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Q.1.A. Choose t he correct option [govt book] 6
B. Choose the correct option [gulmohar] 6
C. Pick out the appropriate expressions [govt book] 3
D. True or False [govt book ] 3
E. True or False [gulmohar] 3
Q.2.A. Answer in a sentence or two [any 6] Gulmohar [6]
B. Read and answer [gulmohar] [6]
Total Text marks [ 33]




Writing skills 14

Comprehension [4]
Notice writing [4]
Formal letter [complaint letter] [4]
Paragraph writing [2]


Total 80
1. Fill in the blanks with abstract nouns formed from the word given in the bracket. [2]
2. Fill in each pair of blanks with a preposition from the box and a reflexive pronoun.
[about, among, at, between, by for, of, over, to, with][2]
3. Fill in the blanks with who or which [2]
4. Complete each sentence by adding a suitable relative clause. [1]
5. Rewrite each pair of sentences as a single sentence by making the second sentence a
defining relative clause [2]
6. Rewrite each pair of sentences as a single sentence by making the second sentence
non-defining relative clause.. [2]
7. Fill in the blanks with linking verbs [2]
8. Pick out the linking verbs and write L.V. and pick out action verbs and write A.V. [2]
9. Fill in the blanks with correct past perfect tense of verbs given in the bracket [2]
10. Fill in the blanks using one past perfect tense and one in past tense of verbs given in
the bracket [2]
11. Insert just, already or never in its proper place. [2]
12. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjective of the type given in the brackets. [2]
13. Expand each of these short sentences by adding at least two adjectives before the
noun and say what type of adjective you have added. Add at least one adjective of
size, quality, shape, colour, origin and material. [2]
14. Adjectives in proper order and state its kind. State its kind [2]
15. Few sentences have one or more errors relating to the groups of adjectives. Rewrite
them correctly. If there are no errors, write no errors in bracket. [2]
16. Choose the correct ending to complete the adjectives in these sentences. [2]
17. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the brackets. Use
appropriate ending given in the bracket. [ed, ing, able, ive]



1. When the Arab was wounded, his horse caught his _________
between his teeth
and brought home.
A] coat
B] belt
C] turban
D] jacket
2. __________ knew Prince Edward Street of Montreal better than any other person.
A] Joseph
B] Jacques C] Pierre Dupin
D] Manager of the milk company
3. The splendid combination are the words used in the story A Secret for Two for
A] Pierre and Jacques
B] Jacques and the manager of the milk
C] Joseph and Pierre
D] Jacques and the ambulance driver
4. At the stables, Pierre would boast of Josephs skill:
A] I never touch the reins.
C] He does everything else for you
B] Why, a blind man could do my job with Joseph pulling the wagon.
D] Both A and B
5. Pierres moustache is compared with that of a _______
A] tiger
B] cat
C] dolphin
D] walrus
6. Jacques was ________
A] a delivery boy
B] a wagon boy
C] a foreman of the stables
D] manager of the milk company
7. One morning, Pierre got a dreadful news_____A] that Jacques left the job
B] that he was retired from his job
C] that his beloved horse Joseph died
D]none of these
8. The ambulance declared that________
A] Pierre would not be able to work anymore B] Pierre had cataracts
C] Pierre had been blind for five years
D] both B and C
9. How much time did Joseph allow Pierre to get down and deliver milk?
A] ten seconds
B] ten minutes
C] thirty seconds
D] thirty minutes
10. Pierre was suffering from _______
A] pneumonia
B] gout
C] blindness
D] deafness
11. Jacques proposed to the manager of the milk company that ________
A] he should be given promotion
B] his salary should be increased
C] Pierre should be retired and given a small pension
D] Pierre should be dismissed from the company
12. Pierre refused to retire because ______
A] he could not bear to live without Joseph
B] he hoped to get promotion
C] his job was his only income source
D] he was a greedy man
13. Joseph was twenty-five while Pierre was ______
A] eighty-five
B] seventy-five
C] sixty-five
D] seventy-eight
14. What did Jacques see in Pierres eyes?
A] a dead, lifeless look
B] a bright, cheerful look

