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Why is documentation important

1. So that you know what you were thinking at the time

2. If something malfunctions, then you can more quickly determine the source
3. If you end up leaving the company, then your replacement has an idea of
where they can start off instead of having to reinvent the wheel. You might
be a genius, but if no one can build off of your ideas, your just like everyone
else six feet under.
a. Reduces time needed for other employees to start working on your
b. Helps reduce cost to company
Explain the design process
1. Two types
a. Linear
i. Predictable path
ii. Limited communication
iii. Move linearly from one department to the next.
1. Customers Marketing Design - Production
b. Concurrent
i. Everyone (Customers Engineers managers) all involved at
the same time
2. The six phases of the design process
a. Product Discovery
i. Identify a problem
ii. Research, discuss, choose project
b. Project Planning
i. Organize efforts by assigning and sequencing tasks
ii. Make problem statement
iii. Make list of tasks
1. Delegate responsibilities
2. Generate schedule
3. Estimate costs
c. Product Definition
i. In depth definition in engineering terms
ii. Gather info
iii. Define quality
1. Set goals + requirements
d. Conceptual Design
i. Generate and evaluate concepts to achieve best design
ii. Techniques
1. Sketch
2. Brainstorm
3. Decision matrices
4. Requirement checks
5. Calcs
6. models
e. Product Development
i. Finalize design using prototypes
ii. Communicate what you want to the manufacturers


1. Finalize CAD model

2. Make technical drawings
3. Generate instructions
Product Support
i. Answer questions about and make changes to the product

3. Design Mistakes
a. Ignoring design for manufacturing
b. Too much creativity
i. 80% of the cost of manufacturing is within the design
c. Lack of communication between the designers and the engineers (if
the engineers are not doing the designing)

4. Ethics
a. 3 fundamental principles
i. Using knowledge and skills to uphold human welfare
ii. Be honest, impartial, and serve with fidelity their clients
and public
iii. Increase competence and prestige of the engineering
b. Fundamental Canons
i. The safety of the kilo peeps is very important (Keep the
peeps in ya hood safe)
ii. Only work in areas you know well (Dont prtnd you know
what you dont know)
iii. Never stop learning and help others continue learning (Go to
shooool my dude)
iv. Dont have conflicts of interest (Dont go bein a
v. Respect proprietary info and intellectual property rights (now,
dont yall go steelin from each uther. And definitely
dont go steelin that design for an udder)
vi. Only associate with reputable folk (dont go hanging with
dat dope dealer on the corner. He and his skank be
vii. Be objective and truthful in your public statements. Avoid
conduct bringing discredit on the profession (Dont go bein
deceitful, Dont bring dem cops back to da hood with
ya actions)
viii. Consider environmental impact and sustainability in your
designs or wherever else its applicable (bein green and
clean is da way to go big dawg)
ix. Dont seek ethical sanction against another engineer unless
you are fully qualified to do so. (dont go snitchin b/c it
just aint cool and yall might get stiches)
x. However, you cant cover for someone (I daknow bout dis)

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