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11.3. ABENDS
öffentliche Blockadeworkshops
Termine auf der Rückseite und auf
46 Bildungsminister*innen laden zum Sektempfang
in die Wiener Hofburg und wollen zum
10-jährigen Jubiläum des Bologna-Prozesses
eine katrastrophale Hochschulreform feiern!
Civil Disobediance

It is important to explain the method of civil disobediance when

preparing a protest with means such as street blockades.

What is civil disobediance? Where does the idea come from? In

which case does one speak of civil disobediance? What does not
belong to it?

All these are questions which need to be clarified before a

blockade workshop in order to make participants aware of the
frame in which they are operating.


Civil disobediance is about a conscious breach of rule as symbolic

action. Thereby, either the exact rule/law is violated, which is conside-
red to be unjust (direct civil disobediance), or a rule/law is violated (for
example road traffic regulations through a sitting blockade) in order to
point out injustive of other rules/laws (indirect civil disobediance).

This means that civil disobediance can be understood as disobediance

of citizens, which does not aim at changing the dominating order, but
concrete injustices within its framework. Therefore it is not a very ra-
dical means, but one with a low threshold and takes protest onto the
streets more accentuated than a demonstration.

In Österreich gibt es kein Recht auf zivilen Ungehorsam, aber auch keinen
Straftatsbestand des zivilen Ungehorsams. Bestraft wird die jeweilig begangene
Verwaltungs/Straf- Übertretung (z.B. bei Sitzblockade auf der Straße ein Verstoß
Ingegen die there
Austria, Straßenverkehrsordnung, in der Regel mit
is no right to civil disobediance, but50-70
also Euro Verwaltungsstrafe
no element of crime of
civil disobediance. Only the respective administratory offence will be punished
(e.g. the violation of read traffic regulations through a sitting blockade, which will
be fined with app. 50-70 EUR).

Wir denken an Zivilcourage, die es braucht, um offen „Nein“ zu sagen

We are thinking about civil courage, which is needed to openly say „no“ to injusti-
gegen Ungerechtigkeiten – und an den Mut und die Entschiedenheit,
ces – and the courage and decidedness to actively confront them.
sich ihnen aktiv entgegenzustellen.

Action Consensus Block Bologna

There will be no aggression against the police from our side. Our tool of
action is that of civil disobedience using sit-in blockades. We will not res-
pond to confrontation with the police and will only peacefully try to reach
the blockade points.

Mass blockades
Our blockades are public, human and en masse. We will not carry mate-
rial suitable for blocking roads. Our only tools of deployment will be our

Our action is a collective one. We will try to reach our goals in soli-
darity and in accordance with the action consensus. For the public
we remain as Block Bologna, but are in solidarity with other forms of

Formulation of Goals
Our human mass blockades are intended to disposess the Bologna Sum-
mit held in the Hofburg of any public legitimisation. The idea of congesting
the streets is intended to show the participants of the summit what it me-
ans to be confronted with entry restrictions.

Every blockade is bound to the action consensus and apart from that is
acting under it‘s own authority. Decisions are being made by delegates
from working groups in general assemblies. The coordination is collecting
information and is passing it on. It makes no decisions!

During the actions we want to create a situation which is transparent for
all those involved and in which the participants show solidarity by taking
care of, and supporting one another. For the mass blockades to succeed
every participant needs to assume responsibility. The personal limits and
the various forms of protest are to be mutually respected. In the event of
police violence, such as in the clearing of a blockade, we act together by
showing solidarity and using the methods of civil disobedience.

Why Action Consensus?

The Action Consensus represents the broad scope of our movement. It
is the generalisation of different forms of action and ideas, with which as
many as possible can identify. The action concensus is legally secured
Mobilisation, Movement, Coordination
and Communication



 Education of workshop moderators in the blockade workshops:

multiplication principle.

 Find coordinators and flag carriers for the strings already during
workshops. Inform planning group in case of interest.