C] tears full of grief

D] cataracts
15. How did the truck driver try to save Pierre?
A] he shouted
B] he gave him a warning yell
C] he braked the truck strongly
D] both B and C

Unit 3 Friendship and Duty

1. The business places/s that was/were open that night was/were.....
a. A hardware store
B] A cigar store
c. A lunch counter
D] Both b. And c.
2. The man in the doorway had a _________ face
a. Round
C] Square
3. One of the following descriptions is not used in the story for jimmy wells. Pick it out
a. Staunchest old chap
B]Best chum
C. Finest chap world
D. Reliable guy
4. Both Jimmy and Bob were brought up in......
a. Rome
B] France
C]New York D]Chicago
5. The old restaurant belonged to.......
a. Bob
B] Jimmy wells
b. Joe Brady
D] Policeman
6. What doubt did bob raise about the man who introduced himself to be Jimmy Wells
a. That he had grown taller by two to three inches
b. That he had changed his nature
c. That he had not the warmth as it was before twenty years
d. That he had grown paler than before
7. Bob had left New York for west.........
a. To stay with his family members there
b. To make money
c. To enjoy nature there as it was not so good in new York
8. _____ is referred to as Man from the west
a. Bob
B]Jimmy wells
C]Joe Brady D]The man sent by Jimmy
9. Jimmy could identify/recognise bob in the darkness when.....
A. Bob lit his cigar
B. Bob was wearing a fluorescent suit
C. Jimmy threw light of his torch on him
D. Bob was standing under a lamp-post .
10. The people in the street were few because ...
A. It was almost midnight.
B. There was a ban to come out in the street.
C. There was chilly gusts of wind with rain
D. It was a stormy night
11.The policeman on the beat had been termed as......
A. Guardian of peace
B. A vigilant officer
C. an accomplice of the criminal
D. staunchest old chap
12. When Jimmy and Bob had parted before twenty years , they had met
______ last .

A. Under a lamp post

c. Near a hardware store

B. At Big Joe Bradys restaurant

D. At the corner of a drug store


The tall man who took Bob with him had a ______ nose
A. Roman
B. Pug
C. Flat
D. Round
14. When the man in the doorway lit the cigar , one of the following could not be seen .
A. Little white scar his right eyebrow
B. His scarf pin with a large diamond
c. His diamond-studded watch
D. His pale, square-jawed face
15. Ive had to compete with some of the sharpest wits going to get my pile the meaning
of the underlined words is.......
A. To earn money B. To collect people C] To win race D. To become famous



1] India has a rich [

] heritage.
A] monetary
b] cultural
2] If you head for the Tarnetar fair, you will not have freefall into...
A] colour
c] craft
d] music
3] Tarnetar fair is based on
A] Sita, swayamvra
b] Draupadi swayamvar
c] Subhadra apharam
d] Draupadi chirharan
4] tribal men & women seek their [
] in the fair.
A] missing relatives
b. missing animals
c] lost children
d] marriage partner
5] The dance-form performed by rabari women of Zalawad is known as
a] rahado
b] garba
c] lavni
6] The koli men of Saurashtra spend over a year embroidering their umbrellas
with the intention of.
A]Selling them at high prices
B]Showing off their special skill
c] Enticing the girls
d] Winning prizes for their craftwork
7] In the dance form raas
A] the dancer form many human shapes
b] the dancer hold sticks & clack against those of other dancer
C ] the dancer sing melodiously
D] The dancers dance in circles holding musical accompaniments
8] In the dance performance rahado the costume blank zimi means the woman is
A] unmarried
b] widow
c] married
d] divorcee
9] In the dance performance rahado unmarried women put on
A] black zimi
b] blue skirt c] red ghaghra
d] red zimi
10] The potential husband seeking brides are dressed in
A] colourful dhotis
b] artistically designed waistcoats
c]head-cloth twisted at an angle
d] all the three
11] _______ are sold at stalls in the Tarnetar village
A] local handicraft
b] statues of deities
c] traditional attire with tiny mirrors
d] all the three
12] The Tarnetar fair is held for [
] days
A] two
b] three
c] four
d] five
3] The nearest airport to reach the Tarnetar fair is [
c] Ahmedabad

