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What course are you studying: BA Hons Business Management and

Marketing at Nottingham Trent University.
What did you study at school/college: I studied the International
Baccalaureate at Newcastle College, which is the equivalent to A Levels but instead
of 4, I studied 6 subjects including Business Management.
Why did you choose this course?
During my time at college, I began to grow tired of studying and craved the
independence that working life could give me. I began looking into management
courses but nothing seemed to fit for me, until I came across the Business
Management and Marketing course at Nottingham Trent University. The course is
joint honours, which means that I get to study management and specialise in
marketing; this is great because such a rounded education has definitely shaped
my future career prospects! My favourite thing about this course is that after my
second year, I can do a year in industry earning real money and in a real life job
role! I am learning a lot in the lecture theatre but I have the option to gain real
experience to enhance my future.
Why did you choose this uni?
I was initially reluctant to go to University and this mind set made the process of
deciding where to go a lot harder. I would browse the places that my friends were
set to go but nothing seemed right. I found Nottingham Trent University on UCAS, I
had already been to Nottingham before to see live music and really liked the city, so
I did my research and for the first time in the process began to get excited. The
Business School was highly regarded, the course was perfect for me as it had a
placement year included and all of the facilities were either renovated or in the
process of being updated. For me, Nottingham Trent seemed to be about really
making your future better instead of a continuation of studying and that fits in with
who I am perfectly.
What are the facilities like?
Nottingham Trent have been and are still investing a lot of time and money into the
renovation of University, mainly the city campus, and even a brief walk around the
site really shows this. My favourite is the Students Union, it has it all theres a
sports hall, gym, three different floors of bars, restaurant, coffee shop and plenty of
social space! I even managed to get a job there because they only hire students.
The modern SU is also opposite the library and within a couple minutes from the
University buildings, so you can go get yourself a (very reasonably priced) drink or
meal after youve been studying.

What's the student experience like?

When going to university you are riddled with worry that you wont make any
friends and that you may not find something that you enjoy, its a perfectly rational
worry but I can ensure you that you wont have that issue at Nottingham Trent.
There are plenty of bars and clubs, if thats your thing, including the Students
Union which doubles as the club to go to on Saturday when the locals take over the
other clubs. I prefer bars personally and there is a whole host of them, catering to
everyones taste. My favourite is the sports bar where I go watch Newcastle United
lose and play pool, but if you like the more old fashioned style pubs, Nottingham is
home to the oldest pub in the UK! There are over 80 societies at the uni, so you
dont have to worry about finding something that youre not interested in. During
freshers week you can go to the societies fair and choose the groups that youd
like to get involved in. Its a great way to socialise and make new friends; Ive even
made some of my best friends through this! With 25,000+ students, youre bound to
meet your kind of people and there are plenty of ways in which the Uni facilitates
Best thing about studying at your uni?
Around this time last year, I was accepted to study in Norway for summer and this
was all because of the partnership that Nottingham Trent has with Universities
around the world. I had the best month in Norway, I learned so much and made
friends from all over the place including America, South Africa and France! I think
that the international opportunities that Nottingham Trent provides is the best thing
about studying here, theres a global lounge too for exchange students so you can
get involved with different cultures from the comfort of Goldsmith Street,
Have you done any work-experience?
Im currently managing and planning Social Media (specifically blogs) for two notfor-profit organisations because I have a deep interest in digital marketing. Im
hoping that this will help me on my hunt for a work placement and when looking for
a graduate role.

What are your future career plans?

Right now, Im looking for a work placement and Im most interested by the
technology industry and the games industry because they both are international
and focus a lot of their marketing efforts online. Once Im graduated, I hope to get
into a marketing grad scheme and work my way up. In 10 years, maybe Ill be chief