During Demonstration

 Distribution of flyers in 6 different colours among the blocks

respectively. Each colour represents one (blockade) string.
 Distribution of 2-3 coloured and numbered flags per string.
 Distribution of coloured cloths.

 After the end of demonstration: Start. Flags go in front.
 Blockade strings try to reach the blockade points de-escalatively
 Registered manifestations will serve as secore areas of retreat. The
Police must allow access to these manifestations.


Input of Information
 Central point of collecting information from coordinators of the
blockade strings, scouts and manifestations
 Overview of media coverage (Internet, Radio, TV, ...)

Processing of Information
 Development of suggestions

Output of Information
 Sending out suggestions via WAP, twitter, indyticker and Radio
 Coordination Telephone: Communication between coordinators of
blockade strings, scouts, manifestations and coordination
 Information Telephone: Available for all blockade participants
(number on flyers)
 WAP Ticker: Available for all blockade participants
(number on flyers)
 Radio: (frequency on flyers; reception via (mobile phone)
radio / headphones)
 Twitter: Available for all those with internet connection
 Indy-Ticker: Available for all those with internet connection

Affinity Groups

Affinity groups are groups that constitute for a single event or for a longer
period in order to commonly act more coordinated and consciously. They
group themselves for a common action. Affinity groups consist of per-
sons, which know each other, which know about each others‘ strengths
and weaknesses and which support each other. The group is intended to
create an atmosphere of courage and to help judging one‘s own power.
In mass actions, affinity groups are the place where decisions are taken.
The bigger councils serve for coordination and exchange of information.

The optimal size is about 6 persons. Before the action, the group should
find a concensus about the approach, so that it can stay together during
the action. Within the group pairs, so called buddies or tandems, should
be constituted. The buddy is the person that one should especially com-
mit oneself and react to. Buddies always stay together and keep an eye
on each other.

The affinity group should excercise quick decision making. Acting self-re-
sponsibly means that everyone perceives one‘s own limits and has them
respected by the group. If someone wants to leave the blockade in case
of an eviction, this person should not have to go alone, but be escorted by
persons from the affinity group. Take time to get to know each other and
exchange your views on how you want to behave during the action and
what you expect from your affinity group.
What to talk about in affinity groups?

 Introduce yourselves to each other and exchange your

complete names, addresses (of residence) and dates of birth. In
case of repression against a group member, the other group
members will give this data to the legal team.
Make sure everyone takes an ID / passport to the action.

 Talk about your motivation to take part in the action.

 Talk about your past experiences, fears and expectations.

Tell each other about your limits for this action.

 Carify how you want to react in case of a police exertion or an


 Choose a calling name for your group.This way you won‘t have
to call each group member by name and you‘ll be able to (re)
gather quickly. Avoid possible/common individual names
(Hannah, Thomas, ...) and those that could express danger
(Dogs, Police, Fire, Water Cannon, ...).

 Make sure your group is represented in the delegates‘ council.

 Practise quick consensus finding.

 Agree on meeting points for before, during and after the action.

 Consider how to react towards people in your environment

doing things that are hardly in line with your action or your
needs during these actions.

 After the action, it might be important for you to talk about your
experiences in a circle of persons you trust – especially if you
were confronted with violence.
Delegates‘ Council

The delegates‘ council makes sure that a big group acts and decideds things to-
gether. The delegates‘ council assesses in which areas decisions are needed,
exchanges information and possibly formulates solution proposals. Things that
consider the whole action and that cannot be decided in the affinity groups are co-
ordinated in the delegates‘ council. Every affinity group sends one delegate to the
delegates‘ council.

This delegate serves as a mediator to carry opinions, appraisals or decisions of the

affinity groups into the council and to take new information, decisions, opinions, etc.
back into the group (e.g. „we would remain seated in case of using water cannon.“).
This procedure produces a powerful action, which is based upon and supported by
all activists.

