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BAMG 456 Section 4

Fall 2015 (3 credit hours)

Brandon Soltwisch, Ph.D.
Office: Kepner Hall, Room 1070B
Email: (preferred method of contact)
Office Phone: (970) 351-1154
Office Hours:
2:15 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays
2:15 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Fridays, and by appointment.
Course Prefix/Title: BAMG 456 Strategic Management
Catalog Description: BAFN 305, BAFN 370, BAMG 350 and BAMK 360. BAFN 305 may be
taken concurrently. Senior standing. Business majors only. Examines organizational strategic
issues and problems related to internal and external environments. Case analysis framework and
strategic management concepts emphasized.
Prerequisites: BAFN 305, BAFN 370, BAMG 350 and BAMK 360. BAFN 305 may be taken
concurrently. Senior standing. Business majors only.
Required Text: Dess, G., Lumpkin, G. Eisner, A. & McNamara, (2014). Strategic Management:
creating competitive advantage. 7e. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0077636082 / 9780077636081.
Additional readings will be provided in class, on the blackboard site, or through the library.
Required Simulation:
Thompson, A, Jr., Stappenbeck, G., Reidenbach, M., Thasher, I. & Harms, C. (2015) The
Business Strategy Game: Competing in a Global Marketplace. McGraw-Hill. Every student is required to register for the simulation at the website and pay the
$44.95 to complete the registration process. All materials required for the simulation are
available at the BSG website. In addition to the simulation game students will complete a quiz
and an end of simulation test that is taken on-line at the website.
Course Objectives:
1. Develop familiarity with problems, issues and concepts addressed by top-level
2. Develop awareness of the complexity of the top management decision-making
3. Develop and improve student skills in diagnosing organizational problems and
issues and presenting appropriate actions.

4. Develop and improve both oral and written skills in expressing problem and issue
5. Develop student awareness of contemporary environmental and social
externalities that affect strategy and deployment for organizations of all types.
Course Description: As the capstone course in the undergraduate curriculum, this course
allows students to apply the tools they have learned in other functional areas to analyze complex
business problems. Decision makers rely on imperfect information and limited resources to
make critical decisions that impact many different stakeholder groups. Students will utilize a
variety of tools to analyze a companys internal and external environments, allowing them to
develop cohesive business strategies.
Other Readings: Additional readings will be used for this course. They will be made available
through the Blackboard learning system, library resources, or passed out in class. These readings
are intended to compliment the textbook material and introduce a more current perspective on
particular topics.
Course Materials:

MCB Assurance of Learning Goals and Objectives:

Learning Goal
Be knowledgeable
of key concepts in
core business

Learning Objective
Course Coverage
Students will demonstrate a firm understanding of Objective 1
core business concepts.
Students will prepare and deliver professional
quality presentations on a business topic.

Be effective

Objective 4

Be proficient with
ethical awareness.

Students will prepare professional quality

business documents
Students will analyze data and information to
Objective 3
identify key problems, generate and evaluate
appropriate alternatives, and propose a feasible
Students will demonstrate proficiency in common Objective 4
business software packages.
Students will be knowledgeable about ethics and Objective 5
social responsibility.

Be proficient with

Students will correctly identify the ethical issue

or problem, analyze the consequences for
various stakeholders, and develop an
acceptable resolution.
Students will demonstrate a firm understanding of Objective 2, 5
discipline-specific knowledge within their

conceptual and
analytical skills.

Students will demonstrate competency with

advanced topics within their emphasis.

Note: The following numbers are approximate and are subject to change.

Point Totals

3 Exams

300 Points

Strategy Simulation

200 Points



ETS Exam

30 Points

Peer Evaluations

40 Points

Class Attendance and Participation

80 Points

The following grading scale will be used:
90 100% A
80 89% B
70 79% C
60 69% D
Under 60% F
Course Requirements
Exams: There will be three exams (100 points each). Exams will cover text material, in-class
lectures, activities, discussions, additional readings, and anything else covered in the course. It is
important to attend class regularly since exams will cover more than what is in the book.
Understanding what is discussed in class and lecture will be paramount to performing well on the
exams. Proper paper work must be shown at least one week prior to the exam if you need to
miss an exam for a university sanctioned reason, such as a university athletic competition. In
that case, it is incumbent on the student to reschedule the exam prior to the date missed. Late
exams will not be accepted unless a specific time has been agreed upon between the instructor
and student prior to the exam period.
Simulation (200 points): We will use The Business Strategy Game software throughout the
course to practice making strategic decisions as a top management team of a shoe manufacturing
company. As part of a team of co-managers, you will develop a strategy and compete with other
classmates in a virtual marketplace. Your score will be determined by the following: company
performance determined by the simulation (50 points), final written report (80 points), team
presentation (50 points), and quizzes (20 points). More detail and instructions will be provided
in class on these tasks.
Activity/Quiz Points: (TBD): Activities and quizzes will be given to increase application and
comprehension of material. If it is an in-class activity, you must be present and on time on

