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Water$ave DS Dust Suppression Catalogue

About Us
Specialists in cost effective super absorbent, lineal & flocculating polymers to assist in the management & efficient use of water, soil & pollution since 2000. Initially producing polymers to assist local mines with day to day functions developed into creating polymers to seal dams, assist local agriculture & reclaim pollution from local coal mines. Nowadays, Polymer Innovations is one of the most unique greentech companies in Australia. Our products seal leaking dams, save water, prevent soil erosion, control coal sludge, stabilise run-offs or maintain roads & crops. While still maintaining the original polymers that make artificial snow, assist with gardens, parks & landscaping or stabilising floral arrangements for your displays. All products are manufactured at the highest quality, environmentally friendly, biodegradable & non toxic. Polymer Innovations is located in Singleton, NSW, Australia. The heart of the Hunter Valley.

Polymer Innovations Pty. Ltd.

Location: 2/129 Maison Dieu Rd Singleton NSW 2330 AUS Postal: PO Box 431 Singleton NSW 2330 AUS Phone: Fax: Skype: Email: Website: Online Store: +61 65 715 177 +61 65 712 505 polymerinnovations

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Finding ways to effectively control it in a simple & cost effective manner is beneficial for everyone. Polymer Innovations meets this demand with a specific & extremely cost effective polymer blend for dust pollution control. A simple, proven, economic & environmentally friendly solution to control dust & light soil erosion. Improve air quality for your workers, nearby residents & reduce wear & tear on expensive equipment.

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Catalogue Contents
Dust Suppression
Water$ave DS Dust Suppression How Much Water$ave DS Do I Need? About Polymer Innovations Page 3 Page 3 Page 4

Water$ave DS Dust Suppression

Is an effective dust stabilising agent for:
Soil waste & mineral dumps. Civil & commercial construction sites. Open cut & underground mine. Coal stock pile management. Quarries & landfills. Unpaved roads, parking lots & open areas. Rural roads & airstrips.

Water$ave DS Dust Suppression's key benefits:

Rapidly dissolves in water carts without gel blocking. Safe & easy to apply. Reduces evaporation no continuous water applications. Reduces water consumption & costs by 50%. Reduces wear & tear on equipment. Dust exposure is quickly & accurately reduced. 100% non toxic, biodegradable & environmentally friendly. Size Available: 20kg Pails

Why Polymer Innovations?

All polymer products are 100% non toxic. Environmentally friendly & biodegradable. Simple & easy for you to use. Our polymers are designed to save you time & money. High quality polymers manufactured in Australia. Sourced from the best suppliers in the global market. Customised solutions. We manufacture polymers to suit your specific requirements. Ongoing technical support. We work with you to get the best performance from our polymers.

How Much Water$ave DS Do I Need?

Is the dust suppression for light or heavy traffic? Please measure or estimate the length & width of the road to treat. Transfer this surface area to the tables below to calculate how much you need. Avg. Rate Of Water$ave DS for LIGHT Traffic = 100gms/1000ltrs every 6 months. OR Avg. Rate Of Water$ave DS for HEAVY Traffic = 200gms/1000ltrs every 3 months.

Material Safety Data Sheets & Technical Data Sheets available upon request.

Call: +612 65 715 177

E m a i l : i n f o @ p o l ym e r i n n o v a t i o n s . c o m . a u


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