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Date Rape Drugs

Chloral hydrate
Scared to report or get help because you were drinking underage at the time of t
he assault? UW-Madison cares more about you getting help than about getting you
in trouble. Check out the Responsible Action Guidelines here: http://students.wi
According to the UW Police Department, about eight of every ten acquaintance-ass
aults reported by UW-Madison students involve alcohol. Alcohol is never an excus
e for sexual assault, and assault is never the victim's fault, regardless of whe
ther she or he has been drinking. However, it is important to be aware of situat
ions that could become dangerous.
Alcohol can make a situation more dangerous because it:
Impairs judgment and clouds thinking. This makes it harder to recognize a risky
situation in time to get out of it.
Interferes with clear communication. You may be unable to say no confidently, clea
rly, and loudly. The other person may not notice, may find it easier to ignore y
ou, or may use his or her own drunkenness as an excuse afterwards.
Reduces inhibitions. People will do things when they're drunk that they might no
t do if they were sober.
Makes people more emotional. Someone who is drinking may be more aggressive. Con
flicts may arise more easily, escalate quickly, and be harder to resolve.
For all these reasons, sexual assault is much more likely if one or both people
have been drinking. It helps to be aware both of how intoxicated you are as well
as how impaired your partner or other people around you are.
You should also be aware that alcohol affects men and women differently:
Women get drunk faster. Because women are generally smaller than men, they can b
ecome equally drunk after consuming less alcohol.
Women stay drunk longer. Different levels of sex hormones in women and men cause
men to process alcohol more quickly.
A potential attacker may encourage you to drink in order to make you an easier t
arget for sexual assault. Be wary of someone who constantly offers to refill you
r drink or who keeps encouraging you to drink faster. There are several other th
ings you can do to help reduce your risk of being a victim of alcohol or drug-re
lated sexual assault.
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Chloral Hydrate
Chloral hydrate is a sedative used as a treatment for insomnia, a surgical sedat
ive, and a post-surgery pain reliever. It is also sometimes taken recreationally
or used as a date rape drug.
It is more dangerous in combination with alcohol. Alcohol greatly increases chlo
ral hydrate's sedative effects. Chloral hydrate may be obtained with a prescript
ion and is also easily made using common household chemicals. It is legal by pre
scription only.
Street Names:
Mickey Finn
Knockout Drops
Prescription chloral hydrate comes in capsules of different doses. Homemade chlo
ral hydrate is a clear liquid with a bitter taste.
Someone using chloral hydrate in a sexual assault would probably try to mix the
liquid into your drink, possibly by breaking open a capsule.
Liquid chloral hydrate takes effect 15 to 30 minutes after entering your body. E
ffects last several hours, depending on the dose and on combination with alcohol
. Alcohol greatly increases chloral hydrate s sedative effects.20 Prescription Dru

gs That Cause Memory Loss

Here is a list of medications known to have memory loss as a possible side effec
for Parkinson s
scopolamine, atropine, glycopyrrolate
for epilepsy phenytoin or Dilantin
heroin, morphine, codeine
sleeping pills Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata
Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Dalmane
antibiotics (quinolones)
high blood pressure drugs
beta blockers (especially those used for glaucoma)
antipsychotics Haldol, Mellaril
tricyclic antidepressants
barbiturates Amytal, Nembutal, Seconal, phenobarbital
chemotherapy drugs

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