the day the activity takes place to receive points for it. Late activity papers will not be
Class Attendance and Participation: (80 points) It is important to attend class regularly and
participate to do well in this course. Active listening and involvement in classroom discussions
is essential to the learning process. You should come to class prepared and ready to participate.
That means reading the assigned materials prior to class, arriving on time, and engaging in class
discussions. Participation grades will be given out 4 times throughout the semester (usually
every 4 weeks). You will be allowed to miss 2 classes without penalty. Any class missed
after 2 will result in a 5 point deduction from your attendance and participation grade. A
late arrival will count as a partial or full missed class if it is within the first 5 minutes of
class. Arriving after 5 minutes will count as an absence. However, it is still better to come to
class in that case so you dont miss anything else. Course material will be presented in multiple
formats to make learning more fun and engaging. This requires you to actively participate in
group activities and class discussions. Please be appropriate and respectful at all times.
You must make quality contributions to class discussions in order to receive full participation
points. If you are not prepared or not making adequate contributions, points will be deducted
from your attendance and participation grade. The idea is to make everyone comfortable and
give everyones ideas thoughtful consideration and respect. If your classroom behavior is
inappropriate at any time, you may be asked to leave and it will be counted as an absence for that
day. If your behavior continues to be a problem, additional actions may be taken.
ETS Exam (30 pts.): This is a comprehensive exam covering material in the overall business
degree program. The exam is used as an assessment tool by the college. Each student will
receive 15 points for taking the exam. To earn all of the points a student needs to score at the
80th percentile or higher on the exam.
Peer Evaluation (40pts): Each member will complete an evaluation of the other students in the
group. This will be completed at the end of the semester.
Extra Credit: Extra credit may be given depending on the circumstances.
Note: If you have to miss class for a university sanctioned reason, such as a university approved
sporting event, it is incumbent on the student to propose an alternative assignment no later than 1
week before the date missed. Official documentation will be required.
Cell Phone and Computer Use Policy: Please turn your cell phones and computers off and do
not use them during class time. Cell phone and computer use is distracting to other students
and obstructs the learning environment of the course. You will be asked to leave and receive an
unexcused absence if you are using your phone or computer during class. In addition, points
may be deducted for such use.
General Notes
Learning is an interactive process involving active listening, reading, writing, and discussing of
various topics. This course will utilize many different techniques to help you better understand
the functions and objectives of a manager. It is important that you become actively involved in

the learning process. That means reading the appropriate material prior to class and participating
in class discussions in a way that is respectful of others and enhances our overall comprehension
of various topics. My teaching philosophy is to treat everyone fairly and with respect and
integrity at all times. In return, I ask that you treat the learning environment of the course with
respect and integrity. Availability: I am here to help you learn this material. Make an
appointment or come see me during office hours if you have any questions or need any help
on class material. Dont wait until you have done poorly on something. At that point it is
too late. Come see me early and often if you need assistance!
Course Policies
1. Preparation, attendance, and in-class participation. You are expected to attend class
regularly and be ready to participate in class discussions and other group activities. You will be
allowed to miss 2 classes without penalty. Any class missed after 2 will result in a 5 point
deduction from your attendance and participation grade. You must arrive on time to
receive attendance points for the day. It is important that you be respectful and appropriate
when discussing various issues. Please note that quality of participation is more important than
quantity. Cell phones and other distractions such as talking when inappropriate, goofing off, or
sleeping, will not be tolerated and you may be asked to leave. If you are asked to leave, it will be
recorded as an unexcused absence for the day.
2. Late papers. All papers must be turned in by the beginning of class on the day they are due.
Any late papers will be assessed a 10% per business day penalty (i.e., Monday Friday).
3. Professionalism. All class members are expected to be respectful and professional at all
times. This means no inappropriate comments, talking during a lecture, talking while other
people are talking, using cell phones or computers, sleeping, reading the newspaper,
carrying on conversations with others, or any other distracting behavior. If you are doing
any of the activities listed above, you will lose some points or receive a failing grade. You
may also be asked to leave. Please arrive on time and avoid leaving early. If you must leave
early for an appointment, please sit close to an exit and leave as quietly as possible. If
professionalism or other behavioral issues become a problem, I may deduct points from your
participation grade and additional actions may be taken.
Students with Disabilities:
Please review
Classroom Technology Guidelines:
Please review
Assessment Statement:
Please review
Food and Beverage Guideline:
Food is not allowed in classrooms. Only drinks in a container with a screw top lid are allowed.
MCB Statement:
Please review