14] The kolis of Saurashtra initiated the custom of

A] rahado
b] costumes like colourful zimis
c] embroidering umbrellas d] raas
15] What kind of work do we find in the embroidery work of umbrellas?
A] beadwork b] patchwork
c] spit work d] both a & b
1. The horseman was run over by a tuck. The truck driver said, I couldnt help.
A] I was unable to save him.
B] I regret I have killed him.
C] I believe I was not in the wrong.
2. Pierre used to say that he didnt need reins.
A] The horse required no control.
B] The horse could do without reins.
C] The horse went out of his control.
3. May be you have got the gout.
A] He was sure that Pierre suffered from gout.
B] He thought Pierre might develop gout in future.
C] He thought Pierre suffered from gout.
4. His salary will go on just the same.
A] His salary will continue as usual.
B] His salary will be raised.
C] His salary will be reduced.
5. He saw something which startled him.
A] surprised B] worried C] saddened
6. At the time of curfew, military men were on the beat.
A] made alert
B] quote cooperative
C] taking rounds as part of duty]
7. I like to go to a movie now and then.
A] occasionally,
B] frequently

C] hardly]

8. The oldest building in our colony was torn down last week.
A] repaired
B] demolished
C] reconstructed
9. Many people go abroad to make fortune.
A] earn money
B] get settled
C] try luck
10. Allegations of fraud have put the ministers career on a razors edge.

A] sharp

B] brilliant

C] in a very uncertain and dangerous situation.

11. This child was raised by his uncle.

A] brought up,
B] fed
C] made to progress
12. If you are not active and energetic, youll get into a groove.
A] follow a dull course
B] not progress
C] fall back
13. How many people turned up to witness the event?
A] left
B] approached
C] came
Lesson 6
14. If you want to have a memorable experience, then head for the Tarnetar Fair.
A] avoid going to
B] proceed to
C] think about
15. At the end of the game, spectators surged in to the pavilion.
A] moved forward suddenly
C] crowded
16. They are by far the best students in the class.
A] mostly
B] hardly
C] by a great amount
17. You may also see people break out into a spontaneous hudo.
A] fall down B] start
C] go away
18. Many stalls were put up in the fair.
A] decided B] erected
D] demolished

STATE WHETHER IT IS TRUE OR FALSE:1] The Tarnetar fair is a celebration of ethnic Gujarats folk dance , music , costumes &
arts [
2] Visitors & tourists from Gujarat visit the Tarnetar fair to find their spouses [
3] In the folk-dance, raas, dancers hold sticks & beat each other [
4] Women perform rahado in single circle to the beats of four drums at a time & to the
tunes of piano [
5] Numerous sadhus & bhajan mandalis also sing on continuously accompanied by folk
instruments [
6] If you think to walk out of your mundane experience, then head for the Tarnetar fair
7] Dancers change but the drum beats continue throughout the day [
8] The raas is less popular by Rabari women of nearby Zalawad [
9] Rahado is performed by Rabari women of nearby Zalawad [
10] In this unit tied the knot means got married [
Q.1. Q. Meanings LESSON 1 ANNE BAKES A CAKE [3 marks]
1. life work work that you have chosen to do for the rest of your life.
2. opened its heart welcomed warmly and affectionately.
3. kindred spirit a person whose interests and way of thinking is similar to your own.

4. not to be outdone not to let anyone be better than you.

