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The Carnegie Herald

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Around the Area


The Temple
And God's


By Carlin Lawrence
Guest Writer

Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And

the angel stood, saying, Rise and measure the temple
of God, the altar, and those who worship there (Revelation 11:1). The measuring rod was based on the cubit
which was from 15 to 20 inches. Many were about 18
inches in length, and some of them were up to 9 ft. long.
The first temple was built by Solomon, which replaced
the Tabernacle that was built by the instruction of God
to Moses. The first temple was totally destroyed by the
Babylonian army of Nebuchadnezzar in 586-587 BC. The
second temple was built when Cyrus allowed some of the
Jews to leave Babylon and return to Israel to rebuild the
temple. This temple took about 20 years to build and was
consecrated in 516 BC. Herod the Great (73-4 BC) built
a large expansion of the Temple Mount. This was the
temple when Jesus Christ was in Jerusalem, and it was
destroyed by the Roman Army in 70 AD. The temple that
John is told to measure is describe in Ezekiel 40-48, and
the measuring signifies Gods ownership of this temple.
But leave out the court which is outside the temple,
and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for
forty-two months (Revelation 11:2). We can expect
this temple to be rebuilt sometime before or during the
seven years of great tribulation. The Jews will revive
their worship and sacrificial system in this temple like
it was in the Old Testament. Gentiles were not allowed
into the inner court of the first and second temples, and
Gentiles will not be allowed into the inner court of this
temple. The Antichrist will make a seven year covenant
with the Jews (Daniel 9:26-27), but he will break that
covenant with the Jews after three and one-half years.
Antichrist will enter this temple and claim that he is God
(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) and put a stop to the Jews worship and sacrificial system. From that point on God will
send massive destruction onto this earth. But before all
this happens Gods two witnesses preach to this ungodly
world system.
I will appoint My two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth (Revelation
11:3). These witnesses are fearless; nothing can hurt
them unless God allows it! Which demonstrates Gods
total control over His people and His earth. The psalmist
wrote, Our God is in heaven; He does whatever pleases
Him (Psalm 115:3). Daniel wrote, He (God) does as He
pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of
the earth. No one can hold back His hand or say to Him:
What have You done? I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like Me. I make known the
end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still
to come. I say, My purpose will stand, and I will do all
that I please (Isaiah 46:9-10). These two witnesses are
wearing sackcloth, a sign of sorrow and grief over the
conditions of the world at that time (Isaiah 22:12, Jeremiah 6:26).
These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands
and they stand before the God of the earth (Revelation
11:4). These two olive trees and two lampstands that
stand before the Lord are part of the visions God gave to
Zechariah (Zechariah 4:14). Zechariahs visions focused
on both the time he lived and on the end times when
Jesus Christ will rule this earth. Zechariah was the
encourager of Joshua the high priest and Zerubbabel as
they rebuilt the second temple of God. Gods message to
Zerubbalel was, Not by might nor by power, but by My
Spirit, says the Lord Almighty (Zechariah 3:6). Christians need to hard-wire this message into our brainGod
doesnt need human wisdom and intellect to accomplish
His purposes on His earth. The Spirit is strong, but the
flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41). These two witnesses are
Gods divine instruments to speak of Gods grace and
Gods warnings to this ungodly world.

n Verse for the Week

Therefore, being always of good courage,
and knowing that while we are at home in
the body we are absent from the Lord for
we walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:6-7

The Carnegie Herald

Serving Carnegie, Oklahoma since 1903

Member of the Oklahoma Press



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n A Note From the Superintendent

By Mark Batt, Carnegie School Superintendent

We are off to a fast start

to the 15-16 school year
here at Carnegie Public
Schools. A lot of exciting
improvements have been
implemented to improve
all aspects of our students
academic careers. I am
sure that you have seen
them for yourself or heard
of them from your children
AVID has been implemented in the high school.
Mrs. Clift received a 3
year grant for AVID implementation. It is designed
to help students have
greater academic success
at both the secondary and

School year off to a fast start

post-secondary levels. AVID
is based on the principles of
organization, accountability,
collaboration and inquiry.
It will help us to achieve our
mission of creating lifelong
The Keystone food service
has been a great success in
both of our cafeterias. Our
cooks have been producing excellent meals at both
breakfast and lunch. The
number of students and
teachers that are eating in
the cafeterias has grown
We have started the
implementation of Google
Chromebooks at the middle

school and high school. Our

science department and
AVID programs have moved
to an online curriculum
using the devices. Mrs.
Schneberger, Mrs. Turney
and Mr. Bittle have taken
on this task and are doing
an excellent job with the
technology integration.
If you have been to a football game recently you probably noticed the new scoreboard and play timers. We
finally retired the old red
scoreboard after about 25
years of use. The new board
would not be possible without the generous donations
from several local business-

es. We greatly appreciate

the financial contributions
from Western Aggregates,
Farmers Bank, Carnegie
Telephone, Steckman Collision, Farmers Co-Op and
Teal Insurance. There is no
way that the board would be
standing without the tireless work of Brent Kinder,
Dwayne Kinder, Rodney
Robnett, Dustin Thurman,
Cody McSperitt, Jim Harvey, Ryan Donaldson, Kirk
Graham, P.K. Hurt and
Scott Cline.
We are excited about the
changes and are looking
forward to a great year at
Carnegie Public Schools.


