House Rules ENG 2015-2016 Bri) K

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House Rules

Art. 1: In general
It is recommended to appoint in mutual agreement with other
tenants a representative of the residence whom can pass on
all general questions and remarks of the tenants to Br(ik.
Living in a student residence means living in a community. The
better the group dynamics and the communication in the
residence, the easier tasks are divided and the less conflicts
will arise between fellow residents. Every resident has to make
his/her contribution and take up his/her responsibility to live up
to the standards set forth by the present House Rules.
As soon as problems arise, it is recommended to report them
to Br(ik.

Art. 2: Liability of the tenant

2.1. In general

Art. 4: Maintenance
4.1. In general
4.1.1. The tenant shall use and maintenance his/her
room/studio and the common areas as a bonus pater
4.1.2. At the end of the Tenancy Agreement the room/studio
and the common areas shall be returned in the same furnished
state as they were received.
4.1.3. The tenant is in charge to clean the room, repaint it and
do minor repairs, such as damage to walls and doors done by
nails, staples, etc. These repairs are to be done at the latest
before the lease is terminated. If these repairs are not done
(properly) by the tenant, the landlord will be in charge of them
and shall recover the costs hereof from the tenant.

4.2. Garbage

The tenant shall immediately inform Br(ik of any damage

inflicted, either to his/her premises, or to the common areas.

All tenants are encouraged to sort out the garbage according

to the prescriptions of Net Brussel.

The tenant shall immediately inform Br(ik of any breakdown of

technical installations (electricity, fire detection, etc.).

Garbage bags must be closed carefully and can be temporarily

stored in the designated area. The tenants shall take out the
garbage according to the weekly schedules of the communal
collection service, and shall regularly carry all glass bottles to
the glass container.

2.2. Damage to the rented property

Damages which manifest themselves during the occupation of
the tenant and for which he/she is responsible, will be repaired
by Br(ik at the expense of the tenant.
The tenant shall pay these costs upon first request. Should the
tenant however remain in default of reimbursing these costs,
the landlord will be entitled to deduct them from the deposit.
Should the room be occupied by two tenants, both of them
shall be held jointly liable to cover the damages.

2.3. Damage to common spaces

All damages caused to common areas or to the building itself,
and for which the person responsible remains unknown, shall
be jointly borne by all residents of the student

Art. 3: Access by third persons

Without the prior consent of Br(ik, it is strictly forbidden to allow
other persons not mentioned in the Tenancy Agreement to
stay in the room/studio for a prolonged period of time. Likewise
it is prohibited to sublet or transfer the lease without the prior
written consent of Br(ik.
The tenant is allowed to have visitors, provided the tenant
him/herself is present. The keys may never be passed on to a
third party.
The tenant is liable for any damage or ravage inflicted by
his/her visitor.

Br(ik, alles voor stadstudenten

In case the garbage will be unnecessarily accumulating in the

building, Br(ik will take away all garbage at the expensen of the

4.3. Use of common areas

4.3.1. All residents are jointly responsible for the daily
maintenance of common areas. In addition, the floors and
surfaces of common spaces will be cleaned at least twice a
month by the Br(ik staff. The cleaning staff will not perform the
maintenance in case the common spaces are not properly left
4.3.2. The tenants are encouraged to be careful to put out the
lights and turn off the heating when leaving the common
spaces, in order to keep down the shared energy costs.
4.3.3. Personal belongings shall not be stored in the corridors,
but be kept in the own room.
4.3.4. It is strictly forbidden to access the roofs or platforms or
to put waste or other materials on it.
4.3.5. It is strictly forbidden to barbecue in the courtyards, on
the roofs, or on the terraces.

4.4. Use of kitchen

All tenants are responsible to guarantee a good hygiene in the
kitchen. The residents shall clean their dishes immediately
after cooking, and they shall clean the fridge, the cooking
plates, the oven and other kitchen appliances after every use,
and remove remaining waste and leftovers in order not to
attract vermin.

4.5. Use of bathroom

After every use, the tenant shall clean the shower and/or sink,
either in shared or individual sanitary facilities, and ventilate
the room during sufficient time. All hair must be removed from
the drain.