5. pantry a small room where food is kept.
6. shut the oven door start the baking of the cake( after completing all the work on it).
7. ferns green plants with long stems, small narrow leaves and no flowers.
8. hand work something that someone does with their hands.
9. uncorked draw a cork from the mouth of a bottle.
10. Anodyne Liniment a medicinal liquid that is rubbed into the skin to relieve muscular
stiffness and pain.
11. double disgrace using the wrong liquid plus being unable to smell it( because of the
12. to live this down to get over this shame; to wait until people forget it.
Q. Lesson 2 Gogols First day
1. immunization record a list of preventive medicines.
2. clutching holding tightly.
3. billingual able to use two different languages.
4. accented English English spoken in the Indian way.
5. windbreaker a thin coat which can resist cold wind and light rain.
6. its settled it is agreed or decided.
7. due to nerves because he was a little afraid and anxious.
8. penmanship handwriting.
9. preference a strong liking.
10.pressing the issue - insisting that something be done
Lesson 4
The Lost Dances of the Crane
mcq meanings
1. Cranes: large birds with long legs and long neck
2. Cranes of another kind: tall machines with long arms used for moving heavy
objects, especially building materials
3. Dance cities into being: (the tall machines) move to and fro, waving their arms (to
move things) and thus raise many buildings to make a new city
4. Fading crackle of your energy: crackling cries of the birds now fading on old
5. Grainy video footage unclear images of the birds on old videotapes
1. gained momentum became more active
2. slogans short phrases that are shouted during processions
3. murmur the sound of walking feet
4. briskly - quickly
5. scornfully with contempt
6. earnestly very seriously and sincerely
7. consequences results or effects of some action
8. crestfallen - disappointed
9. trembled shook slightly because you were frightened, nervous or cold
10. scoffed laughed at someone or said something in such a way that you show the
person that you have no respect for them
lesson 7

11. terracotta made of clay and baked in fire

12. raining gold on it - the golden sunlight of early morning falling on the old city
13. miniature painting picture in an ancient manuscript- usually a small picture used
to illustrate the manuscript
14. millennium a thousand years
15. reputed taste well-known liking for the good things of life
16. coming from distant places the ruling class of Moghul Delhi had come to India
from Central Asia and Persia
17. held court spoken like a king to his officers
18. jostling pushing aside people in a crowd in order to get past them
19. haze smoke, dust, or mist in the air it is difficult to seeythrough it.
Q.2. Answer the following in a sentence or two
Q.1. What sentence in para 1 shows clearly that Avonlea responded to the Allans?
Avonlea opened its heart to them from the start ____ everyone liked the cheerful young
man and the bright, gentle lady who was his wife.
Q.2. Look at paras 2 and 3. Do you think Anne was frequently asking Marilla questions? Can
you guess whether Marilla was pleased or bored by them?
A.2. Yes. Marilla must have been bored by them because when Anne tells her she asked her
teacher a lot of questions, Marilla says, I believe you.
Q.3. What made Marilla invite the Allans to tea? What made her take a lot of trouble
preparing the meal?
A.3. Marilla wants to invite Mr and Mrs Allan home because she has heard that they had
been everywhere else in the neighbourhood but hadnt visited the Cuthberts home yet.
Marilla took a lot of trouble to make great preparations because hosting the minister and
his wife to tea was an important matter and Marilla did not want to be outdone by any of
the other Avonlea housekeepers.
Q.4. In paras 8 and 9, what contrast can you see between the two girls --- Anne and Dianna?
A.4. Anne is nervous and often doubts her own ability whereas Dianna is confident that
things will turn out well and is reassuring Anne is imaginative and rather high-strung
whereas Diana is calm and logical.
Q.5. In Para 11, what are the things that show Annes enthusiasm and effort?
A.5. Anne couldnt sleep that night and got up early, at sunrise. She was determined to
make her cake despite having caught a cold from playing in the spring the previous
evening. She drew a long breath when she shut the oven door, showing how breathlessly she
had been she had been working on the cake and how anxious she was for it turn out well.
Q.6. Which words in para 20 show that Anne adored Mrs Allan?
A.6. Anne felt that Mrs Allans approving smile was almost too much happiness for this
Q.7. Did Anne herself taste the cake afterwards/ How can you tell?
A.7. No, she didnt, because the text says Anne was red with embarrassment after tasting
the cake and she didnt expect the cake to taste the way it did.
Q.8. Look at para 31, What was Annes double disgrace?
A.8. Not only had the cake turned out badly due to Anne using Anodyne Liniment instead
of vanilla, but also Anne had failed to smell the contents of the bottle before using them,
due to her cold.