Monfort College of Business Student Code of Professional Conduct:

Please review
Computer Utilization:
Please review
Library Utilization:
Please review
Global Dimension Coverage: As appropriate, students are encouraged to consider the global
dimension as they complete their outside readings and assignments. Students will be exposed to
a discussion of issues affecting global management and global companies, such as the increasing
globalization of the economy and legal and sociocultural differences among countries. In
addition, please review
Ethical Dimension Coverage: As appropriate, students are encouraged to consider the ethical
dimension as they complete their outside readings and assignments. At least 100 minutes of class
time will be spent discussing topics pertaining to both individual and organizational ethics, such
as the responsibility of the firm to the community and the environment, and factors that influence
managerial ethics such as codes of ethics and pressures to perform, will be discussed. This may
be accomplished as noted above with lectures, cases, experiential exercises, or some combination
thereof. In addition, please review
Tentative Schedule: Check Blackboard often for updates as the schedule
will likely change as the semester progresses.

Week/ Readings

Course Introduction

Chapter 1- Strategic
Management: Creating

Syllabus Overview


Meet and greet your

fellow classmates


Chapter 1
Googles New Vision
and Mission Statement

Book Introduction

The Business Strategy

Game Players Guide
Chapter 2- Analyzing
the External
Environment of the
The Right Game Article
by Brandenburger and

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Form Groups
Activity: Porters 5Forces and Value Net.

Meet in Computer Lab

BSG Practice Decision
1 due by midnight
Sunday, Sept 6th.
Porters 5 Forces and
Value Net Activity due

Chapter 3- Assessing
the Internal
Environment of the

Labor Day Holiday No Class

Chapter 3
Activity SWOT
Analysis. Work on
summary review
questions 1,3,7.

Simulation Quiz Due

By Classtime
BSG Practice Decision
2 due by midnight on
Summary review
questions 1,3,7 due.


Chapter 4

Chapter 4Recognizing a Firms

Intellectual Assets:
Moving Beyond a
Firms Tangible

Chapter 4
Activity 7: Seven
Practices of Successful

Exam 1 Ch 1-4,
Additional Readings,
Lectures, Activities,

The Seven Practices of

Organizations Article
by Pfeffer

Chapter 5

Chapter 5Business- Level

Strategy : Creating and
Sustaining Competitive


Chapter 6

Chapter 5

Computer lab

Activity Vision,
Mission, and Business
level strategy with
goals for years 12-14

Decision year 11 due at

midnight on Sunday
Sept 27th.

Chapter 6

Decision year 12 due at

midnight on Sunday
October 6th.

Chapter 6
Corporate Level
Strategy : Creating
Value Through

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 International

Vision, Mission, and

Business level strategy
with goals for years 1214 due.

Quiz Chapter 6
Summary review
questions 2,3,5 due. P.
Decision year 13 due at
midnight on October
Summary review
questions 1,2,4, due, p.

Chapter 8Entrepreneurial Strategy
and Competitive

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Exam 2 (Ch 5,6,7,8,

other readings)


Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Strategic
Control and Corporate

Chapter 9
Activity Develop
Strategic Plan

Strategic plan for

years 14 17 due
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Decision 15 due at
midnight on November

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Decision 16 due at
midnight on November

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Exam 3 (Ch 9,10,11,12,

additional readings,

Business ethics lecture

and discussion

Guest Speaker

Decision 17 due at
midnight on November

Chapter 10 Creating
Effective Organizational
Chapter 11 Strategic
Chapter 12 Managing
Innovation and
Fostering Corporate
Chapter 13 Case
Business Ethics Case
Business Ethics Case

Decision 14 due at
midnight on October

BSG online quiz

Simulation wrap-up and

No Class Thanksgiving

No Class Thanksgiving

Work on
with teams





Final Exam Week

Final Exam Week

Final Exam Week

Exam 4 (Final Exam)

Note: This syllabus is dynamic and subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.

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