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Transportation Economics and Project Appraisal

1. a. What is mathematical programming?
b. What is the life cycle cost analysis? What are the factors considered for LCA.
2. Write about the data requirements for highway priest feasibility analysis.
b. Explain the establishment of the Technical / Eco / Fin feasibility of a highway
3. Write about the social benefits of highway project.
b. write the Role of HDM in feasibility studies.
4. Explain the following types of projects
SET - 2
1. Explain the following
A. Project planning
B. Project system management
C. Project implementation
D. Project funds planning.
2. A. Explain project budgetary and control.
B. Explain tendering and contract.
C. Value analysis.
3. A. briefly explain Information system and impact assessment for tendering and
B. Identify the need of TQM. What are its principal?
4. A. List out phases in TQM from conceptual stage to Operations stage.
B. Explain briefly the use of TQM in traffic and transportation projects.

Traffic Flow Analysis

1. A. Explain the assumptions and derivation of system state equations.
B. Explain the application of M/M/I analysis for parking garage and toll plazas.
2. A. What is the analysis of D/D/I system for delay characteristics?
B. Explain traffic signal analysis as D/D/I system.
3. A. Write about computation of delays and queue dissipation time.
B. Write about pedestrian gap acceptance and delays.
4. Explain following concepts
A. Blocks and anti-blocks.
B. Gaps and Non-gaps.
C. Underwood analysis for pedestrian delays.
D. pedestrian crossing facilities.

SET - 2
1. A. Explain the philosophy of simulation modeling.
B. Write about formulation of simulation model.
2. A. Explain method of system simulation and simulation languages.
B. Explain the generation of Random numbers.
3. Explain in detail the inputs generated for simulation.
4. Explain briefly the simulation modelling application for
A. Signalized and intersection.
B. Pedestrian crossing.
C. Transit scheduling.

Land Use and Regional Transportation Planning

Set - 1
1. Explain the following
A. Abstract mode models.
B. Mode specific models.
C. Direct demand models.
D. IVF models.
E. IO models.
2. A. Write about truck terminal location planning.
B. What are the network planning problems in developing countries?
3. A. Write about network characteristics.
B. Explain about network structures and indices.
4. Explain the followingA. Network planning.
B. Evaluation.
C. Graph theory.
D. Cut sets.
E. Flows and traversing.
Set - 2
1. A. Explain about optimum Network and inter modal coordination
B. Write about special features of low volume roads and explain rural Road network
2. A. Explain the application of land use forms and structures at Urban and regional
B. Write about use of multi objective and goal programming techniques.
3. A. Write about small area management.
B. Explain briefly about residential neighborhood and structure planning.
4. Explain the following-


Network planning.
Graph theory.
Cut sets.
Flows and traversing.

Transportation System Management

Set - 1
1. A. Explain about transit and intermediate public transport service improvements.
B. Explain about demand management techniques for reduced intermediate public
transport service improvements.
2. A. Explain about demand management techniques for reduce traffic demand.
B. Write about pedestrian facilities and bicycle facilities and also explain traffic
planning and management at local level.
3. Write short notes on the following
A. Staggered working hours.
B. Vehicular restriction.
C. Intersection management techniques.
D. Signal progression.
E. Optimization.
4. A. Explain about individual sites and neighborhood and local interest.
B. Write about traffic effects and land use developments.
Set - 2
1. A. Write about roles of Legislative authority for traffic Administration and its
functional responsibilities.
B. Explain about the UMTA Organization in state highway department.
2. Explain the following
A. Traffic records.
B. Research bodies.
C. Citizen Participation.
D. Asset Management.
3. A. Write the needs and objectives of Transportation system management
B. what are the objectives for local area management? Write a notes on Pedestrian
and Bicycle Facilities?
4. A write the citizen participation for Traffic Administration.
B. Explain about individual sites and neighborhood and local interest.

Pavement Construction and Evaluation


1. A. Explain about deterioration modelling concept.

B. What are the factors influencing structural and functional condition deterioration.
2. A. Quote some examples of initiation and progression deterioration models.
B. Explain the use of deterioration model by HDM software.
3. Explain about the following
A. Protein responsive maintenance programs.
B. Periodic maintenance.
C. Special repairs.
D. Rehabilitation and reconstruction.
4. A. What are the objectives and components of payment management system
(PMMS) also describe the stages in implementing PMMS.
B. What is TQM and write the short notes on Quality Assurance and quality control
Set - 2
1. Write short notes on
A. Sampling.
B. Tolerances and controls related to profile and compaction.
C. Role of ISO 9000 in T Q M.
2. A. Describe phases and components of systems approach.
B. What is relationship between the system approach and Pavement Management
3. A. What are components and activities of PMS and what are the steps in
implementing PMMS.
B. How do you evaluate alternate strategies and decisions criteria using HDM
4. Write short notes on the following
A. Index ranking
B. Benefit maximization.
C. Cost maximization methods.

Ground Improvement Techniques

Set - 1
1. Describe the following.
A. Category of grouting.
B. Art of grouting.
2. Explain the following
A. Grout material.
B. Grouting techniques and control.
3. A. What is soil reinforcement? Write a short notes on reinforcing material and
backfill criteria?
B. Write about art of reinforced Earth Technology.

4. Explain in detail Construction and Application of stone columns and cofferdams?

Set - 2
1. A. Concept of confinement.
B. Gabbion walls.
C. Crib walls.
D. Sand bags.
2. A. Short notes on evergreen systems and Fabric framework.
B. Describe design, construction and application of stone columns.
3. A. Describe design Construction application of line columns.
B. Describe design Construction application of coffer dams.
4. A. Write in detail about design and construction of reinforced Earth structures.
B. What is soil confinement system?

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