Q.9. What made Anne jump up?

A.9. Anne jumped up because she realized that the person she had been talking to was not
Marilla but Mrs Allan.
Q.10. Did Anne go on making miserable for long?
A.10. No, because Anne permitted herself to be led down and comforted. The paragraph
also says that she had enjoyed the evening more than she had expected.
Extra questions
Q.1. What does kindred spirit mean? Who is referred to here?
A.1. A person whose interests and way of thinking is similar to your own, Mrs Allan the
new ministers wife is referred to as the kindred spirit here.
Q.2. Nothing short of pneumonia would have stopped her that morning. Who is her? What
was her problem? Why was she excited?
A.2. Anne. She was worried if her layer cake would turn out well. She was excited because
Mrs Allan whom she adored was coming home for tea.
Q.3. Describe the menu that was planned for the Minister and his wife.
A.3. Two kinds of jelly, red and yellow, whipped cream and lemon pie, cherry pie, three
kinds of biscuits , fruit cake, yellow plum preserves, pound cake and layer cake.
Q.4. What had Marilla done with the old empty vanilla bottle?
A.4. Marilla had poured anodyne liniment into the old empty vanilla bottle.
Q.5. How did Mrs Allan react to Annes disgrace?
A.5. Mrs Allan was gracious and kind. She comforted Anne saying that it was all a mistake
and she was not upset about it
Lesson 2 Gogols First day

Q.1. Which sentence in para 1 shows that, in Gogols mind, a new name is a new person
different from him?
A.1. The sentence in para 1that shows that, in Gogols mind, a new name is a new person
different from him is: He is afraid to be Nikhil ---- someone he does not know and who
does not know him.
Q.2. Gogols parents try to remove the boys fears by
A Teaching him something
B making a promise
What do they teach and promise him?
A.2. Gogols parents tell him that having a new name is a part of growing up. They teach
him to write his new name so that he gets used to it. They promise him that they will always
call him Gogol at home.
Q.3. What shows that the principal at first thinks the boy is just nervous and tries to win his
A.3. Mrs Lapidus bends down so that her face is level with Gogols. She does this to assure
him that he need not be afraid. This act of her shows that the principal at first thinks that
the boy is just nervous and tries to win his confidence.
Q.4. How does Ashoke try to show the principal that Gogol is bilingual? What does he, in
doing that, reveal to the principal?
A.4. Ashoke speaks to Gogol in English asking him to respond to Mrs Lapidus. When he
does so, he addresses him as Gogol and Mrs Lapidus hears the name for the first time.
Q.5. When does Gogol begin to speak to the principal -- after his father has left or before?
What do you think that shows?

