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wget [options] [urls]

Perform non-interactive file downloads from the Web. wget works in the backgroun
d and can be used to set up and run a download without the user having to remain
logged on. wget supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, as well as downloads through HTTP pr
oxies. wget uses a global startup file that you may find at /etc/wgetrc or /usr/
local/etc/wgetrc. In addition, users can define their own $HOME/.wgetrc f
-a logfile, --append-output=logfile
Append output messages to logfile, instead of overwriting the contents. If logfi
le doesn't exist, create it.
-A acclist, --accept=acclist
Specify a comma-separated list of filename suffixes or patterns to accept.
-b, --background
Go into the background immediately after startup, writing output to the file spe
cified with -o or to wget-log.
-B url, --base=url
Used with -F to prepend the specified URL to relative links in the input file sp
ecified with -i.
When making client TCP/IP connections, bind( ) to the specified local address, w
hich can be specified as a hostname or IP address. Useful if your system is boun
d to multiple IP addresses.
-c, --continue
Continue getting a partially downloaded file. Affects the restarting of download
s from an earlier invocation of wget. Works only with FTP servers and HTTP serve
rs that support the Range header.
Set the timeout for a connection to be established in seconds. The default is ne
ver to time out, unless a timeout is implemented by system libraries.
Ignore the specified number of directory components when creating the local dire
ctory structure.
-d, --debug
Turn on debugging. wget must have been compiled with debug support.
-D domainlist, --domains=domainlist
Specify a comma-separated list of domains to be followed. Does not turn on -H.
Delete each retrieved file from the local machine after downloading it. Useful f
or prefetching pages through a proxy. -k is ignored if specified with --delete-a
Turn off DNS-lookup caching.
Set the DNS lookup timeout to seconds. The default is to never time out.
-e command, --execute=command
Execute the specified command after the commands in .wgetrc, overriding any .wge
trc commands. Can be included multiple times, once for each command to execute.
Specify a comma-separated list of names that are never to be followed.
-F, --force-html
When reading input from a file, force the file to be treated as an HTML file.
Follow FTP links from HTML documents. The default is to ignore FTP links.
Specify a comma-separated list of tags to be considered, overriding the internal
table that wget normally uses during a recursive retrieval.
-h, --help
Display usage information and exit.
-H, --span-hosts
Enable spanning across hosts when doing recursive retrieval.
Add an additional header to be passed to the HTTP server. The header must includ
e a colon (:) preceded by at least one nonblank character, and with no newline c
haracters. Can be specified multiple times. If header is an empty string, all us
er-defined headers are cleared.
Append the suffix .html to the filenames of downloaded files where the URL does
not include it (for example, an .asp file).
--http-user=user, --http-password=password
Specify the username and password on an HTTP server.
-i file, --input-file=file
Read URLs from the specified file. URLs specified on the command line are access
ed before URLs in the file.
-I list, --include-directories=list
Specify a comma-separated list of directories to follow when downloading. The li
st elements may contain wildcards.
Ignore the "Content-Length" header on the HTTP server.
Specify a comma-separated list of tags to be ignored for recursive retrievals.
-k, --convert-links
Convert document links after the download is complete so they work locally.
-K, --backup-converted
When converting a file, back up the original and add a .orig suffix. Affects the
behavior of -N.
Causes --save-cookies to also save session cookies.
-l depth, --level=depths
For recursive retrievals, specify the maximum recursion depth. The default depth
is 5.
-L, --relative
Follow relative links only.
Set the maximum download speed, The default is to specify the rate in bytes, or
add a k suffix for kilobytes or m for megabytes.
Load cookies from the specified file before the first HTTP retrieval.
-m, --mirror
Turn on options suitable for mirroring a remote site. Equivalent to -r -N -l inf
-N, --timestamping
Turn on timestamping.
-nc, --no-clobber
Do not download a file if there is already a copy on the disk. The default is to
preserve the original copy and rename successive downloads, adding .1, .2, etc.
to their name. May not be specified with -N.
-nd, --no-directories
Do not create a directory hierarchy when doing recursive retrievals.
-nH, --no-host-directories
Disable creation of directories prefixed by the name of the host. The default is
to include the hostname.
Disable server-side cache for an HTTP retrieval. The default is for caching to b
e on.
Disable the use of cookies.
