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A. Regarding the Required Textbook

The required textbook for the course is available at the Berklee bookstore. You must purchase the
textbook immediately and must always bring it to class.
Most required reading assignments refer to the textbook. Some additional reading assignments will be
distributed in class in the form of handouts.
A list of listening assignments will be presented in class.
You are required to read and listen to the given assignment(s) before the lecture, and again after the
B. Classroom policies

Attendance. Attendance at class meetings is required and roll will be taken at every class. If
you know that you are not able to come regularly to class, you should not take this course. The
first 2 hours of absence (one class meeting) will count for any personal excuse (illness, work,
family, or otherwise). Every absence beyond that will automatically be reducing your final grade
by one third of a letter grade (i.e. B will become B-, C+, C,etc.).
Late arrivals constitute disruptive behavior since they disturb the lecture and your fellow
students. Three late arrivals (more than 5min.) will be considered one unexcused absence. After
that each tardy will be considered one unexcused absence and your grade will be decreased
proportionately. Note that you risk failing the course due to excessive absences and/or chronic
I am certainly open to accommodate any special circumstances (catastrophic illness, family
emergency, etc), which might arise and encourage you to contact me in advance so we can
work out a reasonable solution. Obviously, you should be able to officially document your
special situation.


Forms of address. Please inform me during first roll how you wish to be addressed in class. I
wish at all times to be addressed by my professional title.


Handing in assignments. All weekly assignments MUST be fully prepared before class and
turned in at the beginning of class. Assignments should adhere to the following guidelines:
a. Include a cover page with your name, date, and course number
b. Put name and page numbers on all pages
c. Have all pages stapled in upper left corner
d. Midterm and final projects will only be accepted via email, and should be sequenced. I will
accept all different types of files (Finale, Sibelius, PDF-Audio)
Late weekly work turned in without a valid excuse will not be accepted. When accepted it
will be graded accordingly in order to be fair to those students who do turn in their work on
time. If you need an extension on a longer and more complex assignment like a midterm or final
project, please ask at least 48 hours before the assignment is due.


Conduct. By taking this course, you agree to behave at all times with respect and consideration
for the instructor and other students enrolled. I reserve the right to fail any student who disrupts
the course, its goals, activities, lectures, or discussions in any way. Disruptive activities include
but are not limited to: talking or making obtrusive sounds when you do not have the floor,
especially during lectures; chronic lateness; behaving in a fashion that is inconsistent with stated
course policies; cheating; plagiarizing; partaking of activities during meetings that are not directly
related to course tasks (such as sleeping or reading non-related materials). Eating is not
permitted during class, only before and/or after. Make sure that you thoroughly clean up



C. Academic Integrity
I will operate on the assumption that every class member is thoroughly familiar with the Berklee
Code of Student Conduct (you may find an on line version at: If you're not, please consider this
document to be your first reading assignment! Plagiarism, collaboration on individual assignments,
and cheating in any fashion will not be tolerated; such behavior will result in failing the assignment, or the
course, and in the notification of the department chair and the dean of students (in accordance with
University sanctions).
D. Course Assignments
a) Readings, listenings, and writing assignments constitute the core of this course. Therefore, it is
extremely important that you keep up with all.
b) You are required to complete all listening and reading assignments before each class meeting. Only in
this way will you be able to participate in and follow the class discussion which will mostly focus upon,
analysis, critical listening, students presentations and on specific items from the textbook that need further
c) Every week, the day before class, a series of questions will be uploaded in the course website that
relate to the material that is going to be discussed in class during the regular class meeting. You are
required to answer all these questions on line and upload your answers in the class website. You will be
graded for your answers.
d) Every week, the one-hour session of the class meeting will be devoted to students presentations and
critical discussions upon them. You will be graded for the quality of your presentations and your
participation in the discussions.
More information about this interactive approach will be provided during the first class meeting.
There will be two major graded projects you would have to complete during the semester the
midterm and the final. In these projects you should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of
all topics discussed in class. You are expected to display a synthesis of your musical thinking,
reading, listening, analyzing, and writing (composing) as it evolves throughout the semester.
More information regarding these assignments will be discussed in class. Projects count for 40% of
your final grade. (20% each)
Two exams will also take place during the semester the midterm and the final. Exams count for 30% of
your final grade. (15% each)
E. Grading
1. Class attendance and participation = 30%
2. Exams = 30%
3. Projects = 40%
NB: This syllabus and appendix are subject to change. You will be notified on time of any major or
minor changes.

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