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Feature Wrinkle

A Wrinkle
is Not Just a
The skin as a mirror of nutritional
quality, stress burden and internal
health through the aging process.
By Alan C. Logan, ND, FRSH

F ine lines, wrinkles, sagging, roughness, dark under

eye circles and uneven tone (colouration) are often
accepted as inevitable parts of the aging process, and are
thought to be a matter of genetics and lifetime ultraviolet
(UV) exposure. Research is beginning to unravel this
rather simplistic view. It is becoming clear that facial
skin represents an excellent surrogate marker for internal
health and lifestyle wellness through the aging process.

continued on page 55 >

Alan Logan is a consultant with Genuine Health, Alan Logan, ND, FRSH
a natural health products company. Genuine Health
Department of Research and Development

317 Adelaide Street West Suite 501

Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 1P9

54 IHP February/January 2010

Feature Wrinkle

Skin and Internal Health Diet and the Skin

The first hint that facial wrinkles might be a surrogate Many studies have sought to investigate the influence
marker for internal health came from a study of smokers. of nutrition on the skin. A multinational study involving
The study involving over 1,000 community residents 453 older adults (average age: 76) from Australia
demonstrated that smoking might even exceed sun exposure (N=225), Sweden (N=159) and Greece (N=69) addressed
in enhancing the risk of wrinkles. Interestingly, among whether food and nutrient intakes were correlated
the male smokers over 50 years, those with the worst with skin wrinkling in a sun-exposed site. Swedish
wrinkle scores were also those who had a higher risk of patients had the least skin wrinkling in a sun-exposed
chronic diseases (intensity of smoking was unrelated). site. Correlation analyses suggested that there might
Males over 50 years with the same smoking habits and the be less actinic skin damage with a higher intake of
least wrinkles did not have the same high risk of chronic vegetables (r(s)=-0.31, P<0.0001), fish (r(s)=-0.24,
disease. Specifically, the low-wrinkle smokers were twice P<0.0001) and legumes (r(s)=-0.16, P<0.0001), and
as likely not to have a history of heart attacks and strokes lower intakes of butter (r(s)=0.46, P<0.0001) and
(or both) versus the high-wrinkle smokers (Daniell 1971). sugar products (r(s)=0.12, P<0.01). A high intake of
vegetables and legumes appeared to be protective
Visual cues may indeed be a reliable marker for internal against cutaneous actinic damage; a high intake of
health among older adults. In a unique aging study meat and dairy appeared to be adverse. The study
involving 1,086 men, researchers asked clinicians to showed that skin wrinkling may be influenced
estimate the patients’ ages based on only visual cues, by the types of foods consumed (Purba 2001).
without any knowledge of health records. The researchers
had a full complement of blood work, including objective Another study of 4,025 women (age 40-74) showed
measures of lung, kidney, cardiovascular and neurological that higher overall fat intake and higher overall
health on file for each patient. During follow-up, subjects carbohydrate intake significantly increased the risk
who were estimated to be older than their true age were of a wrinkled appearance. The researchers also
more likely to die during the 19 years of data collection. reported that higher dietary vitamin C intakes were
The estimated age of those who died during the study associated with a reduced likelihood of a wrinkled
was four years older (on average) than actual age, while appearance (OR 0.89; 95% CI: 0.82, 0.96) and senile
survivors were reported to be 0.59 years younger (on dryness (OR: 0.93; 95% CI: 0.87, 0.99); similarly,
average) versus chronological age (Borkan 1982). higher linoleic acid intakes were associated with a
reduced likelihood of senile dryness (OR: 0.75; 95%
More recent investigations have noted that facial CI: 0.64, 0.88) and skin atrophy (OR: 0.78; 95% CI
appearance may indicate health status in older adults. 0.65, 0.95). An increase in fat (17g) and carbohydrate
Using digital facial photographs of 100 sets of older adult (50g) intakes increased the likelihood of wrinkled skin
twins, Danish researchers asked 20 nurses (25-46 years (OR: 1.28 and 1.36, respectively) and skin atrophy
of age) to estimate the age of each twin. The individual (OR: 1.37 and 1.33, respectively). The associations
twin rated to be older looking was much more likely to were independent of sun exposure (Cosgrove 2007).
die first (73% of cases) (Christensen 2004). Moreover, a
Korean study was carried out in 264 healthy adults, 30 German researchers reported that total dietary
years of age and older, to determine whether there was antioxidant intake, lycopene in particular, was
a relation between facial wrinkles and decreased renal associated with a decreased depth and density of
function. As an index of renal function, the estimated furrows and wrinkles in adult volunteers between
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was determined. The 40 and 50 years (Darvin 2008a, Darvin 2008b).
researchers also evaluated the presence and severity of facial Most recently, a study of 252 healthy Spanish women
wrinkles lateral to the canthus of the right eye (“crow’s (age 30-70) examined the impact of lifestyle factors
feet” area) and blood markers of lipid peroxidation. on perceived age. Digital facial photographs
After controlling for smoking and alcohol consumption, were evaluated by 55 independent examiners
the researchers reported that those with the most severe who estimated the age of the subjects. Subjects
facial wrinkling were more likely to have suboptimal estimated to be younger than actual chronological
kidney filtration rates (i.e., <90ml/min per 1.73m2). In age were more likely to adhere to healthy dietary
addition, a higher level of plasma lipid peroxidation was habits (the specifics of healthy diet were undisclosed
correlated with both suboptimal kidney filtration and by the researchers), have better sleep quality and
the presence of severe facial wrinkling (Park 2008). unsurprisingly, avoid excessive sunlight (Mayes 2009).