Turn off FTP globbing to prevent the use of wildcards for multiple file retrieva
Turn off the keep-alive feature for HTTP retrievals.
--np, --no-parent
In recursive retrievals, do not ever go up to the parent directory.
Do not remove the temporary .listing files generated by FTP retrievals.
-nv, --non-verbose
Turn off verbose mode, but don't run completely quietly. Displays error messages
and basic information.
-o logfile, --output-file=logfile
Log output messages to logfile, instead of the default standard error.
-O file, --output-documents=file
Concatenate all documents into the specified file. If the file exists, it is ove
rwritten. Specify the file as - to write to standard output.
-p, --page-requisites
Download all files necessary to display an HTML page.
-P prefix, --directory-prefix=prefix
Set the directory prefix to the specified value.
Perform a passive FTP retrieval.
--post-data=string, --post-file=file
Use POST as the method for HTTP requests and send the specified data in the requ
est body. Use --post-data to send string as data and --post-file to send the fil
e contents.
--progress=type[:style] Set the progress indicator to type. Valid types are dot
and bar; the default is bar. With --progress=dot, you can also set a style. The
default style is for each dot to represent 1K, with 10 dots in a cluster and 50
dots per line. Alternatives are binary, with each dot representing 8K, 16-dot cl
usters, and 48 dots per line; mega, for downloading very large files, with each
dot representing 64K, 8 dots per cluster, and 48 dots per line; and giga, with e
ach dot representing 1M, 8 dots per cluster, and 4 clusters per line.
Use the protocol name as part of the local filename.
--proxy-user=user, --proxy-passwd=password
Specify the username and password for authentication on a proxy server.
-q, --quiet
Run quietly; don't produce output.
-Q quota, --quota=quota
Specify download quota for automatic retrievals. The default value is in bytes;
add k suffix for kilobytes, or m for megabytes.
-r, --recursive
Turn on recursive retrieving.
-R rejlist, --reject=rejlist
Specify a comma-separated list of filename suffixes or patterns to reject.
Set a random wait time to prevent being identified by web sites that look for pa
tterns in time between requests so they can block access.
Set the read (and write) timeout to the specified number of seconds. The default
is 900 seconds.
Include a "Referer: url" header in an HTTP request.
--restrict-file-names=mode[,nocontrol] Restrict the characters found in remote U
RLs from appearing in local filenames. The value of mode is the operating system
â e.g., unix or windows (use unix for Linux). Such characters are escaped with a pe
rcent sign (%). The default is to escape characters not valid on your operating
system. Appending ,nocontrol turns off escaping of control characters.
When retrieving FTP directories recursively, follow symbolic links and retrieve
the linked-to files.
-S, --server-response
Print HTTP server headers and FTP server responses.
Save cookies in the specified file before exiting. Does not save expired cookies
, and only saves session cookies if --keep-session-cookies is also specified.
Save the headers sent by an HTTP server to the file, preceding the contents and
separated by a blank line.
Behave like a web spider, checking that pages exist but not downloading them.
Turn on strict parsing of HTML comments, instead of terminating comments at the
first occurrence of -->.
-t num, --tries=num
Set the number of retries to the specified value of num. Set num to 0 or inf to
keep trying forever (infinitely) (default is 20 retries), unless there is a fata
l error such as "connection refused."
-T seconds, --timeout=seconds
Set network timeout to the specified number of seconds. Equivalent to specifying
all of --dns-timeout,--connect-timeout, and --read-timeout.
-U agent,--user-agent=agent
Specify an agent string to the HTTP server to replace the default identification
of Wget/version, where version is the current wget version. This string is used
in the User-Agent header field.
-v, --verbose
Turn on verbose output, printing all available data. This is the default.
-V, --version
Display version information and exit.
-w seconds, --wait=seconds
Specify the wait in seconds between retrievals. Used to lighten server load. Use
the suffix m to specify the wait in minutes, h for hours, or d for days.
Specify the number of seconds to wait between retries if the download fails. The
default in the global configuration file is to not wait.
-x, --force-directories
Create a hierarchy of directories even if one wouldn't otherwise be created.
-X list, --exclude-directories=list
Specify a comma-separated list of directories to exclude from download. List ele
ments may contain wildcards.
-Y on|off, --proxy=on|off
Turn proxy support on or off (default is on).

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