Art. 5: Use of electrical appliances

The tenant will not make use of electrical appliances other than
those installed by the landlord without prior written permission
of Br(ik.
It is only allowed to cook in the premises if cooking utilities are
provided (studios). If no cooking utilities are provided, it is
strictly forbidden to cook in the premises as the common
kitchen is fully equipped.
The following appliances are strictly forbidden in all rooms:
microwave, oven, fridge, freezer, electric cooking plates, water
heater, air-conditioning, electric heating, alarm system, satellite
dish, dry cleaner, washing machine, toaster, iron, etc. Only the
common areas and/or kitchen are fit for the use of these
The use of a deep fryer is forbidden at all times.

Art. 6: Furniture of Br(ik

(cf. article 4.2 of the tenancy contract)

Without the prior written consent of Br(ik, the tenant is

prohibited to remove, replace or dismantle the furniture placed
at his/her disposal by Br(ik.
In consultation with Br(ik all furniture belonging to the tenant
can be allowed on the premises if registered by name. At the
end of the rental period, all furniture belonging to the tenant
must be removed in accordance with the provisions of the
Tenancy Agreement and the furniture placed at the disposal of
the tenant by Br(ik has to be returned in the same condition as
when removed from the premises.

Art. 9: Bicycles
It is forbidden to stall bicycles or other vehicles in other areas than
those designated. At the end of the lease, all bicycles have to be
removed from the premises.

Bicycles or other vehicles that are left behind will be removed

by Br(ik. A cost of 100,00 EUR per piece will be charged to the

Art. 10: Front door

The front doors, i.e. all doors which give access to the street,
are to be locked at all times. For the safety of all tenants, it is
recommended to never open the door without checking first
who is entering.
In case it is not possible to properly close the front door, this
shall be immediately reported to the technical support of Br(ik.

Art. 11: Fire safety

Fire detectors, emergency lights, fire extinguishers and fire
doors are installed for the safety of all tenants and their
visitors. It is explicitly requested to keep them intact and to not
damage them.
The fire extinguishers may only be used in case of fire. It is
forbidden to unnecessarily activate the fire alarm. Damage has
to be reported immediately to Br(ik. In case of abuse,
intervention costs will be charged to the tenants.
For safety reasons, fire doors must stay closed at all times.
The stairs, corridors and evacuation routes must be kept free
at all times.
In case of fire, verify the situation immediately. Check the
evacuation plan on your floor. Inform Br(ik of each (false)

Art. 12: Termination of the agreement

No furniture belonging to Br(ik and placed in the common

areas may be (re)moved.

The tenant will be held accountable for all and any damage
arising out of the violation of the provisions of present House
Rules or of the Tenancy Agreement

Art. 7: Keys and key cylinders

Violations to the present House Rules and the Tenancy

Agreement will lead to the immediate termination of the
agreement. In addition to his/her obligation to pay the costs of
the damages, the tenant will be due a compensation equalling
six months worth the net rent (i.e. rent excluding the costs and

(cf. article 4.3 of the tenancy contract)

7.1. Spare key

It is forbidden to make or put any reference to an address or
room number on the keys. It is also forbidden to make a copy
or a spare key. On demand, and after payment of a deposit of
25,00 EUR, Br(ik will provide a spare key. The issuing of a
spare key will be registered by Br(ik.
If the tenant fails to return the spare key or if the original key is
lost, a new lock will be installed. The cost of 100,00 EUR will
be borne by the tenant. It is therefore advised to always return
the spare key to Br(ik.

Art. 13: Final clause

Present House Rules are considered an integral part of the
Tenancy Agreement agreed upon by the tenant.
The tenant declares to have read and approved present rules
and to have received a signed copy for his own keeping.

7.2. Modification key cylinder and key plan

To enable urgent technical interventions or maintenance and
to guarantee the safety of all tenants, it is prohibited to modify
the key cylinder or key plan and/or to prevent access to the

Art. 8: Smoke prohibition

A general smoke prohibition is installed in all residences of
Br(ik for both the common as the private areas.

Br(ik, alles voor stadstudenten

(Name, room number, date, signature + read and approved in



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