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n e wsle t te r


A new command I give
As I haveloved you, so
you mustloveonean
By this everyone will kn
ow that you are my
disciples, if youloveo
John 13:34-35

No new plan needed!

As we begin a term sometimes there is an overwhelming sense that
we need to make new plans, new vision and new strategy. Now
obviously I understand that it is good to plan and also to reflect on
what God is doing and indeed sense where He may be leading. But
this year I also want to hold onto the original plan, the one that we
were called to from the very beginning; to love people!
We look at the news and we explore social media and discover it is
full of sadness, darkness and hopelessness, and it can be
suffocating. So this year as well as celebrating all that is good in the
world and reminding people of what I see God doing through
people, I want to make an additional effort to love people,
particularly the people
that maybe I find hard
to love.
For all the things we
teach our children and
young people we need
to keep this original
plan at the core of
what we do. By doing
this God will be at
work through us and
people will know
we are His

G o d a t wo r k :
Give thanks for the provision of Catriona who has volunteered to help us
with our grant applications. This is a huge answer to prayer. Pray that she
will be fruitful
We gives thanks for a donation of 2000 from an individual at the
beginning of this term. God is good
Give thanks for a really beneficial trustee away day last week where
we looked at our vision and growth for the next 2-5 years. It was a really
exciting day and we truly believe God still has much for us to do
Give thanks for around 6 new young people who joined FUEL Team this
week. This groups continues to be hugely significant to the FUEL ministry
as well as other parts of the267project
Give thanks for lots of rest and good times over the summer
Give thanks for a great time at The Noise event in Markyate. It was great
to spend time with them, preach and encourage the team and also use the
267 van to support the work
Give thanks for a few new people thinking about getting involved with
volunteering for the267project, whether that is at one event or thinking
about being a trustee and helping with ongoing support
Plans for a January Fundraising auction night are coming together so we
give thanks for YWAM Harpenden allowing us to use their Chapel
We also want to give thanks for all those people who continuously pray
for us, give to us monthly and attend our events. We know that without
them we wouldnt be here and God that uses you all to further His ministry
through us
I give thanks for the opportunity to get involved with Youthwork the
Conference in a greater way. Pray for us as we work out what this might
look like but also pray for funds to come in that will cover our costs to
attend the event
If you would like to volunteer with
the267project then drop us an email or

Encouraging and equipping

your youthwork

O u r p r a y e r r equests :
Pray for Yener and Connie, two youthworkers from our area who have
moved on to new posts. Give thanks also for all the ministry they have
initiated and sustained
Pray for Claire as she puts together a Youth Alpha Course that we are
running in our More? Cafes this term
Pray for the planning and preparation of our new X:site St Albans event
for 7-11s which launches at the end of November. Pray for our team
meeting on 14th September and that we will be able to encourage a huge
group of leaders from a range of churches to get involved
Finance will always be a tricky thing to talk about but please pray for all
our resources and that people would be inspired to give money to support
and grow what we do
Pray for all the churches that Mike is spending additional time with to
help them think through the bigger picture of their youth and children's
ministry. Pray for wisdom and insight for Mike
Mike is preaching and sharing about the project at 4 churches over
the next term. Christ Church on 13th Sept, Homewood Rd on 20th Sept,
Thirlmere Church on the 18th Oct and Markyate Baptist Church on 29th Nov.
Pray for inspiration as he prepares and
encouragement for the church through
his visit
A FundrAisin
g sociAl EvEn
Encou ragin g and equip
ping your youth work

Pray for the trustees as they meet and

for discernment about seeking new
Pray for Mike, Claire and Tracy as
they work together on the ministry of
Continue to pray for Mike as he takes
some time out each term to write a
Pray for our upcoming fundraisers:
A Quiz Night with Fish and Chips on
Saturday 17th Oct and our Roller Disco
on Sunday 20th December

Quiz Night
with Fish & Chip Supper!
In support of the loca

l Youth Charity


Saturday 17th Oct

City Church, Lyon Wa
St Albans, AL4 0LB
6.45pm for 7.15pm sup
followed by the Quiz
at 7.45pm
Tickets 10.00 inc sup

To book a place/team
of 6
contact Tracy: pa@the2
or pay online at:


Prayer diary
Sunday 13th Sept Preaching at Christ
Church St Albans, 9.00am and 10.40am
Monday 14th Sept X:site St Albans
planning evening at Forest Town Church
Tuesday 15th Sept Youth and
Childrens Leaders Retreat Day at
St Marys Redbourn
Tuesday 15th Sept Trustees meeting
Thursday 17th Sept
Parish Workers Lunch
Sunday 20th Sept Preaching at
Homewood Rd URC, 6.00pm


Youth Alpha Course at the More? Cafe
starts Monday 2nd November and runs for
6 weeks. All are welcome. Email Claire for
more info
Fundraising Roller Disco Sunday 20th
December. This will be for all ages and will
include 2 or 3 sessions... More details to
New Years Houseparty Weds 30th Dec
Saturday 2nd Jan. This is for 14-18s,
email Mike for more info

Tuesday 22nd Sept TTS at Forest Town

Church, 7.45pm, theme: running a light
party (free Light Party resources!)
Saturday 26th Sept X:site
Harpenden Event, 6.00pm
Sunday 27th Sept FUEL
Harpenden, 7.00pm-9.00pm
Thursday 1st October - Youth and
Childrens Leaders breakfast at Christ
Church, St Albans. Open invite for any
church leaders to join us for this event
Monday 12th October
Trustees meeting
Saturday 17th October
267 Fundraising Quiz Night with Fish and
Chips at City Church, Lyon Way, St Albans
You can book here for the Quiz Night:

A FundrAisin
g sociAl EvEn
Encour aging and equipp
ing your youthw ork

Quiz Night
with Fish & Chip Supper!
In support of the local

Youth Charity


Saturday 17th Oct

City Church, Lyon Way
St Albans, AL4 0LB
6.45pm for 7.15pm supp
followed by the Quiz
at 7.45pm
Tickets 10.00 inc sup

To book a place/team
of 6
contact Tracy: pa@th
or pay online at:

Sunday 18th October Preaching

Thirlmere Church St Albans, 10.30am
Encouraging and equipping
your youthwork

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