Concensus Decisions
We want to take decisions by concensus. This will guarantee that everyone sup-
ports the action and nobody is ignored. Concensus doesn‘t necessarily mean that all
are of one opinion. But it always means that all are feeling O.K. about the decision
and nobody‘s needs are ignored.

When things have to be done quickly, the flashlight round is a useful tool: One after
another says one sentence maximum. Before that, a clearly formulated question or
exclamation is needed: e.g. „How do I feel in this?“, „Do I think I can remain seated
when water cannon is used?“, „Am I for directly getting onto the street?“

Helpful Rules
I-Language: Speak for yourself and not for others.
Listen: Let others talk to the end and try to understand them. Try to listen between
the lines what the need behind a certain position might be – help each other to do
Things to take with you
 Valid ID card of passport

 coins for public phones; telephone card

 practical, impermeable clothes and firm footware

 blanket, insulation mat (something you can sit on)

 notebook and pen (possibly needed for a memory protocol)

 first aid kit (band aids, compresses, bandages)

 food and drinks (only plastic bottles!)

 mobile phone without personal contacts – only save the num-

bers you‘ll need for the action

 medication that you need regularly

 city map

 small radio (or mobile phone with radio)

(we will have a radio station to our disposal)

 cloth / hat/cap / sunglasses as protection against unwanted

photo and video documentation and coldness (mummery for
the prevention of identification by police is forbidden and can
have legal consequences)

Things not to take with you

 alcohol or other drugs
 everything that could be interpreted as a weapon (e.g. glass
 address books, appointment calenders
 contact lenses, skin cream with oil (danger of irritation in case
of pepper spray use)
 ear rings, necklaces
Basic Legal Information for Blockade Workshop

Suggestions for behaviour on actions at a glance:

 Ask for the legal aid team‘s telephone number and write it on your
arm or leg with a water-proof pen
 don‘t take alcohol, other drugs or weapons with you
 don‘t take address lists or other sensitive data with you
 take a valid ID card or passport with you (otherwise police can take
you with them for identification)
 take a piece of paper and a pen with you
(to write a memory protocol)
 Touching or grabbing a police officer can already be interpreted
as „resistance agains state authorities (obstructing police officers in
the course of their duties)“. Always consider precisely what you do
and how far you want to go.

General Information

1) Distinction: Criminal Law / Administrative Law

Criminal Law
 punishable actions
 decision taken in court
 criminal record, penal record, possible prison sentence

Administrative Law
 decision taken by public authorities
 fine (like for illegal parking or driving too fast)
 no criminal record, no publicly visible penal record,
no prison sentence

Simple sitting blockades, blocking roads, remaining at places of dissolved
gatherings, etc. are only violating administrative law and ARE NOT crimi-
nal acts! In the worst case you still only get a fine.
2) Spontaneious Demonstrations

Spontaneious Demonstrations are legal and are protected by the

constitutional right of freedom of assembly (= human right). They
may only be dissolved by police when public order or security is in
danger. In practice, this can be the case very quickly, e.g.
when walking on the road.

Dissolution of an assembly

If police decides to dissolve an assembly, these are the steps:

 Police orders to leave the place through megaphone
 After a short deadline, the dissolution by police starts
 Those that don‘t follow the police order violate administrative law
(fine), but DON‘T COMMIT A CRIME!

The police are not allowed to randomly use violence, but they are bound
to laws:
 use of violence in a proportionate/relative way
 in a peaceful mass blockade, which does not use violence, police
may only carry (or – in some cases – push) persons away.
Hitting, kicking or using pepper spray is forbidden.

Resistance against state authorities / obstructing police officers in the

course of their duties
 punishable criminal act!
 one who obstructs police from their duties with violence or the
threat of violence

Passive Resistance (e.g. sitting blockade)

 NO crime
 passive remaining in a certain position –
also when holding on to a traffic sign or another person –
is NOT resistance against state authorities / obstructing police
officers in the course of their duties
3) Obligation of Identification
 No general obligation to carry IDs for austrian citizens
 Foreign citizens must carry an ID with them
 identification needs a reason
 always ask officers WHY you should identify yourself

Police only have the right to check your identity, when a concrete reason
is existing (e.g. suspicion of violating administrative law or commitment of
a crime).

