile mind. Just look at the statistics,do we even
dare to call ourself ourselves as matured?no. Back to point,parents are legalized
to check their children seach history, monitor their computer usage and many
more. Its a privilege only parent can and must be utilize to educate cyber
safety .Just as the saying goes Great power comes with great responsibility.
From the side of the bullied, parents are required to notice sudden change
behavioural change. Moody and become detached with social contact are sign of
cyber bullying.From another perspective, it is a fact is the one closest to their
children ,not organization and definitely not teachers.Thus, they tend to spend
more time with them. If we look at this logically, teacher role in school are not
teaching our children about life skill about profession skill needed to survive in
the societyThis role falls on the hand of parents. Yes ,in our life they do teach

us that about good behaviour or importance of good moral,but we should

consider that as a bonus ,by the way, we should really appreciate their
contribution. All in all,parents is the one that have the responsibility and
capablitiy to educate our child.
As we all know just because someone has a responsibility doesnt
necessarily mean theyll live up to it .Just look at this statistics, .Even parents
sometimes falls into the hand of cyberbullying and online scamming. This is
where organization and government comes in. Whether is NGO or non-profit
organization. These organization must use resources their resources to organize
campaign or activity to raise awareness in parents. Then and only then will
parents understand the way of keeping themselves safe in the online community.
Then can only they use their knowledge to protect their children.

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