A.5. Gogol speaks to Mrs Lapidus only after his father leaves. He is nervous as his father
insists on him being called Nikhil. Gogol however wants to be known by the name he is
used to.
Q.6. Can you guess from para 35 what little Gogol found specially interesting in school?
The art class is Gogols favourite hour at school.
Q.1. Why is Mrs. Lapidus confused after reading the registration form?
The registration form held a different name and Mrs. Lapidus had not gone through this
kind of confusion with the other Indian children in her school.
Q.2. Why do you think Nikhil is pronounced differently by the Principal?
Mrs. Lapidus was not familiar with the Indian name and hence used her own judgment to
pronounce the name.
Q.3. Mrs. Lapidus presses her lips together and smiles. Why is she trying to suppress her
Mrs. Lapidus is trying to suppress her smile because it amuses her that the parents have
decided to call their son with a new name to which he doesnt respond.
Q.4. After a pause , he shakes his head. Why does he shake his head?
He does not want to be called by another name and expresses his wish by shaking his head
when questioned about it.
Q.5. How do you know that Gogol has settled down in school?
Gogol learns his Maths and languages with interest and enjoys his art classes every week
and never forgets to put down his name again and again on his work. He keeps bringing his
art home to his mother every day.
Q.3. Read the poem and answer the following questions.POEM
Answer the following questions
Q-1 Who is being addressed in the poem who is you? Are they present, or alive? How can
we tell? (Line 2)
Ans. The speaker is addressing the crane. The word ghosts in the second line indicates
that they are already dead
Q-2 There are two dances mentioned in the first stanza. Which are they? What does each of
them represent
Ans. The two dances refer to the dance of the birds that could once be seen in the fields and
the dance of the urban machines that are used in construction cities . The dance of the
birds represents the beauty of nature while the machines represent the destruction of this
Q-3 What is left of the crane which used to dance in the fields? Do the words all the remain
indicate that a lot remains or that very little remains? What is the condition of what remains?
Ans. 3. Fading crackle of energy and some grainy video footage are all that is left of the
cranes. The words All that remains indicates that very little is left of the cranes and the
words fading and grainy tell us that those remains are in very poor condition.
Q-4 Who views /listens to the poor quality audio/video material? How do they react to it?
Is there a big contrast between their reaction and the speakers?
Ans. The people in the new cities watch the videos and marvel at the beauty of the natural
world that the cranes inhabited. In contrast, the speaker mourns the loss of the cranes and
the rest of the natural world.

Answer these questions in detail

Q.1. Does this mean that the city dwellers have the same attitude to the cranes as the speaker?
Ans. Yes, the city dwellers also appreciate the beauty of the nature.
Q.2. Would the city dwellers feel deeply sad if the documentaries disappeared, in the way the
speaker is sad that the cranes are gone?
Although the city dwellers marvel at nature, their fascination remains superficial and they
do not feel as connected to nature as the speakers because they have not had a first hand
experience with the birds. They may miss the videos but will not be as deeply affected as
the speaker.
Answer the following question
Q.1. Why had Frantz counted on the noise to get into the class?
Ans. Franz counted on the noise to get into the class so that he would go unnoticed into the
Q.2. What bad news was always found at the Mayors office?
Ans. The bad news always found at the Mayors office was about battles lost and
conscriptions .
Q.3. Why was it the last class in French?
Ans. It was the last class in French because orders had come from Berlin to teach nothing
but German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine from the following day
Q.4. Why does Hamel think that he needs to be reproached for Frantzs mistake?
Ans. Hamel thinks that he needs to be reproached for Frantzs mistake
because he had made him water his garden when he could have let him study.
Q.5. What were Frantzs thoughts about the pigeons cooing
aAns. Frantz wondered if they would be compelled to coo in German too because he found
the enforcement by the Germans unreasonable.
Explain these sentences.
1. Its like declaration of a war.
The protestors wanted to warn the British government that they will have to face the
consequences if they do not leave India. That from now on, they will be treated like the
2. And this is my country as much as it is yours.
2. Patil assured Mohan that he was a friend and also a patriot.
3. No need for mohan to announce. Amma, it its the police.
3. Since the family was warned, they knew who it was who had come to the house. They
knew the police had come to search the house.
Q.1. How did the procession take place?
Ans. The college students went on a procession form their college to the collectors office
.The people started lining the roads. Many rushed out on the road. Policemen appeared all
along the road. Some of them walked in front of the students, some by their sides but the
students marched as if the police didnt exist. They walked in complete silence. There were
no slogans, no shouts, just the shuffle of feet and a low murmur from the watching crowd
Q.2. What did the students carry? What was their slogan?
Ans. They carried the picture of Mahatama. The slogans they shouted was,

Mahatam Gandhi ki jai.