4) Service Number
You have the right to ask a police officer‘s service number if you are the
person concerned of a legal act (as soon as police interact with you, this
is a legal act).

 officers are obliged to give out their numbers, when asked

 always insist on it and tell officers about their obligation

Closed Unit
Multiple officers that act as a unit can refer to their commander / officer-in-

 In this case: Ask officers for the number of the commander / officer-

5) Arrest
Your Rights:
 Right of two sucessful (!) phone calls. Call the legal aid team and a
person of trust to inform the legal aid team.
 Don‘t make any statement or testify. You have the right to refuse to
give evidence. A refusal of evidence can NOT be used against you.
 Only tell your full name, date of birth and your residence address.

Duration of Arrest
 violation of administrative law: max. 24 hours. You must be released
after 24 hours.
 violation of criminal law: max. 48 hours. You must be released after
48 hours or a custodial judge has to decide if you are getting into
pre-trial custody.
As soon as you are released, inform the legal aid team!

6) In case... What to do?

What do I do when I am arrested?
 Scream your full name and date of birth to people arround you
and ask them to inform the legal aid team

 Call the legal aid team from the police station. Insist on your
right to two successful phone calls.

 Don‘t make any statement or give evidence. Only tell your full
name, date of birth and residential address.

 Don‘t get involved in a conversation!

 Don‘t sign anything!

 As soon as you are released, inform the legal aid team!

 Write a memory protocol as soon as you can!

What do I do if I see someone being arrested?

 Ask for the arrested peron‘s full name and date of birth and
make a note
 Ask police where (to which police station) they take the person

 Call the legal aid team and inform them

 Keep in mind the happenings are concretely as possible and

start writing a memory protocol as soon as you can.
Dealing with Media Requests

 The blockades are public and announced actions. This means that
they are open for any potential participants and that we like to to medi-
ally support our legitimate concern. Because of this, blockade workshops
should possibly take place in public space, which serves purposes of mo-
bilization as well as satisfying interested journalists.
If you hold workshops the way they are sketched in this brochure, no le-
gal problems can derive for you.
Nevertheless, should you or other workshop participants feel intimidated
by media representatives, you can still ask them to go. In this case refer
to the one workshop officially declared as press event (date to be issued

 In general, the action concensus is our basis to respond to questions

by journalists. This means that the focus is on peaceful mass blockades
to carry out civil disobediance. Whenever informations exceed this basis,
please consider the next point:

 For legal reasons, it is very important to stick to certain rules con-

cerning language. Calls for criminal acts should be omitted. Saying so-
mething – using the conditional form or generalised fomulations – about
blockades is o.k.. We don‘t provide the media with information about a
concrete concept of blockade, blockade points or similar details.

 When media representatives accompany blockades on-site, it crea-

tes a certain security for the activists in regard to police. Moreover, the
concept of peaceful mass blockades can better be communicated on-site
and the reason of the blockade be carried to the outside.
Invite trustworthy journalists, who are present at your workshops, to ac-
company actions. For more detailed information, give them the number of
the press mobile phone (0650/5439833) .
What is the aim of the blockade?
Our human mass blockades aim at disposessing the bologna summit in the Hofburg of
any public legitimisation. With the concept of congested streets we will show the summit
participants what it means to be confronted with access barriers / entrance restrictions.

Where is the boundary between civil disobediance and resistance agains state au-
thority / obstructing police officers in the course of their duties?
Civil disobediance means passive resistance. Resistance against state authority, on the
other hand, means to be accused of actively obstructing an officer to execute a legal act.
On a blockade, people sit passively, hooked into others and can have themselves car-
ried away (e.g. in a „wet sack position“) in case of an eviction. From a legal point of view,
this is no act of violence. To actively and corporally intervene agains legal acts of police
does not represent the concept of civil disobediance. The implementation of this concepts
needs a certain extent of self discipline, since also reactions in the heat of the moment
can be used as evidence against you.