of marketing somewhere!
Any tips for students thinking about going to uni?
Dont settle when youre thinking about what to do, where to go, find something
that genuinely excites you. You dont want to look back in three years, with 27
grand worth of debt and have not enjoyed what you have done.
What course are you studying: BA (Hons) International Business
What did you study at school/college: A Levels in Business,
Law, English Language & Literature.
Why did you choose this course?
I chose this course for many reasons. The major reason was the flexibility: as
someone who is interested in many aspects of international business, including
Law, Finance, Ethics and Human Resources, this course was able to offer
opportunities to study in all of these areas.
I also liked the way the course was structured; it is four years with a placement
and/or exchange opportunities, allowing a break in the penultimate year to gain
valuable business experience. The course focuses on cross-cultural leadership and
working in an international business environment, two key elements to improving
employability as a graduate. The assignment structure was built to develop new
skills through a useful mix of exams and written and oral assignments. This
structure debunks the myth of universities focussing on large exams, and similarly,
on just essays. It really has been integral in my development, and has built greater
confidence in my ability to complete any assignment or project, either at University
or in the workplace
Why did you choose this uni?
I chose Oxford Brookes due to its reputation as the UKs best modern university, as
well as its renowned placement scheme. The strong reputation that Brookes holds
in the business community has allowed it to build strong relationships with local and
national businesses, which encourages students to seek employment. Oxford
Brookes also invests heavily in the development and experience of the students,
and I was encouraged to see the construction of a new academic building and
library when I came to the campus in late 2010, one that I have been able to take
full advantage of this year.
What are the facilities like?
Overall the facilities at Oxford Brookes are excellent, the new John Henry Brookes

Building has a four-storey library, Students Union Bar, Food Hall, Forum and
Lecture theatres and classrooms, which was developed as part of a 140m
The Headington campus is relatively central, and the bus service to and from the
city centre and other campuses is regular and reliable. There are a number of
sports facilities, including a fully equipped gym and exercise rooms, as well as
indoor and outdoor all-purpose courts and fields, and the Harcourt Hill Campus has
a swimming pool.
The halls at Oxford Brookes vary in price, depending on whether you opt for ensuite or not, but all are of a good standard. The Brookes website offers full
guidance on price and location, but the Halls experience is one I would definitely
recommend. The campuses provide a sense of community, and are a place where
you can combine study and social time.
What's the student experience like?
The student experience at Brookes has been great; there are plenty of
opportunities to meet new people from across the student body, through intra-mural
sports, societies, and the wide variety of events that happen every week.
There are nearly 100 societies that cover the widest possible variety of interests
and activities where you can meet lots of new people.
The Oxford nightlife is vibrant; there are a host of nightclubs that have their own
dedicated night for students, stretching from Monday through Friday. There are also
a string of student friendly pubs and bars where you can go for a more low key
outing. The environment is geared towards students, and the city embraces us
whilst we are here.
Best thing about studying at your uni?
The best thing about studying at Brookes is being part of an academic community
that includes support staff and the academic staff. This ecosystem supports
students in every area of their academic life, and the collaboration between the
parties allows students to ensure they have a say in how they are taught.
Students are treated and taught as young professionals, and the dynamics in the
classroom are all about engagement and collaboration. The academic staffs always
provide time for us to meet with them to discuss things, and we also have an
academic advisor who stays with us throughout our programme. They can provide
anything from general advice, providing references, and providing us with the

information needed to choose the right modules.

Have you done any work-experience?
Yes, I took a year out to complete a work placement, which I did at IBM in
London. The University pro-actively supports students during their search for a
placement, and also whilst they carry out this placement. Working at IBM for a year
was one of the greatest learning experiences of my life, and it was very exciting to
see my development over the 12 months I spent there.
The key skills that I learnt at Brookes were easily transferrable to the workplace,
and I do not doubt they had a profound influence on my successes whilst at IBM.
Placements are an excellent opportunity to experience working in an organisation,
whilst still under the umbrella of academia. There are thousands of opportunities
available to placement students across the UK, and the World!
What are your future career plans?
After spending some time in Australia this summer, I intend to start a Graduate
scheme in Business Consulting at a technology company, starting in September of
this year.
Any tips for students thinking about going to uni?
My first piece of advice would be to do research all of the options available to you;
there are plenty out there, of which University is one. University is an amazing
place to spend 3-4 years of your life, but it isnt for everyone. If you are intent on
going to university, I would suggest that you sit down and spend a significant
amount of time researching universities that you are interested in attending, and
looking at everything to do with that university. There are hundreds of excellent
universities out there, but it is more than just about rankings or nightlife. Look at
each course and university subjectively, evaluating the course on its own merit and
characteristics, and not just where that university ranks in the Top 100.
Secondly, make sure you visit the universities you have applied to; when you step
foot on the campus, you will know whether it is a place where you can live and
study for the next few years. The feeling that you get will help you decide whether
that university is the place for you.
Finally, leaving home can be hard, but it is also one of the best life experiences you
will ever get. Dont let the fear of leaving home stop you from attending the
University that is right for you. If you feel that the University closest to you is the
best fit, then that is great too.


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