Praying in the Midst of Life

n By Rev. Derek Belase
A few years ago, I ran
across an article from National Public Radio about a
new field in science called
neurotheology. Scientists
have found that the brains
of people who spend untold
hours in prayer and meditation are different.
How does this work? Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at the University of
Pennsylvania, is a leading
researcher in this area.
His research method is
explained this way:the neuroscientist settles a subject
in a darkened examination
room and asks him to pray
for someone else that
is, intercessory prayer. A
few minutes later, at the
moment Newberg believes
the subject has reached the
peak of his prayer, the researcher injects the subject
with a dye that shows the

blood flow in his brain.

After a brain scan, Newberg notes some areas of
increased activity in the
frontal lobes, which handle
focused attention precisely what he would expect from a person praying
For those of us who have
ever entered into a time
of prayer, this is not news
we already knew that
somehow, after prayer, we
experience a change in our
countenance which cannot
be described or explained.
My prayer is that each of
you has an active prayer
life. But the question is
this: in what prayer practices do you regularly engage?
If you would like a pattern
for daily prayer, one can be
found at the end of this article. If you sit down to pray
and dont know where to
start, this might be a good

pattern to consider.
Remember, though, you
do not pray alone. Your
prayers are joined with so
many others that rise to
God. In an edition of The
Christian Century, Rodney
Clapp offered this statement in his column following the May 2013 tornado
outbreak in Oklahoma:
the best singular response
is not prayer singular
but prayers plural. We
are called to offer different prayers for different
situations. For those whose
homes and lives were
spared, we lift up a prayer
of thanksgiving. For those
whose lives and homes were
lost, we offer prayers of
sorrow and intercession for
the dead. For some, joyful
thanksgiving; for others,
prayers of commiserating
There are many prayers

for many different situations in life. Let us add our

prayers to the prayers of
the other faithful who are
speaking and listening to
A Pattern for Daily Prayer
Pray on Sunday for the
church, the pastor(s) and
staff, and Sunday school
Pray on Monday for your
work in the world, for those
who are seeking employment or struggling with
vocational choices.
Pray on Tuesday for your
Pray on Wednesday for
your friends.
Pray on Thursday for
the emerging needs in the
Pray on Friday for your
Pray on Saturday for
people in your life with special needs or challenges.

Victory Club to host New Member Benefit

Carnegie Victory Club will

hold a New Membership
Benefit Pow-wow Friday,
September 18 at Red Buffalo Hall at the Kiowa Complex in Carnegie.
The event will take place
from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
and supper will be sold at
$5.00 per plate.
A special invite is extended
to the 2015 Kiowa Princess
Theresa Kiley and all local
association princesses.
Serving as emcees will be
Eddie Mahsett, U.S. Marine and Cy Ahtone; headman dancer will be Lowell
Nibbs, U.S. Army; headlady
dancer will be Summer
Palmer, Ms. Indian Lawton;
headsinger will be James
Chalepah; arena director,
Freddie Bandaras; and
security will be provided by
Rankin Parton and Leland
The event will be co-hosted
by the Kiowa Tia-Piah and
Southwest Veterans Association.
Membership is open all

Native American Indians

and the pow-wow is open to
the public.
Honored veteran will be
Stewart Cady, ISG - U.S.
Cady was raised in Wisconsin by his grandparents
on a farm. He learned to
work hard, and respect his
elders, the land and the
He joined the Marines in
1974 and retired in 1996
and also retired from the
United States Postal Service.
Cady served in the Infantry Division and served
with the 4th/6th and 8th
Marines. He was also at
Marine barracks Pearl Harbor MATSG 90 Millington,
TN and served with the 3rd
BN/23rd Marines I+I Duty
(training reservists) and
SOI Camp Pendleton, CA
(infantry training) 1st Sgt.
The 1st Sgt. has numerous medals and awards:
Meritorious Service Medal,
Combat Action Ribbon with


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Star and Marine Corps Acdian in Washington, DC, a

comidation Medal, Marine
member of the Buddy Bond
Corps Achievement Medal
Color Guard, and Vietnam
with star.
Veterans Memorial
1st Sgt. is the
Foundation and OKC
President of the
Pow Wow Club.
Native American
He is married to
Marine Corps VetFran (Brown) Cady
erans Association.
for 35 years. They
He is also a memhave two children,
ber of the Kiowa
eight grandchildren
Gourd Clan, Ameriand two great grandcan Legion Post 38
1st. Sgt.
(Buffalo Post) in
Cady is Chippewa
White Eagle, VFW
and Oglala Sioux
OKC area, Marine
and is very proud of
Corps Association,
his Native American
Marine Corps Heriheritage and proud to
tage Foundation, National
have been chosen Honored
Museum of American InVeteran.



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