Q.3. What was Mohans reply when asked if he were scared?
Ans. Mohan seemed immensely pleased with himself. He said that they had planned it that
way. They knew that the British expected the students to protest and be violent. In fact they
wanted them to do that they could beat the students up and haul them away to jail.
Q.4. What was the paper given to the policemen?
Ans. The paper was a notice they served on the collector, as a representative of His
Majestys government ,asking them to quit India or face the consequence.
Q.5. Why did they choose the puja room?
Ans. They were planning to work late in the night and a light in the puja room will back
LESSON 7 Coming home to Delhi
Q. Is this text mainly about how the author found Delhi when she came home to it or about
what Delhi was like before she left it? Where does she actually talk about the how Delhi is
now? Look through the different paragraphs until you find the one in which she does?
Ans1. This text is about the authors view of Delhi as she had experienced it, in her
childhood and also when she came home In the last paragragh, she talks about how Delhi
retains some of the old traditions
Q.3. What do the children enjoy most during the train journey?
Ans. As the train approached the Yamuna, children were given coins to throw into the river.
They were told that when the coins hit the water, the children would get blessings. The
children enjoyed sitting at the window and throwing coins into the water
4. How does the author describe the sight of the city as the train enters?
Ans.4. The author describes the views of the city as a miniature painting ,while the sun
shines on the domes and minarets.
5. The author focuses on two things about Delhis past. One is Political power---forts, wealth
and fame. What is other? Were Delhis ruler thinking about their own house, just as the
author is now doing? What things did they miss most?
Ans. The author talks about the food in Delhi and the food that the Moghal rulers
preferred. We also learn about the history of the Delhis cuisine .Yes Delhis ruler were
thinking about their home just as the author is looking back on her. They missed the
climate and the food the most.
6. How many members of the family lived in Grandfathers house? How can you tell . How
many of them were children?
Ans. There were no less than thirty members in the grandfathers house. The author says
that she could not imagine a family being smaller than thirty members. About a dozen of
them were the children
7. What had made the family master The art of getting thirty people into two cars? What was
the art?
Ans. The authors family was very large and they must have had to use their cars several
times to go out. They mastered the art while doing it many times. The first layer in the car
consisted of short ladies and teenagers on their laps went the second layer consisting of ten
to twelve year-olds. The third layer consisted of children below the age of ten. The tall men
sat in the front seat on their laps sat the ten to twelve year olds holding baskets and
8. How did the author, when she was a school girl carry her lunch? Which words tell you?

Ans. The author as a young girl carried her lunch in a tiffin carrier filled with chapattis are
cooked over hot fires, buttered and stacked with vegetables and piece of mango pickle in a
tiffin carrier to be carried by many people on their way to schools and office , just as I did
on my way to a school in Delhi.
Q.1. Where do the children go for the holidays?
A.1. The children went on holidays to hill stations.
Q.2. Why did the children want to get the blessings quickly?
A.2. The children were in a rush to get the blessings because their attention was called to
the approaching city of Delhi.
Q.3. Who were the most glorious conquerors of Delhi and why?
A.3. The Moghuls were perhaps the most glorious conquerors of Delhi. With their great
wealth and reputed taste, they built two cities, the old city called Shahjahanabad. They
built gardens, water tanks and canals and carved marble canals that went through their
palace bedrooms and they ate their own food.
Q.4. How were the women treated in those times?
A.4. The women were allowed some education. They were kept at home for most of the
time. When they played tennis, the entire court was cleared so that no one could see them
dashing about in flowing sarees and tennis shoes.
Q.5. What did the Grandfather lecture on?
A.5. Grandather held court and loved to lecture his grandchildren on Delhis history and
his best opportunities came at family picnics.
Lesson 1
Q.IV Answer whether following statements are true [T] or not true [NT].[1]
1. Avonlea did not open its heart to welcome strangers, especially Ministers. [NT]
2. Anne wanted to make the entire tea menu for Mrs Allan. [NT]
3. Anne talked about the visit with her friend Diana as they sat on the big red stones by the
Dryads Bubble. [T]
4. Cakes have such a terrible habit of turning out badly just when you want to be good
said Diana. [ NT]
5. When I get to the end of my mistakes, then Ill be done with them, said Anne. [T]
1. Delhi lies beyond Yamuna. T
2. Tea was served in terracotta cups that added to the sugary, milky tea a delicious
favour of their own. T
3. Men in my family learned how to cook delicate kebabs. F
4. About thirty people attend a wedding in my family. F
5. Preparations for the picnic would begin early in the morning. T
Q.II Read these lines from the text . Answer these questions.
A] Plenty of what, without what?