February/March 2010 IHP 55

Feature Wrinkle

Nutritional Foods and Supplements omega-3 fatty acids are plenty, including decreased risk
A number of nutrients and phytochemicals have been of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, mood disorders and
the subject of research with endpoints related to skin other conditions encountered in aging (Riediger 2009).
aging. Some of these nutrients are known to improve Lycopene is yet another nutritional supplement with
other aspects of internal health. For example, research in internal UV-protecting properties. Consumption of oral
otherwise healthy middle-aged women has shown that lycopene supplements (9.6mg daily) for 12 weeks decreased
cocoa antioxidants can improve parameters of aging skin. UV-induced erythema by approximately 40% in healthy
Cocoa and dark chocolate have been shown to improve risk adult volunteers (Stahl 2006). As previously mentioned,
factors associated with cardiovascular disease and type II cutaneous levels of lycopene are inversely associated with
diabetes (Balzer 2008). With regard to aging skin, the oral the depth and severity of furrows and wrinkles in humans.
administration of 329mg cocoa flavanols (versus 27mg cocoa
flavanols) significantly improved blood flow to the skin after The oral consumption of polyphenol-rich red
two hours (Neukam 2007). A longer-term study showed wine has also been shown to provide internal UV
that daily consumption of 329mg cocoa flavanols (versus protection and significantly enhance the MED in adult
27mg flavanols daily) for three months reduced UV-induced volunteers. Consumption of approximately 0.5L of
erythema, improved hydration and decreased roughness high polyphenol red wine provided UV protection
and scaling of the skin in otherwise healthy middle-aged within 40 minutes of consumption (Moehrle 2009).
women (Heinrich 2006). Separate research in humans
showed that 12-weeks consumption of dark chocolate An additional consideration in nutritional supplementation
containing 600mg of cocoa flavanols doubled the amount of is the green food category. Based on findings that a diet
UV radiation required to reach the minimal erythema dose rich in fruits and vegetables (especially deep green leafy
(MED; i.e., enough UV to produce sunburn appearance) vegetables) may be protective against the skin aging
(Williams 2009). Since UV radiation is a primary factor process, and that a diet rich in meat, dairy and processed
in the development of the visible signs of aging, cocoa’s grains is associated with a greater degree of skin aging, the
UV protective properties are of clinical relevance. importance of acid-alkaline balance is worth mentioning.
Fruits and vegetables provide an abundance of alkaline
The internal UV-protecting properties of cocoa can buffers, including bicarbonates, potassium and other
also be found with other nutritional supplements. For alkaline minerals (Logan 2009). Meat, dairy and processed
example, fish oil rich in EPA has been shown to provide grains have an acidic influence in the human body, and
internal protection against UV damage (Rhodes 2004, in the absence of alkaline fruits and vegetables, an acid-
Shahbakhti 2003), and improve skin elasticity in healthy heavy Western fast-food style diet (consumed for just nine
women (Segger 2008). The collateral health benefits of days) has been shown to significantly elevate the stress

56 IHP February/January 2010

Feature Wrinkle

hormone cortisol in humans (Maurer 2003). Elevations industry, yet recent research shows that orally consumed
in the stress hormone cortisol may slow production and ceramides, naturally derived from rice bran, konjac fiber
enhance breakdown of the primary dermal structure, and wheat grain, can improve the epidermal barrier and
collagen. The top-heavy acid diet has also been connected significantly enhance skin hydration (Asai 2007). Orally
with osteoporosis due to enhanced loss of calcium and consumed combination supplements containing fermented
magnesium from the bones. Even relatively small losses dairy, green tea and borage oil have also been shown to
of bone minerals and density in the facial bones can improve skin hydration from the inside out (Puch 2008).
significantly accelerate the visible signs of aging via
enhanced sagging and folding of the skin (Vleggaar Clinical Implications
2008). Green food supplements, typically a mixture of In sum, the visible signs of aging can provide a mirror to
antioxidant-rich plant foods and botanical herbs, can lifestyle habits – beyond the well-known factors of sun
provide alkaline support (Berardi 2008). Green food exposure and smoking history. Dietary patterns shown to
supplements, therefore, have the potential to maintain protect against aging skin are the same dietary approaches
bone integrity, provide internal antioxidants to the skin generally advocated for the reduction of chronic illnesses
and mitigate elevations in circulating cortisol levels. such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and depression. For
patients concerned about the appearance of skin aging,
Lastly, consideration of internal nutrient factors for the it may be worthwhile to discuss the connections between
maintenance of well-hydrated skin is important. The diet and stress. Changing lifestyle habits to address aging
stratum corneum within the epidermal barrier contains skin – improving dietary quality and managing stress via
important lipids known as ceramides. For years, synthetic mind-body medicine – provides a “backdoor” approach
ceramides have been a staple in the topical cosmetics to lower the risk of multiple chronic diseases of aging.

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