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TSL 3143

As a student teacher, which model or models of curriculum design do you think your
national school curriculum was based?
The most influential model in the field of curriculum design is Tyler's model. It is sometimes
known as the 'Tyler rationale' or the 'objectives model'. The model provides a framework of
how to construct a planned curriculum.
In Malaysia, the procedures for the development of curriculum at various levels of schooling
are apparently different. The key components of the curriculum development process are
very much the same for all levels except that at the tertiary level of education where
different kinds of stakeholders are involved in the development of curriculum whereas at the
level of higher education, the process is controlled by the subject specialist.

What kind of school is it? What are the
purposes of objective
this school made for? If it is elementary school
for example, the curriculum should provide childrens need. Should cover what should be learned
by children. If it is vocational school, what kind of vocational school is it? So, the curriculum should
cover the need and the aim of the students in that school. In short, the curriculum should be made
to attain the purposes of that school. What educational experiences can be provided that is likely to
attain these purposes?

of activities
After knowing the school purposes,
we have to pay
more attention to educational experiences
should be provided. It is about educational experiences related to the purposes. We have to find
the best students and teachers activities in the classroom in order to achieve the school purposes.
Because, it wont be make sense if the purposes of the school about how to make students master
about technology, then we prepare the educational experiences using the traditional one. Here, we
have to be careful in choosing what are the students going to learn, and how are they going to

organization of activities

One thing that we have to bear in our mind is how we organize those educational experiences. In
other word, we have to deal with the organization of the experiences. We have to set good
organization in organizing the educational experiences. We have to arrange them step by step,
and make them structurized. We cannot jump from first step to the last, and jump again to the
middle. Here, we need to organize them very carefully, what should be the first to do, then the
second, the third, etc. We must organize them effectively, by using the right stages.

To make sure that whether the purposes are being attained or not, of course we have to
do evaluation of the experiences. We have to evaluate all the experiences without
exception. And this evaluation should be conducted continuously by the evaluator, in order
to develop curriculum from time to time.

Model 2
In the Malaysian curriculum design, this model presented the curriculum design process as

Continuing activity.
Incorporates new information into the curriculum.
Views curriculum elements as interrelated and interdependent.
Has feedback mechanism.
Emphasize on the situational analysis.
Evaluate at a stage where its findings are feedback into the objectives.

This model is a cyclic model

curriculum is a continuous cycle

responding to the changes within education
where any new information or practice will
bring changes
It undertakes situational analysis whereby
the context or situation in which curriculum
decisions are to be taken is thoroughly

-covers all the experiences provided in the

This help curriculum developers
take correct decisions thus
Goals are tied to specific subjects or group
encouraging active participation of
of content within the curriculum; while
staffs in school based curriculum. Objectives describe more specific
outcomes as a result of lessons or
instructions delivered at a classroom.

Learning Experience



Learning experiences is an activity which the

learners engages in which the results in his

is what we teach.
It must be related to validity, significance,
utility, interest and learnability.

The former have clear objectives and

aligned assessment strategies designed to
test how well students have achieved the
learning outcomes.
Wheeler model sets the school objectives
as final steps in as well as the first.

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