Plenty of cake and other things to eat, without Annes layer of cake.
B] What problem was Marilla looking at?
The problem was of the possibility of Annes cake not rising.
C] How was Mariallas view if the problem different from Anne?
Mariallas view was that Annes cake was not very important nor necessary, as there were
other things to eat, but Anne was worried that if the cake didnt rise, she would fail to bake
a nice cake to Mrs Allan.
A] Whose expression did she see? What was the expression?
Ans. A] Marilla saw Mrs Allans expression. It was a strange expression indicating that
there was something wrong with the cake.
B] What did she guess from that expression? What did she do to confirm the guess?
B] Marilla guessed that there was a something wrong with the cake. She quickly tasted the
cake to confirm her guess.
C] Do you think Anne noticed any of it? Can you guess why?
C] Anne did not notice it probably because Mrs Allan did not say a word and ate the cake
steadily. Also, Anne hadnt eaten the cake herself yet.
A] Whose kind voice? Who was it speaking to? Where?
Ans A] Mrs Allans kindly voice, speaking to Anne, in Annes bedroom.
B] Tell what? Tell whom?
Ans.B. Tell Mrs Allan that the Liniment Anne had put into the cake by mistake was not
A]Who is Nikhil?
Ans: Gogols another name is Nikhil .
B] What did Nikhil notice in the way the name was pronounced?
Nikhil noticed that the way the Principal pronounced his new name was different from the
way his parents said it, with the second part of it sounding longer, like heel.
C] What were the two new situations that Gogol faced here?
The two new situations that Gogol faced there were : A new school in a foreign country and
a new name.
A. What prompted Ashoke to say this?
Ans. When Gogol was being addressed as Nikhil he couldnt bring himself to respond to
Mrs. Ladipus question, making her wonder if the boy knew English at all.
A. Who said these words and why did he say it?
Ans. Wachter , the blacksmith said these words.. He knew that Frantz would be attending
his French class for the last time as orders had come in from Berlin that German should
replace the French language in the schools

b Where was the speaker and why was he there?

Ans . The speaker was at Mayors office . He was there to read the notice that had been
c What was the grave situation that the people faced during this time?
Ans. The grave situation that the people faced during this time was that it was the time of
the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 and the Germans had war and taken over the French
province of Alsace to which the people belonged.
a . Who said these words ? What tone did he use and why?
Ans. Monsieur Hamel the French teacher said these words. He used a gentle tone because
it was his last class
b. What would have been his normal reaction ?
Ans. His normal reaction would have been ; he would have shown his anger probably by
canning little Frantz for coming in late
c. What did Frantz notice after taking his seat?
Ans. Frantz noticed that his teacher had worn his plaited ruff, his handsome coat , and
black embroidered breeches which he wore only on special occasions.
a. Why did Monsieur Hamel express these words?
Monsieur Hamel expressed these words because he was upset that Frantz could not recite
the famous rule about the participle in French.
b. Did he blame anyone for it?
Yes , he blamed his parents and himself for Frantzs lack of knowledge of the language
c. What was the mood in the classroom and why?
The mood was one of the gloom and sadness because it was their last French class
1. Please Patil sahib ,tell me why are you here?
Amma said this to the inspector who knocked the door at night . She was worried if he had
come to arrest them.
2. It seems you people are making copies of the Mahatmas speech
Patil, the inspector warned the family about the search operation of the house.
3. Give it to me, I will get it out of the way.
Patil referred to the cyclostyling machine and wanted to remove it to save the family
4how can you a trust a policeman?
Mohan asked Amma when she agreed to give the machine to the policeman.
5 open the door.
A strange voice ordered the family in the middle of the night

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