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Story of chupa cabras

The word chupa cabras (goat sucker) makes references to a

legendary enigmatic one that has been described as a being
who attacks animals of different species in cattery or rural
areas. The myth had its origin in Puerto Rico Island in 1995
Since them, many people have said that they have seen
something similar to this character in places so for from the
island lire Maine and Chile and even from countries outside
the American continent as Russia and Filipina
Most of the reports of this character, have come from
countries of North America, South America and Central
The name chupa cabras comes from the possible habits of the
creature. It is believed that it attacks domestic animals,
especially goats, sucking all the blood from the animal. The
physical descriptions of the creature have varied from one
place to another, but commonly it is described as a heavy
creature with the size of a small bear, with a row of bones
from the neck to the base of the tail.
Well, my story of the chupa cabras started when I was a boy
of ten rears in my grandmothers house while. I played with
my cousins and shared with my family .My grandmother told
us many stories of different topics and one of them was the
story of the chupa cabras .
She said that this creature appeared in the stone farmyard
located to 20 minutes walking from her house. These stories
were told generally on Sunday.mights near a camp fire. One
Sunday, after we heard the story of the chupa cabras, we
decided to go to look for the creature , apart from that we
were convinced that these stories were only myths, and
everything that was told about it was only lies.
When we went to the place, we jumped some walls and
walked near a big rock where the dark place was. When we
were in the middle of the road, the area was a little bit dark
because we heard some big steps, bird noises, and something
like that. Besides my cousins played tricks, they touched me

in the shoulders and I got frightened. My eldest cousin, who

was the leader and was 16 years old in that moment, told us
that we had to look at the farmyard, touch it and then return
and all my other cousins did it, but unfortunately, due to my
physical conditions, I mean I was a little bit fat, I was the last
to touch it and then I fell down. While y was on the ground, I
watched around the place and I saw a big animal with arrow of
boner, it was the chupa cabras. At the beginning I stayed
static but after a few seconds I stood up and began to run and
reached my cousins. They asked me why I was so late and
what had happened to me. I did not want to tell them about
my experience because I thought that they were to laugh at
me. After that we arrived home began to think about the
creature that y had seen and in that moment I promised not to
visit that place again

Colombia descriptions
Colombia, officially republic of Colombia, is a single republic
from America. It is located in the north west of America and is
constituted in a social and democratic state whose
government way is presidentialist. It is politically organized in
to 32 department and a capital district that is Bogota.
Colombia is the only nation in South America that has very
beautiful coasts in the Pacific Ocean and also has access to
the Atlantic Ocean through the Caribbean Sea. And it has
islands, like the archipelago of san Andres, providencia y
Santa Cristina
Colombia is really a very big country and is the fourth country
in territory. Of Latin America, the third nation of the world with
Spanish speaking people. However, Colombia has a
multicultural population in regions and races. Its most of
population is the result of the miscegenation between natives
and African people with minority of natives afro descendants.
In the Colombian Caribbean, there is a really great quantity of
descendants of the Middle East

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