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Daniel Medvedov




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To be even better, the first letters of that wonderful sentence compose the word AMOR

Dedicated :
Amore More Ore Re
A wonderful experiment of Father Athanasius Kircher


The extra-ordinary experiment :
Agam Gratias Tibi ! vero clamore quo?
Amore, more, ore, re

Wonders of Acoustics includes much About Athanasius Kircher, a seventeenth-century

Jesuit scholar based in Rome, Who Wrote About extensively theatre acoustics and other
I was intrigued by manifold echoes - echoes that produces multiple reflections distinct.
Included in this category are repeating echoes that caused by elaborate structures which
turn one word into a whole sentence. For this two-volume masterpiece - Musurgia
Universalis, - [1650], Kircher produced a drawing of large upright panels, spaced at
various distances from a talker, to generate a series of reflections arriving one after
One such edifice HAD five panels and was designed to take the word CLAMORE and
break it down to CLAMORE echo from the first panel and AMORE from the second,
followed by MORE, ORE RE from the third fourth and fifth surfaces, respectively. So, at
the question of you shouted "TIBI VERO GRATIAS AGAM, QUO CLAMORE? How Shall I cry out my thanks to thee? , - the echoes from the last word would reply

with a Latin phrase - 'clamore, amore, more, ore, re' - which roughly translates as "with
thy love, thy wont, thy words, thy deeds" - vero Gratias Tibi agam quo clamore ? Amore, more, ore, re (Athanasius Kircher);
This is a wonderful engeneering experiment
Athanasius Kircher - Erudite Scholar
Gratias Tibi vero agam clamore quo? [the Quiestion]
Amore, more, ore, re (Athanasius Kircher); * [The Answer]
Explanation: The wonders of this famous Acoustic experiment include the
following: Athanasius Kircher, a Jesuit scholar of the seventeenth century, who
lived and taught mathematics in Rome, wrote extensively about the acoustics of
the theater and other wonders. He was intrigued by the existence of multiple echo
- echoes that produce multiple different reflections.
Within this category are the echoes that are being repeated, caused by elaborate structures
that convert a word, in a whole sentence. For the same, in the two-volume masterpiece
"Musurgia Universalis", published in 1650, Kircher reproduces a picture of a large wall of
vertical panels, spaced at various distances from a speaker to generate a series of
reflections that come one after another.
One such acoustic devices had five panels and was designed to take the word CLAMORE
- [in Latin - "Scream", "yell"] and break it down to echo in the five panels: CLAMORE the first panel and AMORE - second, followed by - MORE, ORE, and RE, the third
surfaces, fourth and fifth, respectively.
Therefore, if you scream or cry the question -Kircher shouted the question - "TIBI
VERO GRATIAS AGAM, QUO CLAMORE - i.e. [id est] - "How am I going to
whisper thank you to you?" - then the echoes of the word - CLAMORE - respond with
a Latin whole phrase - 'clamore, amore, more, ore, re "- which roughly translates as" your
love, your elegant manners [morals], your words, your deeds "

Amore More Ore Re - in addition, there are the first letters of the word LOVE - AMOR
- made frase

In the ORE MORE AMORE RE Athanasius Kircher That Latin phrase translates as
follows: - "In love [AMORE] elegance [custom - [MORE] what you say [ORE [is the"
thing "[RE] !

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