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GoccaNBrarn a SnnapsoN.

(8l 7) 877-4589
FAX (817)877-0601

May 10, 2005

City of Denton
Attn: Tom Shaw,PurchasingAgent
901-B TexasStreet
Denton,Texas 7620I


Dear Mr. Shaw:

LinebargerGogganBlair & Sampson,LLP (LGB&S) and Gregory & Conner,P.C. are please<lto
submit to the City of Denton our proposalfor the renewal of our contractto provide ad valorem
tax collection services. Our law firm currently provides the City of Denton a proven collection
program comprisedof strong local expertiseand nationally recognizedcollection resources. I
have personallysupervisedour City of Denton collection program since 1997 and look forward
to the opportunityto continueto representthe City.

LGB&S has collected $1,493,148in delinquenttax, penalty and interestfor the City of Denton
since July 2002. During the same time, we have completed 12 mailings for 8,572 letters
representing$3,915,343due to Denton and filed 313 lawsuits on your behalf. To protect the
City's interest, we have filed 266 proof of claims for $403,900 in delinquent taxes on your
behalf since July 2002. Currently 97 accounts representing $139,028 are in bankruptcystatus
and are being pursuedby our law firm.

Our successis largely attributableto the extentof personaland professionalattentionwe expend

in our collection and litigation efforts. The City of Denton can be assuredthat our law firm will
always treat your taxpayerswith the highest level of courtesy,while at the sametime providing
highly effectivecollection services.

LGB&S and Gregory & Conner have collectedtaxes for various taxing entities within Denton
County and been a part of the Denton community for many years. We have provided the City
of Denton delinquent tax collection servicessince 1986 with the exceptionof five yearswhen
the City was representedby McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen and Hayes Coffey & Berry law
firms. LGB&S is the largest delinquent ad valorem tax collection law firm in Texas,
representingmore taxing entitiesand collectingmore delinquentrevenuethan any other law firm.

Autin e Beamont r Bromrsville. Chicago(Il).961*r5*(OFl). Coruoe. CorpuChristi . Corsicana o Dallas o Edinbwg o Elpaso
Fortworth o Hanisbug(PA). Houton o Jacksonville(Fl).1-6n*"*. LosAngeles(CA). Lu{kin. Menphis(TN). Miamj(FL) o NewOrleans(LA)
Odessa. Philadelphia(PA) o phosnixlAz). Rtclmrond(VA). SanAlgelo o SanAntonio o TexasCity r TheWood.land5 . Tyler. Victoria. Waco
We are uniquely positioned to offer the City of Denton the most effective delinquent tax
collection program available, as we also representDallas County, Tarrant County, Grayson
County, Rockwall County, Wise County and hundreds of other taxing jurisdictions throughout
Texas. We also have a national presenceand represent Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami,
Philadelphia,Memphis and other major cities throughoutthe United Statesin the collection of
governmentdebt. ln addition,we have representedthe U.S. Treasurysince 1997in the collection
offederal debt.

We employ over 1,100individuals,including 112 attorneys,who are dedicatedto our law firm's
sole purpose- providing the most effective collection program possible for our governmental

We possessa wealth of knowledge in collecting miscellaneousdelinquentreceivables,ranging

ffom weed liens, sanitationfees,paving assessments,
demolition liens to hotel/moteltaxes. We
also have extensive experience in representingpublic improvement districts (PIDs), tax
increment finance zones (TIFs) and other special assessmentdistricts in the collection of

Longtime Denton resident,Attorney Mike Gregory of Gregory & Conner, P.C. serves as our
local counseland liaison for our firm's City of Denton program.

It is our privilege to provide the City of Denton with this proposal. We are confident of our
ability to maintain a successfulcollection program and continue building a partnershipwith the
City that will effectively maximize your delinquentrevenueand provide a top-notch caliber of
serviceto your citizens.

We would consider it a pleasureto continue to representthe City of Denton. Our law firm is
committed to continuing to provide a delinquent tax collection program that maximizes your
collectionsand servesas a model for other cities statewide. We shareyour goal of providing the
City of Denton taxpayerswith the best servicesavailableand we will continueto strive to help
you fulfill that obligation. We look forward to discussingour proposalwith you.

Thank you for your consideration.


Jt.ptr"r,T. Meeks

P'GA )

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