What are affinity groups?

Affinity groups are groups that constitute for a single event or for a longer period in order
to commonly act more coordinated and consciously. Affinity groups consist of persons,
which know each other, which know about each others‘ strengths and weaknesses and
which support each other.

What to do if I want to take part in a demonstration / blockade on my own?

Every single person that goes out on the street and actively advances one‘s own opinion
is important. Just come to the demonstration and don‘t be shy to talk to people and get to
know them.
On other forms of actions, like blockades, it is important to have people around you that
you can trust. Thus, look out for people in advance (e.g. on the demonstration), with
whom you can form an affinity group. At least, try to find a buddy. Approach other activists
and try to explain them the concept of affinity groups.

Who decides what is going to happen on a blockade?

Every blockade string is committed to the action consensus of Block Bologna. Beyond
that, it is self-responsible. Decisions are taken within the affinity groups and in delegates‘
councils. The coordination team is collecting information and passes it on. It does not
take decisions! It is important that you know your onw limites and that you communicate

actively defend yourself against police acts. This includes: hitting (lashing about), kicking
or similar. In general, one should be careful about touching police officers.

How is communication working?

The affinity groups should have talked about as much as possible in advance. A delegate
should go to the delegates‘ councils to pass on information and decisions. Information
on-site are usually distributed through flyers, an information telephone, twitter, WAP-ticker
and radio.
How can I leave the blockade?
During a sitting blockade, one should consider well, whether to leave the chain or no. Once
hooked on to one‘s neighbour, leaving the chain is not possible at any time anymore and
can be problematic. If you decided to go, your immediate neighbours need to be informed.
In standing blockades, it is usefull to agree on a code word to clearly and quickly commu-
nicate leaving the chain. With this signal, the chain can be left easily and closed again in a
stressful situation.

How far do we want to go?

It always depends on the respective action and situation. Before an action takes place, you
should inform about what is (being) planned. Clarify the limits of each member of your affi-
nity group.

From which point on can behaviour be legally persecuted and punished?

You can only be legally persecuted if your behaviour has included an element of crime ac-
cording to criminal law, e.g. resistance against state authorities / obstructing police officers
in the cause of their duties. Since it is only passive resistance in the case of civil disobedi-
ance, one is only violating administrative law. You can be persecuted for resistance against
state authorities / obstructing police officers in the cause of their duties, if you actively de-
fend yourself against police acts. This includes: hitting (lashing about), kicking or similar. In
general, one should be careful about touching police officers.

What to do in case of arrest?

Tell other activists your full name and your date of birth and, if possible, the police station
you are taken to. Ask them to inform the legal aid team. At the police station, insist on your
right to two successful phone calls and contact the legal aid team. Don‘t make statements
or give testimony to the police. Only tell your name, date of birth and residential address.
Don‘t have yourself drawn into a conversation and don‘t sign anything. As soon as you are
released, inform the legal aid team and start writing a memory protocol.

What kind of punishment to expect?

Civil disobediance, i.e. passive resistance, is no punishable act in the legal sense, but a
violation of administrative law. In the worst case, you can get a fine.
There is no criminal record, no publicly visible penal record and no prison sentence.

Is it legally problematic to hold a blockade workshop?

To hold a blockade workshop, which informs about techniques and approaches on a gene-
ral level, is not problematic from a legal point of view. Calls for criminal acts should be omit-
ted. Make statements about blockades in the conditional form and on a general level. No
statements about concrete plans.

Is there a short version of the action concensus?

We act de-escalatively. There will be no agression from us against the police. Our blocka-
des are made public, human and en-masse. It is our aim to congest the streets and to dis-
posess the summit of any public legitimisation. We therefore employ civil disobediance. We
are in solidarity with other forms of action that share our aim.

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